이 문서는 https://tiddlywiki.com/languages/ko-KR/에서 티들리위키의 정적 HTML 표현의 일부입니다


2021년 12월 22일 오후 3:30


Introduced in v5.2.0

The message catcher widget traps messages dispatched within its child content, and allows invoking a series of ActionWidgets in response to those messages.

Content and Attributes

The content of the <$messagecatcher> widget is displayed normally.

{any attributes starting with $}Each attribute name (excluding the $) specifies the name of a message, and the value specifies the action string to be invoked
typeName of the message be trapped, for example "tm-scroll" or "tm-navigate". The type and actions attributes can be useful when the type of event needs to be specified via a variable or text reference
actionsAction string to be invoked when a matching message is trapped. Must be used in conjunction with the type attribute


The message catcher widget sets the following variables within each action string:

event-*All string-based properties of the event object, with the names prefixed with event-
list-eventA list of the names of each the string-based properties of the event object (the names are not prefixed with event-)
event-paramObject-*All string-based properties of the event.paramObject object, with the names prefixed with event-paramObject-
list-event-paramObjectA list of the names of each the string-based properties of the event.paramObject object (the names are not prefixed with event-paramObject-)
modifierFor messages that originated with browser events, the modifier keys that were pressed when the event was fired. The possible modifiers are normal (no modifiers), ctrl, ctrl-alt, ctrl-shift, alt, alt-shift, shift and ctrl-alt-shift


\define actions()

<$messagecatcher $tm-navigate=<<actions>>>

Click on [[this link]] to fire an action. See the browser JavaScript console for the output


That renders as:

Click on this link to fire an action. See the browser JavaScript console for the output