이 문서는 https://tiddlywiki.com/languages/ko-KR/에서 티들리위키의 정적 HTML 표현의 일부입니다


2014년 9월 11일 오후 6:38

The translation mechanism of TiddlyWiki manages and switches between language plugins that provide translations of the TiddlyWiki user interface. The developer site at https://tiddlywiki.com/dev/ explains how translators can create and submit translations for TiddlyWiki.

The title of the current language plugin is read from the tiddler $:/language. If the selected plugin changes then any displayed translatable text automatically changes.

Translation plugins are bundles of tiddlers that each contain an independent translatable string. The strings are transcluded as needed.

Translatable strings are generally in the namespace $:/language/, for example: