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Utility Classes

2022년 10월 10일 오전 7:42

Introduced in v5.2.4 The following outlines a few predefined CSS classes intended to make it simpler to style HTML block-elements and wikitext tables.

General Utility Classes

tc-centerCentres a block-element to the middle of the container
tc-max-width Expands a block-element to use the maximum width of the container
tc-max-width-80Sets the width of a block-element to use 80% of the maximum container width. This setting is useful with the tc-center class
tc-edit-max-width Expands TextWidgets to use the maximum available width. See ControlPanel -> Info -> Basics
tc-first-link-nowrapEnsures that any links in the first table column will never wrap to the next line
tc-clearfixNew in v5.3.6 This class can be used to prevent elements, that have a class="tc-float-right" from overflowing their container elements. tc-clearfix is already assigned to all major ViewTemplate and EditTemplate elements. So it only needs to be used where the default does not work out of the box.

Table Utility Classes

tc-table-no-borderRemoves the borders of a table
tc-first-col-min-widthThe first column of a table will take up minimal possible width. It adapts to the content
tc-table-wrapperNew in v5.3.6 A class to be applied to a div element outside the table to prevent table from overflowing