2024년 9월 1일 오후 2:20
Simple tm-http-request GET
Use the oncompletion attribute to store the results of a method="GET" request
title | Output |
Simple tm-http-request POST
Use the oncompletion attribute to store the results of a method="POST" request. Use the body attribute to send data
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tm-http-request with delayed response
Use the bind-status and bind-progress attributes to watch the intermediate state of a slow response
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status | |
progress % |
tm-http-request with dripped response
Use the bind-status and bind-progress attributes to watch progress of data which arrives a little at a time
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status | |
progress % |
tm-http-request 504 Bad Gateway error response
Send a request to a url which simulates a 504 HTTP response in order to illustrate what an error response looks like
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tm-http-request 405 Method Not Allowed error response
Another error response example. This one sends a GET to a URL which only allows POST
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