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unusedtitle Macro

2024년 1월 19일 오후 10:41

The unusedtitle macro returns an unused title. Optionally you can provide a base title to generate the new title.

It uses the same method as the create new tiddler button, a number is appended to the end of the base name.


A string specifying the desired base name, defaulting to New Tiddler.
The default setting can be adjusted in the $:/ControlPanel : Info : Basics - tab.
Introduced in v5.2.0 An optional string specifying the separator between baseName and the unique number. eg: separator:"-". Defaults to a space: " ". If you need an empty separator use the template!
Introduced in v5.2.0 An optional template string can be used to allow you maximum flexibility. If the template string is used, there will always be a counter value.
New in v5.3.6 An optional parameter, that sets the initial value for the new tiddler counter.

Template String

This variable will be replaced by the content of the baseName parameter
This variable will be replaced by the separator parameter
This variable will be created automatically and is a counter starting with 0
This variable will be created automatically and starts at 0000
:4 represents the number of digits
