Welcome to the website for the TiddlyWiki European Meetup 2017, held in Oxford, UK on the 10th and 11th June.

Think local, act global!


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We are discussing potential agenda items on a public Trello board. You can sign up to join the board here.

The meetup is being held in the community meeting room at the Oxford Centre for Innovation.

New Road,

Tel 01865 261400

TiddlyWiki is a rich, interactive tool for manipulating complex data with structure that doesn't easily fit into conventional tools like spreadsheets or word-processors.

TiddlyWiki is designed to fit around your brain, helping you deal with the things that won't fit. The fundamental idea is that information is more useful and reusable if we cut it up into the smallest semantically meaningful chunks – tiddlers – and give them titles so that they can be structured with links, tags, lists and macros. Tiddlers use a wiki text notation that concisely represents a wide range of text formatting and hypertext features. TiddlyWiki aims to provide a fluid interface for working with tiddlers, allowing them to be aggregated and composed into longer narratives.

Find out more at http://tiddlywiki.com/

Saturday, 10th June 2017

  • Start 10h00
  • End 19h00

Sunday, 11th June 2017

  • Start 10h00
  • End 19h00