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WidgetMessage: tm-http-request

 23rd July 2023 at 9:53pm

The tm-http-request message is used to make an HTTP request to a server.

It uses the following properties on the event object:

paramNot used
{any other params}Any other parameters are made available as variables within the context of the widget message. See below.

The following parameters are used:

methodHTTP method (eg "GET", "POST")
bodyString data to be sent with the request
binaryNew in v5.3.1 Set to "yes" to cause the response body to be treated as binary data and returned in base64 format
query-*Query string parameters with string values
header-*Headers with string values
password-header-*Headers with values taken from the password store
password-query-*Query string parameters with values taken from the password store
var-*Variables to be passed to the completion and progress handlers (without the "var-" prefix)
bind-statusTitle of tiddler to which the status of the request ("pending", "complete", "error") should be bound
bind-progressTitle of tiddler to which the progress of the request (0 to 100) should be bound
oncompletionAction strings to be executed when the request completes
onprogressAction strings to be executed when progress is reported

The following variables are passed to the completion handler:

statusHTTP result status code (see MDN)
statusTextHTTP result status text
errorError string
dataReturned data
headersResponse headers as a JSON object

The following variables are passed to the progress handler:

lengthComputableWhether the progress loaded and total figures are valid - "yes" or "no"
loadedNumber of bytes loaded so far
totalTotal number bytes to be loaded

Note that the state tiddler $:/state/http-requests contains a number representing the number of outstanding HTTP requests in progress.
