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search Operator (Examples)

 29th November 2021 at 12:27pm

→ non-system tiddlers containing the word "table"
→ shadow tiddlers containing the word "table"
→ tiddlers containing arch in their caption field
→ tiddlers containing arch in any field
→ tiddlers containing arch in any field except title and caption
[!is[system]search[the first]]
→ non-system tiddlers containing a case-insensitive match for both the "the" and "first"
[!is[system]search::literal[the first]]
→ non-system tiddlers containing a case-insensitive match for the literal phrase "the first"
[!is[system]search::literal,casesensitive[The first]]
→ non-system tiddlers containing a case-sensitive match for the literal phrase "The first"
→ any tiddlers containing a case-sensitive match for the word arch in their caption or description fields
[search:tags:some[how test]]
→ any tiddlers containing at least 1 of the search terms in the field: tags
[search:tags:some,casesensitive[how test]]
→ any tiddlers containing at least 1 of the case-sensitive search terms in the field: tags
[search:tags,title:some,anchored[how test]]
→ any tiddlers containing at least 1 of anchored search terms in the fields: tags and title