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Using ES2016 for Writing Plugins

2nd March 2024 at 11:07am

With the advent of ES2015 (also known as ES6) and the availability of Babel.js plugin developers can leverage ES2015 when writing TiddlyWiki plugins. Understanding the nuances between TiddlyWiki's module sandbox and how Babel compiles it's output ready for a module system like CommonJS/AMD.

Please understand how the PluginMechanism works since this is all about writing a plugin using Babel to compile the output that will be included in the final TiddlyWiki (for example TiddlyWiki on Node.js).

Use a framework

It is recommended to use develop toolkit managed by community. For example,

  1. Modern.TiddlyDev

They are known as "JavaScript Meta-Framework". With them, you can start developing in a few minutes, without hours of configuration and debugging the build steps.

Installing and Configuring Babel by yourself

You can install Babel using

$ npm install --global babel-cli babel-presets-es2015

If your developing the plugin for inclusion to the npm registry (or for convenience) you can avoid the global install and save it to the local package.json file with

$ npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-presets-es2015

Inside your plugin project edit the file .babelrc and enter the following:

  "presets": [

I found it easier to manage my plugins as if they were npm modules complete with a package.json that compiles the output via npm run build. See npm-scripts documentation for details.

Another benefit of using such a "Meta-Framework" is that you can easily maintain your configuration, you will find it difficult to upgrade those config files after several months.

Compiling the Output

Pick a folder to store the ES2015 JavaScript and a folder to output the TiddlyWiki ready JavaScript. In this example I will use src and lib respectively. With Babel installed and working I can compile all the JavaScript in the src folder to the lib folder by running this command:

$ babel src -d lib

Babel will not copy over non-JavaScript files. It is up to the developer to include all the supporting files themselves. Babel only converts the JavaScript files (ending in .js) from the src folder to the lib folder.

Imports and Exports

In a plugin written pre-ES2015 one would require a module through TiddlyWiki like so:

var Widget = require('$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js').widget;

But in ES2015 the following would look like:

import { widget as Widget } from '$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js';

Conveniently when Babel compiles this it will essentially output the same JavaScript as the first pre-ES2016 code.

Also, in ES2016 you are required to declare your imports at the beginning and can not dynamically require things. This means you can not have an import statement in an if block or in a function. If that functionality is desired then you will have to go back to using the require() statement directly. But conciser that by doing so that you may be missing an oppertunity to make your code cleaner and better.

Exporting is the same thing. Instead of assigning to a property of the exports variable you use the export keyword:

export { MyWidget as mywidget };

It is illegal JavaScript to export with a name that is not an identifier even though it is ok to use a non-identifier (string) as a property key. What this means is if you want a widget to have a dash in it then you have to revert to using the exports['my-widget'] = MyWidget; syntax.

It is important to understand that in ES2016 the default export is not supported in TiddlyWiki. This is mostly because the core code expects specific properties to be attached to the exports variable. Bable's export conversion plays well with this except with the default export.


In the example of a widget ES2016 plays well with class inheritance. To contrast the typical Widget definition would look something like this:

function MyWidget() {;
MyWidget.prototype = new Widget();
MyWidget.prototype.render = function(parent, nextSibling) {…};
// And so on…

With classes this ceremony can be tightened up:

class MyWidget extends Widget {
  render(parent, nextSibling) {…}
  // And so on…

With classes one could eliminate much of the Widget.execute() cruft using getters. I found this to be more readable then the typical mass assignment to this. It gave me the added benefit of allowing calculations in properties that normally would have conflated the execute() method. For example developing a compound property like so:

class NameWidget extends Widget {
  get title() { return this.getAttribute('title'); }
  get firstName() { return this.getAttribute('first'); }
  get lastName() { return this.getAttribute('last'); }
  get fullName() { return `${this.title}. ${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`; }

Non Class Modules

For non class modules you can use the export keyword. Here is a simple Startup Module:

export function startup() {
  // Do stuff here

Or in the case of a Macro:

export const name = 'my-macro';
export const params = {};
export function run() {…}


ES2015 comes with some features that are part of the JavaScript core objects. These are not supported by all browsers. To use these features in most browsers you will need a polyfill. Babel has a polyfill package that you can include. See Adding Babel Polyfill to TiddlyWiki for how to accomplish this.


Here is an example ES2015 plugin/widget that will show the time and update it:

title: $:/plugins/sukima/clock-widget.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: widget

A updating time stamp

import { widget as Widget } from '$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js';

class ClockWidget extends Widget {
  constructor(parseTreeNode, options) {
    super(parseTreeNode, options);
    this.logger = new $tw.utils.Logger('clock-widget');

  render(parent, nextSibling) {
    if (!$tw.browser) { return; }
    this.logger.log('Rendering clock DOM nodes');
    this.parentDomNode = parent;
    this.domNode = $tw.utils.domMaker('div', {
      document: this.document,
      class: 'tc-clock-widget'
    parent.insertBefore(this.domNode, nextSibling);

  tick() {
    if (!document.contains(this.domNode)) {
      // Apparently the widget was removed from the DOM. Do some clean up.
      return this.stop();
    this.domNode.innerHTML = this.dateString;

  start() {
    if (!this.clockTicker) {
      this.logger.log('Starting clock');
      this.clockTicker = setInterval(this.tick.bind(this), 1000);

  stop() {
    this.logger.log('Stopping clock');
    this.clockTicker = null;

  get dateString() {
    const format = 'DDth MMM YYYY at hh12:0mm:0ss am';
    return $tw.utils.formatDateString(new Date(), format);

export { ClockWidget as clock };

Adding an extra space at the top causes Babel's output the preamble tiddler comment without any obscene indenting. Although it doesn't affect TiddlyWiki any, when reading the output it can be confusing when the tiddler information is rendered off the screen to the right.