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Documentation Macros

24th February 2024 at 5:06pm

The following macros are used throughout TiddlyWiki's documentation. Their names start with a dot to keep them out of the way of names that a user might try experimenting with.


MacroUsed forExampleRendered
.defthe defining instance of a term<<.def widget>>widget
.emminor emphasis within a sentence<<.em not>>not
.placea placeholder for the user to fill in<<.place tagname>>tagname
.strongmajor emphasis within a tiddler<<.strong Important!>>Important!
.worda mention of an ordinary word or phrase<<.word "hello world">>"hello world"
.iconan icon, sized to match the surrounding text<<.icon "$:/core/images/globe">>


Textbox Parameters

Text to be shown in the box
A title shown as an HTML STRONG element
Core icons can be found at Icon Gallery
An optional custom class can be added to the text block. It will overwrite the defaults. To keep the defaults, add them to the custom class settings.
.note-macro defaults to doc-note
.tip-macro defaults to doc-tip
.warning-macro defaults to doc-warning

Textbox Examples

MacroUsed forExampleRenderd
.infoBoxText-box with an icon<<.infoBox text:"A generic ...">>
A generic text box, with an optional title and a custom icon
.noteInfos with a title<<.note text:"Some text ...">>
Some text in a box with a title by default
.tiphints and tips<<.tip text:"Eg: Turn ...">>
Eg: Turn your screen on, otherwise
you won't be able to see much.
.warningwarning advice<<.warning text:"Eg: Make a backup ...">>
Eg: Make a backup of your file
before you upgrade.


MacroExampleUsed for
.preamble<<.preamble "your text comes here">>
an introductory sentence that stands apart from the rest of the tiddler

Tiddlers and Fields

MacroUsed forExampleRendered
.tida tiddler title<<.tid Example>>Example
.taga tag<<.tag Example>>Example
.fielda field name<<.field example>>example
.valuea field value<<.value "example value">>example value
.opa filter operator<<.op backlinks>>backlinks
.vara variable or macro name<<.var currentTiddler>>currentTiddler
.wida widget name<<.wid list>>$list
.attran attribute name<<.attr filter>>filter
.parama macro parameter name<<.param text>>text
.tiddler-fieldsa list of tiddler fields<<.tiddler-fields "Monday">>


tags[[Operator Examples]]


MacroUsed forExampleRenderd
.linklink containing WikiText<<.link "^^an^^ ~~example~~" Example>>an example
.clinkcode link<<.clink `<$list>` ListWidget>><$list>
.dlinkdefinition link for a instance of a term<<.dlink widget Widgets>>widget
.dlink-exexternal link to a defining instance of a term<<.dlink-ex Example "">>Example
.flinkfield link<<.flink ListField>>list
.mlinkmacro link<<.mlink qualify>>qualify
.mlink2macro link with a specified target<<.mlink2 foo "Examples of Macros">>foo
.olinkoperator link<<.olink prefix>>prefix
.olink2operator link with specified target<<.olink2 foo prefix>>foo
.vlinkvariable link<<.vlink currentTiddler>>currentTiddler
.vlink2variable link with specified target<<.vlink2 foo "Examples of Variables">>foo
.wlinkwidget link<<.wlink ButtonWidget>>$button
.wlink2widget link with specified text<<.wlink2 foo ButtonWidget>>foo

Keyboard Shortcuts

MacroUsed forExampleRendered
.keya key on the keyboard<<.key Escape>>Escape
.keysa key combination<<.keys Ctrl+Enter>>Ctrl+Enter


See: CheckboxWidget

MacroUsed forExample
.doc-tabsshowing a tab set in a documentation tiddler
.doc-tab-linkbutton to activate a tab
.widget-attr-linkbutton with a widget attribute name to activate a tab

Sidebar Tabs

MacroUsed forExampleRendered
.sidebar-tabthe name of a sidebar tab<<.sidebar-tab More>>More
.more-tabthe name of a subtab of the More tab<<.more-tab Shadows>>Shadows
.info-tabthe name of a tiddler info tab<<.info-tab Fields>>Fields
.controlpanel-tabthe name of a Control Panel tab<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>>Settings
.advancedsearch-tabthe name of an Advanced Search tab<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>>Filter
.toc-tabname of the TOC tab<<.toc-tab>>Contents
.example-taban example tab name<<.example-tab "Notes">>Notes

Parameters for .sidebar-tab

Open<<.sidebar-tab Open>>Open
Recent<<.sidebar-tab Recent>>Recent
Tools<<.sidebar-tab Tools>>Tools
More<<.sidebar-tab More>>More

Parameters for .more-tab

All<<.more-tab All>>All
Recent<<.more-tab Recent>>Recent
Tags<<.more-tab Tags>>Tags
Missing<<.more-tab Missing>>Missing
Drafts<<.more-tab Drafts>>Drafts
Orphans<<.more-tab Orphans>>Orphans
Types<<.more-tab Types>>Types
System<<.more-tab System>>System
Shadows<<.more-tab Shadows>>Shadows

Parameters for .info-tab

Tools<<.info-tab Tools>>Tools
References<<.info-tab References>>Backlinks
Tagging<<.info-tab Tagging>>Tagging
List<<.info-tab List>>List
Listed<<.info-tab Listed>>Listed
Fields<<.info-tab Fields>>Fields
Advanced<<.info-tab Advanced>>Advanced

Parameters for .controlpanel-tab

Info<<.controlpanel-tab Info>>Info
Appearance<<.controlpanel-tab Appearance>>Appearance
Settings<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>>Settings
Saving<<.controlpanel-tab Saving>>Saving
Plugins<<.controlpanel-tab Plugins>>Plugins

Parameters for .advancedsearch-tab

Standard<<.advancedsearch-tab Standard>>Standard
System<<.advancedsearch-tab System>>System
Shadows<<.advancedsearch-tab Shadows>>Shadows
Filter<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>>Filter


MacroUsed forExampleRendered
.buttona standard button name and icon<<.button "new-tiddler">> new tiddler

Parameters for .button

Tiddler toolbar

clone<<.button "clone">> clone
close<<.button "close">> close
close-others<<.button "close-others">> close others
edit<<.button "edit">> edit
export-tiddler<<.button "export-tiddler">> export tiddler
info<<.button "info">> info
more-tiddler-actions<<.button "more-tiddler-actions">> more
new-here<<.button "new-here">> new here
new-journal-here<<.button "new-journal-here">>11 new journal here
permalink<<.button "permalink">> permalink

Edit-mode toolbar

cancel<<.button "cancel">> cancel
delete<<.button "delete">> delete
save<<.button "save">> ok

Page toolbar

advanced-search<<.button "advanced-search">> advanced search
close-all<<.button "close-all">> close all
control-panel<<.button "control-panel">> control panel
encryption<<.button "encryption">> encryption
export-page<<.button "export-page">> export all
full-screen<<.button "full-screen">> full-screen
home<<.button "home">> home
import<<.button "import">> import
language<<.button "language">> language
more-page-actions<<.button "more-page-actions">> more
new-journal<<.button "new-journal">>11 new journal
new-tiddler<<.button "new-tiddler">> new tiddler
permaview<<.button "permaview">> permaview
refresh<<.button "refresh">> refresh
save-wiki<<.button "save-wiki">> save changes
storyview<<.button "storyview">> storyview
tag-manager<<.button "tag-manager">> tag manager
theme<<.button "theme">> theme