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 24th November 2020 at 6:58pm

System tiddlers in the namespace $:/info/ are used to expose information about the system (including the current browser) so that WikiText applications can adapt themselves to available features.

Information Tiddlers

$:/info/startup-timestampIntroduced in v5.1.23 Startup timestamp in TiddlyWiki date format
$:/info/browserRunning in the browser? ("yes" or "no")
$:/info/mobileIntroduced in v5.2.3 Is running on a mobile device? ("yes" or "no" - eg, )
$:/info/browser/languageIntroduced in v5.1.20 Language as reported by browser (note that some browsers report two character codes such as en while others report full codes such as en-GB)
$:/info/browser/screen/widthScreen width in pixels
$:/info/browser/screen/heightScreen height in pixels
$:/info/nodeRunning under Node.js? ("yes" or "no")
$:/info/url/fullIntroduced in v5.1.14 Full URL of wiki (eg, )
$:/info/url/hostIntroduced in v5.1.14 Host portion of URL of wiki (eg, )
$:/info/url/hostnameIntroduced in v5.1.14 Hostname portion of URL of wiki (eg, )
$:/info/url/originIntroduced in v5.1.14 Origin portion of URL of wiki (eg, )
$:/info/url/pathnameIntroduced in v5.1.14 Pathname portion of URL of wiki (eg, )
$:/info/url/portIntroduced in v5.1.14 Port portion of URL of wiki (eg, )
$:/info/url/protocolIntroduced in v5.1.14 Protocol portion of URL of wiki (eg, )
$:/info/url/searchIntroduced in v5.1.14 Search portion of URL of wiki (eg, )
$:/info/darkmodeIntroduced in v5.1.23 Is dark mode enabled? ("yes" or "no")