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substitute Operator (Examples)

14th June 2023 at 11:34pm

Substitute substitute[] operator parameters

[[Hi, I'm $1$ and I live in $2$]substitute[Bugs Bunny],[Rabbit Hole Hill]]

Substitute variables

This example uses the following variables:

  • name:
    Bugs Bunny
  • address:
    Rabbit Hole Hill

[[Hi, I'm $(name)$ and I live in $(address)$]substitute[]]

Substitute variables and operator parameters

This example uses the following variable:

  • time:

[[Something in the $(time)$ at $2$ about $1$ ]substitute[Maths],[the Library]]

Substitute a filter expression and a variable

This example uses the following variables:

  • field:
  • sentence:
    This tiddler was last $(field)$ on ${[{!!modified}format:date[DDth MMM YYYY]]}$
