6th January 2021 at 3:10pm
A topical index of known plugins, tutorials, themes, and other helpful tools for TiddlyWiki.
Some of the topics indexed so far include:
- Background images and background colors
- Breadcrumbs
- Business - examples
- CSS / Styles, general
- Calendars, dates and timelines
- Checklists
- Collaboration
- Color palettes
- Colors
- Data visualizations
- Developer / advanced tools
- Diplay tiddlers horizontally
- Dropdowns
- Educational
- External files
- Fields
- Fonts
- Fun and games
- Home and lifestyle
- IFrames and embedding media
- Image galleries, modals and lightboxes
- Images, icons, emojis
- Importing and exporting between TiddlyWiki files
- Includes scaffolding within a tiddler, dragging to reorder tiddlers, choosing the number of columns
- Interfacing with, importing and exporting to and from other formats
- Knowledge bases, dictionaries and glossaries
- Layout/UI
- Lightboxes
- Links, linking
- Lists and filters
- Maps and geography
- Masonry, scaffolding
- Math
- MindMapping
- Mobile tools
- Music and sound
- Navigation
- node.js
- Note-taking
- Open the "filter" tab
- Partially hidden tiddlers
- Personal websites (examples)
- Presentations and slideshows
- Printing
- Project management
- Publishing and hosting TiddlyWikis on the web
- Searching tools
- Security and backup tools
- Social media, sharing, comments
- Spreadsheets and math
- Startup
- Sticky titles
- Story and screenplay creation
- Table of contents
- Tables, charts and graphs (cf data visualizations)
- Tabs
- Tags, tagging
- Task management and productivity - to do lists
- Themes
- Understanding TiddlyWiki
- Writing and editing