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HTML Entities

 25th October 2022 at 12:46pm


Use HTML entities to enter characters that cannot easily be typed on an ordinary keyboard. They take the form of an ampersand (&), an identifying string, and a terminating semi-colon (;), e.g. & for the & character.


The value of Tiddlers™ cannot even be expressed in £, € or $.

Displays as:

The value of Tiddlers™ cannot even be expressed in £, € or $.

Entity References

Comprehensive lists of html entities can be found at...

Examples Of Common And Useful Entities

HTML Entities
  no-break space  ''single quote, apostrophe
–en dash""quotation mark
—em dash′prime; minutes; feet
… horizontal ellipsis″double prime; seconds; inches
©©Copyright symbol‘left single quote
®®Registered symbol’right single quote
™Trademark symbol“left double quote
†dagger”right double quote
‡double dagger««left angle quote
¶paragraph sign»»right angle quote
§§section sign××multiplication symbol
↑up arrow↓down arrow
←left arrow→right arrow
⇐double left arrow⇒double right arrow
↔left right arrow⇔double left right arrow

Accented Characters

The table below shows how accented characters can be built up by substituting the underscore (_) in the second table into the corresponding character. eg:

Accented Characters
grave accent&_grave;ÀàÈèÌìÒòÙù      
acute accent&_acute;ÁáÉéÍíÓóÚú  Ýý  
circumflex accent&_circ;ÂâÊêÎîÔôÛû      
umlaut mark&_uml;ÄäËëÏïÖöÜü  Ÿÿ  
tilde&_tilde;Ãã    Õõ  Ññ    
slash&_slash;      Øø        
cedilla&_cedil;              Çç