The latest news, articles, resources and examples.
"TiddlyWiki Posts" by Jeffrey Kishner
A collection of articles covering integration with Fargo, Font Awesome and Google Calendar, and tips for managing task lists. The original site is missing, but a link to an archive is provided.
I have become a regular user of TiddlyWiki and have become so accustomed to using Font Awesome icons in Fargo that I wanted to incorporate the icons into my wikis as well.
GitHub Saver Tutorial by Mohammad
GitHub Saver is a step by step tutorial that shows how to integrate Tiddlywiki 5 and GitHub Pages to create websites hosted on
This instruction is based on Tiddlywiki single html file model, while it can use subfolder for extra materials like images, audios, videos, pdfs,... in separate folders.
Other tutorials
- Tiddlywiki, Travis-CI and GitHub Pages
- This wiki shows how to set up websites hosted on GitHub Pages using Travis-CI and Tiddlywiki 5 on Node.js.
- Tiddlywiki and GitHub Pages
- This instruction is based on local edit, save and push to GitHub. It does NOT use the new GitHub Saver mechanism (requires TW 5.1.20+) which lets edit and save directly from Tiddlywiki!
"TW5 Magick" by Stephan Hradek
Stephan Hradek's growing catalogue of tips, tutorials, and other resources. Stephan has also developed several plugins and macros that you can find at
Some things in TiddlyWiki seem like Magic. As my preferred nick is Skeeve, I felt that TW5 Magick is a proper name for this collection of some of the "magic" tricks one can do with TiddlyWiki.
"Reveal.js" by Devin Weaver
Embed Reveal.js presentations inside your TiddlyWiki.
reveal.js enables you to create beautiful interactive slide decks using HTML.
With the power of TiddlyWiki and Reveal.js one can…
- …make an interactive tiddler with fancy animations
- …Make it go full screen for professional keynote
- …Distribute the slideshow with examples and additional resources in one HTML file
TW-Scripts by Mohammad
TW-Scripts is one of the most comprehensive collections of solutions for Tiddlywiki 5.
TW-Scripts includes:
- Collected solutions to questions in Tiddlywiki Google groups
- Learn through examples
- Templates, stylesheets
- Wikitext, macros, and snippets
- Tips and tricks
- Search tools
TiddlyWiki Video Tutorials by Francis Meetze
An extensive tutorial for getting started with TiddlyWiki. Recommended
This tutorial is aimed at giving you a basic foundation so that you can start using TiddlyWiki right away. Here we take a look at the technology behind Tiddlywiki, how to install it and create your first Tiddler.
RegExp in Tiddlywiki by Mohammad
RegExp in Tiddlywiki contains practical use cases of regular expression in Tiddlywiki.
The regular expression is a way to describe complex search patterns using sequences of characters .
RegExp in Tiddlywiki has four main parts
- Using regular expression to match a pattern in tiddler title
- Using regular expression to match a pattern in tiddler fields excluding tiddler text (body)
- Using regular expression to match a pattern in tiddler body (text field)
- Using regular expression for validation like username, password, etc.
"TB5 - a pocket full of tips" by Tobias Beer
An enormous collection of tips beautifully curated by Tobias Beer. It is actually a collection of sites, with sub-sites dedicated to topics such as filtering (
A collection of references and sandbox for testing concepts around TiddlyWiki 5...