This page is part of a static HTML representation of the TiddlyWiki at



Deprecated since:5.1.15(seeRenderCommand).

(Note: The --rendertiddlers command is deprecated in favour of the new, more flexible --render command)

Render a set of tiddlers matching a filter to separate files of a specified ContentType (defaults to text/html) and extension (defaults to .html).

--rendertiddlers '<filter>' <template> <pathname> [<type>] [<extension>] ["noclean"]

For example:

--rendertiddlers '[!is[system]]' $:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html ./static text/plain

By default, the pathname is resolved relative to the output subdirectory of the edition directory. The --output command can be used to direct output to a different directory.

Any files in the target directory are deleted unless the noclean flag is specified. The target directory is recursively created if it is missing.