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12th June 2024 at 12:54pm

The droppable widget creates a DOM element onto which dragged items can be dropped by the user, triggering the specified actions. It only works on browsers that support drag and drop, which typically means desktop browsers, but there are workarounds.

See DragAndDropMechanism for an overview.

Content and Attributes

Attribute Description
actionsActions to be performed when items are dropped. It activates 1 action per item
listActionsNew in v5.3.4 Actions to be performed when items are dropped. It activates 1 action for a the whole list of items
classOptional CSS classes to assign to the draggable element. The class tc-droppable is added automatically, and the class tc-dragover is applied while an item is being dragged over the droppable element
tagOptional tag to override the default of a "div" element when the widget is rendered in block mode, or a "span" element when it is rendered in inline mode
enableIntroduced in v5.1.22 Optional value "no" to disable the droppable functionality (defaults to "yes")
data-*New in v5.3.2 Optional data attributes to be assigned to the HTML element
style.*New in v5.3.2 Optional CSS properties to be assigned to the HTML element

Within the action string, the following variables are generated by the DroppableWidget:

actionTiddlerFor parameter actions, the actionTiddler Variable contains the title of the item being dropped
actionTiddlerListFor parameter listActions the actionTiddlerList Variable contains a Title List of all the items being dropped
modifierThe modifier Variable contains the modifier key held while dragging (can be normal, ctrl, shift or ctrl-shift)

Note that the actionTiddler variable holds a single, unquoted title. This is unlike the DraggableWidget which uses the same variable to pass a quoted Title List.


This example displays a palette of icons. Dragging a tiddler onto one of the icons assigns that icon to the tiddler.


Similarly, this example shows a palette of colours. Dragging a tiddler onto one of the colours assigns that colour to be used for rendering the icon of the tiddler.

Drag the tag pill or a single tiddler link HelloThere into the "Drop Area" below. It will show the "Title List" stored in $:/temp/drop/TitleList

Drop the tagpill or a link into this area.