This collection showcases inspiring and interesting examples of TiddlyWiki being used in the wild. Submit new entries to this collection via GitHub or by posting in the TiddlyWiki Groups.
"Gospel Bubbles" by Rev. David Gifford
Creates bubble maps of Biblical texts.
This TiddlyWiki, which is still under construction, has several features that together make it lightning fast to find passages, types of passages, themes, people, places and images in the New Testament Gospels. The bubblemaps are color-coded overviews of each Gospel. Each type of passage (miracle story, parable, etc) was assigned a color. Bubblemaps allow you to do three things:
- The bubblemaps are color-coded overviews of each Gospel. Each type of passage (miracle story, parable, etc) was assigned a color. Bubblemaps allow you to do three things:
- See how the different types of passages are distributed throughout each Gospel.
- Hover over passages to see the verses and titles.
- Click on a passage to open it and see the themes and other data it mentions.
- The themes by passage indexes are lists of the passages in each Gospel, followed by the themes and other data found in the passage. Clicking on a theme calls up a list of all the passages that mention that theme.
- The indexes of themes contain lists of links to each theme, person, group, place and image. Clicking on a theme calls up a list of all the passages that mention that theme.
- There is a search window hidden in the right hand menu. Use the search window to find passages quickly, by typing things like sower or paralytic. Click the arrows in the upper right of the screen to open the menu and search. by Devin Weaver
A personal website built with TiddlyWiki. is a name I came up with in high school. I was big into computer programming and wanted a company name that was kinda catchy. When I made a few programs in BASIC I would brand them with TriTarget as a way to show off my company (Even though I didn't have one).
Interactive Git Documentation by Devin Weaver
A git choose-your-own-adventure!ⓡ for walking yourself though fixing a broken Git repository.
This document is an attempt to be a fairly comprehensive guide to recovering from what you did not mean to do when using git. It isn't that git is so complicated that you need a large document to take care or your particular problem, it is more that the set of things that you might have done is so large that different techniques are needed depending on exactly what you have done and what you want to have happen.
PESpot Lesson Planner by Patrick Detzner
A system for lesson planning built with TiddlyWiki.
I built a program to help enter and store lesson plan information and then facilitate/automate some of the tedious work involved in creating the actual lesson plan document.
Simple Zork-like Game by Jed Carty
A simple game built with TiddlyWiki, introduced in this post.
I decided to see if it was possible to make some sort of game using only the core tiddlywiki with no plugins or javascript. I made a very bare bones zork/interactive fiction type game. It is currently the simplest thing I could make and claim it was a game, but I may add on to it in the future. It uses the 5.1.5 prerelease because the action-setfield widget saved lots of work making macros.
One goal of this is to use nothing besides what is contained in the core tiddlywiki, so there is no javascript and no plugins.
"PETTIL - Forth for the Commodore PET" by Charlie Hitselberger
A fast Forth interpreter for the Commodore PET, written in 6502 assembly language. The TiddlyWiki containing program documentation is automatically generated from the source code: see
Objectives of the project are, in no particular order:
- make a Forth that runs on my Commodore PET 2001
- have fun
- improve my "6502 assembly golf" skills
- find other people who are interested in this project
"A Thesis Notebook" by Alberto Molina
A thesis notebook based on TiddlyWiki.
This is an example of a thesis notebook powered by TiddlyWiki 5.0.8-beta.
TiddlyWiki is a great piece of software created by Jeremy Ruston. It allows you, among other things, to take notes, organise ideas, store information, and display all your stuff the way you want. It is an incredibly flexible tool you can adapt to fit almost all your needs.
This TiddlyWiki has been customized to serve as a philosophy notebook centered around authors, books and papers, concepts and theories, and personal notes. I use it along with Zotero, which is a dedicated bibliography software. Both are free, open source projects. TiddlyWiki can be downloaded at