This page is part of a static HTML representation of the TiddlyWiki at


 15th October 2016 at 1:44pm

As well as traditional single file wikis, TiddlyWiki on Node.js supports wikis that are stored as a folder of individual tiddler files.

Wiki Folder Structure

Wiki folders can contain the following files and folders:

  • - JSON file containing metadata for the wiki – see Files
  • \tiddlers - folder containing tiddler files comprising the wiki
  • \plugins - folder containing plugin folders to be included in the wiki
  • \languages - folder containing plugin folders for language plugins to be included in the wiki
  • \themes - folder containing plugin folders for theme plugins to be included in the wiki

Only the file is required; everything else is optional. Any files and folders not listed above are ignored.

Plugin processing

To be usable in the browser, plugins just need to be included in the wiki. For wikis that are generated on the server, TiddlyWikiFolders can contain a file that identifies the plugins to be included in this wiki:

	"plugins": [

Plugins names refer to plugin folders listed in TiddlyWiki5's root plugins folder. Plugins can also be included manually by copying them into the plugins subfolder of the wiki.

Processing of tiddlers folder

All the TiddlerFiles in the tiddlers folder are read into the wiki at startup. Sub-folders are scanned recursively for TiddlerFiles. Newly created tiddlers are stored in TiddlerFiles directly beneath the tiddlers folder, unless configured otherwise.

The default processing for sub-folders within the tiddlers folder can be overridden by providing a JSON file called tiddlywiki.files – see tiddlywiki.files Files.