The parameter to a filter operator can be:
- hard
[like this]
- The parameter is the exact text that appears between the square brackets.
- soft
- indirect
{like this}
- The parameter is the text indicated by the text reference whose name appears between the curly brackets, i.e. a field of a specified tiddler, or the value of a property of a specified data tiddler.
- variable
<like this>
- The parameter is the current value of the variable whose name appears between the angle brackets. Macro parameters are not supported up to v5.2.0
- Introduced in v5.2.0 Literal macro parameters are supported. For example:
[<now [UTC]YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0ssXXX>]
Introduced in v5.1.23 Filter Steps support multiple parameters which are separated by a ,
For example: [param1],[param2]
or <param1>,{param2}