This list contains any usefull resource that have been shared with the TiddlyWiki Community that doesn fit the previous categories. They may be, macros, widgets, code snippts, ideas or more.
"Grok TiddlyWiki" by Soren Bjornstad
Grok TiddlyWiki by Soren Bjornstad is an interactive learning environment for TiddlyWiki. It bundles three complementary modes of learning into one TiddlyWiki:
- It explains concepts using English text and code examples
- It assigns exercises that help you apply and practice what you've learned
- It presents takeaways, questions about key terms, concepts, or skills, for review as you continue through the book, to help you retain what you've learned over a longer period of time
"TiddlyWiki Posts" by Jeffrey Kishner
A collection of articles covering integration with Fargo, Font Awesome and Google Calendar, and tips for managing task lists. The original site is missing, but a link to an archive is provided.
I have become a regular user of TiddlyWiki and have become so accustomed to using Font Awesome icons in Fargo that I wanted to incorporate the icons into my wikis as well.
"TW5 Magick" by Stephan Hradek
Stephan Hradek's growing catalogue of tips, tutorials, and other resources. Stephan has also developed several plugins and macros that you can find at
Some things in TiddlyWiki seem like Magic. As my preferred nick is Skeeve, I felt that TW5 Magick is a proper name for this collection of some of the "magic" tricks one can do with TiddlyWiki.
TiddlyMap Plugin by Felix Küppers
An interactive network visualisation plugin based on Vis.js. A demo that also contains installation instructions can be found here: The plugin's GitHub repository can be found here.
TiddlyMap is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to link your wiki-topics (tiddlers) in order to create clickable graphs. By creating relations between your topics you can easily do the following:
- Create concept maps and quickly manifest your ideas in tiddlers.
- Create task-dependency graphs to organise and describe your tasks.
- Visualise your topic structures to get an immediate grasp of topics and relations.
In general you may create, visualise and describe any network-structure you have in mind.
"TiddlyServer" by Matt Lauber
Note: This is an older version of TiddlyServer. A modern version can be referenced here.
TiddlyServer is a special purpose Desktop app, designed to facilitate managing multiple instances of TiddlyWiki running as a server. It does not require internet acess to access the wikis.
TiddlyServer can import both TiddlyWiki files and TiddlyFolder wikis. For each wiki, you specify a prefix to serve it with and the source to import from. It will copy the wikis to its own internal store and begin serving them up at http://localhost:8080/{prefix}/. The export button for each wiki will convert it to a single file wiki.
"muritest" by Simon Huber
A terrific demo of drag and drop, pan and zoom, and other sophisticated touch effects. Based on the muuri plugin by Uwe Stuehler.
"Reveal.js" by Devin Weaver
Embed Reveal.js presentations inside your TiddlyWiki.
reveal.js enables you to create beautiful interactive slide decks using HTML.
With the power of TiddlyWiki and Reveal.js one can…
- …make an interactive tiddler with fancy animations
- …Make it go full screen for professional keynote
- …Distribute the slideshow with examples and additional resources in one HTML file
"Noteself" by Danielo Rodríguez
NoteSelf is your personal, private, customisable, Evernote-like experience. You want cloud? Fine! You don't? Fine too! It's all yours, It's your decision! Why not be a bit selfish?
NoteSelf is the perfect place to store your ideas, notes, thoughts, tips, tricks, recipes... whatever you want to put into it! NoteSelf will store, index, and make it easily searchable, so you will find it instantly whenever you need it!
You already know and love Evernote, we know it. It is comfortable, it syncs, has search capabilities... Wow, it's almost perfect, but what about:
- Privacy - Everything is stored on the Evernote's servers!
- Customisation - If you don't like the interface of Evernote, there's nothing you can do
NoteSelf is built on top of TiddlyWiki, a powerful, free, highly customisable and open-source personal wiki. We took the best of it, it's powerful customisation system, and mixed it with one of the best embedded databases available, PouchDb, for bringing the synchronisation capabilities you need.
"Dynamic Tables" by Jed Carty
Dynamic Tables is a set of macros that allow you to create tables where the rows are created from tiddlers and the columns from the tiddler fields, or where the columns are created from tiddlers and the rows from their fields. Individual cells can be edited on the fly. Row tables can be sorted by columns and column tables can be sorted by rows.
TW5-firebase: TiddlyWiki5 for Google Firebase by Peter Neumark
Google-Firebase hosted version of TiddlyWiki5.
I've been using TiddlyWiki5 with Google Firebase for over a year now. It's stable enough to use on a daily basis. There's a detailed walkthrough of how to create your own instance with lots of screenshots. The entire process takes less than 30 minutes:
Please consider this version a proof of concept rather than a polished product! My focus was on multi-device or small-team collaboration:
- Basic authorisation (bags have an access policy determining who can read / write them).
- Multiple wikis can be hosted under a single firebase account.
- It uses Firebase's built-in social auth to log in users.
- Tiddlers are written individually with locking, preventing users overwriting each others' updates.
Widdly by Opennota
A cross platform server application that can save tiddlers to a local database
a minimal self-hosted app, written in Go, that can serve as a backend for a personal TiddlyWiki.
twproxy by Steve Gattuso
An authentication proxy for your TiddlyWiki.
One of my favorite aspects of TiddlyWiki has been that it's web-based, making it possible for me to access my wiki from everywhere (especially my phone). That being said, I'm a bit paranoid, so I was left a bit unsatisfied with the tiddlywiki server's HTTP basic auth for protecting my wiki. ~23 commits later, I've created something called twproxy that I'd like to share with you all today, as I'm hoping somebody other than myself will find it useful.
Essentially it is a simple proxy that puts your wiki behind a username, password, and optional 2-factor auth prompt. This gives you added security in addition to the ability to remember your credentials past one browsing session (I was getting sick and tired of typing my username/password in over and over using basic auth).
Twexe: Single File Tiddlywiki5 executable
Single File Tiddlywiki5 executable
- Automatic backups
- Automatic saving
- No browser add-ons needed!!
- Works on Linux and Windows
- Single file executable, can be moved, copied, etc.
- Wiki is compressed, occupying less space on your disk (sometimes even a third of the space!)
- Converts any Tiddlywiki5 file to a single file executable , no need for special tiddlywiki plugins
- Automatically uses the saving tab in the control panel (there you can specify a backup directory if you don't like the default)
- Easily get back the html wiki file from the executable twexe (if you need it for some reason)
- Opens up the possibility to run external executables from your wiki (to draw charts, etc.) - stay tuned!!
- Supports external images (i.e. with _canonical_uri field)
The CommunitySearch wiki aggregates many public wikis from the community. It is updated automatically every day. At the time of writing, more than 5000 tiddlers are indexed, thus giving access to the largest known collection of TW content.
It lets you search for some specific content among a preselected list of wikis. The indexed content is mostly focused on TW usage, so you would typically use this search system to find information about a particular aspect of TiddlyWiki. Say for example that you want to learn how to make a table of content, type "table of content" in the CommunitySearch box (also accessible in the default tiddler GettingStarted). The search results are links to various wikis, and point directly to the specific tiddlers containing your request.
The CommunitySearch wiki also lets you:
- Browse the list of wikis
- Browse the list of author
- Browse the list of plugins
- Access content by tag (see also BookmarkingTags)
- Follow the latest news from the community (and publish your own news if you are a wiki author)
TW5-SingleExecutable by Jed Carty
TiddlyWiki5 Packaged with the multi-user plugin in a single executable file.
Tiddlywiki, node js, multiuser plugin - all packaged into a single file so user can just download the file and run it and not have to install anything else. Versions available for windows, osx, and linux.
TW-Scripts by Mohammad
TW-Scripts is one of the most comprehensive collections of solutions for Tiddlywiki 5.
TW-Scripts includes:
- Collected solutions to questions in Tiddlywiki Google groups
- Learn through examples
- Templates, stylesheets
- Wikitext, macros, and snippets
- Tips and tricks
- Search tools
Timimi: WebExtension and Native Host by Riz
Timimi is a web-extension accompanied by a native host that allows you to save and backup your standalone HTML tiddlywiki files anywhere in your hard-drive. Once installed, you can save the tiddlywiki files without any extra steps, like the original Tiddlyfox addon.
- The native host requires a component installed on the host computer, outside the browser.
As of version 2.1, Timimi supports the following browsers
- Chrome/Chromium
- Firefox
- Opera
- Microsoft Edge (Chromium)
It is also reported to work seamlessly in chrome based browsers like Brave and Vivaldi.
Timimi also provides users with 4 backup strategies, viz:
- Create a backup Every nth save
- Create a backup every nth minute
- Customised Tower of Hanoi
- First in First Out
TiddlyWiki extensions for Sublime Text 3 by roma0104
Sublime Text 3 syntax file for TiddlyWiki5 *.tid
TiddlyServer by Arlen Beiler
An extension to the Node.js configuration of TiddlyWiki that adds support for static attachments and for working with multiple wikis at the same time.
TiddlyServer 2.0 takes the server command of TiddlyWiki on NodeJS and adds it to a static file server. This means you can load and serve any TiddlyWiki data folder in the same way you can serve a single file TiddlyWiki.
But you don't need to serve files and folders from just one place, you can serve them from multiple places anywhere on your harddrive (literally anywhere NodeJS can stat, readdir, and readFile). You can even organise them into virtual folders (aka aliases in Apache and mounts in Express).
The main point, of course, is that you can actually edit your files, not just look at them. Single file TiddlyWikis use the put saver, which needs to be patched using a bookmarklet included on the index page. The instructions for this are below under the heading "One thing that needs to be noted".
And, of course, you can edit data folder tiddlywikis just like you were running node tiddlywiki.js data –server, except that you run it on the path that you found it at (e.g. http://localhost/personal/notes/). You can have as many data folders open as you want, they don't conflict (though they will each take memory).
Data folders store individual tiddlers instead of entire wikis. They take less disk space as they also do not store the core and plugins. This means they also save much quicker, especially over the internet. They also save immediately (within 10 seconds or so) and they save drafts.
TiddlyDrive Add-on for Google Drive by Joshua Stubbs
An add-on for Google Drive that allows TiddlyWiki files stored there to be opened and saved directly
To find more information, go to the github page of this project:
I made an app that lets one edit TiddlyWiki files saved in your Google drive and then saving them back automagically. The page is here but I think you need to add it from the Google Drive web interface.
I even added an optional ability to save with ctrl + s hotkeys.
Joshua's launch post
TiddlyChrome by Arlen Beiler
An extension application for Google Chrome that enables TiddlyWiki to save changes directly to the file system.
Semantic Colors by Mohammad
Semantic colors are set of CSS to apply colorful theme to individual tiddlers for categorisation purpose.
Tiddlywiki "semantic colors" has two objectives:
- How it is simply possible to apply theme to an individual tiddler
- Use semantic colors for categorisation
- Some use cases
- Learning materials (each topic, category can have dedicated semantic color, like learning a foreign language)
- Slideshow (section divider, each part can have a semantic color)
- Books and tutorials ( different semantic colors can be applied to chapters, specific subjects, like example tiddlers)
- Visual tags (instead of looking for tag bar and see to what category this subject (tiddler) belongs, you can identify it by its semantic color)
SeeAlso by Matias Goldman
A simple technique for adding tag-based cross references to the default view template.
See also: - is a feature to generate a "See also:" section after the tiddler text, somewhat like in Wikipedia articles.
Code styles and auto format settings for IDEs
Implementation of TiddlyWiki Coding Style Guidelines for different IDEs.
"X3DOM for TiddlyWiki 5" by Jamal Wills
An experiment to embed interactive 3D graphics within TiddlyWiki by Jamal Wills. It is based X3DOM, an open source JavaScript library.
"Wills Q&D gTD" by Matabele
Matabele's stylish and clean system for personal task management.
This is my work in progress version of TW5, incorporating various features and ideas as and when they intrigue me. To grab any feature you may wish to try, drag the listed tiddlers across to the dropzone of an empty TiddlyWiki 5.0.10-beta
"Wikilabs" by PMario
A collection of references for testing concepts around TiddlyWiki 5...
This is PMario's playground with ramblings about TiddlyWiki and related stuff.
It basically is a "jump off" page to various TiddlyWiki sites, that show editions, themes and plugins.
"" by Mario Pietsch
A collection of TiddlyWiki resources from Mario Pietsch, with a focus on cloud deployments. Mario also maintains the German translation of TiddlyWiki.
My name is Mario Pietsch from Austria. I'm living near Salzburg.
This page, will be the portal to my TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWeb related content.
"TiddlyWiki5^2 documenting while learning TiddlyWiki5" by Iannis Zannos
A wealth of hints, tips and notes about using TiddlyWiki on Node.js:
TiddlyWiki is different from other wikis because of its principle of dynamically customizeable "storyline" based on tiddlers as basic units of information. That is, the user "composes" their own version of the webpage by clicking on tiddler links, which add tiddlers to the page in order to compose a storyline.
The Node.js implementation in TiddlyWiki5 adds all the advantages of flat-file markup language based type of site. This makes TiddlyWiki an excellent alternative to flat-file based CMS/webpage/blog authoring systems for the web.
Also very cool is the treatment of tags as menus everywhere.
Also available on GitHub (download and save index.html and open it in your browser).
"TiddlyWiki5 Playground" by Ton Gerner
Huge collection of customisations and tweaks from Ton Gerner.
I am a longtime user of TiddlyWiki Classic and still use it daily since you can't do everything in TiddlyWiki 5 (yet) ;)
I started experimenting with TW5 at the end of September 2013 (alpha10). Since I missed a few things in the layout I got used to in TiddlyWiki Classic 1, I started with modifying the layout of TW5. To share my knowledge, I made a few guides about these 'modifications'. The guides started as a non-linear personal web notebook (yeah, the subtitle of TiddlyWiki!). I started experimenting with layout things and used TW5 to document my experiments.
"TiddlyWiki5 Forum on Reddit" by Riz
A TiddlyWiki5 forum on Reddit.
A TiddlyWiki5 forum on Reddit. As of 2016, it claims to have the most up-to-date list of plugins available for TW5.
"TiddlyWiki5 Bourbon" by mkt_memory
An extensive collection of tips and resources for users of TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
"TiddlyWiki 舞" by Bram Chen
A translation of the documentation from Bram Chen, TiddlyWiki's Chinese translator.
"TiddlyWiki Toolmap" by David Gifford
A topical index of known plugins, tutorials, themes, and other helpful tools for TiddlyWiki.
Some of the topics indexed so far include:
- Background images and background colors
- Breadcrumbs
- Business - examples
- CSS / Styles, general
- Calendars, dates and timelines
- Checklists
- Collaboration
- Color palettes
- Colors
- Data visualizations
- Developer / advanced tools
- Diplay tiddlers horizontally
- Dropdowns
- Educational
- External files
- Fields
- Fonts
- Fun and games
- Home and lifestyle
- IFrames and embedding media
- Image galleries, modals and lightboxes
- Images, icons, emojis
- Importing and exporting between TiddlyWiki files
- Includes scaffolding within a tiddler, dragging to reorder tiddlers, choosing the number of columns
- Interfacing with, importing and exporting to and from other formats
- Knowledge bases, dictionaries and glossaries
- Layout/UI
- Lightboxes
- Links, linking
- Lists and filters
- Maps and geography
- Masonry, scaffolding
- Math
- MindMapping
- Mobile tools
- Music and sound
- Navigation
- node.js
- Note-taking
- Open the "filter" tab
- Partially hidden tiddlers
- Personal websites (examples)
- Presentations and slideshows
- Printing
- Project management
- Publishing and hosting TiddlyWikis on the web
- Searching tools
- Security and backup tools
- Social media, sharing, comments
- Spreadsheets and math
- Startup
- Sticky titles
- Story and screenplay creation
- Table of contents
- Tables, charts and graphs (cf data visualizations)
- Tabs
- Tags, tagging
- Task management and productivity - to do lists
- Themes
- Understanding TiddlyWiki
- Writing and editing
"TiddlyWiki Notes" by James Anderson
Notes and tips by a developer working on writing TiddlyWiki plugins – including TWExe, a widget for running Windows scripts and executables.
"TiddlyWiki Knowledge Network" by Dmitry Sokolov
A Knowledge Network about TiddlyWiki.
Interconnected with the visual taxonomy at every node:
TWKN will be transferred into TWederation/TiddlyMap format as soon as I am convinced in reliable and secure versioning and multi-user operation in TW format. Your assistance and support would be highly appreciated.
"TiddlyWiki guide FR" by Sylvain Naudin
A collection of tips and guides in French, introduced by this blog post:
Ce guide de prise en main de TiddlyWiki vous permettra de débuter sur ce logiciel : rédiger du texte avec la syntaxe wiki, insérer des images, créer des Tiddler, faire une recherche, ajouter des fonctionnalités, et bien d'autres choses.. Bonne lecture ! Sylvain
"TB5 - a pocket full of tips" by Tobias Beer
An enormous collection of tips beautifully curated by Tobias Beer. It is actually a collection of sites, with sub-sites dedicated to topics such as filtering (
A collection of references and sandbox for testing concepts around TiddlyWiki 5...
"savetiddlers" Extension for Chrome and Firefox by buggyj
An extension for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox that smoothes out some of the friction from TiddlyWiki's built-in HTML5 saver, making it almost as easy to use as TiddlyFox once it is set up correctly.
"MathCell" by Stephen Kimmel
Mathcell allows spreadsheet-like abilities in a completely contained TiddlyWiki.
Mathcell allows spreadsheet-like abilities in a completely contained TiddlyWiki. Additional abilities allow it work as a general math engine.
"In My Socks" by Jed Carty
An extensive collection of hints and tips from Jed Carty.
I made this so that some of my friends with absolutely no coding experience could use some of the better features of TW5 without having to learn much. I am hopefully going to continue updating it as I learn new things. There isn't really anything here that isn't available in plenty of other places, but I figured that since I spent a while putting it together and people keep saying that TW needs more documentation I would post it here.
"Hacks" by Thomas Elmiger
A collection of helpers by Thomas Elmiger, among them a tweet button macro, a text-stretch solution, a snippet extraction macro and a tiddler that installs a scroll-to-top button via drag-and-drop.
Quick Extensions for TiddlyWiki 5 – […] As I take from the community, I am happy if I can give back. You can use my stuff to do whatever you like, but remember to save a back-up first.
"Font Awesome 5 Free SVGs for TiddlyWiki" by morosanuae
The Font Awesome 5 Free SVG images collection converted to tiddlers that you can easily import (drag'n'drop) in your wiki.
"file-backups" Extension for Firefox by pmario
An extension for Mozilla Firefox that smoothes out some of the friction from TiddlyWiki's built-in HTML5 saver, making it almost as easy to use as TiddlyFox. The workflow is intended to work out of the box, without configuration. which contains links to the documentation and introduction video(s).
A chrome version is planned!
"Dropboard" by Reid Gould
A TiddlyWiki plugin for kanban-like organisation in the style of Trello™ using boards, lists, and cards.
"CouchDB Adaptor" by William Shallum
An adaptor to enable TiddlyWiki to sync changes with a CouchDB database.
CouchDB sync adaptor for TiddlyWiki 5. Requires TiddlyWiki >= 5.1.2.
Works in limited testing. Not sure how well it handles conflicts.
"BrainTest - tools for a digital brain" by Danielo Rodriguez
A collection of customisations and macros from Danielo Rodriguez.
This is my personal tiddlywiki file for testing.
Here I will post the tools and Macros that I develop for this awesome tool. That way, all the help the community gave me can came back to the community again.
"ATWiki" by Lamusia Project
A desktop application for TiddlyWiki, running on Windows.
TiddlyWiki for Windows. A unique non-linear notebook for capturing, organising and sharing complex information.
TWaddle by Matias Goldman
A collection of hints and tips, musings and proposals from long-time TiddlyWiki contributor Mat Goldman.
This is Mat's, a.k.a <:-) little man-cave in the TiddlyVerse.
Most TW development is, understandably, based on the premise that "Improve code ➔ Better TW". TWaddle is also about developing TW but from the perspective that Bigger community ⇄ Better TW. Thus, TWaddle looks more to people issues - how to attract them, how to make them stick with TW etc.
I'm not a programmer but I am a TW enthusiast so I tiddlefiddle enough to make the occasional discovery of something cool. Given the amount of words I utter, it is also a mere numbers game before I say something that makes sense. TWaddle is intended to capture these eventualities.