This page is part of a static HTML representation of the TiddlyWiki at

"A free, open source wiki revisited" by Mark Gibbs, NetworkWorld

4th February 2016 at 10:53pm

Interesting article giving the perspective of someone who has been away from TiddlyWiki for a few years:

Way back in the mists of time (actually, January 2009) I wrote about a really cool tool called TiddlyWiki, a “non-linear personal web notebook”. Fast forward to today and I just had an out of body experience: Completely by accident I found a TiddlyWiki that I started when I wrote that piece and it still works!

Finding code that works flawlessly after just two or three years is magical enough but after seven years?! And given that TiddlyWiki is written as a single page Web application and considering how different browsers are now than they were in 2009, the fact that the old version of TiddlyWiki still works is not short of miraculous.

"A Thesis Notebook" by Alberto Molina

2nd March 2013 at 8:45am

A thesis notebook based on TiddlyWiki.

This is an example of a thesis notebook powered by TiddlyWiki 5.0.8-beta.

TiddlyWiki is a great piece of software created by Jeremy Ruston. It allows you, among other things, to take notes, organise ideas, store information, and display all your stuff the way you want. It is an incredibly flexible tool you can adapt to fit almost all your needs.

This TiddlyWiki has been customized to serve as a philosophy notebook centered around authors, books and papers, concepts and theories, and personal notes. I use it along with Zotero, which is a dedicated bibliography software. Both are free, open source projects. TiddlyWiki can be downloaded at

"ATWiki" by Lamusia Project

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

A desktop application for TiddlyWiki, running on Windows.

TiddlyWiki for Windows. A unique non-linear notebook for capturing, organising and sharing complex information.

"BJTools" by buggyj

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

"BrainTest - tools for a digital brain" by Danielo Rodriguez

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

A collection of customisations and macros from Danielo Rodriguez.

This is my personal tiddlywiki file for testing.

Here I will post the tools and Macros that I develop for this awesome tool. That way, all the help the community gave me can came back to the community again.

"Cardo - Task and Project Management Wiki" by David Szego

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

Task & Delegation Tracking, Meetings & Agenda Items, Project Roles, Progress & Status Updates, Reference Items, Tickler Calendar, Conversation Logging, Book Notes & Library, and More!

Cardo is a standalone, browser-based tool that can be used as a simple task manager, or as a complex Project Management system (and indeed, I do use it this way in my daily work) as well as a fully Wiki-ized personal knowledge store. It runs completely independently in the browser, even without an Internet connection, making it possible to carry around on a USB stick, or to use on the morning commute.

"CouchDB Adaptor" by William Shallum

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

An adaptor to enable TiddlyWiki to sync changes with a CouchDB database.

CouchDB sync adaptor for TiddlyWiki 5. Requires TiddlyWiki >= 5.1.2.

Works in limited testing. Not sure how well it handles conflicts.

"Creating a baby journal with TiddlyWiki 5" from A Penguin in Redmond

20th February 2014 at 8:45am

A guide to creating a baby journal with TiddlyWiki.

Keeping a journal about your baby is fun. It allows you to keep track of those events in your baby's life and development that are most important to you, and to tell them in your own words. [...]

There are plenty of online services that can help to keep such a diary, but you need to have an internet connection to access them, and you have to trust them to keep your data safe.

"Dracula - a dark palette for TiddlyWiki" by SlyBouhafs & zenorocha

1st January 2021 at 4:36pm

A dark palette for TiddlyWiki.

Install manually

Open the Control Panel > Appereance > Palette, scroll down and clone a platte, rename it to Dracula and copy the code from the website.

Activating theme

  • Open the Control Panel > Appereance > Palette
  • Scroll down and select Dracula
  • Boom! It's working

"Drift - Collect, Organise, Grow." by Tony K

10th January 2023 at 10:00pm

A adaptation of TiddlyWiki perfect for using as a Notebook sysetem.

Drift is an adaptation of TiddlyWiki with the goal of helping you Collect. Organise. and Grow. your ideas while keeping tab on how they interconnect together and fluidly Drift from one to another.

The 2 main components of Drift are TWCrosslinks and DailyNotes so you never miss an idea

Drift was inspired by TiddlyBlink / Stroll and adapted to fit my needs.

"Dropboard" by Reid Gould

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

A TiddlyWiki plugin for kanban-like organisation in the style of Trello™ using boards, lists, and cards.

"Dynamic Tables" by Jed Carty

13th November 2021 at 1:06am

"Encrypt single tiddler plugin" by Danielo Rodriguez

13th November 2021 at 1:06am

A plugin that allows to encrypt your tiddlers individually Danielo Rodriguez.


  • You can specify a different password for each tiddler if you want.
  • You don't have to encrypt your whole wiky.
  • If you forget your password, you only lose a tiddler.
  • It's possible to edit the tiddler content , tags and fields except the encrypt field after encryption.
  • [...]

"file-backups" Extension for Firefox by pmario

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

An extension for Mozilla Firefox that smoothes out some of the friction from TiddlyWiki's built-in HTML5 saver, making it almost as easy to use as TiddlyFox. The workflow is intended to work out of the box, without configuration. which contains links to the documentation and introduction video(s).

A chrome version is planned!

"Filter Examples" by Tobias Beer

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

This wiki gives examples for various filters and their use in the list widget

This wiki gives examples for various filters and their use in the list widget. A good starting point to understand what filters yield which results also is test-filters.js.

"Font Awesome 5 Free SVGs for TiddlyWiki" by morosanuae

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

"Ghostwriter theme by Rory Gibson" adapted for TW5 by Riz

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

An adaption of the "Ghostwriter" theme for TiddlyWiki.

Ghostwriter is a popular, minimalist and mobile responsive theme for the blogging platform ghost. This is an adaptation for TiddlyWiki.

"Gospel Bubbles" by Rev. David Gifford

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

Creates bubble maps of Biblical texts.

This TiddlyWiki, which is still under construction, has several features that together make it lightning fast to find passages, types of passages, themes, people, places and images in the New Testament Gospels. The bubblemaps are color-coded overviews of each Gospel. Each type of passage (miracle story, parable, etc) was assigned a color. Bubblemaps allow you to do three things:

  1. The bubblemaps are color-coded overviews of each Gospel. Each type of passage (miracle story, parable, etc) was assigned a color. Bubblemaps allow you to do three things:
    1. See how the different types of passages are distributed throughout each Gospel.
    2. Hover over passages to see the verses and titles.
    3. Click on a passage to open it and see the themes and other data it mentions.
  2. The themes by passage indexes are lists of the passages in each Gospel, followed by the themes and other data found in the passage. Clicking on a theme calls up a list of all the passages that mention that theme.
  3. The indexes of themes contain lists of links to each theme, person, group, place and image. Clicking on a theme calls up a list of all the passages that mention that theme.
  4. There is a search window hidden in the right hand menu. Use the search window to find passages quickly, by typing things like sower or paralytic. Click the arrows in the upper right of the screen to open the menu and search.

"Grok TiddlyWiki" by Soren Bjornstad

21st October 2024 at 4:10pm

Grok TiddlyWiki by Soren Bjornstad is an interactive learning environment for TiddlyWiki. It bundles three complementary modes of learning into one TiddlyWiki:

  • It explains concepts using English text and code examples
  • It assigns exercises that help you apply and practice what you've learned
  • It presents takeaways, questions about key terms, concepts, or skills, for review as you continue through the book, to help you retain what you've learned over a longer period of time

"GSD5" by Roma Hicks

26th February 2022 at 8:52pm

"Hacks" by Thomas Elmiger

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

A collection of helpers by Thomas Elmiger, among them a tweet button macro, a text-stretch solution, a snippet extraction macro and a tiddler that installs a scroll-to-top button via drag-and-drop.

Quick Extensions for TiddlyWiki 5 – […] As I take from the community, I am happy if I can give back. You can use my stuff to do whatever you like, but remember to save a back-up first.


"" by sini-Kit

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

A guide in Russian to creating an online shop with TiddlyWiki. No serverside code is needed, instead orders are handled by Disqus.

"In My Socks" by Jed Carty

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

An extensive collection of hints and tips from Jed Carty.

I made this so that some of my friends with absolutely no coding experience could use some of the better features of TW5 without having to learn much. I am hopefully going to continue updating it as I learn new things. There isn't really anything here that isn't available in plenty of other places, but I figured that since I spent a while putting it together and people keep saying that TW needs more documentation I would post it here.

"JD Mobile Layout plugin" by JD

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

"JD's palettes" by JD

1st January 2021 at 4:45pm

Some palettes by JD.

You can install any or all of these by dragging any of the below links into your Tiddlywiki:

  • Brown One
  • C8 Dark
  • Cool Mint
  • Neonize
  • Spartan Day
  • Spartan Night

"Lucky Sushi" online shop by sini-Kit

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

"Mal's Sandbox" by Mal

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

A collection of extensions by @malgam

The "loadnew" plugin provides the JavaScript module $:/plugins/malgam/loadnew/loadnew.js that implements an incremental load command for Tiddlywiki 5.

The javascript code is based on the built-in module $:/core/modules/commands/load.js that loads tiddlers from a Tiddlywiki file into a node.js Tiddlywiki instance. This command loads all non-system tiddlers, irrespective of whether they have been modified since last loaded. As a result, all tiddlers in the node.js tiddlers folder will end up with a new modification date.

In contrast, the loadnew command only loads tiddlers that either don't already exist in the tiddlers folder, or have a newer modified date than the existing tiddler.

With a backup strategy that uses a file system snapshot process to preserve historical versions of tiddlers, the loadnew command minimises the sizes of the resulting snapshots.

"MathCell" by Stephen Kimmel

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

Mathcell allows spreadsheet-like abilities in a completely contained TiddlyWiki.

Mathcell allows spreadsheet-like abilities in a completely contained TiddlyWiki. Additional abilities allow it work as a general math engine.

"Microblogging con Tiddlywiki" by Juan

8th October 2014 at 1:43pm

A Spanish guide to using TiddlyWiki on Android.

Tiddlywiki software is prodigious based on javascript which is capable of holding a notepad that can be edited with Internet Explorer or function as a full blog, contained in a single file.

Translation by Google Translate

"Moments: A little color won't hurt" by Riz

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

An adaption of the "Moments" theme for TiddlyWiki.

Moments is a beautiful free and responsive theme available for wordpress from here: This is an adaptation of the same for TW5 platform. All the design credits goes to the site and the original designer. If TW5 is going to be here for 25 years, might as well suit up.

"Mono theme" by JD

1st January 2021 at 3:46pm

"muritest" by Simon Huber

13th November 2021 at 11:06pm

"Notebook theme" by Nicolas Petton

31st January 2024 at 2:33pm

Notebook is a clean, uncluttered theme for TiddlyWiki.

Notebook is a clean, uncluttered theme for TiddlyWiki.

  • The theme is responsive and comes with mobile support through the included notebook-mobile plugin.
  • Notebook comes with 3 default colour palettes, a grey, beige and dark one. To switch between colour palettes, click the color palette switch button in the top bar.
  • Notebook uses a custom left sidebar, with another sticky bar at the top of the page (or at the bottom on mobile).

"Noteself" by Danielo Rodríguez

13th November 2021 at 1:08am

NoteSelf is your personal, private, customisable, Evernote-like experience. You want cloud? Fine! You don't? Fine too! It's all yours, It's your decision! Why not be a bit selfish?

NoteSelf is the perfect place to store your ideas, notes, thoughts, tips, tricks, recipes... whatever you want to put into it! NoteSelf will store, index, and make it easily searchable, so you will find it instantly whenever you need it!

You already know and love Evernote, we know it. It is comfortable, it syncs, has search capabilities... Wow, it's almost perfect, but what about:

  • Privacy - Everything is stored on the Evernote's servers!
  • Customisation - If you don't like the interface of Evernote, there's nothing you can do

NoteSelf is built on top of TiddlyWiki, a powerful, free, highly customisable and open-source personal wiki. We took the best of it, it's powerful customisation system, and mixed it with one of the best embedded databases available, PouchDb, for bringing the synchronisation capabilities you need.

"Notizen mit TiddlyWiki systemübergreifend nutzen" by Michael Sonntag

10th September 2014 at 10:28am

A quick guide to using TiddlyWiki (written in German)

Those using multiple different computer platforms (if only PC and Android) knows for certain: You would like to sync notes across computers and thereby be independent of any apps or services. I am concerned at any rate so and so I am constantly looking for the perfect solution.

With TiddlyWiki I found it mostly. As the name suggests, it TiddlyWiki is a Wikisystem. In contrast to all other wikis, TiddlyWiki is a single HTML file that runs in the browser and thus can be used on all modern operating systems. And because there is only one file, it can be very easily via the well-known cloud services (Dropbox, Google Drive, ownCloud) or synchronized with FTP or used on a USB stick.

(Translation from German by Google Translate)

"PETTIL - Forth for the Commodore PET" by Charlie Hitselberger

16th July 2014 at 8:45am

A fast Forth interpreter for the Commodore PET, written in 6502 assembly language. The TiddlyWiki containing program documentation is automatically generated from the source code: see

Objectives of the project are, in no particular order:

  • make a Forth that runs on my Commodore PET 2001
  • have fun
  • improve my "6502 assembly golf" skills
  • find other people who are interested in this project

"Reveal.js" by Devin Weaver

13th November 2021 at 11:05pm

Embed Reveal.js presentations inside your TiddlyWiki.

reveal.js enables you to create beautiful interactive slide decks using HTML.

With the power of TiddlyWiki and Reveal.js one can…

  • …make an interactive tiddler with fancy animations
  • …Make it go full screen for professional keynote
  • …Distribute the slideshow with examples and additional resources in one HTML file

"savetiddlers" Extension for Chrome and Firefox by buggyj

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

"Setting Up a Personal TiddlyWiki Server on OS X" by Kris Johnson

3rd April 2015 at 10:42am

Detailed description of setting up TiddlyWiki on Node.js on OS X.

For a new job, I decided to set up a personal wiki to keep notes. I wanted to keep it simple, meeting these requirements:

  • All the data is in a Dropbox folder (so it can be automatically synced between machines)
  • It must support Markdown syntax

After looking at the options, I settled on TiddlyWiki. I've used "classic TiddlyWiki" before, and liked its simplicity, but I was always a little annoyed with the weird steps you have to go through to save changes. The new version of TiddlyWiki includes support for running it as a real HTTP server, so you can use it just like an online wiki.

But it took me a couple of hours to figure out how to set that up. The TiddlyWiki documentation is not clear ("not clear" is a euphemistic way of saying "terrible"). So, I've written up these instructions in the hope it will spare somebody else all the frustration I had.

"Shining Ark Using TiddlyWiki" by Helu

7th September 2013 at 8:45am

A gamers guide to using TiddlyWiki.

I’ve been using TiddlyWiki for this game mainly to record the monsters’ locations and the items that they drop. This is so that when I need a certain item to upgrade/create weapons, I can quickly look it up; which monsters drop it and which quests have those monsters.

As I play the game, as I encounter new information, I just input them into my Shining Ark TiddlyWiki. It’s like I’m building a wiki from scratch. The reason why I don’t just use online wikis is that 1) it’s too easy to get spoiled and 2) sometimes online wikis provide too much information (who cares about the non-gameplay related descriptions that can be found in the game, etc).

"SK Plugins" by Stephen Kimmel

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

A collection of plugins by Stephen Kimmel, including a number of additional editor toolbar buttons.

In keeping with the general spirit of the TiddlyWiki community, ie, you develop something useful and/or potentially interesting you share it with others, I'm sharing some of the plugins I've developed to go with the new Editor Toolbar. You'll find them and a more extensive discussion of what each does at

"Slides and Stories" by Jan

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

Slides and Stories is a repository of the tools to optimise TW for scientific research and for presenting and publishing results.

SlidesnStories a tool to save and reload sets of Tiddlers. This is already working, The aim is to develop a mechanism to transform these into instant slideshows.


is a tool which gives you the possibility to attach and show specific information in tabs at the bottom of each Tiddler: ideas, notes, tasks, stories and presentations, comments, annotations and footnotes.
It is inspired by MagicTabs and Tiddlyscholar by Alberto Molina Pérez, which are very elaborated tools that alas do not seem to be in active development any more. I wanted to change the behaviour in some ways. For example I wanted show tabs only if they have content.

...furthermore there is

  • an export-plugin,
  • a footnote-plugin,
  • and a plugin to rearrange Tiddlers in the StoryRiver

"Stroll - a Roam-like experience" by David Gifford

1st January 2021 at 8:14pm

A adaptation of TiddlyWiki perfect for using as a Notebook sysetem.

Stroll is a TiddlyWiki adaptation imitating certain features of Roam to help users easily see connections between their notes and navigate between them. Features include:

  • bi-directional links,
  • autocompletion when linking,
  • renaming of links upon changing tiddler titles,
  • side-by-side editing of multiple notes.

"TB5 - a pocket full of tips" by Tobias Beer

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

"Tekan: Kanban that stays with you" by Riz

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

A Kanban implementation for TiddlyWiki with a familiar look and feel (see the demo).

This is Tekan, a TW based kanban. The easiest way to know tekan is to use it. So let us begin, shall we?

"TiddlyServer" by Matt Lauber

13th November 2021 at 11:07pm

Note: This is an older version of TiddlyServer. A modern version can be referenced here.

TiddlyServer is a special purpose Desktop app, designed to facilitate managing multiple instances of TiddlyWiki running as a server. It does not require internet acess to access the wikis.

TiddlyServer can import both TiddlyWiki files and TiddlyFolder wikis. For each wiki, you specify a prefix to serve it with and the source to import from. It will copy the wikis to its own internal store and begin serving them up at http://localhost:8080/{prefix}/. The export button for each wiki will convert it to a single file wiki.

"TiddlyStudy" by Kebi

10th January 2023 at 10:04pm

A adaptation of TiddlyWiki perfect for using as a Notebook sysetem.

Tiddly Research is a free and local note-taking environment based on TiddlyWiki

Core Features:

  • Bidirectional note linking on multiple levels
  • Tags
  • Linked references
  • Unlinked references
  • Transclusions
  • Bullet point based hierarchical note taking structure
  • Integration with the spaced repetition flashcards tool Anki
  • TODOs
  • and more

"TiddlyWiki 5 im Betatest" by besim

5th January 2014 at 8:45am

Reaction to TiddlyWiki5 from the translator of the German edition of TiddlyWikiClassic.

There is little software that can still inspire me so even after years, as on the first day. This includes TiddlyWiki, the "pocket-wiki". The latter is because the Wiki completely fits into an HTML file, and this HTML file brings everything - JavaScript program logic, CSS appearance and the entire Wiki content as stored records. So a TiddlyWiki file is then sometimes happy times some megabytes in size, but just has the unbeatable advantage that it works just as fast file created locally in a variety of browsers.

(Translation from German by Google Translate)

"TiddlyWiki for Scholars" by Alberto Molina

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

An early release of an edition of TiddlyWiki customised for rigorous, academic notetaking.

TiddlyWiki for Scholars is a personal customisation of TiddlyWiki 5.0.13-beta I made for note-taking from readings, but it can be useful for other purposes. The idea behind this adaptation is to show and to allow creating relevant data related to the current tiddler without leaving the tiddler.

"TiddlyWiki guide FR" by Sylvain Naudin

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

A collection of tips and guides in French, introduced by this blog post:

Ce guide de prise en main de TiddlyWiki vous permettra de débuter sur ce logiciel : rédiger du texte avec la syntaxe wiki, insérer des images, créer des Tiddler, faire une recherche, ajouter des fonctionnalités, et bien d'autres choses.. Bonne lecture ! Sylvain

"TiddlyWiki Knowledge Network" by Dmitry Sokolov

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

A Knowledge Network about TiddlyWiki.

Interconnected with the visual taxonomy at every node:

TWKN will be transferred into TWederation/TiddlyMap format as soon as I am convinced in reliable and secure versioning and multi-user operation in TW format. Your assistance and support would be highly appreciated.

"TiddlyWiki Notes" by James Anderson

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

Notes and tips by a developer working on writing TiddlyWiki plugins – including TWExe, a widget for running Windows scripts and executables.

"TiddlyWiki Posts" by Jeffrey Kishner

5th August 2023 at 2:07pm

"TiddlyWiki Toolmap" by David Gifford

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

A topical index of known plugins, tutorials, themes, and other helpful tools for TiddlyWiki.

Some of the topics indexed so far include:

  • Background images and background colors
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Business - examples
  • CSS / Styles, general
  • Calendars, dates and timelines
  • Checklists
  • Collaboration
  • Color palettes
  • Colors
  • Data visualizations
  • Developer / advanced tools
  • Diplay tiddlers horizontally
  • Dropdowns
  • Educational
  • External files
  • Fields
  • Fonts
  • Fun and games
  • Home and lifestyle
  • IFrames and embedding media
  • Image galleries, modals and lightboxes
  • Images, icons, emojis
  • Importing and exporting between TiddlyWiki files
  • Includes scaffolding within a tiddler, dragging to reorder tiddlers, choosing the number of columns
  • Interfacing with, importing and exporting to and from other formats
  • Knowledge bases, dictionaries and glossaries
  • Layout/UI
  • Lightboxes
  • Links, linking
  • Lists and filters
  • Maps and geography
  • Masonry, scaffolding
  • Math
  • MindMapping
  • Mobile tools
  • Music and sound
  • Navigation
  • node.js
  • Note-taking
  • Open the "filter" tab
  • Partially hidden tiddlers
  • Personal websites (examples)
  • Presentations and slideshows
  • Printing
  • Project management
  • Publishing and hosting TiddlyWikis on the web
  • Searching tools
  • Security and backup tools
  • Social media, sharing, comments
  • Spreadsheets and math
  • Startup
  • Sticky titles
  • Story and screenplay creation
  • Table of contents
  • Tables, charts and graphs (cf data visualizations)
  • Tabs
  • Tags, tagging
  • Task management and productivity - to do lists
  • Themes
  • Understanding TiddlyWiki
  • Writing and editing

"TiddlyWiki 舞" by Bram Chen

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

"TiddlyWiki" by Sander de Boer

27th November 2014 at 4:32pm

Dutch blog post about TiddlyWiki

I'm allergic to websites that are highly dependent on JavaScript. I think that JavaScript has many useful applications to add functionality to a site, but content needs to be visible if JavaScript is switched off. I use the NoScript extension for Firefox and surf with pleasure over the Internet without spontaneous things happen that I do not give permission. I love JavaScript on a short leash. More crazier maybe I'm so excited about TiddlyWiki.

(Translation from Dutch by Google Translate)

"TiddlyWiki5 Bourbon" by mkt_memory

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

An extensive collection of tips and resources for users of TiddlyWiki in Japanese.



"TiddlyWiki5 Forum on Reddit" by Riz

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

A TiddlyWiki5 forum on Reddit.

A TiddlyWiki5 forum on Reddit. As of 2016, it claims to have the most up-to-date list of plugins available for TW5.

"TiddlyWiki5 Playground" by Ton Gerner

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

Huge collection of customisations and tweaks from Ton Gerner.

I am a longtime user of TiddlyWiki Classic and still use it daily since you can't do everything in TiddlyWiki 5 (yet) ;)

I started experimenting with TW5 at the end of September 2013 (alpha10). Since I missed a few things in the layout I got used to in TiddlyWiki Classic 1, I started with modifying the layout of TW5. To share my knowledge, I made a few guides about these 'modifications'. The guides started as a non-linear personal web notebook (yeah, the subtitle of TiddlyWiki!). I started experimenting with layout things and used TW5 to document my experiments.

"TiddlyWiki5^2 documenting while learning TiddlyWiki5" by Iannis Zannos

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

A wealth of hints, tips and notes about using TiddlyWiki on Node.js:

TiddlyWiki is different from other wikis because of its principle of dynamically customizeable "storyline" based on tiddlers as basic units of information. That is, the user "composes" their own version of the webpage by clicking on tiddler links, which add tiddlers to the page in order to compose a storyline.

The Node.js implementation in TiddlyWiki5 adds all the advantages of flat-file markup language based type of site. This makes TiddlyWiki an excellent alternative to flat-file based CMS/webpage/blog authoring systems for the web.

Also very cool is the treatment of tags as menus everywhere.

Also available on GitHub (download and save index.html and open it in your browser).

"TW Icons" by morosanuae

13th November 2021 at 10:59pm

"TW5 Magick" by Stephan Hradek

14th November 2021 at 8:53pm

Stephan Hradek's growing catalogue of tips, tutorials, and other resources. Stephan has also developed several plugins and macros that you can find at

Some things in TiddlyWiki seem like Magic. As my preferred nick is Skeeve, I felt that TW5 Magick is a proper name for this collection of some of the "magic" tricks one can do with TiddlyWiki.

"TW5 Tribal Knowledge" from Scott Kingery

21st March 2014 at 8:45am

Tips and guides for using TiddlyWiki.

I never used Node.js until a couple weeks ago when I wanted to try a TW5 installation on Node and expand my knowledge a bit. I figured someone else may be in the same boat so I wrote it all down

"TW5-TeXZilla" plugin by Joe Renes

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

An alternative LaTeX plugin for TiddlyWiki5. It supports a wider set of LaTeX commands than KaTeX, though not as extensive as MathJax

This plugin provides LaTeX support in TiddlyWiki5, using the TeXZilla latex parser to generate MathML.

Only Firefox and Safari support MathML at the moment, so the plugin is only useful if you're using one of these browsers. It might be possible to combine this plugin with MathJax to convert MathML to something that other browsers can understand, e.g. HTML+CSS, but I haven't tried this.

"" by Mario Pietsch

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

A collection of TiddlyWiki resources from Mario Pietsch, with a focus on cloud deployments. Mario also maintains the German translation of TiddlyWiki.

My name is Mario Pietsch from Austria. I'm living near Salzburg.

This page, will be the portal to my TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWeb related content.

"Un wiki sur votre BiblioBox avec TiddlyWiki" from A Penguin in Redmond

16th July 2014 at 8:45am

A guide (in French) to using TiddlyWiki on the BiblioBox, a variation of the PirateBox mobile communication and file sharing system.

I've known TiddlyWiki since its beginning in 2004. For personal or professional needs, I used it regularly for notepad staff in 2007 and 2012. But I admit I ignored the tool during the past two years. And then I said yesterday: but why not put TiddlyWiki on a BiblioBox? Because it is a single HTML file with javascript. In addition I knew the existence of a server version for saving online amendments.

Hand optimised from a translation by Google Translate

"Whitespace, a negative-spacious, webapp-nostalgic theme" by JD

1st January 2021 at 3:46pm

"Wikilabs" by PMario

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

A collection of references for testing concepts around TiddlyWiki 5...

This is PMario's playground with ramblings about TiddlyWiki and related stuff.

It basically is a "jump off" page to various TiddlyWiki sites, that show editions, themes and plugins.

"Wills Q&D gTD" by Matabele

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

Matabele's stylish and clean system for personal task management.

This is my work in progress version of TW5, incorporating various features and ideas as and when they intrigue me. To grab any feature you may wish to try, drag the listed tiddlers across to the dropzone of an empty TiddlyWiki 5.0.10-beta

"X3DOM for TiddlyWiki 5" by Jamal Wills

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

"デザイン刷新。次の25年を目指すTiddlyWiki" by Moongift

11th November 2013 at 8:45am

A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki

19th May 2021 at 11:06am

TiddlyWiki is an incredibly flexible and versatile tool that is conceived and constructed differently than most software. This can make it hard to understand until the moment when it clicks, and becomes a seamless extension of your brain.

Starting with the basics, TiddlyWiki is a note-taking web application you can download for free, store wherever you like and customise however you wish. Use it to capture, organise and share your notes in ways that word processors and other note-taking tools cannot.

TiddlyWiki is designed to be non-linear, structuring content with stories, tags, hyperlinks, and other features. You can organise and retrieve your notes in ways that conform to your personal thought patterns, rather than feel chained to one preset organisational structure.

You can use TiddlyWiki as a single file that you view and edit through any web browser, whether you are online or offline. Or you can use it as a powerful Node.js application that stores each of your notes as a separate file.

How can you make TiddlyWiki work for you? We recommend you start with our introductory documentation listed below, and then browse the TableOfContents, available in the Contents tab in the sidebar. Or just follow our simple instructions and try it out for yourself!

Also see:


16th September 2014 at 1:20pm

abs Operator

11th June 2019 at 5:42pm
purposecalculate the absolute value of a list of numbers
inputa selection of titles
outputthe absolute value of the input numbers

Learn more about how to use Filters

abs Operator (Examples)

11th June 2019 at 5:42pm


=-1 =-2 =3 =4 =5 +[abs[]]

Ace Editor Plugin by Joerg Plewe

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

A plugin to integrate the Ace editor into TiddlyWiki.

Being quite new to TW5 development I tried my best to draft a SyncAdaptor to store tiddlers in IndexedDb. This is quite useful if an application / plugin installation is not possible (we have quite some restrictions at work...).


12th September 2014 at 2:51pm

TiddlyWiki wouldn't be possible without the ongoing support of the TiddlyWiki Community. Their attention and feedback has made it possible to gain an understanding of what is wanted from the product, and their passion for it has taught me that it is worth the investment.

TiddlyWiki incorporates code from these fine OpenSource projects:

And media from these projects:

acos Operator

21st October 2021 at 10:28pm
purposecalculate the arccosine value (in radians) of a list of numbers
inputa selection of titles
outputthe arccosine (in radians) of the input numbers

Learn more about how to use Filters

Introduced in v5.1.21 See Mathematics Operators for an overview.

This is the inverse operation of cos: cos calculate the cosine of an angle (in radian), but acos calculate the angle (in radian) of a cosine.


acos Operator (Examples)

20th October 2021 at 2:27pm


=1 =2 =3 =4 +[acos[]]


15th November 2020 at 4:03pm


Introduced in v5.1.23The action-confirm widget is an action widget that prompts the user for confirmation and invokes other action widgets contained within it only if the user confirms. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.

Content and Attributes

The action-confirm widget is invisible. Any content within it is only processed if the user confirms the action, or the confirmation has been disabled by the $prompt attribute.

$messageOptional message displayed to the user when asking for confirmation.
$promptOptional flag, set to "no" to disable the prompt for confirmation. Defaults to "yes"


Here is an example of a button that asks the user for confirmation, before deleting the caption and tags fields of the current tiddler:

<$action-confirm $message="Do you wish to delete the caption and tags?">
<$action-deletefield caption tags/>
Delete "caption" and "tags"

That renders as:

Here is an example of a button that uses the optional $prompt attribute to control whether to prompt the user before deleting the text field of the tiddler HelloThere:

<$action-confirm $message="Do you wish to delete the text field?" $prompt={{$:/state/promptUser}}>
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" $field="text"/>
Delete text from ~HelloThere

That renders as:


2nd June 2024 at 3:32pm


The $action-createtiddler widget is an action widget that creates new tiddlers. Action widgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.

There are several differences from the tm-new-tiddler message:

  • The new tiddler is not automatically displayed in the story river
  • The title of the new tiddler is made available for subsequent operations

Content and Attributes

The action-createtiddler widget is invisible.

$basetitleThe initial title that will be attempted. If a tiddler with that title already exists, then a numerical counter is added to the title and incremented until it is unique
$savetitleDeprecated fromv5.1.20(seeActionCreateTiddlerWidget Example 5) A text reference identifying a field or index into which the title of the newly created tiddler will be stored after it is created
$savedrafttitleDeprecated fromv5.1.20(seeActionCreateTiddlerWidget Example 5) A text reference identifying a field or index into which the draft title associated with the newly created tiddler will be stored after it is created. This is useful when using a sequence of action widgets to create a new tiddler, put it into edit mode, and position it within the list of its parent tag
$timestampSpecifies whether the timestamp(s) of the target tiddler will be updated (modified and modifier, plus created and creator for newly created tiddlers). Can be "yes" (the default) or "no"
$templateIntroduced in v5.1.22 The title of a template tiddler, that will be used to create a new tiddler
$overwriteIntroduced in v5.1.22 If set to "yes", it will overwrite existing tiddlers. Be careful!
{any attributes not starting with $}Each attribute name specifies a field to be created in the new tiddler


Introduced in v5.2.0 The content of the $action-createtiddler widget is executed after the new tiddler has been created. The title of the newly created tiddler is stored in the variable createTiddler-title.

createTiddler-titleThe tittle of the tiddler that has been created. See ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Example 5
createTiddler-draftTitleThis variable only exists to have feature parity with the deprecated parameters. It contains the title of a "draft tiddler"


Create a new page control button

Use the $action-createtiddler widget to create and open a new, non-functional page control button tiddler


Caption for new button:

Default widget with no attributes

The button in this example uses the $action-createtiddler widget to create "New Tiddler", "New Tiddler 1", " New Tiddler 2" and so on


Transcluded base title

The $action-createtiddler widget in this example uses the base title defined in $:/language/DefaultNewTiddlerTitle.

It will overwrite the tiddler if the button is clicked several times.


Template and custom base title

The $action-createtiddler widget in this example uses the basetitle attribute and template: ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Template.

Clicking the button will create: "base", "base 1", "base 2" and so on


Template with override fields and custom base title

The $action-createtiddler widget in this example uses the basetitle attribute and template: ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Template.

There will be new fields "aa" and "bb" which are added to the new tiddlers.


Child action widget uses the created tiddler title

The $action-createtiddler widget in this example uses the createTiddler-title variable to navigate to the created tiddler


ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Example

2nd June 2024 at 4:04pm

Create a new page control button

Use the $action-createtiddler widget to create and open a new, non-functional page control button tiddler


Caption for new button:

ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Example 1

2nd June 2024 at 3:44pm

Default widget with no attributes

The button in this example uses the $action-createtiddler widget to create "New Tiddler", "New Tiddler 1", " New Tiddler 2" and so on


ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Example 2

2nd June 2024 at 4:01pm

Transcluded base title


ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Example 3

2nd June 2024 at 3:52pm

Template and custom base title


ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Example 4

2nd June 2024 at 3:49pm

Template with override fields and custom base title


ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Example 5

2nd June 2024 at 3:50pm

Child action widget uses the created tiddler title

The $action-createtiddler widget in this example uses the createTiddler-title variable to navigate to the created tiddler


ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Template

16th November 2021 at 7:25pm


8th June 2024 at 3:13pm


The action-deletefield widget is an action widget that deletes specified fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.

Content and Attributes

The action-deletefield widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.

$tiddlerThe title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the current tiddler)
$fieldOptional name of a field to delete
$timestampNew in v5.3.4 Specifies whether the timestamp(s) of the target tiddler will be updated (modified and modifier, plus created and creator for newly created tiddlers). Can be "yes" (the default) or "no"
{any attributes not starting with $}Each attribute name specifies a field to be deleted. The attribute value is ignored and need not be specified


Delete currentTiddler fields using plain attributes

Use the $action-deletefield widget to delete the "caption" and "tags" fields of the current tiddler

captionA caption
tagstag1 tag2 tag3

Click and watch the "caption" and "tags" field disappear.

Delete fields from a specific tiddler

Use the $action-deletefield widget to delete the "list" and "tags" fields of the tiddler HelloThere


Click HelloThere, then click and watch the "list" and "tags" fields disappear

Delete field from a specific tiddler

Use the $field attribute of the $action-deletefield widget to delete the "text" field of the tiddler HelloThere


Click HelloThere, then click and watch the contents of the "text" field disappear

Delete a variable field name

Use the $field attribute of the $action-deletefield widget to delete a variable field name

descriptionThis field will be deleted

Click and watch the "description" field disappear.

Delete field without updating timestamps

Use the $timestamp attribute of the $action-deletefield widget to prevent creation/change of "modified" and "created" fields

descriptionThis field will be deleted

Click and watch the "description" field disappear without the "modified" and "created" fields getting added


8th June 2024 at 3:22pm


The action-deletetiddler widget is an action widget that deletes tiddlers. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.

There are several differences compared to the WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler:

  • The user is not prompted to confirm the deletion
  • No automatic updating of the story list
  • No special handling of draft tiddlers

Content and Attributes

The action-deletetiddler widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.

$tiddlerOptional title of the tiddler to be deleted
$filterOptional filter identifying tiddlers to be deleted


Delete a specific tiddler

Use the $tiddler attribute of the $action-deletefield widget to delete the "HelloThere" tiddler


Delete tiddlers matching a filter

Use the $filter attribute of the $action-deletefield widget to delete all tiddlers tagged "TableOfContents"



9th May 2024 at 1:50pm


The action-listops widget is an action widget that manipulates user lists in any field or data index. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.

Content and Attributes

The action-listops widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.

$tiddlerThe title of the tiddler whose lists are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the current tiddler)
$fieldThe name of a field to be manipulated as a list (defaults to 'list')
$indexOptional index of a property in a data tiddler index to be manipulated as a list
$filterAn optional filter expression, the output of which will be saved to the field/index being manipulated
$subfilterAn optional subfilter expression, which takes the list being manipulated as input, and saves the modified list back to the field/index being manipulated
$tagsAn optional subfilter expression, which takes the tags field of the target tiddler as input, and saves the modified list of tags back to the tags field

Note on subfilter expressions

If the manipulation depends on the current contents of the list, e.g. when using the toggle operator to toggle the presence of an element, the Filter Run would be prefixed with the + / :and filter run prefix so that it properly receives the list as input.

<$action-listops $subfilter="+[toggle[List Item]]"/>

The above widget will toggle the presence of the element List Item in the field list of the current tiddler, removing or adding the element as necessary.

Similarly, if an element is to always be removed when it is present, the - / :except filter run prefix can be used. Both of the following yield the same result:

<$action-listops $subfilter="-[[ListItem]]"/>
<$action-listops $subfilter="+[remove[ListItem]]"/>

Note that the parameter of the remove Operator is a Title List. To remove one or more titles containing spaces the individual titles must be wrapped in double square brackets, usually via a soft Filter Parameter. See Filtered List Variable Assignment in the SetWidget documentation to learn more.

Without any prefixes, the filter run output is simply dominantly appended to the list.

See also the Examples.

Using $filter or $subfilter

Standalone use of the $subfilter attribute can be replaced by using a (more complicated) $filter attribute value.

For example, the items "abc" and "123" can be appended to the field myfield using the $subfilter attribute:

<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="abc 123"/>

The same can be achieved using the $filter attribute and prepending the Filter Run [enlist{!!myfield}] to the Filter Expression:

<$action-listops $field="myfield" $filter="[enlist{!!myfield}] abc 123"/>

The short form is more convenient, but the long form is useful for live-debugging complicated $subfilter values using the filter tab of $:/AdvancedSearch. By using $:/AdvancedSearch, the Filter Expression can be tested before using action-listops to modify actual tiddler fields. For this use case, the all[current] portion of the expression needs to be changed to select the proper test tiddler.

Using $tags or $subfilter

Tagging is implemented using a tiddler's 'tags' field, so appending the tags "abc" and "123" using the $tags attribute like this:

<$action-listops $tags="abc 123"/>

is mostly equivalent to using $subfilter along with "tags" for the value of $field:

<$action-listops $field="tags" $subfilter="abc 123"/>

Comparison to ActionSetFieldWidget

In general, ActionSetFieldWidget is better for setting multiple fields at once and for replacing the value of a field, which can also be a list. The ActionListopsWidget is better for modifying a list field based on the existing list and for using a Filter Expression to derive the value of the field.

The ActionSetFieldWidget sets the value of a field using $field and $value attribute pairs or attributes that do not start with a $. A single ActionSetFieldWidget can be used to set any number of fields of a single tiddler.

The ActionListopsWidget replaces or modifies a single field's value using filter expressions.

The following widgets are functionally equivalent:

<$action-setfield $field="myfield" $value="abc 123"/>
<$action-setfield myfield="abc 123"/>
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $filter="abc 123"/>

Note that abc 123 in the first two cases is a literal string that is assigned to the field myfield, but in the third case a filter expression which evaluates to the same string.

Extended Filter Operators

A number of Extended Listops Filters are necessary for the manipulation of lists. These operators have been designed primarily for use in subfilter expressions whereby the modified current list is returned in place of the current list.

Notes on de-duplication

In some cases, there may occur unexpected de-duplication of lists.

Assignments to the list field

When assigning filter results to the list field (default), the generated list is automatically de-duplicated, so

<$action-listops $filter="[[1]] :and[[1]]"/>

will result in the list field of the current tiddler containing the string 1, but not 1 1.

Input to the subfilter expression

The input to the subfilter expression in the $subfilter attribute is also de-duplicated. If you rely on lists containing duplicates, consider using this alternative using the $filter attribute:

<$action-listops $field="myfield" $filter="[enlist:raw{!!myfield}] :all[[abc]]" />
Add 'abc' to 'myfield'

<$list filter="[enlist:raw{!!myfield}]" template="$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate" />

That renders as:

The enlist Operator with raw suffix will enlist the list saved in myfield of the current tiddler without de-duplication, while e.g. the list Operator will always de-duplicate. The widget then adds the item abc – whether or not it is already included in the list – and replaces the original list in myfield.


ActionListopsWidget (Examples)

5th August 2023 at 10:36am

In this example we shall populate and then clear a list in an ordinary field (myfield) of this tiddler (the default).

<$action-listops $field="myfield" $filter="efg hlm pqr"/>
Populate 'myfield'
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="abc xyz"/>
Append More Items
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="-abc -hlm"/>
Remove Items
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $filter="[[]]"/>
Clear 'myfield'

<$list filter="[list[!!myfield]]">


That renders as:

In this example we shall append and remove items from a list in an ordinary field (myfield) of this tiddler (the default) and sort the resultant list. We shall then remove some of the appended items and sort the resulting list in reverse order.

<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="-efg ijk xyz [[this is a title]] +[sort[]]"/>
Mangle List
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="-xyz -[[this is a title]] +[!sort[]]"/>
Unmangle List

<$list filter="[list[!!myfield]]">


That renders as:

The following example toggles the tag Examples for the current tiddler.

<$action-listops $tags="+[toggle[Examples]]"/>
Toggle 'Examples' tag

That renders as:

In this example we shall append a few tags to the 'tags' field of this tiddler (the default). We shall then remove some of the appended tags.


20th November 2020 at 3:52pm


Introduced in v5.1.23 The action-log widget is an action widget that can be used to output debugging information to the JavaScript console supported by most browsers. This can be useful because otherwise it is difficult to observe what is going on within a sequence of actions.

ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.

For debugging outside of actions see LogWidget

Content and Attributes

The action-log widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.

When the actions are invoked, the names and values of all attributes are logged to the JavaScript console. In addition there are optional attributes that can be used:

Optional AttributeDescription
$$filterAll variables matching this filter will also be logged.
$$messageA message to display as the title of the information logged. Useful when several action-log widgets are used in sequence.
$$allSet to "yes" to log all variables in a collapsed table. Note that if there is nothing specified to log, all variables are always logged instead.

A handy tip if an action widget is not behaving as expected is to temporarily change it to an <$action-log> widget so that the attributes can be observed.


Here is an example of logging two variables:

<$action-log myVar=<<myVar>> otherVar=<<otherVar>>/>

To log all variables:

<$action-log />

To log two variables as well as all core variables (which start with tv-):

<$action-log myVar=<<myVar>> other={{!!status}} $$filter="[prefix[tv-]]"/>


20th February 2015 at 4:20pm


The action-navigate widget is an action widget that sends a tm-navigate message back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.

Content and Attributes

The action-navigate widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.

$toThe title of the target tiddler for the navigation (if not provided defaults to the current tiddler
$scrollOptional parameter determining whether the navigation will also cause a scroll to the target tiddler (see below)

Scroll handling

The optional $scroll attribute can be set to "yes" to force scrolling to occur to bring the target tiddler into view. If set to "no" then scrolling does not occur. If the $scroll attribute is omitted then scrolling occurs unless either:

  • the control key is pressed
  • the action was initiated with the middle mouse button (if available)

Note that if navigating to multiple tiddlers at once you should use the same $scroll setting for all of them.


Here is an example of button that navigates to two different tiddlers at once:

<$action-navigate $to="ButtonWidget"/>
<$action-navigate $to="ActionWidgets"/>
Click me!

That renders as:


31st July 2023 at 7:30pm


The action-popup widget is an action widget that triggers the display of a popup defined via a state tiddler, or clears all displayed popups. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.

Content and Attributes

The action-popup widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.

$stateThe title of the state tiddler for the popup
$coordsOptional coordinates for the handle to which popup is positioned (see Coordinate Systems for the supported formats)
$floatingIntroduced in v5.2.0 Optional. Defaults to no. Set to yes to create a popup that must be closed explicitly.

Introduced in v5.1.23 If the $coords attribute is missing or empty then all popups are cancelled.
Introduced in v5.2.4 The $coords attribute supports absolute and relative coordinates. See Coordinate Systems for more information.

Delete the state tiddler for a floating popup to close it.


Here is an example of button that triggers the "more" button in the sidebar "Tools" tab. You may need to scroll to see the popup

<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab/sidebar--595412856" $value="$:/core/ui/SideBar/Tools"/>
<$action-popup $state="$:/state/popup/more--810643385" $coords="(0,20,0,0)"/>
Click me!

That renders as:


23rd October 2021 at 4:01pm


The action-sendmessage widget is an action widget that sends a message back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.

Content and Attributes

The action-sendmessage widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.

$messageThe message to send (eg, WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler)
$paramOptional parameter string whose meaning is dependent on the message being sent
$nameOptional name of additional parameter
$valueValue for optional parameter whose name is specified in $name
$namesIntroduced in v5.2.1 Optional filter evaluating to a list of additional parameter names
$valuesIntroduced in v5.2.1 Optional filter evaluating to a list of parameter values corresponding to the parameters names specified in $names
{any attributes not starting with $}Multiple additional, optional named parameters that are attached to the message


Here is an example of button that displays both a notification and a wizard, and creates a new tiddler with tags and text:

<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleWizard"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" $param="SampleNotification"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title="This is newly created tiddler" tags="OneTag [[Another Tag]]" text=<<now "Today is DDth, MMM YYYY">>/>
Click me!

That renders as:


6th August 2015 at 5:14pm


The action-setfield widget is an action widget that assigns values to the fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.

Content and Attributes

The action-setfield widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.

$tiddlerThe title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the current tiddler)
$fieldOptional name of a field to be assigned the $value attribute
$indexOptional index of a property in a data tiddler to be assigned the $value attribute
$valueThe value to be assigned to the field or index identified by the $field or $index attribute. If neither is specified then the value is assigned to the text field. If no value is specified, $field or $index will be deleted.
$timestampSpecifies whether the timestamp(s) of the target tiddler will be updated (modified and modifier, plus created and creator for newly created tiddlers). Can be "yes" (the default) or "no"
{any attributes not starting with $}Each attribute name specifies a field to be modified with the attribute value providing the value to assign to the field


Here is an example of a pair of buttons that open the control panel directly to specified tabs. They work by using action-setfield to set the state tiddler for the control panel tabs.

<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab

<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Settings" tab

That renders as:

Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then navigates to it and opens the tiddler info panel on the "Fields" tab:

<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="NewTag [[Another New Tag]]" color="red"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/popup/tiddler-info--1779055697" text="(568,1443,33,39)"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab--1890574033" text="$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Fields"/>
<$action-navigate $to="HelloThere"/>
Modify ~HelloThere

That renders as:

Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then initiates editing it:

<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="MoreTag [[Further More Tags]]" color="green"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" $param="HelloThere"/>
Edit ~HelloThere

That renders as:

Here is an example of a button that opens the control panel directly to the "Appearance" tabs:

<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" $field="text" $value="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab

That renders as:


23rd October 2021 at 4:01pm


The action-setmultiplefields widget is an action widget that assigns multiple fields to a tiddler where the names and values of the fields are specified as separate filters. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.

Content and Attributes

The action-setmultiplefields widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.

$tiddlerOptional title of the tiddler to modify (defaults to the current tiddler)
$fieldsOptional filter evaluating to the names of a list of fields to assign. Either $fields or $indexes must be specified
$indexesOptional filter evaluating to the names of a list of indexes to assign. Either $fields or $indexes must be specified
$valuesFilter evaluating to the values to be assigned to the fields or indexes
$timestampSpecifies whether the timestamp(s) of the target tiddler will be updated (modified and modifier, plus created and creator for newly created tiddlers). Can be "yes" (the default) or "no"


Here is an example of button that uses the data in Days of the Week to assign fields day-Monday, day-Tuesday etc. to the tiddler "HelloThere":

<$action-setmultiplefields $tiddler="HelloThere" $fields="[list[Days of the Week]addprefix[day-]]" $values="[list[Days of the Week]]"/>
Click me!

That renders as:

actionTiddler Variable

12th June 2024 at 11:52am

The variable actionTiddler is used in subtly different ways by different widgets:

actionTiddlerList Variable

12th June 2024 at 11:55am

ActionWidget Execution Modes

16th November 2021 at 7:32pm

Introduced in v5.2.0 The default behaviour of action widgets has some peculiarities that often cause confusion. There is now an improved mode that simplifies how things work, but due to BackwardsCompatibility constraints, it must be explicitly engaged in order to take advantage of it.

The peculiarities relate to the way that the results of previous action widgets are available to subsequent action widgets. By default, action widgets are refreshed before each execution which ensure that they reflect the results of previous actions. However, ordinary widgets are not updated in the same way.

In the following contrived example, a button triggers a series of actions that should result in the string foo being assigned to the text field of the tiddler ActionTestTiddler. However, it fails to produce the expected result because the <$set> widget is not refreshed with the new value of ActionTestTiddler after the execution of the first <$action-setfield> widget.

\define actions()
<$action-setfield $tiddler="ActionTestTiddler" $field="text" $value="FOO"/>
<$set name="newvalue" value={{{ [{ActionTestTiddler}lowercase[]] }}}>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="ActionTestTiddler" $field="text" $value=<<newvalue>>/>

Current value of ActionTestTiddler: {{ActionTestTiddler}}

<$button actions=<<actions>>>
Click me

That renders as:

Current value of ActionTestTiddler:

The new behaviour avoids these problems by refreshing all widgets before execution, not just action widgets. It is engaged by running the actions in a scope that includes the variable tv-action-refresh-policy set to the value always. (The default value for tv-action-refresh-policy is once).

The assignment can be done within an action string, or via a local variable declaration containing the widget triggering the action.

Do not attempt to set tv-action-refresh-policy globally; the core will only work correctly with the default setting

The example above works as expected with the addition of tv-action-refresh-policy:

\define tv-action-refresh-policy() always

\define actions()
<$action-setfield $tiddler="ActionTestTiddler" $field="text" $value="FOO"/>
<$set name="newvalue" value={{{ [{ActionTestTiddler}lowercase[]] }}}>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="ActionTestTiddler" $field="text" $value=<<newvalue>>/>

Current value of ActionTestTiddler: {{ActionTestTiddler}}

<$button actions=<<actions>>>
Click me

That renders as:

Current value of ActionTestTiddler:


31st October 2021 at 5:29pm

Action widgets are a special type of widget that have no visual appearance but perform an action when triggered (such as sending a message, navigating to a tiddler, or changing the value of a tiddler). Action widgets are used in association with other widgets that trigger those actions (for example, the ButtonWidget).

The following action widgets are provided:

There are two ways to use action widgets:

  • Placing them within an action string attribute (typically called actions) on the triggering widget (this is the preferred way)
  • Embedding the actions within the triggering widget (an older technique that is now deprecated)

Using action string attributes

The action widgets are passed as a string to the actions attribute of the triggering widget. Usually, it is more convenient to use a macro to assign the action widgets to a variable. For example, here is a button that triggers two actions of sending different messages:

\define my-actions()
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-home"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-full-screen"/>

<$button actions=<<my-actions>>>
Click me!

Directly embedding action widgets

The action widgets need not be immediate children of their triggering widget, but they must be descendents of it. The actions are performed in sequence. Here is the above example rewritten to use embedding:

<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-home"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-full-screen"/>
Click me!

Action Execution Modes

Introduced in v5.2.0 The default behaviour of action widgets has some peculiarities that often cause confusion. There is now an improved mode that simplifies how things work, but due to BackwardsCompatibility constraints, it must be explicitly engaged in order to take advantage of it.

The peculiarities relate to the way that the results of previous action widgets are available to subsequent action widgets. By default, action widgets are refreshed before each execution which ensure that they reflect the results of previous actions. However, ordinary widgets are not updated in the same way.

In the following contrived example, a button triggers a series of actions that should result in the string foo being assigned to the text field of the tiddler ActionTestTiddler. However, it fails to produce the expected result because the <$set> widget is not refreshed with the new value of ActionTestTiddler after the execution of the first <$action-setfield> widget.

\define actions()
<$action-setfield $tiddler="ActionTestTiddler" $field="text" $value="FOO"/>
<$set name="newvalue" value={{{ [{ActionTestTiddler}lowercase[]] }}}>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="ActionTestTiddler" $field="text" $value=<<newvalue>>/>

Current value of ActionTestTiddler: {{ActionTestTiddler}}

<$button actions=<<actions>>>
Click me

That renders as:

Current value of ActionTestTiddler:

The new behaviour avoids these problems by refreshing all widgets before execution, not just action widgets. It is engaged by running the actions in a scope that includes the variable tv-action-refresh-policy set to the value always. (The default value for tv-action-refresh-policy is once).

The assignment can be done within an action string, or via a local variable declaration containing the widget triggering the action.

Do not attempt to set tv-action-refresh-policy globally; the core will only work correctly with the default setting

The example above works as expected with the addition of tv-action-refresh-policy:

\define tv-action-refresh-policy() always

\define actions()
<$action-setfield $tiddler="ActionTestTiddler" $field="text" $value="FOO"/>
<$set name="newvalue" value={{{ [{ActionTestTiddler}lowercase[]] }}}>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="ActionTestTiddler" $field="text" $value=<<newvalue>>/>

Current value of ActionTestTiddler: {{ActionTestTiddler}}

<$button actions=<<actions>>>
Click me

That renders as:

Current value of ActionTestTiddler:

add Operator

21st March 2023 at 1:06pm
purposetreating each input title as a number, add to each the numeric value of the parameter
inputa selection of titles
parameterN=a number
outputthe input as numbers, but with N added to each one

Learn more about how to use Filters

add Operator (Examples)

11th June 2019 at 12:55pm


=1 =2 =3 =4 +[add[4]]

Adding a table of contents to the sidebar

6th November 2018 at 10:41pm

The standard mechanisms in TiddlyWiki for creating Table-of-Contents are macros known collectively as "toc" macros (click on link to learn more about macros). They use Tagging as their means of creating relationships, so be sure to review the Tagging topic tiddler if tagging is a new concept for you.

A customisable table of contents can be added to the sidebar with the following steps:

  1. Create a tiddler called TableOfContents
  2. Give it the tag $:/tags/SideBar
  3. Set the text to
    <div class="tc-table-of-contents">
    <<toc-selective-expandable 'TableOfContents'>>
  4. Add a caption field with the text Contents
  5. Add a list-after field with the text $:/core/ui/SideBar/Open

Add entries to the table of contents by creating tiddlers tagged TableOfContents. An easy way is to choose new here from the tiddler toolbar of the TableOfContents tiddler. (if you don't see the "new here" button, click on the down arrow to see more menu options.)

To create child tiddlers (tiddlers that come below other tiddlers), tag them with the name of the parent tiddler.

Adding a Twitter Follow button

19th September 2014 at 4:15pm

Here's a macro that provides a Twitter Follow button for a particular username:

\define twitterFollowButton(username)
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="//$username$" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>

The only change from the version published at is that new lines have been removed.

Note that the src URL is given without a protocol (ie "http" or "https"). It's done this way so that it works on sites whether they are hosted on a HTTP or HTTPS domain. If you want the Twitter button to work while using a TiddlyWiki offline on a "file://" URL, then you'll need to manually add the protocol. For example:

<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>

addprefix Operator

3rd February 2015 at 6:18pm
purposeextend each input title with a prefix
inputa selection of titles
parameterS=a string of characters
outputthe input, but with S added to the start of each title

Learn more about how to use Filters

addprefix Operator (Examples)

18th January 2015 at 6:31pm

Cat Garden [[Favourite Armchair]] +[addprefix[My ]]

addsuffix Operator

3rd February 2015 at 6:32pm
purposeextend each input title with a suffix
inputa selection of titles
parameterS=a string of characters
outputthe input, but with S added to the end of each title

Learn more about how to use Filters

addsuffix Operator (Examples)

18th January 2015 at 6:31pm

[[London]addsuffix[ Underground]]

Adopt a Titles Policy

12th September 2014 at 3:01pm

As the structures within your TiddlyWiki documents get more complex it can be hard to keep the titles of tiddlers consistent. For example, should terms be defined in the plural or the singular? Camel case or separate words?

Recording a formal titling policy can help to reduce confusion. For example, the titling policies for this wiki are recorded in the Documentation Style Guide.

SystemTiddler Titles

A useful convention is to use the prefix $:/_ for any system tiddlers that you create to ensure that they are near the top of the system tiddler listing in the sidebar

after Operator

3rd February 2015 at 6:32pm
purposefind which input title follows a specified one
inputa selection of titles
parameterT=one of those titles
outputthe title that immediately follows T in the input

Learn more about how to use Filters

If T is not present in the input, or is the last title there, then the output is empty.


after Operator (Examples)

18th January 2015 at 6:31pm

These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler. The Thursday tiddler shows a further example.

[list[Days of the Week]after[Monday]]

[list[Days of the Week]after[Sunday]]


6th June 2016 at 12:59pm

Alerts are displayed as yellow boxes overlaying the main TiddlyWiki window. Each one corresponds to a tiddler with the tag $:/tags/Alert. Clicking the delete icon on an alert deletes the corresponding tiddler.

Here's a demo .

Alert tiddlers should have the following fields:

titleBy default, alert titles have the prefix $:/temp/alerts/
textThe text of the alert message
modifiedDate of the alert (used for ordering the alerts on screen)
componentComponent name associated with the alert
tagsMust include $:/tags/Alert

Alice in Wonderland

All Filter Run Prefix

11th July 2023 at 8:46am
purposeunion of sets without de-duplication
inputall titles from previous filter runs
outputoutput titles are appended to the output of previous filter runs without de-duplication.
Introduced in v5.1.23

This prefix has an optional shortcut syntax symbol =run

all Operator

21st March 2023 at 1:14pm
purposefind all titles of a fundamental category
inputignored, unless the parameter is empty
parameterzero or more categories
outputthe titles that belong to all the specified categories

Learn more about how to use Filters

The parameter specifies zero or more fundamental categories using the following filter step syntax:

currentjust the current tiddler
missingall non-existent tiddlers to which there is at least one hard linkno
orphansall tiddlers to which there are no hard linksby title
shadowsall the shadow tiddlers that exist, including any that have been overridden with non-shadow tiddlersno
tagsall the tags in use on non-shadow tiddlersno
tiddlersall the non-shadow tiddlers that existno

If the parameter specifies more than one category, they are processed from left to right. The overall output is initially empty, and each category's output is dominantly appended to it in turn. Unrecognised categories contribute nothing to the output.

As a special case, if the parameter is empty, the output is simply a copy of the input. This can be useful when the parameter is a soft parameter.

The is operator is similar, but its scope is restricted to its input.


all Operator (Examples)

18th January 2015 at 6:31pm






[all[current]tag[Operator Examples]]


Monday Thursday +[all[]]

allafter Operator

8th November 2015 at 5:15am
purposediscard all items except those after the marker
inputa list of items
suffixspecifying a suffix ('include') will include the marker in the output
parametermarker=the list item to be used as a marker
outputall items after the marker

Learn more about how to use Filters

allafter Operator (Examples)

8th November 2015 at 8:05am

These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

[list[Days of the Week]] +[allafter[Wednesday]]

[list[Days of the Week]] +[allafter:include[Wednesday]]

allbefore Operator

8th November 2015 at 5:15am
purposediscard all items except those before the marker
inputa list of items
suffixspecifying a suffix ('include') will include the marker in the output
parametermarker=the list item to be used as a marker
outputall items before the marker

Learn more about how to use Filters

allbefore Operator (Examples)

8th November 2015 at 5:14am

These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

[list[Days of the Week]allbefore[Wednesday]]

[list[Days of the Week]allbefore:include[Wednesday]]

A B C D E +[allbefore:include[C]count[]]


25th February 2014 at 9:19pm

Current tiddlers:

"A free, open source wiki revisited" by Mark Gibbs, NetworkWorld
"A Thesis Notebook" by Alberto Molina
"ATWiki" by Lamusia Project
"BJTools" by buggyj
"BrainTest - tools for a digital brain" by Danielo Rodriguez
"Cardo - Task and Project Management Wiki" by David Szego
"CouchDB Adaptor" by William Shallum
"Creating a baby journal with TiddlyWiki 5" from A Penguin in Redmond
"Dracula - a dark palette for TiddlyWiki" by SlyBouhafs & zenorocha
"Drift - Collect, Organise, Grow." by Tony K
"Dropboard" by Reid Gould
"Dynamic Tables" by Jed Carty
"Encrypt single tiddler plugin" by Danielo Rodriguez
"file-backups" Extension for Firefox by pmario
"Filter Examples" by Tobias Beer
"Font Awesome 5 Free SVGs for TiddlyWiki" by morosanuae
"Ghostwriter theme by Rory Gibson" adapted for TW5 by Riz
"Gospel Bubbles" by Rev. David Gifford
"Grok TiddlyWiki" by Soren Bjornstad
"GSD5" by Roma Hicks
"Hacks" by Thomas Elmiger
"" by sini-Kit
"In My Socks" by Jed Carty
"JD Mobile Layout plugin" by JD
"JD's palettes" by JD
"Lucky Sushi" online shop by sini-Kit
"Mal's Sandbox" by Mal
"MathCell" by Stephen Kimmel
"Microblogging con Tiddlywiki" by Juan
"Moments: A little color won't hurt" by Riz
"Mono theme" by JD
"muritest" by Simon Huber
"Notebook theme" by Nicolas Petton
"Noteself" by Danielo Rodríguez
"Notizen mit TiddlyWiki systemübergreifend nutzen" by Michael Sonntag
"PETTIL - Forth for the Commodore PET" by Charlie Hitselberger
"Reveal.js" by Devin Weaver
"savetiddlers" Extension for Chrome and Firefox by buggyj
"Setting Up a Personal TiddlyWiki Server on OS X" by Kris Johnson
"Shining Ark Using TiddlyWiki" by Helu
"SK Plugins" by Stephen Kimmel
"Slides and Stories" by Jan
"Stroll - a Roam-like experience" by David Gifford
"TB5 - a pocket full of tips" by Tobias Beer
"Tekan: Kanban that stays with you" by Riz
"TiddlyServer" by Matt Lauber
"TiddlyStudy" by Kebi
"TiddlyWiki 5 im Betatest" by besim
"TiddlyWiki for Scholars" by Alberto Molina
"TiddlyWiki guide FR" by Sylvain Naudin
"TiddlyWiki Knowledge Network" by Dmitry Sokolov
"TiddlyWiki Notes" by James Anderson
"TiddlyWiki Posts" by Jeffrey Kishner
"TiddlyWiki Toolmap" by David Gifford
"TiddlyWiki 舞" by Bram Chen
"TiddlyWiki" by Sander de Boer
"TiddlyWiki5 Bourbon" by mkt_memory
"TiddlyWiki5 Forum on Reddit" by Riz
"TiddlyWiki5 Playground" by Ton Gerner
"TiddlyWiki5^2 documenting while learning TiddlyWiki5" by Iannis Zannos
"TW Icons" by morosanuae
"TW5 Magick" by Stephan Hradek
"TW5 Tribal Knowledge" from Scott Kingery
"TW5-TeXZilla" plugin by Joe Renes
"" by Mario Pietsch
"Un wiki sur votre BiblioBox avec TiddlyWiki" from A Penguin in Redmond
"Whitespace, a negative-spacious, webapp-nostalgic theme" by JD
"Wikilabs" by PMario
"Wills Q&D gTD" by Matabele
"X3DOM for TiddlyWiki 5" by Jamal Wills
"デザイン刷新。次の25年を目指すTiddlyWiki" by Moongift
A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki
abs Operator
abs Operator (Examples)
Ace Editor Plugin by Joerg Plewe
acos Operator
acos Operator (Examples)
ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Example
ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Example 1
ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Example 2
ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Example 3
ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Example 4
ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Example 5
ActionCreateTiddlerWidget Template
ActionListopsWidget (Examples)
actionTiddler Variable
actionTiddlerList Variable
ActionWidget Execution Modes
add Operator
add Operator (Examples)
Adding a table of contents to the sidebar
Adding a Twitter Follow button
addprefix Operator
addprefix Operator (Examples)
addsuffix Operator
addsuffix Operator (Examples)
Adopt a Titles Policy
after Operator
after Operator (Examples)
Alice in Wonderland
All Filter Run Prefix
all Operator
all Operator (Examples)
allafter Operator
allafter Operator (Examples)
allbefore Operator
allbefore Operator (Examples)
Alternative page layouts
Amazon Web Services Plugin
Anchor Links using HTML
And Filter Run Prefix
append Operator
append Operator (Examples)
applypatches Operator
asin Operator
asin Operator (Examples)
atan Operator
atan Operator (Examples)
atan2 Operator
atan2 Operator (Examples)
Attribute Selectors
average Operator
average Operator (Examples)
backlinks Operator
backlinks Operator (Examples)
backtranscludes Operator
backtranscludes Operator (Examples)
Bags and Recipes
before Operator
before Operator (Examples)
Behaviour of invoked variables depends on how the variable was declared
Behaviour of variables invoked via filter expression function call
Behaviour of variables invoked via filter operator parameter
Behaviour of variables invoked via normal wikitext
Behaviour of variables invoked via widget attributes
bf Operator
Block Mode WikiText
Block Mode WikiText (Examples)
Block Quotes in WikiText
Blog Edition
Blurry Lawn.jpg
BrowserStorage Plugin
Building TiddlyWikiClassic
butfirst Operator
butlast Operator
butlast Operator (Examples)
Caruso - Ave Maria
Cascade Filter Run Prefix
Cascade Filter Run Prefix (Examples)
Cascading Style Sheets
ceil Operator
ceil Operator (Examples)
changecount Macro
changecount Macro (Examples)
Changes to filters in 5.0.9-beta
charcode Operator
charcode Operator (Examples)
CheckboxWidget (field Mode)
CheckboxWidget (filter Mode)
CheckboxWidget (indeterminate)
CheckboxWidget (index Mode)
CheckboxWidget (listField Mode)
CheckboxWidget (listIndex Mode)
CheckboxWidget (tag Mode)
Chick Peas
Chinese (Simplified) Edition
Chinese (Traditional) Edition
Code Blocks in WikiText
Code styles and auto format settings for IDEs
CodeMirror Plugin
colour Macro
colour Macro (Examples)
colour-picker Macro
colour-picker Macro (Example 1)
colour-picker Macro (Examples)
Comma-Separated Values
commands Operator
commands Operator (Examples)
Community Editions
Community Links Aggregator
Community Palettes
Community Plugins
Community Themes
compare Operator
compare Operator (Examples)
Compose ballad
Concatenating text and variables using macro substitution
Conditional Operators
Conditional Shortcut Syntax
Configuring startup tiddlers
Configuring the default TiddlerInfo tab
Consent Banner Plugin
Constructing JSON tiddlers
contains Operator
contains Operator (Examples)
contrastcolour Macro
Contributor License Agreement
Coordinate Systems
copy-to-clipboard Macro
copy-to-clipboard Macro (Examples)
Copying tiddlers between TiddlyWiki files
Core Classes
Core Functions
Core Icons
Core Macros
Core Messages
Core Procedures
Core Variables
Core Widgets
cos Operator
cos Operator (Examples)
count Operator
count Operator (Examples)
Creating a custom export format
Creating a splash screen
Creating and editing tiddlers
Creating journal tiddlers
Creating new toolbar buttons
Creating SubStories
csvtiddlers Macro
Current Tiddler
currentTab Variable
currentTiddler Variable
currentTiddler Variable (Examples)
Custom data-styles
Custom styles by data-tags
Custom styles by data-tiddler-title
Custom styles by user-class
Custom Styles FAQ
Custom tag pill styles
Custom Widgets
Customise TiddlyWiki
Customising search results
Customising Tiddler File Naming
Customising TiddlyWiki's user interface
Customizing EditTemplate field rendering
cycle Operator
cycle Operator (Examples)
D3 Plugin
Dashes in WikiText
Data URI
datauri Macro
datauri Macro (Examples)
Date Fields
datepicker plugin based on Pikaday, by kixam
Days of the Week
days Operator
days Operator (Examples)
Debugging Stylesheets
decodebase64 Operator
decodebase64 Operator (Examples)
decodehtml Operator
decodehtml Operator (Examples)
decodeuri Operator
decodeuri Operator (Examples)
decodeuricomponent Operator
decodeuricomponent Operator (Examples)
Definitions in WikiText
Demo Tiddler List with Custom Story Tiddler Template
Demonstration: keyboard-driven-input Macro
Deprecated - What does it mean
deserialize Operator
deserialize Operator (Examples)
deserializers Operator
deserializers Operator (Examples)
Deutsch (Deutschland) Edition
Deutsch (Österreich) Edition
Disabling Plugins
Discover TiddlyWiki
Disqus comments plugin by bimlas
divide Operator
divide Operator (Examples)
Document Object Model
Documentation Macros
Documentation Style Guide
Dominant Append
Drag and Drop
dumpvariables Macro
dumpvariables Macro (Examples)
duplicateslugs Operator
Dynaview Plugin
each Operator
each Operator (Examples)
eachday Operator
eachday Operator (Examples)
Edición en Castellano
Edit Template Body Cascade
Editing Tiddlers with Emacs
Editing Tiddlers with Vim
Édition en Français (France)
editiondescription Operator
editions Operator
Editor toolbar
Else Filter Run Prefix
else Operator
else Operator (Examples)
Emergency Tiddler Export
Empty Edition
encodebase64 Operator
encodebase64 Operator (Examples)
encodehtml Operator
encodehtml Operator (Examples)
encodeuri Operator
encodeuri Operator (Examples)
encodeuricomponent Operator
encodeuricomponent Operator (Examples)
enlist Operator
enlist Operator (Examples)
enlist-input Operator
enlist-input Operator (Examples)
Environment Variables on Node.js
escapecss Operator
escapecss Operator (Examples)
escaperegexp Operator
escaperegexp Operator (Examples)
Eucaly's Tiddly World
Example config-tiddlyweb-host for IIS
Example for tag Macro
Example package.json for IIS
Example Table of Contents: Expandable
Example Table of Contents: Selectively Expandable
Example Table of Contents: Selectively Expandable (custom icons)
Example Table of Contents: Simple
Example Table of Contents: Sorted Expandable
Example Table of Contents: Tabbed External
Example Table of Contents: Tabbed Internal
Example for IIS
Example web.config for IIS
Except Filter Run Prefix
exponential Operator
exponential Operator (Examples)
Extended Listops Filters
External Attachments Plugin
Favicon template.svg
Favorites by Mohammad
Field Editor Cascade
field Operator
field Operator (Examples)
FieldMangler Widget (Examples)
fields Operator
fields Operator (Examples)
Filter Expression
Filter Filter Run Prefix
Filter Filter Run Prefix (Examples)
filter Operator
filter Operator (Examples)
Filter Operators
Filter Parameter
Filter Run
Filter Run Prefix
Filter Run Prefix (Examples)
Filter Step
Filter Syntax
Filter Whitespace
Filtered Attribute Values
Find Out More
first Operator
first Operator (Examples)
fixed Operator
fixed Operator (Examples)
floor Operator
floor Operator (Examples)
format Operator
format Operator (Examples)
Formatting in WikiText
Formatting List Results as Tables (no CSS)
Formatting List Results as Tables with CSS - Specified Columns Methods
Formatting List Results as Tables with CSS - Variable Column Method
Formatting text in TiddlyWiki
Free Spaced Repetition Scheduler for TiddlyWiki by oflg
Full Edition
Full Text Search Plugin by Rob Hoelz
function Operator
function Operator (Examples)
Funding TiddlyWiki
Future Proof
Generating Static Sites with TiddlyWiki
get Operator
get Operator (Examples)
Get the Ring
getindex Operator
getindex Operator (Examples)
Getting Started Video
GettingStarted - Android
GettingStarted - Chrome
GettingStarted - Firefox
GettingStarted - Internet Explorer
GettingStarted - iOS
GettingStarted - Node.js
GettingStarted - Online
GettingStarted - Safari
getvariable Operator
getvariable Operator (Examples)
GitHub Saver Tutorial by Mohammad
Go to Mordor
Grok TiddlyWiki Banner
Hard and Soft Links
Hard and Soft Transclusions
Hard Linebreaks in WikiText
Hard Linebreaks with CSS
Hard Linebreaks with CSS - Example
has Operator
has Operator (Examples)
haschanged Operator
Headings in WikiText
Height of text editor
HelloThumbnail - Funding
HelloThumbnail - Grok TiddlyWiki
HelloThumbnail - Intertwingled Innovations
HelloThumbnail - Introduction Video
HelloThumbnail - Latest Version
HelloThumbnail - Marketplace
HelloThumbnail - MultiWikiServer
HelloThumbnail - Newsletter
HelloThumbnail - TiddlyWiki Privacy
HelloThumbnail - TiddlyWikiLinks
HelloThumbnail - Twenty Years of TiddlyWiki
Hidden Setting: Content to be displayed for empty story
Hidden Setting: Default Tiddler Colour
Hidden Setting: Default Tiddler Icon
Hidden Setting: Disable Drag and Drop
Hidden Setting: Disable Lazy Loading
Hidden Setting: Enable File Import in Editor
Hidden Setting: Filename for Save Wiki Button
Hidden Setting: HTML Parser Sandbox
Hidden Setting: Import Content Types for Editor
Hidden Setting: More Tabs Horizontal
Hidden Setting: Navigate on Enter
Hidden Setting: New-Image Type
Hidden Setting: Retain Story ordering
Hidden Setting: Scroll Top Adjustment
Hidden Setting: Search AutoFocus
Hidden Setting: Search Minimum Length
Hidden Setting: Show Edit Preview per Tiddler
Hidden Setting: Sync Logging
Hidden Setting: Sync Polling Interval
Hidden Setting: Sync System Tiddlers From Server
Hidden Setting: Tab Index for Edit-Inputs
Hidden Setting: Tag Pill Drag Filter
Hidden Setting: Tags Minimum Length
Hidden Setting: Template for Save Wiki Button
Hidden Setting: Typing Refresh Delay
Hidden Setting: ViewTemplate and EditTemplate
Hidden Settings
Highlight Plugin
History of TiddlyWiki
Horizontal Rules in WikiText
How to add a banner for GitHub contributions
How to add a new tab to the sidebar
How to apply custom styles
How to apply custom styles by tag
How to build a TiddlyWiki5 from individual tiddlers
How to change the sort order of sub-branches in a TOC macro
How to create a custom story tiddler template
How to create a custom tiddler colour rule
How to create a custom tiddler icon rule
How to create dynamic editor toolbar buttons
How to create keyboard shortcuts
How to Customize TiddlyDesktop
How to embed PDF and other documents
How to export tiddlers
How to hide the author's and other fields with CSS
How to put the last modification date in a banner
How to remove stop words
How to turn off camel case linking
How to update TiddlyWiki to the latest version
How to widen tiddlers (aka storyriver)
HTML Block Elements
HTML Entities
HTML in WikiText
HTML Links in WikiText
HyperText Markup Language
Icon Gallery
image-picker Macro
image-picker Macro (Example 1)
image-picker Macro (Example 2)
image-picker Macro (Examples)
ImageGallery Example
Images in WikiText
Importing Tiddlers
Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation
IndexedDB Plugin by Andreas Abeck
indexes Operator
indexes Operator (Examples)
Inline Mode WikiText
Innerwiki Plugin
Insert link
Insert picture
insertafter Operator
insertafter Operator (Examples)
insertbefore Operator
insertbefore Operator (Examples)
Installing a plugin from the plugin library
Installing custom plugins on Node.js
Installing official plugins on Node.js
Installing TiddlyWiki on Microsoft Internet Information Server
Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js
Installing TiddlyWiki Prerelease on Node.js
Instruction Tiddlers
Interactive Git Documentation by Devin Weaver
Interchangeable Filter Run Prefixes
Intersection Filter Run Prefix
Intersection Filter Run Prefix (Examples)
Intertwingled Innovations
Intertwingled Innovations.png
Introducing TiddlyDesktop Video
Introduction to filter notation
Introduction to Lists
Introduction Video
Introduction Video Thumbnail.jpg
is Operator
is Operator (Examples)
Japanese (Japan) Edition
JavaScript Object Notation
join Operator
join Operator (Examples)
JSON in TiddlyWiki
Json Mangler plugin by Joshua Fontany
jsonextract Operator
jsonget Operator
jsonindexes Operator
jsonset Operator
jsonset Operator (Examples)
jsonstringify Operator
jsonstringify Operator (Examples)
jsontiddler Macro
jsontiddlers Macro
jsontype Operator
JSZip Plugin
KaTeX Plugin
Keyboard Codes
Keyboard Shortcut Descriptor
Keyboard Shortcut Tiddler
keyboard-driven-input Macro
Kill the Dragon
Kin filter operator by bimlas
Kookma Plugin Library by Mohammad
Korean (Korea Republic) Edition
Language Icon: ca-ES
Language Icon: cs-CZ
Language Icon: da-DK
Language Icon: de-AT
Language Icon: de-DE
Language Icon: el-GR
Language Icon: en-US
Language Icon: es-ES
Language Icon: fr-FR
Language Icon: hi-IN
Language Icon: ia-IA
Language Icon: it-IT
Language Icon: ja-JP
Language Icon: ko-KR
Language Icon: nl-NL
Language Icon: pa-IN
Language Icon: pt-PT
Language Icon: ru-RU
Language Icon: sk-SK
Language Icon: sv-SE
Language Icon: zh-Hans
Language Icon: zh-Hant
LanguageGallery Example
last Operator
last Operator (Examples)
Leaflet maps plugin by Sylvain Comte
length Operator
length Operator (Examples)
levenshtein Operator
levenshtein Operator (Examples)
limit Operator
limit Operator (Examples)
lingo Macro
lingo Macro (Examples)
Linking in WikiText
links Operator
links Operator (Examples)
list Operator
list Operator (Examples)
list-links Macro
list-links Macro (Examples)
list-links-draggable Macro
list-links-draggable Macro (Examples)
list-tagged-draggable Macro
list-tagged-draggable Macro (Examples)
list-thumbnails Macro
list-thumbnails Macro (Examples)
listed Operator
listed Operator (Examples)
Lists in WikiText
Literal Attribute Values
Locator plugin by bimlas
log Operator
log Operator (Examples)
lookup Operator
lookup Operator (Examples)
lowercase Operator
lowercase Operator (Examples)
Macro Call Syntax
Macro Calls
Macro Calls in WikiText
Macro Calls in WikiText (Examples)
Macro Definition Syntax
Macro Definitions
Macro Definitions in WikiText
Macro Parameter Handling
Macro Pitfalls
Macro Syntax
Macros in WikiText
Make the beds
makedatauri Macro
makedatauri Macro (Examples)
makepatches and applypatches Operator (Examples)
makepatches Operator
Making a custom journal button
Making curved text with SVG
Manually installing a plugin
Map Filter Run Prefix
Map Filter Run Prefix (Examples)
Markdown Plugin
match Operator
match Operator (Examples)
Mathematics Operators
MathJax Plugin by Martin Kantor
max Operator
max Operator (Examples)
maxall Operator
maxall Operator (Examples)
median Operator
median Operator (Examples)
min Operator
min Operator (Examples)
minall Operator
minall Operator (Examples)
minlength Operator
minlength Operator (Examples)
Mobile Drag And Drop Shim Plugin
modifier Variable
Modifying JSON tiddlers
moduleproperty Operator
moduleproperty Operator (Examples)
modules Operator
modules Operator (Examples)
moduletypes Operator
moduletypes Operator (Examples)
More actions
Motovun Jack.ascii
Motovun Jack.jpg
Motovun Jack.pdf
Motovun Jack.svg
move Operator
move Operator (Examples)
multiply Operator
multiply Operator (Examples)
MWS Banner.png
Named Filter Run Prefix
namespace Variable
Naming of System Tiddlers
Navigating between open tiddlers
negate Operator
negate Operator (Examples)
New Release Banner
Newnham Horizon.jpg
next Operator
next Operator (Examples)
Notes for upgrading to 5.0.11-beta
Notes for upgrading to 5.0.8-beta
now Macro
now Macro (Examples)
nsort Operator
nsort Operator (Examples)
nsortcs Operator
nsortcs Operator (Examples)
nth Operator
nth Operator (Examples)
Open Collective
Open Collective Logo
Operators without parameters
Or Filter Run Prefix
Order of Tagged Tiddlers
order Operator
Other Resources
pad Operator
pad Operator (Examples)
Paragraphs in WikiText
ParametersWidget (Examples)
Percent Encoding
Performance Instrumentation
PESpot Lesson Planner by Patrick Detzner
Philosophy of Tiddlers
Places where the parser ignores WikiText
Plugin Dependencies
Plugin Editions
Plugin Fields
Plugin Information Tiddlers
Plugin Ordering
Plugin Stability
Plugin Types
Plugins by TheDiveO
plugintiddlers Operator
plugintiddlers Operator (Examples)
power Operator
power Operator (Examples)
Pragma: \define
Pragma: \function
Pragma: \import
Pragma: \parameters
Pragma: \parsermode
Pragma: \procedure
Pragma: \rules
Pragma: \whitespace
Pragma: \widget
precision Operator
precision Operator (Examples)
prefix Operator
prefix Operator (Examples)
prepend Operator
prepend Operator (Examples)
Preserving open tiddlers at startup
previous Operator
previous Operator (Examples)
Procedure Call Syntax
Procedure Calls
Procedure Definition Syntax
Procedure Definitions
Procedure Parameter Handling
Procedure Syntax
Product Hunt Link
product Operator
product Operator (Examples)
Projectify by Nicolas Petton
putafter Operator
putafter Operator (Examples)
putbefore Operator
putbefore Operator (Examples)
putfirst Operator
putfirst Operator (Examples)
putlast Operator
putlast Operator (Examples)
Q: How can I style a tiddler if it has "this" AND "that" tag?
Q: How can I style a tiddler if it has "this" OR "that" tag?
Q: How can I use a custom field to style a tiddler?
Q: Is there a way to create dynamic stylesheets?
Q: What if a tiddler has no tags?
qualify Macro
qualify Macro (Examples)
Quick Start
Quick Start: Desktop
Quick Start: DIY
Quick Start: Tiddlyhost
Quick Start: Xememex
RadioWidget Example
RadioWidget ExampleTemplate
Railroad Diagrams
Railroad Plugin
range Operator
RangeWidget Example
rboue's plugins for TiddlyWiki
Reading data from JSON tiddlers
Reddit Logo
Reduce Filter Run Prefix
Reduce Filter Run Prefix (Examples)
reduce Operator
reduce Operator (Examples)
Reference Tiddlers
Refnotes by Mohammad
RegExp in Tiddlywiki by Mohammad
regexp Operator
regexp Operator (Examples)
Release 5.0.0-alpha.11
Release 5.0.0-alpha.12
Release 5.0.0-alpha.13
Release 5.0.0-alpha.14
Release 5.0.0-alpha.15
Release 5.0.0-alpha.16
Release 5.0.0-alpha.17
Release 5.0.1-alpha
Release 5.0.10-beta
Release 5.0.11-beta
Release 5.0.12-beta
Release 5.0.13-beta
Release 5.0.14-beta
Release 5.0.15-beta
Release 5.0.16-beta
Release 5.0.17-beta
Release 5.0.18-beta
Release 5.0.2-beta
Release 5.0.3-beta
Release 5.0.4-beta
Release 5.0.5-beta
Release 5.0.6-beta
Release 5.0.7-beta
Release 5.0.8-beta
Release 5.0.9-beta
Release 5.1.0
Release 5.1.1
Release 5.1.10
Release 5.1.11
Release 5.1.12
Release 5.1.13
Release 5.1.14
Release 5.1.15
Release 5.1.16
Release 5.1.17
Release 5.1.18
Release 5.1.19
Release 5.1.2
Release 5.1.20
Release 5.1.21
Release 5.1.22
Release 5.1.23
Release 5.1.3
Release 5.1.4
Release 5.1.5
Release 5.1.6
Release 5.1.7
Release 5.1.8
Release 5.1.9
Release 5.2.0
Release 5.2.1
Release 5.2.2
Release 5.2.3
Release 5.2.4
Release 5.2.5
Release 5.2.6
Release 5.2.7
Release 5.3.0
Release 5.3.1
Release 5.3.2
Release 5.3.3
Release 5.3.4
Release 5.3.5
Release 5.3.6
remainder Operator
remainder Operator (Examples)
remove Operator
remove Operator (Examples)
removeprefix Operator
removeprefix Operator (Examples)
removesuffix Operator
removesuffix Operator (Examples)
replace Operator
replace Operator (Examples)
resolvepath Macro
resolvepath Macro (Examples)
rest Operator
rest Operator (Examples)
Résumé Builder Edition
reverse Operator
reverse Operator (Examples)
Rice Pudding
round Operator
round Operator (Examples)
sameday Operator
sameday Operator (Examples)
Sample Headings 1,2,3
Sample Headings 3,4,5
Sample Headings 4,5,6
Sample Tiddler Template
SaveTrail Plugin
Saving on a PHP Server
Saving on Android
Saving on Browser with File System Access API
Saving on Browser with TiddlyStow
Saving on iPad/iPhone
Saving on TiddlyDesktop
Saving on TiddlyHost
Saving on TiddlySpot
Saving on TidGi Desktop
Saving to a Git service
Saving via a Minimal Ruby Server
Saving via a Minimal Web Server
Saving via WebDAV
Saving with Polly
Saving with the HTML5 saver
Saving with TiddlyFox
Saving with TiddlyIE
Saving with TW Receiver
Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js
search Operator
search Operator (Examples)
search-replace Operator
search-replace Operator (Examples)
Searching in TiddlyWiki
Searchwikis by Mohammad
SeeAlso by Matias Goldman
Selection Constructors
Selection Constructors: Conditional
Semantic Colors by Mohammad
sentencecase Operator
sentencecase Operator (Examples)
Serving TW5 from Android
Setting a favicon
Setting a page background image
sha256 Operator
sha256 Operator (Examples)
shadowsource Operator
shadowsource Operator (Examples)
Share Plugin
Sharing a TiddlyWiki on Dropbox
Sharing your tiddlers with others
Shiraz by Mohammad
Shortcut Filter Run Prefix
show-filter-count Macro
sign Operator
sign Operator (Examples)
Signing the Contributor License Agreement
Simple ways to write protect tiddlers
Simple Zork-like Game by Jed Carty
sin Operator
sin Operator (Examples)
Slider by Mohammad
slugify Operator
Some of the things you can do with TiddlyWiki
Sort Filter Run Prefix
Sort Filter Run Prefix (Examples)
sort Operator
sort Operator (Examples)
sortan Operator
sortan Operator (Examples)
sortby Operator
sortby Operator (Examples)
sortcs Operator
sortcs Operator (Examples)
sortsub Operator
sortsub Operator (Examples)
split Operator
split Operator (Examples)
splitbefore Operator
splitbefore Operator (Examples)
splitregexp Operator
splitregexp Operator (Examples)
standard-deviation Operator
standard-deviation Operator (Examples)
Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library
Story River
Story Tiddler Template
Story Tiddler Template Cascade
storyTiddler Variable
storyTiddler Variable (Examples)
storyviews Operator
storyviews Operator (Examples)
String Operators
stringify Operator
stringify Operator (Examples)
Structuring TiddlyWiki
Styles and Classes in WikiText
Stylesheet Macros
subfilter Operator
subfilter Operator (Examples)
substitute Operator
substitute Operator (Examples)
Substituted Attribute Values
subtiddlerfields Operator
subtiddlerfields Operator (Examples)
subtract Operator
subtract Operator (Examples)
suffix Operator
suffix Operator (Examples)
sum Operator
sum Operator (Examples)
SystemTag: $:/tags/AboveStory
SystemTag: $:/tags/AdvancedSearch
SystemTag: $:/tags/AdvancedSearch/FilterButton
SystemTag: $:/tags/Alert
SystemTag: $:/tags/BelowStory
SystemTag: $:/tags/ClassFilters/PageTemplate
SystemTag: $:/tags/ClassFilters/TiddlerTemplate
SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel
SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced
SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance
SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel/Info
SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel/Plugins
SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel/Saving
SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings
SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel/SettingsTab
SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars
SystemTag: $:/tags/EditorToolbar
SystemTag: $:/tags/EditorTools
SystemTag: $:/tags/EditPreview
SystemTag: $:/tags/EditTemplate
SystemTag: $:/tags/EditToolbar
SystemTag: $:/tags/Exporter
SystemTag: $:/tags/Filter
SystemTag: $:/tags/Global
SystemTag: $:/tags/Global/View
SystemTag: $:/tags/Global/View/Body
SystemTag: $:/tags/Image
SystemTag: $:/tags/ImportPreview
SystemTag: $:/tags/KeyboardShortcut
SystemTag: $:/tags/Layout
SystemTag: $:/tags/Macro
SystemTag: $:/tags/Macro/View
SystemTag: $:/tags/Macro/View/Body
SystemTag: $:/tags/Manager/ItemMain
SystemTag: $:/tags/Manager/ItemSidebar
SystemTag: $:/tags/MoreSideBar
SystemTag: $:/tags/MoreSideBar/Plugins
SystemTag: $:/tags/PageControls
SystemTag: $:/tags/PageTemplate
SystemTag: $:/tags/Palette
SystemTag: $:/tags/PluginLibrary
SystemTag: $:/tags/RawMarkup
SystemTag: $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified
SystemTag: $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified/BottomBody
SystemTag: $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified/TopBody
SystemTag: $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified/TopHead
SystemTag: $:/tags/RawStaticContent
SystemTag: $:/tags/RemoteAssetInfo
SystemTag: $:/tags/SearchResults
SystemTag: $:/tags/ServerConnection
SystemTag: $:/tags/SideBar
SystemTag: $:/tags/SideBarSegment
SystemTag: $:/tags/StartupAction
SystemTag: $:/tags/StartupAction/Browser
SystemTag: $:/tags/StartupAction/Node
SystemTag: $:/tags/Stylesheet
SystemTag: $:/tags/TagDropdown
SystemTag: $:/tags/TextEditor/Snippet
SystemTag: $:/tags/TiddlerInfo
SystemTag: $:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced
SystemTag: $:/tags/TiddlerInfoSegment
SystemTag: $:/tags/ToolbarButtonStyle
SystemTag: $:/tags/TopLeftBar
SystemTag: $:/tags/TopRightBar
SystemTag: $:/tags/ViewTemplate
SystemTag: $:/tags/ViewTemplate/Subtitle
SystemTag: $:/tags/ViewToolbar
Table Classes, Captions, Headers and Footers
Table-of-Contents Macros
Table-of-Contents Macros (Examples)
Tables in WikiText
Tables in WikiText CSS Utility Classes
tabs Macro
tabs Macro (Examples)
tag Macro
tag Macro (Examples)
tag Operator
tag Operator (Examples)
Tag Operators
tag-picker Macro
tag-picker Macro (Examples)
tag-pill Macro
tag-pill Macro (Examples)
tagging Operator
tagging Operator (Examples)
tags Operator
tags Operator (Examples)
tan Operator
tan Operator (Examples)
TaskManagementExample (Draggable)
Technical Prose Style
Temporary Tiddlers
Ten reasons to switch to TiddlyWiki
Testimonials - Joe Armstrong
Testimonials - Network World
Testimonials - Product Hunt
Testimonials and Reviews
Text preview
Text-Slicer Edition
The Extended Listops Filters
The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki
Then Filter Run Prefix
Then Filter Run Prefix (Examples)
then Operator
then Operator (Examples)
thisTiddler Variable
thisTiddler Variable (Examples)
thumbnail Macro
thumbnail Macro (Examples)
Tiddler Colour Cascade
Tiddler Commander by Mohammad
Tiddler Fishes.svg
Tiddler Icon Cascade
Tiddler Poster.png
Tiddler Structure
Tiddler Title Policy
TiddlyBucket - Save to AWS or Google Storage
TiddlyChrome by Arlen Beiler
TiddlyClip by buggyjay
TiddlyDesktop Releases
TiddlyDrive Add-on for Google Drive by Joshua Stubbs
TiddlyFox Apocalypse
TiddlyFox Apocalypse.png
Tiddlyhost Logo
TiddlyMap Plugin by Felix Küppers
TiddlyPWA - Save to Browser Storage
TiddlyServer by Arlen Beiler
Tiddlyshow by Mohammad
TiddlyWeb JSON tiddler format
TiddlyWiki Archive
TiddlyWiki Camp Paris
TiddlyWiki Classic.png
TiddlyWiki Cloud
TiddlyWiki Docs PR Maker
TiddlyWiki European Meetup 2016
TiddlyWiki European Meetup 2017
TiddlyWiki extensions for Sublime Text 3 by roma0104
TiddlyWiki extensions for ViM
TiddlyWiki Hangouts
TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb
TiddlyWiki Marketplace
TiddlyWiki Marketplace Banner
TiddlyWiki Newsletter
TiddlyWiki Newsletter Badge.png
TiddlyWiki Newsletter Team
TiddlyWiki Node.js Privacy and Security
TiddlyWiki on Discord
TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video
TiddlyWiki on GitHub
TiddlyWiki on Gitter
TiddlyWiki on Mastodon
TiddlyWiki on Node.js
TiddlyWiki on Open Collective
TiddlyWiki on Reddit
TiddlyWiki on the Web
TiddlyWiki on YouTube
TiddlyWiki Privacy and Security
TiddlyWiki Privacy Badge.png
TiddlyWiki Releases
TiddlyWiki Single File Privacy and Security
TiddlyWiki Video Tutorials by Francis Meetze
tiddlywiki.files Files Files
TiddlyWiki5 Versioning
Tidme by oflg
timeline Macro
timeline Macro (Examples)
Timelines by Mohammad
Timimi: WebExtension and Native Host by Riz
Tinka by Andreas Hahn
Title List
title Operator
title Operator (Examples)
Title Selection
titlecase Operator
titlecase Operator (Examples)
Todolist by Mohammad
toggle Operator
toggle Operator (Examples)
Transcluded Attribute Values
transcludes Operator
transcludes Operator (Examples)
Transclusion and Substitution
Transclusion Basic Usage
Transclusion in WikiText
transclusion Variable
transclusion Variable (Examples)
Transclusion with Templates
Translate TiddlyWiki into your language
translink Macro
translink Macro (Examples)
Trashbin by Mohammad
tree Macro
tree Macro (Examples)
trim Operator
trim Operator (Examples) by Devin Weaver
trunc Operator
trunc Operator (Examples)
tv-adjust-heading-level Variable
tv-adjust-heading-level Variable (Examples)
tv-auto-open-on-import Variable
tv-config-static Variable
tv-config-toolbar-class Variable
tv-config-toolbar-class Variable (Examples)
tv-config-toolbar-icons Variable
tv-config-toolbar-icons Variable (Examples)
tv-config-toolbar-text Variable
tv-config-toolbar-text Variable (Examples)
tv-filter-export-link Variable
tv-get-export-image-link Variable
tv-get-export-image-link Variable (Examples)
tv-get-export-link Variable
tv-get-export-path Variable
tv-history-list Variable
tv-show-missing-links Variable
tv-story-list Variable
tv-tiddler-preview Variable
tv-wikilink-template Variable
tv-wikilink-tooltip Variable
tv-wikilink-tooltip Variable (Examples)
tv-wikilinks Variable
tv-wikilinks Variable (Examples)
TW-Scripts by Mohammad
TW2Parser Plugin
TW5-firebase: TiddlyWiki5 for Google Firebase by Peter Neumark
TW5-SingleExecutable by Jed Carty
TWaddle by Matias Goldman
Twenty Years of TiddlyWiki
TWEUM Thumbnail.jpg
Twexe: Single File Tiddlywiki5 executable
Twitter Plugin
twproxy by Steve Gattuso
Typed Blocks in WikiText
Uninstalling a plugin
Uninstalling a plugin with Node.js
unique Operator
unique Operator (Examples)
untagged Operator
untagged Operator (Examples)
untrunc Operator
untrunc Operator (Examples)
unusedtitle Macro
unusedtitle Macro (Examples 1)
unusedtitle Macro (Examples)
Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js
uppercase Operator
uppercase Operator (Examples)
Using a custom path prefix with the client-server edition
Using Excise
Using links to navigate between tiddlers
Using Stamp
Using Stylesheets
Using SVG
Using the external JavaScript template
Using the integrated static file server
Using the read-only single tiddler view
Using TiddlyWiki for GitHub project documentation
Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js
Utility by Mohammad
Utility Classes
Variable Attribute Values
Variable Usage
Variables in WikiText
variables Operator
variables Operator (Examples)
variance Operator
variance Operator (Examples)
version Macro
version Macro (Examples)
View Template Body Cascade
View Template Title Cascade
vis.js Timeline by emkay, revived by kixam
Visible Transclusions
Web Developer Tools
WebServer Anonymous Access
WebServer API
WebServer API: Delete Tiddler
WebServer API: Force Basic Authentication Login
WebServer API: Get All Tiddlers
WebServer API: Get Favicon
WebServer API: Get File
WebServer API: Get Rendered Tiddler
WebServer API: Get Server Status
WebServer API: Get Tiddler
WebServer API: Get Wiki
WebServer API: Put Tiddler
WebServer Authentication
WebServer Authorization
WebServer Basic Authentication
WebServer Guides
WebServer Header Authentication
WebServer Parameter: admin
WebServer Parameter: anon-username
WebServer Parameter: authenticated-user-header
WebServer Parameter: credentials
WebServer Parameter: csrf-disable
WebServer Parameter: debug-level
WebServer Parameter: host
WebServer Parameter: password
WebServer Parameter: path-prefix
WebServer Parameter: port
WebServer Parameter: readers
WebServer Parameter: required-plugins
WebServer Parameter: root-render-type
WebServer Parameter: root-serve-type
WebServer Parameter: root-tiddler
WebServer Parameter: system-tiddler-render-template
WebServer Parameter: system-tiddler-render-type
WebServer Parameter: tiddler-render-template
WebServer Parameter: tiddler-render-type
WebServer Parameter: tls-cert
WebServer Parameter: tls-key
WebServer Parameter: tls-passphrase
WebServer Parameter: use-browser-cache
WebServer Parameter: username
WebServer Parameter: writers
WebServer Parameters
What happened to the original TiddlyWiki?
Widdly by Opennota
Widget Attributes
Widget Documentation Style Guide
WidgetMessage: tm-add-field
WidgetMessage: tm-add-tag
WidgetMessage: tm-auto-save-wiki
WidgetMessage: tm-browser-refresh
WidgetMessage: tm-cancel-tiddler
WidgetMessage: tm-clear-password
WidgetMessage: tm-close-all-tiddlers
WidgetMessage: tm-close-all-windows
WidgetMessage: tm-close-other-tiddlers
WidgetMessage: tm-close-tiddler
WidgetMessage: tm-close-window
WidgetMessage: tm-copy-to-clipboard
WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler
WidgetMessage: tm-download-file
WidgetMessage: tm-edit-bitmap-operation
WidgetMessage: tm-edit-text-operation
WidgetMessage: tm-edit-tiddler
WidgetMessage: tm-focus-selector
WidgetMessage: tm-fold-all-tiddlers
WidgetMessage: tm-fold-other-tiddlers
WidgetMessage: tm-fold-tiddler
WidgetMessage: tm-full-screen
WidgetMessage: tm-home
WidgetMessage: tm-http-cancel-all-requests
WidgetMessage: tm-http-request
WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Example - Basic Authentication
WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Example - Random Dog
WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Example - Zotero
WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Examples
WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers
WidgetMessage: tm-load-plugin-from-library
WidgetMessage: tm-load-plugin-library
WidgetMessage: tm-login
WidgetMessage: tm-logout
WidgetMessage: tm-modal
WidgetMessage: tm-navigate
WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler
WidgetMessage: tm-notify
WidgetMessage: tm-open-external-window
WidgetMessage: tm-open-window
WidgetMessage: tm-perform-import
WidgetMessage: tm-permalink
WidgetMessage: tm-permaview
WidgetMessage: tm-print
WidgetMessage: tm-relink-tiddler
WidgetMessage: tm-remove-field
WidgetMessage: tm-remove-tag
WidgetMessage: tm-rename-tiddler
WidgetMessage: tm-save-tiddler
WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki
WidgetMessage: tm-scroll
WidgetMessage: tm-server-refresh
WidgetMessage: tm-set-password
WidgetMessage: tm-unfold-all-tiddlers
WidgetMessage: tm-unload-plugin-library
Widgets in WikiText
WikiText parser mode transitions
WikiText parser mode: HTML examples
WikiText parser mode: macro examples
WikiText parser mode: transclusion examples
WikiText Parser Modes
Windows HTA Hack
Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository
Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository video
Working with TiddlyWiki
Xememex Logo
XLSX Utilities Edition
zth Operator
zth Operator (Examples)
中文社区 - Chinese Community


20th December 2023 at 11:30am

Here are the details of the alpha releases of TiddlyWiki5. See TiddlyWiki5 Versioning for details of how releases are named.

Release 5.0.1-alpha

Released 6th December 2013 at 17:53

See GitHub for detailed change history of this release


  • Changes to the importing process to enable a smoother Upgrading process
    • Ignores attempts to import plugins that are older than currently installed plugins
    • System tiddlers are now imported as usual
  • If $:/theme isn't defined or refers to a missing tiddler, then fallback through Snow White to Vanilla. This means that empty.html now defaults to Snow White
  • Added support for Block Quotes in WikiText

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug that was preventing $:/tags/PageControls tiddlers from being reordered

Internal changes

Alternative page layouts

1st August 2024 at 2:06am

Introduced in v5.1.23 You can have multiple alternative page layouts and switch between them. To see a list of available layouts and switch between them, use the keyboard shortcut ctrl-shift-L.

Creating an alternative page layout

Creating an alternative layout goes beyond adding or removing features from the default interface, which also known as standard layout, and allows you to create an entirely new layout from scratch.

To create an alternative page layout and have the ability to switch to it, you need to create an alternative page template tiddler with the SystemTag: $:/tags/Layout.

This alternative page template can either be a tweaked and modified version of the default page template, or something entirely different. The layout switching mechanism requires that your page template tiddler has the fields name and description, which are used in the listing in the switching user interface.

Common layout setup

\whitespace trim
\import [subfilter{$:/core/config/GlobalImportFilter}]
\define containerClasses()
tc-page-container tc-language-$(languageTitle)$ your-plugin-name-container
\procedure redirected-navigate-actions()
  <$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/layout" text="" $timestamp="no" />
  <$action-navigate $to=<<event-navigateTo>> $scroll="yes" />

<$navigator story="$:/StoryList" history="$:/HistoryList" openLinkFromInsideRiver={{$:/config/Navigation/openLinkFromInsideRiver}} openLinkFromOutsideRiver={{$:/config/Navigation/openLinkFromOutsideRiver}} relinkOnRename={{$:/config/RelinkOnRename}}>
	<$messagecatcher $tm-navigate=<<redirected-navigate-actions>>>
		<div class=<<containerClasses>>>
			<!-- Your layout content here -->

It includes

  1. Import macros that is globally available in standard layout, so wikitext that works on standard layout also works on your layout.
  2. Define the top-level css class, some style may depends on them. You can add your plugin's name in css class here.
  3. Handle navigation when click on links. If your layout does not contains a story view (for example, you are writing a calendar or whiteboard layout), then the combination of redirected-navigate-actions $navigator and $messagecatcher will redirect user back to standard layout, and open the tiddler there.
  4. Add some PageTemplate back, for example the $:/core/ui/CommandPaletteTemplate or $:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar, if you want them exist on your layout.

Amazon Web Services Plugin

3rd July 2017 at 7:33pm

The Amazon Web Services Plugin provides several tools for working with Amazon Web Services:

  • Templates for saving a TiddlyWiki as a single JavaScript file in a ZIP file that can be executed as an AWS Lambda function. In this form, TiddlyWiki is a self contained single file containing both code and data, just like the standalone HTML file configuration
  • Commands that can be used to interact with AWS services, under both the Node.js and Lambda configurations of TiddlyWiki

Anchor Links using HTML

30th November 2020 at 6:43am

What do they do?

In TiddlyWiki anchor links can help us link to target points and distinct sections within rendered tiddlers. They can help the reader navigate longer tiddler content.

For example this link, Bottom, should take you to the bottom of this tiddler. The "Back to the top" link below should return you back to the top of this tiddler.

Back to the top

How do I make them?

There are only 2 steps to making anchor links.

  • First, create the target point (called an 'anchor') where you want it.
  • Second, add a link to it where the reader might need it.

That's it.

Step 1: Create an 'anchor' (link target)

<a id="#Bottom_of_tiddler"></a>

Step 2: Create a link to the target anchor

<a href="##Bottom_of_tiddler">Bottom</a>
  • Create an <a href> link using exactly the same 'address' value as the target but with double ## characters preceding it.
  • Place this code where it will most help the reader.

The above example can be adapted to work for many situations in TiddlyWiki, such as the table of contents at the top of this tiddler.

Is it really that simple?

Yes, it's that simple. BUT... in TiddlyWiki there are some small differences from standard HTML5 anchor links and some specific TiddlyWiki limitations.

Back to the top

Step 1: Creating the target anchor

  • Unlike standard HTML5, in TiddlyWiki you must put a single # character in front of the target address value that follows the id attribute. (Notice the single # character used in the #Bottom_of_tiddler in Example 1.)
  • Unlike standard HTML5, TiddlyWiki anchor links are case sensitive. In the example above #Bottom_of_tiddler works, but #bottom_of_Tiddler wouldn't.
  • Avoid using the % character in your link, as some browsers have a bug where navigation to anchors containing a % character can sometimes fail (see warning below).
  • Avoid using any whitespace in your link (see note 1 below).
  • Each link address should be unique in the TiddlyWiki. If transclusions create multiple instances of the same id attribute, navigation will take place to the first instance found that satisfies the above criteria. To avoid this, you can use the qualify macro in both the id and the href attributes in a similar style to the example given below: Avoiding duplicate IDs when transcluding.

Step 2: Creating the link to the target

  • Remember that the href value should start with two # characters, one more than the id value of the target anchor.
  • Remember that TiddlyWiki anchor links are case sensitive

Step 3: Navigating to the target

Normally you can click on the link and TiddlyWiki will scroll the window so the target anchor is at the top of the window, but there are several limitations:

  • Anchor links in TiddlyWiki do not work if the tiddler is not in the Story River, or is not displayed in the sidebar.
  • Anchor links in TiddlyWiki do not work if the tidlder is in the Story River or sidebar but anchor marked target point is not visible on the page (e.g., the tiddler is folded or the anchor is within a non-displaying $reveal widget). Ctrl+Click on such an anchor link will open a new browser window/tab loading the base web page and will not navigate to the expected tiddler.
  • Anchor links in Tiddlywiki do not work if Control Panel > Appearance > Story View is set to Zoomin (the single page view) and the tiddler is not at the top of the story river (i.e. not displayed).
  • When an anchor link is clicked the browser's navigation history will be updated with the link's href value appended to the web page's URL. This will happen even if the Control Panel > Settings > Navigation History value is set to "Do not update history".

1. The HTML5 specification for the id attribute says that its value should not contain any whitespace. Currently (Dec 2020) an id value with whitespace can sometimes work. However, it may not work in all browsers and is not guaranteed to work in the future.

Some browsers may fail to navigate to an anchor target whose id value includes a % character followed by 2 digits. This is a bug in the browser and nothing that TiddlyWiki can fix. To be safe, avoid using the % character.

Back to the top

More examples

In each case the target code is placed at the destination the reader navigates to, the link code is placed where it will help the reader navigate from.

<h2 id="#heading-01"> My Target Heading</h2>

<a href="##heading-01">Link to My Target Heading</a>

This looks like:

My Target Heading

Link to My Target Heading

<section id="#unique001">

!! My Target section

A `<section>` HTML tag is generally used to define sections in an HTML document, such as chapters, headers, footers, or any other sections of the document.

Clicking this anchor link goes to: <a href="##unique001">Link to My Target Section</a>

This looks like:

My Target section

A <section> HTML tag is generally used to define sections in an HTML document, such as chapters, headers, footers, or any other sections of the document.

Clicking this anchor link goes to: Link to My Target Section

Back to the top

Suggestions for HTML elements to use

Some suggestions for the HTML element you choose for marking a position using the id attribute:

Element Sample code Observations
anchor<a id="#part001-of-TiddlerName"></a>Should work perfectly everywhere
heading<h2 id="#a-new-heading">A New Heading</h2>Headings can have id attributes as well
section<section id="#sect001-of-TiddlerName">This is a new section</section>If you use the section element it should probably have an id of its own
span<span id="#007">Marker 007 is here!</span>span elements can be used to insert an id mid-paragraph

Back to the top

Suggestions for target names to use

Sample code Observations
Recommended<a id="#part001-of-TiddlerName"></a>Include the tiddler name for easy unique ids
Avoid: whitespace<h2 id="#0 0 1">A New Heading</h2>Whitespace is not guaranteed to work in all browsers
Avoid: %<section id="#sect001%20of%20TiddlerName">This is a new section</section>URI encoding (turning space into %20 and so on) may not work in some browsers
Avoid: duplicate IDs<span id="#007">Marker 007 is here!</span>id values should be unique within entire wiki
Avoid: duplicate IDs<a id="#007"></a>A different marker 007If id values are duplicated, one will be ignored

Back to the top

Avoiding duplicate IDs when transcluding

The id and anchor link to this header has been made as follows:

<a href=<<qualify "##qualify-example">>>Avoiding duplicate IDs when transcluding</a>

<h2 id=<<qualify "#qualify-example">>>Avoiding duplicate IDs when transcluding</h2>
For this to work:
  • The href and id values use the macro invocation syntax for attributes, using the qualify Macro to create a unique id value.
  • Both the id and the anchor link must be in the same tiddler.
  • There must not be any quote characters between the = and the <<.
  • The double quotes around the target name are optional, but recommended.
  • There should be a total of three > characters after the target name, two >> to close the <<qualify macro, and one > to close the <a tag.

Back to the top

Style Hints

If you don't want the link to look like an external link, give the <a> element's class attribute the value tc-tiddlylink and if you want the link to also be italic & bold, give the additional classes tc-tiddlylink-missing tc-tiddlylink-shadow like below:

<a class="tc-tiddlylink" href="##Introduction:Anchor-Links-using-HTML">Back to the top</a> or just back to <a class="tc-tiddlylink tc-tiddlylink-missing tc-tiddlylink-shadow" href=<<qualify ##Hints>>>Hints</a>.

Back to the top or just back to Style Hints.

If you want to include an id attribute to a link in your sidebar Table of Contents, you can include it in your listed tiddler's caption field similar to the way shown below:

<span id=#some-value>Your caption</span>

Back to the top

And Filter Run Prefix

11th July 2023 at 8:47am
inputthe filter output of all previous runs so far
outputoutput titles replace the output of previous filter runs
Introduced in v5.1.23

This prefix has an optional shortcut syntax symbol +run

append Operator

21st March 2023 at 1:16pm
purposeappend a range of items from an array to the list
inputa list of items
suffixan integer N, defaulting to all
parameterlist=the array of items to be appended to the tail of the list
outputa list with items appended from the head of the parameter array
! outputa list with items appended from the tail of the parameter array

Learn more about how to use Filters

append Operator (Examples)

8th November 2015 at 5:15am

These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

[list[Days of the Week]append[Tomorrow]]

[list[Days of the Week]append[Yesterday Today Tomorrow]]

Append the first 4 short days of the week to our list

[list[Days of the Week]append:4{Days of the Week!!short}]


27th February 2022 at 9:08pm

applypatches Operator

4th March 2023 at 3:48pm
purposeapplies a set of patches to transform the input
inputa selection of titles
parameterP=a string containing patches from the makepatches Operator
outputthe transformed input to which the patches P have been applied

Learn more about how to use Filters


2nd June 2016 at 5:27pm

Here are some recent articles written about TiddlyWiki. Submit new articles via GitHub or by posting in the TiddlyWiki Groups.

asin Operator

21st October 2021 at 10:28pm
purposecalculate the arcsine value (in radians) of a list of numbers
inputa selection of titles
outputthe arcsine (in radians) of the input numbers

Learn more about how to use Filters

Introduced in v5.1.21 See Mathematics Operators for an overview.

This is the inverse operation of sin: sin calculate the sine of an angle (in radian), but asin calculate the angle (in radian) of a sine.


asin Operator (Examples)

20th October 2021 at 2:27pm


=1 =2 =3 =4 +[asin[]]

atan Operator

21st October 2021 at 10:28pm
purposecalculate the arctangent value (in radians) of a list of numbers
inputa selection of titles
outputthe arctangent (in radians) of the input numbers

Learn more about how to use Filters

atan Operator (Examples)

20th October 2021 at 2:13pm


=1 =2 =3 =4 +[atan[]]

atan2 Operator

21st October 2021 at 10:28pm
purposereturns the angle in the plane (in radians) between the positive x-axis and the ray from (0,0) to the point (x,y), for [Y]atan2[X]
inputa selection of titles = coordinate Y (Y)
parameterX=coordinate X
outputthe angle in radians (in [ - π , π ] ) between the positive x-axis and the ray from (0,0) to the point (x,y)

Learn more about how to use Filters

atan2 Operator (Examples)

20th October 2021 at 2:08pm


=1 =2 =3 =4 +[atan2[4]]

Attribute Selectors

11th April 2018 at 5:39pm


19th October 2014 at 8:06pm

Audio files can be incorporated into TiddlyWiki in a very similar way to images.

Embedded Audio

Small audio files can be embedded directly within TiddlyWiki. Embedding isn't suitable for large files (over a few hundred kilobytes) because it increases the size of the TiddlyWiki file.

For example, the tiddler TiddlyWiki.mp3 contains an MP3 recording of the word "TiddlyWiki". If you visit that tiddler, you should see an audio player that will play back the recording.

You can also transclude audio files. For example:


That renders as:

External Audio

External audio tiddlers use the _canonical_uri field to point to an external audio file/stream, and have their text field blocked. This reduces their size considerably, but still allows for playback.

For example, the tiddler Caruso - Ave Maria points to an online audio recording hosted on

{{Caruso - Ave Maria}}

That renders as:


10th June 2016 at 8:15am

If there is a SavingMechanism available that supports it, TiddlyWiki will automatically trigger a save of the current document on clicking ok or delete when editing a tiddler.

You should see a yellow notification at the top right of the window to confirm that an automatic save has taken place.

Automatic saving can be enabled or disabled through the Settings tab of the control panel . Behind the scenes, it is controlled through the configuration tiddler $:/config/AutoSave, which must have the value yes to enable automatic saving.

average Operator

26th April 2021 at 1:15pm
purposetreating each input title as a number, compute their arithmetic mean
inputa selection of titles
outputthe arithmetic mean of the input as numbers

Learn more about how to use Filters

average Operator (Examples)

26th April 2021 at 1:15pm

=1 =3 =4 =5 +[average[]]

Note that if there is no input the operator returns NaN

[tag[NotATiddler]get[price]] +[average[]]

backlinks Operator

3rd February 2015 at 6:33pm
purposefind the titles that link to each input title
inputa selection of titles
outputany non-system titles that contain hard links to the input titles

Learn more about how to use Filters

Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of backlinks is generated, sorted alphabetically by title, and then dominantly appended to the operator's overall output.


backlinks Operator (Examples)

18th January 2015 at 6:31pm

backtranscludes Operator

10th June 2024 at 8:59am
purposefind the titles that transclude each input title
inputa selection of titles
outputany non-system titles that hard-transclude the input titles

Learn more about how to use Filters

New in v5.3.4 Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of backtransclusions is generated, sorted alphabetically by title, and then dominantly appended to the operator's overall output. Analogous to backlinks.


backtranscludes Operator (Examples)

[[Motovun Jack.jpg]backtranscludes[]]


Bags and Recipes

9th March 2024 at 2:21pm

The bags and recipes model is a reference architecture for how tiddlers can be shared between multiple wikis. It was first introduced by TiddlyWeb in 2008.

The principles of bags and recipes can be simply stated:

  1. Tiddlers are stored in named "bags"
  2. Bags have access controls that determines which users can read or write to them
  3. Recipes are named lists of bags, ordered from lowest priority to highest
  4. The tiddlers within a recipe are accumulated in turn from each bag in the recipe in order of increasing priority. Thus, if there are multiple tiddlers with the same title in different bags then the one from the highest priority bag will be used as the recipe tiddler
  5. Wikis are composed by splicing the tiddlers from the corresponding recipe into the standard TW5 HTML template

A very simple example of the recipe/bag model might be for a single user who maintains the following bags:

  • recipes - tiddlers related to cooking recipes
  • work - tiddlers related to work
  • app - common tiddlers for customising TiddlyWiki

Those bags would be used with the following recipes:

  • recipes –> recipes, app - wiki for working with recipes, with common custom components
  • work –> work, app - wiki for working with work, with common custom components
  • app –> app - wiki for maintaining custom components

All of this will work dynamically, so changes to the app bag will instantly ripple into the affected hosted wikis.

A more complex example might be for a teacher working with a group of students:

  • student-{name} bag for each students work
  • teacher-course bag for the coursework, editable by the teacher
  • teacher-tools bag for custom tools used by the teacher

Those bags would be exposed through the following hosted wikis:

  • student-{name} hosted wiki for each students work, including the coursework material
  • teacher-course hosted wiki for the coursework, editable by the teacher
  • teacher hosted wiki for the teacher, bringing together all the bags, giving them an overview of all the students work


21st February 2015 at 6:17pm

Base64 is a way of representing binary data, such an image, as a string of text.

before Operator

3rd February 2015 at 7:19pm
purposefind which input title precedes a specified one
inputa selection of titles
parameterT=one of those titles
outputthe title that immediately precedes T in the input

Learn more about how to use Filters

If T is not present in the input, or is the first title there, then the output is empty.


before Operator (Examples)

18th January 2015 at 6:31pm

These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler. The Thursday tiddler shows a further example.

[list[Days of the Week]before[Saturday]]

[list[Days of the Week]before[Monday]]

Behaviour of invoked variables depends on how the variable was declared

19th June 2024 at 9:17pm

Invoked in normal wikitext context: <$transclude $variable=myvar/> or <<myvar>>

how declaredbehaviour
\defineAll wikitext and variable substitution and textual substitution takes place
$set, $let, $vars, \procedure, \widgetAll wikitext and variable substitution takes place
\functionInvoking a function in this way (<<.myfun>>) is a synonym for <$text text={{{[function[.myfun]]}}}/>. As with any filtered transclusion (i.e. triple curly braces), all results except the first are discarded

Invoked via widget attribute: <div class=<<myvar>>/>

how declaredbehaviour
\defineTextual substitution of parameters is performed on the body text. No further processing takes place. The result after textual substitution is used as the attribute's value
$set, $let, $vars, \procedure, \widgetBody text is retrieved as-is and used as the attribute's value.
\functionWhen a function (e.g. .myfun) is invoked as <div class=<<.myfun>>/>, it is a synonym for <div class={{{[function[.myfun]]}}}/>. As with any filtered transclusion (i.e. triple curly braces), all results except the first are discarded. That first result is used as the attribute's value. Note that functions are recursively processed even when invoked in this form. In other words a filter expression in a function can invoke another function and the processing will continue

Invoked via filter operator parameter: [<myvar>]

how declaredbehaviour
\defineTextual substitution of parameters is performed on the body text. No further processing takes place. The result after textual substitution is used as the filter operator's parameter.
$set, $let, $vars, \procedure, \widgetBody text is retrieved as-is and used as the filter operator's parameter.
\functionThe body text of the function is treated as a filter expression and evaluated. The first result is passed to the operator as a parameter. The remaining results are discarded.

Invoked via function call in a filter expression: [function[.myfun]]

how declaredbehaviour
\define, $set, $let, $vars, \procedure, \widgetEvery function is a variable, but only variables defined using \function are invokable using the function filter operator. Attempts to use a non-function variable is the same as if the function doesn't exist. The behavior in this case is like the identity function. All filter input is passed unchanged to the output.
\functionThe body text of the function is treated as a filter expression and evaluated. This filter expression can itself contain a function call. Filter expressions can be factored out into functions arbitrarily deep.


Below is an example macro, procedure and function definition. All three forms of parameter substitution $a1$, <<__a1__>>, and <<a1>> are included in each definition. The output helps illustrate when each form of substitution will or will not have affect.

\define m1(a1) $a1$ - <<__a1__>> - <<a1>>
\procedure p1(a1) $a1$ - <<__a1__>> - <<a1>>
\function f1(a1) $a1$ "-" [<__a1__>] ="-" [<a1>] :and[join[ ]]
Variable transclusionoutput
<<m1 foo>>foo - foo -
<<p1 foo>>$a1$ - - foo
<<f1 foo>>$a1$ - - foo
Widget attributeoutput
<$text text=<<m1 foo>>/>foo - <<__a1__>> - <<a1>>
<$text text=<<p1 foo>>/>$a1$ - <<__a1__>> - <<a1>>
<$text text=<<f1 foo>>/>$a1$ - - foo
Filter operator parameteroutput
[<m1 foo>]foo - <<__a1__>> - <<a1>>
[<p1 foo>]$a1$ - <<__a1__>> - <<a1>>
[<f1 foo>]$a1$ - - foo
Function call in filter expressionoutput
[function[m1],[foo]]"A free, open source wiki revisited" by Mark Gibbs, NetworkWorld
[function[p1],[foo]]"A free, open source wiki revisited" by Mark Gibbs, NetworkWorld
[function[f1],[foo]]$a1$ - - foo

Behaviour of variables invoked via filter expression function call

26th July 2023 at 3:06pm
how declaredbehaviour
\define, $set, $let, $vars, \procedure, \widgetEvery function is a variable, but only variables defined using \function are invokable using the function filter operator. Attempts to use a non-function variable is the same as if the function doesn't exist. The behavior in this case is like the identity function. All filter input is passed unchanged to the output.
\functionThe body text of the function is treated as a filter expression and evaluated. This filter expression can itself contain a function call. Filter expressions can be factored out into functions arbitrarily deep.

Behaviour of variables invoked via filter operator parameter

26th July 2023 at 3:06pm
how declaredbehaviour
\defineTextual substitution of parameters is performed on the body text. No further processing takes place. The result after textual substitution is used as the filter operator's parameter.
$set, $let, $vars, \procedure, \widgetBody text is retrieved as-is and used as the filter operator's parameter.
\functionThe body text of the function is treated as a filter expression and evaluated. The first result is passed to the operator as a parameter. The remaining results are discarded.

Behaviour of variables invoked via normal wikitext

19th June 2024 at 9:14pm
how declaredbehaviour
\defineAll wikitext and variable substitution and textual substitution takes place
$set, $let, $vars, \procedure, \widgetAll wikitext and variable substitution takes place
\functionInvoking a function in this way (<<.myfun>>) is a synonym for <$text text={{{[function[.myfun]]}}}/>. As with any filtered transclusion (i.e. triple curly braces), all results except the first are discarded

Behaviour of variables invoked via widget attributes

19th June 2024 at 9:07pm
how declaredbehaviour
\defineTextual substitution of parameters is performed on the body text. No further processing takes place. The result after textual substitution is used as the attribute's value
$set, $let, $vars, \procedure, \widgetBody text is retrieved as-is and used as the attribute's value.
\functionWhen a function (e.g. .myfun) is invoked as <div class=<<.myfun>>/>, it is a synonym for <div class={{{[function[.myfun]]}}}/>. As with any filtered transclusion (i.e. triple curly braces), all results except the first are discarded. That first result is used as the attribute's value. Note that functions are recursively processed even when invoked in this form. In other words a filter expression in a function can invoke another function and the processing will continue


20th December 2023 at 11:30am

Here are the details of the beta releases of TiddlyWiki5. See TiddlyWiki5 Versioning for details of how releases are named.

Release 5.0.18-beta

Released 17th September 2014 at 21:10

See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

This is a minor release prior to the full release of TiddlyWiki on September 20th. The documentation has been cleaned up and improved (with more improvements to come).

File Layout of

The layout of files on has been adjusted to make it more logical. See the ticket for a discussion. You can see the source files that make up at

Hackability Improvements

  • Added first iteration of a list-links macro (further improvements are planned)
  • Added support for importing .markdown and .md files
  • Extended timeline macro to support a subfilter

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed problem with digits being classified as lower case letters for wiki link matching
  • Fixed crash when sorting missing tiddlers by fields other than title
  • Fixed problem with handling .jpeg file extensions
  • Fixed problem with RadioWidget and missing tiddlers
  • Fixed problem with dragging a partially selected link


@Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

bf Operator

3rd February 2015 at 6:37pm
purposesame as rest

Learn more about how to use Filters

Block Mode WikiText

12th May 2024 at 12:15am

Some WikiText is recognised only while the parser is in block mode.

Common characteristics of such block mode WikiText:

  • At least one entire line is required to delimit the WikiText.
  • The closing punctuation must come at the end of the line (in some cases the end of the line is the closing punctuation.
Block Quotes in WikiTextMulti-line block quotes are enclosed by lines containing only the text <<<; single line block quotes are also possible.
Code Blocks in WikiTextEnclosed by lines containing only the text ```
Definitions in WikiTextEach term is on its own line and each definition is on its own line.
Hard Linebreaks in WikiTextEnclosed by lines containing only the text """.
Headings in WikiTextEntire line starting with !.
Horizontal Rules in WikiTextA line containing only the text ---.
Lists in WikiTextEach list item is on its own line.
Paragraphs in WikiTextAny text other than the start punctuation of one of the other block mode WikiText will start a paragraph. Even the start punctuation of inline mode WikiText will start a paragraph. The parser includes all following lines into the paragraph until it encounters a blank line.
Styles and Classes in WikiTextEnclosed by lines starting with @@.
Tables in WikiTextEach table row is a line starting and ending with |.
Typed Blocks in WikiTextEnclosed by lines starting with $$.

The above WikiText types are only recognised in block mode. However, the text enclosed by most of them will be parsed in inline mode (Block Quotes in WikiText and Styles and Classes in WikiText are the two exceptions in which the parser will continue in block mode). While in inline mode the parser may encounter something which moves it to block mode (see WikiText parser mode transitions).

At the end of the terminating line, the parser will return to block mode.

Note: Hard Linebreaks in WikiText require an extra blank line after the trailing """ before the parser will return to block mode.

If the punctuation for the above types of WikiText is encountered while the parser is in inline mode, it will be ignored and output as-is.


Block Mode WikiText (Examples)

15th January 2022 at 4:10pm

Paragraphs are the most common WikiText. It is important to know they do not end until a blank line is encountered. Once a paragraph starts the parser will be in inline mode. Until that blank line is encountered other block mode syntax will be ignored:

This is a paragraph.
Only __//inline mode//__ punctuation is recognised here.
Block mode punctuation will be <b>ignored</b> until
the paragraph ends (i.e. a blank line is encountered).
For example:
* List item punctuation is ignored
* So is this horizontal rule:
! headings are ignored
multi-line block quotes are ignored

That renders as:

This is a paragraph. Only inline mode punctuation is recognised here. Block mode punctuation will be ignored until the paragraph ends (i.e. a blank line is encountered). For example: * List item punctuation is ignored * So is this horizontal rule: — |tables|are|ignored| ! headings are ignored <<< multi-line block quotes are ignored <<<

To get the parser to recognise the above block mode WikiText, a blank line needs to be inserted after the "For example:" line. The blank line will be treated as the end of the paragraph and the parser will start recognising block mode punctuation again. Like this:

This is a paragraph.
Only __//inline mode//__ punctuation is recognised here.
Block mode punctuation will be <b>ignored</b> until
the paragraph ends (i.e. a blank line is encountered).
For example, here is a blank line:

* due to above blank line,
* list items work
* the following horizontal rule also works:
|cell 1| cell 2|
! Headings work
multi-line block quotes work
; Term
: Definition of that term
Another paragraph can start here, but it will not end until blank line

That renders as:

This is a paragraph. Only inline mode punctuation is recognised here. Block mode punctuation will be ignored until the paragraph ends (i.e. a blank line is encountered). For example, here is a blank line:

  • due to above blank line,
  • list items work
  • the following horizontal rule also works:

cell 1cell 2

Headings work

multi-line block quotes work

Definition of that term

Another paragraph can start here, but it will not end until blank line

All the block mode examples above except for the paragraph are written one line after the other without blanks between. Those types of WikiText don't require the extra blank line to terminate.

Block Quotes in WikiText

12th May 2024 at 12:09am

There are two ways to produce HTML block quotes in TiddlyWiki5, one for content spread across multiple lines, and one for single line content.

Multi-line Block Quotes

The syntax for multi-line block quotes () is:

This is a block quoted paragraph
written in English

That renders as:

This is a block quoted paragraph written in English

... and the underlying HTML is:

<blockquote class="tc-quote"><p>This is a block quoted paragraph
written in English


A citation can be added to the quote like this:

Computers are like a bicycle for our minds
<<< Steve Jobs

That renders as:

Computers are like a bicycle for our minds

Steve Jobs

... and the underlying HTML is:

<blockquote class="tc-quote"><p>Computers are like a bicycle for our minds
</p><cite>Steve Jobs</cite></blockquote>

CSS Classes

CSS classes can be added to a block quote:

Operating systems are like a brick wall for our minds
<<< Nobody

That renders as:

Operating systems are like a brick wall for our minds


... and the underlying HTML is:

<blockquote class="tc-quote myClass another-class"><p>Operating systems are like a brick wall for our minds

The core includes the class tc-big-quote that renders block quotes with outsize double quotes:

A dramatic quote
<<< Somebody Important

That renders as:

A dramatic quote

Somebody Important

... and the underlying HTML is:

<blockquote class="tc-quote tc-big-quote"><p>A dramatic quote
</p><cite>Somebody Important</cite></blockquote>

Single-line Block Quotes

The single-line syntax for block quotes is actually an extension of the syntax for Lists in WikiText. For example:

> Quoted text
> Another line of quoted text

That renders as:

Quoted text
Another line of quoted text

... and the underlying HTML is:

<blockquote><div>Quoted text</div><div>Another line of quoted text</div></blockquote>

You can also nest quotes like this:

> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote

Which renders as:

A top quote
A subquote
Another top quote

You can also mix block quotes with other list items. For example:

* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three

That renders as:

  • List One
    • List Two
      A quote
      Another quote
  • List Three

... and the underlying HTML is:

<ul><li>List One<ul><li>List Two<blockquote><div>A quote</div><div>Another quote</div></blockquote></li></ul></li><li>List Three</li></ul>

Advanced Wikitext and Block Quotes

You can also mix block quotes with paragraphs and other block wikitext. Be mindful of block mode - if other quoted content follows a paragraph, end it with a blank line. The final paragraph in the quote does not need to end with a blank line. If using indentation, make sure not to indent the blank lines. The parser will interpret this as additional inline content and not return to block mode. For example:

<<< Mixing Block Quotes with Inline Wikitext
A paragraph appears before other //wikitext//, which needs to end with a blank line.

    * List One
    ** List Two
    **> A quote
A poem
with line beaks
needs to have
a blank line after
the final quotes
if followed
by other content

    <<<< Deep Block Quote
        A paragraph before other //wikitext//, which ends with a blank line.

        ! A Header
        Another paragraph, which needs to end with a blank line.

            !! Sub Header
            A final paragraph, which __does not__ need to end with a blank line as the Block Quote ends.

That renders as:

Mixing Block Quotes with Inline Wikitext

A paragraph appears before other wikitext, which needs to end with a blank line.

  • List One
    • List Two
      A quote

A poem
with line beaks
needs to have
a blank line after
the final quotes
if followed
by other content

Deep Block Quote

A paragraph before other wikitext, which ends with a blank line.

A Header

Another paragraph, which needs to end with a blank line.

Sub Header

A final paragraph, which does not need to end with a blank line as the Block Quote ends.

... and the underlying HTML is:

<blockquote class="tc-quote"><cite>Mixing Block Quotes with Inline Wikitext</cite><p>A paragraph appears before other <em>wikitext</em>, which needs to end with a blank line.</p><ul><li>List One<ul><li>List Two<blockquote><div>A quote</div></blockquote></li></ul></li></ul><p>A poem<br>with line beaks<br>needs to have<br>a blank line after<br>the final quotes<br>if followed<br>by other content<br></p><blockquote class="tc-quote"><cite>Deep Block Quote</cite><p>A paragraph before other <em>wikitext</em>, which ends with a blank line.</p><h1 class="">A Header</h1><p>Another paragraph, which needs to end with a blank line.</p><h2 class="">Sub Header</h2><p>A final paragraph, which <u>does not</u> need to end with a blank line as the Block Quote ends.
</p><blockquote class="tc-quote"><blockquote class="tc-quote"></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote>

Blog Edition

2nd September 2015 at 12:32pm

The Blog edition of TiddlyWiki contains tools to help publish static HTML blogs written in TiddlyWiki. It is currently designed for use under Node.js.

While documentation is being prepared, see for an example of use.

Blurry Lawn.jpg


28th July 2022 at 3:04pm

WikiText syntax uses a number of different types of brackets. Their names are shown in the table below:

AppearanceNameShort nameUsage
()Round bracketsParenthesisNot used in WikiText
[]Square bracketsBracketsLinks, Filters
{}Curly bracketsBracesText references, Filtered attributes
<>Angle bracketsChevronsHTML elements and widgets, Macros


6th October 2020 at 6:12pm


TiddlyWiki is designed to work with HTML5-compatible browsers.

The following table summarises the browser versions that are known to work with TiddlyWiki

Internet ExplorerVersion 10 and above
ChromeAll recent versions
FirefoxAll recent versions
Firefox for AndroidAll recent versions
SafariVersion 6 and above

BrowserStorage Plugin

6th February 2019 at 6:12pm

The BrowserStorage Plugin enables TiddlyWiki to save tiddlers in browser local storage. This means that changes are stored within the browser, and automatically re-applied any time the base wiki is reloaded.

Browser local storage is not a panacea for TiddlyWiki:

  • Browsers limit the amount of local storage available to a page, typically to 5 or 10MB
  • Keeping personal data in browser local storage can lead to unexpected privacy violations
  • Browsers reserve the right to without warning delete data stored in local storage at any time
  • Browsers tie local storage to a URL which can lead to problems if you move a wiki to a URL previously occupied by a different wiki

Please use this plugin with caution. There are a number of unresolved issues and open questions.

The BrowserStorage Plugin can be installed from the plugin library.


13th November 2023 at 9:33am


The browse widget displays an HTML file browser button that allows the user to choose one or more files to import. It sends a WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers imported from the files up through its parents. This message is usually handled by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.

Content and Attributes

The content of the $BrowseWidget widget is ignored.

multipleSet to "multiple" to select multiple file upload
deserializerIntroduced in v5.1.15 Optional name of deserializer to be used (by default the deserializer is derived from the file extension or type)
tooltipOptional tooltip text
acceptIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional comma delimited list of file accepted extensions and/or MIME types
messageOptional override of widget message to be generated. The files will be passed in the JavaScript object
paramOptional parameter to be passed with the custom message
data-*New in v5.3.2 Optional data attributes to be assigned to the HTML element
style.*New in v5.3.2 Optional CSS properties to be assigned to the HTML element

On iPhone/iPad choosing the multiple option will remove the ability to take photographs/videos directly into TiddlyWiki.



renders as:


17th November 2021 at 7:55pm


27th April 2014 at 9:04pm

Building TiddlyWikiClassic

12th September 2014 at 2:16pm

TiddlyWiki5 can be used to build older 2.x.x versions of TiddlyWikiClassic from their constituent components. Doing so involves these features:

  • The tiddlywiki/classictools plugin, containing a deserializer module which allows tiddlers to be loaded from TiddlyWiki 2.x.x .recipe files
  • The stripcomments format for the ViewWidget, which strips single line JavaScript comments starting //#
  • The stripTitlePrefix='yes' attribute of the FieldsWidget, which removes prefixes wrapped in curly braces from the title attribute
    • For example, {tiddler}HelloThere would be transformed to HelloThere


TiddlyWikiClassic is built from the command line by running TiddlyWiki on Node.js. A typical usage would be:

node ../../tiddlywiki.js \
	--verbose \
	--load <path_to_recipe_file> \
	--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/tiddlywiki2.template.html <path_to_write_index_file> text/plain \
	|| exit 1

butfirst Operator

3rd February 2015 at 6:37pm
purposesame as rest

Learn more about how to use Filters

butlast Operator

26th February 2022 at 4:33am
purposediscard the last N input titles
inputa selection of titles
parameterN=an integer, defaulting to 1
outputall but the last N input titles

Learn more about how to use Filters

Introduced in v5.2.2 The butlast operator returns the input list unchanged if N is 0. This is consistent with the behaviour of the rest Operator.


butlast Operator (Examples)

26th February 2022 at 4:33am

These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

[list[Days of the Week]butlast[]]

[list[Days of the Week]butlast[0]]

[list[Days of the Week]butlast[2]]

A B C D E F G H I J K L M +[butlast[7]]


13th November 2023 at 9:33am


The button widget displays an HTML <button> element that can perform a combination of optional actions when clicked:

  • Executing any ActionWidgets passed in the actions attribute
  • Executing any ActionWidgets that are immediate children of the button widget
  • Execute any integrated actions:
    • Navigate to a specified tiddler
    • Dispatch a user defined widget message
    • Trigger a user defined popup
    • Assign new text to a specified tiddler

The integrated actions are provided as a shortcut for invoking common actions. The same functionality is available via ActionWidgets, with the exception of the support for highlighting selected popups.

Content and Attributes

The content of the <$button> widget is displayed within the button.

actionsA string containing ActionWidgets to be triggered when the key combination is detected. Introduced in v5.1.23 the modifier variable lists the modifier keys that are pressed when the action is invoked. The possible modifiers are ctrl, ctrl-alt, ctrl-shift, alt, alt-shift, shift and ctrl-alt-shift
toThe title of the tiddler to navigate to
messageThe name of the widget message to send when the button is clicked
paramThe optional parameter to the message
setA TextReference to which a new value will be assigned
setTitleA title to which a new value will be assigned, without TextReference. Gets preferred over set
setFieldA field name to which the new value will be assigned, if the attribute setTitle is present. Defaults to the text field
setIndexAn index to which the new value will be assigned, if the attribute setTitle is present
setToThe new value to assign to the TextReference identified in the set attribute or the text field / the field specified through setField / the index specified through setIndex of the title given through setTitle
selectedClassAn optional additional CSS class to be assigned if the popup is triggered or the tiddler specified in set already has the value specified in setTo
defaultDefault value if set tiddler is missing for testing against setTo to determine selectedClass
popupTitle of a state tiddler for a popup that is toggled when the button is clicked. See PopupMechanism for details
popupTitleTitle of a state tiddler for a popup that is toggled when the button is clicked. In difference to the popup attribute, no TextReference is used. See PopupMechanism for details
popupAbsCoordsIntroduced in v5.2.4 If set to yes writes absolute coordinates to the tiddler referenced by the popup. If set to no (the default) uses relative coordinates. See Coordinate Systems for details
aria-labelOptional Accessibility label
tooltipOptional tooltip
classAn optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element
data-*New in v5.3.2 Optional data attributes to be assigned to the HTML element
style.*New in v5.3.2 Optional CSS properties to be assigned to the HTML element
styleAn optional CSS style attribute to be assigned to the HTML element
tagAn optional html tag to use instead of the default "button"
dragTiddlerAn optional tiddler title making the button draggable and identifying the payload tiddler. See DraggableWidget for details
dragFilterAn optional filter making the button draggable and identifying the list of payload tiddlers. See DraggableWidget for details
tabindexSets the tabindex attribute of the button to the given value
disabledIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional, disables the button if set to "yes". Defaults to "no"

Note: In almost all other cases where a TextReference is used as a widget attribute, it will be placed between curly brackets, to transclude the value currently stored there. However, when we use a TextReference as the value of a button widget's set attribute, we are referencing the storage location itself, rather than the value stored there, so we do not use curly brackets there. Example: we could code a button widget that sets the caption field of TiddlerA to be the same as that of TiddlerB as:

Introduced in v5.1.18 setTitle, setField and setIndex attributes allow specifying Tiddler states directly, without interpreting them as TextReferences. This is useful for edge-cases where titles may contain characters that are used to denote Tiddler fields or indices (!!, ##)

<$button set="TiddlerA!!caption" setTo={{TiddlerB!!caption}} >

Press me!


Tip: Set class to tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink to have a button look like an internal link.


23rd September 2024 at 4:20pm

CamelCase is formed by taking a phrase, capitalising the initial letter of each word, and smashing the words together to form a portmanteau word. Traditionally most wikis including TiddlyWiki use CamelCase to signal phrases that should automatically become links.

You can also disable CamelCase linking in TiddlyWiki if you want.

New in v5.3.0 CamelCase is disabled by default in new wikis.

Caruso - Ave Maria

Cascade Filter Run Prefix

10th July 2023 at 7:33am
purposemodify input titles by successively evaluating a list of filters and applying the first result
inputthe filter output of all previous runs so far
outputthe input titles as modified by the filters returned by this filter run
Introduced in v5.2.1

The filter expression for this filter run is evaluated to return a list of filters. Each input title is then evaluated against each of the filters in turn, and the input title is replaced with the first result of the first filter that returns a non-empty list. If none of the filters return a result for an input title, it is replaced with an empty string.

The following variables are available within the filter run:

  • currentTiddler - the input title
  • ..currentTiddler - the value of the variable currentTiddler outside the filter run.

Cascade Filter Run Prefix (Examples)

Cascade Filter Run Prefix (Examples)

5th March 2023 at 12:52pm

The :cascade filter run prefix is used by the TiddlyWiki core to choose the colour for each tiddler as used in the tag pill generated by the tag macro.


The filter expression inside the above :cascade filter run returns a list of filters from the text fields of tiddlers tagged as shown below:

  • [has[color]then{!!color}]
  • [tag[TableOfContents]then[#1e90ff]]
    [tag[Working with TiddlyWiki]then[darkorchid]]
  • [[$:/config/DefaultTiddlerColour]has[text]get[text]trim[]]

For each input title, each of these filters is now applied to in turn until the first filter that returns a non-empty list. The first result from this non-empty list replaces that input title and is used as the colour for that tiddler.

[all[shadows+tiddlers]] :cascade[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerColourFilter]!is[draft]get[text]] +[!is[blank]limit[10]]

Extended example

This example illustrates step-by-step how the :cascade filter run works.

A filter expression whose output returns a list of filters is required. Typically such a filter expression will construct the list of filters by querying some field in a set of tiddlers (likely via tag). To keep this example self-contained, 3 filters are stored in the filter1, filter2 and filter3 fields of this tiddler. Text references and instances of the append operator are used to combine the fields into a list of filters.

The filter [{!!filter1}append{!!filter2}append{!!filter3}], generates this list of filters:

  • [prefix[ca]then[ca]]
  • [suffix[at]then[at]]
  • other

For this example, cat can bat bug will be used as the input titles. Each input title will be evaluated by :cascade against each of the above filters in turn. To help understand what :cascade sees internally, the following table uses the Map Filter Run Prefix to show the result of each individual filter.

cat can bat bug :map[prefix[ca]then[ca]]
cat can bat bug :map[suffix[at]then[at]]
cat can bat bug :map[[other]]

Click "Try it" on the above 3 examples. The first non-blank value from each row as read from left to right will be returned when :cascade is used. Click "Try it" below to see the final result:

cat can bat bug :cascade[{!!filter1}append{!!filter2}append{!!filter3}]


6th December 2021 at 4:47pm


Cascades are a key mechanism used to construct and customise TiddlyWiki's user interface.

See Customising TiddlyWiki's user interface for an overview of all the customisation mechanisms

How cascades work

Cascades provide a means to select one of multiple values based on flexible, extensible criteria. They can be thought of as a list of conditions that are evaluated in turn until one of them matches.

Each cascade is defined by a special tag which identifies the tiddlers containing the conditions to be matched. The Order of Tagged Tiddlers determines the order in which the conditions are processed, and provides the means for arranging new rules at specific points in the cascade.

The conditions are defined by a Filter Expression in the text field. The filters are evaluated with the list of input titles set to the title of the tiddler to be considered. The currentTiddler variable is also set to the title of the tiddler to be considered.

If the filter returns no result then that result will be ignored and the cascade proceeds to test the next condition. If the filter expression does return at least one result then it serves as the result of the entire cascade.

The Cascade Filter Run Prefix provides the implementation of the underlying logic.


The Story Tiddler Template Cascade contains the logic for determining a tiddler should be displayed as an editable draft or in view mode. By default, it consists of two tiddlers containing the following list of rules:

  1. [is[draft]then{$:/config/ui/EditTemplate}] – if it is a draft tiddler, use the template title given in the tiddler $:/config/ui/EditTemplate
  2. [{$:/config/ui/ViewTemplate}]  – otherwise, use the template title given in the tiddler $:/config/ui/ViewTemplate

Usage in the core

The TiddlyWiki core uses cascades to choose the following elements:

Story Tiddler Template CascadeThe template used to display a particular tiddler in the story river. By default, the edit template is chosen for draft tiddlers, and the view template for others
Tiddler Icon CascadeThe optional icon associated with a particular tiddler (displayed alongside the title)
Tiddler Colour CascadeThe optional colour associated with a particular tiddler (used to colour the tiddler icon and if the tiddler is used as a tag also provides the colour for the tag pill)
View Template Title CascadeThe template used to display the title of a particular tiddler (used by the default view template to display the tiddler title)
View Template Body CascadeThe template used to display the view mode body of a particular tiddler (used by the default view template to display the tiddler body)
Edit Template Body CascadeThe template used to display the edit mode body of a particular tiddler (used by the default edit template to display the tiddler body editor)
Field Editor CascadeThe template used to display the edit mode of a tiddler field (used by the default edit template to display the field editor)

You can see the current settings for each cascade in $:/ControlPanel under the Info -> Advanced -> Cascades tab.

See Also

Cascading Style Sheets

21st February 2015 at 6:17pm

CSS is a standard plain-text format used for defining the presentational style of the various elements on a web page.

ceil Operator

11th June 2019 at 5:44pm
purposerounds a list of numbers up to the next largest integer
inputa selection of titles
outputrounds each of the input numbers up to the next largest integer

Learn more about how to use Filters

ceil Operator (Examples)

11th June 2019 at 5:45pm



=-1.2 =-2.4 =3.6 =4.8 =5.1 +[ceil[]]

changecount Macro

21st December 2022 at 5:45pm

The changecount macro returns the number of times the current tiddler has been created, stored or deleted during the current TiddlyWiki session.

If a tiddler is deleted and subsequently recreated, its changecount will be increased by two.




changecount Macro (Examples)

21st February 2015 at 3:12pm


The value will increase if you edit this tiddler and store it again, even without making any changes to its content.

To access the changecount of a different tiddler, use a $tiddler widget:

<$tiddler tiddler="Draft of 'New Tiddler'">

The value shown will increase whenever you create, store or delete New Tiddler.

Changes to filters in 5.0.9-beta

3rd April 2014 at 10:35pm


This release resolves a number of inconsistencies with the way that filters are handled. The changes mean that existing filters may need to be updated - particularly those that must deal with missing or shadow tiddlers.

Changes to is and addition of all

Most filter operators act by choosing some or all of their source titles to pass through or re-order. Those that add new entries that are not drawn from the source list are referred to as selectors. Prior to 5.0.9-beta, a few filter operators were inconsistent in whether they filtered from the source list or selected new entries into it.

The specific changes are:

  • The is operator now always strictly filters from the currently selected list of tiddlers
  • The new all operator acts as a selector by replacing the current list with a combination of tiddlers from specific sources:
    • current for the current tiddler
    • missing for all missing tiddlers
    • orphans for all orphan tiddlers
    • shadows for all shadow tiddlers
    • tiddlers for all non-shadow tiddlers (including both system and non-system tiddlers)

The sources for the all operator can be combined with the + character. For example, [all[shadows+tiddlers]] returns all shadow tiddlers and all ordinary tiddlers.

Previously, it was common to have [is[shadow]] at the start of a filter string to select all the shadow tiddlers. In 5.0.9 and above, this will not return all the shadow tiddlers, but instead just those ordinary tiddlers that are also shadow tiddlers (by virtue of having overridden one). The resolution is to use the new all operator. For example, consider this filter from 5.0.8:

[is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] [!is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] +[tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]]

In 5.0.9, that filter has been changed to:


Note how the all operator allows operations to be performed on tiddlers from combinations of sources.

Changes to [is[current]]

One result of the changes is that [is[current]] now strictly filters from the source tiddlers; so, if the current tiddler is a missing tiddler not in the source list, then [is[current]] will return an empty list.

The solution is generally to use [all[current]] instead. It doesn't read as well, but has the required behaviour of returning just the current tiddler, regardless of whether it is in the source tiddlers.

Changes to title and field

There are minor changes to the way that the title and field operators work.

The title operator is a selector: it returns the specified title regardless of whether it is in the current source. title is used as the default operator if none is specified

The field operator is a filter: it only returns a subset of the source tiddlers. field is used as the default operator if the supplied operator is not defined (the supplied operator is passed as the suffix to the field operator, so [description[Missing]] is equivalent to [field:description[Missing]]).

charcode Operator

22nd June 2021 at 9:44pm
purposegenerates string characters from their numeric character codes
parameterC=numeric character code
outputa string formed from concatenating the characters specified by the numeric codes given in the parameter(s)

Learn more about how to use Filters

Introduced in v5.2.0

This operator returns a string formed from concatenating the characters specified by the numeric codes given in one or more parameters. It is useful for generating special characters such as tab (charcode[9]) or new line (charcode[13],[10]).


charcode Operator (Examples)

22nd June 2021 at 9:48pm



13th November 2023 at 9:33am


The checkbox widget displays an HTML <input type="checkbox"> element that is dynamically bound to either:

  • the presence or absence of a specified tag on a specified tiddler
  • the value of a specified field of a specified tiddler

Content and Attributes

The content of the <$checkbox> widget is displayed within an HTML <label> element immediately after the checkbox itself. This means that clicking on the content will toggle the checkbox.

tiddlerTitle of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the Current Tiddler)
The name of the tag to which the checkbox is bound
invertTagWhen set to yes, flips the tag binding logic so that the absence of the tag causes the checkbox to be checked
The name of the field to which the checkbox is bound
Introduced in v5.2.3 The name of the field that contains the list to which the checkbox is bound
Introduced in v5.1.14 The property of the DataTiddler to which the checkbox is bound
Introduced in v5.2.3 Like index, but treats the value as a list the same way that listField does
Introduced in v5.2.3 A filter whose output determines the checked state of the checkbox
checkedThe value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being checked
uncheckedThe value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being unchecked
defaultThe default value to use if the field is not defined
Whether ambiguous values can produce indeterminate checkboxes (see below)
classThe class that will be assigned to the <label> element
Introduced in v5.2.3 tc-checkbox is always applied by default, as well as tc-checkbox-checked when checked
actionsIntroduced in v5.1.14 A string containing ActionWidgets to be triggered when the status of the checkbox changes (whether it is checked or unchecked)
uncheckactionsIntroduced in v5.1.16 A string containing ActionWidgets to be triggered when the checkbox is unchecked
checkactionsIntroduced in v5.1.20 A string containing ActionWidgets to be triggered when the checkbox is checked
disabledIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optionally disables the checkbox if set to yes (defaults to no)
data-*New in v5.3.2 Optional data attributes to be assigned to the HTML <input> element
style.*New in v5.3.2 Optional CSS properties to be assigned to the HTML <input> element

tag Mode

Using the checkbox widget in tag mode requires the tag attribute to specify the name of the tag. The checkbox will be checked if the tiddler specified in the tiddler attribute has the specified tag and unchecked if it does not.

This example creates a checkbox that flips the done tag on the current tiddler:

<$checkbox tag="done"> Is it done?</$checkbox>

That renders as:

When the attribute invertTag is set to yes, the checkbox will be checked if the tiddler does not have the specified tag and unchecked if it does.

<$checkbox tag="done" invertTag="yes"> Is it not done?</$checkbox>

That renders as:

CheckboxWidget (field Mode)

17th March 2023 at 4:11pm

field Mode

Using the checkbox widget in field mode requires the field attribute to specify the name of the field. The checked and unchecked attributes specify the values to be assigned to the field to correspond to its checked and unchecked states respectively. The default attribute is used as a fallback value if the field is missing or contains a value that does not correspond to the value of the checked or unchecked attributes.

This example creates a checkbox that is checked if the field status is equal to open and unchecked if the field is equal to closed. If the field value is undefined then it defaults to closed.

<$checkbox field="status" checked="open" unchecked="closed" default="closed"> Is it open?</$checkbox>

''status:'' {{!!status}}

That renders as:


CheckboxWidget (filter Mode)

25th March 2023 at 10:14am

filter Mode

Using the checkbox widget in filter mode requires the filter attribute to contain a filter whose output will determine the checked state of the checkbox. In filter mode, checking the checkbox will not automatically make changes to any field of any tiddler. Instead, you can use the actions attribute (or the checkactions and uncheckactions attributes) to specify what should happen when the checkbox is toggled. It is your responsibility to make sure the actions cause changes to the tiddlers or fields that the filter results depend on, so that the checkbox becomes properly checked or unchecked after the actions have triggered and the filter has updated.

If the filter returns an empty result, the checkbox will be unchecked. Otherwise, if the filter result is non-empty, the checkbox will be checked.

However, if either the checked or unchecked attributes (or both) are specified, then their values will be looked for in the filter result, instead of considering any non-empty value to mean checked.

This example creates the same checkbox as in the , selecting between red and green in the colors list field, but using filters and actions to make the change.

\define checkActions() <$action-listops $field="colors" $subfilter="-red green"/>
\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $field="colors" $subfilter="red -green"/>
<$checkbox filter="[list[!!colors]]" checked="green" unchecked="red" default="red" checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> > Is "green" in colors?</$checkbox>

''colors:'' {{!!colors}}

That renders as:


CheckboxWidget (indeterminate)

17th March 2023 at 4:09pm

indeterminate Checkboxes

If both the checked and unchecked attributes are specified, but neither one is found in the specified field (or index), the result can be ambiguous. Should the checkbox be checked or unchecked? Normally in such cases the checkbox will be unchecked, but if the indeterminate attribute is set to yes (default is no), the checkbox will instead be in an "indeterminate" state. An indeterminate checkbox counts as false for most purposes — if you click it, the checkbox will become checked and the checkactions, if any, will be triggered — but indeterminate checkboxes are displayed differently in the browser.

This example shows indeterminate checkboxes being used for categories in a shopping list (which could also be sub-tasks in a todo list, or many other things). If only some items in a category are selected, the category checkbox is indeterminate. You can click on the category checkboxes to see how indeterminate states are treated the same as the unchecked state, and clicking the box checks it and applies its check actions (in this case, checking all the boxes in that category). Try editing the fruits and vegetables fields on this tiddler and see what happens to the example when you do.

\define check-all(field-name:"items") <$action-listops $field="selected-$field-name$" $filter="[list[!!$field-name$]]" />
\define uncheck-all(field-name:"items") <$action-listops $field="selected-$field-name$" $filter="[[]]" />

<$checkbox filter="[list[!!selected-fruits]count[]]" checked={{{ [list[!!fruits]count[]] }}} unchecked="0" checkactions=<<check-all fruits>> uncheckactions=<<uncheck-all fruits>> indeterminate="yes"> fruits</$checkbox>
<ul style="list-style: none">
<$list variable="fruit" filter="[list[!!fruits]]">
<li><$checkbox listField="selected-fruits" checked=<<fruit>>> <<fruit>></$checkbox></li>
<$checkbox filter="[list[!!selected-vegetables]count[]]" checked={{{ [list[!!vegetables]count[]] }}} unchecked="0" checkactions=<<check-all vegetables>> uncheckactions=<<uncheck-all vegetables>> indeterminate="yes"> veggies</$checkbox>
<ul style="list-style: none">
<$list variable="veggie" filter="[list[!!vegetables]]">
<li><$checkbox listField="selected-vegetables" checked=<<veggie>>> <<veggie>></$checkbox></li>

<p>Selected veggies: {{!!selected-vegetables}}<br/>
Selected fruits: {{!!selected-fruits}}</p>

That renders as:

Selected veggies:
Selected fruits:

CheckboxWidget (index Mode)

17th March 2023 at 4:09pm

index Mode

To use the checkbox widget in index mode set the index attribute to a property of a DataTiddler. The checked and unchecked attributes specify the values to be assigned to the property and correspond to its checked and unchecked states respectively. The default attribute is used as a fallback value if the property is undefined.

Make sure to set tiddler correctly, because non-DataTiddlers will be overwritten without warning

The example below creates a checkbox that is checked if the property in the tiddler ExampleData by the name of the current tiddler is equal to selected and unchecked if the property is an empty string. If the property is undefined then it defaults to an empty string, meaning the checkbox will be unchecked if the property is missing.

<$checkbox tiddler="ExampleData" index=<<currentTiddler>> checked="selected" unchecked="" default=""> Selected?</$checkbox>

That renders as:

CheckboxWidget (listField Mode)

17th March 2023 at 4:09pm

listField Mode

Using the checkbox widget in list mode requires the listField attribute to specify the name of a field containing a list. The checked attribute specifies the value that should be present or absent in the list when the checkbox is checked or unchecked respectively. If checked is absent (or empty) but unchecked is present, then the logic will be inverted: the checkbox will be checked when the unchecked value is missing from the list, and unchecked when the unchecked value is found in the list. If both checked and unchecked are present, the checkbox will work like a toggle, replacing the checked value with the unchecked value and vice-versa. Finally, if neither checked nor unchecked is specified, the checkbox will be checked if the field has anything in it, but unchecked if the field is missing or empty. (This is rarely useful. Most of the time you want to specify checked or unchecked or both.)

The default attribute is used as a fallback for the checkbox state if the field is not defined.

The following table summarizes the possible combinations:

defined attributes
neitherfield missing or list empty
no default defined
field has any value
checked=item1item1 removed from listitem1 added to list
unchecked=item2item2 added to listitem2 removed from list
bothitem1 removed from list
item2 added to list
item1 added to list
item2 removed from list
item1 not in list
item2 not in list
no default defined

This example creates a checkbox that is checked if the list field named colors contains green and unchecked if the field contains red. If the field is undefined, or if neither green nor red appears in the field, then it defaults to green, meaning that the checkbox will be checked.

<$checkbox listField="colors" checked="green" unchecked="red" default="green"> Is "green" in colors?</$checkbox><br />''colors:'' {{!!colors}}

That renders as:


Try editing the colors field of this tiddler to see how the example changes.

CheckboxWidget (listIndex Mode)

17th March 2023 at 4:09pm

listIndex Mode

Using the checkbox widget in index list mode requires the listIndex attribute to specify the the property of a DataTiddler. This property contains a list. The checked attribute specifies the value that should be present or absent in the list when the checkbox is checked or unchecked respectively. If checked is absent (or empty) but unchecked is present, then the logic will be inverted: the checkbox will be checked when the unchecked value is missing from the list, and unchecked when the unchecked value is found in the list. If both checked and unchecked are present, the checkbox will work like a toggle, replacing the checked value with the unchecked value and vice-versa. Finally, if neither checked nor unchecked is specified, the checkbox will be checked if the field has anything in it, but unchecked if the field is missing or empty. (This is rarely useful. Most of the time you want to specify checked or unchecked or both.)

The default attribute is used as a fallback for the checkbox state if the property is undefined.

The following table summarizes the possible combinations:

defined attributes
neitherproperty missing or list empty
no default defined
property has any value
checked=item1item1 removed from listitem1 added to list
unchecked=item2item2 added to listitem2 removed from list
bothitem1 removed from list
item2 added to list
item1 added to list
item2 removed from list
item1 not in list
item2 not in list
no default defined

Make sure to set tiddler correctly, because non-DataTiddlers will be overwritten without warning

The example below creates three checkboxes that each control a different value in a property of the ExampleData tiddler.

<$set name=indexName filter="[<currentTiddler>addsuffix[ Colors]]" >
<$checkbox tiddler="ExampleData" listIndex=<<indexName>> checked="green" unchecked="red" default="red"> Green or red?</$checkbox><br/>
<$checkbox tiddler="ExampleData" listIndex=<<indexName>> checked="yellow" unchecked="blue" default="blue"> Yellow or blue?</$checkbox><br/>
<$checkbox tiddler="ExampleData" listIndex=<<indexName>> checked="orange" unchecked="purple" default="purple"> Orange or purple?</$checkbox><br/>
Colors list: <$text text={{{ [[ExampleData]getindex<indexName>] }}} />

That renders as:

Colors list:

CheckboxWidget (tag Mode)

17th March 2023 at 4:11pm

tag Mode

Using the checkbox widget in tag mode requires the tag attribute to specify the name of the tag. The checkbox will be checked if the tiddler specified in the tiddler attribute has the specified tag and unchecked if it does not.

This example creates a checkbox that flips the done tag on the current tiddler:

<$checkbox tag="done"> Is it done?</$checkbox>

That renders as:

When the attribute invertTag is set to yes, the checkbox will be checked if the tiddler does not have the specified tag and unchecked if it does.

<$checkbox tag="done" invertTag="yes"> Is it not done?</$checkbox>

That renders as:

Chick Peas

6th October 2020 at 6:12pm

Chinese (Simplified) Edition

20th September 2014 at 3:02am

TiddlyWiki 的简体中文翻译版本:

另请参阅 中文 (正體) 版

Chinese (Traditional) Edition

20th September 2014 at 3:02am

TiddlyWiki 的正體中文翻譯版本:

另請參閱 中文 (简体) 版


Clear the password for subsequent crypto operations


Code Blocks in WikiText

13th May 2022 at 12:03pm

Code styles and auto format settings for IDEs

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm


9th August 2024 at 7:46am


The codeblock widget renders text in <pre> and <code> blocks, causing it to be displayed monospace. A language may optionally be specified using the language attribute, however syntax highlighting will only be used if the Highlight Plugin is installed.

Content and Attributes

The content of the <$codeblock> widget is ignored.

codeContents of the block to render as code
languageProgramming language for syntax highlighting

The language attribute accepts either:


Here is an example embedding the contents of a tiddler as a code block.

<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/}} />

That renders as:

\define sayhi(name:"Bugs Bunny",address:"Rabbit Hole Hill")
Hi, I'm $name$ and I live in $address$.

A codeblock may also specify a language.

<$codeblock code="SELECT * FROM users WHERE deleted = false" language="sql" />

That renders as:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE deleted = false

CodeMirror Plugin

28th February 2017 at 10:25am

The CodeMirror plugin adds a sophisticated web-based editor to TiddlyWiki.

See for a demo.

colour Macro

28th February 2020 at 2:28pm

The colour (or color) macro returns the CSS value of one the colours in the current palette.

If no such entry exists in the current palette, the vanilla palette is used instead. If no such entry exists in the vanilla palette, the system looks for a configuration tiddler with the title $:/config/DefaultColourMappings/<colour-name> and transcludes the colour from the text field. This enables to plugins to ship defaults for colours that are not present in the core palettes.


The name of the palette entry, e.g. page-background


colour Macro (Examples)

21st February 2015 at 3:48pm

<<colour code-border>>
<<colour foreground>>
<<colour page-background>>
<<colour sidebar-tab-background>>
<<colour tag-foreground>>

colour-picker Macro

18th April 2016 at 3:43pm

The colour-picker macro displays an interactive colour picker, as can be seen in the core bitmap editor.


Wikitext for the action widgets that should be executed when the user selects a colour. Within the text, the variable colour-picker-value contains the selected colour.


colour-picker Macro (Example 1)

16th November 2021 at 3:46am

colour-picker Macro (Examples)

18th April 2016 at 3:53pm

Colour: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/_MyColour' tag='input' placeholder='(unset)' default=''/>


<$macrocall $name='colour-picker' actions="

<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/_MyColour' $value=<<colour-picker-value>>/>



3rd August 2023 at 4:54am

A colour palette is a data tiddler that supplies a CSS colour value, such as yellow or #fe0, for each of several colour names, like this:

page-background: #fe0
table-border: #ccc

Several palettes form part of the core. The system tiddler $:/palette always contains the title of the currently selected palette tiddler. You can change a palette using the palette button, found on the "Tools" tab in the sidebar.

To retrieve the value of a named colour from the current palette, e.g. for use in a stylesheet tiddler, use the colour macro:

<<colour page-background>>

Palette tiddlers should have the following fields:

titleTypically starting with $:/
nameDisplayed in the palette browser
descriptionDisplayed in the palette browser
textname: value colour definitions

Comma-Separated Values

21st February 2015 at 6:13pm

CSV is a standard plain-text format for storing a table of data.

Each row of the table is called a record and occupies one line.

The columns are called fields. Each field of a row is separated from the next by a comma, and is often delimited by quotation marks.

The csvtiddlers macro returns tiddler content in this format.


18th October 2024 at 9:41am

commands Operator

3rd February 2015 at 6:41pm
purposeselect the titles of all the Node.js commands
outputthe command words that can be given to TiddlyWiki on Node.js

Learn more about how to use Filters

commands Operator (Examples)

18th January 2015 at 6:31pm



4th December 2022 at 8:25pm

Sequentially run the command tokens returned from a filter

--commands <filter>


--commands "[enlist:raw{$:/build-commands-as-text}]"
--commands "[{$:/build-commands-as-json}jsonindexes[]] :map[{$:/build-commands-as-json}jsonget<currentTiddler>]"


22nd March 2021 at 3:22pm

Once all the relevant links have been transferred over these entries will be removed from the main site.

The latest news, articles, resources and examples.

Community Editions

3rd August 2023 at 5:34am

These are prepackaged editions created by the TiddlyWiki Community. These are TiddlyWikis with added plugins and configurations to facilitate a certain use-case. These are great starting points if you want to quickly jump into TiddlyWiki and start using it without spending too much time configuring yourself.

Community Links Aggregator

22nd March 2021 at 3:18pm

The TiddlyWiki Community Links Aggregator is a collection of regularly updated links to useful and interesting TiddlyWiki material curated by our team of community editors. The site aggregates links curated by individual members of the TiddlyWiki community. It lets you see the latest links, and explore them through categories and timelines.

This site works best with a crowd of people posting links. The pressure on individuals is reduced because not everybody needs to catch every interesting link that flies past. The aggregation effects reduce the impact of mistakes. For example, if one person mis-tags a link under an inappropriate topic, the site will show that only one person added that tag, versus the majority using more appropriate tags. In that way, we hope that a sort of wisdom of the crowds will emerge, with consensus emerging as to the most useful ways to describe and categorise links.

Community Palettes

1st January 2021 at 3:25pm

This is a list of palettes made by members of the TiddlyWiki Community. Palettes change the colourscheme of TiddlyWiki and can be used in combination with themes.

Community Plugins

1st January 2021 at 3:14pm

These are plugins created by the TiddlyWiki Community. Visit their website to try out the plugin. Carefully read the installing instructions and back up before installing! These plugins may not always be up to date and can contain bugs or unwanted behaviour. For even more plugins, visit the TiddlyWiki Groups. New plugins get posted and announced there first.

Community Themes

1st January 2021 at 3:25pm

This is a list of themes made by members of the TiddlyWiki Community. Themes change the look and feel of TiddlyWiki, allowing for another degree of customisation. Installing themes works the same as plugins.

compare Operator

12th April 2020 at 6:15pm
purposefilter the input by comparing each item against the parameter
inputa selection of titles
suffixthe compare operator uses a rich suffix, see below for details
parameterthe value to compare
outputthose input titles matching the specified comparison
! outputthose input titles not matching the specified comparison

Learn more about how to use Filters

Introduced in v5.1.22The compare filter allows numerical, string and date comparisons to be performed.

The compare operator uses an extended syntax to specify all the options:


The type can be:

  • "number" - (default) invalid numbers are interpreted as zero
  • "integer" - invalid integers are interpreted as zero
  • "string"
  • "date" - invalid dates are interpreted as 1st January 1970
  • "version" - invalid versions are interpreted as "v0.0.0"

The mode can be:

  • "eq" - equal to
  • "ne" - not equal to
  • "gteq" - greater than or equal to
  • "gt" - greater than
  • "lteq" - less than or equal to
  • "lt" - less than

The operator compares each item in the selection against the value of the parameter, retaining only those items that pass the specified condition.

For example:

[[2]compare:number:eq[3]] returns nothing
[[2]compare:number:lt[3]] returns "2"
[[2]compare::eq[2]] returns "2"

Note that several of the variants of the compare operator are synonyms for existing operators, and are provided in the interests of consistency. For example, compare:string:eq[x] is a synonym for match[x].


compare Operator (Examples)

12th April 2020 at 9:29pm

→ compares two partial dates

→ compares the same two strings as integers

[list[Days of the Week]compare:string:gt[M]compare:string:lt[W]]




Compose ballad

15th November 2021 at 1:31am


29th July 2024 at 8:26am

Compound tiddlers are a special type of tiddler that can store one or more payload tiddlers. The tiddlers within a compound tiddler are only accessible via special operations, typically with the TestCaseWidget.

The compound tiddler format is extremely simple, and includes the notable flaw that it does not permit tiddlers that contain a plus sign (+) on a line by itself. It is not intended as a general purpose way of storing tiddler data.

Compound tiddlers are identified by having their type field set to text/vnd.tiddlywiki-multiple.

The content of a compound tiddler consists of a sequence of tiddlers separated by a plus sign (+) on a line by itself. Each tiddler uses the same format as .tid files.

For example:

title: First
tags: one two

This is the first tiddler
title: Second
tags: three four

This is the second tiddler
title: third
tags: five six

This is the third tiddler

Also see: TestCaseTiddlers

Concatenating text and variables using macro substitution

15th June 2023 at 11:45am


New in v5.3.0 It is recommended to use substituted attributes or the substitute filter operator to concatenate text and variables.

It's a frequent use case in TiddlyWiki that you will want to put the results of variables together with various bits of strings of text. This process in some programming languages is often referred to as "concatenating" text.

What is Wrong

You might, for instance want to set up a template for your customer database, where links will automatically refer to additional contact information about your customer. Inside your tiddler, you might try something like this:

Don't do it this way!

[[Additional Info|<<currentTiddler>>-Contact]]

But that won't work. If you try this, the link will be interpreted very literally, and will attempt to take you to:


The solution is to use a macro to put the rendered value of <<currentTiddler>> together with the bit of additional text, -Contact.

Create a macro at the top of the tiddler like this:

\define linkup(link) [[Additional Info|$link$-Contact]]

You might be tempted to invoke the new macro like this:

Don't do it this way!

<<linkup <<currentTiddler>> >>

But if you do, you will find that <<currentTiddler>> doesn't get rendered, but instead gets passed literally.

Instead, you could use the MacroCallWidget widget, like this:

<$macrocall $name="linkup" link=<<currentTiddler>> />

In this case, we passed the value of a variable directly to our macro. This is often a general way to go about this task. If you wanted to create more links based on other variables you could re-use the macro for each situation.

If, as in this case, the only variable you are using is currentTiddler then you could write a simple macro, like this:

\define linkup() [[Additional Info|$(currentTiddler)$-Contact]]

Notice that in this case we don't pass an argument. Instead, we reference the variable using the special syntax $(variable)$. Since we don't pass an argument, we can invoke it without the <$macrocall> widget more simply, like this:



4th January 2025 at 11:06am

Conditional Operators

11th July 2023 at 8:23am

Introduced in v5.1.20 The conditional filter operators allow if-then-else logic to be expressed within filters.

The foundation is the convention that an empty list can be used to represent the Boolean value false and a list with at one (or more) entries to represent true.

The conditional operators are:

  • then Operator replaces any input values with a constant string. For example:
    • [[HelloThere]is[missing]then[FOO]]evaluates to(empty)
    • [[Missing Tiddler]is[missing]then[FOO]]evaluates toFOO
  • else Operator if the title list is empty then returns a constant string, otherwise returns the original title list
    • [[HelloThere]is[tiddler]else[BAR]]evaluates toHelloThere
    • [[Missing Tiddler]is[tiddler]else[BAR]]evaluates toBAR

These operators can be combined. For example:

[[New Tiddler]is[missing]then[I am missing]else[No I am not missing]]

The else operator can be used to apply a defaults for missing values. In this example, we take advantage of the fact that the get operator returns an empty list if the field or tiddler does not exist:


Filter Run Prefixes

The :then and :else named filter run prefixes serve a similar purpose as the conditional operators.

Also see: Named Filter Run Prefix

Conditional Shortcut Syntax

1st September 2023 at 12:31pm

New in v5.3.2 The conditional shortcut syntax provides a convenient way to express if-then-else logic within WikiText. It evaluates a filter expression and considers the condition to be true if there is at least one result (regardless of the value of that result).

Within an "if" or "elseif" clause, the variable condition contains the value of the first result of evaluating the filter condition.

A simple example:

<%if [{$:/info/url/protocol}match[file:]] %>
  Loaded from a file URI
  Not loaded from a file URI

That renders as:

Not loaded from a file URI

One or more <%elseif%> clauses may be included before the <%else%> clause:

<%if [{$:/info/url/protocol}match[file:]] %>
  Loaded from a file URI
<%elseif [{$:/info/url/protocol}match[https:]] %>
  Loaded from an HTTPS URI
<%elseif [{$:/info/url/protocol}match[http:]] %>
  Loaded from an HTTP URI
  Loaded from an unknown protocol

That renders as:

Loaded from an unknown protocol

The conditional shortcut syntax can be nested:

\procedure test(animal)
<%if [<animal>match[Elephant]] %>
  It is an elephant
  <%if [<animal>match[Giraffe]] %>
    It is a giraffe
    It is completely unknown

<<test "Giraffe">>

<<test "Elephant">>

<<test "Antelope">>

That renders as:

It is a giraffe It is an elephant It is completely unknown


  • Clauses are parsed in inline mode by default. Force block mode parsing by following the opening <%if %>, <%elseif%> or <%else%> with two line breaks
  • Widgets and HTML elements must be within a single conditional clause; it is not possible to start an element in one conditional clause and end it in another
  • The conditional shortcut syntax cannot contain pragmas such as procedure definitions

Configuring startup tiddlers

6th March 2018 at 4:14pm

You can configure TiddlyWiki to start up using whatever individual or group of tiddlers you want using the default tiddlers mechanism.

In the control panel under the info tab is an input field labeled "Choose which tiddlers are displayed at startup". You can list whatever tiddlers you want to open at startup. Use double square brackets for titles containing spaces. For example:

[[Third Tiddler]]

You can also use filter expressions to open more than one tiddler. For example:


will open all tiddlers tagged as .

You can also use this technique to preserve open tiddlers at startup

See also StartupActions for controlling more advanced startup behaviours.

Configuring the default TiddlerInfo tab

12th September 2014 at 2:59pm

The configuration tiddler $:/config/TiddlerInfo/Default contains the title of the tiddler containing the default tiddler info tab.

The default value is $:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Fields corresponding to the Fields tab. Other possible values are:

  • $:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tools
  • $:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/References
  • $:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tagging
  • $:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/List
  • $:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Listed
  • $:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Fields
  • $:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Advanced
  • $:/editions/

Consent Banner Plugin

19th October 2020 at 8:46am

The Consent Banner Plugin helps make websites that are compliant with "cookie legislation" such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation. It presents a banner inviting the user to accept or reject cookies, keeping track of their consent in local storage so that the banner can be hidden on subsequent visits.

By default, content embedded with <iframe>, <embed> and <object> is blocked unless the user consents to accept cookies.

Consent status is available via a configuration tiddler so that it is possible to construct content that behaves differently depending upon whether consent has been granted. As an example, a macro is provided for embedding YouTube videos that automatically uses the variant of video URLs unless the user has accepted cookies.

Please note that using this plugin does not guarantee compliance with any particular legislation. You will need to understand the technical issues specific to your situation, and if necessary seek legal advice.

Constructing JSON tiddlers

22nd September 2023 at 12:25pm

See JSON in TiddlyWiki for an overview of using JSON in TiddlyWiki.

JSON data is just plain text, and so there are an wide variety of techniques to generate it in wikitext.

At a high level, we have several ways to generate JSON data in TiddlyWiki's own tiddler format:

When constructing JSON data manually, the jsonstringify Operator is needed to ensure that any special characters are properly escaped.

contains Operator

15th August 2018 at 12:46pm
purposefilter the input by searching list fields for a value
inputa selection of titles
suffixF=the name of a field (defaults to list)
parameterS=a possible value to be found in list field F
outputthose input tiddlers in which the list field F contains the value S
! outputthose input tiddlers in which the list field F does not contain the value S

Learn more about how to use Filters

contains Operator (Examples)

15th August 2018 at 12:49pm

→ checks whether the tiddler 'HelloThere' is currently displayed in the story river


14th November 2021 at 1:36am

This is an example tiddler. SeeTable-of-Contents Macros (Examples).

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


21st February 2015 at 12:08pm

Used in Internet protocols to indicate the type that should be used to interpret the content of a web resource.

In TiddlyWiki, the type field gives the content type to apply to the main text field.

List of Common Content Types

GroupTypeContent of type field
DeveloperData dictionaryapplication/x-tiddler-dictionary
JavaScript codeapplication/javascript
JSON dataapplication/json
Static stylesheettext/css
ImageGIF imageimage/gif
ICO format icon fileimage/x-icon
JPEG imageimage/jpeg
PDF imageapplication/pdf
PNG imageimage/png
Structured Vector Graphics imageimage/svg+xml
TextHTML markuptext/html
CSS stylesheettext/css
Comma-separated valuestext/csv
Plain texttext/plain
TiddlyWiki 5text/vnd.tiddlywiki
TiddlyWiki Classictext/x-tiddlywiki

contrastcolour Macro

21st February 2015 at 3:13pm

The contrastcolour macro returns whichever of two given CSS colours is deemed to contrast best with another.

An example can be seen in the template tiddler for tag pills.


The colour to contrast against (typically a background colour)
An alternative colour to contrast against. This is used when target is undefined or not a valid colour
The first of the two colours to choose between
The second of the two colours to choose between


28th March 2022 at 10:54am

Here we focus on contributions via GitHub Pull Requests but there are many other ways that anyone can help the TiddlyWiki project, such as reporting bugs or helping to improve our documentation.

Rules for Pull Requests

PRs must meet these minimum requirements before they can be considered for merging:

  • The material in the PR must be free of licensing restrictions. Which means that either:
    • The author must hold the copyright in all of the material themselves
    • The material must be licensed under a license compatible with TiddlyWiki's BSD license
  • The author must sign the Contributors License Agreement (see below)
  • Each PR should only make a single feature change
  • The title of the PR should be 50 characters or less
  • The title of the PR should be capitalised, and should not end with a period
  • The title of the PR should be written in the imperative mood. See below
  • Adequate explanation in the body of the PR for the motivation and implementation of the change. Focus on the why and what, rather than the how
  • PRs must be self-contained. Although they can link to material elsewhere, everything needed to understand the intention of the PR should be included
  • Any visual changes introduced by the PR should be noted and illustrated with before/after screenshots
  • Documentation as appropriate for end-users or developers
  • Observe the coding style
  • Read the developers documentation
  • Please open a consultation issue prior to investing time in making a large PR

Imperative Mood for PR Titles

The "imperative mood" means written as if giving a command or instruction. See this post for more details, but the gist is that the title of the PR should make sense when used to complete the sentence "If applied, this commit will...". So for example, these are good PR titles:

  • If applied, this commit will update the contributing guidelines
  • If applied, this commit will change css-escape-polyfill to a $tw.utils method
  • If applied, this commit will make it easier to subclass the wikitext parser with a custom rule set

These a poorly worded PR titles:

  • If applied, this commit will edit text widgets should use default text for missing fields
  • If applied, this commit will signing the CLA
  • If applied, this commit will don't crash if options.event is missing

PR titles may also include a short prefix to indicate the subsystem to which they apply. For example:

  • Menu plugin: Include menu text in aerial rotator

Commenting on Pull Requests

One of the principles of open source is that many pairs of eyes on the code can improve quality. So, we welcome comments and critiques of pending PRs. Conventional Comments has some techniques to help make comments as constructive and actionable as possible. Notably, they recommend prefixing a comment with a label to clarify the intention:

praisePraises highlight something positive. Try to leave at least one of these comments per review. Do not leave false praise (which can actually be damaging). Do look for something to sincerely praise
nitpickNitpicks are small, trivial, but necessary changes. Distinguishing nitpick comments significantly helps direct the reader's attention to comments requiring more involvement
suggestionSuggestions are specific requests to improve the subject under review. It is assumed that we all want to do what's best, so these comments are never dismissed as “mere suggestions”, but are taken seriously
issueIssues represent user-facing problems. If possible, it's great to follow this kind of comment with a suggestion
questionQuestions are appropriate if you have a potential concern but are not quite sure if it's relevant or not. Asking the author for clarification or investigation can lead to a quick resolution
thoughtThoughts represent an idea that popped up from reviewing. These comments are non-blocking by nature, but they are extremely valuable and can lead to more focused initiatives and mentoring opportunities
choreChores are simple tasks that must be done before the subject can be “officially” accepted. Usually, these comments reference some common process. Try to leave a link to the process description so that the reader knows how to resolve the chore

Contributor License Agreement

Like other OpenSource projects, TiddlyWiki5 needs a signed contributor license agreement from individual contributors. This is a legal agreement that allows contributors to assert that they own the copyright of their contribution, and that they agree to license it to the UnaMesa Association (the legal entity that owns TiddlyWiki on behalf of the community).

How to sign the CLA

Create a GitHub pull request to add your name to or, with the date in the format (YYYY/MM/DD).

step by step

  1. Navigate to licenses/CLA-individual or licenses/CLA-entity according to whether you are signing as an individual or representative of an organisation
  2. Ensure that the "branch" dropdown at the top left is set to tiddlywiki-com
  3. Click the "edit" button at the top-right corner (clicking this button will fork the project so you can edit the file)
  4. Add your name at the bottom
    • eg: Jeremy Ruston, @Jermolene, 2011/11/22
  5. Below the edit box for the CLA text you should see a box labelled Propose file change
  6. Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Signing the CLA")
  7. Click the green button labelled Propose file change
  8. On the following screen, click the green button labelled Create pull request

The CLA documents used for this project were created using Harmony Project Templates. "HA-CLA-I-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-individual" and "HA-CLA-E-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-entity".


25th August 2013 at 2:49pm

Contributing to TiddlyWiki5

Here we focus on contributions via GitHub Pull Requests but there are many other ways that anyone can help the TiddlyWiki project, such as reporting bugs or helping to improve our documentation.

Rules for Pull Requests

PRs must meet these minimum requirements before they can be considered for merging:

  • The material in the PR must be free of licensing restrictions. Which means that either:
    • The author must hold the copyright in all of the material themselves
    • The material must be licensed under a license compatible with TiddlyWiki's BSD license
  • The author must sign the Contributors License Agreement (see below)
  • Each PR should only make a single feature change
  • The title of the PR should be 50 characters or less
  • The title of the PR should be capitalised, and should not end with a period
  • The title of the PR should be written in the imperative mood. See below
  • Adequate explanation in the body of the PR for the motivation and implementation of the change. Focus on the why and what, rather than the how
  • PRs must be self-contained. Although they can link to material elsewhere, everything needed to understand the intention of the PR should be included
  • Any visual changes introduced by the PR should be noted and illustrated with before/after screenshots
  • Documentation as appropriate for end-users or developers
  • Observe the coding style
  • Read the developers documentation
  • Please open a consultation issue prior to investing time in making a large PR

Imperative Mood for PR Titles

The "imperative mood" means written as if giving a command or instruction. See this post for more details, but the gist is that the title of the PR should make sense when used to complete the sentence "If applied, this commit will...". So for example, these are good PR titles:

  • If applied, this commit will update the contributing guidelines
  • If applied, this commit will change css-escape-polyfill to a $tw.utils method
  • If applied, this commit will make it easier to subclass the wikitext parser with a custom rule set

These a poorly worded PR titles:

  • If applied, this commit will edit text widgets should use default text for missing fields
  • If applied, this commit will signing the CLA
  • If applied, this commit will don't crash if options.event is missing

PR titles may also include a short prefix to indicate the subsystem to which they apply. For example:

  • Menu plugin: Include menu text in aerial rotator

Commenting on Pull Requests

One of the principles of open source is that many pairs of eyes on the code can improve quality. So, we welcome comments and critiques of pending PRs. Conventional Comments has some techniques to help make comments as constructive and actionable as possible. Notably, they recommend prefixing a comment with a label to clarify the intention:

praisePraises highlight something positive. Try to leave at least one of these comments per review. Do not leave false praise (which can actually be damaging). Do look for something to sincerely praise
nitpickNitpicks are small, trivial, but necessary changes. Distinguishing nitpick comments significantly helps direct the reader's attention to comments requiring more involvement
suggestionSuggestions are specific requests to improve the subject under review. It is assumed that we all want to do what's best, so these comments are never dismissed as “mere suggestions”, but are taken seriously
issueIssues represent user-facing problems. If possible, it's great to follow this kind of comment with a suggestion
questionQuestions are appropriate if you have a potential concern but are not quite sure if it's relevant or not. Asking the author for clarification or investigation can lead to a quick resolution
thoughtThoughts represent an idea that popped up from reviewing. These comments are non-blocking by nature, but they are extremely valuable and can lead to more focused initiatives and mentoring opportunities
choreChores are simple tasks that must be done before the subject can be “officially” accepted. Usually, these comments reference some common process. Try to leave a link to the process description so that the reader knows how to resolve the chore

Contributor License Agreement

Like other OpenSource projects, TiddlyWiki5 needs a signed contributor license agreement from individual contributors. This is a legal agreement that allows contributors to assert that they own the copyright of their contribution, and that they agree to license it to the UnaMesa Association (the legal entity that owns TiddlyWiki on behalf of the community).

How to sign the CLA

Create a GitHub pull request to add your name to or, with the date in the format (YYYY/MM/DD).

step by step

  1. Navigate to licenses/CLA-individual or licenses/CLA-entity according to whether you are signing as an individual or representative of an organisation
  2. Ensure that the "branch" dropdown at the top left is set to tiddlywiki-com
  3. Click the "edit" button at the top-right corner (clicking this button will fork the project so you can edit the file)
  4. Add your name at the bottom
    • eg: Jeremy Ruston, @Jermolene, 2011/11/22
  5. Below the edit box for the CLA text you should see a box labelled Propose file change
  6. Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Signing the CLA")
  7. Click the green button labelled Propose file change
  8. On the following screen, click the green button labelled Create pull request

The CLA documents used for this project were created using Harmony Project Templates. "HA-CLA-I-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-individual" and "HA-CLA-E-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-entity".

This file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki5

Contributor License Agreement

3rd August 2023 at 5:35am

Like other OpenSource projects, TiddlyWiki5 needs a signed contributor license agreement from individual contributors. This is a legal agreement that allows contributors to assert that they own the copyright of their contribution, and that they agree to license it to the UnaMesa Association (the legal entity that owns TiddlyWiki on behalf of the community).


16th September 2014 at 1:31pm

The following individuals have generously given their time to contribute to the development of TiddlyWiki:

Coordinate Systems

10th August 2022 at 8:16pm

TiddlyWiki (primarily the RevealWidget) supports two coordinate systems for positioning popups (see PopupMechanism to learn more about popups).

Introduced in v5.2.4 We introduced absolute coordinates that may not work with all extensions and plugins. For maximum backwards compatibility, use absolute coordinates only where necessary.

Relative coordinate system

The default coordinate system is relative to the nearest positioned ancestor element. This is either:

  • an element with a non-static position, or
  • a td, th, table in case the element itself is static positioned.

For tiddlers the nearest positioned ancestor element mostly is the body of the tiddler. Read the next chapter to learn about the exceptions.

Relative coordinates are expressed in the form (x,y,w,h). Where x and y represent the position and w and h the width and height of the element.

Absolute coordinate system

The relative coordinate system works flawless most of the time. Problems occure if the target element (for example, a popup) and the source element (the triggering button) do not share the same positioned ancestor element. This is often the case if the popup is declared outside a table and the triggering button is declared within a table cell. In this case the coordinate systems have different origins and the popup will be displayed in the wrong location.

Absolute coordinates can fix this problem by using the root element of the page (the upper-left corner of the page) as the origin of the coordinate system. Absolute coordinates are expressed in the form @(x,y,w,h). Where x and y represent the position and w and h the width and height of the element. The leading @-symbol marks these coordinates as absolute.

The ButtonWidget has an option (popupAbsCoords) to put absolute coordinates into the state tiddler. The DraggableWidget and the EventCatcherWidget provide the absolute coordinate of an event within the attribute tv-popup-abs-coords.


The following example shows a popup that is triggered from within a table cell. The table cell is the nearest positioned ancestor element. The popup was defined outside the table cell. The button using relative coordinates will open the popup in the wrong location because the button and the popup do not agree on the same coordinate system. Using absolute coordinates fixes this problem.

<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/CoordinateSampleReveal">
<div class="tc-drop-down">

| Table Row 1 |<$button popup="$:/state/CoordinateSampleReveal">Relative coordinates</$button>|
| Table Row 2 |<$button popup="$:/state/CoordinateSampleReveal" popupAbsCoords="yes">Absolute coordinates</$button>|

That renders as:

Table Row 1
Table Row 2

copy-to-clipboard Macro

16th December 2017 at 10:49am

The copy-to-clipboard macro displays a button that copies specified text to the clipboard. A notification is displayed if the operation is successful; some browsers do not permit the operation.


The text to be copied to the clipboard
Optional CSS classes to be assigned to the button (defaults to tc-btn-invisible)
Optional CSS styles to be assigned to the button


copy-to-clipboard Macro (Examples)

16th December 2017 at 10:51am

<<copy-to-clipboard "Mary had a little lamb">>
<$macrocall $name="copy-to-clipboard" src={{$:/SiteTitle}}/>

Copying tiddlers between TiddlyWiki files

19th September 2014 at 4:15pm

You can copy an individual tiddler from one TiddlyWiki file to another by dragging a link to the tiddler from one browser window to another.

If you want to drag a link, first move it vertically, because horizontal movement is recognized by the browser as text selection.

Core Classes

22nd April 2024 at 9:01am

Core Functions

22nd April 2024 at 9:09am

Core Icons

23rd April 2023 at 10:31am


TiddlyWiki includes over 100 custom vector icons. They feature in the user interface and are also available for authors to use in their own applications. See Icon Gallery for a complete listing.


The core icons are used by transcluding them. For example:


That renders as:

The core icons are parameterised. The first parameter size specified the size at which the icon should be rendered:

<$transclude $tiddler="$:/core/images/picture" size="32px"/>

That renders as:

Here is an example of dynamically resizing icons:

<$list filter="[range[24,56,8]]" variable=iconSize>
<$text text={{{ [<iconSize>addsuffix[px]] }}} />
<$transclude $tiddler="$:/core/icon" size=<<iconSize>>/>

That renders as:

24px 32px 40px 48px 56px

Some icons take further parameters to customise how they are rendered. For example, the $:/core/images/new-journal-button icon takes an additional parameter day that specifies the day of the month that should be shown on the calendar. It defaults to the current date if not specified

<$transclude $tiddler="$:/core/images/new-journal-button" day="17"/>

That renders as:



The core icons are implemented as embedded SVG elements, and not as full-blown SVG images. This means that they can be styled using CSS. For example, the CSS property fill can be used to change the colour of the icons. For example:

<span style="fill: red;">{{$:/core/images/opacity}}</span>

That renders as:

Core Macros

22nd April 2024 at 8:46am

Core Messages

22nd April 2024 at 9:12am

Core Procedures

22nd April 2024 at 9:09am

Core Variables

21st April 2024 at 2:48pm

Core Widgets

22nd April 2024 at 8:31am

TiddlyWiki's display is driven by an underlying collection of widgets. These are organised into a tree structure: each widget has a parent widget and zero or more child widgets.

TiddlyWiki generates this widget tree by parsing the WikiText of tiddlers. Each component of the WikiText syntax, including even the trivial case of ordinary text, generates a corresponding widget. The widget tree is an intermediate representation that is subsequently rendered into the actual display.

Widgets are analogous to elements in an HTML document. Indeed, HTML tags in WikiText generate dedicated element widgets.

Each class of widget contributes a specific ability to the overall functionality, such as the ability to display an image or a button, to call a macro or transclude text from elsewhere, or to mark a piece of text as a heading.

The more specialised widgets use a general-purpose widget syntax as their only possible WikiText representation.

The following classes of widget are built into the core:

cos Operator

21st October 2021 at 10:29pm
purposecalculate the cosine value of a list of angles (given in radians)
inputa selection of titles
outputthe cosine of the input angles (numeric value between -1 and 1)

Learn more about how to use Filters

cos Operator (Examples)

20th October 2021 at 2:21pm


=1 =2 =3 =4 +[cos[]]

count Operator

8th February 2017 at 8:09pm
purposecount the number of entries in a list
inputa selection of titles
outputa new list containing the number of items in the input list as a decimal string

Learn more about how to use Filters

The number of the entries in the input list is counted and a decimal representation returned as a single string.


count Operator (Examples)

8th February 2017 at 8:10pm



31st December 2018 at 1:01pm


The count widget displays the number of unique items in the output of specified filter expressions.

Content and Attributes

The content of the <$count> widget is ignored.

filterThe filter expression to count


There are <$count filter="[tag[Examples]]"/> tiddlers tagged with Examples

That renders as:

There are 8 tiddlers tagged with Examples

Creating a custom export format

24th November 2014 at 5:35pm

To create a custom export format that exports tiddlers as their raw body text:

  1. Create a tiddler with the following fields:
    • tags: $:/tags/Exporter
    • description: Description of this exporter
    • extension: Default file extension for this export format (including the dot; for example .tid)
  2. Set the following content:
\define renderContent()
{{{ $(exportFilter)$ ||$:/core/templates/plain-text-tiddler}}}

The variable exportFilter contains a filter defining which tiddlers should be exported.

Creating a splash screen

27th September 2018 at 8:44am

By default, TiddlyWiki displays a blank screen while it is loading. You can add a special "splash screen" that is displayed while the wiki loads.

Larger TiddlyWiki files and those loaded over a slow network connection may take a little time to load. Once fully loaded, performance improves, because everything is now running entirely within the browser. Using a splash screen ensures people know the loading process is taking place, reducing the chance they will leave the page.

In order for the splash screen to be displayed before TiddlyWiki is initialised or decrypted, it is embedded as static HTML/CSS within the TiddlyWiki HTML file. This is done with the SystemTag: $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified/TopBody, or any of the other system tags beginning with $:/tags/RawMarkup.

In order to remove the splash screen when the wiki has finished loading, the HTML should be wrapped in a container with the special class tc-remove-when-wiki-loaded. Any DOM elements with this class are automatically deleted by the core once the wiki has loaded.

Here's an example of a simple splash screen that just displays the text Loading. To use it, copy the text into a new tiddler, give it the type "text/plain" and the tag "$:/tags/RawMarkupWikified/TopBody":

<div class="tc-remove-when-wiki-loaded">

If the tiddler is given the WikiText type text/vnd.tiddlywiki then the contents are wikified as the file is saved, allowing transclusion etc. For example, here's an example that quotes the site title in the loading message. To use it, copy the text into a new tiddler, give it the type "text/vnd.tiddlywiki" and the tag "$:/tags/RawMarkupWikified/TopBody":

\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline
<div class="tc-remove-when-wiki-loaded">
Please wait while {{$:/SiteTitle}} is loading

The \rules directive is used to limit the wikitext syntax that is recognised to the two forms of inline transclusion. This avoids accidental wikification of tiddler content.

There is a more complex example splash screen using CSS animations and images configured in this wiki: see $:/SplashScreen

Creating and editing tiddlers

7th June 2016 at 3:37pm

Creating tiddlers

You create a tiddler either by clicking the button in the sidebar, or by clicking on a link to a missing tiddler. Links to missing tiddlers are shown in blue italics.

See also:

Editing tiddlers

To edit an existing tiddler, click the button at the top right of the tiddler.

Draft mode

When you create a new tiddler or edit an existing one, the tiddler will go into draft mode. This presents a control panel for modifying the tiddler in various ways. It has several parts, from top to bottom:

  • The title field - Use this to change the title of the tiddler
  • The tag selector - Use this to add or remove tags. As you type a tag name in the box, a dropdown list will show you any existing tags that match. You can pick from this list or create a completely new tag. Then click the add button or hit the Enter key to add the tag to the tiddler. Each tag is shown as a coloured pill. Click the "×" on a pill to remove that tag
  • The text area - Use this to edit the main content of the tiddler. Click the preview button ( / ) to see what your changes will look like
  • The type selector - Use this when a tiddler needs to be displayed in a special way, such as an image. See ContentType for a list of the options. The default is text/vnd.tiddlywiki, which means the tiddler contains WikiText
  • The field selector - Use this to add or remove fields on the tiddler. For example, if you are editing a tiddler that's being used to tag other tiddlers, you can add a ''list'' field to change the order in which those tiddlers will be listed

Save, cancel or delete

When you have finished editing, click a button at the top right of the tiddler:

  • The ok button () stores your changes to this one tiddler and leaves draft mode. If your wiki is configured to AutoSave, your changes will be permanently saved. Otherwise they will only be stored temporarily in your web browser, and you will lose them if you close your TiddlyWiki page without first clicking the master save changes button ( ) in the sidebar.
  • The cancel button () discards your changes (after asking you to confirm) and leaves draft mode.
  • The delete button () deletes the entire tiddler (after asking you to confirm).

Creating journal tiddlers

18th December 2018 at 6:00pm


Journal tiddlers are tiddlers that use a date and/or time as their title. They are typically used as a quick way to record time-stamped information.

You can use additional tags on a journal tiddler to link it to other tiddlers, helping to establish the relationships between items of information.

For example, you might use a journal tiddler called 10th October 2014 to record thoughts and information captured on that particular day. The tags Shopping and London might be used to indicate that the entry concerns shopping in London.

Creating a journal tiddler

The easiest way to create a journal tiddler is to use the new journal button 18 in the Tools tab of the sidebar. If you find yourself often using the button, click the checkbox next to it to make the button available just above the search box.

The new journal button creates a journal entry as a blank tiddler with the tag Journal and a title derived from today's date. If a journal tiddler with that title already exists, then this is opened for editing.

Creating a tagged journal tiddler

A common sequence of actions is to create (or reopen) today's journal entry and tag it with the title of another tiddler. This can be done with the new journal here button 18 in the other tiddler's toolbar. You can find this button in the Tools tab of the tiddler's InfoPanel.

For example, you might be reviewing a tiddler called Oxford Street and realise that it's relevant for planning your shopping trip. Click the new journal here button on the Oxford Street tiddler to bring up a journal entry tagged with Oxford Street.

Customising journal tiddlers

To configure how new journal entries are created, visit the Basics tab under Info in the control panel :

  • "Title of new journal tiddlers" specifies how these tiddlers should be named, as a date format string. The default setting of DDth MMM YYYY causes new entries to have titles of the form "10th October 2014"
  • "Tags for new journal tiddlers" [specifies|Title List] tags that will automatically appear on new journal entries. For example: Journal [[Summer vacation]]

Hint: if you want to create a separate journal tiddler whenever you click new journal (even if you do this several times in the same day), you can include the clock time in the title format. Specify something like YYYY-0MM-0DD at 0hhh0mm'0ss'' as the date format.

Another useful trick is to include <<currentTiddler>> somewhere in the title format. This means that if you click new journal here on several different tiddlers, the title of each of those tiddlers will form part of the name of the resulting journal entries.

Making a custom new journal button

Visit the Making a custom journal button tiddler for instructions on how to make your own custom New Journal button

Creating new toolbar buttons

3rd August 2023 at 5:03am

Let's say you have a skeleton tiddler called 'Recipe template', and you want to have a button available in the tiddler ViewToolbar to create new recipe tiddlers on demand. This will require the following steps:

  1. You will want an image for your button. If none of the core images (shadow tiddlers with the prefix $:/core/images/) work for you, then you will need to create or acquire an SVG image (for example, one of the images at, drag it into your file so that it becomes a tiddler, edit the tiddler and adjust the height and width to 22px
  2. You will want to create the tiddler that contains your tiddler. Create it, title it, and add the button code (see the code at the bottom of this tiddler for an example, with hints where you will need to adapt it). Tag it $:/tags/ViewToolbar
  3. You will need to create a tiddler that tells TiddlyWiki whether your button should be visible in the toolbar or hidden. Let's title it $:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/Recipe. Type show into the text area, and save. If you want to hide it, type hide into the text area and save. The button will also be accessable from the Control Panel : Appearance : Toolbars : View Toolbar tab
  4. You will want to position the button properly. Open the tiddler $:/tags/ViewToolbar and insert your button tiddler's title in the appropriate place in the list field.
\define newHereButtonTags()
\define newHereButton()
<$button class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>
title="New tiddler"
  tags=<<newHereButtonTags>> />
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>match[yes]]">
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-text>match[yes]]">
<span class="tc-btn-text"><$text text="CAPTION FOR YOUR BUTTON"/></span>


Creating SubStories

27th November 2021 at 3:22am

This example shows how to create a sub-story within a tiddler that is independent of the main story. The NavigatorWidget and ListWidget work together to:

  1. Add tiddlers to the story when links are clicked. Navigate to the tiddler corresponding to the link click. (story attribute of the NavigatorWidget)
  2. Remove tiddlers from the story when tiddler close buttons are clicked. (story attribute of NavigatorWidget)
  3. Animate the opening and closing of tiddlers. (storyview attribute of the ListWidget)
  4. Display the list of open tiddlers. (filter and template attributes of the ListWidget)
  5. Display tiddlers in draft mode. (editTemplate attribute of the ListWidget)
  6. Track navigation history. (history attribute of both NavigatorWidget and ListWidget)
  7. And more!

Here is the example code (see also StateMechanism for related discussion):

<$navigator story="$:/temp/DemoStoryList" history="$:/temp/DemoHistoryList">


  emptyMessage="Use search box above. Clicked search links will open here instead of in the main story.<p>No search ideas? Click this link to get started: HelloThere</p>"/>


That renders as:

Use search box above. Clicked search links will open here instead of in the main story.

No search ideas? Click this link to get started: HelloThere

csvtiddlers Macro

21st February 2015 at 3:13pm

The csvtiddlers macro returns the fields of a selection of tiddlers in CSV form, with one record (row) per tiddler.

An example can be seen in the template tiddler for CSV exports.


A filter selecting which tiddlers to include
Reserved for future extension. Should be set to quoted-comma-sep

Current Tiddler

21st February 2015 at 9:50pm

The current tiddler provides the context in which several aspects of WikiText are interpreted.

For example, {{!!title}} denotes the value of the title field of whatever the current tiddler happens to be. This technique can be used to create general-purpose template tiddlers.

The title of the current tiddler can always be found in the currentTiddler variable.

The two most common ways in which the current tiddler is changed are:

  • the $tiddler widget
  • the $list widget (when its variable attribute is not overridden)

The current tiddler is therefore often not the same as the tiddler that is being viewed or edited.

currentTab Variable

27th June 2024 at 8:16pm

The currentTab variable contains the title of the current tab within an enclosing set of tabs generated by the tabs Macro.

When a tiddler is transcluded within a tab, any use of the currentTiddler Variable will point to the tiddler containing the tabs Macro call. This may lead to surprises if the transcluded tiddler was originally written to display by itself in the Story River in ways that rely on self-reference. The currentTab macro enables a similar effect to currentTiddler for the special case of a tiddler rendered as a tab.

Compare currentTiddler.

currentTiddler Variable

21st February 2015 at 3:20pm

The currentTiddler variable contains the title of the current tiddler.

Several aspects of WikiText use this tiddler as their context. As a result, within a $list widget or a template tiddler, there is often no need to explicitly specify a tiddler title.

Compare storyTiddler.


currentTiddler Variable (Examples)

21st February 2015 at 2:13pm

The following two examples have the same meaning:

<$view field=title/>
<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=title/>

This next example shows how the $list widget changes the current tiddler:

<$list filter="[prefix[J]]">

Custom data-styles

3rd August 2023 at 5:07am

[data-tiddler-title="Custom styles by data-tiddler-title"] {
  border: 1px solid blue;
}[data-tags*="example-test"] {
  border: 2px solid pink;
}[data-tags*="example-hardlinebreaks"] .tc-tiddler-body {
  word-break: normal;
  word-wrap: break-word;
  white-space: pre-wrap;
}[data-tags*="data-tags-styles"] .tc-tiddler-body {
  display: block;
  padding: 14px;
  margin-top: 1em;
  margin-bottom: 1em;
  word-break: normal;
  word-wrap: break-word;
  white-space: pre-wrap;
  background-color: #f5f5f5;
  border: 1px solid #cccccc;
  padding: 0 3px 2px;
  border-radius: 3px;
  font-family: Monaco, Consolas, "Lucida Console", "DejaVu Sans Mono", monospace;

Custom styles by data-tags

11th April 2018 at 5:39pm

Attribute: data-tags

Introduced in v5.1.16

The TiddlyWiki core adds several attributes to the rendered content. These make it possible to apply custom styles to tiddlers.

For example this tiddler is tagged: and so the attribute looks like this:

data-tags="[[How to apply custom styles]] example-test"

Important: Tiddler tags are not sorted so the order in the rendered output may be different!


The following CSS is defined in Custom data-styles and creates a pink border for all tiddlers (including this one) tagged with example-test.

[data-tags*="example-test"] {
  border: 2px solid pink;

Styling Stylesheets

So to display tiddlers tagged: data-tags-styles in a decent way we can use the following code. (I could have used: $:/tags/Stylesheet, but that would affect all stylesheets in this wiki, which is not intended. amt ;)

Important: Don't forget to also specify .tc-tiddler-body or the whole tiddler, including the title, will be changed! see: Custom data-styles

[data-tags*="data-tags-styles"] .tc-tiddler-body {
  display: block;
  padding: 14px;
  margin-top: 1em;
  margin-bottom: 1em;
  word-break: normal;
  word-wrap: break-word;
  white-space: pre-wrap;
  background-color: #f5f5f5;
  border: 1px solid #cccccc;
  padding: 0 3px 2px;
  border-radius: 3px;
  font-family: Monaco, Consolas, "Lucida Console", "DejaVu Sans Mono", monospace;

Hard Linebreaks

This mechanism may be handy for users who want to write prose text! See: Hard Linebreaks with CSS

More Possibilities

Represents an element with an attribute name of attr.
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr and whose value is exactly "value".
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr whose value is a whitespace-separated list of words, one of which is exactly "value".
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr. Its value can be exactly “value” or can begin with “value” immediately followed by “-” (U+002D). It can be used for language subcode matches.
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr and whose first value is prefixed by "value".
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr and whose last value is suffixed by "value".
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr and whose value contains at least one occurrence of string "value" as substring.
[attr "operator value" i]
Adding an i (or I) before the closing bracket causes the value to be compared case-insensitively (for characters within the ASCII range).

Learn more at: Attribute selectors - CSS or CSS-Specification

Custom styles by data-tiddler-title

11th April 2018 at 5:39pm

Attribute: data-tiddler-title

Introduced in v5.1.16

The TiddlyWiki core adds several attributes to the rendered content. With those attributes it's possible to apply custom styles to the tiddler content.

For example this tiddler is named: "Custom styles by data-tiddler-title" so the attribute looks like this:

data-tiddler-title="Custom styles by data-tiddler-title"


The following CSS is defined in Custom data-styles and creates a blue border for exactly this tiddler.

[data-tiddler-title="Custom styles by data-tiddler-title"] {
  border: 1px solid blue;

To create a green border for every tiddler that starts with $:/ aka system tiddlers, you'd need to use CSS like so: (not applied here but you can experiment with it! )

[data-tiddler-title^="$:/"] {
  border: 1px solid green;

More Possibilities

Represents an element with an attribute name of attr.
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr and whose value is exactly "value".
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr whose value is a whitespace-separated list of words, one of which is exactly "value".
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr. Its value can be exactly “value” or can begin with “value” immediately followed by “-” (U+002D). It can be used for language subcode matches.
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr and whose first value is prefixed by "value".
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr and whose last value is suffixed by "value".
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr and whose value contains at least one occurrence of string "value" as substring.
[attr "operator value" i]
Adding an i (or I) before the closing bracket causes the value to be compared case-insensitively (for characters within the ASCII range).

Learn more at: Attribute selectors - CSS or CSS-Specification

Custom styles by user-class

11th April 2018 at 5:39pm

Tiddler Field: class Introduced in v5.1.16

The tag manager allows us to set a tiddler color field, that is used to define the "tag-pill" colour. Since: Introduced in v5.1.16 we can define a class field, that is directly inserted into the ViewTemplate and it can be used for styling:

title: anyName
tags: $:/tags/Stylesheet
class: myClass

Every tiddler, that has a class field can be styled that way!

.myClass {
  border: 2px solid blue;

Learn more at: How to apply custom styles

Custom Styles FAQ

11th April 2018 at 5:39pm

Custom tag pill styles

8th June 2023 at 12:34pm

Attribute: data-tag-title

Introduced in v5.2.0 The attribute data-tag-title was added to tag pills visible in the tiddler view template.

New in v5.3.0 The attribute was added to every tag pill visible in the standard TiddlyWiki UI. Especially the edit template tag list, the tag-picker dropdown, the Right sidebar -> More -> Tags tab and the $:/TagManager

The data-tag-title HTML attribute only contains the tag-title visible in the tag pill. It can be used to style the tag-pill.

If you want to style the whole tiddler have a look at: Custom styles by data-tiddler-title


If you use the following CSS in a new tiddler tagged: $:/tags/Stylesheet every tag that starts with a # will have a new border radius. So those tags stand out in contrast to the default tags.

You have to define both CSS rules, due to the existing UI structure to catch all tag-pills in the existing TW UI.

[data-tag-title^="#"] .tc-tag-label,
[data-tag-title^="#"].tc-tag-label {
   border-radius: 3px;

More Possibilities

Represents an element with an attribute name of attr.
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr and whose value is exactly "value".
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr whose value is a whitespace-separated list of words, one of which is exactly "value".
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr. Its value can be exactly “value” or can begin with “value” immediately followed by “-” (U+002D). It can be used for language subcode matches.
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr and whose first value is prefixed by "value".
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr and whose last value is suffixed by "value".
Represents an element with an attribute name of attr and whose value contains at least one occurrence of string "value" as substring.
[attr "operator value" i]
Adding an i (or I) before the closing bracket causes the value to be compared case-insensitively (for characters within the ASCII range).

Learn more at: Attribute selectors - CSS or CSS-Specification

Custom Widgets

22nd April 2024 at 8:47am


New in v5.3.0 A custom widget is a special kind of procedure that can be called using the same syntax as widgets.

Custom widgets can also be used to override built-in JavaScript widgets to customise their behaviour.

Defining Custom Widgets

Custom widgets are usually defined with the Pragma: \widget:

\widget $my.widget(attribute:"Default value")
This is the widget, and the attribute is <<attribute>>.

The name of the widget must start with a dollar sign. If it is a user defined widget that does not override an existing widget then it must include at least one period (dot) within the name (for example $my.widget or $acme.logger).

Note that the Pragma: \whitespace setting is inherited from the parsing context in which the procedure definition occurs. That means that a tiddler containing multiple procedure definitions only needs a single whitespace pragma at the top of the tiddler, and the setting will be automatically inherited by the procedure definitions without needing the pragma to be repeated.

Using Custom Widgets

Custom widgets are called in the same way as ordinary built-in widgets:


<$my.widget attribute="The parameter"/>

The attributes that are specified in the widget call are made available as parameter variables.

Accessing Content of Custom Widgets

Within the definition of a custom widget the content of the calling widget is available via the <$slot $name="ts-raw"/> widget. The contents of the $slot widget is used as the default content if the widget was called without any content.

For example:

\widget $my.widget(one:'Jaguar')
<$text text=<<one>>/>
<$slot $name="ts-raw">

<$my.widget one="Dingo">


That renders as:

Dingo Crocodile

Jaguar Whale

How Custom Widgets Work

Custom widgets are implemented as a special kind of variable. The only thing that distinguishes them from ordinary variables is the way that they can be called as a custom widget with attributes mapped to parameters.

Overriding Core JavaScript Widgets

Custom widgets can use the $genesis widget to invoke the original widget, bypassing the override. For example, here we override the $codeblock widget to add ≤≥ symbols around each string of text.

\widget $codeblock(code)
<$genesis $type="$codeblock" $remappable="no" code={{{ [<code>addprefix[≤]addsuffix[≥]] }}}/>

<$codeblock code="Kangaroo"/>

<$codeblock code={{$:/SiteTitle}}/>


<$let test="Tiger">
<$codeblock code=<<test>>/>

That renders as:


≤TiddlyWiki @@font-size:small; v<<version>>@@≥



Customise TiddlyWiki

6th December 2021 at 4:22pm

Customising search results

7th December 2020 at 6:11pm

By default, the results for the sidebar search box are displayed as a simple list of tiddler titles. The search results can be customised by adding plugin visualisations that show the search results in different ways. (Tabs are shown automatically if an additional search result visualisation is detected).

Search result visualisations are stored in tiddlers tagged $:/tags/SearchResults. The default search result listing is implemented in the system tiddler $:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultList.

To create a new search result visualisation:

  1. Create a new tiddler tagged $:/tags/SearchResults
  2. Use the widget variable searchTiddler to access the title of the tiddler containing the current search term

If you'd like the new visualisation to be the default, create a tiddler called $:/config/SearchResults/Default containing the title of the tiddler containing the search visualisation that you want to display by default.

Here is an example of an alternative visualisation that displays results in reverse chronological order:

\define searchResults()
<$set name="resultCount" value="""<$count filter="[!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}]"/>""">


<<timeline subfilter:"!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}">>

Introduced in v5.1.23 The sidebar search introduces a more sophisticated search-mechanism which makes it possible to navigate the search results using the keyboard shortcuts Down and Up. To add that mechanism to your own custom search results follow these simple steps:

  1. Your tiddler tagged $:/tags/SearchResultsis accessible through the configTiddler variable
  2. The user-input in the search field is accessible through the userInput variable
  3. Use the fields first-search-filter and second-search-filter to store the filters used for your search results. See the tiddler $:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultList for details
  4. Use the following form so that navigated search-results are highlighted, modify it to match your needs:
<$list filter="[<userInput>minlength[1]]" variable="ignore">
<$list filter={{{ [<configTiddler>get[first-search-filter]] }}}>
<span class={{{[<currentTiddler>addsuffix[-primaryList]] -[<searchListState>get[text]] +[then[]else[tc-list-item-selected]] }}}>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate"/>

Note that the searchTiddler variable still contains the name of the tiddler that is used for sorting the search results. The editTiddler variable contains the name of the tiddler that is being edited.

Customising Tiddler File Naming

3rd August 2021 at 8:46pm

By default, a TiddlyWiki on Node.js instance using a wiki folder will create new tiddler files by using the sanitised and disambiguated title as filename. All filepath operations are relative to a default-tiddler-location which defaults to the wiki folder's tiddlers/ directory. This can be overridden by mapping a path in the wiki's file, by using a default-tiddler-location property in the config object.

The default file extension of .tid is used for tiddlers that are missing the type field, or for tiddlers of type "text/vnd.tiddlywiki". Tiddlers of other types are saved according to their MIME types (defined at boot startup).

Both the logical path (directory and file name) and the file extension can be customised independently by creating optional tiddlers $:/config/FileSystemPaths and $:/config/FileSystemExtensions.

File System Paths

The logical path can be customised by creating a $:/config/FileSystemPaths tiddler containing one or more filter expressions, each on a line of its own. Every time a tiddler is saved to disk it is tested against each filter in turn, and the first output of the first filter to produce any output is taken as a logical path to be used for the tiddler file. If the logical path has changed a new file is created and the old file is deleted.

Tiddlers are limited to being written to the wiki folder, the path defined in the default-tiddler-location setting, or the specific path saved in the $:/config/OriginalTiddlerPaths tiddler (see tiddlywiki.files Files). Any error saving a tiddler to disk, with a logical path that does not start with the wiki folder's path the most common error, causes the filepath to be encoded via Javascript's encodeURIComponent() method and the tiddler is saved as this file in the wiki folder's default-tiddler-location.

Logical paths do not include the file-on-disk's extension (see below), and they can use / or \ as directory separator (when generating the physical path, this is replaced by the correct separator for the platform TiddlyWiki is running on). If none of the filters match, the logical path is simply the title with all occurrences of the characters /\<>~:"|?*^ replaced by _ in order to guarantee that the resulting path is legal on all supported platforms. Logical paths are also limited to 200 characters. If a file with this name already exists, a space and a number will be appended to the final filepath, and with the number incremented until an unused path is found.



All paths are relative to the wiki's default-tiddler-location.

This will store newly created system tiddlers that are not drafts of other tiddlers in ./_system/ (after stripping the $:/ prefix). Next, all drafts have the path separator characters in their titles replaced by "_" and are stored in ./drafts/. Then tiddlers tagged task are stored in a subdirectory ./mytasks/. Finally, all tiddlers not tagged with "externalnote" will match the final [!tag[externalnote]addprefix[wiki/]] storing these in ./wiki/. In this example, tiddlers tagged with "externalnote" have been imported using tiddlywiki.files Files with an "isEditableFile" flag set to true, causing the server to remember their original file path in the $:/config/OriginalTiddlerPaths tiddler.

Whenever a tiddler generates a $:/config/FileSystemPaths filter match, any / or \ in the tiddler title is mapped to a path separator. With the above filters, the non-system, non-draft tiddler titled some/thing/entirely/new (with no tags) will be saved to ./wiki/some/thing/entirely/new.tid (ie, the file new.tid in a directory called entirely/). Thus, $:/config/FileSystemPaths itself will end up in ./_system/config/FileSystemPaths.tid or .\_system\config\FileSystemPaths.tid, depending on the platform.

File System Extensions

Normally, the file system extension of a tiddler on disk is determined by the presence of field values containing newlines or field values that start or end with whitespace (other than the text field), in which case the single file ".json" tiddler file format is used.

If the tiddler does not have such field values, then the type field is referenced to find a matching file-type, with .tid used for tiddlers without a type value. The boot engine defines a set of these tiddler-type to file-type relationships in the $:/boot/boot.js tiddler. Search for // Add file extension information to find the section of code that defines these relationships.

The file extension of individual tiddlers can be customised by creating a tiddler $:/config/FileSystemExtensions containing one or more filter expressions, each on a line of its own. Every time a tiddler is saved to disk it is tested against these filters, and the first output of the first filter to produce any output is taken as the file extension to be used for the tiddler file. Extensions should always start with a leading dot (see example). If no filter matches, the default extension is used. If the extension has changed a new file is created and the old file is deleted.

A result of ".tid" will force the tiddler to be written to disk as a single-file text tiddler. A result of ".json" will force the tiddler to be written to disk as a single file tiddler in json-format (a single tiddler fields object in an array), NOT as a tiddler of type "application/json". All other recognised file-types will be saved using their defined extension along with an accompanying *.meta file of the same name which describes all fields but the "text" field.



This will cause all tiddlers that have the tag ".txt" to be saved at the filepath determined by the File System Paths filters, but with their text field saved as a *.txt file, and all other fields saved as a *.txt.meta file.

Next, all tiddlers that have the ".json" tag are saved as *.json files. Finally, all tiddlers that have tag ".tid" are saved as single files. If a tiddler matches none of the filters, the default extension determined by the tiddlers type field would be used.

Customising TiddlyWiki's user interface

4th December 2021 at 12:00pm

TiddlyWiki’s user interface is designed to be highly extensible. Every element can be augmented, removed, or rearranged.

Several different mechanisms are used to achieve this:

  • special fields
  • special titles
  • special tags
  • cascades

Here we provide an overview of those mechanisms and how they relate together.

Special Fields

Special fields are used to assign an appearance or behaviour to individual tiddlers. They can be thought of as flags or values that directly control the tiddler to which they are applied.

For example:

  • Set the icon field to the title of an image tiddler to be used as the icon for this tiddler
  • Set the color field to a CSS colour that is then used for icons and tag pills associated with this tiddler
  • Set the hide-body field to yes to hide the view template body for this tiddler

See TiddlerFields for details of all the special fields.

Special Titles

Certain special titles identify configuration tiddlers that customise TiddlyWiki's appearance or behaviour. They can be thought of as global settings that affect an entire wiki.

For example:

Many of TiddlyWiki's configuration tiddlers are presented as options in $:/ControlPanel. Less commonly used configuration tiddlers do not have a user interface, but are documented in Hidden Settings.

Special Tags

Special tags assign special behaviour or appearance to all of the tiddlers to which they are applied. They can be thought of as establishing ordered lists of tiddlers that are processed or displayed in a particular way.

For example:

See SystemTags for details of all the special tags.

The entire TiddlyWiki user interface is constructed from lists formed from special system tags.

The ordering of these lists is determined by the order of tagged tiddlers rules. Users can re-order tags using drag and drop within a tag dropdown.


Cascades provide a means to select one of multiple values based on flexible, extensible criteria. They can be thought of as a list of conditions that are evaluated in turn until one of them matches.

For example, the core uses the template $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate to display tiddlers in view mode, and $:/core/ui/EditTemplate to display tiddlers in edit mode. A cascade is used to choose which template to use for a particular tiddler:

  1. If the tiddler is a draft, then use $:/core/ui/EditTemplate
  2. Otherwise, use $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate

The list of conditions is defined via a special tag, making it possible to insert additional conditions anywhere in the list.

For example, a plugin might add a special template $:/plugins/example/map-template for tiddlers that have the tag $:/tags/Map by inserting an additional rule:

  1. If the tiddler is a draft, then use $:/core/ui/EditTemplate
  2. If the tiddler is tagged $:/tags/Map, then use $:/plugins/example/map-template
  3. Otherwise, use $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate

See Cascades for more details.

Customizing EditTemplate field rendering

13th April 2022 at 4:55pm

When editing a tiddler the EditTemplate normally renders fields as simple input boxes. To modify this behaviour, the cascade mechanism can be used. Via the Field Editor Cascade the name of the tiddler used for rendering the field editor can be specified. The content of this tiddler is transcluded to represent the content of the field.

To modify the appearance of all fields whose name ends with -date create a new tiddler and add the $:/tags/FieldEditorFilter tag to it. Add a list-before field and assign the value $:/config/FieldEditorFilters/default. Now you have to put the filter for the cascade into the tiddler's text field: [suffix[-date]then[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Templates/dates]]. This will transclude the tiddler named $:/config/EditTemplateFields/Templates/dates to render the input elements for all fields with names matching the regular expression.

The variables currentTiddler, currentField and currentFieldName are set to pass information about the tiddler and field that are edited to the transcluded tiddler.

currentTiddlerThe tiddler that must be used to store the field value.
currentFieldThe field within the currentTiddler that must be used to store the field name. This is an opaque value hat may contain any field name (even text), use currentFieldName to make decisions based on the actual name of the currently edited field.
currentFieldNameThe name of the currently edited field.

For example, a tiddler containing the following WikiText would render the field as an HTML input element of the type date. This will show a date picker for the fields on all modern browsers:

<$edit-text tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=<<currentField>> tag="input" type="date" class="tc-edit-texteditor tc-edit-fieldeditor" placeholder="Set your date" tabindex={{$:/config/EditTabIndex}} cancelPopups="yes"/>

The currentField variable will be set to text for new fields. Make sure that your editor will handle this correctly. For example, by setting the tag attribute on the EditTextWidget. If you want to know the name of the currently edited/added field, use the currentFieldName variable.

The tabindex and cancelPopups attributes make sure the HTML input element behaves exactly the default elements provided by TiddlyWiki.

Not only the EditTextWidget can be used. A tiddler containing the following WikiText will render the field as a drop-down-list that allows the user to select the name of a tiddler. The name of the selected tiddler will be stored in the field.

<$select tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=<<currentField>> class="tc-edit-texteditor tc-edit-fieldeditor" cancelPopups="yes">
    <$list filter='[all[tiddlers]sort[title]]'>
        <option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>

The classes tc-edit-texteditor and tc-edit-fieldeditor should be used to style the input and select elements to match the theme of the TiddlyWiki installation.

Persistence of values when creating fields

When using multiple field editors for creating fields within the EditTemplate, every field editor tiddler returned by the Field Editor Cascade gets its own storage tiddler. This is done to prevent problems with incompatible values when the user is switching between fields governed by different field editors.


There is a cascade that returns a special field editor for all fields starting with the string "my-". All other fields use the default field editor. If you type a new value into the "field value" input box and select any field not starting with "my-", the value will be kept. If you switch to a field, that starts with "my-", the "field value" input field will be empty again because a new type of field editor is used. If you now type a value and switch to another field starting with "my-" the value will be kept. If you switch to a field that does not start with "my-" the previously typed value (that was stored for the default editor) will reappear.

cycle Operator

18th November 2020 at 7:21pm
purposetoggle the titles specified in the first parameter in a cyclical manner
inputa list of items
parameterthe cycle operator accepts 1 or 2 parameters, see below for details
outputthe input list with the titles specified in the parameter toggled in a cyclical manner

Learn more about how to use Filters

Introduced in v5.1.23

The cycle operator requires at least one parameter.

  • titles : a title list to toggle in the input list cyclically. If no title from the parameter is present in the input, the first title is added. If a title from the parameter is present in the input, it is replaced with the next title from the parameter. Note that all titles specified in this parameter should be unique.
  • step-size: (optional). Defaults to 1. Specifies the number of steps in the parameter list to move each time. Can be a negative number.

While the cycle operator interprets its first parameter as a list of titles to cycle through, the toggle Operator accepts an unlimited number of distinct parameters and offers similar functionality.


cycle Operator (Examples)

18th November 2020 at 5:54pm

D3 Plugin

13th September 2024 at 12:24pm

Deprecated fromv5.3.4 The D3 plugin integrates the D3 visualisation library with TiddlyWiki.


See the demo at

Dashes in WikiText

13th May 2022 at 11:19am

You can create an n-dash with a double hyphen – and an m-dash with a triple hyphen ---.

* -- n-dash example 
* --- m-dash example --- have fun!

That renders as:

  • – n-dash example
  • — m-dash example — have fun!

... and the underlying HTML is:

<ul><li>– n-dash example </li><li>— m-dash example — have fun!</li></ul>

Data URI

21st February 2015 at 6:17pm

A data URI is a way of storing data (such as an image) in a way that is compatible with the addresses used by web pages and stylesheets to access external resources.

The datauri macro can be used to generate data URIs within TiddlyWiki.


27th April 2022 at 5:13pm

A data tiddler is a miniature database contained within a tiddler.

There are two standard formats:

Other formats of tiddler can also be parsed to yield blocks of data that behave like data tiddlers.

See JSON in TiddlyWiki for an overview.

datauri Macro

21st February 2015 at 10:28pm

The datauri macro returns a data URI for the content of a tiddler.

It is often used in stylesheet tiddlers to reference things like inline images and fonts:

background: url(<<datauri "Motovun Jack.jpg">>);

The data URI is automatically base64-encoded in the case of a non-text tiddler.


The title of a tiddler, such as an image


datauri Macro (Examples)

21st February 2015 at 10:35pm


29th July 2024 at 8:40am


The data widget is used with the $testcase widget and the Innerwiki Plugin to specify payload tiddlers that are to be included in the test case or innerwiki.

Content and Attributes

The content of the data widget is ignored. It supports the following attributes:

$tiddlerOptional title of a tiddler to be used as a payload tiddler (optional)
$filterOptional filter string identifying tiddlers to be used as payload tiddlers (optional)
$compound-tiddlerOptional title of a tiddler containing payload tiddlers in text/vnd.tiddlywiki-multiple format (see below)
$compound-filterNew in v5.3.6 Optional filter, to create a list of tiddlers that contain compound tiddlers.
Tiddlers will be imported in order. Existing testcase tiddlers will be overwritten, so the currentTiddler wins
any attribute
not starting
with $
Field values to be assigned to the payload tiddler(s)

The data widget is not rendered when used within the $testcase widget or the Innerwiki Plugin but for ease of testing, when used elsewhere it renders a JSON representation of the payload tiddlers.

Without any of the attributes $tiddler, $filter or $compound-tiddler, any attributes whose name does not start with $ are used as the field values for creating a single new tiddler.

Using the data widget to create a tiddler with the title "Epsilon" and the text "Theta"

        "title": "Epsilon",
        "text": "Theta"

If any of the attributes $tiddler, $filter or $compound-tiddler are specified then they are used to generate base tiddlers that are then modified with the addition of fields derived from any attributes whose name does not start with $.

The attribute $tiddler is used to ingest a single tiddler from the wiki containing the data widget:

Using the data widget to create a tiddler that is a copy of the tiddler "Hello" with the addition of the field "custom" set to "Alpha"

        "title": "Hello",
        "modifier": "JoeBloggs",
        "text": "This is the Hello tiddler",
        "custom": "Alpha"

The attribute $filter is used to ingest multiple tiddlers from the wiki containing the data widget:

Using the data widget to create copies of all the tiddlers with the title prefix "Day: T", adding the field "custom" set to "Beta"

        "title": "Day: Thursday",
        "text": "Today is Thursday",
        "custom": "Beta"
        "title": "Day: Tuesday",
        "text": "Today is Tuesday",
        "custom": "Beta"

Compound Tiddlers

Compound tiddlers provide a way to easily create multiple tiddlers from within a single tiddler. They are contained in tiddlers of type text/vnd.tiddlywiki-multiple. The text field consists of a series of tiddlers in the same format as .tid files, each separated by a line containing a single + character.

Using the data widget to import a tiddler stored in a compound tiddler

        "title": "Payload Tiddler",
        "tags": "Alpha Beta Gamma",
        "text": "This is a payload tiddler from a compound tiddler",
        "custom": "Alpha"

Date Fields

26th February 2023 at 2:46pm

Certain fields of a tiddler are used to store dates and times. TiddlyWiki supports dates from the year -9999 to the year 9999.

The two standard date fields are created and modified.

Values of date fields are 17 or 18-character strings:

  • Introduced in v5.1.23 an optional minus sign - to indicate a negative year
  • 4 digits for the year
  • 2 digits for the month
  • 2 digits for the day
  • 2 digits for the hour
  • 2 digits for the minute
  • 2 digits for the second
  • 3 digits for the millisecond

To avoid problems arising from differences of time zone, TiddlyWiki always uses UTC.

The DateFormat template for storage of dates in these fields is [UTC]YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0ss0XXX.

As an example, the created field of this tiddler has the value 20150117190213631.

Dates can be converted to other formats for display:

<$view field="created" format="date" template="DDD DDth MMM YYYY"/>

That renders as:

Saturday 17th January 2015


26th February 2023 at 2:43pm

The default representation of dates is a compact string such as 20211002153802059. The associated template is [UTC]YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0ss0XXX. For example, the created and modified fields are stored like this.

The display format for this string can be controlled with a template. For example, transcluding the modified field automatically applies a template to display the date as Sat Oct 02 2021 17:40:50 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time). A few widgets and filter operators allow you to manually specify a template, for example the ViewWidget:

<$view field=modified format=date template="DDth mmm YYYY 0hh:0mm:0ss" />

The date string is processed with the following substitutions:

TokenSubstituted Value
dddddIntroduced in v5.2.0 Day of year (1 to 365, or 366 for leap years)
0dddddIntroduced in v5.2.0 Zero padded day of year (001 to 365, or 366 for leap years)
DDDDay of week in full (eg, "Monday")
dddShort day of week (eg, "Mon")
ddddIntroduced in v5.2.0 Weekday number from 1 through 7, beginning with Monday and ending with Sunday
DDDay of month
0DDAdds a leading zero
DDthAdds a suffix
WWISO-8601 week number of year
0WWAdds a leading zero
MMMMonth in full (eg, "July")
mmmShort month (eg, "Jul")
MMMonth number
0MMAdds leading zero
YYYYFull year
YYTwo digit year
wYYYYFull year with respect to week number
aYYYYIntroduced in v5.1.23 Full year but negative dates are displayed as positive
wYYTwo digit year with respect to week number
{era:BCE||CE}Introduced in v5.1.23 Displays a different string for years that are negative, zero or positive (see below)
0hhAdds a leading zero
hh12Hours in 12 hour clock
0hh12Hours in 12 hour clock with leading zero
0mmMinutes with leading zero
0ssSeconds with leading zero
0XXXMilliseconds with leading zero
am or pmLower case AM/PM indicator
AM or PMUpper case AM/PM indicator
TZDTimezone offset
TIMESTAMPIntroduced in v5.2.4 Number of milliseconds since the ECMAScript epoch, 1 January 1970.
\xUsed to escape a character that would otherwise have special meaning
[UTC]Time-shift the represented date to UTC. Must be at very start of format string

Note that other text is passed through unchanged, allowing commas, colons or other separators to be used.

The {era:BCE||CE} notation can specify different strings for years that are negative, zero or positive. For example {era:BC|Z|AD} would display BC for negative years, AD for positive years, and Z for year zero.


DDth MMM YYYY16th February 2011
DDth MMM \M\M\M YYYY16th February MMM 2011
DDth mmm YYYY 0hh:0mm:0ss16th Feb 2011 11:38:42

Using TIMESTAMP to calculate time difference

You can calculate the difference between two dates by doing the following:

  1. Convert both dates to timestamps
  2. Subtract the later date from the earlier one – if you don't know which one is earlier use the abs operator to get an absolute value after subtraction
  3. Divide the resulting number by the number of milliseconds in your chosen interval

Here is an example of calculating the number of days that passed between creation and last modification of current tiddler:

  • Convert the created and modified fields to timestamps
  • Divide their difference by 86400000 which is the number of milliseconds in a day
    • 1000 milliseconds per second × 60 seconds per minute × 60 minutes per hour × 24 hours per day = 86,400,000 milliseconds per day

	timestamp-modified={{{ [{!!modified}format:date[TIMESTAMP]] }}}
	timestamp-created={{{ [{!!created}format:date[TIMESTAMP]] }}}
	difference-days={{{ [<timestamp-modified>subtract<timestamp-created>divide[86400000]floor[]] }}}>

* ''Modified date:'' <$text text={{{ [{!!modified}format:date[YYYY-0MM-0DD]] }}}/>
* ''Created date:'' <$text text={{{ [{!!created}format:date[YYYY-0MM-0DD]] }}}/>
* ''Difference in days:'' <<difference-days>> days

datepicker plugin based on Pikaday, by kixam

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

An interactive date picker plugin based on Pikaday. A demo can be found here:

datepicker is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to use a widget much like EditTextWidget to pick a date, and optionaly a time. It shows a nice interactive mini-calendar when clicked, allows you to set a date format for display, and is compatible with core date fields such as modified and created.

Days of the Week

16th November 2021 at 10:12pm

days Operator

purposefilter the input by date
inputa selection of titles
suffixF=the name of a date field, defaulting to modified
parameterD=a { positive | negative } number of days, defaulting to 0
outputthose input tiddlers in which field F is D days in the { future | past } or any time { before | after } that, including { past | future }
! outputthose input tiddlers in which field F is at least D days in the { future | past }

Learn more about how to use Filters

Select tiddlers where a specified date field (default "modified") is within a specified date range. Time portion is ignored.


days Operator (Examples)

Debugging Stylesheets

25th November 2021 at 5:59pm

The core shadow tiddler $:/snippets/DebugStylesheets contains a simple tool for tracking down certain problems with mismatched brackets and other nested structures.

In the list below, any stylesheets containing an error will be marked with a red cross:

  • $:/
  • $:/editions/
  • Custom data-styles

decodebase64 Operator

31st August 2024 at 3:49am
purposeapply base 64 decoding to a string
inputa selection of titles
suffixoptional: binary to produce binary output, urlsafe for URL-safe input
outputthe input with base 64 decoding applied

Learn more about how to use Filters

Introduced in v5.2.6

See Mozilla Developer Network for details of base 64 encoding. TiddlyWiki uses library code from @nijikokun to handle the conversion.

The input strings must be base64 encoded. The output strings are the text (or binary data) decoded from base64 format.

The optional binary suffix, if present, changes how the input is processed. The input is normally assumed to be UTF-8 text encoded in base64 form (such as what the encodebase64 operator produces), so only certain byte sequences in the input are valid. If the input is binary data encoded in base64 format (such as an image, audio file, video file, etc.), then use the optional binary suffix, which will allow all byte sequences. Note that the output will then be binary, not text, and should probably not be passed into further filter operators.

The optional urlsafe suffix, if present, causes the decoder to assume that the base64 input uses - and _ instead of + and / for the 62nd and 63rd characters of the base64 "alphabet", which is usually referred to as "URL-safe base64" or "bae64url".


decodebase64 Operator (Examples)

31st August 2024 at 4:14am




decodehtml Operator

17th October 2016 at 3:29pm
purposeapply HTML decoding to a string
inputa selection of titles
outputthe input with HTML decoding applied

Learn more about how to use Filters

Introduced in v5.1.14

"HTML decoding" means replacing HTML entities that represent special characters with that character:

  • &amp; replaced with &
  • &nbsp; replaced with (non breaking space)
  • &lt; replaced with <
  • &gt; replaced with >
  • &quot; replaced with "


decodehtml Operator (Examples)

17th October 2016 at 3:53pm

[[Title with &lt; angle brackets &gt;]] +[decodehtml[]]

[[Title with an &amp; ampersand]] +[decodehtml[]]

decodeuri Operator

17th October 2016 at 3:29pm
purposeapply URI decoding to a string
inputa selection of titles
outputthe input with URI decoding applied

Learn more about how to use Filters

Introduced in v5.1.14

See Mozilla Developer Network for details of the decodeURI operation.


decodeuri Operator (Examples)

17th October 2016 at 3:53pm

[[Title%20with%20Space]] +[decodeuri[]]

[[Title%20with%20Space]] [[Another%20title%20with%20Space]] +[decodeuri[]]

decodeuricomponent Operator

17th October 2016 at 3:26pm
purposeapply URI component decoding to a string
inputa selection of titles
outputthe input with URI component decoding applied

Learn more about how to use Filters

Introduced in v5.1.14

See Mozilla Developer Network for details of the decodeURIComponent operation.


decodeuricomponent Operator (Examples)

17th October 2016 at 3:53pm

[[Title%20with%20Space]] +[decodeuricomponent[]]

[[Title%20with%20Space]] [[Another%20title%20with%20Space]] +[decodeuricomponent[]]


6th March 2018 at 4:12pm

"Default tiddlers" refers to the list of tiddlers that are opened at startup in the browser if the address bar does not include a permalink.

There are two ways default tiddlers can be defined:

  • A title-list eg: TiddlerTitle and [[Title with spaces]]
  • Filter expressions The resulting list of titles is then inserted into the [[story river|Story River]]. The [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] ''-> Info -> Basics -> Default tiddler'' setting includes a text box for direct access to $:/DefaultTiddlers.


4th January 2025 at 11:15am

Definitions in WikiText

5th December 2013 at 4:04pm

HTML definition lists are created with this syntax:

; Term being defined
: Definition of that term
; Another term
: Another definition

That renders as:

Term being defined
Definition of that term
Another term
Another definition

... and the underlying HTML is:

<dl><dt>Term being defined</dt><dd>Definition of that term</dd><dt>Another term</dt><dd>Another definition</dd></dl>


30th May 2019 at 3:54pm

Introduced in v5.1.20 Deletes a group of tiddlers identified by a filter.

--deletetiddlers <filter>

Demo Tiddler List with Custom Story Tiddler Template

4th December 2021 at 1:16pm

Demonstration: keyboard-driven-input Macro

23rd November 2021 at 3:45am

The keyboard-driven-input Macro is used to create filtered lists that update as the user types. It also allows navigating the lists, and invoking macros using list items, with the keyboard.

It consists of an edit-text widget wrapped in keyboard widgets. There are keyboard widgets to listen for ((input-accept)), ((input-accept-variant)), and ((input-cancel)) keyboard shortcuts, but there is no default behaviour in response to these events; macros must be written to suit the use-case. There is also no default visualisation of the filtered options list.

Types of keyboard input handled by the keyboard-driven-input macro:


The following keyboard events invoke macros defined alongside keyboard-driven-input in $:/core/macros/keyboard-driven-input.

typing inputcomposing a string to be used within list filterskeyboard-input-actions
((input-up)) ( Up )temporarily selecting the previous item in the filtered listinput-next-actions with parameters afterOrBefore="before", reverse="reverse[]"
((input-down)) ( Down )temporarily selecting the next item in the filtered listinput-next-actions with afterOrBefore="after", reverse=""

All of the above actions generate or modify data which keyboard-driven-input keeps in tiddlers specified using the macro's parameters. The data can then be accessed not only by the macros invoked by keyboard shortcuts, but also outside of these, e.g. a macro to display the filtered list(s).

Configurable through parameters:

The following keyboard events invoke macros whose names are specified in parameters to keyboard-driven-input. The intended purpose is suggested by the parameter name, but there are no default macros defined within $:/core/macros/keyboard-driven-input.

Keyboard shortcut descriptor Key combinationParameter
((input-accept)) Enter inputAcceptActions
((input-accept-variant)) ctrl-Enter inputAcceptVariantActions
((input-cancel)) Escape inputCancelActions

keyboard-driven-input can be seen in action as part of various core features in TiddlyWiki, e.g.: the search feature, the tag-picker Macro, and dropdown interfaces in the Editor toolbar such as Insert link.

Minimal ingredients for a demonstration

Keeping in mind that the keyboard-driven-input macro does not, by itself, display list results, or do anything with a selected option, a minimal demonstration of the keyboard-driven-input macro requires:

  1. a tiddler, containing a filter whose results depend on the user's text input, to generate the options from which the user can select
  2. several parameters:
    • a filter to return the title of the tiddler where the filter described in step 1 can be found, and
    • tiddler titles to use for storing state information in response to input events. These tiddlers do not need to exist already. If they do exist, the keyboard-driven-input macro will change their contents.

The search filter(s)

By default, keyboard-driven-input will look for filters in the first-search-filter and second-search-filter fields of a tiddler (whose title is specified by a parameter discussed below).

This filter can refer to a variable called userInput, which shows the contents of the edit-text widget, as stored in a state tiddler (discussed below), at the time of the latest Up or Down event.

Note: If this filter is to be referred to in a context outside the keyboard-driven-input macro (such as in a popup showing the filtered options), the variable userInput has to be defined in those contexts as well (by reading it from a state tiddler).

Minimal parameters

Parameter nameNotes
configTiddlerFilterThis is a filter, rather than a tiddler title, allowing conditional behaviour (e.g. checking for an active tab, or preferring a filter that may not be present, with a fallback).
The title returned must belong to an existing tiddler, containing at least one filter with which keyboard-driven-input can generate its results list.
tiddlerThis tiddler contains either the typed input, or the instantaneous result selection, depending upon the most recent event. It is updated with each keystroke in the edit-text widget, and when the user uses the Up or Down key to cycle through filtered results.
storeTitleThis tiddler always reflects the user input (transcluded from the tiddler tiddler after each keystroke into the edit-text widget).
selectionStateTitleThis tiddler is updated on Up or Down events and contains either the user input with the suffix -userInput, or the instantaneous selection with the suffix -primaryList or -secondaryList, depending on which of up to two filters generated the list it came from.

Demonstration setup

I have created a tiddler called kdi-demo-configtid and put the following filter into its first-search-filter field:


This filters for non-system tiddlers whose titles contain the text the user has typed.

To use the above filter with keyboard-driven-input, the value of the parameter configTiddlerFilter should be a filter that returns kdi-demo-configtid.

I can select tiddler, storeTitle, and selectionStateTitle fairly arbitrarily (just making sure not to use titles of tiddlers that I do not want changed).

This demonstration can now be invoked with the following macro call:

<$macrocall $name=keyboard-driven-input 


Try typing in here:

Observe the changes in the various state tiddlers in the below table. Use Up and Down keys to navigate among filter results. If nothing changes, try a shorter input to widen the filter. If the input has zero length, the list will contain all non-system tiddlers.

Parameter nameTiddler titleContents of text field of the tiddler

The keyboard-driven-input macro has many parameters available, including all the attributes of the enclosed edit-text widget, which make it very flexible in how it is used and how results can be displayed and interacted with.

See also: Customising search results and $:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultList

Deprecated - What does it mean

4th July 2022 at 5:42pm

Deprecated features of TiddlyWiki are those that have been superseded by newer, improved ways of doing the same thing.

Deprecated features will still work, but are not recommended for new content.

Tiddlers tagged $:/deprecated:

Deprecated features are marked with a special warning button. See: How to apply custom styles by tag for an example.

deserialize Operator

27th June 2023 at 9:41am
purposeextract JSON representation of tiddlers from the input strings
inputa selection of strings
parameterthe deserializer module to be used to extract tiddlers from the input
outputJSON representations of tiddlers extracted from input titles.

Learn more about how to use Filters

New in v5.3.0

Deserializer modules parse text in various formats into their JSON representation as tiddlers. The deserializer modules available in a wiki can be seen using the deserializers operator and can be used with the deserialize Operator.

The TiddlyWiki core provides the following deserializers:

(DOM)Extracts tiddlers from a DOM node, should not be used with the deserialize[] operator
application/javascriptParses a JavaScript module as a tiddler extracting fields from the header comment
application/jsonParses JSON into tiddlers
application/x-tiddlerParses the .tid file format as a tiddler
application/x-tiddler-html-divParses the <DIV>.tiddler file format as a tiddler
application/x-tiddlersParses the MultiTiddlerFile format as tiddlers
text/cssParses CSS as a tiddler extracting fields from the header comment
text/htmlParses an HTML file into tiddlers. Supports TiddlyWiki Classic HTML files, TiddlyWiki5 HTML files and ordinary HTML files
text/plainParses plain text as a tiddler


deserialize Operator (Examples)

2nd June 2023 at 10:50am

This example uses the predefined variable html-data:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<title>Test Data</title>

<!--~~ Ordinary tiddlers ~~-->
<div id="storeArea" style="display:none;"><div title="Hello &quot;There&quot;" type="text/vnd.tiddlywiki">
<script class="tiddlywiki-tiddler-store" type="application/json">[{"title":"Hello \"There\"","text":"Calculator"},{"title":"Hello \"There\"","text":"Protractor"}]</script>



27th June 2023 at 9:43am

Deserializer modules parse text in various formats into their JSON representation as tiddlers. The deserializer modules available in a wiki can be seen using the deserializers operator and can be used with the deserialize Operator.

The TiddlyWiki core provides the following deserializers:

(DOM)Extracts tiddlers from a DOM node, should not be used with the deserialize[] operator
application/javascriptParses a JavaScript module as a tiddler extracting fields from the header comment
application/jsonParses JSON into tiddlers
application/x-tiddlerParses the .tid file format as a tiddler
application/x-tiddler-html-divParses the <DIV>.tiddler file format as a tiddler
application/x-tiddlersParses the MultiTiddlerFile format as tiddlers
text/cssParses CSS as a tiddler extracting fields from the header comment
text/htmlParses an HTML file into tiddlers. Supports TiddlyWiki Classic HTML files, TiddlyWiki5 HTML files and ordinary HTML files
text/plainParses plain text as a tiddler

deserializers Operator

27th June 2023 at 9:42am
outputthe title of each available deserializer

Learn more about how to use Filters

Introduced in v5.2.0

You can specify a specific deserializer for a DropzoneWidget to use


deserializers Operator (Examples)

6th May 2021 at 11:54am


Deutsch (Deutschland) Edition

19th September 2014 at 9:58pm

Deutsch (Österreich) Edition

19th September 2014 at 9:59pm


25th September 2024 at 11:48am

GitHub Stats

There are several resources for developers to learn more about TiddlyWiki and to discuss and contribute to its development.


27th April 2022 at 5:10pm

A dictionary tiddler is a kind of data tiddler that contains a simple list of name: value pairs.

Its ContentType is application/x-tiddler-dictionary.

The text field consists of one or more lines of the form name: value.

ColourPalettes, such as the default Vanilla palette, are dictionary tiddlers.


16th March 2018 at 4:27pm


Introduced in v5.1.16 The diff text widget analyses the differences between a pair of source and destination text strings and displays the results as highlighted insertions and deletions (similar to the "track changes" function of a word processor). For example:

8 differences
Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better. Remember tobe afraid. You were made to go out and get her. The minute you let her intounder your heart↩︎
skin. Then you can startbegin to make it better.

Content and Attributes


The content of the <$diff-text> widget is rendered immediately before the diffs. Within it, the variable diff-count is available, containing the number of differences found. If the widget has no content then it automatically transcludes the tiddler $:/language/Diffs/CountMessage.

In other words, these three invocations are all equivalent:

<$diff-text source={{FirstTiddler}} dest={{SecondTiddler}}>

<$diff-text source={{FirstTiddler}} dest={{SecondTiddler}}>

<$diff-text source={{FirstTiddler}} dest={{SecondTiddler}}/>


sourceThe source text
destThe destination text
cleanupSee below

The cleanup attribute determines which optional post-processing should be applied to the diffs:

  • none: no cleanup is performed
  • semantic (default): rewrites the diffs for human readability
  • efficient: rewrites the diffs to minimise the number of operations for subsequent processing

(Note that in many cases the results will be the same regardless of the cleanup option. See the docs of the underlying library for more details).


In this example we compare two texts:

<$edit-text tiddler="SampleTiddlerFirst"/>

<$edit-text tiddler="SampleTiddlerSecond"/>

<$diff-text source={{SampleTiddlerFirst}} dest={{SampleTiddlerSecond}}/>

That renders as:

4 differences
This is a test tiddler is called SampleTiddlerFirstSecond.

Disabling Plugins

15th October 2016 at 12:17pm

Disabling Plugins

Plugins can be disabled by creating a tiddler titled $:/config/Plugins/Disabled/ concatenated with the plugin title, and setting its text to yes.

For example, to disable the plugin $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight, the title would be:


Discover TiddlyWiki

23rd October 2015 at 4:53pm

You've never seen anything like TiddlyWiki. TiddlyWiki is:

a tool,
a toolbox,
a community,
and a philosophy.

TiddlyWiki is a Tool

TiddlyWiki is first and foremost a tool: it is a free downloadable tool for capturing and organising content from the web, from your documents or from your brain. It is a tool for note-taking, bookmarking, pinning, writing, managing to-do lists and projects, collaborating, blogging, and publishing.

In TiddlyWiki you create or paste content into notes called tiddlers, then connect your tiddlers with hyperlinks and tags. You can then quickly retrieve your notes through features such as tag pills, sidebar tabs, and TiddlyWiki's lightning fast search window. You can even dynamically include one tiddler's content inside another - similar to using building blocks - to create articles, lists, presentations and more.

TiddlyWiki is a Toolbox

In addition to being a versatile tool, TiddlyWiki is also a toolbox.

Where other note-taking products hook you with the basic program then charge you for the really helpful features, TiddlyWiki has an ever-expanding collection of completely free visual themes, colour palettes, plugins, widgets and macros, which you can then mix and match so that you can tweak and tailor your TiddlyWiki to get it just the way you want it.

TiddlyWiki is also a Community

We are a community of users and developers who help each other imagine new ways of thinking and organising and create new solutions, so that TiddlyWiki is continually adapting to better serve your needs. TiddlyWiki users and developers share questions and advice at a TiddlyWiki Google group. They also create tutorials, adaptations, and plugins to enhance your TiddlyWiki experience. See the section Community of the TableOfContents for more details.

Finally, TiddlyWiki is a philosophy

The purpose of taking and organising a note (or recording any kind of content) is to be able to retrieve it later. If you can't find your notes in your note-taking system, your note-taking becomes a colossal waste of time.

The TiddlyWiki philosophy is that the best way to take notes is to separate them into tiddlers, the smallest semantic units possible. A tiddler might be an image, a webpage link, a concept, the definition of a term, or a specific customisation such as a macro.

These tiddlers can then be woven together to create longer units: stories, articles, lists, image galleries, and much more. TiddlyWiki's features such as tagging, hyperlinking, and filters are specially designed to help you relate and connect tiddlers together in multiple ways, facilitating your future retrieval of your notes and even helping you see unexpected relationships among your tiddlers and the information they contain.

Disqus comments plugin by bimlas

6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

Use this plugin to give your visitors the opportunity to comment on your tiddlers without changing the wiki itself.

Disqus is a networked community platform used by hundreds of thousands of sites all over the web. With Disqus, your website gains a feature-rich comment system complete with social network integration, advanced administration and moderation options, and other extensive community functions.

divide Operator

11th June 2019 at 12:59pm
purposetreating each input title as a number, divide it by the numeric value of the parameter
inputa selection of titles
parameterN=a number
outputthe input as numbers, but with each one divided by N

Learn more about how to use Filters

divide Operator (Examples)

11th June 2019 at 1:01pm


=1 =2 =3 =4 +[divide[2]]

Document Object Model

28th February 2015 at 1:40pm

The DOM of a web page is a tree-shaped model of its content, maintained internally by the web browser as the user interacts with that content. Each point in the tree is called a node.

When TiddlyWiki is running in a web browser, its widgets are rendered into DOM nodes for display.

When TiddlyWiki is running on Node.js, it uses a fake DOM to simulate the behaviour of a browser.

Documentation Macros

24th February 2024 at 5:06pm

The following macros are used throughout TiddlyWiki's documentation. Their names start with a dot to keep them out of the way of names that a user might try experimenting with.


MacroUsed forExampleRendered
.defthe defining instance of a term<<.def widget>>widget
.emminor emphasis within a sentence<<.em not>>not
.placea placeholder for the user to fill in<<.place tagname>>tagname
.strongmajor emphasis within a tiddler<<.strong Important!>>Important!
.worda mention of an ordinary word or phrase<<.word "hello world">>"hello world"
.iconan icon, sized to match the surrounding text<<.icon "$:/core/images/globe">>


Textbox Parameters

Text to be shown in the box
A title shown as an HTML STRONG element
Core icons can be found at Icon Gallery
An optional custom class can be added to the text block. It will overwrite the defaults. To keep the defaults, add them to the custom class settings.
.note-macro defaults to doc-note
.tip-macro defaults to doc-tip
.warning-macro defaults to doc-warning

Textbox Examples

MacroUsed forExampleRenderd
.infoBoxText-box with an icon<<.infoBox text:"A generic ...">>
A generic text box, with an optional title and a custom icon
.noteInfos with a title<<.note text:"Some text ...">>
Some text in a box with a title by default
.tiphints and tips<<.tip text:"Eg: Turn ...">>
Eg: Turn your screen on, otherwise
you won't be able to see much.
.warningwarning advice<<.warning text:"Eg: Make a backup ...">>
Eg: Make a backup of your file
before you upgrade.


MacroExampleUsed for
.preamble<<.preamble "your text comes here">>
an introductory sentence that stands apart from the rest of the tiddler

Tiddlers and Fields

MacroUsed forExampleRendered
.tida tiddler title<<.tid Example>>Example
.taga tag<<.tag Example>>Example
.fielda field name<<.field example>>example
.valuea field value<<.value "example value">>example value
.opa filter operator<<.op backlinks>>backlinks
.vara variable or macro name<<.var currentTiddler>>currentTiddler
.wida widget name<<.wid list>>$list
.attran attribute name<<.attr filter>>filter
.parama macro parameter name<<.param text>>text
.tiddler-fieldsa list of tiddler fields<<.tiddler-fields "Monday">>


tags[[Operator Examples]]


MacroUsed forExampleRenderd
.linklink containing WikiText<<.link "^^an^^ ~~example~~" Example>>an example
.clinkcode link<<.clink `<$list>` ListWidget>><$list>
.dlinkdefinition link for a instance of a term<<.dlink widget Widgets>>widget
.dlink-exexternal link to a defining instance of a term<<.dlink-ex Example "">>Example
.flinkfield link<<.flink ListField>>list
.mlinkmacro link<<.mlink qualify>>qualify
.mlink2macro link with a specified target<<.mlink2 foo "Examples of Macros">>foo
.olinkoperator link<<.olink prefix>>prefix
.olink2operator link with specified target<<.olink2 foo prefix>>foo
.vlinkvariable link<<.vlink currentTiddler>>currentTiddler
.vlink2variable link with specified target<<.vlink2 foo "Examples of Variables">>foo
.wlinkwidget link<<.wlink ButtonWidget>>$button
.wlink2widget link with specified text<<.wlink2 foo ButtonWidget>>foo

Keyboard Shortcuts

MacroUsed forExampleRendered
.keya key on the keyboard<<.key Escape>>Escape
.keysa key combination<<.keys Ctrl+Enter>>Ctrl+Enter


See: CheckboxWidget

MacroUsed forExample
.doc-tabsshowing a tab set in a documentation tiddler
.doc-tab-linkbutton to activate a tab
.widget-attr-linkbutton with a widget attribute name to activate a tab

Sidebar Tabs

MacroUsed forExampleRendered
.sidebar-tabthe name of a sidebar tab<<.sidebar-tab More>>More
.more-tabthe name of a subtab of the More tab<<.more-tab Shadows>>Shadows
.info-tabthe name of a tiddler info tab<<.info-tab Fields>>Fields
.controlpanel-tabthe name of a Control Panel tab<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>>Settings
.advancedsearch-tabthe name of an Advanced Search tab<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>>Filter
.toc-tabname of the TOC tab<<.toc-tab>>Contents
.example-taban example tab name<<.example-tab "Notes">>Notes

Parameters for .sidebar-tab

Open<<.sidebar-tab Open>>Open
Recent<<.sidebar-tab Recent>>Recent
Tools<<.sidebar-tab Tools>>Tools
More<<.sidebar-tab More>>More

Parameters for .more-tab

All<<.more-tab All>>All
Recent<<.more-tab Recent>>Recent
Tags<<.more-tab Tags>>Tags
Missing<<.more-tab Missing>>Missing
Drafts<<.more-tab Drafts>>Drafts
Orphans<<.more-tab Orphans>>Orphans
Types<<.more-tab Types>>Types
System<<.more-tab System>>System
Shadows<<.more-tab Shadows>>Shadows

Parameters for .info-tab

Tools<<.info-tab Tools>>Tools
References<<.info-tab References>>Backlinks
Tagging<<.info-tab Tagging>>Tagging
List<<.info-tab List>>List
Listed<<.info-tab Listed>>Listed
Fields<<.info-tab Fields>>Fields
Advanced<<.info-tab Advanced>>Advanced

Parameters for .controlpanel-tab

Info<<.controlpanel-tab Info>>Info
Appearance<<.controlpanel-tab Appearance>>Appearance
Settings<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>>Settings
Saving<<.controlpanel-tab Saving>>Saving
Plugins<<.controlpanel-tab Plugins>>Plugins

Parameters for .advancedsearch-tab

Standard<<.advancedsearch-tab Standard>>Standard
System<<.advancedsearch-tab System>>System
Shadows<<.advancedsearch-tab Shadows>>Shadows
Filter<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>>Filter


MacroUsed forExampleRendered
.buttona standard button name and icon<<.button "new-tiddler">> new tiddler

Parameters for .button

Tiddler toolbar

clone<<.button "clone">> clone
close<<.button "close">> close
close-others<<.button "close-others">> close others
edit<<.button "edit">> edit
export-tiddler<<.button "export-tiddler">> export tiddler
info<<.button "info">> info
more-tiddler-actions<<.button "more-tiddler-actions">> more
new-here<<.button "new-here">> new here
new-journal-here<<.button "new-journal-here">>18 new journal here
permalink<<.button "permalink">> permalink

Edit-mode toolbar

cancel<<.button "cancel">> cancel
delete<<.button "delete">> delete
save<<.button "save">> ok

Page toolbar

advanced-search<<.button "advanced-search">> advanced search
close-all<<.button "close-all">> close all
control-panel<<.button "control-panel">> control panel
encryption<<.button "encryption">> encryption
export-page<<.button "export-page">> export all
full-screen<<.button "full-screen">> full-screen
home<<.button "home">> home
import<<.button "import">> import
language<<.button "language">> language
more-page-actions<<.button "more-page-actions">> more
new-journal<<.button "new-journal">>18 new journal
new-tiddler<<.button "new-tiddler">> new tiddler
permaview<<.button "permaview">> permaview
refresh<<.button "refresh">> refresh
save-wiki<<.button "save-wiki">> save changes
storyview<<.button "storyview">> storyview
tag-manager<<.button "tag-manager">> tag manager
theme<<.button "theme">> theme

Documentation Style Guide

17th January 2015 at 3:25pm

Dominant Append

9th July 2024 at 5:07pm

Filters manipulate sets of titles in which no title may appear more than once. Furthermore, they often need to append one such set to another.

This is done in such a way that, if a title would be duplicated, the earlier copy of that title is discarded. The titles being appended are dominant.

For example, if a selection contains Andrew Becky Clara Daniel and Andrew Barney Clara Daisy is then appended to it, the result is Becky Daniel Andrew Barney Clara Daisy.

This behaviour can cause unexpected results when working with Mathematics Operators. For example, 1 2 3 +[sum[]] evaluates to 6, as expected. But 1 1 1 +[sum[]] evaluates to 1. Removing the +[sum[]] from each filter reveals the problem: 1 2 3 evaluates to the list 1, 2, 3, while 1 1 1 evaluates to the single item 1 due to de-duplication.

In such situations, the = prefix can be used to disable the de-duplication. For example, =1 =1 =1 +[sum[]] evaluates to 3 as expected. Alternatively, the split Operator can be used: [[1,1,1]split[,]sum[]].

To build a list of unique values that retains only the earliest copy of each value (the opposite behavior from Dominant Append), first use the :all filter run prefix (or its short form =) to retain all duplicate values while building your list. Then finish your filter run with the unique operator to remove later duplicates.


15th November 2021 at 1:33am


20th August 2013 at 1:24pm

Tiddlers that have a draft.of field are treated as pending drafts of the tiddler specified in the field. Draft tiddlers should also have a draft.title field that specifies the title that will be given to the tiddler when it is saved.

Several features work in concert to give the desired behaviour for draft tiddlers:

  • The ListWidget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template
  • The NavigatorWidget incorporates handlers for the following events:
    • tm-new-tiddler for creating a new tiddler in draft mode
    • tm-edit-tiddler for moving a tiddler into edit mode
    • tm-cancel-tiddler for cancelling a tiddler out of edit mode
    • tm-save-tiddler for saving a draft tiddler
  • Draft tiddlers are automatically excluded from search operations

Drag and Drop

28th March 2017 at 5:38pm

TiddlyWiki uses drag and drop to power two separate features:

Tiddler manipulation via drag and drop is supported by the core user interface in the following contexts:

  • Entries in the "Open" tab of the sidebar can be reordered by drag and drop; new tiddlers can be opened by dragging their titles into the list
  • Entries within a tag pill dropdown can be reordered by drag and drop; new tiddlers can be assigned the tag by dragging their titles into the list
  • Entries in the control panel "Appearance"/"Toolbars" tab can be reordered by drag and drop. (Less usefully, new entries can be added to the toolbars by dragging their titles into the list)

All tiddler links are draggable by default. They can be dragged within a browser window for manipulating tiddlers, or dragged to a different browser window to initiate an import operation

If you want to drag a link, first move it vertically, because horizontal movement is recognized by the browser as text selection.

Tag pills are also draggable, and are equivalent to simultaneously dragging all of the individual tiddlers carrying the tag.

Some common scenarios for drag and drop tiddler manipulation are available as reusable macros:

See DragAndDropMechanism for details of how to use the low level drag and drop primitives to build more complex interactions.

The standard HTML 5 drag and drop APIs used by TiddlyWiki are not generally available on mobile browsers on smartphones or tablets. The Mobile Drag And Drop Shim Plugin adds an open source library that implements partial support on many mobile browsers, including iOS and Android.


6th April 2017 at 8:58am

This tiddler discusses the internal mechanisms that are used to implement drag and drop features in TiddlyWiki. See Drag and Drop for a general description of the features.

TiddlyWiki uses the standard HTML 5 drag and drop APIs. However, this is an area that is rightly notorious for cross-browser compatibility problems. Therefore, some features that you might expect to work won't necessarily work in all browsers. In particular,

The following widgets are concerned with drag and drop features:

The general sequence of a drag and drop operation is as follows:

  1. The user clicks down and drags the pointer on a draggable element such as the DraggableWidget, ButtonWidget or LinkWidget
  2. The draggable element moves with the mouse pointer until the click is released
  3. Moving the pointer over droppable elements such as the DroppableWidget displays a highlight indicating that the item can be dropped
  4. The configured actions are performed if the drag ends on a droppable element


21st November 2023 at 10:14am

The DraggableWidget creates a DOM element that can be dragged by the user. It only works on browsers that support drag and drop, which typically means desktop browsers, but there are workarounds.

The draggable element can be assigned a list of tiddlers that are used as the payload. If desired it can invoke actions when dragging starts and when it ends. See DragAndDropMechanism for an overview.

Content and Attributes

tiddlerOptional title of the payload tiddler for the drag
filterOptional filter defining the payload tiddlers for the drag
tagOptional tag to override the default "div" element created by the widget
selectorIntroduced in v5.2.2 Optional CSS Selector to identify a DOM element within the widget that will be used as the drag handle
classOptional CSS classes to assign to the DOM element created by the widget. The class tc-draggable is added to the the DOM element created by the widget unless the selector attribute is used. The class tc-dragging is applied to the DOM element created by the widget while the element is being dragged
enableIntroduced in v5.2.3 Optional value "no" to disable the draggable functionality (defaults to "yes")
startactionsOptional action string that gets invoked when dragging starts
endactionsOptional action string that gets invoked when dragging ends
dragimagetypeIntroduced in v5.2.0 Optional type of drag image: dom (the default) or blank to disable the drag image
data-*New in v5.3.2 Optional data attributes to be assigned to the HTML element
style.*New in v5.3.2 Optional CSS properties to be assigned to the HTML element

Either or both of the tiddler and filter attributes must be specified in order for there to be a payload to drag.

The actionTiddler Variable is accessible in both startactions and endactions. It holds the payload tiddler(s) specified through the tiddler and filter attributes as a Title List using double square brackets to quote titles that include whitespace.

Note that the actionTiddler Variable holds a Title List quoted with double square brackets. This is unlike the DroppableWidget which uses the same variable to pass a single unquoted title.

When specifying a DOM node to use as the drag handle with the selector attribute, give it the class tc-draggable in order for it to have the appropriate cursor and the attribute draggable with the value true to make it draggable.

The LinkWidget incorporates the functionality of the DraggableWidget via the draggable attribute.

Introduced in v5.2.3 The following variables are accessible in the startactions and the endactions:

modifierThe modifier Variable contains the Modifier Key held while dragging
dom-*All DOM attributes of the node being dragged are made available as variables, with the prefix dom-
tv-popup-coordsA relative co-ordinate string that can be used with the ActionPopupWidget to trigger a popup at the DOM node matching the selector where the event originated (see Coordinate Systems for more information)
tv-popup-abs-coordsIntroduced in v5.2.4 An absolute co-ordinate string that can be used with the ActionPopupWidget to trigger a popup at the DOM node matching the selector where the event originated (see Coordinate Systems for more information)
tv-selectednode-posxx offset position of the dragged DOM node
tv-selectednode-posyy offset position of the dragged DOM node
tv-selectednode-widthoffsetWidth of the dragged DOM node
tv-selectednode-heightoffsetHeight of the dragged DOM node
event-fromselected-posxx position of the event relative to the dragged DOM node
event-fromselected-posyy position of the event relative to the dragged DOM node
event-fromviewport-posxx position of the event relative to the viewport
event-fromviewport-posyy position of the event relative to the viewport


12th June 2024 at 12:54pm

The droppable widget creates a DOM element onto which dragged items can be dropped by the user, triggering the specified actions. It only works on browsers that support drag and drop, which typically means desktop browsers, but there are workarounds.

See DragAndDropMechanism for an overview.

Content and Attributes

Attribute Description
actionsActions to be performed when items are dropped. It activates 1 action per item
listActionsNew in v5.3.4 Actions to be performed when items are dropped. It activates 1 action for a the whole list of items
classOptional CSS classes to assign to the draggable element. The class tc-droppable is added automatically, and the class tc-dragover is applied while an item is being dragged over the droppable element
tagOptional tag to override the default of a "div" element when the widget is rendered in block mode, or a "span" element when it is rendered in inline mode
enableIntroduced in v5.1.22 Optional value "no" to disable the droppable functionality (defaults to "yes")
data-*New in v5.3.2 Optional data attributes to be assigned to the HTML element
style.*New in v5.3.2 Optional CSS properties to be assigned to the HTML element

Within the action string, the following variables are generated by the DroppableWidget:

actionTiddlerFor parameter actions, the actionTiddler Variable contains the title of the item being dropped
actionTiddlerListFor parameter listActions the actionTiddlerList Variable contains a Title List of all the items being dropped
modifierThe modifier Variable contains the modifier key held while dragging (can be normal, ctrl, shift or ctrl-shift)

Note that the actionTiddler variable holds a single, unquoted title. This is unlike the DraggableWidget which uses the same variable to pass a quoted Title List.


This example displays a palette of icons. Dragging a tiddler onto one of the icons assigns that icon to the tiddler.


Similarly, this example shows a palette of colours. Dragging a tiddler onto one of the colours assigns that colour to be used for rendering the icon of the tiddler.

Drag the tag pill or a single tiddler link HelloThere into the "Drop Area" below. It will show the "Title List" stored in $:/temp/drop/TitleList

Drop the tagpill or a link into this area.


9th October 2021 at 12:22pm


The dropzone widget creates an area into which the user can drag files and other objects. It also supports pasting via the clipboard, although browser support is currently limited.

It sends a WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers to be imported up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.

Content and Attributes

deserializerIntroduced in v5.1.15 Optional name of deserializer to be used (by default the deserializer is derived from the file extension)
enableIntroduced in v5.1.22 Optional value "no" to disable the dropzone functionality (defaults to "yes")
classIntroduced in v5.1.22 Optional CSS class to be assigned to the DOM node created by the dropzone (defaults to "tc-dropzone")
autoOpenOnImportIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional value "no" or "yes" that can override tv-auto-open-on-import
importTitleIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional tiddler title to use for import process instead of $:/Import
actionsIntroduced in v5.2.0 Optional actions string to be invoked after the tm-import-tiddlers message has been sent. The variable importTitle provides the title of the tiddler used for the import process.
contentTypesFilterIntroduced in v5.2.0 Optional filter that specifies the content types accepted by the dropzone.
filesOnlyIntroduced in v5.2.0 Optional. When set to "yes", the dropzone only accepts files and not string data. Defaults to "no"

Use the prefix filter operator to easily accept multiple related content types. For example this filter will accept all image content types: [prefix[image/]]

The list of available deserializers can be seen by using the filter [deserializers[]] in the Filter tab in Advanced Search.

The dropzone widget displays any contained content within the dropzone.


The dropzone widget creates an HTML <div class="tc-dropzone"> to contain its content. During a drag operation the class tc-dragover is added. CSS is used to provide user feedback. For custom styling of this state where a drag is in progress, specify a custom class name with the class attribute and use CSS with the selector

Data types supported

The following data transfer types are supported:

  • text/vnd.tiddler - a list of tiddlers in JSON format (this format is generated by the LinkWidget)
  • text/plain - plain text
  • text/uri-list - a list of URIs as a single tiddler

dumpvariables Macro

21st February 2015 at 3:14pm

The dumpvariables macro returns a table showing the values of all variables and macros that exist at that position in the widget tree.

It is useful for debugging and exploring TiddlyWiki's internals.

Placeholders are replaced with values in the normal way, but using the default values for all macro parameters.




dumpvariables Macro (Examples)

21st February 2015 at 3:14pm

<$set name="EXAMPLE" value="123.$(EXAMPLE2)$.789">
<$set name="EXAMPLE2" value="456">



duplicateslugs Operator

9th May 2020 at 2:17pm
purposefind titles that yield duplicate slugs
inputa selection of titles
outputinput titles that yield duplicate slugs

Learn more about how to use Filters

Introduced in v5.1.23 The slugify operator can be used to transform arbitrary tiddler titles into human readable strings suitable for use in URLs or filenames. However, it is possible for multiple different titles to slugify to the same string. The duplicateslugs operator can be used to display a warning. For example:

<$list filter="[!is[system]duplicateslugs[]limit[1]]" emptyMessage="There are no duplicate slugs">
The following tiddlers have duplicate slugs:

<$list filter="[!is[system]duplicateslugs[]]">
<li><$link><$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/></$link></li>

That renders as:

There are no duplicate slugs

Dynaview Plugin

13th November 2018 at 8:41am

each Operator

4th December 2024 at 9:00am
purposeselect one of each group of input titles by field
inputa selection of titles
suffixoptionally, list-item or value
parameterF=the name of a field, defaulting to title
outputa selection containing the first input title encountered for each distinct value of field F

Learn more about how to use Filters

Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field F in the corresponding tiddler is examined.

As long as the value of the field is unique (i.e. has not been encountered before), the title is appended to the output.
The value is treated as a title list. Each title in the list considered in turn. If it has not been encountered before, it is appended to the output.
As long as the title is unique it is appended to the output whether or not the corresponding tiddler exists.

Note that if a tiddler does not contain field F, it is treated as if the value of the field were empty. Thus, a filter expression such as [each[motovun]] will return one tiddler that doesn't have a motovun field, as well as one tiddler with each distinct value of that field, if any. To obtain just the tiddlers that have a non-blank value for the motovun field one can use [each[motovun]has[motovun]].

For an example of using the each operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see GroupedLists.


each Operator (Examples)

4th December 2024 at 8:59am


→ the alphabetically first tiddler of each type

→ all tiddlers listed anywhere in the core list field

[[Non existing]] [[GettingStarted]] +[each:value[]]
→ Compare this to +[each[]] below

[[Non existing]] [[GettingStarted]] +[each[]]
→ Compare this to +[each:value[]] above

eachday Operator

10th February 2015 at 4:16pm
purposeselect one of each group of input titles by date
inputa selection of titles
parameterF=the name of a date field, defaulting to modified
outputa selection containing the first input title encountered for each distinct value (ignoring times of day) of field F

Learn more about how to use Filters

Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field F in the corresponding tiddler is examined, and as long as this indicates a date that has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.

If a tiddler doesn't contain field F, it contributes nothing to the output.


eachday Operator (Examples)

18th January 2015 at 6:31pm

Edición en Castellano

11th May 2016 at 4:02pm

Edit Template Body Cascade

6th December 2021 at 4:19pm

The edit template body cascade is a cascade used by the default edit template to choose the template for displaying the tiddler body.

The core edit template body cascade can be found in $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body

The default edit template body cascade consists of:

  1. If the tiddler has the field _canonical_uri then use the template $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body/canonical-uri to display the remote URL
  2. Otherwise, use the template $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body/default which provides the default editing interface

You can see the current settings for the view template body cascade in $:/ControlPanel under the Info -> Advanced -> Cascades -> Edit Template Body tab.


    20th February 2015 at 4:21pm

    Editing Tiddlers with Emacs

    19th September 2014 at 4:15pm

    Michael Fogleman has written an Emacs major mode called tid-mode, which is for editing TiddlyWiki .tid files. It is derived from text-mode, uses the useful minor modes org-struct and subword, and updates the modified times when you save a .tid file.

    He also wrote two helper functions for using TiddlyWiki in Emacs. The first opens a tiddlers directory in Dired; the second opens TiddlyWiki in the browser.

    (defun open-wiki ()
      "Opens a TiddlyWiki directory in Dired."
      (dired "~/Dropbox/wiki/tiddlers/"))
    (defun browse-wiki ()
      "Opens TiddlyWiki in the browser."
      (browse-url ""))

    This latter function may require specifying a browser:

    (setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic
          browse-url-generic-program "chromium")

    You can bind either of these functions with the global-set-key function:

    (global-set-key (kbd "C-c w") 'open-wiki)

    At the moment, these are not integrated into tid-mode.

    Editing Tiddlers with Vim

    11th January 2016 at 7:00pm

    Devin Weaver has written a Vim plugin at

    It supports most of the TiddlyWiki syntax and includes a filetype plugin which will auto update the modified field.

    Édition en Français (France)

    23rd November 2014 at 4:29pm

    editiondescription Operator

    3rd February 2015 at 6:45pm
    purposeselect the descriptions of the input editions
    inputa selection of edition names
    outputthe description string of each edition in the input

    Learn more about how to use Filters

    Each input title is processed in turn, ignoring any that is not the name of a TiddlyWiki edition.

    This operator is not available when TiddlyWiki is running in a web browser.


    7th January 2016 at 10:21pm

    TiddlyWiki is distributed in several distinct editions that are tuned for specific purposes.

    An edition consists of the TiddlyWiki core components along with plugins, documentation and sample content to get you up and running as quickly as possible.

    You can mix and match the components of these editions, to make a unique solution for your particular application.

    Note that editions should not be confused with the platforms on which TiddlyWiki runs (eg as a single HTML file vs. under Node.js)

    editions Operator

    3rd February 2015 at 6:46pm
    purposeselect the names of all the TiddlyWiki editions
    outputthe name of each TiddlyWiki edition, in alphabetical order

    Learn more about how to use Filters

    This operator is not available when TiddlyWiki is running in a web browser.


    29th October 2014 at 11:43am

    Lists the names and descriptions of the available editions. You can create a new wiki of a specified edition with the --init command.


    Editor toolbar

    18th January 2019 at 4:13pm

    How it Works

    The editor toolbar is a toolbar that helps you format text easily. It appears above the text input field in a tiddler when in edit mode. It has a similar appearance to desktop text editors like Microsoft Word or Libre Office Write.

    What the Editor toolbar does

    When you press the button for a function, it will insert the WikiText in the text field. As an example, if you press the bold button it will insert '' ''.

    If you highlight a piece of text the markup code will automatically go around the highlighted text.

    If you are in another mode, like MarkDown, the toolbar will change to that syntax and insert appropriate code. However It will not change previously typed text or markup.

    Besides the standard WikiText formatting, the Editor toolbar has the following buttons:


    27th June 2024 at 6:43pm


    The edit text widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing text tiddler fields. The editing element is dynamically bound to the underlying tiddler value: changes to the tiddler are instantly reflected, and any edits are instantly propagated.

    By default, applying the EditTextWidget to the text field of a tiddler will generates an HTML <textarea> element, i.e. a multi-line editor. Applying the EditTextWidget to any other field generates an HTML <input type="text"> element, a single-line editor. This behaviour can be overridden with the tag and type attributes.

    Content and Attributes

    The content of the <$edit-text> widget is ignored.

    tiddlerThe tiddler to edit (defaults to the current tiddler)
    fieldThe field to edit (defaults to text). Takes precedence over the index attribute
    indexThe index to edit
    defaultThe default text to be provided when the target tiddler doesn't exist
    classA CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML editing element
    placeholderPlaceholder text to be displayed when the edit field is empty
    focusPopupTitle of a state tiddler for a popup that is displayed when the editing element has focus
    focusSet to "yes" or "true" to automatically focus the editor after creation
    focusSelectFromStartIntroduced in v5.2.6 If the focus attribute is enabled, determines the position of the start of the selection: 0 (default) places the start of the selection at the beginning of the text, 1 places the start of the selection after the first character, etc.
    focusSelectFromEndIntroduced in v5.2.6 If the focus attribute is enabled, determines the position of the end of the selection: 0 (default) places the end of the selection at the end of the text, 1 places the start of the selection before the final character, etc.
    tabindexSets the tabindex attribute of the input or textarea to the given value
    autocompleteIntroduced in v5.1.23 An optional string to provide a hint to the browser how to handle autocomplete for this input
    tagOverrides the generated HTML editing element tag. For a multi-line editor use tag=textarea. For a single-line editor use tag=input
    typeOverrides the generated HTML editing element type attribute
    sizeThe size of the input field (in characters). This exact result depends on browser and font. Use the class attribute to style width for precise control
    autoHeightEither "yes" or "no" to specify whether to automatically resize textarea editors to fit their content (defaults to "yes")
    minHeightMinimum height for automatically resized textarea editors, specified in CSS length units such as "px", "em" or "%"
    rowsSets the rows attribute of a generated textarea
    cancelPopupsIntroduced in v5.1.23 if set to "yes", cancels all popups when the input gets focus
    inputActionsIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional actions that are triggered every time an input event occurs within the input field or textarea.
    Introduced in v5.2.1 The variable actionValue is available to the inputActions and contains the value of the input field.
    refreshTitleIntroduced in v5.1.23 An optional tiddler title that makes the input field update whenever the specified tiddler changes
    disabledIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional, disables the text input if set to "yes". Defaults to "no"
    fileDropIntroduced in v5.2.0 Optional. When set to "yes" allows dropping or pasting images into the editor to import them. Defaults to "no"


    If you wanted to change the field myconfig of the tiddler AppSettings, you could use an EditTextWidget to edit the field, and then show the result anywhere else by using {{AppSettings!!myconfig}}. Note that this will create tiddler AppSettings if it doesn't already exist.

    <$edit-text tiddler="AppSettings" field="myconfig"/><p/>
    Value of ''myconfig'' : {{AppSettings!!myconfig}}

    Text Selection

    If the edit field already contains text or a default value is provided, you can use the focusSelectFromStart and focusSelectFromEnd attributes to only select part of the text when using focus="yes".

    Partial selection when editing this tiddler's caption field:

    <$edit-text tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field="caption" focus="yes" focusSelectFromStart="5" />

    Provide a dated heading for this example where only the placeholder (but not the date) is selected for easier text input:

    <$edit-text tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field="heading" size="25" focus="yes" focusSelectFromEnd="13" default={{{ [[Heading Text (]] [<now YYYY-0MM-0DD>] [[)]] +[join[]] }}} />

    Input Actions, with class attribute

    \procedure onInput()
      <%if [get[temp]match[$:/]] %>
    		<$action-confirm $message="Yes, this is how system tiddler names begin!"/>
    Type a new tiddler name, starting with the system prefix `$:/`: <$edit-text inputActions=<<onInput>> field="temp" class="tc-edit-texteditor"/>


    27th June 2024 at 10:04pm


    The edit widget provides a general purpose interface for editing a tiddler. It dynamically chooses the appropriate widget depending on the type of the tiddler (currently either the EditTextWidget or the EditBitmapWidget).

    Content and Attributes

    The content of the <$edit> widget is ignored.

    tiddlerThe tiddler to edit (defaults to the current tiddler)
    fieldThe field to edit (defaults to text). Takes precedence over the index attribute
    indexThe index to edit
    classA CSS class to be added the generated editing widget
    tabindexSets the tabindex attribute of the input or textarea to the given value
    autocompleteIntroduced in v5.1.23 An optional string to provide a hint to the browser how to handle autocomplete for this input
    cancelPopupsIntroduced in v5.1.23 if set to "yes", cancels all popups when the input gets focus
    inputActionsIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional actions that are triggered every time an input event occurs within the input field or textarea
    refreshTitleIntroduced in v5.1.23 An optional tiddler title that makes the input field update whenever the specified tiddler changes


    Edit the contents (text field) of a tiddler titled with today’s date

    <$edit tiddler=<<now YYYY-0MM-0DD>> class="tc-edit-texteditor"/>

    Edit $:/status/UserName with single-line input box, have browser offer autocomplete for email

    <$edit-text tiddler="$:/status/UserName" tag="input" size=40 autocomplete="email"/>

    Else Filter Run Prefix

    22nd March 2023 at 2:07pm
    purposethe filter run is only evaluated if the filter output of all previous runs so far is an empty list
    inputall titles from previous filter runs
    outputif the filter output so far is an empty list then the output titles of the run are dominantly appended to the filter's output.
    if the filter output so far is not an empty list then the run is ignored.
    Introduced in v5.1.23

    This prefix has a Shortcut Filter Run Prefix symbol ~run

    Also see: Then Filter Run Prefix | then Operator and else Operator

    else Operator

    2nd August 2019 at 11:39am
    purposeif the list of input titles is empty then return a list consisting of a single constant string, otherwise return the original titles
    inputa selection of titles
    parameterE=a string
    outputthe original input titles unless empty, in which case return a list with the single entry E

    Learn more about how to use Filters

    else Operator (Examples)

    2nd August 2019 at 11:35am



    Emergency Tiddler Export

    7th May 2020 at 8:28pm

    This method is useful if, for any reason, you should find your current TiddlyWiki instance is not saving (e.g. a plugin or a server has stopped working). It should work on just about any platform.

    • Go to advanced search
      • Goto the filter tab
      • Enter the following filter text:
    • Check the list of tiddlers.
    • Adjust the number "25" in the filter to make sure you found all your recently modified tiddlers
    • Press the bucket with the up arrow [] which appears on the right
    • A dialogue window will ask for a location to download a file called tiddler.json on your local drive, or depending on browser configuration, just alert you that such a file will be downloaded. Press save.
    • The tiddlers.json file can be imported (tools in sidebar) or drag and drop the file on the top line of the story river of another TW .
      • You can (de)select specific tiddlers.
      • Finally, press import.

    Empty Edition

    2nd July 2016 at 8:42am

    The "empty" edition of TiddlyWiki is a vanilla distribution, with no additional plugins or configuration beyond the core code.

    The empty edition can be downloaded from:

    Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins

    encodebase64 Operator

    31st August 2024 at 3:50am
    purposeapply base 64 encoding to a string
    inputa selection of titles
    suffixoptional: binary to treat input as binary data, urlsafe for URL-safe output
    outputthe input with base 64 encoding applied

    Learn more about how to use Filters

    Introduced in v5.2.6

    See Mozilla Developer Network for details of base 64 encoding. TiddlyWiki uses library code from @nijikokun to handle the conversion.

    The input strings are interpreted as UTF-8 encoded text (or binary data instead if the binary suffix is present). The output strings are base64 encoded.

    The optional binary suffix, if present, causes the input string to be interpreted as binary data instead of text. Normally, an extra UTF-8 encoding step will be added before the base64 output is produced, so that emojis and other Unicode characters will be encoded correctly. If the input is binary data, such as an image, audio file, video, etc., then the UTF-8 encoding step would produce incorrect results, so using the binary suffix causes the UTF-8 encoding step to be skipped.

    The optional urlsafe suffix, if present, will use the alternate "URL-safe" base64 encoding, where - and _ are used instead of + and / respectively, allowing the result to be used in URL query parameters or filenames.


    encodebase64 Operator (Examples)

    31st August 2024 at 4:15am




    encodehtml Operator

    17th October 2016 at 3:30pm
    purposeapply HTML encoding to a string
    inputa selection of titles
    outputthe input with HTML encoding applied

    Learn more about how to use Filters

    Introduced in v5.1.14

    "HTML encoding" means replacing special HTML characters with the corresponding HTML entity:

    • & replaced with &amp;
    • < replaced with &lt;
    • > replaced with &gt;
    • " replaced with &quot;


    encodehtml Operator (Examples)

    17th October 2016 at 3:53pm

    [[Title with <angle brackets>]] +[encodehtml[]]

    [[Title with an & ampersand]] +[encodehtml[]]

    encodeuri Operator

    17th October 2016 at 3:28pm
    purposeapply URI encoding to a string
    inputa selection of titles
    outputthe input with URI encoding applied

    Learn more about how to use Filters

    Introduced in v5.1.14

    See Mozilla Developer Network for details of the encodeURI operation.


    encodeuri Operator (Examples)

    17th October 2016 at 3:53pm

    [[Title with Space]] +[encodeuri[]]

    [[Title with Space]] [[Another title with Space]] +[encodeuri[]]

    encodeuricomponent Operator

    19th January 2023 at 5:43pm
    purposeapply URI component encoding to a string
    inputa selection of titles
    outputthe input with URI component encoding applied

    Learn more about how to use Filters

    Introduced in v5.1.14

    See Mozilla Developer Network for details of the encodeURIComponent operation.

    Introduced in v5.2.6 In addition to the characters mentioned in the article above, the following additional characters are also percent encoded: !'()*


    encodeuricomponent Operator (Examples)

    17th October 2016 at 3:53pm

    [[Title with Space]] +[encodeuricomponent[]]

    [[Title with Space]] [[Another title with Space]] +[encodeuricomponent[]]


    6th November 2024 at 4:53pm

    When used as a single HTML file, TiddlyWiki5 allows content to be encrypted with AES 128 bit encryption in CCM mode using the Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library.

    1. Switch to the Tools tab in the sidebar and look for the button with a padlock icon
    2. If the button is labelled set password then the current wiki is not encrypted. Clicking the button will prompt for a password that will be used to encrypt subsequent saves
    3. If the button is labelled clear password then the current wiki is already encrypted. Clicking the button will remove the password so that subsequent saves will be unencrypted
    4. Optionally, open the saved file in a text editor and verify that your data is encrypted
    5. Open the file in your browser. You will be prompted for a password before the content is displayed

    Note that TiddlyWiki has two other unrelated features concerned with passwords/encryption:

    • The ability to set a password when saving to TiddlySpot. This is done in the "Saving" tab of control panel .
    • The ability to use standard HTTP basic authentication with the Node.js server configuration. This is done on the command line with the ServerCommand. Combined with SSL, this gives the same level of transit encryption as you'd get with online services like Google or Dropbox, but there is no encryption of data on disk


    3rd August 2023 at 5:01am


    The encrypt widget renders a filtered list of tiddlers to an encrypted block with the password currently held in the PasswordVault. The encrypted block can subsequently be decrypted by the TiddlyWiki5 BootMechanism. See the EncryptionMechanism for more details.

    Content and Attributes

    The content of the <$encrypt> widget is ignored.

    filterFilter defining the tiddlers to be included in the encrypted block. If not specified then all non-system tiddlers are used

    enlist Operator

    5th May 2021 at 10:02am
    purposeselect titles from the parameter interpreted as a title list
    ! inputa selection of titles
    suffixD=Introduced in v5.1.20 dedupe (the default) to remove duplicates, raw to leave duplicates untouched
    parameterL=a title list
    outputthe titles stored as a title list at L
    ! outputthose input titles that are not listed in L

    Learn more about how to use Filters

    Literal filter parameters cannot contain square brackets but you can work around the issue by using a variable. Learn more at: SetWidget documentation under the heading "Filtered List Variable Assignment"

    <$set name="myList" value="first [[second with a space]] third">
    <$list filter="[enlist<myList>]">


    enlist Operator (Examples)

    10th June 2019 at 4:53pm

    [enlist[one two three]addsuffix[!]]

    [enlist[one one one]]

    [enlist:raw[one one one]]


    enlist-input Operator

    2nd November 2020 at 10:18pm
    purposeselect titles by interpreting each input title as a title list
    inputa selection of titles
    suffixD=dedupe (the default) to remove duplicates, raw to leave duplicates untouched
    outputthe titles stored as a title list in each input title

    Learn more about how to use Filters

    Introduced in v5.1.23

    Compare with enlist operator that interprets its parameter as a title list

    <$vars days={{{ [[Days of the Week]get[list]] }}}>
    {{{ [enlist<days>] }}}

    is equivalent to:

    {{{ [[Days of the Week]get[list]enlist-input[]] }}}


    enlist-input Operator (Examples)

    3rd November 2020 at 9:06am

    [[Days of the Week]get[list]enlist-input[]]

    Contrast with:

    [[Days of the Week]get[list]]
    'HelloThere GettingStarted [[Customise TiddlyWiki]]' +[enlist-input[]]
    Contrast with:
    'HelloThere GettingStarted [[Customise TiddlyWiki]]'
    'HelloThere HelloThere GettingStarted [[Customise TiddlyWiki]]' +[enlist-input:raw[]]
    Contrast with:
    'HelloThere HelloThere GettingStarted [[Customise TiddlyWiki]]' +[enlist-input[]]


    14th March 2016 at 4:56pm


    The entity widget displays a specified HTML character entity.

    Content and Attributes

    The content of the <$entity> widget is not used.

    entityThe entity to display (eg, &times;)

    Environment Variables on Node.js

    13th June 2022 at 11:41am

    TiddlyWiki on Node.js supports the following OS environment variables for specifying a delimited list of paths to search for plugins and editions:

    • TIDDLYWIKI_PLUGIN_PATH - Search path for ordinary plugins
    • TIDDLYWIKI_THEME_PATH - Search path for themes
    • TIDDLYWIKI_LANGUAGE_PATH - Search path for languages
    • TIDDLYWIKI_EDITION_PATH - Search path for editions (used by the InitCommand)

    1. The delimiter may vary between operating systems. While on Windows a semicolon ; is used, Linux implements a colon :.

    2. On Linux systems, it may be necessary to export the variable as well as to define it.

    The additional paths should each point to folders structured like the equivalent directories in the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository: the plugin, theme and language directories contain publisher/pluginname/<files> while the edition directories contain editionname/<files>

    For example:

    export TIDDLYWIKI_PLUGIN_PATH=~/MyPluginStore
    tiddlywiki mywiki --build index


    19th April 2023 at 10:31am

    Introduced in v5.2.4 The $error widget is used by the core to display error messages such as the recursion errors reported by the $transclude widget.

    The $error does not provide any useful functionality to end users. It is only required by the core for technical reasons.

    Content and Attributes

    The content of the $error widget is ignored.

    $messageThe error message

    escapecss Operator

    29th June 2019 at 7:28am
    purposeapply CSS escaping to a selection of titles through the CSS.escape() method / operation
    inputa selection of titles
    outputthe input with CSS escaping applied through the CSS.escape() method

    Learn more about how to use Filters

    Introduced in v5.1.20

    See Mozilla Developer Network for details of the CSS.escape() operation.


    escapecss Operator (Examples)

    29th June 2019 at 7:28am


    escaperegexp Operator

    17th October 2016 at 3:32pm
    purposeescape special characters used in regular expressions
    inputa selection of titles
    outputthe input with escaping applied to special regular expression characters

    Learn more about how to use Filters

    Introduced in v5.1.14

    See Mozilla Developer Network for details of the regular expression syntax.


    escaperegexp Operator (Examples)

    17th October 2016 at 3:55pm

    [[Title with dots . and dollars $]] +[escaperegexp[]]

    Eucaly's Tiddly World

    6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

    I collect my tw5 creations on-line as

    Available Plugins :


    12th October 2022 at 7:42pm


    Introduced in v5.1.23

    This is an advanced widget intended for use by those familiar with HTML, CSS and JavaScript handling of DOM events.

    The event catcher widget traps DOM-initiated Javascript events dispatched within its child content, and allows invoking a series of ActionWidgets in response to those events.

    In order for the events to be trapped:

    • The event must be of one of the events specified in the event catcher widget's events attribute
    • The event must target a DOM node with an ancestor that matches the widget's selector attribute
    • Introduced in v5.2.2 Optionally, the DOM node targeted by the event must also match the widgets matchSelector attribute
    • The event must support event bubbling

    Use of the event catcher widget is beneficial when using large numbers of other trigger widgets such as the ButtonWidget is causing performance problems. The workflow it enables is akin to what is referred to as "event delegation" in JavaScript parlance.

    Content and Attributes

    The content of the <$eventcatcher> widget is displayed normally.

    selectorA CSS selector. Only events originating inside a DOM node with this selector will be trapped
    matchSelectorIntroduced in v5.2.2 An optional CSS selector. Only events targeting DOM nodes matching this selector will be trapped
    {any attributes starting with $}Introduced in v5.2.0 Each attribute name (excluding the $) specifies the name of an event, and the value specifies the action string to be invoked. For example: $click=<<clickActions>>
    tagOptional. The HTML element the widget creates to capture the events, defaults to:
    » span when parsed in inline-mode
    » div when parsed in block-mode
    classOptional. A CSS class name (or names) to be assigned to the widget HTML element
    stopPropagationIntroduced in v5.2.0 Optional. Set to "always" to always stop event propagation even if there are no corresponding actions to invoke, "never" to never stop event propagation, or the default value "onaction" with which event propagation is only stopped if there are corresponding actions that are invoked.
    events(deprecated – see below) Space separated list of JavaScript events to be trapped, for example "click" or "click dblclick"
    actions-*(deprecated – see below) Action strings to be invoked when a matching event is trapped. Each event is mapped to an action attribute name of the form actions-event where event represents the type of the event. For example: actions-click or actions-dblclick

    Introduced in v5.2.0 Note that the attributes events and actions-* are no longer needed. Instead you can use attributes starting with $ where the attribute name (excluding the $) specifies the name of the event and the value specifies the action string to be invoked. If any attributes with the prefix $ are present then the types attribute is ignored.


    The following variables are made available to the actions:

    dom-*All DOM attributes of the node matching the given selector are made available as variables, with the prefix dom-
    modifierThe modifier Variable contains the Modifier Key held during the event (can be "normal", "ctrl", "shift", "alt" or combinations thereof)
    event-mousebuttonThe mouse button (if any) used to trigger the event (can be "left", "right" or "middle"). Note that not all event types support the mousebutton property.
    This property only guarantees to indicate which buttons are pressed during events caused by pressing or releasing one or multiple buttons. As such, it is not reliable for events such as mouseenter, mouseleave, mouseover, mouseout, or mousemove. More details at:
    event-typeThe type property of the JavaScript event.
    event-detail-*Any properties in the detail attribute of the event are made available with the prefix event-detail-
    tv-popup-coordsA relative co-ordinate string that can be used with the ActionPopupWidget to trigger a popup at the DOM node matching the selector where the event originated (see Coordinate Systems for more information)
    tv-popup-abs-coordsIntroduced in v5.2.4 An absolute co-ordinate string that can be used with the ActionPopupWidget to trigger a popup at the DOM node matching the selector where the event originated (see Coordinate Systems for more information)
    tv-widgetnode-widthIntroduced in v5.2.3 offsetWidth of the DOM node created by the eventcatcher widget
    tv-widgetnode-heightIntroduced in v5.2.3 offsetHeight of the DOM node created by the eventcatcher widget
    tv-selectednode-posxx offset position of the selected DOM node
    tv-selectednode-posyy offset position of the selected DOM node
    tv-selectednode-widthoffsetWidth of the selected DOM node
    tv-selectednode-heightoffsetHeight of the selected DOM node
    event-fromselected-posxx position of the event relative to the selected DOM node
    event-fromselected-posyy position of the event relative to the selected DOM node
    event-fromcatcher-posxx position of the event relative to the event catcher DOM node
    event-fromcatcher-posyy position of the event relative to the event catcher DOM node
    event-fromviewport-posxIntroduced in v5.2.0 x position of the event relative to the viewport
    event-fromviewport-posyIntroduced in v5.2.0 y position of the event relative to the viewport


    This example uses the ActionLogWidget and will log the data-item-id attribute of the clicked DOM node to the browser's JavaScript console

    \define clickactions()
    <$action-log item=<<dom-data-item-id>> event=<<event-type>>/>
    \define contextmenu-actions()
    <$action-log item=<<dom-data-item-id>> event=<<event-type>>/>
    <$eventcatcher selector=".item" $click=<<clickactions>> $contextmenu=<<contextmenu-actions>> tag="div">
    <div class="item" data-item-id="item1">
    Click events here will be trapped
    <div class="item" data-item-id="item2">
    And here too
    <div data-item-id="item3">
    Not here
    <div class="item" data-item-id="item4">
    And here

    Example config-tiddlyweb-host for IIS

    28th March 2018 at 2:52pm
    title: $:/config/tiddlyweb/host
    text: $protocol$//$host$/MyApp/

    Example for tag Macro

    16th November 2021 at 3:49am

    Example package.json for IIS

    28th March 2018 at 2:52pm
        "name": "MyStuff",
        "description": "A description of this wiki",
        "dependencies": {
            "sax": "1.2.4",
            "tiddlywiki": "*"

    Example Table of Contents: Expandable

    21st February 2015 at 8:37pm

    <div class="tc-table-of-contents">
    <<toc-expandable "Contents">>

    Example Table of Contents: Selectively Expandable

    21st February 2015 at 8:39pm

    <div class="tc-table-of-contents">
    <<toc-selective-expandable "Contents">>

    Example Table of Contents: Selectively Expandable (custom icons)

    19th August 2022 at 8:10am

    Introduced in v5.2.4 It is possible to define the toc-open-icon and toc-closed-icon variable, to change the icons used by the toc macros. This setting works for all toc-macro variants

    <$let toc-open-icon="$:/core/images/fold-button" toc-closed-icon="$:/core/images/folder">
    <div class="tc-table-of-contents">
    <<toc-selective-expandable "Contents">>

    Example Table of Contents: Simple

    21st February 2015 at 8:37pm

    <div class="tc-table-of-contents">
    <<toc "Contents">>

    Example Table of Contents: Sorted Expandable

    21st February 2015 at 8:39pm

    <div class="tc-table-of-contents">
    <<toc-expandable "Contents" "sort[title]">>

    Example Table of Contents: Tabbed External

    21st February 2015 at 9:00pm

    	unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
    	missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"

    Example Table of Contents: Tabbed Internal

    21st February 2015 at 9:00pm

    	unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
    	missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"

    Example for IIS

    28th March 2018 at 3:12pm
    	"description": "My wiki",
    	"plugins": [
    	"themes": [

    Example web.config for IIS

    1st July 2018 at 6:52pm
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                    requireAccess="Script" />
               processPath="C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe"
               arguments=".\node_modules\tiddlywiki\tiddlywiki.js ./wiki --listen port=PORT path-prefix=/MyApp">
                    <environmentVariable name="PORT" value="%HTTP_PLATFORM_PORT%" />
                    <environmentVariable name="NODE_ENV" value="Production" />


    2nd June 2016 at 5:27pm

    This collection showcases inspiring and interesting examples of TiddlyWiki being used in the wild. Submit new entries to this collection via GitHub or by posting in the TiddlyWiki Groups.

    Except Filter Run Prefix

    22nd March 2023 at 2:06pm
    purposeif output titles of this filter run are contained in the output of previous filter runs, they are removed, and otherwise ignored
    inputall titles from previous filter runs
    outputoutput titles are removed from the filter's output (if such tiddlers exist)
    Introduced in v5.1.23

    This prefix has a Shortcut Filter Run Prefix symbol -run

    exponential Operator

    11th June 2019 at 3:45pm
    purposeconvert each number to exponential notation with N digits
    inputa selection of titles
    parameterN=a number
    outputthe input as numbers converted to exponential notation with N digits

    Learn more about how to use Filters

    Introduced in v5.1.20 See Mathematics Operators for an overview.

    The exponential operator returns a string representation of the input number in exponential notation with the specified number of digits. If a number has more digits than requested, the number is rounded to the nearest number represented by the specified number of digits


    exponential Operator (Examples)

    11th June 2019 at 3:45pm

    123456789 +[exponential[4]]

    123456789 +[exponential[13]]

    1.23E23 +[exponential[90]]

    Extended Listops Filters

    27th February 2023 at 5:55pm


    A number of filters are used to manipulate lists.

    Some filters are designed to move items from the tail of the list and insert them at specified locations in the list, e.g. putafter or putbefore. Items are often appended to the list before using these filters. In general, these filters accept a suffix specifying the number of items to move (default to 1.)

    Some filters are designed to either add or remove from the list, a selected range of items from an array, e.g. append or remove. These filters are best used with a reference to an array, stored in a field or data index elsewhere in the wiki (they may be used with a simple list of items, provided the items do not include white space.) In general, these filters accept a suffix specifying the number of items to move (default to All.)

    Listops Operators
    Operator Purpose !
    allafter discard all items except those after the marker
    allbefore discard all items except those before the marker
    append append a range of items from an array to the list
    cycle toggle the titles specified in the first parameter in a cyclical manner
    insertafter insert an item T into a list immediately after an item A
    insertbefore insert an item T into a list immediately before an item B
    move move marker N places in the list
    prepend prepend a range of items from an array to the list
    putafter move N trailing items after the marker
    putbefore move N trailing items before the marker
    putfirst move N trailing items to the head of the list
    putlast move N leading items to the tail of the list
    remove remove a list of titles specified in the parameter from the input
    replace replace marker with N trailing items
    sortby sort the current list in the order of the list referenced in the parameter
    toggle toggle the title specified in the parameter in the input
    unique remove all duplicate items from the current list


    In this example we shall populate the 'DataIndex' index of the tiddler 'MyData' with the names of the days of the week, then clear this list.

    <$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $filter="[list[Days of the Week]]"/>
    Get days-of-the-week
    <$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $filter="[[]]"/>

    That renders as:


    In this example we shall slice the populated list from the 'DaysOfTheWeek' index of the tiddler 'MyData' in order to insert items before and after a marker item (Wednesday) that are first appended to the list.

    <$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="one two +[putbefore:2[Wednesday]]"/>
    Put 2 Items Before Wednesday
    <$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="four five +[putafter:2[Wednesday]] three +[putbefore[Wednesday]]"/>
    Put One Item Before & Two Items After Wednesday

    That renders as:


    In this example we shall slice the populated list from the 'DaysOfTheWeek' index of the tiddler 'MyData' in order to replace the marker item (Wednesday) with items which are first appended to the list. We shall then move 3 items to the head of the list which have first been appended to the list from referenced fields.

    <$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="[[---o]] [[o---]] +[replace:2{!!marker}]"/>
    Replace '!!marker' with 2 Items
    <$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="[{!!item1}] [{!!item2}] [{!!item3}] +[putfirst:3[]]"/>
    Put 3 Items First

    That renders as:


    In this example we shall slice the populated list from the 'DaysOfTheWeek' index of the tiddler 'MyData' in order to append to the truncated list, items from a referenced field. We shall then remove the first two of the items added.

    |list: |<$view field="list"/> |
    <$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[allbefore:include[Wednesday]] +[prepend{!!list}]"/>
    Prepend '!!list' to items before 'Wednesday'
    <$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[remove:2{!!list}]"/>
    Remove first two items in '!!list' from current list
    <$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[!remove:1{!!list}]"/>
    Remove last item in '!!list' from current list

    That renders as:

    list:Yesterday Today Tomorrow


    In this example we shall populate the list with numbers, then move items one by one from the head to the tail and from the tail to the head (best seen by clicking the lower buttons several times.)

    This example illustrates that the append[] and prepend[] operators do not enforce unique instances of an item and that, with the next run, any duplicates are removed.

    <$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $filter="[[]]" $subfilter="+[append:3{!!numbers}]"/>
    Setup some numbers
    <$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[!append:6{!!numbers}]"/>
    Append more numbers
    <$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[putfirst:2[]]"/>
    Move last 2 items to the head
    <$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[putlast[]]"/>
    Move the head to the last item

    That renders as:


    External Attachments Plugin

    31st October 2017 at 5:24pm


    17th February 2025 at 3:48pm

    External images in TiddlyWiki are tiddlers that point to the URI of an image, rather than embedding the full image data. They can perform better than embedded images, particularly with large numbers or sizes of images. However, using them breaks the single file pattern of TiddlyWiki.

    External images are used in the browser. They can be created by the Node.js configuration when it builds a TiddlyWiki, or they can be created manually within the browser.

    What is an External Image

    An external image is an ordinary image tiddler that has a _canonical_uri field containing the URI of the image. The URI can be absolute or relative to the HTML document. If the canonical URI is provided then the text field of the tiddler is ignored and so should be omitted.

    Manually Creating External Images

    To manually create an external image just create the tiddler with the appropriate image content type, and add a _canonical_uri field with a URI pointing to the actual image location.

    IMPORTANT: Double-check your spelling. _canonical_uri is spelled URI, not URL.

    Creating external images under Node.js

    The following steps are used to create a static HTML file version of a wiki accompanied by an images folder containing the referenced external images:

    1. Create image tiddlers in your TiddlyWikiFolders in the usual way
    2. Save the images as separate files (by convention, in a subfolder named /images)
    3. Externalise the image tiddlers by giving them a _canonical_uri field
    4. Save the main HTML file

    Note the image files must be saved before they are externalised. Externalising them destroys the text field within the in-memory copy of the wiki store, meaning that attempts to save them will fail.

    External Image Configuration

    For an example create an externalimages build target in a file:

    "build": {
    	"externalimages": [
    		--save [is[image]] images
    		--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
    		--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
    		--render $:/core/save/all externalimages.html text/plain

    Externalising Image Tiddlers

    The following --save command (see SaveCommand) can be used to save the images of a wiki into an images subfolder:

    --save [is[image]] images

    Two --setfield commands are used: the first sets the _canonical_uri field to a URI derived from the title of the tiddler, and the second clears the text field.

    --setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
    --setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain

    The template tiddler $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image contains:

    This template is used to assign the ''_canonical_uri'' field to external images.
    Change the `./images/` part to a different base URI. The URI can be relative or absolute.
    ./images/<$view field="title" format="doubleurlencoded"/>

    Note that these operations modify the tiddlers in the wiki store and so may affect the operation of subsequent commands.

    Node.js Command to Build External Images

    The following command will create external images in the myWiki/output folder.

    tiddlywiki myWiki --build externalimages

    On Windows the following command will create external images that are part of the edition. The files will be created in the output directory.

    tiddlywiki .\editions\ --build index

    Using External Images

    You can't edit an external image directly in the browser except by changing the URI field to point to a different image.

    Favicon template.svg

    Favorites by Mohammad

    17th November 2020 at 3:59pm

    Favorites plugin is a set of tool for creating favorites (bookmarks) in Tiddlywiki. Each favorite item is a shortcut to a tiddler.

    A favorite item also called a bookmark is a shortcut, you are creating for quick access to it. You can access that bookmark at any time and view that as many times as you want without having to search and find it again.

    The Favorites plugin contains three modes

    • flat mode: one favorite list, no folder
    • structured mode: use folder, search tool, export and delete tool
    • frozen list: read only, simple table of content style


    7th January 2016 at 10:58pm


    18th February 2017 at 1:15pm

    Fetch one or more files over HTTP/HTTPS, and import the tiddlers matching a filter, optionally transforming the incoming titles.

    --fetch file <url> <import-filter> <transform-filter>
    --fetch files <url-filter> <import-filter> <transform-filter>
    --fetch raw-file <url> <transform-filter>
    --fetch raw-files <url-filter> <transform-filter>

    The "file" and "files" variants fetch the specified files and attempt to import the tiddlers within them (the same processing as if the files were dragged into the browser window). The "raw-file" and "raw-files" variants fetch the specified files and then store the raw file data in tiddlers, without applying the import logic.

    With the "file" and "raw-file" variants only a single file is fetched and the first parameter is the URL of the file to read.

    With the "files" and "raw-files" variants, multiple files are fetched and the first parameter is a filter yielding a list of URLs of the files to read. For example, given a set of tiddlers tagged "remote-server" that have a field "url" the filter [tag[remote-server]get[url]] will retrieve all the available URLs.

    For the "file" and "files" variants, the <import-filter> parameter specifies a filter determining which tiddlers are imported. It defaults to [all[tiddlers]] if not provided.

    For all variants, the <transform-filter> parameter specifies an optional filter that transforms the titles of the imported tiddlers. For example, [addprefix[$:/myimports/]] would add the prefix $:/myimports/ to each title.

    Preceding the --fetch command with --verbose will output progress information during the import.

    Note that TiddlyWiki will not fetch an older version of an already loaded plugin.

    The following example retrieves all the non-system tiddlers from and saves them to a JSON file:

    tiddlywiki --verbose --fetch file "" "[!is[system]]" "" --rendertiddler "$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile" output.json text/plain "" exportFilter "[!is[system]]"

    The following example retrieves the "favicon" file from and saves it in a file called "output.ico". Note that the intermediate tiddler "Icon Tiddler" is quoted in the "–fetch" command because it is being used as a transformation filter to replace the default title, while there are no quotes for the "–savetiddler" command because it is being used directly as a title.

    tiddlywiki --verbose --fetch raw-file "" "[[Icon Tiddler]]" --savetiddler "Icon Tiddler" output.ico

    Field Editor Cascade

    5th March 2022 at 5:39pm

    The field editor cascade is a cascade used to choose a template for rendering the field editor within the EditTemplate.

    The core field editor cascade can be found in $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/fields

    The default field editor cascade only contains one element:

    1. Use the tiddler $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/fieldEditor/default to render the field

    See Customizing EditTemplate field rendering for more details.

    You can see the current settings for the field editor cascade in $:/ControlPanel under the Info -> Advanced -> Cascades -> Field Editor tab.

      field Operator

      16th March 2023 at 11:19am
      purposefilter the input by field
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixF=the name of a field
      parameterS=a possible value of field F
      outputthose input tiddlers in which field F has the value S
      ! outputthose input tiddlers in which field F does not have the value S

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      If S is empty, field will match both of the following:

      • tiddlers that don't contain field F
      • tiddlers in which field F exists but has an empty value

      The syntax of a filter step treats any unrecognised filter operator as if it was the suffix to the field operator.


      field Operator (Examples)

      18th January 2015 at 6:32pm

      → themes authored by JeremyRuston

      FieldMangler Widget (Examples)

      6th July 2015 at 5:29pm

      Add tag ''example'' to this tiddler (current)<$button message="tm-add-tag" param="example">{{$:/core/images/new-button}}</$button>
      Remove tag ''example'' to this tiddler (current)<$button message="tm-remove-tag" param="example">{{$:/core/images/delete-button}}</$button>

      <$fieldmangler tiddler="Hello World">
      Add tag ''example'' to the Hello World tiddler<$button message="tm-add-tag" param="example">{{$:/core/images/new-button}}</$button>
      Remove tag ''example'' to the Hello World tiddler<$button message="tm-remove-tag" param="example">{{$:/core/images/delete-button}}</$button>


      9th October 2021 at 12:28pm


      The field mangler widget manipulates the fields and tags of a tiddler. It does so in response to the following Messages:

      tm-remove-fieldRemove the field specified in event.param
      tm-add-fieldAdd the field specified in event.param
      tm-remove-tagRemove the tag specified in event.param
      tm-add-tagAdd the tag specified in event.param

      Content and Attributes

      The field mangler widget displays any contained content, and responds to Messages dispatched within it.

      tiddlerTitle of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the current tiddler)


      fields Operator

      29th January 2020 at 4:50pm
      purposeselect all field names of the input titles
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixIntroduced in v5.1.22 optional: include, exclude parameter list
      parameterIntroduced in v5.1.22 optional: a list of field names
      outputall the field names contained in the input tiddlers

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Each input title is processed in turn. Its list of field names is retrieved (in no particular order) and then dominantly appended to the operator's output.

      Introduced in v5.1.22 If the include suffix is used, fields are only included, if they exist. It doesn't matter, if fields have a value. The exclude suffix is there for convenience, since it would be possible to use a second filter run. For more info see the examples.


      fields Operator (Examples)

      29th January 2020 at 4:56pm

      [[HelloThere]fields:include[list title text non-existing]]
      → fields of HelloThere using a "short list" of fields. Fields are only shown, if they exist

      [[HelloThere]fields:include[list title text]sortby[title list text]]
      → fields of HelloThere special sorting

      [[HelloThere]fields:exclude[list title text]]
      → fields of HelloThere using the exclude suffix

      [[HelloThere]fields[]] -list -title -text
      → fields of HelloThere, using several filter runs instead of exclude suffix

      [tag[Common Operators]fields[]]
      → fields of all tiddlers tagged as Common Operators


      20th February 2015 at 4:12pm


      The fields widget renders each field of a specified tiddler through a simple text template. A list of fields to exclude can be provided. It is used internally by TiddlyWiki5, notably by the FileSavingMechanism.

      Template Handling

      The provided template is rendered with the following special substitutions:

      $name$Field name
      $value$Field value
      $encoded_value$HTML encoded form of field value

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the <$fields> widget is ignored.

      tiddlerTitle of the tiddler from which the fields are to be displayed (defaults to the current tiddler)
      templateText of the template (see above)
      excludeLists of fields to be excluded (defaults to "text")
      includeLists of fields to be included, if the field exists. This parameter takes precedence over "exclude"
      sortSorts the fields by name (defaults to "yes"). Set to "no", if "include" order should be retained!
      sortReverseReverses the sort order
      stripTitlePrefixIf set to "yes" then curly bracketed prefixes are removed from titles (for example {prefix}HelloThere converts to HelloThere)

      The stripTitlePrefix attribute is used when building TiddlyWiki Classic; see editions/tw2 in the TiddlyWiki5 repo.


      11th May 2023 at 12:34pm


      New in v5.3.0 The $fill widget is used within a $transclude widget to specify the content that should be copied to the named "slot". Slots are defined by the $slot widget within the transcluded content.

      See the $transclude widget for details and an example. More examples can be found in the $slot widget documentation.


      The content of the $fill widget is used as the content to be passed to the transclusion.

      $nameThe name of the slot to be filled

      The $name attribute must be specified as a literal string

      Filter Expression

      10th July 2023 at 7:45am

      A filter expression is the outermost level of the filter syntax. It consists of filter runs with optional filter run prefixes. Multiple filter runs are separated by whitespace.


      If the diagram has a single start and end line, as shown above, it means there is more info in the linked level above. The breadcrumbs can be used to navigate

      If the diagram has no start and no end, as used in lower levels, it means that higher level syntax elements have been removed, to increase readability and simplicity. The breadcrumbs can be used to navigate

      Filter Filter Run Prefix

      10th July 2023 at 7:33am
      purposeremove every input title for which the filter run output is an empty list
      inputthe filter output of all previous runs so far
      outputthe input titles for which the filter run is not empty
      Introduced in v5.1.23

      It receives the filter output so far as its input. The next run is evaluated for each title of the input, removing every input title for which the output is an empty list.

      Note that within the filter run, the currentTiddler variable is set to the title of the tiddler being processed. This permits filter runs like :filter[{!!price}multiply{!!cost}compare:integer:gteq[5]] to be used for computation. The value of currentTiddler outside the run is available in the variable ..currentTiddler.

      The following variables are available within the filter run:

      • currentTiddler - the input title
      • ..currentTiddler - the value of the variable currentTiddler outside the filter run.
      • index - Introduced in v5.2.1 the numeric index of the current list item (with zero being the first item in the list).
      • revIndex - Introduced in v5.2.1 the reverse numeric index of the current list item (with zero being the last item in the list).
      • length - Introduced in v5.2.1 the total length of the input list.

      Compare named filter run prefix :filter with filter Operator which applies a subfilter to every input title, removing the titles that return an empty result from the subfilter

      Filter Filter Run Prefix (Examples)

      Filter Filter Run Prefix (Examples)

      5th March 2023 at 12:53pm

      [tag[HelloThere]] :filter[get[text]length[]compare:integer:gteq[1000]]

      [tag[HelloThere]] :filter[get[text]length[]compare:integer:lteq[2000]]

      [tag[HelloThere]] :filter[get[text]length[]compare:integer:gteq[1000]] :filter[get[text]length[]compare:integer:lteq[2000]]

      [tag[Features]] :filter[links[]!is[shadow]is[missing]]

      A B C D E F :filter[<index>remainder[2]compare:integer:eq[0]]
      → Return every other element of the input list

      [tag[shopping]] :filter[{!!quantity}compare:integer:gt[4]] :map[addprefix[ ]addprefix{!!quantity}]

      [tag[shopping]] :filter[{!!quantity}compare:integer:lteq[4]] :map[addprefix[ ]addprefix{!!quantity}]

      Comparison between :filter and :and/+ filter run prefixes

      The functionality of the :filter filter run prefix has some overlap with the :and prefix (alias +). Notice the filter expressions above all have the following two properties:

      1. The start of the filter expression transforms the input titles (i.e. get[text]length[], links[], <index>remainder[2], {!!quantity}.
      2. The end of the filter expression only sends input items to the output if they meet some condition (i.e. compare, is).

      The purpose of the :filter prefix is to return the original input titles despite property #1 causing those input titles to be transformed. That way, the "meet some condition" check can be performed on something other than the original input. If some filter expression does not require property #1, then the :and prefix can be used instead.

      [tag[HelloThere]] :filter[get[text]length[]compare:integer:gteq[1000]]
      [tag[HelloThere]] :and[get[text]length[]compare:integer:gteq[1000]]
      [tag[Features]] :filter[links[]!is[shadow]is[missing]]
      [tag[Features]] :and[links[]!is[shadow]is[missing]]
      results are the same
      cat can bat bug :filter[suffix[at]minlength[3]]
      cat can bat bug :and[suffix[at]minlength[3]]

      filter Operator

      22nd May 2021 at 4:25pm
      purposeapply a subfilter to each input title and return the titles that return a non-empty result from the subfilter
      inputa selection of titles passed as input to the filter
      ! inputa selection of titles passed as input to the filter
      parameterS=a filter expression
      outputthe selection of titles that pass the filter S
      ! outputthose input titles that do not pass the filter S

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.23 The filter operator runs a subfilter for each input title, and returns those input titles for which the subfilter returns a non-empty result (in other words the result is not an empty list). The results of the subfilter are thrown away.

      Simple filter operations can be concatenated together directly (eg [tag[HelloThere]search[po]]) but this doesn't work when the filtering operations require intermediate results to be computed. The filter operator can be used to filter on an intermediate result which is discarded. To take the same example but to also filter by those tiddlers whose text field is longer than 1000 characters:

      <$vars myfilter="[get[text]length[]compare:integer:gteq[1000]]">
      <$list filter="[tag[HelloThere]search[po]filter<myfilter>]">
      <$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/>

      Note that within the subfilter, the "currentTiddler" variable is set to the title of the tiddler being processed. The value of currentTiddler outside the subfilter is available in the variable "..currentTiddler". Introduced in v5.2.0

      Compare with the similar subfilter operator which runs a subfilter and directly returns the results

      Compare with the analogous named filter run prefix :filter

      \define larger-than-1k() [get[text]length[]compare:integer:gteq[1000]]
      {{{ [tag[HelloThere]filter<larger-than-1k>] }}}

      is equivalent to:

      {{{ [tag[HelloThere]] :filter[get[text]length[]compare:integer:gteq[1000]] }}}


      filter Operator (Examples)

      4th October 2020 at 2:33pm

      These examples use the following predefined variables:

      • larger-than-1k: [get[text]length[]compare:integer:gteq[1000]]
      • smaller-than-2k: [get[text]length[]compare:integer:lteq[2000]]
      • contains-missing-links: [links[]!is[shadow]is[missing]]





      Filter Operators

      10th April 2023 at 11:41am

      A filter operator is a predefined keyword attached to an individual step of a filter. It defines the particular action of that step.

      Important: In general, each first filter step of a filter run not given any input titles receives the output of [all[tiddlers]] as its input.

      Table legend:

      ...Used to mark the most common ones
      !...The column indicates whether an operator allows negation using the ! prefix.
      For specifics as to each operator's negated output please refer to its documentation
      C...Most steps process the selection of titles that are supplied as their input, but a few construct an entirely new selection instead, as indicated by the last column.
      A C? indicates it might construct a new selection, depending on usage. For specifics as to each operator's selection creation please refer to its documentation

      The following table lists all core operators:

      Operator Purpose ! C
      all find all titles of a fundamental category C?
      backlinks find the titles that link to each input title
      backtranscludes find the titles that transclude each input title
      charcode generates string characters from their numeric character codes
      contains filter the input by searching list fields for a value !
      count count the number of entries in a list
      days filter the input by date !
      duplicateslugs find titles that yield duplicate slugs
      each select one of each group of input titles by field
      eachday select one of each group of input titles by date
      else if the list of input titles is empty then return a list consisting of a single constant string, otherwise return the original titles
      enlist select titles from the parameter interpreted as a title list ! C
      field filter the input by field !
      fields select all field names of the input titles
      filter apply a subfilter to each input title and return the titles that return a non-empty result from the subfilter !
      function apply a function to the input list, and return the result
      get select all values of a field in the input titles
      getindex select all values of a data property in the input titles
      has filter the input by field existence !
      haschanged filter the input by tiddler modification status !
      indexes select all data properties of the input titles
      is filter the input by fundamental category !
      join join a list of strings together with the separator S
      jsonextract retrieve the JSON string of a property from JSON strings
      jsonget retrieve the value of a property from JSON strings
      jsonindexes retrieve the value of a property from JSON strings
      jsonset set the value of a property in JSON objects
      jsontype retrieve the type of a property from JSON strings
      length returns the number of characters of each item in the list
      links find the titles linked to by each input title
      list select titles via a list field ! C
      listed find the titles that list the input titles
      lookup applies a prefix to each input title to yield the title of a tiddler from which the final value is retrieved. With a single parameter, the default field is "text" and the default index is "0". If a second parameter is provided, that becomes the target field or index.
      lowercase returns each item in the list as lowercase
      match returns each item in the list that matches the parameter string
      minlength filter items whose length is greater than or equal to the specified minimum length
      range generate a range of numbers ! C
      reduce apply a subfilter to each input title in turn, accumulating a single value
      regexp filter the input by pattern-matched field !
      sameday filter the input by date
      search filter the input by searching tiddler content !
      sentencecase returns each item in the list with the first letter capitalised
      slugify returns each item in the list in a human-readable form for use in URLs or filenames
      split returns each item in the list split into separate strings according to the specified separator S; duplicates are not removed
      splitregexp returns each item in the list split into separate strings according to the specified regular expression R
      subfilter select titles from the parameter interpreted as a filter expression ! C?
      then replace input titles by a constant string
      title select a single title ! C
      titlecase returns each item in the list with each word capitalised
      transcludes find the titles transcluded by each input title
      uppercase returns each item in the list as uppercase
      Order Operators
      after find which input title follows a specified one
      before find which input title precedes a specified one
      bf same as rest
      butfirst same as rest
      butlast discard the last N input titles
      first select the first N input titles
      last select the last N input titles
      limit select the first or last N input titles !
      next find which titles in a list field follow the input ones
      nsort sort the input by number field !
      nsortcs sort the input titles by number field, treating upper and lower case as different !
      nth select the Nth input title
      order selectively reverse the input list
      previous find which titles in a list field precede the input ones
      rest discard the first N input titles
      reverse reverse the order of the input titles
      sort sort the input by text field !
      sortan sort the input by text field considering them as alphanumerics !
      sortcs sort the input by text field, treating upper and lower case as different !
      sortsub sort the input by the result of evaluating a subfilter for each item !
      zth select the Zth input title
      Listops Operators
      allafter discard all items except those after the marker
      allbefore discard all items except those before the marker
      append append a range of items from an array to the list
      cycle toggle the titles specified in the first parameter in a cyclical manner
      insertafter insert an item T into a list immediately after an item A
      insertbefore insert an item T into a list immediately before an item B
      move move marker N places in the list
      prepend prepend a range of items from an array to the list
      putafter move N trailing items after the marker
      putbefore move N trailing items before the marker
      putfirst move N trailing items to the head of the list
      putlast move N leading items to the tail of the list
      remove remove a list of titles specified in the parameter from the input
      replace replace marker with N trailing items
      sortby sort the current list in the order of the list referenced in the parameter
      toggle toggle the title specified in the parameter in the input
      unique remove all duplicate items from the current list
      String Operators
      addprefix extend each input title with a prefix
      addsuffix extend each input title with a suffix
      applypatches applies a set of patches to transform the input
      compare filter the input by comparing each item against the parameter !
      decodebase64 apply base 64 decoding to a string
      decodehtml apply HTML decoding to a string
      decodeuri apply URI decoding to a string
      decodeuricomponent apply URI component decoding to a string
      encodebase64 apply base 64 encoding to a string
      encodehtml apply HTML encoding to a string
      encodeuri apply URI encoding to a string
      encodeuricomponent apply URI component encoding to a string
      enlist-input select titles by interpreting each input title as a title list
      escapecss apply CSS escaping to a selection of titles through the CSS.escape() method / operation
      escaperegexp escape special characters used in regular expressions
      format format the input string according to one of supported formats
      jsonstringify apply JSON string encoding to a string, see also the similar stringify
      levenshtein determine the Levenshtein distance of the input title(s) and a given string
      makepatches returns a set of patches that transform the input to a given string
      pad returns each item in the list padded to the specified length
      prefix filter the input titles by how they start !
      removeprefix filter the input titles by how they start, deleting that prefix
      removesuffix filter the input titles by how they end, deleting that suffix
      search-replace returns each item in the list, replacing within each title the string specified by the first parameter with the second parameter
      sha256 apply sha256 hash to a string
      splitbefore select a delimited prefix from each input title
      stringify apply JavaScript string encoding to a string, see also the similar jsonstringify
      substitute returns each item in the list, replacing within each title placeholders for filters, parameters and variables with their corresponding values
      suffix filter the input titles by how they end !
      trim returns each item in the list with whitespace, or a given character string, trimmed from the start and/or end
      Mathematics Operators
      abs calculate the absolute value of a list of numbers
      acos calculate the arccosine value (in radians) of a list of numbers
      add treating each input title as a number, add to each the numeric value of the parameter
      asin calculate the arcsine value (in radians) of a list of numbers
      atan calculate the arctangent value (in radians) of a list of numbers
      atan2 returns the angle in the plane (in radians) between the positive x-axis and the ray from (0,0) to the point (x,y), for [Y]atan2[X]
      average treating each input title as a number, compute their arithmetic mean
      ceil rounds a list of numbers up to the next largest integer
      compare filter the input by comparing each item against the parameter !
      cos calculate the cosine value of a list of angles (given in radians)
      divide treating each input title as a number, divide it by the numeric value of the parameter
      exponential convert each number to exponential notation with N digits
      fixed convert each number to fixed point notation with N digits after the decimal point
      floor rounds a list of numbers to the largest integer less than or equal to each number
      log treating each input title as a number, return its logarithm with base equal to the numeric value of the parameter if specified, otherwise base e
      max treating each input title as a number, take the maximum of its value and the numeric value of the parameter
      maxall find the largest of a list of numbers
      median treating each input title as a number, compute their median value
      min treating each input title as a number, take the minimum of its value and the numeric value of the parameter
      minall find the smallest of a list of numbers
      multiply treating each input title as a number, multiply it by the numeric value of the parameter
      negate calculate the negation of a list of numbers
      power treating each input title as a number, raise it to the power of the numeric value of the parameter
      precision convert each number to a string with N significant digits
      product produce the product of the input numbers
      remainder treating each input title as a number, return the remainder when divided by the numeric value of the parameter
      round rounds a list of numbers to the nearest integer
      sign return -1, 0 or 1 for a list of numbers according to whether each number is negative, zero, or positive
      sin calculate the sine value of a list of angles (given in radians)
      standard-deviation treating each input title as a number, compute their standard-deviation
      subtract treating each input title as a number, subtract from each the numeric value of the parameter
      sum produce the sum of the input numbers
      tan calculate the tangent value of a list of angles (given in radians)
      trunc truncates a list of numbers to their integer part, removing any fractional part
      untrunc rounds a list of numbers to the next integer with largest absolute value, that is, away from zero
      variance treating each input title as a number, compute their variance
      Tag Operators
      tag filter the input by tag !
      tagging find the tiddlers that have the input tags
      tags select all tags of the input tiddlers
      untagged discard any input titles that have tags !
      Special Operators
      commands select the titles of all the Node.js commands C
      deserialize extract JSON representation of tiddlers from the input strings
      deserializers C
      editiondescription select the descriptions of the input editions
      editions select the names of all the TiddlyWiki editions C
      getvariable select all values of variables named in the input titles
      modulesproperty retrieve a module property
      modules select the names of all modules of the input module types
      moduletypes select the names of all TiddlyWiki module types C
      plugintiddlers select all shadow titles in the input plugins
      shadowsource select the plugin titles that contain the input shadows
      storyviews select the names of all the story views C
      subtiddlerfields select all fields present in the selected tiddlers within a plugin
      variables select the names of all the actively defined variables C

      A typical step is written as [operator[parameter]], although not all of the operators need a parameter.

      For the exact rules, see Filter Syntax.

      Filter Parameter

      8th July 2024 at 8:22pm
      [hardanything but ]]{indirectanything but }}<variableanything but >>

      The parameter to a filter operator can be:

      [like this]
      The parameter is the exact text that appears between the square brackets.
      {like this}
      The parameter is the text indicated by the text reference whose name appears between the curly brackets, i.e. a field of a specified tiddler, or the value of a property of a specified data tiddler.
      <like this>
      The parameter is the current value of the variable whose name appears between the angle brackets. Macro parameters are not supported up to v5.2.0
      Introduced in v5.2.0 Literal macro parameters are supported. For example: [<now [UTC]YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0ssXXX>].

      Every filter Operator must be followed by a parameter expression. In the case of Operators without parameters, that expression is empty, as with the filter Operator links in [<currentTiddler>links[]].

      Introduced in v5.1.23 Filter Steps support multiple parameters which are separated by a , character.

      For example: [param1],[param2] or <param1>,{param2}

      Filter Run

      10th July 2023 at 7:43am
      [Filter Step]anything but [ ] or whitespace"anything but ""'anything but ''

      A run consists of steps, and it outputs a selection that contributes to a larger filter expression.

      The steps are processed from left to right. The input to the first step is same as the input to the run. For each subsequent step, the input is the output of the previous step.

      The lower three options in the diagram match syntax like HelloThere, "HelloThere", 'HelloThere' and "Filter Operators". They are short for [title[...]].

      The quoted options exist to support titles that contain square brackets, as in "An [[[[Unusual]]]] Tiddler".

      Filter Run Prefix

      11th July 2023 at 9:09am

      Filter Run Prefix (Examples)

      15th March 2023 at 3:28pm

      Filter Step

      10th July 2023 at 7:44am

      A filter step represents a single operation within a filter run.

      In programming terms, it is akin to a function call to which the step's input is passed as a parameter. A step's output is a title selection that contributes to a filter run and hence to the entire filter expression that contains it.

      !if omitted, defaults to: titleoperator:suffixparameter,

      The step's operator is drawn from a list of predefined keywoards which are known as filter operators.

      Many steps require an explicit parameter, that further defines what the step is to do.

      The suffix is additional text, often the name of a field, that extends the meaning of certain operators.

      If a step's operator and suffix are omitted altogether, it defaults to the title operator.

      Introduced in v5.1.23 Some steps accept multiple parameters which are separated by a , character.

      Any unrecognised operator is treated as if it was the suffix to the field operator.

      Filter operators can be extended by plugins.

      The output of a Filter Step depends on its operator:

      • Most operators derive their output from their input. For example, many of them output a subset of their input, and thus truly live up to the name of "filters", narrowing down the overall output of the containing run. These operators are called selection modifiers.
      • A few operators ignore their input and generate an independent output instead. These are called selection constructors: they construct an entirely new selection.

      A good example of a constructor is title. The output of [title[A]title[B]] is just B. But the field operator is a modifier, so [title[A]field:title[B] outputs nothing at all.

      The following filter Operators are tagged :

      Filter Syntax

      10th July 2023 at 7:43am

      Filters follow a grammar that is presented here, using railroad diagrams, for those who find formal syntax descriptions helpful. However, you can learn to write filters without needing to understand this group of tiddlers.

      A filter is a pipeline for transforming an input into an output. Both the input and the output are ordered sets of titles of tiddlers and fields.

      Filters are expressions constructed from smaller building blocks, called runs, which are built using steps. Eeach of which also transforms an input to an output.

      A filter starts with an empty output. Its runs are processed from left to right, progressively modifying the output.

      The "Filter Syntax" description starts with:

      Filter Expression

      The railroad boxes as the one above can be used to navigate

      Filter Whitespace

      10th July 2023 at 7:44am

      Filtered Attribute Values

      15th June 2023 at 4:52am

      Filtered attribute values are indicated with triple curly braces around a Filter Expression. The value will be the first item in the resulting list, or the empty string if the list is empty.

      Introduced in v5.2.2 To improve readability, newlines can be included anywhere that whitespace is allowed within filtered attributes.

      This example shows how to add a prefix to a value:

      <$text text={{{ [<currentTiddler>addprefix[$:/myprefix/]] }}} />

      The value of the attribute will be the exact text from the first item in the resulting list. Any wiki syntax in that text will be left as-is.


      10th July 2023 at 7:45am

      You can think of TiddlyWiki as a database in which the records are tiddlers. A database typically provides a way of discovering which records match a given pattern, and in TiddlyWiki this is done with filters.

      A filter is a concise notation for selecting a particular set of tiddlers, known as its output. Whenever TiddlyWiki encounters a filter, it calculates the output. Further work can then be done with just those tiddlers, such as counting or listing them.

      The following example passes a filter to the list-links macro. It displays a list of all tiddlers using the tag "Filters":

      A filter output can change as tiddlers are added and deleted in the wiki. TiddlyWiki recalculates on the fly, automatically updating any filter-based counts or lists as well.

      Find out more:

      Find Out More

      15th November 2024 at 5:08pm


      14th November 2021 at 1:36am

      This is an example tiddler. SeeTable-of-Contents Macros (Examples).

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

      first Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 7:19pm
      purposeselect the first N input titles
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterN=an integer, defaulting to 1
      outputthe first N input titles

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      first Operator (Examples)

      18th January 2015 at 6:32pm

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [list[Days of the Week]first[]]

      [list[Days of the Week]first[5]]

      [tag[Filter Operators]!sort[title]first[]]


      14th November 2021 at 1:36am

      This is an example tiddler. SeeTable-of-Contents Macros (Examples).

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


      14th November 2021 at 1:36am

      This is an example tiddler. SeeTable-of-Contents Macros (Examples).

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


      14th November 2021 at 1:36am

      This is an example tiddler. SeeTable-of-Contents Macros (Examples).

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

      fixed Operator

      11th June 2019 at 3:09pm
      purposeconvert each number to fixed point notation with N digits after the decimal point
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterN=a number
      outputthe input as numbers converted to fixed point notation with N digits after the decimal point

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.20 See Mathematics Operators for an overview.

      The fixed operator returns a string representation of the input number that does not use exponential notation and has exactly the specified number of digits after the decimal place. The number is rounded if necessary, and the fractional part is padded with zeros if necessary so that it has the specified length.


      fixed Operator (Examples)

      11th June 2019 at 3:07pm

      10.123456789 +[fixed[5]]



      floor Operator

      13th June 2019 at 8:44am
      purposerounds a list of numbers to the largest integer less than or equal to each number
      inputa selection of titles
      outputrounds each of the input numbers to the largest integer less than or equal to the given number

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      floor Operator (Examples)

      13th June 2019 at 8:45am



      =-1.2 =-2.4 =3.6 =4.8 =5.1 +[floor[]]

      format Operator

      21st March 2023 at 1:22pm
      purposeformat the input string according to one of supported formats
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixB=one of supported formats
      parameterC=optional format string for the formats
      outputinput strings formatted according to the specified suffix B

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.23

      The suffix B is one of the following supported string formats:

      dateThe input string is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed according to the DateFormat specified in the optional parameter C. (Defaults to "YYYY MM DD 0hh:0mm")
      jsonIntroduced in v5.2.4 The input string is interpreted as JSON and displayed with standard formatting. The optional parameter C specifies the number of spaces to use for indenting, or a string to use for indenting. Nothing is returned if the input string is not valid JSON
      relativedateThe input string is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed as the interval from the present instant. Any operator parameters C are ignored
      timestampNew in v5.3.0 The input string is interpreted as number of milliseconds since the ECMAScript epoch, 1 January 1970, and displayed according to the DateFormat specified in the optional operator parameter. (Defaults to "[UTC]YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0ss0XXX")
      titlelistIntroduced in v5.2.0 The input string wrapped in double square brackets if it contains a space. Appropriate for use in a title list.

      Invalid input strings are dropped by the format operator.

      The Title List format cannot reliably represent items that contain certain specific character sequences such as ]] . Thus it should not be used where there is a possibility of such sequences occurring.


      format Operator (Examples)

      26th February 2023 at 1:56pm

      These examples use the tiddler HelloThere.

      Created date with no format string specified:


      Created date with a format string supplied as operator parameter:

      [[HelloThere]get[created]format:date[DDth MMM YYYY]]

      Modified date shown as a relative date:


      Get the date and time exactly 24 hours (86,400,000 milliseconds) from now:

      [<now [UTC]YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0ss0XXX>format:date[TIMESTAMP]add[86400000]format:timestamp[DDth mmm YYYY 0hh:0mm:0ss]]

      A tiddler title with spaces formatted as a title list:

      [[Hello There]format:titlelist[]]

      All tiddler titles tagged with formatted as a title list:


      A JSON string formatted as JSON – note how the JSON string is normalised to remove the duplicated properties:


      To create a string to save a title list into a list field, use format:titlelist[] with the join operator

      [tag[TableOfContents]format:titlelist[]join[ ]]

      For example, to save titles tagged TableOfContents to the titles field of the tiddler format titlelist test:

      <$button>Try it
      <$action-setfield $tiddler="format titlelist test" titles={{{ [tag[TableOfContents]format:titlelist[]join[ ]] }}}/>

      That renders as:

      Formatting in WikiText

      3rd March 2023 at 9:54pm


      Available character formatting in WikiText includes:

      WikitextButtonShortcutRendered Output
      Double single quotes are used for ''bold text''ctrl-BDouble single quotes are used for bold text
      Double slashes are used for //italic text//ctrl-IDouble slashes are used for italic text
      Double underscores are used for __underlined text__ctrl-UDouble underscores are used for underlined text
      Double circumflex accents are used for ^^superscripted^^ textctrl-shift-PDouble circumflex accents are used for superscripted text
      Double commas are used for ,,subscripted,, textctrl-shift-BDouble commas are used for subscripted text
      Double tilde signs are used for ~~strikethrough~~ textctrl-TDouble tilde signs are used for strikethrough text
      Single backticks are used for `code` ctrl-MSingle backticks are used for code
      Double @ characters are used to create a @@highlight@@--Double @ characters are used to create a highlight

      See Styles and Classes in WikiText for more formatting options

      Embedded Backticks

      WikitextRendered Output
      ``double backticks allows `embedded` backticks``double backticks allows `embedded` backticks

      Keyboard Shortcuts

      The full list of KeyboardShortcuts can be found in the $:/ControlPanel -> Keyboard Shortcuts tab.

      Semantic Information

      WikitextResulting HTML Code
      Double single quotes are used for ''bold text''Double single quotes are used for <strong>bold text</strong>
      Double slashes are used for //italic text//Double slashes are used for <em>italic text</em>
      Double underscores are used for __underlined text__Double underscores are used for <u>underlined text<u>
      Double circumflex accents are used for ^^superscripted^^ textDouble circumflex accents are used for <sup>superscripted</sup> text
      Double commas are used for ,,subscripted,, textDouble commas are used for <sub>subscripted</sub> text
      Double tilde signs are used for ~~strikethrough~~ textDouble tilde signs are used for <strike>strikethrough</strike> text
      Single backticks are used for `code` Single backticks are used for <code>code</code>
      Double @ characters are used to create a @@highlight@@Double @ characters are used to create a <span class="tc-inline-style">highlighted</span>

      Bold vs Strong

      In TW we use the term "bold" instead of "strong" because most users are used to it. ... The rendering process converts our "bold text" into the STRONG HTML element.

      The <strong> element is for content that is of greater importance, while the <b> element is used to draw attention to text without indicating that it's more important.

      Underline vs. Underscore

      Use underline to describe text formatting that puts a line under the characters. Use underscore to refer to the underscore character ( _ ).

      Emphasis vs Italics

      The <em> element represents stress emphasis of its contents, while the <i> element represents text that is set off from the normal prose, such as a foreign word, fictional character thoughts, or when the text refers to the definition of a word instead of representing its semantic meaning. (The title of a work, such as the name of a book or movie, should use <cite>.)

      Formatting List Results as Tables (no CSS)

      20th December 2016 at 4:17pm

      Sometimes you want the results of a <$list> widget to be formatted in the form of multiple columns instead of just one straight listing. The following method creates an actual table structure and uses the nth operator to provide break points for the rows. It is not responsive, that is, it doesn't re-position to display fewer columns if the window is too small.

      In the first, outer list structure you must provide a count to indicate at item number rows should occur. So, in the following example, each row breaks after 4 items, so the sequence is 1,5,9, etc. Note that this requires you to know in advance the maximum number of items there will be. There is also an internal limit that is set to n-1 items, where n is the number of columns you want.

      Note also that you need to repeat the driving filter operator inside of the internal <$list> widget. Obviously this technique lends itself to a macro implementation.

      For other table-making techniques see also:

      Example code for a four-column table with fewer than 70 items

      <$list filter="1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65" variable ="rows">
          <$list filter="[tag[Filter Operators]limit[50]] +[nth<rows>]" variable="cell">
              <td> <<cell>> </td>
              <$list filter="[tag[Filter Operators]limit[50]] +[allafter<cell>limit[3]]" variable="this">
                  <td> <<this>> </td>


      abs Operator acos Operator add Operator addprefix Operator
      addsuffix Operator after Operator all Operator allafter Operator
      allbefore Operator append Operator applypatches Operator asin Operator
      atan Operator atan2 Operator average Operator backlinks Operator
      backtranscludes Operator before Operator bf Operator butfirst Operator
      butlast Operator ceil Operator charcode Operator commands Operator
      compare Operator contains Operator cos Operator count Operator
      cycle Operator days Operator decodebase64 Operator decodehtml Operator
      decodeuri Operator decodeuricomponent Operator deserialize Operator deserializers Operator
      divide Operator duplicateslugs Operator each Operator eachday Operator
      editiondescription Operator editions Operator else Operator encodebase64 Operator
      encodehtml Operator encodeuri Operator encodeuricomponent Operator enlist Operator
      enlist-input Operator escapecss Operator

      Formatting List Results as Tables with CSS - Specified Columns Methods

      20th December 2016 at 4:16pm

      Sometimes you want the results of a <$list> widget to be formatted in the form of multiple columns, instead of just one straight listing. This method uses ~CSS to set up listing as columns and assumes that you know how many columns you want. The method here is to create a style that reflects the number of columns you want your table to be in, and then apply that style to the resulting list output.

      For other table-making techniques see also:

      1) Create a tiddler for the columns tagged with $:/tags/Stylesheet, containing:

      /* FOUR COLUMN MODE */
      .fourcolumns {
         -webkit-column-count: 4;

      Note the various places you need to indicate the number of columns

      2) Then format your output like this:

      <$list filter="[tag[Filter Operators]]" variable="foo">

      Example showing partial list of filter operators

      abs Operator
      acos Operator
      add Operator
      addprefix Operator
      addsuffix Operator
      after Operator
      all Operator
      allafter Operator
      allbefore Operator
      append Operator
      applypatches Operator
      asin Operator
      atan Operator
      atan2 Operator
      average Operator
      backlinks Operator
      backtranscludes Operator
      before Operator
      bf Operator
      butfirst Operator
      butlast Operator
      ceil Operator
      charcode Operator
      commands Operator

      Formatting List Results as Tables with CSS - Variable Column Method

      20th December 2016 at 4:28pm

      Sometimes you want the results of a <$list> widget to be formatted in the form of multiple columns, instead of just one straight listing. This method uses CSS to set up listing as columns. It is responsive, that is, re-positioning to display fewer columns if the window is too small.

      You don't directly specify a fixed number of columns but instead specify the max-width for the list (which could be a transclusion of the tiddler width) and the width for each item. It lists from left to right, then wraps to a new row.

      For other table-making techniques see also:

      Example listing using 50 existing TiddlyWiki tags

      <div class="dynamic-table">
        <$list filter="[has[tags]tags[]sort[title]first[50]]">
          <span class="item">
            <$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/TagTemplate"/>

      Example stylesheet to use with listing

      .dynamic-table {
        max-width:700px; /* could transclude tiddler width instead */
        -ms-box-orient: vertical; /* might be unnecessary */
        display: -webkit-box;
        display: -moz-box;
        display: -ms-flexbox;
        display: -moz-flex;
        display: -webkit-flex;
        display: inline-flex;
        -webkit-flex-wrap: wrap;
        flex-wrap: wrap;
        flex-direction: row;
      .item {
        max-width:160px; min-width:160px;
        flex: 0 0 2em; /* -grow, -shrink, -basis */


      Formatting text in TiddlyWiki

      19th September 2014 at 9:48pm

      Within the text of a tiddler you can use special formatting called WikiText to control how the text is displayed.

      WikiText can be typed by using the Editor toolbar or by typing by hand. While the first is convenient the later can be faster when you know the WikiText markup code.

      Simple Formatting

      At its simplest, WikiText lets you use familiar word-processing features like bold, italic, lists and tables. For example:

      The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog

      … displays as:

      The quick brown flea fox jumps over the lazy dog

      Working with Tiddlers

      In WikiText, you can link to tiddlers using double square brackets, or by taking advantage of the automatic linking of CamelCase words:

      This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]

      … displays as:

      This is a link to HelloThere, and one to History of TiddlyWiki


      Macros let you package repetitive fragments of WikiText so that you can easily reuse them.

      For example, here is the definition of a macro that generates a YouTube video URL from its unique identifier:

      \define youtube(video)$video$

      With that definition in place, <<youtube 1g66s7UbyuU>> generates the URL

      Advanced WikiText

      Advanced WikiText features allow you to produce automated lists and interactive features like dropdown menus. In fact, the entire user interface of TiddlyWiki itself is written in WikiText, so any feature that you see in TiddlyWiki can be adapted for use in your own wikis.

      Some of the advanced features require complex coding. TiddlyWiki includes several built-in macros that simplify common user interface tasks, like tabs, tables of content, and lists of tiddlers.

      Find out more

      See WikiText for a detailed introduction to writing WikiText.


      25th September 2024 at 11:37am

      Official Forums

      The new official forum for talking about TiddlyWiki: requests for help, announcements of new releases and plugins, debating new features, or just sharing experiences. You can participate via the associated website, or subscribe via email. is a community run service that we host and maintain ourselves. The modest running costs are covered by community contributions.

      Google Groups

      For the convenience of existing users, we also continue to operate the original TiddlyWiki group (hosted on Google Groups since 2005):

      Developer Forums

      GitHub Stats

      There are several resources for developers to learn more about TiddlyWiki and to discuss and contribute to its development.

      Other Forums


      There is also a discussion group specifically for discussing TiddlyWiki documentation improvement initiatives:


      14th November 2021 at 1:36am

      This is an example tiddler. SeeTable-of-Contents Macros (Examples).

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

      Free Spaced Repetition Scheduler for TiddlyWiki by oflg

      5th October 2023 at 6:02am

      TiddlyWiki-based memory programme using advanced FSRS algorithm


      16th November 2021 at 10:11pm

      Full Edition

      2nd June 2016 at 5:15am

      The "full" edition of TiddlyWiki consists of all the available languages, themes and plugins for TiddlyWiki. It is intended for use in testing TiddlyWiki - in particular, for switching between all the available language plugins.

      The full edition can be downloaded from:

      Full Text Search Plugin by Rob Hoelz

      6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

      A plugin to integrate the popular lunr.js search engine, giving TiddlyWiki much more sophisticated search capabilities:

      Provides an alternative search result list that orders results by search relevance and ignores differences in word forms (ex. tag vs tags).

      On my personal wiki, I have the problem that there are terms I use across a lot of tiddlers, and sometimes I'll use different forms (such as the aforementioned tag vs tags). I wanted a plugin to allow me to find the tiddler I'm looking for quickly and didn't require me to worry about how I declined a noun or inflected a verb - so I wrote this plugin, which provides an alternative search list powered by lunr.js.

      function Operator

      19th April 2023 at 10:31am
      purposeapply a function to the input list, and return the result
      inputa selection of titles passed as input to the function F
      parameterF=first parameter is the function name, subsequent parameters are passed to the function by position
      outputthe selection of titles returned from the function F

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      New in v5.3.0 The function operator applies a named function to the input titles, and returns the results from the function. The function is invoked once with all of the input titles (in contrast, the filter Operator invokes its function separately for each input title).

      The first parameter of the function operator specifies the name of the function to be called. Subsequent parameters are passed to the function.

      The mapping between the parameters is positional, with each consecutive parameter specified in the function call mapped to the corresponding parameter in the function definition. Any parameters that are not provided are given their default values.

      Compare with the similar filter and subfilter operators which take a filter strings as their parameter instead of a named function, and does not permit parameters to be passed


      function Operator (Examples)

      These examples use the following predefined variable:

      • subTiddler: $:/SiteTitle

      They also use the following predefined functions:

      \function get.destField(subTiddler,field) [<subTiddler>get<field>]
      \function get.sourceField(subTiddler,field) [<subTiddler>shadowsource[]get[text]jsonget[tiddlers],<subTiddler>,<field>]
      \function get.sourceFields(subTiddler) [<subTiddler>shadowsource[]]:map:flat[<subTiddler>subtiddlerfields{!!title}]
      \function has.diff(subTiddler,field) [get.destField<subTiddler>,<field>else[]]:filter[get.sourceField<subTiddler>,<field>else[]!match{!!title}]
      \function diff.fields(subTiddler) [get.sourceFields<subTiddler>] [<subTiddler>fields:exclude[created creator modified modifier]] :filter[has.diff<subTiddler>,{!!title}]

      → get the overriden value of the field text.

      The function get.destField use the operator get to get the overriden value of the field text for $:/SiteTitle.

      → get the original value of the field text

      The function get.sourceField use the operator shadowsource to get the title of the plugin in which the shadow tiddler is defined ($:/core). It then use the operator get to retrieve the content of the field text, in which is defined every tiddlers for that plugin, in a json format. Next, the operator jsonget is used to retrieve the value of the original field text for $:/SiteTitle.

      → get the original list of fields.

      The function get.sourceFields use the operator shadowsource to get the title of the plugin in which the shadow tiddler is defined. The subsequent Map Filter Run Prefix iterate over the plugin title, and use the operator subtiddlerfields to output every fields of the shadow tiddler $:/SiteTitle, whose title is retrieved using a TextReference.

      → compare the original value of the field text with the value set in the overriding tiddler. If the value is different, output the overriden value

      The function has.diff use the operator get to retrieve the current value for the field text. If this field is missing or empty, the operator else output an empty string. Next, the Filter Filter Run Prefix use the function get.sourceField to get the original value for that field, and the operator match is used to check if the value does not match the current value for that field, using a TextReference. If the values do not match, it means that the value for that field was changed, and the value of the field is output. Otherwise, the :filter filter run prevent the field value to be output.

      → list the overriden fields

      The function diff.fields use the the function get.sourceFields to list every fields in the original $:/SiteTitle. It then use the fields operator to get every fields on the overriding tiddler, excluding the fields that are automatically set when a ShadowTiddler is overriden (created, creator, modified, modifier). The subsequent Filter Filter Run Prefix use the function has.diff to output only the title of the fields that were overidden.

      Theses functions can be used together to highlight the changes made to $:/SiteTitle:

      <$list filter="[diff.fields<subTiddler>]" variable=field>
        <$diff-text source={{{ [get.sourceField<subTiddler>,<field>] }}} dest={{{ [get.destField<subTiddler>,<field>] }}} >
          <code><<field>></code>: <<diff-count>> difference<%if [<diff-count>!match[1]]%>s<%endif%>

      That renders as:

      type: 1 difference
      text: 2 differences
      My TiddlyWiki @@font-size:small; v<<version>>@@


      22nd April 2024 at 8:48am


      New in v5.3.0 A function is a named snippet of text containing a Filter Expression. Functions can have named parameters which are available within the function as variables.

      Functions are usually defined with the Pragma: \function:

      \function myfun(param:"2")

      Functions can be invoked in several ways:

      • Directly transclude functions with the syntax <<myfun param:"value">>
      • Assign functions to widget attributes with the syntax <div class=<<myfun param:"value">>>
      • Invoke functions via the function Operator with the syntax [function[myfun],[value],...]
      • Directly invoke functions whose names contain a period as custom filter operators with the syntax [[value]] or [.myfun[value]]

      How Functions Work

      Functions are implemented as a special kind of variable. The only thing that distinguishes them from ordinary variables is the way that the parameters are handled.

      Funding TiddlyWiki

      4th December 2022 at 4:56pm

      TiddlyWiki is more useful to everybody if it is free to use, with no financial barriers to long term adoption. It is not altruism; we believe that removing or reducing barriers to adoption will help to ensure TiddlyWiki's future by making the community larger and stronger.

      Nonetheless, TiddlyWiki is a relatively big, complex machine that requires a significant amount of ongoing work to maintain and improve. Some community infrastructure also requires monthly fees to operate (notably the TiddlyWiki forum).

      The people in the community that do the work have widely varying needs:

      • At one end, a good proportion of the work on TiddlyWiki is performed by community members on a purely voluntary basis. For those people, the satisfaction of helping others is sufficient reward. Indeed, for many people, unpaid voluntary activities are a satisfying antidote to everyday paid work
      • At the other extreme, JeremyRuston and some other contributors are trying to make a full-time living working on TiddlyWiki by offering commercial products and services around it
      • In between, there are other people who would appreciate an ocassional token to reward them for their work

      To support these needs in the community, we have two initiatives:

      • We use Open Collective to collect donations for the infrastructure costs of the Community and to crowdfund specific developments by individuals or organisations
      • The TiddlyWiki Marketplace provides a shop window for individuals and organisations offering commercial products and services


      Future Proof

      29th March 2017 at 10:44am

      From Network World magazine in January 2016:

      Way back in the mists of time (actually, January 2009) I wrote about a really cool tool called TiddlyWiki, a “non-linear personal web notebook”. Fast forward to today and I just had an out of body experience: Completely by accident I found a TiddlyWiki that I started when I wrote that piece and it still works!

      Finding code that works flawlessly after just two or three years is magical enough but after seven years?! And given that TiddlyWiki is written as a single page Web application and considering how different browsers are now than they were in 2009, the fact that the old version of TiddlyWiki still works is not short of miraculous.

      TiddlyWiki is designed with the long term needs of its users in mind. Because it is OpenSource and needs no infrastructure, we can be confident that all we'll need to access a TiddlyWiki file even in the far future is an ordinary HTML browser. If you're starting to use TiddlyWiki at the beginning of your career you can be confident that it will carry you through to retirement.

      Generating Static Sites with TiddlyWiki

      8th October 2024 at 3:11am

      TiddlyWiki5 can be used to generate static HTML representations of a TiddlyWiki that doesn't need JavaScript. This process requires that TiddlyWiki be installed on Node.js on your local system. See Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js for details.

      There is much flexibility in how the static HTML is generated. The following scenarios are all illustrated on

      Wiki Snapshots and Tiddler Snapshots

      You can explore a static representation of the main TiddlyWiki site at That file is a static snapshot of the current DefaultTiddlers. Any tiddlers that it links to are referred to via URLs of the form /static/HelloThere.html that point to static snapshots of individual tiddlers. The tiddler HTML files reference a static.css stylesheet file.

      The following commands are used to generate the sample static version of the TiddlyWiki5 site:

      tiddlywiki wikipath --render '[!is[system]]' '[encodeuricomponent[]addprefix[static/]addsuffix[.html]]' text/plain $:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html
      tiddlywiki wikipath --render $:/core/templates/static.template.html static.html text/plain
      tiddlywiki wikipath --render $:/core/templates/static.template.css static/static.css text/plain

      The first RenderCommand generates the HTML representations of all individual non-system tiddlers using the filter [!is[system]], and the next filter [encodeuricomponent[]addprefix[static/]addsufixx[.html]] applies URI encoding to each title, and then adds the prefix static/, and finally adds the suffix .html. The second RenderCommand saves the static version of the DefaultTiddlers in static.html, and the final RenderCommand saves the stylesheet. (All the files are placed in the output folder of the wiki folder).

      Wiki Snapshot with Internal Links

      It is also possible to produce a single HTML file that contains static representations of tiddlers, and uses standard HTML anchor links to jump between them.

      For example:

      The example is built by the following commands:

      --render $:/core/templates/alltiddlers.template.html alltiddlers.html text/plain


      14th December 2023 at 9:37am


      Introduced in v5.2.4 The $genesis widget allows the dynamic construction of another widget, where the name and attributes of the new widget can be dynamically determined, without needing to be known in advance.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the $genesis widget is used as the content of the dynamically created widget.

      $typeThe type of widget or element to create (an initial $ indicates a widget, otherwise an HTML element will be created)
      $remappableSet to "no" to prevent the generated widget from being affected by any custom widget overrides. Needed when invoking the original widget within a custom widget definition
      $namesAn optional filter evaluating to the names of a list of attributes to be applied to the widget
      $valuesAn optional filter evaluating to the values corresponding to the list of names specified in $names
      $modeAn optional override of the parsing mode. May be "inline" or "block"
      {other attributes starting with $}Other attributes starting with a single dollar sign are reserved for future use
      {attributes starting with $$}Attributes starting with two dollar signs are applied as attributes to the output widget, but with the attribute name changed to use a single dollar sign
      {attributes not starting with $}Any other attributes that do not start with a dollar are applied as attributes to the output widget or HTML Element

      Introduced in v5.2.6 If the $type attribute is missing or blank, the $genesis widget does not render an intrinsic element, instead just rendering its children.

      New in v5.3.6 Note that attributes explicitly specified take precedence over attributes with the same name specified in the $names filter. This has always been the documented behaviour but prior to Release 5.3.6 the implementation was reversed, and the $names attributes took precedence. This was fixed in Release 5.3.6.


      <$genesis $type="div" class="tc-thing" label="Squeak">Mouse</$genesis>

      That renders as:


      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <p><div class="tc-thing" label="Squeak">Mouse</div></p>

      \define my-banner(mode:"inline",caption)
      <$genesis $type={{{ [<__mode__>match[inline]then[span]else[div]] }}} class="tc-mybanner">
      <<my-banner caption:"I'm in a SPAN">>
      <<my-banner mode:"block" caption:"I'm in a DIV">>

      That renders as:

      I'm in a SPAN

      I'm in a DIV

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <p><span class="tc-mybanner">
      I'm in a SPAN
      </span></p><p><div class="tc-mybanner">
      I'm in a DIV


      In the following example the widget attribute named one is not present in the HTML output. This is because HTML attributes starting with the prefix on are removed for security reasons. See HTML in WikiText "Security" for more details. This restriction only affects generated HTML elements, and does not prevent the use of attributes prefixed on with other widgets

      <$genesis $type="my-element" $names="one two" $values="1 2">Test Genesis Widget</$genesis>

      That renders as:

      Test Genesis Widget

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <p><my-element two="2">Test Genesis Widget</my-element></p>

      get Operator

      9th March 2023 at 4:38pm
      purposeselect all values of a field in the input titles
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterF=the name of a field
      outputthe values of field F in each of the input titles

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Each input title is processed in turn. If the corresponding tiddler contains field F, and the value of this field is not empty, then its value is appended to the output.

      Unlike most other Filter Operators, the selection output by get can contain duplicates. To avoid duplicates, use get[F]unique[].


      get Operator (Examples)

      25th March 2023 at 4:34pm

      → the title of the tiddler of which the current tiddler is a draft

      → returns the tags of all tiddlers without de-duplication

      → returns the tags of all tiddlers with de-duplication

      If a data tiddler contains a field with an empty value, the empty string is not appended to the results.

      [all[current]has:field[myfield]] :map[get[myfield]]
      → also returns the empty string

      The above example works by first checking if the input title has the field myfield and then using the Map Filter Run Prefix to replace the title with their value of that field. If the input tiddler does not have the field, an empty selection is returned. The subsequent Map Filter Run Prefix outputs an empty string when its run returns an empty selection (because the field is empty).

      [all[tiddlers]] :filter[get[created]compare:date:lt{HelloThere!!created}]
      → return all tiddlers that are older than HelloThere

      The above example demonstrates two different ways of accessing field values in filters: Use get when the title is not known in advance as with the Filter Filter Run Prefix where currentTiddler is set to the current input title. Use a TextReference as an indirect Filter Parameter when the title is known.

      Get the Ring

      15th November 2021 at 1:32am

      getindex Operator

      9th March 2023 at 4:38pm
      purposeselect all values of a data property in the input titles
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterP=the name of a property
      outputthe values of property P in each of the input titles

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a data tiddler. If the corresponding tiddler contains property P, and the value of this property is not empty, then its value is appended to the output.

      Unlike most other Filter Operators, the selection output by getindex can contain duplicates. To avoid duplicates, use getindex[P]unique[].


      getindex Operator (Examples)

      25th March 2023 at 4:35pm

      → returns all background colors defined in any of the ColourPalettes (notice the duplicates in the resulting list)

      If a data tiddler contains a property with an empty value, the empty string is not appended to the results.

      → the empty value of the property DataIndex in ListopsData is not returned by the getindex operator

      [[ListopsData]has:index[DataIndex]] :map[getindex[DataIndex]]
      → also returns the empty string

      The above example works by first checking if the input title has the property DataIndex and then using the Map Filter Run Prefix to replace the title with their value of that property. If the input tiddler does not have the property, an empty selection is returned. The subsequent Map Filter Run Prefix outputs an empty string when its run returns an empty selection (because the property is empty).

      [[$:/palettes/Vanilla]indexes[]] :filter[[$:/palettes/Vanilla]getindex<currentTiddler>count[]compare:number:eq[0]]
      → returns those colors in $:/palettes/Vanilla which are defined, but have no value assigned

      In the above example, count is used to check if getindex returns a result (i.e. the corresponding property has a value) or not.

      Getting Started Video

      19th September 2014 at 4:10pm

      This brief tutorial takes you through the basics of saving changes with a standalone TiddlyWiki file.

      Note that the video is a bit out of date, and will be updated soon!


      19th August 2022 at 4:10am

      The easiest way to use TiddlyWiki is to sign up for a free account with Tiddlyhost, an independently run community service. If you find Tiddlyhost useful, please consider donation or sponsorship.

      Click here to download an empty copy of TiddlyWiki:

      The next step is to choose a method for saving changes. There's a wide variety of methods available, with different features and limitations. Click on the badge for a method to see more information about it. You can also click on one of the platform filters to restrict the listing to methods that work with that platform.

      Don't attempt to use the browser File/Save menu option to save changes (it doesn't work)



      Use the checkboxes to explore the methods of saving that work with your platform(s)

      GettingStarted - Android

      14th November 2021 at 3:16am

      There are three options for using TiddlyWiki on Android:

      Using Firefox and TiddlyFox

      Using the AndTidWiki App

      The Tiddloid and Tiddloid Lite app are Android apps that makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki HTML files.


      • Create new TiddlyWiki importing latest edition from internet
      • Import existing TiddlyWikis stored on device/internal storage. (TiddloidLite supports external SD card too)
      • Fork interesting ~Tiddlywikis from internet (Supports TW5 only)
      • TiddlyWiki detection
      • Locally stored ~Tiddlywikis are updated simultaneously on saving changes to TiddlyWikis imported to the app
      • Backup system that is compatible with TiddlyDesktop, the desktop TiddlyWiki saver
      • Creating shortcuts to existing TiddlyWiki on Android Homepage
      • TiddloidLite supports cloud storages like GDrive and OneDrive

      Please note

      • Tiddloid Lite feature better support for devices running Android Q or later. It also supports cloud storages like GDrive and OneDrive, while Tiddloid keeps the compatibility to TiddlyWikiClassic. To know more about differences between Tiddloid and Tiddloid Lite, please visit Tiddloid's homepage.
      • You should keep the .html or .htm extension of the files to be imported.

      Using Node.js in Termux

      Termux is and open source android application providing limited Unix environment enabling users to install Node.js and npm modules in android. Users can install and run TiddlyWiki on Node.js using Termux.


      apt update
      apt upgrade
      apt install nodejs
      npm install -g tiddlywiki
      • If you need to create/serve TiddlyWiki on Node.js from the internal storage, you need to give termux storage permission by running the following command in termux
      • Now you can create and serve TiddlyWiki on Node.js from internal storage. In the example given below, user is creating a new wiki called "mynewwiki" in his internal folder.
      cd storage/shared
      tiddlywiki mynewwiki --init server
      tiddlywiki mynewwiki --listen
      • Visit in your browser
      • From then on, as long as Termux is not closed, you may access your wiki anytime from your favourite Web browser pointing on the expected address and port.

      In Termux, you may as well install git, emacs or vi, in order to edit and maintain individual tiddler files. This would probably require that you also attach a more powerful keyboard to your Android, like the Hacker's Keyboard application or a Bluetooth external device.

      GettingStarted - Chrome

      14th November 2021 at 3:16am

      TiddlyWiki on Google Chrome can only save changes using the HTML5-compatible saver module.

      This is the default method of saving if no other method is installed. It uses your browser's built-in "download a file" handler, and has the advantage of working on almost all desktop browsers, and many mobile browsers.

      1. Download an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
        If the button doesn't work save this link:
        Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
      2. Locate the file you just downloaded
        • You may rename it, but be sure to keep the .html or .htm extension
      3. Open the file in your browser
      4. Try creating a new tiddler using the new tiddler button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the ok button
      5. Save your changes by clicking the save changes button in the sidebar
      6. Your browser will download a new copy of the wiki incorporating your changes
      7. Locate the newly downloaded file and open it in your browser
      8. Verify that your changes have been saved correctly

      Tip: most browsers have an option to prompt each time for the download location. This allows you to select the existing version of the file and replace it.

      GettingStarted - Firefox

      3rd August 2023 at 9:30pm

      GettingStarted - Internet Explorer

      14th November 2021 at 3:16am

      Deprecated fromv5.3.6

      1. Install the TiddlyIE add-on from:
      2. Restart Internet Explorer. IE will prompt you to enable the TiddlyIE add-on.
        You may also see a prompt to enable the Microsoft Script Runtime
      3. Download an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
      4. Locate the file you just downloaded
        • You may rename it, but be sure to keep the .html or .htm extension
      5. Open the file in Internet Explorer
      6. Try creating a new tiddler using the new tiddler button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the ok button
      7. Save your changes by clicking the save changes button in the sidebar. Internet Explorer will ask for your consent to save the file locally by presenting a file Save As dialog.
      8. Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly

      The Windows HTA Hack describes an alternative method of using TiddlyWiki with Internet Explorer.

      GettingStarted - iOS

      14th November 2021 at 3:16am

      The iPad/iPhone app Quine 2 makes it possible to view, edit and then save changes to TiddlyWiki5 on iOS. Download it here.

      Instructions for use:

      1. Open Quine 2
      2. Tap the + toolbar button to create and open a new TiddlyWiki
      3. From the file list tap an existing TiddlyWiki file to open it
      4. Edit the TiddlyWiki as normal, and save as normal using either Autosave or the TiddlyWiki save button
      5. Tap the left hand "Documents" toolbar button to close an open TiddlyWiki
      • Quine 2 works natively in iOS with the local file system and the iCloud file system
      • Quine 2 also allows you to open, edit and save TiddlyWiki files stored with cloud file providers
      • Quine 2 allows you to follow embedded WikiText links and canonical links to external files for cloud-like file providers which support "folder level sharing".
        • This includes the apps "Secure Shellfish" and "Working Copy". Most providers, though, do not allow apps like Quine 2 to access linked files this way.
        • If you wish to enable such links for "well behaved" file providers, toggle "on" the "Enable folder selection for out-of-sandbox links" setting in iOS Settings for Quine 2

      Note that Quine is published independently of TiddlyWiki

      GettingStarted - Node.js

      14th November 2021 at 3:16am
      1. Install Node.js
        • Linux:
          apt install nodejs
          May need to be followed up by:
          apt install npm
          Arch Linux
          yay -S tiddlywiki
          (installs node and tiddlywiki)
        • Mac
          brew install node
        • Android
        • Other
      2. Open a command line terminal and type:
        npm install -g tiddlywiki
        If it fails with an error you may need to re-run the command as an administrator:
        sudo npm install -g tiddlywiki (Mac/Linux)
      3. Ensure TiddlyWiki is installed by typing:
        tiddlywiki --version
        • In response, you should see TiddlyWiki report its current version (eg "5.3.6". You may also see other debugging information reported.)
      4. Try it out:
        1. tiddlywiki mynewwiki --init server to create a folder for a new wiki that includes server-related components
        2. tiddlywiki mynewwiki --listen to start TiddlyWiki
        3. Visit in your browser
        4. Try editing and creating tiddlers
      5. Optionally, make an offline copy:
        • click the save changes button in the sidebar, OR
        • tiddlywiki mynewwiki --build index

      The -g flag causes TiddlyWiki to be installed globally. Without it, TiddlyWiki will only be available in the directory where you installed it.

      If you are using Debian or Debian-based Linux and you are receiving a node: command not found error though node.js package is installed, you may need to create a symbolic link between nodejs and node. Consult your distro's manual and whereis to correctly create a link. See github issue 1434.

      Example Debian v8.0: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

      You can also install prior versions like this:
      npm install -g tiddlywiki@5.1.13

      GettingStarted - Online

      14th November 2021 at 3:16am

      TiddlyWiki can also be hosted on online services such as Dropbox and Cloudant.

      Dropbox (syncs the entire HTML file)
      To edit files stored in your Dropbox, go to This will allow you to open any HTML files found.
      Cloudant (or another CouchDB-type server) (syncs individual tiddlers)

      GettingStarted - Safari

      14th November 2021 at 3:16am

      TiddlyWiki on Safari can only save changes using the manual HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.

      getvariable Operator

      30th March 2019 at 10:01am
      purposeselect all values of variables named in the input titles
      inputa selection of variable names
      outputthe values of each of the variables named in the input titles (or blank if the variable is not defined)

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.20 The usual way to retrieve a variable value within a filter is with the angle brackets notation. For example, [<currentTiddler>] will retrieve the value of the variable called currentTiddler.

      The getvariable filter operator provides an alternative way to retrieve a variable. For example, [[currentTiddler]getvariable[]] is another way to retrieve the value of the variable currentTiddler.

      The advantage of getvariable is that it makes it possible to work with variables whose name is computed, and not known in advance. For example, [<myvariable>getvariable[]] gets the value of the variable whose name is given in the variable myvariable.


      getvariable Operator (Examples)

      30th March 2019 at 10:01am

      → returns the value of the variable currentTiddler


      23rd July 2023 at 7:30am


      23rd July 2023 at 7:43am

      GitHub is a hosting service for distributed projects that use git as their version-control system. It allows free hosting and management of open-source projects and facilitates collaborative development on the source code. Using GitHub for non-open-source endeavours requires additional fees.

      The code and documentation of TiddlyWiki is hosted on GitHub at:

      GitHub also offer a free web hosting service called GitHub Pages that can be used directly from the single file configuration. See Saving to a Git service.

      An alternative to GitHub is GitLab

      GitHub Saver Tutorial by Mohammad

      23rd July 2023 at 7:45am

      GitHub Saver is a step by step tutorial that shows how to integrate Tiddlywiki 5 and GitHub Pages to create websites hosted on

      This instruction is based on Tiddlywiki single html file model, while it can use subfolder for extra materials like images, audios, videos, pdfs,... in separate folders.

      Other tutorials

      Tiddlywiki, Travis-CI and GitHub Pages
      This wiki shows how to set up websites hosted on GitHub Pages using Travis-CI and Tiddlywiki 5 on Node.js.
      Tiddlywiki and GitHub Pages
      This instruction is based on local edit, save and push to GitHub. It does NOT use the new GitHub Saver mechanism (requires TW 5.1.20+) which lets edit and save directly from Tiddlywiki!


      23rd July 2023 at 7:39am
      GitLab Inc. is an open-core company that operates GitLab, a DevOps software package which can develop, secure, and operate software. The open source software project was created by Ukrainian developer Dmytro Zaporozhets and Dutch developer Sytse Sijbrandij

      Both GitLab and GitHub use Git a distributed version control system, that can be used to store, view and edit TiddlyWiki wikis using GitLab Pages

      Learn more at: Saving to a Git service

      Go to Mordor

      15th November 2021 at 6:10pm

      Grok TiddlyWiki Banner


      4th December 2024 at 8:56am

      The following sidebar tabs give examples of grouped lists created by nesting.

      Types Tab

      For the "Types Tab", the outer list filter as shown below selects each discrete value found in the type field. The inner list filter selects all the (non-system) tiddlers with that type.

      \whitespace trim
      <$list filter={{$:/core/Filters/TypedTiddlers!!filter}}>
      <div class="tc-menu-list-item">
      <$view field="type"/>
      <$list filter="[type{!!type}!is[system]sort[title]]">
      <div class="tc-menu-list-subitem">
      <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>

      Recent Tab

      The list in the "Recent Tab" is generated using the timeline macro. Here, the outer list filter selects each discrete day found in the modified field, while the inner list filter selects all the tiddlers dated the same day in the modified field.

      <!-- Override one or both of the following two macros with a global or local macro of the same name 
      if you need to change how titles are displayed on a timeline -->
      \procedure timeline-title() <$view field="title"/>
      \procedure timeline-link() <$link to={{!!title}}><<timeline-title>></$link>
      \procedure timeline(limit:"100",format:"DDth MMM YYYY",subfilter:"",dateField:"modified")
      \whitespace trim
      <div class="tc-timeline">
      <$set name="tv-tids" filter=`[!is[system]$(subfilter)$has<dateField>!sort<dateField>limit<limit>]`>
      <$list filter="[enlist<tv-tids>eachday<dateField>]">
      <div class="tc-menu-list-item">
      <$view field=<<dateField>> format="date" template=<<format>>/>
      <$list filter=`[enlist<tv-tids>sameday:$(dateField)${!!$(dateField)$}]`>
      <div class="tc-menu-list-subitem">


      17th August 2014 at 2:10pm

      TiddlyWiki makes a great GuerillaWiki in situations where it is not practical to use a traditional wiki.

      For instance, in a corporate setting, persuading an over-worked IT department to install a Wiki server for you is seldom going to be possible overnight. And if your PC is locked down you can't install a conventional Wiki yourself. Equally, you can't go and use one of the public hosted Wiki services because your Information Security department would not allow all that corporate data to flow into an outside server.

      TiddlyWiki slices through those barriers by being usable on virtually all PCs.


      4th March 2023 at 4:21pm
          "Shakespeare-old": "Hamlet: Do you see yonder cloud that's almost in shape of a camel?\nPolonius: By the mass, and 'tis like a camel, indeed.\nHamlet: Methinks it is like a weasel.\nPolonius: It is backed like a weasel.\nHamlet: Or like a whale?\nPolonius: Very like a whale.\n-- Shakespeare",
          "Shakespeare-new": "Hamlet: Do you see the cloud over there that's almost the shape of a camel?\nPolonius: By golly, it is like a camel, indeed.\nHamlet: I think it looks like a weasel.\nPolonius: It is shaped like a weasel.\nHamlet: Or like a whale?\nPolonius: It's totally like a whale.\n-- Shakespeare",
          "Trekkie-old": "Kirk: Do you see yonder cloud that's almost in shape of a Klingon?\nSpock: By the mass, and 'tis like a Klingon, indeed.\nKirk: Methinks it is like a Vulcan.\nSpock: It is backed like a Vulcan.\nKirk: Or like a Romulan?\nSpock: Very like a Romulan.\n-- Trekkie"

      Hard and Soft Links

      10th June 2024 at 8:57am

      A hard link is a link that can be detected by a superficial examination of WikiText.

      A link is soft if it is:

      • contained in text trancluded from elsewhere
      • supplied via a macro or variable
      • generated by a link widget whose to attribute is a transclusion, macro or variable

      Soft links are not detected by link-related filter operators such as backlinks, links, all and is.

      This concept is analogous to Hard and Soft Transclusions.

      Hard and Soft Transclusions

      10th June 2024 at 8:56am

      A hard transclusion is a transclusion that can be detected by a superficial examination of WikiText.

      A transclusion is soft if it is:

      Soft transclusions are not detected by transclusion-related filter operators transcludes and backtranscludes.

      This concept is analogous to Hard and Soft Links.

      Hard Linebreaks in WikiText

      12th May 2024 at 12:16am

      The usual handling of paragraphs in wikitext causes single line breaks to be ignored, and double linebreaks to be interpreted as the end of a paragraph.

      This behaviour isn't convenient when dealing with material that incorporates hard linebreaks - for instance, poetry. You can mark a block of content as containing hard line breaks like this:

      This is a line
      and this is a new line
      while this is yet another line
      and this is the final one
      apart from this one

      That renders as:

      This is a line
      and this is a new line
      while this is yet another line
      and this is the final one
      apart from this one

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <p>This is a line<br>and this is a new line<br>while this is yet another line<br>and this is the final one<br>apart from this one<br></p>

      Note: Hard Linebreaks in WikiText require an extra blank line after the trailing """ before the parser will return to block mode.

      Hard Linebreaks with CSS

      26th January 2017 at 9:10pm

      Since TiddlyWiki Version 5.1.16, it's possible to apply customs styles with data- attributes. see: How to apply custom styles

      The Custom data-styles stylesheet tiddler contains the following definition:

      [data-tags*="example-hardlinebreaks"] .tc-tiddler-body {
        word-break: normal; 
        word-wrap: break-word;
        white-space: pre-wrap;

      If rendered without the tag, the content of "Hard Linebreaks with CSS - Example" will be shown like this:

      The following text is rendered without any special WikiText syntax. So most of the WikiText functionality will be accessible. This is a line and this is a new line while this is yet another line and this is the final one apart from this one

      Open the tiddler to see the custom CSS rules applied: Hard Linebreaks with CSS - Example

      Hard Linebreaks with CSS - Example

      26th January 2017 at 9:10pm

      The following text is rendered without any special WikiText syntax. So most of the WikiText functionality will be accessible.

      This is a line and this is a new line while this is yet another line and this is the final one apart from this one

      has Operator

      6th March 2023 at 2:32pm
      purposefilter the input by field existence
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixS=Introduced in v5.1.14 optionally, the keyword field or Introduced in v5.1.22 optionally, the keyword index
      parameterF=the name of a field or, optionally an index
      outputwithout suffix
      » those input tiddlers in which field F has a non-empty value
      suffix field
      » those input tiddlers in which field F exists
      suffix index
      » those input data tiddlers in which index F exists
      ! outputwithout suffix
      » those input tiddlers in which field F does not exist or has an empty value
      suffix field
      » those input tiddlers in which field F does not exist
      suffix index
      » those input data tiddlers in which index F does not exist

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      has Operator (Examples)

      11th November 2015 at 3:02pm







      haschanged Operator

      8th February 2015 at 7:18pm
      purposefilter the input by tiddler modification status
      inputa selection of titles
      outputthose input tiddlers that have been modified during this session
      ! outputthose input tiddlers that have not been modified during this session

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      A tiddler is deemed to have been modified if it has been written back to the wiki since the start of the current TiddlyWiki session. If you edit a tiddler and immediately store it again without making any changes, that is enough to mark it as modified.


      Headings in WikiText

      13th May 2022 at 11:08am

      Headings are specified with one up to six leading ! characters:

      ! This is a level 1 heading
      !! This is a level 2 heading
      !!! This is a level 3 heading

      CSS classes can be assigned to individual headings like this:

      !!.myStyle This heading has the class `myStyle`

      That renders as:

      This heading has the class myStyle

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <h2 class="myStyle">This heading has the class <code>myStyle</code></h2>

      Height of text editor

      17th August 2016 at 10:54am

      The button let you adjust the height of the text input field.


      15th November 2024 at 5:08pm

      Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a unique non-linear notebook for capturing, organising and sharing complex information

      Use it to keep your to-do list, to plan an essay or novel, or to organise your wedding. Record every thought that crosses your brain, or build a flexible and responsive website.

      • TiddlyWiki stores its data and code in a single HTML file, requiring no installs, no external dependencies, just a web browser
      • TiddlyWiki lets you choose where to keep your data, guaranteeing that in the decades to come you will still be able to use the notes you take today
      • TiddlyWiki is infinitely customisable and extensible with many plugins that add new features
      • TiddlyWiki is the product of a collective of developers, part of an extensive community of users


      14th April 2015 at 7:09am
      The following tiddlers are tagged with :

      HelloThumbnail - Funding

      Find out how you can help support TiddlyWiki financially

      HelloThumbnail - Grok TiddlyWiki

      A comprehensive interactive guide to TiddlyWiki, from the very basics to the advanced concepts, featuring exercises and takeaways to aid learning

      HelloThumbnail - Intertwingled Innovations

      Support the development of TiddlyWiki by hiring Jeremy Ruston through Intertwingled Innovations Limited

      HelloThumbnail - Introduction Video

      Short video introducing basic TiddlyWiki concepts

      HelloThumbnail - Latest Version

      The latest version v5.3.6 of TiddlyWiki (released on 15th November 2024)

      HelloThumbnail - Marketplace

      Explore commercial products and services for TiddlyWiki

      HelloThumbnail - MultiWikiServer

      Find out more about the new MultiWikiServer plugin that turns TiddlyWiki into a full-fledged server system supporting multiple user accounts and tiddler sharing

      HelloThumbnail - Newsletter

      Subscribe to the TiddlyWiki Newsletter, a fortnightly summary of the most interesting and relevant news from the TiddlyWiki community

      HelloThumbnail - TiddlyWiki Privacy

      With care, TiddlyWiki can be used totally privately, without needing to trust anything or anyone but your own device

      HelloThumbnail - TiddlyWikiLinks

      Links to TiddlyWiki-related content collected by the community

      HelloThumbnail - Twenty Years of TiddlyWiki

      Celebrating 20 years since the launch of TiddlyWiki


      25th February 2014 at 7:57pm

      Displays help text for a command:

      --help [<command>]

      If the command name is omitted then a list of available commands is displayed.


      10th October 2015 at 1:12pm

      If you find TiddlyWiki useful, there are lots of ways you can help assure its future and make it better.

      Teach and Tell

      OpenSource projects like TiddlyWiki thrive on the feedback and engagement of users. TiddlyWiki becomes more useful to everyone as more and more people use it. So, if you find TiddlyWiki useful, spread the word. The best possible way to assure its future is for it to become a hundred times more popular than before.

      Help improve the documentation and code

      There are many ways you can contribute to TiddlyWiki:

      • Writing tutorials
      • Contributing to the documentation on
      • Making video screencasts
      • Curating relevant links, hints and tips on a wiki

      The main TiddlyWiki documentation and code lives on GitHub, and welcomes contributions:

      Hidden Setting: Content to be displayed for empty story

      11th August 2024 at 5:36am

      To display content when the story is empty, create $:/config/EmptyStoryMessage and enter the desired contents.

      The following would show the GettingStarted tiddler when all others are closed.


      Hidden Setting: Default Tiddler Colour

      20th November 2024 at 10:56pm

      Hidden Setting: Default Tiddler Icon

      6th March 2020 at 2:50pm

      Hidden Setting: Disable Drag and Drop

      19th May 2021 at 3:54pm

      Introduced in v5.1.22 To disable all the drag and drop operations that are built into the core, set the following tiddler to "no":


      To selectively re-enable drag and drop for an instance of the list-tagged-draggable Macro or list-links-draggable Macro you must ensure that the variable tv-enable-drag-and-drop is set to yes for the scope of the macro invocation. For example, note how it is still possible to use drag and drop within this list even if $:/config/DragAndDrop/Enable is set to "no":

      Note that when using the DropzoneWidget and the DroppableWidget directly the enable attribute works independently of the global setting.

      Hidden Setting: Disable Lazy Loading

      25th October 2019 at 10:01am

      LazyLoading can be disabled by setting this value to yes


      Hidden Setting: Enable File Import in Editor

      19th May 2021 at 4:00pm
      Introduced in v5.2.0


      This filter determines whether dragging and dropping files in the editor works for a given tiddler or not. A non-empty result enables drag and drop in the editor for that tiddler. This filter is used in such a manner that it respects the global drag and drop setting.

      Hidden Setting: Filename for Save Wiki Button

      22nd January 2019 at 12:00am

      Introduced in v5.1.19 When saving a TiddlyWiki using the save changes button, the default file name used for saving is constructed using the Title of the TiddlyWiki as entered in the Control Panel, which is stored in the tiddler $:/SiteTitle.

      The value used is in the form {{$:/SiteTitle}}.html. This causes the filename to be constructed from the site Title with a .html extension.

      If a tiddler named $:/config/SaveWikiButton/Filename is created, the text in that tiddler will be used as the default file name used for saving the TiddlyWiki.

      Hidden Setting: HTML Parser Sandbox

      11th April 2021 at 10:01am

      Introduced in v5.2.0 By default, tiddlers with the type text/html are displayed in an iframe with the sandbox attribute set to the empty string. This causes all security restrictions to be applied, disabling many features such as JavaScript, downloads and external file references. This is the safest setting.

      To globally disable the sandbox, set the tiddler $:/config/HtmlParser/DisableSandbox to yes. This will mean that the code in the iframe has full access to TiddlyWiki's internals, which means that a malicious HTML page could exfiltrate data from a private wiki.

      To keep the sandbox but control which restrictions are applied, ensure that $:/config/HtmlParser/DisableSandbox is not set to yes, and then set $:/config/HtmlParser/SandboxTokens to the desired list of tokens from the MDN documentation.

      Note that these are global settings. To control the sandboxing on an individual tiddler basis will require a custom <iframe> to be used.

      Hidden Setting: Import Content Types for Editor

      19th May 2021 at 4:02pm
      Introduced in v5.2.0


      This filter determines which contentTypes can be imported by dragging and dropping into the editor. It used by a DropzoneWidget wrapped around the editor, for the contentTypesFilter attribute.

      Hidden Setting: More Tabs Horizontal

      28th November 2022 at 9:29am

      Set the $:/config/ui/SideBar/More/horizontal tiddler to yes, to align the More -> Tabs in horizontal orientation.

      Hidden Setting: Navigate on Enter

      8th November 2020 at 10:49am

      The configuration Tiddler $:/config/Search/NavigateOnEnter/enable can be used to enable (if set to yes) Navigation to and Creation of missing Tiddlers in the various search input fields when hitting Enter respectively ctrl-Enter

      Hidden Setting: New-Image Type

      16th November 2021 at 10:25pm

      By default new images are created with the image-type jpeg

      The hidden setting in $:/config/NewImageType can be set to another Image-Type which is used for new Image Tiddlers, like png

      Hidden Setting: Retain Story ordering

      Introduced in v5.2.4 The tiddler $:/config/ControlPanel/Basics/DefaultTiddlers/RetainStory contains the value that is assigned to $:/DefaultTiddlers when clicking the "retain story ordering" button in $:/ControlPanel under the Info -> Basics tab.

      Hidden Setting: Scroll Top Adjustment

      16th August 2018 at 11:06am

      As part of navigating to a tiddler, TiddlyWiki scrolls the page so that the top of the tiddler lines up with the top of the browser window. This means that the upper part of tiddlers can be obscured when using custom position:fixed toolbars at the top of the window.

      To adjust the scroll position to allow for the toolbar, add the CSS class tc-adjust-top-of-scroll to the toolbar. TiddlyWiki's scrolling mechanism will then dynamically adjust the scroll position by the height of that element.

      Hidden Setting: Search AutoFocus

      19th June 2015 at 4:26pm

      When TiddlyWiki first opens in the browser the search box is automatically given the focus by default. If this causes problems, you can change the default by changing this value from true to false:


      Hidden Setting: Search Minimum Length

      11th October 2016 at 7:42am

      Introduced in v5.1.14 Controls the minimum length of a search string before results are displayed.

      Defaults to "3".


      Hidden Setting: Show Edit Preview per Tiddler

      29th October 2021 at 9:03am

      Controls whether the tiddler editing preview is controlled globally (the default) or on a per-tiddler basis.

      Set it to yes to enable per-tiddler mode.


      Hidden Setting: Sync Logging

      3rd September 2019 at 7:23pm

      Specifies whether Syncadaptor should log information to the browser's developer console or not.

      Defaults to yes. Set to no to disable logging.

      Changing needs restart to take effect.


      Hidden Setting: Sync Polling Interval

      3rd September 2019 at 7:23pm

      Specifies the interval at which Syncadaptor synchronizes tiddlers between the server and the browser.

      Defaults to "60000" (60 * 1000 ms = 1 min).

      Changing needs restart to take effect.


      Hidden Setting: Sync System Tiddlers From Server

      9th September 2022 at 9:43am

      Introduced in v5.1.23 Determines whether system tiddlers are synced from the server under Node.js. (Note that this is a one-way setting; system tiddlers are always synced to the server).

      • no – system tiddlers are not synced from the server (default)
      • yes – system tiddlers are synced from the server

      Engaging sync of system tiddlers means that tiddlers such as $:/StoryList and $:/HistoryList get synced, which can lead to unexpected outcomes when multiple users are connected to the same server at the same time (it means that the story sequence is synced between all the users).


      Hidden Setting: Tab Index for Edit-Inputs

      2nd July 2019 at 7:48am

      Hidden Setting: Tag Pill Drag Filter

      28th July 2024 at 1:49pm

      The $:/core/config/TagPillDragFilter defines the filter string, that is used to drag & drop a tap-pill eg: from 1 wiki to an other wiki.

      Your $:/core/config/TagPillDragFilter defaults to: [all[current]tagging[]] +[!is[draft]]

      Be Aware
      The core default filter does not include shadow-tiddlers. It will include overwritten shadow tiddlers. See: is Operator for details about the is[tiddler] and other possibilities.

      Hidden Setting: Tags Minimum Length

      3rd December 2017 at 11:31pm

      Introduced in v5.1.16 Tag Dropdown: Controls the minimum length of an input string before results are displayed.

      Defaults to "0".


      Hidden Setting: Template for Save Wiki Button

      15th December 2018 at 3:48pm

      Hidden Setting: Typing Refresh Delay

      14th October 2019 at 9:18am

      TiddlyWiki defers processing changes to draft tiddlers and tiddlers with the prefix $:/temp/volatile/ until a timeout has elapsed (this is called throttling). The mechanism can be extended to other tiddlers by adding a throttle.refresh field. See RefreshThrottling for details.

      The default value of 400ms gives a good balance of responsiveness in most cases but isn't always optimal on lower powered mobile devices.

      The timeout can now be changed by changing this value (in milliseconds):


      Hidden Setting: ViewTemplate and EditTemplate

      4th July 2019 at 5:35am

      The configuration Tiddlers $:/config/ui/ViewTemplate and $:/config/ui/EditTemplate can be used to change the ViewTemplate respectively the EditTemplate used in the Story PageTemplate

      Hidden Settings

      19th June 2015 at 4:24pm

      Highlight Plugin

      22nd February 2022 at 9:43am

      The Highlight plugin provides the ability to apply syntax colouring to text.


      The latest version of the Highlight Plugin requires a modern browser that fully supports JavaScript ES6 (released in 2015). The older version is still available as the highlight-legacy plugin for users who need to use an older browser.

      History of TiddlyWiki

      16th October 2024 at 12:51pm

      Twenty Years of TiddlyWiki

      We've held a number of livestreams to celebrate twenty years of TiddlyWiki. You can watch the recordings here:

      Over on GitHub, we celebrated the contributors to TiddlyWiki by asking them for their reflections on the anniversary. We received some interesting and thoughtful responses. For example, this from @FND:

      TiddlyWiki had an immeasurable, enduring influence not just on my career, such as it is, but also on my values: To this day, I regularly find myself referring back to fundamental concepts TiddlyWiki instilled in me - many of which are often forgotten or ignored elsewhere. Having this background thus helps me keep my bearings working in this industry, whether it's worshipping at the altar of technical complexity or even just remembering humans exist in the world of technology.
      By TiddlyWiki, I mean people. It was an immense privilege interacting with and learning from this community and the group Jeremy built around it. It also helps reminding myself that this privilege was afforded to me by sheer happenstance; I hope to be paying it forward.

      Some recent podcasts featuring TiddlyWiki:

      Origins of TiddlyWiki

      Back in 1997 a colleague introduced me to Ward Cunningham's original wiki. I was impressed that something so powerful could fit into just 700 lines of Perl, and fascinated by the radical reimagining of security and permissions. Like many other developers, I took every opportunity I could to try out various wikis, and to explore their use at work.

      The allure of the wiki for me was the feeling that it could eventually disrupt the prevailing paradigm of print-oriented documents and emails.

      After watching people use wikis for a few years, I noticed that power users made extensive use of the ability to open multiple wiki pages at once in several browser tabs, making it easier for them to compare and review pages, to copy text between them and to act as a sort of queue of pages yet to be read.

      I felt that this ability to manipulate multiple pages at once was central to the ability to refactor a wiki, and it is generally accepted that a wiki that is lovingly refactored tends to be more useful. And yet, standard wiki user interfaces have always been designed exclusively for the presentation and manipulation of single pages at once.

      All of these thoughts came together when I saw GMail in April 2004, which used Ajax cleverly to blend individual emails into threaded conversations.

      I started experimenting with HTML and JavaScript to explore the idea further. I'd had virtually no experience of either, just having put together some static pages and simple ASP sites in previous lives. Getting my head around these client-side technologies was painful; like everyone else, I was horrified to discover how appalling were the incompatibilities and inconsistencies of web programming.

      Launch of TiddlyWiki

      So, in September 2004 I released a primitive first version of TiddlyWiki. It was the smallest possible thing that demonstrated the idea: it was a simple, self-contained static 48KB HTML file.

      The downside of writing the first version of TiddlyWiki in this way was that it made it completely impractical to use for editing - when you click 'save changes' it just pops up a window showing the data that would be saved if it were possible for an HTML page to write to the file system.

      Much of the early feedback was that TiddlyWiki was neat, but that it would be more useful when it was possible to properly save changes. I was a little frustrated, as I thought I knew that it was impossible for an HTML file running in the browser to save changes to the local file system.

      Within a few months I saw an experimental Firefox extension that enabled TiddlyWiki to save changes in the browser. Examining the code, I realised that the APIs that it used to write to the file system were actually available in ordinary HTML files - as long as they were loaded via a file:// URI.

      I adapted the Firefox code into the core of TiddlyWiki, and soon added a similar ability for Internet Explorer (making use of an old ActiveX control that Microsoft distributed with Internet Explorer).

      Growth of TiddlyWiki

      A major milestone in the growth of TiddlyWiki was the creation of "GTDTiddlyWiki" by Nathan Bowers. He took the vanilla TiddlyWiki product and adapted it for the specific application of keeping track of tasks using the popular Getting Things Done methodology. GTDTiddlyWiki was an immediate hit, being enthusiastically greeted on websites like LifeHacker.

      Over the next couple of years TiddlyWiki continued to grow in popularity, and gained new features and capabilities. Within a year I was able to support myself by performing bespoke development work on TiddlyWiki, notably working with wiki pioneer SocialText on the ability to synchronise changes with an online server

      BT Acquisition

      In May 2007, BT acquired Osmosoft, my consultancy company. It was an unusual decision to acquire a company with a single employee and a tiny trickle of revenue - Osmosoft didn't even own the intellectual property in TiddlyWiki since I had handed it over to UnaMesa to assure its future for the community.

      BT's motivation was to help them understand community-based ecosystems. I joined the organisation as "Head of Open Source Innovation", taking responsibility for open source governance, and providing advice and expertise on how to participate in open soure communities.

      Osmosoft and TiddlySpace

      I built a team in BT under the name Osmosoft. Our purpose was to evangelise the benefits of open source, and to help other teams realise those benefits in practice. We also found that it was necessary to evangelise the use of the web in general, and web standards in particular.

      Our approach was to focus on showing rather than telling. We worked with the TiddlyWiki community to extend the ecosystem and we built numerous internal systems for BT (some based on TiddlyWiki and some not).

      Osmosoft's chief contribution to the TiddlyWiki community was the creation of TiddlyWeb and TiddlySpace. TiddlyWeb was a robust, internet scale server for tiddlers that could also compose TiddlyWiki views of those tiddlers. TiddlySpace was an attempt to package TiddlyWeb into a more directly usable form.

      Leaving BT

      By the end of 2011 I was increasingly feeling that I would be better placed to realise the potential of TiddlyWiki outside of the corporate confines BT. Accordingly, I left and started work as an independent developer, primarily working on a brand new reboot of TiddlyWiki in the shape of TiddlyWiki5.

      Development of TiddlyWiki5

      I worked on new release of TiddlyWiki from November 2011. As a programmer, working on "version 2.0" of something that I had already written is a very attractive proposition. It means that the requirements were fully understood, allowing me to focus on evolving the architecture needed to support the desired functionality.

      The Future

      Now that TiddlyWiki5 has finally left "beta" status behind, my hope is that it will have a long life. Because it only uses standard features of HTML5 and Node.js, there is no reason why it cannot be fully operational for many years to come. My goal is for it to last for at least 25 years.

      Jeremy Ruston, 20th September 2014


      7th February 2015 at 1:10pm

      The system tiddler $:/HistoryList keeps track of a list of tiddlers comprising the navigation history. Each time you click on a link to a tiddler, the title of the target tiddler is added to the top of the stack.

      The history list is stored in JSON to allow additional details about the coordinates of the DOM node that initiated the navigation.

      The history list also maintains the field current-tiddler that contains the name of the tiddler at the top of the stack. This field can be used like so:

      <$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
      <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">&times;</$button> <$link><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>&#x2713;</$reveal></$link>

      Which renders the same as the "Open" sidebar tab, with the addition of a tick against the tiddler that was last navigated to.


      Quick Start

      Find Out More

      TiddlyWiki on the Web

      Testimonials and Reviews



      Empty Story

      To display content when the story is empty, create $:/config/EmptyStoryMessage and enter the desired contents. The following would show the GettingStarted tiddler when all others are closed.


      Horizontal Rules in WikiText

      13th May 2022 at 11:12am

      You can include a horizontal rule with three or more dashes on their own on a line:


      That renders as:

      ... and the underlying HTML is:


      How to add a banner for GitHub contributions

      23rd November 2014 at 9:44am

      When you edit a tiddler on you will see a small ribbon inviting you to edit the source of the tiddler on GitHub.

      If you are using Node.js, you can replicate this feature for your own TiddlyWiki-based site as follows:

      1. Make sure the following setting is included in the file in your wiki folder:
        	"config": {
        		"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
      2. Copy the tiddler $:/ContributionBanner to your wiki
      3. Make the following changes:
        1. Adjust the GitHub link URL from to point to your own GitHub repo
        2. Make sure the wording of the text starting "Can you help us improve this documentation?" is appropriate for your visitors
        3. Adjust the link to Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation to point to your own tiddler with instructions for the contribution procedure

      How to add a new tab to the sidebar

      4th February 2017 at 7:12pm

      To create a new tab in the sidebar menu:

      1. Create a tiddler and tag it with the SystemTag tag $:/tags/SideBar
      2. By default, the tiddler title is used as the tab title but you can override it using the caption field
      3. To define the tab ordering, use the list-after or list-before fields as discussed in Tagging

      Note that you can create new tabs under the "More" tab in the same way by using the tag $:/tags/MoreSideBar.

      How to apply custom styles

      11th April 2018 at 5:40pm

      How to apply custom styles by tag

      4th July 2022 at 5:42pm

      Deprecated fromv5.1.16(seeCustom styles by data-tags). Also see: How to apply custom styles

      You can apply custom styles to tiddlers that have a particular tag by defining a CSS class with the name tc-tagged-<Tag Name>.

      For example, to make tiddlers tagged "NightReader" appear in a special colour scheme suitable for night-time reading, create a stylesheet defining the class tc-tagged-NightReader like this:

      .tc-tagged-NightReader {
      	color: orange;
      	padding: 35px 35px;
      .tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body {
      	font-size: 1.5em;

      The tc-tagged-NightReader class is applied to the entire tiddler and not just the tiddler text. If you want to target a smaller portion of the tiddler you can qualify the CSS selector, as is done here with .tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body.

      Note that tags containing spaces or non-alphanumeric characters will be converted using URI encoding, making the generated CSS classname hard to predict. For example:

      TagGenerated Class Name
      Doctor Whotc-tagged-Doctor%20Who

      Although TiddlyWiki will generate these tags, to actually use them in your css, you will need to escape the percent character in your stylesheet, like:

      .tc-tagged-Doctor\%20Who {
          background-image: url(./tardis_back.svg);
          background-repeat: no-repeat;
          background-position: right;

      A utility function is available in JavaScript to perform the conversion:


      Generates the following output:


      How to build a TiddlyWiki5 from individual tiddlers

      25th October 2024 at 5:11am

      First install TiddlyWiki as described in Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js.

      1. Create an empty TiddlyWikiFolder
        1. Create a new folder in a convenient place (for example ~/MyWiki)
        2. Create a file called containing the following text:
          • {"themes": ["tiddlywiki/vanilla","tiddlywiki/snowwhite"]}
        3. Create a subfolder called tiddlers
          • Alternatively, just copy the editions/empty folder from the TiddlyWiki5 repo
      2. Create individual TiddlerFiles in the ~/MyWiki/tiddlers directory
      3. Execute the following command from the TiddlyWiki5 root directory to build a TiddlyWiki5 file from the tiddlers:
        1. tiddlywiki ~/MyWiki --render $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain

      How to change the sort order of sub-branches in a TOC macro

      20th February 2019 at 12:00am

      Imagine that you are using a Table of Contents macro similar to this:

      <<toc-selective-expandable  "TableOfContents" "sort[title]">>

      The sorting is fine for most cases, but you would like all your items tagged Journal to be sorted by the created field. How can you apply a separate sort order to just those sub-items tagged Journal?

      The trick is to add a field to the parent tagging tiddler (i.e. Journal) that points to a different sort criteria. Let's call the field fuzzy, and populate it with the value created (created is the name of the field that contains a tiddler's creation date).

      Now change your Table of Contents to look like this:

      <<toc-selective-expandable  "TableOfContents" "sort{!!fuzzy}">>

      Now your Table of Contents will sort by title everywhere, except for the children of the Journal tiddler, which will sort by the created date.

      The downside to this trick is that you can't apply a reverse sort based on just one special field. If you reverse the sort order, it will be reversed everywhere.

      How to create a custom story tiddler template

      6th December 2021 at 4:51pm

      Here we show how to add a rule to the Story Tiddler Template Cascade that causes tiddlers tagged to be displayed with a custom appearance incorporating thumbnails of the tiddlers named in the list field.

      Open Demo Tiddler List with Custom Story Tiddler Template to see the demo.

      First, we add a new step to the story tiddler template cascade. The new filter step is:


      It can be read as:

      If the tiddler has the tag $:/tags/TiddlerList then return $:/
      The template $:/ also depends on styles defined in $:/

      The story tiddler template cascade is defined by the tag , so we need to create a configuration tiddler with that tag.

      We also need to make sure that it is inserted at the correct point in the cascade:

      • The new rule must be after the "draft" rule to ensure that draft tiddlers with the tag $:/tags/TiddlerList can be edited
      • The new rule must be before the "default" rule otherwise it will never be executed

      The control panel "Cascades" tab shows that this can be achieved by inserting the new step immediately before the default step using the list-before field.

      The full list of fields in the configuration tiddler is:



      Finally, we need to create the demo tiddler itself:

      Demo Tiddler List with Custom Story Tiddler Template

      filterHelloThere Community GettingStarted Features Reference Plugins Learning
      textThis is a demo tiddler with a custom story tiddler template that displays the tiddlers named in the list field as a fan. See [[How to create a custom story tiddler template]] for details.

      How to create a custom tiddler colour rule

      6th December 2021 at 4:51pm

      Here we show how to add a rule to the Tiddler Colour Cascade that causes tiddlers with the tag to be given a bright blue colour and tiddlers with the tag to be given a dark purple colour.

      How to create a custom tiddler icon rule describes how the same tiddlers have been given a custom icon

      First, we add a new step to the tiddler colour cascade. The new filter step is:

      [tag[Working with TiddlyWiki]then[darkorchid]]

      It can be read as:

      If the tiddler has the tag "TableOfContents" then return the colour #1e90ff
      Else if the tiddler has the tag "Working with TiddlyWiki" then return the colour darkorchid

      The tiddler colour cascade is defined by the tag , so we need to create a configuration tiddler with that tag.

      We also need to make sure that it is inserted at the correct point in the cascade:

      • The new rule must be after the "colour-field" rule to ensure that tiddlers with an explicit color field will respect the value of that field
      • The new rule must be before the "default" icon otherwise it will never be seen if the default colour is specified

      The control panel "Cascades" tab shows that this can be achieved by inserting the new step immediately before the default step using the list-before field.

      The full list of fields in the configuration tiddler is:


      text[tag[TableOfContents]then[#1e90ff]] [tag[Working with TiddlyWiki]then[darkorchid]]

      How to create a custom tiddler icon rule

      6th December 2021 at 4:51pm

      Here we show how to add a rule to the Tiddler Icon Cascade that causes tiddlers with the tag to be given the "globe" icon and tiddlers with the tag to be given the "help" icon .

      How to create a custom tiddler colour rule describes how the same tiddlers have been given a custom colour

      First, we add a new step to the tiddler icon cascade. The new filter step is:

      [tag[Working with TiddlyWiki]then[$:/core/images/help]] 

      It can be read as:

      If the tiddler has the tag "TableOfContents" then return $:/core/images/globe
      Else if the tiddler has the tag "Working with TiddlyWiki" then return $:/core/images/help

      The tiddler icon cascade is defined by the tag , so we need to create a configuration tiddler with that tag.

      We also need to make sure that it is inserted at the correct point in the cascade:

      • The new rule must be after the "icon-field" rule to ensure that tiddlers with an explicit icon field will respect the value of that field
      • The new rule must be before the "default" icon otherwise it will never be seen if the default icon is specified

      The control panel "Cascades" tab shows that this can be achieved by inserting the new step immediately before the default step using the list-before field.

      The full list of fields in the configuration tiddler is:


      text[tag[TableOfContents]then[$:/core/images/globe]] [tag[Working with TiddlyWiki]then[$:/core/images/help]]

      How to create dynamic editor toolbar buttons

      18th October 2021 at 10:23am

      Create a New Toolbar Button

      The easiest way to create new editor toolbar button is to clone and open one.

      This tiddler contains all the necessary elements that are important for toolbar buttons.

      We don't discuss the text field details in this howto
      The caption field is used to display the shortcut name in the $:/ControlPanel : Keyboard Shortcuts tab
      A filter, that defines the button visibility state
      condition-disabled Introduced in v5.1.23
      A filter, that allows us to define the "disabled" attribute for buttons. eg: [[$:/temp/bold/disabled]get[state-disabled]else[no]]
      This condition must return "no", if the "state tiddler" or "state field" doesn't exist! So there has to be a else[no] element in the filter.
      Is used as the button tooltip
      Assigns the button icon. We use $:/core/images/spiral here. More button icons can be found in the Icon Gallery
      This is the Keyboard Shortcut Descriptor eg: ((temp-bold))

      Disabled State

      You can use any "state tiddler" to define the button disabled state. It's important, that the condition-disabled field is a filter. For our example we use the state-disabled field from tiddler: $:/temp/bold/disabled

      The easiest way to test filters is with the $:/AdvancedSearch : Filter tab

      The temporary "bold button" is disabled: "no" ... You can see the button in the editor toolbar if you edit any tiddler!

      Create Keyboard Shortcuts for New Button

      For our HowTo we use the Keyboard Shortcut Descriptor: ((temp-bold))

      To create a valid shortcut configuration we need 2 tiddlers:

      $:/config/ShortcutInfo/temp-bold .. and

      Clean up the Configuration Tiddlers

      If you don't need the config tiddlers anymore you can

      How to create keyboard shortcuts

      TiddlyWiki distinguishes two types of keyboard shortcuts. Those that are limited to work within input fields or textareas which are handled by the $keyboard widget and keyboard shortcuts that work globally - which means that only the page needs to have focus in order for them to be accessible. The latter are handled by a mechanism that starts to work when a wiki is loaded

      The configuration mechanism is the same for both shortcut-types

      A tiddler with the prefix $:/config/ShortcutInfo/ and a unique suffix appended, like my-shortcut, makes the new shortcut appear in the $:/ControlPanel within the Keyboard Shortcuts Tab. An optional description can be added within its text field

      In the Keyboard Shortcuts Tab the key combination that should trigger the shortcut can be configured:

      Look for the unique suffix defined for the new shortcut and click the button to open a popup that detects key combinations and shows the detected combination in its input field
      The add shortcut assigns the key-combination to the shortcut

      Depending on the chosen platform the configuration mechanism creates a tiddler with a specific nomenclature

      $:/config/shortcuts/ + the shortcut suffix for shortcuts that will work on all platforms (operating systems)
      $:/config/shortcuts-(mac/not-mac/windows/not-windows/linux/not-linux)/ + the shortcut suffix for shortcuts that will work on the chosen platform only or that will not work on the excluded platform


      • $:/config/shortcuts/my-shortcut
      • $:/config/shortcuts-mac/my-shortcut
      • $:/config/shortcuts-windows/my-shortcut
      • $:/config/shortcuts-linux/my-shortcut
      • $:/config/shortcuts-not-mac/my-shortcut
      • $:/config/shortcuts-not-windows/my-shortcut
      • $:/config/shortcuts-not-linux/my-shortcut

      Note that those platform-specific tiddlers don't have to be created manually if the ShortcutInfo tiddler as mentioned above is created first and the shortcut is configured in the ControlPanel

      At this point the shortcut is defined and its actions can be configured

      Using the Keyboard Widget

      A $keyboard widget detects the key combinations pressed within an input or textarea field within its scope. The $keyboard widget needs to "embrace" the input or textarea field and its key attribute either points to a configuration tiddler using the Key Descriptor Syntax or explicitely contains the key
      <$keyboard key="((my-shortcut))" actions='<$action-setfield $tiddler="my-tiddler" $field="my-field" $value="my-value"/>'>
      <$edit-text tag="input" tiddler="my-tiddler"/>
      <$keyboard key="alt-shift-M" actions='<$action-setfield $tiddler="my-tiddler" $field="my-field" $value="my-value"/>'>
      <$edit-text tag="input" tiddler="my-tiddler"/>
      If actions are defined , the $keyboard widget will invoke the actions defined in its actions attribute when it detects the key-combination defined in its key attribute being pressed in any input or textarea field within its scope

      Using global Keyboard Shortcuts

      See Keyboard Shortcut Tiddler for detailed information about creating new global keyboard shortcuts.
      The actions for global keyboard shortcuts are stored in the text field of tiddlers tagged with
      The key field connects an action-tiddler with the corresponding shortcut through the ((my-shortcut)) syntax, called Keyboard Shortcut Descriptor

      Syntax: (( + a chosen suffix + ))

      If the tiddler has the tag , the field key with the Keyboard Shortcut Descriptor as its value and some actions in its text field, the actions will be triggered when the mechanism detects the configured key-combination

      Macros defined outside a global keyboard-shortcut (through a tiddler tagged $:/tags/Global) need to be imported in order to be accessible. The import pragma can be used for that

      \import [subfilter{$:/core/config/GlobalImportFilter}]

      If the tiddler that contains the macro definition is known and - for example - titled my-macro-tiddler

      \import my-macro-tiddler

      Some actions require to be wrapped within a $navigator widget. That is necessary for the following list of widgets and messages in order to work if used within global keyboard shortcuts


      $action-navigate (ActionNavigateWidget)


      WidgetMessage: tm-cancel-tiddler
      WidgetMessage: tm-close-all-tiddlers
      WidgetMessage: tm-close-other-tiddlers
      WidgetMessage: tm-close-tiddler
      WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler
      WidgetMessage: tm-edit-tiddler
      WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers
      WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler
      WidgetMessage: tm-perform-import
      WidgetMessage: tm-relink-tiddler
      WidgetMessage: tm-rename-tiddler
      WidgetMessage: tm-save-tiddler

      How to Customize TiddlyDesktop

      18th November 2017 at 7:45pm


      Before experimenting with TiddlyDesktop internals you should find the location of the “user configuration folder” - click the “Settings” button on the main TiddlyDesktop window, and then click the button “Open user config folder”. Then move up to locate the parent folder, which should be called “TiddlyDesktop”. If things go wrong, you can reset TiddlyDesktop to its factory state by deleting this entire folder.

      Click the Backstage button on the main TiddlyDesktop window to open the backstage wiki. This is a Node.js-like instance of TiddlyWiki that runs the UI and logic of TiddlyDesktop.

      How do I get rid of the "Add a TiddlyWiki Folder" button.

      Within the backstage wiki, locate the tiddler WikiListToolbar (there’s a link in HelloThere). Click it into edit mode and you’ll see the wikitext for all the toolbar buttons. If you make modifications and click “done” then the changes will immediately be reflected in the main TiddlyDesktop window.

      How would I change the "advanced" button to the "reveal backups" button.

      You can copy the code for the “reveal backups” button from the tiddler $:/TiddlyDesktop/Settings and paste it into WikiListToolbar.

      How do I change the colors?

      Just as usual in TiddlyWiki: you can use the palette, or define your own custom CSS.

      How do I change the order in which the tiddlers are listed (which appears to be alphabetical)?

      Open the WikiList tiddler, edit it, and scroll to the end. Then change the <$list> widget inside the wikilist macro:

      <$list filter="[tag[wikilist]sort[title]!has[draft.of]]" emptyMessage="Add a ~TiddlyWiki file or folder to get started. Click the buttons above to browse, or drag and drop from your file Explorer/Finder" storyview="pop">

      How to embed PDF and other documents

      3rd August 2023 at 5:18am

      Note about embedding versus external linking

      Note: Before we dive into how you can embed files of a certain type, you may want to consider not embedding and instead simply linking to external resources like this:


      Then let your browser decide how to handle the resource. The advantage to this approach is that it is simple and quick. The disadvantage is that the file doesn't actually travel with the TW5 file and that you can't use node.js with method #2 below to quickly file paths.

      Two ways to embed a PDF in your TW5 file.

      1. Embedding with Drag and Drop

      One is to drag and drop the file onto your TW5 file. Wait for the green bar to appear at the top, drop, and then import from the import tiddler. This actually embeds the contents of your imported PDF (or other file) into your TW5 file.

      This method be OK as long as your PDF is not too big. There can be concerns if your TW5 file becomes too big.

      2. Embedding with '_canonical_uri'

      The other way is to create a tiddler link to the external file. In this method the file is not actually incorporated into your TW5 file, but can be accessed with the {{My Image File.jpg}} transclusion syntax just like an embedded file. The location address of the file can also be changed under Node.js. See ExternalImages for details of using external images with node.js.

      Create a tiddler with a field _canonical_uri. Put in the local address to the external file. Set the type field to application/pdf.

      With either way, with an appropriately configured browser, you should see your embedded PDF file.

      Other File Types

      There's only so many file formats that TW5 knows about. There is a list at ContentType. If your browser and/or TW5 doesn't know what to do with a particular file format, then you can only the use the second method to embed and then download a file. When you edit the tiddler a link is presented. You can right click on the link in order to download the file.

      How to export tiddlers

      10th June 2016 at 8:40am

      Selecting All tiddlers for export

      To export all tiddlers click on the "Tools" tab of the Sidebar. Find and click the export all button. A pop-up menu will offer you the chance to export tiddlers in multiple formats.

      Exporting a tiddler

      If you want to export a particular tiddler, first navigate to that tiddler. Then click on the more button that appears above the tiddler. From the list that appears select export tiddler. A pop-up menu will offer you the chance to export the tiddler in multiple formats.

      Exporting tiddlers matching a criteria (filter)

      To export a selection of tiddlers, click the little magnifying glass next to the search area on the sidebar. This will open the Advanced Search tiddler. Click on the "Filter" tab of the Advanced Search tiddler. Only the Filter tab will allow you to export a selection of tiddlers. Filters follow a particular syntax. Click on this Filters link to learn about how to make filters.

      Once you have written a filter, a list of tiddlers matching the filter will appear. Now you can click on the export tiddler button to the right of the filter input field. A pop-up menu will offer you the chance to export tiddlers in multiple formats.

      Export formats

      Currently, the export formats available are:

      • CSV file format
      • JSON file format
      • Static HTML file
      • ".tid" file format

      The ".tid" format is unique from the other formats in that only one tiddler will be exported, even if you are attempting to export all tiddlers or a selection of tiddlers.

      How to hide the author's and other fields with CSS

      10th March 2018 at 8:12pm

      Sometimes you might want to save some screen space by hiding away the author's name in all tiddlers. Here's a quick way to do it:

      • Create a new tiddler with any title you want.
      • Give the tiddler the tag $:/tags/Stylesheet
      • In the text field of the tiddler put:
      .tc-subtitle .tc-tiddlylink {display:none;}
      • Save the tiddler. The author's name field should no longer appear.

      Similarly, the entire subtitle field including author and date can be removed with:

      .tc-subtitle {display:none;}

      Unfortunately, you can't hide just the date without also hiding the author using CSS.

      And finally, for a truly minimalist look, you can remove the title with: {display:none;)

      How to put the last modification date in a banner

      17th June 2016 at 12:59pm

      Here's how to display the last modification date of a wiki in a banner in the corner of the window:

      1. Install the plugin Corner ribbon in your TiddlyWiki
      2. Save ( ) and reload () your wiki
      3. Create a new tiddler called $:/_MyRibbon tagged $:/tags/PageControls and containing:
        <div class="github-fork-ribbon-wrapper right">
        <div class="github-fork-ribbon" style="background-color:#DF4848;">
        <$list filter="[!is[system]!has[draft.of]!sort[modified]limit[1]]">
        <$view field="modified" format="date" template="DD mmm YYYY at 0hh:0mm"/>
      4. If required, change the background-color value to your preference
      5. You can also try changing the positioning class from right to right-bottom
        1. To make the banner appear at the top left you'll need to tag the tiddler $:/tags/PageTemplate instead of $:/tags/PageControls and then change the position class to left

      How to remove stop words

      18th November 2020 at 10:34am

      You can use the search-replace Operator in combination with the sortsub Operator to ignore stop words like "A" and "The" at the beginning of titles when sorting. (Note for example that "A Tale of Two Cities" sorts under "T" rather than "A")


      You can also customise the listing so that "A Tale of Two Cities" is listed as "Tale of Two Cities, A" but still links to the correct tiddler.

      <$list filter="[enlist<book-list>sortsub<compare-without-stopwords>]">
      <li><$link><$text text={{{[<currentTiddler>search-replace:i:regexp[(^The |A )(.*)],[$2, $1]]}}}/></$link></li>

      That renders as:

      How to turn off camel case linking

      23rd September 2024 at 4:18pm

      CamelCase is used in most Wikis, but it can interfere with text presentation in some situations.

      Turning off Camel Case locally

      To prevent a particular CamelCase word from being linked, simply put a tilde (~) in front of the word, like this:


      If you need to disable CamelCase for just an entire tiddler, you can use the \rules pragma:

      \rules except wikilink

      Turning off Camel Case globally

      To turn off CamelCase in all tiddlers, navigate to the Control Panel. Select the Settings tab and then scroll or read down to the Camel Case Wiki Links section and unselect Enable automatic CamelCase linking.

      How to update TiddlyWiki to the latest version

      26th April 2022 at 10:12pm

      There are regular releases of TiddlyWiki with bug fixes and improvements. It's a good idea to keep up to date by regularly upgrading to the latest version.


      The process described here is for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files. There is a different procedure for upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js.

      When upgrading, please remember the The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki:

      You are responsible for looking after your own data; take care to make backups, especially when upgrading the TiddlyWiki core

      Online upgrading

      This process will work on most desktop browsers. Note that none of your personal data leaves your browser with this process.

      1. Locate your TiddlyWiki file in the file system (i.e. using Windows Explorer, the Finder on Mac OS X, or your file manager on Linux)
      2. Visit in your browser
      3. Drag your old TiddlyWiki HTML file into the browser window
        • If the file is encrypted you will be prompted for the password
      4. Review the list of tiddlers that will be upgraded
      5. Click Upgrade
      6. Save changes to save the new version ( )

      This will download a file called upgrade.html to your computer. This file is the upgrade of your old file. You may need to open the location where upgrade.html was downloaded, rename upgrade.html with the name of the old file you are upgrading, and replace the old file by moving the new file in its place.

      Offline upgrading

      You can also download locally and perform the same drag-and-drop procedure to upgrade your files.

      Problems with Upgrades

      Firefox Security Restrictions

      The following error occurs when trying to perform the online upgrade procedure using Firefox:

      Error while saving:

      Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied

      The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest either using the offline upgrader, or using Chrome to perform the upgrade:

      1. Use Chrome to open, then drag the TiddlyWiki HTML file to be upgraded into the upgrader window, as described above in Online upgrading
      2. After you've saved your upgraded file, you should be able to open it in Firefox and save using TiddlyFox again

      Incompatible Customisations

      It is possible for a customisation applied in a previous version to break when upgraded to the latest version. There are two techniques you can use to help track down issues:

      • Try repeating the upgrade having selectively unchecked any tiddlers that may be applying customisations to TiddlyWiki
      • Use SafeMode to disable all customisations of shadow tiddlers

      You can see which shadow tiddlers have been overridden in the Filter tab of advanced search. Select "Overridden shadow tiddlers" from the dropdown.

      How to widen tiddlers (aka storyriver)

      8th December 2016 at 12:00am

      You can change the width of the main column of tiddlers (also known as the story river) by:

      • Clicking on the settings cog to open the control panel
      • In the control panel select "Appearance" and then "Theme Tweaks".
      • Under Theme tweaks, scroll down.

      There you will see settings for story right, story width, and tiddler width. By setting these numbers to something larger, you can widen the tiddlers. In general, story right and story width should be the same size, and tiddler width a little bit smaller. You could even use percentages for tiddler width. You will also probably want to change the sidebar breakpoint to something larger than the story river, unless you don't mind the sidebar floating to the top of the page.

      HTML Block Elements

      18th August 2022 at 9:21am

      HTML Entities

      26th July 2024 at 7:48am


      Use HTML entities to enter characters that cannot easily be typed on an ordinary keyboard. They take the form of an ampersand (&), an identifying string, and a terminating semi-colon (;), e.g. &amp; for the & character.


      The value of Tiddlers&trade; cannot even be expressed in &pound;, &euro; or &dollar;.

      Displays as:

      The value of Tiddlers™ cannot even be expressed in £, € or $.

      Entity References

      Comprehensive lists of html entities can be found at...

      Examples Of Common And Useful Entities

      HTML Entities
      &nbsp; no-break space  
      &NoBreak;zerro width WordJoiner  &apos;'single quote, apostrophe
      &ndash;en dash&quot;"quotation mark
      &mdash;em dash&prime;prime; minutes; feet
      &hellip; horizontal ellipsis&Prime;double prime; seconds; inches
      &copy;©Copyright symbol&lsquo;left single quote
      &reg;®Registered symbol&rsquo;right single quote
      &trade;Trademark symbol&ldquo;left double quote
      &dagger;dagger&rdquo;right double quote
      &Dagger;double dagger&laquo;«left angle quote
      &para;paragraph sign&raquo;»right angle quote
      &sect;§section sign&times;×multiplication symbol
      &uarr;up arrow&darr;down arrow
      &larr;left arrow&rarr;right arrow
      &lArr;double left arrow&rArr;double right arrow
      &harr;left right arrow&hArr;double left right arrow

      Accented Characters

      The table below shows how accented characters can be built up by substituting the underscore (_) in the second table into the corresponding character. eg:

      Accented Characters
      grave accent&_grave;ÀàÈèÌìÒòÙù      
      acute accent&_acute;ÁáÉéÍíÓóÚú  Ýý  
      circumflex accent&_circ;ÂâÊêÎîÔôÛû      
      umlaut mark&_uml;ÄäËëÏïÖöÜü  Ÿÿ  
      tilde&_tilde;Ãã    Õõ  Ññ    
      slash&_slash;      Øø        
      cedilla&_cedil;              Çç

      HTML in WikiText

      25th October 2024 at 7:35am

      HTML tags and comments

      HTML tags and comments can be used directly in WikiText. For example:

      <article class="hello">
      This is my nice and simple block of text. HelloThere
      <!-- This comment will not appear in the wikified output -->

      Pragma Comments

      Introduced in v5.2.0 Comments can now be freely intermixed with pragmas as well as within the main body of a block of wikitext.

      <!-- NEW: Comment that describes the macro -->
      \define test()
      some text <!-- inline comment -->



      Note that any HTML attributes prefixed with on are removed from the rendered HTML content. This is done to prevent event handlers (such as "onclick") being used as a clandestine way to execute untrusted JavaScript. A design goal of TiddlyWiki is to ensure that executable JavaScript can only enter the system through explicit JavaScript module tiddlers or raw markup tiddlers. This makes it possible to filter unsafe content in multiuser environments, and also makes it safer to copy untrusted wikitext examples.


      Widgets share the same syntax as HTML tags
      and so the following information applies to them, too.

      Block mode versus Inline mode

      To get the content of an HTML element to be parsed in block mode, the opening tag must be followed by two linebreaks.

      Without the two linebreaks, the tag content will be parsed in inline mode which means that block mode formatting such as wikitext tables, lists and headings is not recognised.

      See also WikiText parser mode: HTML examples and WikiText parser mode transitions.

      Self closing elements

      The following tags are treated as 'void'. This means that <tag> is treated as if it were <tag/>, and that no terminating </tag> is needed (if one is provided it will be ignored and treated as plain text).

      • <area>, <base>, <br>, <col>, <command>, <embed>, <hr>, <img>, <input>, <keygen>, <link>, <meta>, <param>, <source>, <track>, <wbr>

      If you do not close any other tag then it will behave as if the missing closing tag were at the end of the tiddler.


      In an extension of conventional HTML syntax, attributes of elements and widgets can be specified in several different ways:

      Style Attributes

      TiddlyWiki supports the usual HTML style attribute for assigning CSS styles to elements:

      <div style="color:red;">Hello</div>

      Introduced in v5.2.2 In an extension to HTML, TiddlyWiki also supports accessing individual CSS styles as independent attributes. For example:

      <div style.color="red">Hello</div>

      The advantage of this syntax is that it simplifies assigning computed values to CSS styles. For example:

      <div style.color={{!!color}}>Hello</div>

      New in v5.3.6 TiddlyWiki also supports setting CSS custom properties as independent attributes. For example:

      <div --bg-color={{{ [[red]] }}}>Hello</div>

      HTML Links in WikiText

      21st October 2016 at 10:20am

      It is often useful to be able to create HTML links to external resources. For example, here the value of the href attribute will be set to the value of the tiddler MyLinkDestination:

      <a href={{MyLinkDestination}}>link</a>

      However, there is an unexpected security issue that means that most of the time the link should have the rel attribute set to noopener noreferrer to maintain privacy of the URLs of private TiddlyWiki's (eg on Dropbox). See for more information.

      <a href={{MyLinkDestination}} rel="noopener noreferrer">link</a>

      HyperText Markup Language

      28th February 2015 at 1:39pm

      HTML is a standard plain-text format used for defining the content of a web page.

      It consists of a tree of elements expressed using a system of special tags enclosed in angle brackets.

      Almost the whole of HTML can be used unchanged in the WikiText of a tiddler.

      Icon Gallery

      18th October 2021 at 10:23am

      image-picker Macro

      18th April 2016 at 3:58pm

      The image-picker macro displays an interactive image picker, as can be seen in the core text editor.


      Wikitext for the action widgets that should be executed when the user selects an image. Within the text, the variable imageTitle contains the title of the tiddler containing the selected image.
      An optional extra filter step, e.g. tag[MyTag]

      The images are selected by means of a filter expression, into which the subfilter parameter is spliced as follows:

      [all[shadows+tiddlers]is[image]$subfilter$!has[draft.of]] -[type[application/pdf]] +[sort[title]]


      image-picker Macro (Example 1)

      16th November 2021 at 3:50am

      image-picker Macro (Example 2)

      16th November 2021 at 3:51am

      image-picker Macro (Examples)

      18th April 2016 at 3:56pm

      Image: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/_MyImage' tag='input' placeholder='(unset)' default=''/>
      <$transclude tiddler={{$:/_MyImage}}/>
      <$macrocall $name='image-picker' actions="
      <$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/_MyImage' $value=<<imageTitle>>/>

      This next example shows how the subfilter parameter limits the list of images (here to those with the "Language" prefix):

      Image: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/_MyImage' tag='input' placeholder='(unset)' default=''/>
      <$transclude tiddler={{$:/_MyImage}}/>
      <$macrocall $name='image-picker' actions="
      <$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/_MyImage' $value=<<imageTitle>>/>
      " subfilter="prefix[Language]"/>

      ImageGallery Example

      22nd October 2021 at 7:52pm

      ImageGallery Example has been replaced with the new Icon Gallery which is transcluded below

      Click an icon to copy the title to the clipboard

      Images in WikiText

      29th January 2022 at 3:26pm

      Image Formatting

      Images can be included in WikiText with the following syntax:

      [img[Motovun Jack.jpg]]

      You can also insert image tiddlers from the editor toolbar. Click picture () and select a picture file.

      If the image source is the title of an image tiddler then that tiddler is directly displayed. Otherwise it is interpreted as a URL and an HTML <img> tag is generated with the src attribute containing the URL.

      A tooltip can also be specified:

      [img[An explanatory tooltip|Motovun Jack.jpg]]

      Attributes can be provided to specify CSS classes and the image width and height:

      [img width=32 [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
      [img width=32 class="tc-image" [Motovun Jack.jpg]]

      Note that attributes can be specified as transclusions or variable references:

      [img width={{!!mywidth}} class=<<image-classes>> [Motovun Jack.jpg]]

      The image syntax is a shorthand for invoking the ImageWidget.

      Displaying Images via Transclusion

      You can also display an image stored in a tiddler by transcluding that tiddler. The disadvantage of this approach is that there is no direct way to control the size of the image.

      {{Motovun Jack.jpg}}

      Renders as:

      Images as Links

      <$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">{{$:/core/icon}}</$link>

      Renders as:

      Importing Images

      Use the import button (under the Tools tab in the sidebar), or drag and drop. See Importing Tiddlers for details.

      Introduced in v5.2.0 You can also import images by dropping or pasting images into the tiddler editor.


      21st November 2023 at 11:43am


      The image widget displays images that can be specified as a remote URL or the title of a local tiddler containing the image.

      Content and Attributes

      Any content of the <$image> widget is ignored.

      sourceThe URL of the image, or the title of an image tiddler
      widthThe width of the image
      heightThe height of the image
      tooltipThe tooltip to be displayed over the image
      altThe alternative text to be associated with the image
      classCSS classes to be assigned to the <img> element
      loadingIntroduced in v5.2.3Optional. Set to lazy to enable lazy loading of images loaded from an external URI
      usemapNew in v5.3.2Optional usemap attribute to be assigned to the <img> element for use with HTML image maps

      The width and the height can be specified as pixel values (eg "23" or "23px") or percentages (eg "23%"). They are both optional; if not provided the browser will use CSS rules to size the image.

      Responsive images and <map>

      Image maps area coordinates are numbers of CSS pixels, therefore they do not scale. If you want to use responsive images, you can use a svg and foreignObject:

      Orange fish Cyan fish Purple fish Green fish Blue fish

      Image Status Classes

      The following CSS classes are automatically added to the <img> element to indicate the status of the image. Note that only one of these classes will be added at the same time.

      tc-image-loadingWhen the image is being loaded
      tc-image-loadedThe image has been loaded successfully
      tc-image-errorThe image could not be loaded

      External Images and the _canonical_uri field

      When used to display tiddler-based images, the image widget operates in two distinct modes:

      • If the _canonical_uri field is present then it is used as the src attribute of the generated <img> element and the text field is ignored
      • Without the _canonical_uri field, the image widget generates an <img> element that embeds the image data directly using a data: URI.

      See ExternalImages for more details.


      12th July 2017 at 3:38pm

      Import tiddlers from TiddlyWiki (.html), .tiddler, .tid, .json or other local files. The deserializer must be explicitly specified, unlike the load command which infers the deserializer from the file extension.

      --import <filepath> <deserializer> [<title>] [<encoding>]

      The deserializers in the core include:

      • application/javascript
      • application/json
      • application/x-tiddler
      • application/x-tiddler-html-div
      • application/x-tiddlers
      • text/html
      • text/plain

      The title of the imported tiddler defaults to the filename.

      The encoding defaults to "utf8", but can be "base64" for importing binary files.

      Note that TiddlyWiki will not import an older version of an already loaded plugin.

      Importing Tiddlers

      28th March 2017 at 4:02pm


      28th September 2018 at 3:00pm


      The ImportVariablesWidget imports macro and variable definitions from a list of other tiddlers and makes them available to its children. For example:

      <$importvariables filter="[tag[mySpecialMacros]]">
      All the macros defined in tiddlers with the tag "mySpecialMacros" are available here

      Attributes and Content

      The content of the importvariables widget is the scope within which the imported variable definitions are available.

      filterTiddler filter defining the tiddlers from which macro definitions will be imported

      Global Macros

      So-called global macros are implemented within the main page template ($:/core/ui/PageTemplate) by wrapping the page content in the following importvariables widget:

      <$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">

      \import Pragma

      Introduced in v5.1.18 The Pragma: \import is an alternative syntax for using the ImportVariablesWidget. For example, the previous example could be expressed as:

      \import [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]

      Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation

      13th March 2024 at 11:48am

      Anyone can submit improvements to the TiddlyWiki documentation that appears on (For improvements to the core code a more complicated process must be used because of the need to test the changes both in the browser and under Node.js before submission).

      If you already know GitHub, note that documentation updates must be directed to the tiddlywiki-com branch

      Before you start editing

      1. Read and observe the Documentation Style Guide
      2. Create an account on if you don't already have one
      3. If you haven't done so already, sign the Contributor License Agreement as described in Signing the Contributor License Agreement

      Editing and submitting your edits

      You can choose to edit the documentation using the TiddlyWiki Docs PR Maker or directly in GitHub. The first method is especially recommended for users not familiar with GitHub.

      Using Docs PR Maker edition

      1. Go to or click the link displayed in the ribbon underneath the title when editing a tiddler on
      2. Go through the quick introduction where you will need to provide your GitHub username and a GitHub access token (you will be guided in creating one)
      3. Edit or create tiddlers to update the documentation, the wiki will keep track of all changes
      4. Click the "Submit updates" button and check if all the tiddlers that you edited are included in the submission; if not, drag them into the box
      5. Provide a concise title and description of your changes (see the rules about titling pull requests in contribution guidelines)
      6. Submit your changes:
        • "Save as draft" will create a draft pull request, this is useful if you don't want the changes to be merged yet, because you want to work on it later or discuss it first
        • "Submit documentation update" will create a pull request, which will be immediately available for review and merging

      Using GitHub

      1. On, click "edit" on the tiddler you want to improve
      2. You should see a pink banner with the text: Can you help us improve this documentation? Find out how to edit this tiddler on GitHub
      3. Click on the external link ...this tiddler on GitHub
        1. You will be prompted that "you need to fork this repository to propose changes". A "fork" is your own copy of the repository that incorporates the changes you are proposing
      4. A new browser tab should open ready to edit the tiddler on
      5. Below the edit box for the tiddler text you should see a box labelled Propose file change
      6. Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Clarify attribute syntax instability")
      7. If necessary, enter a longer description too
      8. Click the green button labelled Propose file change
      9. On the following screen, click the green button labelled Create pull request

      Jermolene or one of the other core developers will then have the opportunity to merge your pull request so that it is incorporated into the next build of

      Mario Pietsch has created these short video tutorials:

      IndexedDB Plugin by Andreas Abeck

      6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

      A plugin that allows changes to be synchronised with the IndexedDB database that is built-in to most browsers.

      Being quite new to TW5 development I tried my best to draft a SyncAdaptor to store tiddlers in IndexedDb. This is quite useful if an application / plugin installation is not possible (we have quite some restrictions at work...).

      indexes Operator

      29th December 2022 at 9:42am
      purposeselect all data properties of the input titles
      inputa selection of titles
      outputall the property names or indices contained in the input data tiddlers

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a data tiddler. The sorted list of property names is retrieved from the data tiddler and then dominantly appended to the operator's output.

      Note that behind the scenes, the name/value pairs in a dictionary tiddler are represented as a JSON object. JSON objects do not maintain a guaranteed ordering and so we cannot reliably retain the ordering of the data in the file.

      Where the content of a tiddler is in JSON format with an array as its root, the indexes operator retrieves a selection of integer indices instead.


      indexes Operator (Examples)

      19th January 2015 at 7:10pm

      → integer output because the history list is an array


      24th November 2020 at 6:58pm

      System tiddlers in the namespace $:/info/ are used to expose information about the system (including the current browser) so that WikiText applications can adapt themselves to available features.

      Information Tiddlers

      $:/info/startup-timestampIntroduced in v5.1.23 Startup timestamp in TiddlyWiki date format
      $:/info/browserRunning in the browser? ("yes" or "no")
      $:/info/mobileIntroduced in v5.2.3 Is running on a mobile device? ("yes" or "no" - eg, )
      $:/info/browser/languageIntroduced in v5.1.20 Language as reported by browser (note that some browsers report two character codes such as en while others report full codes such as en-GB)
      $:/info/browser/screen/widthScreen width in pixels
      $:/info/browser/screen/heightScreen height in pixels
      $:/info/nodeRunning under Node.js? ("yes" or "no")
      $:/info/url/fullIntroduced in v5.1.14 Full URL of wiki (eg, )
      $:/info/url/hostIntroduced in v5.1.14 Host portion of URL of wiki (eg, )
      $:/info/url/hostnameIntroduced in v5.1.14 Hostname portion of URL of wiki (eg, )
      $:/info/url/originIntroduced in v5.1.14 Origin portion of URL of wiki (eg, )
      $:/info/url/pathnameIntroduced in v5.1.14 Pathname portion of URL of wiki (eg, )
      $:/info/url/portIntroduced in v5.1.14 Port portion of URL of wiki (eg, )
      $:/info/url/protocolIntroduced in v5.1.14 Protocol portion of URL of wiki (eg, )
      $:/info/url/searchIntroduced in v5.1.14 Search portion of URL of wiki (eg, )
      $:/info/darkmodeIntroduced in v5.1.23 Is dark mode enabled? ("yes" or "no")


      29th November 2020 at 6:30pm


      17th June 2014 at 9:25pm

      Initialise an empty WikiFolder with a copy of the specified edition.

      --init <edition> [<edition> ...]

      For example:

      tiddlywiki ./MyWikiFolder --init empty


      • The wiki folder directory will be created if necessary
      • The "edition" defaults to empty
      • The init command will fail if the wiki folder is not empty
      • The init command removes any includeWikis definitions in the edition's file
      • When multiple editions are specified, editions initialised later will overwrite any files shared with earlier editions (so, the final file will be copied from the last edition)
      • --editions returns a list of available editions

      See also:

      Inline Mode WikiText

      17th September 2022 at 7:49am

      Some WikiText is recognised only while the parser is in inline mode.

      These WikiText types can be expressed without an entire line of text. They aren't required to be all on one line, just that they can be expressed within a single line. And as such, more than one can appear within a single line. In other words, line endings are not involved while the parser tries to find where the particular WikiText begins and ends While the parser is in inline mode, it will recognise the punctuation for these WikiText types:

      Macro Calls and Transclusion in WikiText will be recognised in block mode if the macro call or transclusion spans an entire line.

      The other inline mode WikiText types are technically only detected while the parser is in inline mode. However, the opening punctuation will also trigger the start of Paragraphs in WikiText which will automatically cause the parser to go into inline mode. Therefore, practically speaking, it is just as useful to consider these WikiText types as recognised while the parser is in either inline mode or block mode

      While processing the enclosed text of some of these WikiText types, the parser will not look for new WikiText. But for rest of these WikiText types, the parser will continue in inline mode for the enclosed text. While parsing that text, it might encounter something which moves it to block mode.

      Innerwiki Plugin

      27th January 2019 at 10:41am

      The Innerwiki Plugin enables TiddlyWiki to embed a modified copy of itself (an "innerwiki"). The primary motivation is to be able to produce screenshot illustrations that are automatically up-to-date with the appearance of TiddlyWiki as it changes over time, or to produce the same screenshot in different languages.

      In the browser, innerwikis are displayed as an embedded iframe. Under Node.js Google's Puppeteer is used to load the innerwikis as off-screen web pages and then snapshot them as a PNG image.

      See the demo at

      Insert link

      17th August 2016 at 10:57am

      This will give you a dialog to search for and pick existing tiddlers in the wiki. When you pick a tiddler it will be inserted as a WikiText link where the cursor is in the text field.

      Pressing will give you [[Some link]]

      It wil not insert: external web links or picture links.

      Insert picture

      17th August 2016 at 11:02am

      insertafter Operator

      23rd February 2022 at 12:44am
      purposeinsert an item T into a list immediately after an item A
      inputa selection of titles
      suffix(optional) the name of a variable containing the title of the tiddler after which this one should be inserted
      parameterthe insertafter operator accepts 1 or 2 parameters, see below for details
      outputthe input tiddler list with the new entry inserted

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.2.3

      The insertafter operator requires at least one parameter which specifies the title to insert into the input list. A second parameter can be used to specify the title after which the new title should be inserted.

      A suffix can also be used to specify A, the title after which the new title should be inserted, but this form is deprecated. Instead, the two-parameter form is recommended. If the two-parameter form is used, the suffixes start and end can be used to specify where the item should be inserted if A is not found.

      • title : a title T to insert in the input list.
      • after-title : (optional). Insert T after this title A in the input list.
      • after-title-variable : (optional). The name of a variable specifying A instead of the after-title parameter.
      • missing-location : (optional). Either start or end: where to insert T if A is not found in the list.

      If the item A isn't present in the input list then the new item is inserted at the end of the list. Introduced in v5.2.3 The suffixes start and end can be spedified to control where the new item is inserted when A is not found. The suffix end is the default, inserting the new item at the end of the list. The suffix start will cause the new item to be inserted at the start of the list when A is not found.

      Either parameter can be a string, a text reference or a variable

      If A is specified as both a suffix and a parameter, the parameter takes precedence


      insertafter Operator (Examples)

      23rd February 2022 at 12:44am

      These examples use the following predefined variables:

      • after-title: Friday
      • missing-title: Yesterday

      [list[Days of the Week]insertafter[Today]]

      [list[Days of the Week]insertafter[Today],[Tuesday]]

      [list[Days of the Week]insertafter[Today],<after-title>]

      [list[Days of the Week]insertafter:after-title[Today]]

      [list[Days of the Week]insertafter[Today],<missing-title>]

      [list[Days of the Week]insertafter:missing-title[Today]]

      insertbefore Operator

      23rd February 2022 at 12:44am
      purposeinsert an item T into a list immediately before an item B
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixIntroduced in v5.2.3 (optional) the name of a variable containing the title of the tiddler before which this one should be inserted
      parameterIntroduced in v5.2.2 the insertbefore operator accepts 1 or 2 parameters, see below for details
      outputthe input tiddler list with the new entry inserted

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.2.2

      The insertbefore operator requires at least one parameter which specifies the title to insert into the input list. A second parameter can be used to specify the title before which the new title should be inserted.

      Introduced in v5.2.3

      Using the suffix to specify B, the title before which the new title should be inserted, is deprecated. Instead, the two-parameter form is recommended. If the two-parameter form is used, the suffixes start and end can be used to specify where the item should be inserted if B is not found.

      • title : a title T to insert in the input list.
      • before-title : (optional). Insert T before this title B in the input list.
      • before-title-variable : (optional). The name of a variable specifying B instead of the before-title parameter.
      • missing-location : (optional). Either start or end: where to insert T if B is not found in the list.

      If the item B isn't present in the input list then the new item is inserted at the end of the list. Introduced in v5.2.3 The suffixes start and end can be spedified to control where the new item is inserted when B is not found. The suffix end is the default, inserting the new item at the end of the list. The suffix start will cause the new item to be inserted at the start of the list when B is not found.

      Either parameter can be a string, a text reference or a variable

      If B is specified as both a suffix and a parameter, the parameter takes precedence


      insertbefore Operator (Examples)

      23rd February 2022 at 12:44am

      These examples use the following predefined variables:

      • before-title: Friday
      • missing-title: Yesterday

      [list[Days of the Week]insertbefore[Today]]

      [list[Days of the Week]insertbefore[Today],[Tuesday]]

      [list[Days of the Week]insertbefore[Today],<before-title>]

      [list[Days of the Week]insertbefore:before-title[Today]]

      [list[Days of the Week]insertbefore[Today],<missing-title>]

      [list[Days of the Week]insertbefore:missing-title[Today]]

      Installing a plugin from the plugin library

      17th June 2022 at 12:21pm

      If you want to follow the steps side by side you can .

      Follow these instructions when using TiddlyWiki as a standalone, single file wiki.

      1. Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser
      2. Create a backup of your current wiki file (just in case)
      3. Open the
        • Click on the Plugins tab and then the
        • Get more plugins button
      4. Click open plugin library to open the official plugin library
      5. When the library listing is loaded:
        1. Use the tab to select between plugins, themes and languages
        2. Use the search box to search the plugin details
      6. Click the install button to install a plugin
      7. Save your TiddlyWiki
      8. If a yellow warning bar appears at the top of the window, refresh the window so that TiddlyWiki completes installation of the plugin
      9. The plugin should now be available for use

      If you use TiddlyWiki with Node.js have a closer look at Installing official plugins on Node.js
      An overview can be found at Plugins

      Installing custom plugins on Node.js

      17th June 2022 at 1:01pm


      There are several ways in which official plugins and custom plugins can be installed when using TiddlyWiki with a Node.js client-server configuration.

      Plugin Load Order

      Using the Node.js client-server configuration plugins are activated in the following order:

      1. Plugins found using the OS environment variables
      2. Plugins stored in the wiki /plugins path
      3. Plugins specified in the command line
      4. Plugins imported by drag and drop as wiki content


      • Elements lower in the list take precedence
      • Including a plugin as an ordinary tiddler by drag and drop into the browser, will result in the plugin only being active in the browser
        • It will not be available under Node.js

      Option 1:

      • Using a Node.js configuration option 1 is the most common one
      • It lowers maintenence, because all plugins can be updated in one go

      Option 2:

      • Option 2 is preferred if you want to work with a fixed configuration
      • Plugin updates only effect the corresponding wiki

      Option 3:

      • This option allows to add and start an edition without the need to overwrite an existing file
      • It allows you to start any edition as a client-server edition, even if the file didn't specify it.

      Option 4:

      • Is the exact same mechanism used for a single-file wiki
      • This mechanism should only be used in a Node.js configuration for testing and debugging purposes, since the plugins are stored in the tiddlers/ directory

      Installing official plugins on Node.js

      17th June 2022 at 1:23pm

      Follow these instructions when using TiddlyWiki with a client-server Node.js configuration:

      1. Identify the plugins you want to install using the Plugins tab of (don't install the plugins from here, though)
        • Plugins are identified by their type (ie language, theme or plugin) and their publisher and title. For example, the plugin $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/internals is referred to as tiddlywiki/internals
      2. Quit the server if it is running
      3. Edit the file (it is in JSON format) and locate the plugins, themes or languages section (see below)
      4. Add entries corresponding to the plugins you wish to add
        • Take care to retain commas to separate items
        • Do not terminate the last item in a list with a comma
      5. Restart the server
      	"plugins": [
      	"themes": [
          "languages": [

      An overview of working with plugins can be found at Plugins.
      Also see: Installing custom plugins on Node.js.

      Installing TiddlyWiki on Microsoft Internet Information Server

      7th May 2020 at 10:58am

      Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS) is the built-in web server for Windows. It can be useful to host TiddlyWiki within IIS in order to take advantage of IIS features like URL rewriting, static file hosting and automatic restarts after a crash.

      1. Enable IIS

      1. In Windows, access the Control Panel and click Add or Remove Programs
      2. In the Add or Remove Programs window, click Add/Remove Windows Components.
      3. Select the Internet Information Services (IIS) check box
      4. Click Next, then click Finish

      2. Install the required tools

      1. Install the IIS module HttpPlatformHandler from
      2. Install Node.js from
      3. Install Git from
        • optional; only required when using the latest TiddlyWiki release pulled directly from GitHub – see below

      3. Install TiddlyWiki and setup a new wiki

      1. Create a convenient directory for the wiki (e.g. C:\MyStuff)
      2. Within it, create a file called C:\MyStuff\package.json with the content:
            "name": "MyStuff",
            "description": "A description of this wiki",
            "dependencies": {
                "sax": "1.2.4",
                "tiddlywiki": "*"
      3. Also create a file called C:\MyStuff\web.config with the content:
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                        requireAccess="Script" />
                   processPath="C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe"
                   arguments=".\node_modules\tiddlywiki\tiddlywiki.js ./wiki --listen port=PORT path-prefix=/MyApp">
                        <environmentVariable name="PORT" value="%HTTP_PLATFORM_PORT%" />
                        <environmentVariable name="NODE_ENV" value="Production" />
      4. Create a subdirectory called "wiki" (i.e. C:\MyStuff\wiki)
      5. Create a file called C:\MyStuff\wiki\ with the content:
        	"description": "My wiki",
        	"plugins": [
        	"themes": [
      6. Create a subdirectory called "tiddlers" (i.e. C:\MyStuff\wiki\tiddlers)
      7. Within it, create a file called C:\MyStuff\wiki\tiddlers\config-tiddlyweb-host.tid with the content:
        title: $:/config/tiddlyweb/host
        text: $protocol$//$host$/MyApp/
        • (See the documentation for details of the configuration fields for HttpPlatformHandler
      8. Execute the command npm install within the C:/MyStuff directory

      4. Setup the application in IIS

      • In Windows, run the IIS Manager application (use the start menu to run inetmgr.exe)
      • Locate the server in the Connections column on the left, and click the disclosure triangle to show its content
      • Open the Sites folder
      • Right click on the Default Web Site entry, and select Add application.. from the menu
      • Enter the following information in the dialogue box:
        1. Alias: MyApp
        2. Physical path: C:\MyStuff
      • Click OK

      5. Test the application

      Test the app by visiting http://localhost/MyApp/ in a browser.


      • If you require authentication, specify a username and password in the --listen command in web.config. For example:
        • arguments=".\node_modules\tiddlywiki\tiddlywiki.js ./wiki-server --listen username=joe &quot;password=bloggs&quot; port=PORT path-prefix=/MyApp">
        • Take note of the need to use double quotes around non-alphanumeric passwords, and to HTML encode them into &quot;
      • If you change the settings in the web.config file, or modify the app code, then you'll need to restart the server using the IIS manager application

      Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js

      15th November 2022 at 11:08pm
      1. Install Node.js
        • Linux:
          apt install nodejs
          May need to be followed up by:
          apt install npm
          Arch Linux
          yay -S tiddlywiki
          (installs node and tiddlywiki)
        • Mac
          brew install node
        • Android
        • Other
      2. Open a command line terminal and type:
        npm install -g tiddlywiki
        If it fails with an error you may need to re-run the command as an administrator:
        sudo npm install -g tiddlywiki (Mac/Linux)
      3. Ensure TiddlyWiki is installed by typing:
        tiddlywiki --version
        • In response, you should see TiddlyWiki report its current version (eg "5.3.6". You may also see other debugging information reported.)
      4. Try it out:
        1. tiddlywiki mynewwiki --init server to create a folder for a new wiki that includes server-related components
        2. tiddlywiki mynewwiki --listen to start TiddlyWiki
        3. Visit in your browser
        4. Try editing and creating tiddlers
      5. Optionally, make an offline copy:
        • click the save changes button in the sidebar, OR
        • tiddlywiki mynewwiki --build index

      The -g flag causes TiddlyWiki to be installed globally. Without it, TiddlyWiki will only be available in the directory where you installed it.

      If you are using Debian or Debian-based Linux and you are receiving a node: command not found error though node.js package is installed, you may need to create a symbolic link between nodejs and node. Consult your distro's manual and whereis to correctly create a link. See github issue 1434.

      Example Debian v8.0: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

      You can also install prior versions like this:
      npm install -g tiddlywiki@5.1.13

      Installing TiddlyWiki Prerelease on Node.js

      22nd October 2019 at 9:55am
      1. Clone a local copy of the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository from
      2. Open a command line terminal and change the current working directory to the root of the TiddlyWiki5 repo
      3. Type npm link (Windows) or sudo npm link (Mac/Linux) to tell npm to use this copy of the repo as the globally installed one
      4. Inside the root, you can launch TiddlyWiki like this:
        tiddlywiki editions/ --listen

      After this procedure you can work with TiddlyWiki5 via npm as though it had been installed in the usual way with npm install -g tiddlywiki.

      Update the clone from time to time in order to ensure that you have the latest code.

      Instruction Tiddlers

      17th January 2015 at 3:25pm

      Interactive Git Documentation by Devin Weaver

      21st June 2015 at 9:45pm

      A git choose-your-own-adventure!ⓡ for walking yourself though fixing a broken Git repository.

      This document is an attempt to be a fairly comprehensive guide to recovering from what you did not mean to do when using git. It isn't that git is so complicated that you need a large document to take care or your particular problem, it is more that the set of things that you might have done is so large that different techniques are needed depending on exactly what you have done and what you want to have happen.

      Interchangeable Filter Run Prefixes

      27th March 2023 at 1:06pm

      Interchangeable Filter Run Prefixes

      In technical / logical terms:

      RunEquivalent named prefixInterpretationOutput
      [run]:or[run]de-duplicated union of sets... OR run
      +[run]:and[run]accumulation of filter steps... AND run
      -[run]:except[run]difference of sets... AND NOT run
      ~[run]:else[run]else... ELSE run
      =[run]:all[run]union of sets without de-duplication... OR run

      The input of a run is normally a list of all the non-shadow tiddler titles in the wiki (in no particular order).
      But the + prefix can change this:

      -, ~, =, :intersection or none[all[]] tiddler titles, unless otherwise determined by the first filter operator
      +, :filter, :map, :reduce,:sortthe filter output of all previous runs so far

      Precisely because of varying inputs, be aware that both prefixes - and + do not behave inverse to one another!

      For example, in both of the following, $:/baz will only be removed if it actually exists:

      To understand why, consider the input for both final runs with their - prefix.

      In order to remove $:/baz in any case, existing or not, simply use the + prefix with negated filter operators:

      Difference between + and intersection

      For the difference between + and :intersection, see Intersection Filter Run Prefix (Examples).

      For Developers

      To create a new filter run prefix, create a Javascript module with a module-type of filterrunprefix.

      Intersection Filter Run Prefix

      10th July 2023 at 7:33am
      purposefind the intersection of titles from previous runs with titles in this filter
      inputall titles from previous filter runs
      outputthe titles that are present in both the result of this filter run and the output from previous runs
      Introduced in v5.1.23

      The filter output from previous runs is set aside. The :intersection filter run is started with all tiddler titles as input. Once this latest filter run has completed, the latest output is compared to the set-aside output. A new output is produced that contains only titles that appeared in both the set-aside output and the latest output.

      Intersection Filter Run Prefix (Examples)

      Intersection Filter Run Prefix (Examples)

      5th March 2023 at 12:53pm

      A B C D :intersection[enlist[C D E F]]

      A B C D :intersection[enlist[A B C D]]

      A B C D :intersection[enlist[E F G H]]

      :intersection[enlist[A B C D]]
      → Using intersection in the first filter run is of little use. The result will always be empty.

      Difference between + and :intersection

      The + prefix should be thought of as an "AND" in formal logic, e.g. "give me all titles that satisfy condition A and condition B". But it's not suitable for all cases; if condition B uses a filter operator that replaces its input, then it will be difficult to use the + prefix. For example, if you wanted to find out what tags two tiddlers have in common, you might try to write a filter expression like:

      But that won't work, because the second filter run will end up throwing away its input and replacing it with an input consisting of the single title [[compare Operator]]. So the result you'd get from that filter expression would be just the tags of the compare Operator tiddler.

      For cases like this, the :intersection prefix is what you need. It takes the filter output so far, sets it aside, and starts the next filter run with all tiddler titles as input. Then once the latest filter run has completed, it takes the latest output, compares it to the set-aside output, and produces a new output that contains only titles that appeared in both the set-aside output and the latest output. So to get only the tags that the field Operator and compare Operator tiddlers have in common, you would write a filter expression like this:

      The following examples use the field Operator and compare Operator tiddlers and their respective tags.

      [[field Operator]tags[]]

      [[compare Operator]tags[]]

      [[field Operator]tags[]] +[[compare Operator]tags[]]
      → The "field Operator" tiddler's tags are lost, so only the "compare Operator" tiddler's tags are returned

      [[field Operator]tags[]] :intersection[[compare Operator]tags[]]
      → Returns the tags that both tiddlers have in common

      Intertwingled Innovations

      26th July 2024 at 6:46pm

      Intertwingled Innovations Limited is the company through which JeremyRuston performs commercial consultancy work helping companies and individuals release the business value of TiddlyWiki.

      See for more information.

      Intertwingled Innovations.png

      Introducing TiddlyDesktop Video

      12th September 2014 at 3:04pm

      Introduction to filter notation

      3rd November 2020 at 11:14am

      This explains the basics of writing a filter to select a set of tiddlers. For a more technical presentation, see Filter Syntax.

      Filters do nothing if you just type them into a tiddler on their own. They need a context. An easy way to experiment with filters is to type them into the Filter tab of Advanced Search.

      The simplest case is where you already know exactly which tiddlers you want. Type each title in double square brackets, with a space between each one and the next:

      [[Recipe book]] [[ScrambledEggs]] [[Mom's apple pie]]

      You can omit the square brackets when a title doesn't contain any spaces:

      [[Recipe book]] ScrambledEggs [[Mom's apple pie]]

      The double square brackets are actually a shorthand for this:


      ... which gives us the general model for any filter:


      For instance, here's how to select all the tiddlers that have been tagged Recipe:


      We can reverse the meaning by adding an exclamation mark ! just before the operator. For example, we can select any tiddlers that do not have the Recipe tag:


      Tiddlers can be filtered by other fields than just title and tags:


      That example will select any tiddlers that have 4 in their serving field.

      As the word "serving" isn't a standard filter operator (and isn't likely to become one), you can safely omit the field: prefix:



      The filters we've looked at so far have involved just one step each. But you can run several steps together like this:


      Notice how the entire run is contained in a single pair of square brackets.

      A tiddler has to match all of the steps in a run. So the example above retrieves vegetarian recipes (other than soups) for 4 people.

      A sequence of separate runs will select the tiddlers that match any of the runs. We can use this to find recipes that serve either 3, 4 or 5 people:

      [serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]]

      If we want to ignore vegetarian recipes that serve 4, we can say this:

      [serving[3]] [serving[4]!tag[Vegetarian]] [serving[5]]

      By default, each run considers every tiddler in the wiki. But we can use a + sign to force a run to consider only the tiddlers that were selected by the preceding runs:

      [serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]] +[tag[Vegetarian]] +[sort[title]]

      This selects recipes for 3, 4 or 5 people, then filters those to keep only the vegetarian ones, and finally sorts any that are left into alphabetical order of title.

      In a similar way, we can use a - sign to remove a run's tiddlers from the result so far. Here we select all vegetarian recipes apart from two:

      [tag[Vegetarian]] -[title[ScrambledEggs]] -BeansOnToast

      Special parameters

      The parameter of each step we've seen so far has been in square brackets. It means that TiddlyWiki will filter for the exact string found between the brackets. But two other kinds of bracket are possible:

      Curly brackets {} mean that the parameter is a TextReference, and it will be replaced with content from another tiddler. For example, if we have a tiddler with the title Preference whose content is the single word Vegetarian, we can say


      In this simplest form the TextReference will take the full content of the tiddler (in technical terms, the text field of the tiddler) and substitute it in place of the TextReference. This way the tiddler's content will become the filter parameter, just like if you have written [tag[Vegetarian]]. But it gives you the added flexibility to change the parameter by changing the content of the Preference tiddler.

      Angle brackets <> mean that the parameter is the name of a variable whose value is to be used instead. Here we use the built-in currentTiddler variable in a filter that selects any tiddlers whose text contains the title of the current one:


      Note that these special brackets cannot be nested. It is not possible for example to write [search{<currentTiddler>}].

      Multiple parameters

      Introduced in v5.1.23 Some steps accept multiple parameters which are separated by a , character.

      Example: [param1],[param2] or <param1>,{param2}

      Introduction to Lists

      12th December 2017 at 5:51pm

      Making lists of items plays a central role in working with TiddlyWiki. The following is a brief run-through of some of the more common techniques.

      TiddlyWiki uses lists internally for many purposes so the word can have several meanings. Here we are concerned with displaying sequences of items, but not necessarily presented as a conventional bullet list.

      Manually Typed Lists


      WikiText lists are manually typed lists that use a special character to specify what sort of list it is and how it should be displayed.

      Examples include bullet lists created with asterisks (*) and numbered lists (#). Behind the scenes, WikiText lists are based on the standard <ul> and <li> HTML elements. For more information see Lists in WikiText.

      An example of a typed list in WikiText:

      * Greatest Movies of All Time
      ** Casa Blanca
      ** Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

      That renders as:

      • Greatest Movies of All Time
        • Casa Blanca
        • Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

      Generated Lists

      Lists can be automatically generated with the ListWidget using filters in which filter operators specify criteria for selecting which tiddlers are desired as output. Shortcut macros are provided for some common types of list.


      The ListWidget is the most powerful tool for creating lists. It allows the filtered output to be manipulated and styled into forms that may not seem to resemble lists at all, for example tables or complex texts. For more details, see ListWidget.

      An example to show all tiddlers tagged with "HelloThere" might look like:

      <$list filter="[tag[HelloThere]]"><$view field="title"/><br/></$list>

      That renders as:

      A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki
      Discover TiddlyWiki
      Some of the things you can do with TiddlyWiki
      Ten reasons to switch to TiddlyWiki
      What happened to the original TiddlyWiki?
      Funding TiddlyWiki
      Open Collective

      Even tiddlers themselves are made with the ListWidget. The ViewTemplate makes use of the ListWidget to fetch all specified templates that are used to show a tiddlers title, tags, text and more.

      Filtered transclusion

      The syntax for filtered transclusion {{{...}}} takes a filter as input and outputs a linked list of matching titles. You can also apply a template, for example:

      {{{ [tag[HelloThere]] || $:/core/ui/TagTemplate }}}

      That renders as:

      list-links Macro

      The list-links macro gives a preformatted list, typically a bullet list, in a more simplified way than by using the ListWidget. Behind the scenes it really is the ListWidget applying a default template to each list item.

      Other “list related” features

      list, list-before and list-after are all field names to control the position of tiddlers in a list. Fields are a way to add additional bits of structured information to a tiddler such as date, quantity, category, etc.

      list and listed are filter operators to, respectively, select and find titles in lists.

      Introduction Video

      26th November 2014 at 3:30pm

      Introduction Video Thumbnail.jpg

      is Operator

      7th November 2020 at 11:09am
      purposefilter the input by fundamental category
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterC=a category
      outputthose input tiddlers that belong to category C
      ! outputthose input tiddlers that do not belong to category C

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      The parameter C is one of the following fundamental categories:

      CategoryMatches any tiddler title that...
      currentis the current tiddler
      imagehas an image ContentType
      binaryhas a binary ContentType
      missingdoes not exist (other than possibly as a shadow tiddler), regardless of whether there are any links to it
      orphanhas no hard links to it
      shadowis a shadow tiddler, regardless of whether it has been overridden with a non-shadow tiddler
      systemis a system tiddler, i.e. its title starts with $:/
      tagis in use as a tag
      tiddlerexists as a non-shadow tiddler
      variableIntroduced in v5.1.20 exists as a variable (whether or not that variable has a non-blank value)
      blankIntroduced in v5.1.20 is blank (i.e. is a zero length string)
      draftIntroduced in v5.1.23 is a draft of another tiddler. Synonym for [has[draft.of]]

      If C is anything else an error message is returned. Introduced in v5.1.14 if C is blank, the output is passed through unchanged (in earlier versions an error message was returned).

      !is[tiddler] is a synonym for is[missing], and vice versa.

      When is[missing] is the first operator in a run, its output is always empty. And when is[shadow] comes first, it outputs only those shadow tiddlers that have been overridden. This is because the initial input to a run contains only non-shadow tiddlers.

      Use has[title] to match any tiddler title that is either a tiddler or a shadow tiddler.

      The all operator is similar to is, but its scope is the whole wiki.


      is Operator (Examples)

      19th January 2015 at 1:46pm



      → shadow tiddlers that don't start with $:/

      → system stylesheets

      → shadow system stylesheets

      → overridden shadow tiddlers

      → empty because its input contains only tiddlers that exist

      Japanese (Japan) Edition

      24th December 2024 at 11:27am



      11th February 2014 at 7:53pm

      JavaScript is a computer language that was originally introduced by browsers as a way of scripting web pages. At first it was considered a poorly designed toy, but over the years has become recognised as a powerful language in its own right, and has been adopted widely beyond the browser.

      JavaScript looks like this:

      function circleArea(radius) {
      	return radius * 2 * 3.141592653;

      JavaScript Object Notation

      27th April 2022 at 5:09pm

      JSON is a standard plain-text format used for modelling hierarchical structures of objects that contain named fields. See JSON in TiddlyWiki for an overview.


      20th September 2017 at 1:11pm

      I'm the original inventor of TiddlyWiki. You can hire me through Intertwingled Innovations, and find me on these services:

      Further information:


      28th August 2013 at 7:02pm

      join Operator

      13th June 2019 at 3:46pm
      purposejoin a list of strings together with the separator S
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterS=the separator to insert between each of the items
      outputthe input titles joined together with the separator S

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      join Operator (Examples)

      13th June 2019 at 3:47pm

      a b c d e +[join[,]]

      JSON in TiddlyWiki

      11th June 2022 at 10:47am


      JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a standardised text representation for data structures that is widely used for the storage and transfer of data.

      JSON is used in several different contexts in TiddlyWiki. For example:

      • Tiddlers are represented as JSON data within TiddlyWiki HTML files
      • Groups of tiddlers can be exported and imported as JSON files
      • Plugin tiddlers store their constituent shadow tiddlers as JSON data
      • The client-server configuration uses JSON messages to communicate between the client and the server
      • Arbitrary JSON data within DataTiddlers can be processed and manipulated using a set of filter operators and action widgets

      About JSON

      The technical description of JSON at the official website is terse. Here we summarise the main features.

      JSON supports two basic data structures:

      Arrays are lists of items. The items are identified by their numeric index (starting at zero)

      An example of an array is:


      Note the following features of arrays:

      • The array is signified by square brackets surrounding the list of items
      • Each item is a string in double quotes. Double quotes can be included within the strings by preceding them with a backslash (\)
      • The items are separated by commas

      Objects are collections of name/value pairs. Each item is a value that is identified by a unique name

      An example of an object is:

        "first": "This is the first value",
        "second": "This is the second value",
        "third": "This is the third value"

      Note the following features of objects:

      • The object is signified by curly braces surrounding the list of name/value pairs
      • Each name/value pair consists of the name in double quotes, a colon, and then the value
      • The name/value pairs are separated by commas

      The examples above all show string values. JSON actually supports several different types of value. Any of these types can be used as a value:

      • String values, as shown above
      • Numeric values, represented as signed decimals such as 1, 3.14. Exponential notation can also be used e.g. -1E10
      • Boolean values, represented by the keywords true and false
      • The special value null, which is often used to represent data that is missing or incomplete
      • Objects and arrays are also values, allowing complex nested structures to be represented

      Working with Data Tiddlers

      Json Mangler plugin by Joshua Fontany

      6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

      jsonextract Operator

      11th June 2022 at 10:47am
      purposeretrieve the JSON string of a property from JSON strings
      inputa selection of JSON strings
      parameterone or more indexes of the property to retrieve
      outputthe JSON string values of each of the retrieved properties

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.2.4 See JSON in TiddlyWiki for background.

      The jsonextract operator is used to retrieve values from JSON data as JSON substrings. See also the following related operators:

      • jsonget to retrieve the values of a property in JSON data
      • jsontype to retrieve the type of a JSON value
      • jsonindexes to retrieve the names of the fields of a JSON object, or the indexes of a JSON array

      Properties within a JSON object are identified by a sequence of indexes. In the following example, the value at [a] is one, and the value at [d][f][0] is five.

          "a": "one",
          "b": "",
          "c": "three",
          "d": {
              "e": "four",
              "f": [
              "g": {
                  "x": "max",
                  "y": "may",
                  "z": "maize"

      The following examples assume that this JSON data is contained in a variable called jsondata.

      The jsonextract operator uses multiple parameters to specify the indexes of the property to retrieve. Values are returned as literal JSON strings:

      [<jsondata>jsonextract[a]] --> "one"
      [<jsondata>jsonextract[d],[e]] --> "four"
      [<jsondata>jsonextract[d],[f],[0]] --> "five"
      [<jsondata>jsonextract[d],[f]] --> ["five","six",true,false,null]
      [<jsondata>jsonextract[d],[g]] --> {"x":"max","y":"may","z":"maize"}

      New in v5.3.2 Negative indexes into an array are counted from the end, so -1 means the last item, -2 the next-to-last item, and so on:

      [<jsondata>jsonextract[d],[f],[-1]] --> null
      [<jsondata>jsonextract[d],[f],[-2]] --> false
      [<jsondata>jsonextract[d],[f],[-4]] --> "six"

      Indexes can be dynamically composed from variables and transclusions:


      A subtlety is that the special case of a single blank parameter is used to identify the root object. Thus:

      [<jsondata>jsonextract[]] --> {"a":"one","b":"","c":"three","d":{"e":"four","f":["five","six",true,false,null],"g":{"x":"max","y":"may","z":"maize"}}}

      jsonget Operator

      11th June 2022 at 10:47am
      purposeretrieve the value of a property from JSON strings
      inputa selection of JSON strings
      parameterone or more indexes of the property to retrieve
      outputthe values of each of the retrieved properties

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.2.4 See JSON in TiddlyWiki for background.

      The jsonget operator is used to retrieve values from JSON data as strings. See also the following related operators:

      • jsontype to retrieve the type of a JSON value
      • jsonindexes to retrieve the names of the fields of a JSON object, or the indexes of a JSON array
      • jsonextract to retrieve a JSON value as a string of JSON

      Properties within a JSON object are identified by a sequence of indexes. In the following example, the value at [a] is one, and the value at [d][f][0] is five.

          "a": "one",
          "b": "",
          "c": "three",
          "d": {
              "e": "four",
              "f": [
              "g": {
                  "x": "max",
                  "y": "may",
                  "z": "maize"

      The following examples assume that this JSON data is contained in a variable called jsondata.

      The jsonget operator uses multiple parameters to specify the indexes of the property to retrieve:

      [<jsondata>jsonget[a]] --> "one"
      [<jsondata>jsonget[d],[e]] --> "four"
      [<jsondata>jsonget[d],[f],[0]] --> "five"

      New in v5.3.2 Negative indexes into an array are counted from the end, so -1 means the last item, -2 the next-to-last item, and so on:

      [<jsondata>jsonget[d],[f],[-1]] --> null
      [<jsondata>jsonget[d],[f],[-2]] --> false
      [<jsondata>jsonget[d],[f],[-4]] --> "six"

      Indexes can be dynamically composed from variables and transclusions:


      Boolean values and null are returned as normal strings. The jsontype operator can be used to retrieve a string identifying the original type. Thus:

      [<jsondata>jsontype[a]] --> "string"
      [<jsondata>jsontype[d]] --> "object"
      [<jsondata>jsontype[d],[f]] --> "array"
      [<jsondata>jsontype[d],[f],[2]] --> "boolean"

      Using the jsonget operator to retrieve an object or an array returns a list of the values. For example:

      [<jsondata>jsonget[d],[f]] --> "five","six","true","false","null"
      [<jsondata>jsonget[d],[g]] --> "max","may","maize"

      The jsonindexes operator retrieves the corresponding indexes:

      [<jsondata>jsonindexes[d],[f]] --> "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"
      [<jsondata>jsonindexes[d],[g]] --> "x", "y", "z"

      If the object or array contains nested child objects or arrays then the values are retrieved recursively and returned flattened into a list. For example:

      [<jsondata>jsonget[d]] --> "four","five","six","true","false","null","max","may","maize"

      A subtlety is that the special case of a single blank parameter is used to identify the root object. Thus:

      [<jsondata>jsonindexes[]] --> "a", "b", "c", "d"

      jsonindexes Operator

      11th June 2022 at 10:47am
      purposeretrieve the value of a property from JSON strings
      inputa selection of JSON strings
      parameterone or more indexes of the property to retrieve
      outputthe values of each of the retrieved properties

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.2.4 See JSON in TiddlyWiki for background.

      The jsonindexes operator is used to retrieve the property names of JSON objects or the index names of JSON arrays. See also the following related operators:

      • jsonget to retrieve the values of a property in JSON data
      • jsontype to retrieve the type of a JSON value
      • jsonextract to retrieve a JSON value as a string of JSON

      Properties within a JSON object are identified by a sequence of indexes. In the following example, the value at [a] is one, and the value at [d][f][0] is five.

          "a": "one",
          "b": "",
          "c": "three",
          "d": {
              "e": "four",
              "f": [
              "g": {
                  "x": "max",
                  "y": "may",
                  "z": "maize"

      The following examples assume that this JSON data is contained in a variable called jsondata.

      The jsonindexes operator uses multiple parameters to specify the indexes of the property to retrieve:

      [<jsondata>jsonindexes[d],[f]] --> "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"
      [<jsondata>jsonindexes[d],[g]] --> "x", "y", "z"

      Indexes can be dynamically composed from variables and transclusions:


      Retrieving the indexes of JSON properties that are not objects or arrays will return nothing.

      A subtlety is that the special case of a single blank parameter is used to identify the root object. Thus:

      [<jsondata>jsonindexes[]] --> "a", "b", "c", "d"

      jsonset Operator

      4th December 2023 at 11:52am
      purposeset the value of a property in JSON objects
      inputa selection of JSON objects
      suffixdata type of the value to be assigned to the property
      parameterone or more indexes of the property to modify, if applicable followed by the value to be assigned
      outputthe JSON objects with the specified value assigned to the specified property

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      New in v5.3.2 The jsonset operator is used to set a property value in JSON strings. See JSON in TiddlyWiki for background. See also the following related operators:

      • jsonget to retrieve the values of a property in JSON data
      • jsontype to retrieve the type of a JSON value
      • jsonindexes to retrieve the names of the fields of a JSON object, or the indexes of a JSON array
      • jsonextract to retrieve a JSON value as a string of JSON

      The type of the value to be assigned to the property can be optionally specified with a suffix:

      • string: default, the string is specified as the final operand
      • boolean: the boolean value is true if the final operand is the string "true" and false if the final operand is the string "false", any other value for the final string results prevents the property from being assigned
      • number: the numeric value is taken from the final operand, invalid numbers are interpreted as zero
      • json: the JSON string value is taken from the final operand, invalid JSON prevents the property from being assigned
      • object: an empty object is assigned to the property, the final operand is ignored
      • array: an empty array is assigned to the property, the final operand is ignored
      • null: the special value null is assigned to the property, the final operand is ignored

      Properties within a JSON object are identified by a sequence of indexes. In the following example, the value at [a] is one, and the value at [d][f][0] is five.

          "a": "one",
          "b": "",
          "c": "three",
          "d": {
              "e": "four",
              "f": [
              "g": {
                  "x": "max",
                  "y": "may",
                  "z": "maize"

      The jsonset operator uses multiple parameters to specify the indexes of the property to set. When used to assign strings (default behaviour if no suffix is specified) the final operand is interpreted as the value to assign.

      Negative indexes are counted from the end, so -1 means the last item, -2 the next-to-last item, and so on.

      Indexes can be dynamically composed from variables and transclusions, e.g. [<jsondata>jsonset<variable>,{!!field},[0],{CurrentResult}].

      In the special case where only a single parameter is defined, the operator replaces the entire input object with the the value of that parameter. If the single parameter is blank, the operation is ignored and no assignment takes place.

      If the input consists of multiple JSON objects with matching properties, the value is set for all of them.


      jsonset Operator (Examples)

      4th December 2023 at 11:50am

      The examples below assume the following JSON object is contained in the variable object-a:

          "a": "one",
          "b": "",
          "c": "three",
          "d": {
              "e": "four",
              "f": [
              "g": {
                  "x": "max",
                  "y": "may",
                  "z": "maize"






      → If only a single parameter is specified, it replaces the entire JSON object

      → If only a single blank parameter is specified, no changes are made to the JSON object

      The examples below assume the following JSON object is contained in the variable object-b:


      → If only a single blank parameter is specified, no changes are made to the JSON object

      → If the property to be set is blank, the entire JSON object is replaced

      [<object-b>jsonset:number[],[not a number]]
      → invalid numbers are interpreted as zero

      → nonexistent top level properties are added to the object

      → nonexistent nested properties are are ignored

      → invalid type suffix is interpreted as the default string type


      → invalid boolean value causes no assignment to be made





      [<object-a>] [<object-b>] :and[jsonset[b],[two]]
      → If the input consists of multiple JSON objects with matching properties, the value is set for all of them

      jsonstringify Operator

      22nd September 2023 at 12:14pm
      purposeapply JSON string encoding to a string, see also the similar stringify
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixR=Introduced in v5.1.23 optionally, the keyword rawunicode
      outputthe input with JSON string encodings applied

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.14

      The following substitutions are made:

      Carriage return (0x0d)\rAlways
      Line feed (0x0a)\nAlways
      Backspace (0x08)\bAlways
      Form field (0x0c)\fAlways
      Tab (0x09)\tAlways
      Characters from 0x00 to 0x1f, except listed above\u#### where #### is four hex digitsAlways
      Characters from from 0x80 to 0xffff\u#### where #### is four hex digitsIf rawunicode suffix is not present (default)
      Characters from 0x80 to 0xffffIntroduced in v5.1.23 UnchangedIf rawunicode suffix is present

      Introduced in v5.1.23 If the suffix rawunicode is present, Unicode characters above 0x80 (such as ß, ä, ñ or 🎄) will be passed through unchanged. Without the suffix, they will be substituted with \u codes, which was the default behavior before 5.1.23. Characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plane, such as 🎄 and other emojis, will be encoded as a UTF-16 surrogate pair, i.e. with two \u sequences.

      Mind the differences compared to stringify in encoding of single quotes and control characters (0x00 to 0x1f).


      jsonstringify Operator (Examples)

      22nd September 2023 at 12:23pm

      Compare the encoding of quotes and control characters in the first example with the analogue example for the stringify operator.

      [[Backslash \, double quote ", single quote ', tab , line feed ]] +[jsonstringify[]]
      [[Accents and emojis -> äñøßπ ⌛🎄🍪🍓 without suffix]] +[jsonstringify[]]
      [[Accents and emojis -> äñøßπ ⌛🎄🍪🍓 with rawunicode suffix]] +[jsonstringify:rawunicode[]]

      jsontiddler Macro

      27th April 2022 at 5:12pm

      The jsontiddler macro returns the fields of a single tiddler in JSON form. See JSON in TiddlyWiki for an overview.


      The title of a tiddler


      27th April 2022 at 5:12pm

      A JSON tiddler is a data tiddler containing a JSON structure in its text field. See JSON in TiddlyWiki for an overview.

      Its ContentType is application/json.

      The history list is an example of a JSON tiddler.

      jsontiddlers Macro

      27th April 2022 at 5:11pm

      The jsontiddlers macro returns the fields of a selection of tiddlers in JSON form. See JSON in TiddlyWiki for an overview.

      An example can be seen in the template tiddler for JSON exports.


      A filter selecting which tiddlers to include
      An optional number of spaces to use for formatting the JSON. Defaults to 4, with blank or zero resulting in packed JSON with no formatting spaces


      27th April 2022 at 5:11pm


      The jsontiddler widget renders the fields of a tiddler to display as a JSON object. The fields of the tiddler can be customised or excluded.

      The jsontiddler widget is used in system templates to generate JSON representations of tiddlers for saving. See JSON in TiddlyWiki for an overview.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the <$jsontiddler> widget is ignored.

      tiddlerOptional title of the tiddler from which the fields are to be displayed
      excludeOptional space separated list of fields to be excluded
      escapeUnsafeScriptCharsIf set to "yes" then the < character will be escaped to the equivalent \u003C encoding
      {any attributes starting with $}Each attribute name (without the leading $) specifies a field to be modified with the attribute value providing the value to assign to the field

      jsontype Operator

      11th June 2022 at 10:47am
      purposeretrieve the type of a property from JSON strings
      inputa selection of JSON strings
      parameterone or more indexes of the property whose type is to be retrieved
      outputthe types of each of the retrieved properties

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.2.4 See JSON in TiddlyWiki for background.

      The jsontype operator is used to retrieve the type of a property in JSON data. See also the following related operators:

      • jsonget to retrieve the values of a property in JSON data
      • jsonindexes to retrieve the names of the fields of a JSON object, or the indexes of a JSON array
      • jsonextract to retrieve a JSON value as a string of JSON

      JSON supports the following data types:

      • string - a Unicode string
      • number - a floating point number
      • boolean - Boolean value (true or false)
      • array - an array of values
      • object - an object of name/value pairs
      • null - a special type representing a missing value

      Properties within a JSON object are identified by a sequence of indexes. In the following example, the value at [a] is one, and the value at [d][f][0] is five.

          "a": "one",
          "b": "",
          "c": "three",
          "d": {
              "e": "four",
              "f": [
              "g": {
                  "x": "max",
                  "y": "may",
                  "z": "maize"

      The following examples assume that this JSON data is contained in a variable called jsondata.

      The jsontype operator uses multiple parameters to specify the indexes of the property whose type is to be retrieved:

      [<jsondata>jsontype[a]] --> "string"
      [<jsondata>jsontype[d]] --> "object"
      [<jsondata>jsontype[d],[f]] --> "array"
      [<jsondata>jsontype[d],[f],[2]] --> "boolean"

      New in v5.3.2 Negative indexes into an array are counted from the end, so -1 means the last item, -2 the next-to-last item, and so on:

      [<jsondata>jsontype[d],[f],[-1]] --> "null"
      [<jsondata>jsontype[d],[f],[-2]] --> "boolean"
      [<jsondata>jsontype[d],[f],[-4]] --> "string"

      Indexes can be dynamically composed from variables and transclusions:


      A subtlety is that the special case of a single blank parameter is used to identify the root object. Thus:

      [<jsondata>jsontype[]] --> "object"

      JSZip Plugin

      19th October 2020 at 8:48am

      KaTeX Plugin

      28th February 2017 at 10:25am


      23rd November 2021 at 3:44am

      Keyboard Codes

      25th May 2021 at 10:37am

      This is a list of all the key codes supported by the KeyboardWidget:

      cancel, help, backspace, tab, clear, return, enter, pause, escape, space, page_up, page_down, end, home, left, up, right, down, printscreen, insert, delete

      0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

      a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z

      numpad0, numpad1, numpad2, numpad3, numpad4, numpad5, numpad6, numpad7, numpad8, numpad9

      multiply, add, separator, subtract, decimal, divide

      f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12
      f13, f14, f15, f16, f17, f18, f19, f20, f21, f22, f23, f24

      firefoxsemicolon, firefoxequals, firefoxminus

      semicolon, equals, comma, dash, period, slash, backquote, openbracket, backslash, closebracket, quote

      shift, ctrl, alt, meta

      Keyboard Shortcut Descriptor

      Keyboard Shortcut Descriptors are used by the KeyboardWidget and within Tiddlers tagged $:/tags/KeyboardShortcut to link actions with a keyboard combination

      A Keyboard Shortcut Descriptor has the following format:


      It can have multiple Key combinations:

      ctrl+enter alt+shift+A ctrl+alt+9 alt-Space ctrl-Backspace

      There are two ways Keyboard Shortcut Descriptors can be used:

      Keyboard Shortcut Tiddler

      A Keyboard Shortcut Tiddler is made of three parts:

      Introduced in v5.2.4 By default $keyboard and text editor shortcuts take priority, which can be circumvented by setting the field priority to yes.

      If the Keyboard Shortcut Descriptor has the form ((my-shortcut)) it's a reference to a configuration Tiddler that stores the corresponding Keyboard Shortcut

      In order to make a shortcut editable through the Keyboard Shortcuts Tab in the $:/ControlPanel it's sufficient to create a tiddler $:/config/ShortcutInfo/my-shortcut, where the suffix is the reference used for the Keyboard Shortcut

      Notes on wiki navigation

      If you want to create keyboard shortcuts for navigation, there are two things to keep in mind:

      keyboard-driven-input Macro

      The keyboard-driven-input macro generates an input field or textarea that lets you cycle through a given list of entries with the Up and Down keys. Doing so, an entry gets selected and can be processed with further actions


      To create the input field or textarea, the keyboard-driven-input macro accepts all parameters of the EditTextWidget

      The additional parameters are:

      storeTitlethe title of the tiddler that stores the user input
      selectionStateTitlethe title of the tiddler that stores the selected entry with a -primaryList or -secondaryList suffix to make it unique
      inputAcceptActionsthe actions that get processed when the user hits Enter
      inputAcceptVariantActionsthe actions that get processed when the user hits ctrl-Enter
      inputCancelActionsthe actions that get processed when the user hits Escape
      configTiddlerFiltera filter that specifies the tiddler that stores the first item-filter in its first-search-filter field and the second item-filter in its second-search-filter field
      firstSearchFilterFieldthe field of the configTiddler where the first search-filter is stored. Defaults to first-search-filter
      secondSearchFilterFieldthe field of the configTiddler where the second search-filter is stored. Defaults to second-search-filter
      filterMinLengththe minimum length of the user input after which items are filtered

      See Demonstration: keyboard-driven-input Macro for further guidance on using this macro.


      10th June 2016 at 8:21am

      Keyboard shortcuts can either be used with the $keyboard Widget or with Keyboard Shortcut Tiddlers

      The $keyboard Widget makes the shortcuts accessible within an input or textarea field.
      A shortcut defined through a Keyboard Shortcut Tiddler makes the shortcut accessible globally

      See How to create keyboard shortcuts with a detailed explanation for creating your own shortcuts

      Keyboard shortcuts are available for common editing operations within the Text Editor:

      • Confirming changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus (defaults to ctrl-Enter)
      • Abandoning changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus (defaults to escape)
      • Formatting operations from the tiddler editing toolbar (see the tooltips)

      Introduced in v5.1.18 : New global Keyboard shortcuts:

      ActionDefault Shortcut
      Creating a new tiddleralt-N
      Creating a new journalalt-J
      Creating a new imagealt-I
      Focusing sidebar searchIntroduced in v5.1.20ctrl-shift-F
      Toggling the sidebarIntroduced in v5.1.20shift-alt-S
      Advanced searchIntroduced in v5.1.20ctrl-shift-A
      Open Control PanelNew in v5.3.6ctrl-alt-C

      The current shortcuts can be inspected and customised in the "Keyboard Shortcuts" tab of the Control Panel .

      Special Keys

      adding tags in the editor
      Introduced in v5.1.14 : if you hit Enter in the new tag input, the tag will be added


      9th October 2021 at 12:12pm


      The keyboard widget allows ActionWidgets to be triggered by specific key combinations. There is also a shorthand for generating Messages via the message and param attributes.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the <$keyboard> widget is rendered normally. The keyboard shortcuts only take effect when the focus is within the contained content.

      actionsA string containing ActionWidgets to be triggered when the key combination is detected
      Introduced in v5.2.0 The variables: event-key, event-code and modifier are available for the actions
      messageThe title of the WidgetMessage to generate
      paramThe parameter to be passed with the WidgetMessage
      keyKey string identifying the key(s) to be trapped (see below)
      classA CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML DIV element
      tagIntroduced in v5.1.14 The html element the widget creates to capture the keyboard event, defaults to:
      » span when parsed in inline-mode
      » div when parsed in block-mode


      Introduced in v5.2.0 The following variables are made available to the actions:

      event-keyThe event-key variable contains the character, if possible. eg: 1. You can experiment with some settings at: Key Codes (Example)
      event-codeThe event-code variable contains a character description. eg: Digit1 instead of 1. Or Space instead of an empty string , which is hard to see
      event-key-descriptorThe event-key-descriptor variable is available if the keyboard event captured was configured using a keyboard shortcut descriptor of the form ((my-shortcut)) which references a configuration tiddler.
      modifierThe modifier Variable contains the Modifier Key held during the event (can be normal, ctrl, shift, alt or combinations thereof)

      Key Strings

      Key strings are made up of one or more key specifiers separated by spaces. Each key specifier is zero or more of the modifiers alt, shift, ctrl or meta followed by the name of a key, all joined with "+" plus or "-" minus symbols. Key names are either the letter or digit printed on the key (eg "a" or "1"), or one of the special keys backspace, tab, enter or escape.


      For example:


      More Info

      Kill the Dragon

      15th November 2021 at 1:32am

      Kin filter operator by bimlas

      6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

      Kookma Plugin Library by Mohammad

      17th November 2020 at 4:08pm

      This library contains most useful plugins developed under the name Kookma for Tiddlywiki 5.

      It has two parts

      The plugin library introduces a very simple mechanism like Tiddlywiki Official Plugin Library to let select among the published plugins and install any number of them you like.

      Korean (Korea Republic) Edition

      24th April 2016 at 11:33am

      Language Icon: ca-ES

      Language Icon: cs-CZ

      Language Icon: da-DK

      Language Icon: de-AT

      Language Icon: de-DE

      Language Icon: el-GR

      Language Icon: en-US

      Language Icon: es-ES

      Language Icon: fr-FR

      Language Icon: hi-IN

      Language Icon: ia-IA

      Language Icon: it-IT

      Language Icon: ja-JP

      Language Icon: ko-KR

      Language Icon: nl-NL

      Language Icon: pa-IN

      Language Icon: pt-PT

      Language Icon: ru-RU

      Language Icon: sk-SK

      Language Icon: sv-SE

      Language Icon: zh-Hans

      Language Icon: zh-Hant

      LanguageGallery Example

      17th November 2021 at 9:27pm

      Here is an example of using the ListWidget and the TranscludeWidget to show a grid of all of Language Icons which are tiddlers tagged and


      17th June 2016 at 10:12am

      Language Plugins

      The core TiddlyWiki user interface is available in over 20 languages. You can install language plugins following the instructions Installing a plugin from the plugin library. You can change the current language using the language button, found on the "Tools" tab in the sidebar.

      You can contribute a new language to the library by learning how to translate TiddlyWiki into your language.

      Language Editions

      For some languages, there are pre-built editions with additional translated documentation:

      last Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 7:20pm
      purposeselect the last N input titles
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterN=an integer, defaulting to 1
      outputthe last N input titles

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      last Operator (Examples)

      19th January 2015 at 6:21pm

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [list[Days of the Week]last[]]

      [list[Days of the Week]last[5]]



      19th September 2014 at 5:05pm

      The latest news, articles, resources and examples.


      9th October 2021 at 2:54pm

      Ordinarily with TiddlyWiki, the full content of all tiddlers is embedded into the main HTML file. Lazy loading refers to the technique of only embedding metadata about the tiddler (in other words all fields except the text field), and requesting the body from the server when required.

      Lazy loading can be used in two configurations:

      See the Lazy Loading Mechanism for details of how lazy loading is implemented.

      Lazy loading under Node.js

      To start TiddlyWiki with lazy loading for image tiddlers use this command:

      tiddlywiki --listen root-tiddler=$:/core/save/lazy-images

      To apply lazy loading to all non-system tiddlers use this command:

      tiddlywiki --listen root-tiddler=$:/core/save/lazy-all

      Leaflet maps plugin by Sylvain Comte

      6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

      A mapping plugin based on Leaflet library. Allows you to create maps based upon geographical data contained in tiddlers.

      The leaflet plugin is a (working) attempt to integrate the leaflet library in TiddlyWiki in order to display geographical purpose tiddlers.

      For now <$leafmap> widget displays an interactive map. Select size, location and zoom, clustering distance, and background. You can display data : geojson, point(s), polygon(s) and/or polyline(s) directly or calling GeoTiddler(s). Tiddler can be called individually, by list or with a filter.

      Have a look at demo page on the web.


      19th September 2014 at 4:17pm

      Learn more about using TiddlyWiki:

      Also see the complete Reference, including advanced WikiText, macros, widgets, filters etc.


      19th March 2023 at 1:22pm

      length Operator

      13th June 2019 at 3:33pm
      purposereturns the number of characters of each item in the list
      inputa selection of titles
      outputreplaces each input title with its length as an integer

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      length Operator (Examples)

      13th June 2019 at 3:34pm




      1st October 2022 at 9:46am


      Introduced in v5.2.1 The $let widget allows multiple variables to be set in one operation. In some situations it can result in simpler code than using the more flexible $set widget. It differs from the $vars widget in that variables you're defining may depend on earlier variables defined within the same $let.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the $let widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.

      {attributes}Each attribute name specifies a variable name. The attribute value is assigned to the variable

      Attributes are evaluated in the order they are written. Attributes with the same name are allowed. Each time a duplicate attribute is encountered, it will replace the existing value set by the earlier duplicate.

      Introduced in v5.2.4 There is no longer any restriction on using variable names that start with the $ character.


      Consider a case where you need to set multiple variables, where some depend on the evaluation of others.

      Using the $let widget, this situation may be handled in the following way:

      \define helloworld() Hello world!
      <$let target="MyTiddler" currentTiddler={{{ [<target>prefix[$:/settings/for/]] }}} settings={{!!text}} currentTiddler=<<target>> >
        The settings for <<currentTiddler>> are: <<settings>>

      In contrast, here is the same example using the $set widget:

      <$set name="target" value="MyTiddler" >
      <$set name="currentTiddler" value={{{ [<target>prefix[$:/settings/for/]] }}} >
      <$set name="settings" value={{!!text}} >
      <$set name="currentTiddler" value=<<target>> >
        The settings for <<currentTiddler>> are: <<settings>>


      This widget differs from $vars in the following way:

      • Each variable's definition will be immediately available to all proceeding variables in the same let widget. This differs from vars, in which definitions which depend on some variable will always look to the widget's outer scope for a value.

      This widget differs from $set in the following ways:

      • A fallback (also known as "emptyValue") cannot be specified
      • Filters cannot be used to produce a conditional variable assignment
      • Variable names must be literal strings

      levenshtein Operator

      4th March 2023 at 6:16pm
      purposedetermine the Levenshtein distance of the input title(s) and a given string
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterS=a string
      outputthe Levenshtein distance between the input title(s) and S

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.2.6

      The Levenshtein distance is a metric for measuring the difference between two strings. Informally, the Levenshtein distance between two strings is the minimum number of single-character edits required to change one string into the other.


      levenshtein Operator (Examples)

      4th March 2023 at 6:31pm


      27th January 2017 at 10:26pm

      TiddlyWiki is published under a permissive BSD 3-Clause License stored in the shadow tiddler $:/core/copyright.txt:

      TiddlyWiki created by Jeremy Ruston, (jeremy [at] jermolene [dot] com)
      Copyright (c) 2004-2007, Jeremy Ruston
      Copyright (c) 2007-2024, UnaMesa Association
      All rights reserved.
      Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
      modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
      * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
        list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
      * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
        this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
        and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
      * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
        contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
        this software without specific prior written permission.

      In layman's terms, the license says that you can take TiddlyWiki and do anything you want with it without any license fee payment or other legal obligation to the creators of TiddlyWiki or anyone else. The quid pro quo is that there is no warranty or guarantee with open source projects like TiddlyWiki. You can't sue the contributors to TiddlyWiki for any loss or damage due to the use of TiddlyWiki: even if your data is lost due to a tragic chain of circumstances that involves TiddlyWiki.

      You are respectfully requested that to make an attribution to the project, but there's no obligation to do so.

      For the avoidance of doubt, any information that you choose to store within your own copy of TiddlyWiki remains yours; using TiddlyWiki to publish content doesn't change whatever rights you may have to that content.

      limit Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 6:54pm
      purposeselect the first or last N input titles
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterN=an integer, defaulting to 0
      outputthe first N input titles
      ! outputthe last N input titles

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      limit[N] and !limit[N] are synonyms for first[N] and last[N] respectively.


      limit Operator (Examples)

      23rd January 2015 at 9:43pm

      → the 20 most recently modified tiddlers

      → the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki

      lingo Macro

      21st February 2015 at 3:57pm

      The lingo macro relates to the translation of TiddlyWiki's user interface into other languages. It returns a piece of text in the user's currently selected language.

      Translatable text is supplied by language plugins containing tiddlers with specific titles that start with $:/language/.


      The title of the shadow tiddler that contains the text. The prefix $:/language/ is added automatically


      lingo Macro (Examples)

      21st February 2015 at 4:01pm


      31st October 2024 at 3:13pm


      The link catcher widget traps WidgetMessage: tm-navigate dispatched within its child content by performing any or all of these actions:

      • sending a different widget message
      • setting a tiddler to the title of the navigated tiddler
      • setting a tiddler to a specified value
      • performing a series of ActionWidgets

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the <$linkcatcher> widget is displayed normally.

      toOptional title of the tiddler to be set to the title of the navigated tiddler
      messageOptional identifier for a widget message to be sent when a navigation is caught
      setOptional title of the tiddler to be set to a specified value when navigation occurs
      setToValue to be assigned by the set attribute
      actionsActions to be performed when a link is caught. Within the action string, the variable navigateTo contains the title of the tiddler being navigated.
      Introduced in v5.1.23 the modifier variable lists the modifier keys that are pressed when the action is invoked.
      The possible modifiers are ctrl, ctrl-alt, ctrl-shift, alt, alt-shift, shift and ctrl-alt-shift
      Action VariablesDescription
      navigateToContains the tiddler title being navigated to
      modifierContains the value of a modifier key, active while actions are activated

      Introduced in v5.2.0 For more complex use cases involving trapping the tm-navigate message consider the MessageCatcherWidget which provides greater flexibility

      Linking in WikiText

      30th December 2021 at 2:59pm

      A key capability of WikiText is the ability to make links to other tiddlers or to external websites.

      Manual Links

      Link to a tiddler by title:

      [[Tiddler Title]]

      To link to a tiddler and specify the text of the link:

      [[Displayed Link Title|Tiddler Title]]

      You can also create a link from the editor toolbar. Click link (), and search and select a tiddler.

      CamelCase Links

      For tiddler titles that match the CamelCase rules, just typing the title without double square brackets will automatically create a link.

      You can suppress a link from being recognised by preceding it with ~. For example:

      * ~HelloThere is not a link
      * ~ is not a link

      That renders as:

      • HelloThere is not a link
      • is not a link

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <ul><li>HelloThere is not a link</li><li> is not a link</li></ul>

      External Links

      To link to an external resource such as a website or a file, type its full URL, including the URI scheme such as a protocol (e.g. http://, file://) or mailto:
      [[Mail me|]]
      [[Open file|file:///c:/users/me/index.html]]

      For this syntax to work, the URL has to be recognisable as a URL. Otherwise, it is treated as a tiddler title. As a result, in case you want to link to a resource locatable using a relative path, use the extended syntax:

      [ext[Open file|index.html]]
      [ext[Open file|./index.html]]
      [ext[Open file|../]]
      [ext[Open file|c:\users\me\index.html]]

      The extended syntax still works with full URLs, although in that case it is not necessary:

      [ext[Mail me|]]
      [ext[Open file|file:///c:/users/me/index.html]]

      You can also use the extended syntax to force an external link:


      Customising Tiddler Links

      See the LinkWidget for details of the underlying widget used to implement tiddler links, including macros that can be used to customise its behaviour.

      Generating dynamic links

      Linking in WikiText does not lend itself well to creating dynamic links. The reason is because this WikiText link:

      [[link to myself|Linking in WikiText]]

      is shorthand for using the LinkWidget and TextWidget like this:

      <$link to="Linking in WikiText">
        <$text text="link to myself"/>

      Since both the link title ("link to myself") and the link target ("Linking in WikiText") are used as widget attributes, no WikiText expansion takes place.

      For example, an attempt to use a reference and a variable to dynamically generate a link like this:

      Don't do it this way!


      is the same as trying to use the LinkWidget and TextWidget like this:

      Don't do it this way!
      <$link to="<<currentTiddler>>">
        <$text text="{{!!caption}}"/>

      This will not work as desired. Content inside of quoted widget attributes is treated as a literal value and protected from WikiText expansion, so it will render like this:

      Don't do it this way!


      In order to get the desired result, the LinkWidget can be used directly like this:

      <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>{{!!caption}}</$link>

      That renders as:


      See also another example of constructing dynamic links.

      Linking within tiddlers - "anchor links"

      In TiddlyWiki anchor links can help us link to target points and distinct sections within rendered tiddlers. They can help the reader navigate longer tiddler content.

      See Anchor Links using HTML for more information.

      links Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 6:55pm
      purposefind the titles linked to by each input title
      inputa selection of titles
      outputthe titles to which the input tiddlers contain hard links

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of links is generated, in the order in which they appear in the tiddler's text, and dominantly appended to the operator's overall output.


      links Operator (Examples)

      24th January 2015 at 8:27pm


      30th July 2024 at 6:50am

      The link widget generates links to tiddlers. (Use the HTML <a> element to generate external links).

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the link widget is rendered within the <a> tag representing the link. If the content is empty then the title of the target tiddler is rendered as the default, for example:

      • <$link/> is equivalent to <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field="title"/></$link>
      • <$link to="HelloThere"/> is equivalent to <$link to="HelloThere">HelloThere</$link>
      toThe title of the target tiddler for the link (defaults to the current tiddler)
      aria-labelOptional accessibility label
      tooltipOptional tooltip WikiText
      tabindexOptional numeric tabindex
      draggable"yes" to enable the link to be draggable (defaults to "yes")
      tagOptional tag to override the default "a" element
      classOptional CSS classes in addition to the default classes (see below)
      overrideClassIntroduced in v5.1.16 Optional CSS classes instead of the default classes
      data-*New in v5.3.2 Optional data attributes to be assigned to the HTML element
      style.*New in v5.3.2 Optional CSS properties to be assigned to the HTML element

      The draggable functionality is equivalent to using the DraggableWidget with the tiddler attribute set to the link target.

      The default value of the tooltip attribute is supplied by the tv-wikilink-tooltip variable.

      This means that you can control the text of a link tooltip in several ways:

      <$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
      <$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Another tooltip">{{$:/core/icon}}</$link>
      <$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
      <$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>

      Renders as:

      Link 1

      Link 2

      Note that the tooltip is rendered with the current tiddler set to the target of the link.

      A useful convention is to set the tooltip like this:

      \define tv-wikilink-tooltip()
      <$transclude field="tooltip"><$transclude field="title"/></$transclude>

      This causes the tooltip to be the tooltip field of the target tiddler. If the field isn't present, then the title is used instead.

      CSS Classes

      The link widget automatically determines and applies the following classes to links:

      • tc-tiddlylink - applied to all links
      • tc-tiddlylink-external - applied to external, non-tiddler links
      • tc-tiddlylink-internal - applied to tiddler links
      • tc-tiddlylink-missing - applied to tiddler links where the target tiddler doesn't exist
      • tc-tiddlylink-resolves - applied to tiddler links when the target tiddler does exist
      • tc-tiddlylink-shadow - applied to tiddler links when the target is a shadow tiddler
        • tc-tiddlylink-shadow tc-tiddlylink-resolves - applied to overwritten shadow tiddlers

      Use the class attribute to specify additional css classes, or overrideClass to apply only that but not the above defaults, e.g. when used in a LinkCatcherWidget:

      *<$link class="example">Here</$link> the `example` class is added.
      *<$link overrideClass="example">Here</$link> only the `example` class applies.
      *<$link overrideClass="">Here</$link> no class is set.

      That renders as:

      • Here the example class is added.
      • Here only the example class applies.
      • Here no class is set.

      href generation

      The following process is used to generate the href attribute of the generated HTML <a> element:

      1. If tv-get-export-link is defined it is invoked to convert the target tiddler title to the href value
      2. Introduced in v5.1.15 If tv-filter-export-link is defined it is interpreted as a filter that converts the target tiddler title to the href value
      3. If tv-wikilink-template is defined it is treated as a specialised macro body that can perform limited conversion of the target tiddler title to the href value
      4. Otherwise, the target tiddler title is URI encoded to create the href

      Configuration variables

      list Operator

      11th August 2024 at 8:36am
      purposeselect titles via a list field
      ! inputa selection of titles
      parameterR=a reference to a field or index of a particular tiddler
      outputthe titles stored as a title list at R
      ! outputthose input titles that are not mentioned at R

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      R can reference either a field or a property. See TextReference for the syntax.

      • If neither is specified, the list field is used by default. So [list[T]] outputs the titles listed in the list field of tiddler T.
      • If R consists of only a field or a property, the tiddler part of the reference defaults to the current tiddler. So [list[!!tags]] outputs the titles listed in the tags field of the current tiddler.


      list Operator (Examples)

      23rd January 2015 at 9:44pm

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.


      [list[Days of the Week!!short]]

      list-links Macro

      5th November 2022 at 9:08am

      The list-links macro returns a formatted list of links to a selection of tiddlers.

      If a tiddler has a caption field, this is shown instead of the tiddler's title. If the caption field is empty, a blank entry is shown.

      Note: Each first step of a filter run not given any input titles receives the output of [all[tiddlers]] as its input. This means all the existing non-shadow tiddlers.


      A filter selecting which tiddlers to include
      The name of the field to transclude for each list item, defaulting to caption
      An HTML element to use for the overall list element, defaulting to ul
      An HTML element to use for each item in the list, defaulting to li
      A CSS class for the overall list element
      Optional wikitext to display if there are no tiddlers with the specified tag


      list-links Macro (Examples)

      21st February 2015 at 4:07pm

      This example lists all the tiddlers whose titles start with J:

      <<list-links filter:"[prefix[J]]">>

      This example lists the documentation tiddlers for the core macros, each of which has a caption field:

      <<list-links filter:"[tag[Core Macros]]">>

      list-links-draggable Macro

      14th December 2021 at 2:16pm

      The list-links-draggable macro renders the ListField of a tiddler as a list of links that can be reordered via drag and drop.


      The title of the tiddler containing the list
      The name of the field containing the list (defaults to list)
      Optional wikitext to display if there is no output (tiddler is not existed, field is not existed or empty)
      The element tag to use for the list wrapper (defaults to ul)
      The element tag to use for the list items (defaults to li)
      Optional space separated classes to add to the wrapper element
      Optional title of a tiddler to use as the template for rendering list items

      If the itemTemplate parameter is not provided then the list items are rendered as simple links. Within the itemTemplate, the currentTiddler Variable refers to the current list item.


      list-tagged-draggable Macro

      9th January 2018 at 5:12pm

      The list-tagged-draggable macro renders the tiddlers with a particular tag as a list of links that can be reordered via drag and drop.


      The title of the tag
      An optional subfilter to filter out unwanted items (eg !tag[done])
      Optional title of a tiddler to use as the template for rendering list items
      Optional wikitext to display if there are no tiddlers with the specified tag

      Note that the ordering is accomplished by assigning a new list to the list field of the tag tiddler. Any list-before or list-after fields on any of the other tiddlers carrying the tag are also removed to ensure the list field is respected.

      If the itemTemplate parameter is not provided then the list items are rendered as simple links. Within the itemTemplate, the currentTiddler Variable refers to the current list item.


      list-tagged-draggable Macro (Examples)

      29th March 2017 at 9:33am

      <<list-tagged-draggable tag:"Features">>

      list-thumbnails Macro

      3rd August 2023 at 3:36am

      The list-thumbnails macros are used to create lists of linkable thumbnail panels. It assumes that the input has icon, color, background-color, image, and caption fields, filled as desired.


      A filter for selecting thumbnails
      A width in px for the thumbnail, defaulting to 280
      A height in px for the thumbnail, defaulting to 157


      list-thumbnails Macro (Examples)

      12th June 2020 at 5:14pm

      This example lists all the tiddlers which are tagged with "HelloThumbnail":

      <<list-thumbnails filter:"[tag[HelloThumbnail]]" width:"168" height:"95">>

      listed Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 6:57pm
      purposefind the titles that list the input titles
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterF=the name of a field, defaulting to list
      outputthe titles in which field F mentions any of the input titles

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      F is assumed to be a title list.

      Each input title is processed in turn. A list of tiddlers whose F field mentions it is generated (in no particular order) and dominantly appended to the operator's overall output.


      listed Operator (Examples)

      23rd January 2015 at 9:46pm




      1st July 2018 at 5:10pm

      Introduced in v5.1.18 See WebServer for details of TiddlyWiki's web server functionality.

      Serves a wiki over HTTP.

      The listen command uses NamedCommandParameters:

      --listen [<name>=<value>]...

      All parameters are optional with safe defaults, and can be specified in any order. The recognised parameters are:

      • host - optional hostname to serve from (defaults to "" aka "localhost")
      • path-prefix - optional prefix for paths
      • port - port number on which to listen; non-numeric values are interpreted as a system environment variable from which the port number is extracted (defaults to "8080")
      • credentials - pathname of credentials CSV file (relative to wiki folder)
      • anon-username - the username for signing edits for anonymous users
      • username - optional username for basic authentication
      • password - optional password for basic authentication
      • authenticated-user-header - optional name of request header to be used for trusted authentication.
      • readers - comma-separated list of principals allowed to read from this wiki
      • writers - comma-separated list of principals allowed to write to this wiki
      • csrf-disable - set to "yes" to disable CSRF checks (defaults to "no")
      • root-tiddler - the tiddler to serve at the root (defaults to "$:/core/save/all")
      • root-render-type - the content type to which the root tiddler should be rendered (defaults to "text/plain")
      • root-serve-type - the content type with which the root tiddler should be served (defaults to "text/html")
      • tls-cert - pathname of TLS certificate file (relative to wiki folder)
      • tls-key - pathname of TLS key file (relative to wiki folder)
      • debug-level - optional debug level; set to "debug" to view request details (defaults to "none")
      • gzip - set to "yes" to enable gzip compression for some http endpoints (defaults to "no")
      • use-browser-cache - set to "yes" to allow the browser to cache responses to save bandwidth (defaults to "no")

      For information on opening up your instance to the entire local network, and possible security concerns, see the WebServer tiddler at


      3rd August 2023 at 5:27am

      The list field of a tiddler is an optional feature that can be used to help structure your content. Its value is a title list, and it can be used in several ways:

      • The list field of a tiddler that is being used as a tag determines the ordering of the tiddlers that carry that tag - see Tagging for details
      • The list filter selects the entries from a list
      • The listed filter selects the tiddlers that list the selected tiddler(s)
      • The NavigatorWidget manipulates a StoryList tiddler containing a list field of the tiddlers that are displayed in the main story column


      8th November 2015 at 4:18am

      Lists in WikiText

      7th June 2016 at 9:31am

      Bulleted Lists

      You can create bulleted (unordered) lists with * characters ():

      * First list item
      * Second list item
      ** A subitem
      * Third list item

      That renders as:

      • First list item
      • Second list item
        • A subitem
      • Third list item

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <ul><li>First list item</li><li>Second list item<ul><li>A subitem</li></ul></li><li>Third list item</li></ul>

      Numbered Lists

      Numbered (ordered) lists use # instead of * ():

      1. First item
      2. Second item
      3. Third item

      You can also mix ordered and unordered list items:

      * To do today
      *# Eat
      * To get someone else to do
      *# This
      *# That
      *## And the other

      That renders as:

      • To do today
        1. Eat
      • To get someone else to do
        1. This
        2. That
          1. And the other

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <ul><li>To do today<ol><li>Eat</li></ol></li><li>To get someone else to do<ol><li>This</li><li>That<ol><li>And the other</li></ol></li></ol></li></ul>

      Here's an example the other way around, with numbers as the first level:

      # To do today
      #* Eat
      # To get someone else to do
      #* This
      #* That
      #** And the other

      That renders as:

      1. To do today
        • Eat
      2. To get someone else to do
        • This
        • That
          • And the other

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <ol><li>To do today<ul><li>Eat</li></ul></li><li>To get someone else to do<ul><li>This</li><li>That<ul><li>And the other</li></ul></li></ul></li></ol>

      CSS Classes

      You can also assign a CSS class to an individual member of a list with this notation:

      * List One
      *.tc-muted List Two
      * List Three

      That renders as:

      • List One
      • List Two
      • List Three

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <ul><li>List One</li><li class="tc-muted">List Two</li><li>List Three</li></ul>

      Mixing Lists and Block Quotes

      Note that Block Quotes in WikiText can be mixed with lists. For example:

      * List One
      ** List Two
      **> A quote
      **> Another quote
      * List Three

      That renders as:

      • List One
        • List Two
          A quote
          Another quote
      • List Three

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <ul><li>List One<ul><li>List Two<blockquote><div>A quote</div><div>Another quote</div></blockquote></li></ul></li><li>List Three</li></ul>

      Paragraphs in Lists

      Entries in the list are delimited with a linebreak, making it impossible to include linebreaks within a list entry. There are a couple of workarounds.

      First, you can transclude paragraph content from another tiddler. For example:

      * First entry
      * <$transclude tiddler="MyTiddler" mode="block"/>
      * Third entry

      Secondly, you can use an HTML "div" element to contain the multiline content. For example:

      # Step 1
      # Step 2
      # Step 3<div>
      Here is the first of several paragraphs. Note that the double linebreak preceding this paragraph is significant.
      And here is the second of several paragraphs.
      # Step 4
      # Step 5
      # Step 6


      31st August 2023 at 6:29pm


      The list widget displays a sequence of tiddlers that match a tiddler filter. It can be used for many purposes:

      • Displaying custom lists of links, like in TiddlyWiki5's sidebar
      • Custom lists, such as "all tiddlers tagged 'task' that are not tagged 'done'"
      • Listing each of the tags applied to a tiddler
      • Handling the main story river

      The tiddlers are displayed by transcluding each in turn through a template. There are several ways to specify the template and for controlling the behaviour of the list.


      plain list

      <$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>

      Displays as:


      custom item output

      <$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">

      Displays as:


      custom item template

      <$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>

      Displays as:

      4th December 2024 at 8:56am

      Grouped Lists

      See GroupedLists for how to generate nested and grouped lists using the ListWidget.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the <$list> widget is an optional template to use for rendering each tiddler in the list.

      New in v5.3.2 If the widgets <$list-template> or <$list-empty> are found as immediate children of the $ListWidget widget then the content of those widgets are used as the list item template and/or the empty template. Note that the emptyMessage and template attributes take precedence if they are present.

      The action of the list widget depends on the results of the filter combined with several options for specifying the template:

      • If the filter evaluates to an empty list, the text of the emptyMessage attribute is rendered, and all other templates are ignored
      • Otherwise, if the template attribute is specified then it is taken as the title of a tiddler to use as a template for rendering each item of the list
      • Otherwise, if the list widget content is not blank, it is used as a template for rendering each item of the list
      • Otherwise, a default template is used consisting of a <span> or <div> element wrapped around a link to the item
      filterThe tiddler filter to display
      limitNew in v5.3.2 Optional numeric limit for the number of results that are returned. Negative values will return the results from the end of the list
      templateThe title of a template tiddler for transcluding each tiddler in the list. When no template is specified, the body of the ListWidget serves as the item template. With no body, a simple link to the tiddler is returned.
      editTemplateAn alternative template to use for DraftTiddlers in edit mode
      joinNew in v5.3.2 Text to include between each list item
      variableThe name for a variable in which the title of each listed tiddler is stored. Defaults to currentTiddler
      counterIntroduced in v5.2.0 Optional name for a variable in which the 1-based numeric index of each listed tiddler is stored (see below)
      emptyMessageMessage to be displayed when the list is empty
      storyviewOptional name of module responsible for animating/processing the list
      historyThe title of the tiddler containing the navigation history

      counter attribute

      The optional counter attribute specifies the name of a variable to hold the 1-based numeric index of the current item in the list.

      Two additional variables are also set to indicate the first and last items in the list:

      • <counter-variable-name>-first is set to yes for the first entry in the list, no for the others
      • <counter-variable-name>-last is set to yes for the last entry in the list, no for the others

      For example:

      <$list filter="[tag[About]sort[title]]" counter="counter">
      <<counter>>: ''<$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/>'' (is first: <<counter-first>>, is last: <<counter-last>>)

      Displays as:

      1: Acknowledgements (is first: yes, is last: no)
      2: Contributors (is first: no, is last: no)
      3: Funding TiddlyWiki (is first: no, is last: no)
      4: History of TiddlyWiki (is first: no, is last: no)
      5: License (is first: no, is last: no)
      6: Open Collective (is first: no, is last: no)
      7: Releases (is first: no, is last: no)
      8: RoadMap (is first: no, is last: no)
      9: TiddlyWiki Archive (is first: no, is last: yes)

      Note that using the counter attribute can reduce performance when working with list items that dynamically reorder or update themselves. The best advice is only to use it when it is really necessary: to obtain a numeric index, or to detect the first or last entries in the list. Note that if you are only using it to insert something (like a comma) between list items, the join attribute performs much better and you should use it instead of counter.

      Setting counter="transclusion" is a handy way to make child elements for each list element be identified as unique. A common use case are multiple tag macros for the same tag generated by a list widget. Refer to tag macro examples for more details.

      join attribute

      New in v5.3.2 The optional join attribute allow you to insert some WikiText between each list item without needing to use the counter attribute, which can become quite slow if the list is updated frequently.

      New in v5.3.2 If the widget <$list-join> is found as an immediate child of the $ListWidget widget then the content of that widget is used as the "join" template, included between two list items. Note that the join attribute takes precedence if it is present.

      For example:

      <$list filter="[tag[About]sort[title]]" join=", " variable="item"><<item>></$list>

      Displays as:

      Acknowledgements, Contributors, Funding TiddlyWiki, History of TiddlyWiki, License, Open Collective, Releases, RoadMap, TiddlyWiki Archive

      Edit mode

      The <$list> widget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template to handle editing, see DraftMechanism.

      storyview attribute

      The storyview attribute specifies the name of an optional module that can animate changes to the list (including navigation). The core ships with the following storyview modules:

      • classic: renders the list as an ordered sequence of tiddlers
      • zoomin: just renders the current tiddler from the list, with a zoom animation for navigating between tiddlers
      • pop: shrinks items in and out of place

      In order for the storyviews to animate correctly each entry in the list should be a single block mode DOM element.

      History and navigation

      The optional history attribute specifies the name of a tiddler that is used to track the current tiddler for navigation purposes. When the history tiddler changes the list view responds by telling the listview to handle navigating to the new tiddler. See HistoryMechanism for details.

      Additional Notes and Edge Cases

      • If the filter attribute is not present then a default of [!is[system]sort[title]] is used
      • If the list widget is completely empty (ie only whitespace between the opening and closing tags), then it behaves as if the content were a DIV or a SPAN containing a link to the current tiddler (it’s a DIV if the list widget is in block mode, or a SPAN if it is in inline mode)
      • If the template attribute is not present then the content of the list widget will be used as the template, unless the widget is completely empty in which case a default template is used

      Literal Attribute Values

      15th June 2023 at 4:54am

      Literal attribute values can use several different styles of quoting:

      • Single quotes (eg attr='value')
      • Double quotes (eg attr="value")
      • Tripe double quotes (eg attr="""value""")
      • No quoting is necessary for values that do not contain spaces (eg attr=value)

      Literal attribute values can include line breaks. For example:

      <div data-address="Mouse House,
      Mouse Lane,

      By using triple-double quotes you can specify attribute values that contain single double quotes. For example:

      <div data-address="""Mouse House,
      "Mouse" Lane,


      19th January 2014 at 8:15pm

      Load tiddlers from TiddlyWiki (.html), .tiddler, .tid, .json or other local files. The processing applied to incoming files is determined by the file extension. Use the alternative import command if you need to specify the deserializer and encoding explicitly.

      --load <filepath> [noerror]
      --load <dirpath> [noerror]

      By default, the load command raises an error if no tiddlers are found. The error can be suppressed by providing the optional "noerror" parameter.

      To load tiddlers from an encrypted TiddlyWiki file you should first specify the password with the PasswordCommand. For example:

      tiddlywiki ./MyWiki --password pa55w0rd --load my_encrypted_wiki.html

      Note that TiddlyWiki will not load an older version of an already loaded plugin.

      Locator plugin by bimlas

      6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

      log Operator

      20th November 2020 at 4:14am
      purposetreating each input title as a number, return its logarithm with base equal to the numeric value of the parameter if specified, otherwise base e
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterN=a number
      outputthe logarithm of each input title as numbers, with base N if specified otherwise base e

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      log Operator (Examples)

      20th November 2020 at 4:20am

      Logarithm of 8 with base 2:


      Logarithm of 100 with base 10:


      Natural logarithm of 10 (base e), equivalent to ln(10) in mathematics:



      20th November 2020 at 3:49pm


      Introduced in v5.1.23 The log widget can be used to output debugging information to the JavaScript console supported by most browsers.

      For use with ActionWidgets see ActionLogWidget which uses identical parameters

      Content and Attributes

      The log widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored. Note that the widget will log to the console both when it is first rendered and also every time it refreshes.

      When the widget is rendered, the names and values of all attributes are logged to the JavaScript console. In addition there are optional attributes that can be used:

      Optional AttributeDescription
      $$filterAll variables matching this filter will also be logged.
      $$messageA message to display as the title of the information logged. Useful when several log widgets are used in sequence.
      $$allSet to "yes" to log all variables in a collapsed table. Note that if there is nothing specified to log, all variables are always logged instead.


      Here is an example of logging two variables:

      <$log myVar=<<myVar>> otherVar=<<otherVar>>/>

      To log all variables:

      <$log />

      To log two variables as well as all core variables (which start with tv-):

      <$log myVar=<<myVar>> other={{!!status}} $$filter="[prefix[tv-]]"/>

      lookup Operator

      16th January 2021 at 8:13am
      purposeapplies a prefix to each input title to yield the title of a tiddler from which the final value is retrieved. With a single parameter, the default field is "text" and the default index is "0". If a second parameter is provided, that becomes the target field or index.
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixD, I=the default value to be used for missing lookups. This operator can now accept a second suffix of :index, see below for details
      parameterP, T=prefix applied to input titles to yield title of lookup tiddler from which value is retrieved. Now accepts 1 or 2 parameters, see below for details
      outputthe lookup values corresponding to each lookup tiddler

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.15

      The action of this operator is as follows with 1 parameter:

      • Apply the specified prefix to each input tiddler title, yielding a new list of tiddler titles
      • Transclude the value of the text field each of those tiddlers
        • Substitute the default value for missing or empty values
      • Return the list of values
      Introduced in v5.2.2

      The use of the :index second suffix changes the default lookup location from field: text to index: 0. This is used if no 2nd parameter is provided.

      The action of this operator is as follows with 2 parameters:

      If there are two parameters provided, use the second parameter as the target field or index.

      If there is only one parameter given, the filter checks for a second suffix equal to "index". If this suffix is found, the default target index is "0". In all other cases, the default target field is "text".


      • Apply the specified prefix to each input tiddler title, yielding a new list of tiddler titles
      • Transclude the value of the target field or index
        • Substitute the default value for missing or empty values
      • Return the list of values


      lookup Operator (Examples)

      18th November 2021 at 2:54am

      lowercase Operator

      19th June 2019 at 11:08am
      purposereturns each item in the list as lowercase
      inputa selection of titles
      outputthe input titles with each uppercase letter replaced by the equivalent lowercase letter

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      lowercase Operator (Examples)

      13th June 2019 at 3:38pm



      Macro Call Syntax

      21st February 2015 at 10:23pm

      Deprecated fromv5.3.0(seeProcedure Call Syntax)

      What follows is a formal presentation of the syntax of the WikiText syntax for macro calls, using railroad diagrams. A simpler overview is also available.


      space denotes a sequence of whitespace characters.

      The macro's name is a sequence of non-whitespace characters other than ( or >.

      Each individual param-value has the following syntax:


      The param-name is a sequence of letters (AZ, az), digits (09), hyphens (-) and underscores (_).

      The value is specified as follows:

      """anything but """""""anything but ""'anything but ''[[anything but ]]]anything but ' " or whitespace

      Macro Calls

      19th April 2023 at 10:31am


      This tiddler describes the different ways in which macros can be called.

      Macro Call Transclusion Shortcut

      To call a macro, place <<double angle brackets>> around the name and any parameter values.

      <<mymacro param:"This is the parameter value">>

      By default, parameters are listed in the same order as in the macro's definition. A parameter can be labelled with its name and a colon to allow them to be listed in a different order.

      If no value is specified for a parameter, the default value given for that parameter in the macro definition is used instead. (If no default value was defined, the parameter is blank).

      Each parameter value can be enclosed in 'single quotes', "double quotes", """triple double quotes""" or [[double square brackets]]. Triple double quotes allow a value to contain almost anything. If a value contains no spaces or single or double quotes, it requires no delimiters.

      A more formal presentation of this syntax is also available.

      See some examples and discussion about parser modes.

      Macro Calls with $transclude Widget

      The shortcut syntax expands to the $transclude widget with the $variable attribute specifying the name of the macro to transclude.

      <$transclude $variable="mymacro" param="This is the parameter value"/>

      The widget itself offers greater flexibility than the shortcut syntax, including the ability to specify parameter values.

      Assigning Macro Calls to Attribute Values

      The result of a macro can be directly assigned to an attribute of a widget or HTML element. The result of the macro is not wikified, but the parameter substitution is performed.

      <div class=<<myclasses "Horizontal">>>

      Using Macro Calls in Filters

      Macro calls can be used in filters:

      <$list filter="[<mymacro param:'value'>]">

      Macro Calls in WikiText

      17th September 2022 at 7:48am

      Macro Calls in WikiText (Examples)

      21st February 2015 at 10:17pm

      \define sayhi(name:"Bugs Bunny",address:"Rabbit Hole Hill")
      Hi, I'm $name$ and I live in $address$.
      <<sayhi Bugs>>
      <<sayhi "Donald Duck" Disneyland>>
      <<sayhi "Mickey Mouse" "Mouse House">>
      <<sayhi name:'Minnie Mouse' address:[[Mouse House]]>>
      <<sayhi address:"Quacky Towers" name:"Donald Duck">>
      <<sayhi "Mickey Mouse" """"Mouse House",
      Rodent's Lane,

      Macro Definition Syntax

      21st February 2015 at 10:23pm

      Deprecated fromv5.3.0(seeProcedure Definition Syntax)

      What follows is a formal presentation of the syntax of the \define pragma, using railroad diagrams. A simpler overview is also available.


      space denotes a sequence of whitespace characters.

      The macro's name is a sequence of non-whitespace characters other than ( or >.

      The parameter declaration list (params) has the following syntax:


      The parameter separator (sep) is any sequence of characters that does not match a param-name. Among other things, this includes commas, spaces and linefeeds.

      A param-name is a sequence of letters (AZ, az), digits (09), hyphens (-) and underscores (_).

      Each individual param has the following syntax:


      The optional default value of a parameter is specified as follows:

      """anything but """""""anything but ""'anything but ''[[anything but ]]]anything but ' " or whitespace

      The rest of the definition has the following syntax:


      lf denotes a linefeed.

      The snippet is any sequence of characters that doesn't terminate the macro definition. That is to say, a single-line snippet cannot contain a linefeed, and a multi-line snippet cannot contain \end on a line of its own.

      The snippet can contain placeholders with the following syntax:


      Macro Definitions

      19th April 2023 at 10:31am


      This tiddler describes the different ways in which macros can be defined.

      Macro Definition Pragma

      Macros are created using the Pragma: \define at the start of a tiddler. The definitions are available in the rest of the tiddler that defines them, plus any tiddlers that it transcludes.

      \define mymacro(param)
      This is the macro text (param=$param$)

      Nested Macro Definitions

      Macro definitions can be nested to any number of required levels by specifying the name of the macro in the \end marker. Nested macro definitions must appear at the start of the definition that contains them. For example:

      \define special-button(caption:"Click me")
      \define actions()
      <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" $param="HelloThere"/>
      \end actions
      <$button actions=<<actions>>>
      \end special-button

      That renders as:

      Note that the textual substitution of macro parameters that occurs when the outer macro is rendered will apply to the nested definitions as well. That generally means that textual substitution of macro parameters should not be used within nested macros.

      Parameters of nested macros can also be accessed via the <<__variablename__>> syntax. As ordinary variables, these parameters are available within nested child macros (and grandchildren etc).

      Macro Definition with Set Widget

      Macros are implemented as a special type of variable and so internally are actually defined with a $set widget.

      <$set name="mymacro" value="This is the macro text">

      that it is not currently possible to specify parameters when defining a macro with the $set widget.

      Importing Macro Definitions

      The Pragma: \import or $importvariables widget can be used to copy macro definitions from another tiddler.

      $:/tags/Macro Tag

      Global macros can be defined using the SystemTag: $:/tags/Macro.

      The tag SystemTag: $:/tags/Macro/View is used to define macros that should only be available within the main view template and the preview panel.

      The tag SystemTag: $:/tags/Macro/View/Body is used to define macros that should only be available within the main view template body and the preview panel.

      JavaScript Macros

      Macros can also be written as JavaScript modules.

      Macro Definitions in WikiText

      20th August 2018 at 4:51pm

      Macro Parameter Handling

      19th April 2023 at 10:31am


      Macros parameters are handled in two different ways:

      1. Textual substitution is always performed for each parameter before the macro contents is used
      2. When the macro contents are wikified the parameters are made available as variables. The variable names are formed by wrapping the parameter name with double underscores

      Somewhat confusingly, in some situations both of these mechanisms will occur; this is related to the pitfalls of using macros.

      Textual Substitution of Parameters and variables

      The following substitutions take place before the text of a macro is used:

      • The pattern $param$ is replaced with the value of the named parameter
      • The pattern $(variable)$ is replaced with the value of the named variable

      The actual value of the parameter or variable is substituted for the placeholder whenever the macro is called:

      \define say-hi-using-parameters(name,address)
      Hi, I'm $name$ and I live in $address$.
      <<say-hi-using-parameters name:"Bugs" address:"Rabbit Hole Hill">>

      That renders as:

      Hi, I'm Bugs and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill.

      Here's an example using variable substitution:

      \define say-hi-using-variables()
      Hi, I'm $(name)$ and I live in $(address)$.
      \define name() Bugs
      <$let address="Rabbit Hole Hill">

      That renders as:

      Hi, I'm Bugs and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill.

      It is important to note that if the text being inserted contains any substitution tokens then they will in turn be processed. This can lead to unexpected results.

      Accessing Parameters as Variables

      When macros are wikified, the parameters can be accessed as variables with the name of the parameter wrapped with double underscores. For example, the parameter address would be accessed as the variable __address__.

      Thus, the example above could also be expressed as:

      \define say-hi-using-parameters(name,address)
      Hi, I'm <<__name__>> and I live in <<__address__>>.
      <<say-hi-using-parameters name:"Bugs" address:"Rabbit Hole Hill">>

      That renders as:

      Hi, I'm Bugs and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill.

      Accessing parameters as variables only works in macros that are wikified and not, for example, when a macro is used as an attribute value.

      Advantages of Accessing Parameters as Variables

      The primary advantage of the technique is that it avoids the parameter value being substituted into the macro as a literal string, which in turn can help avoid issues with parameters that contain quotes.

      For example, consider this macro. It invokes another macro using the single parameter as an argument for it:

      \define film-quote(line) <$macrocall $name="anothermacro" actor="Bugs Bunny" line="""$line$"""/>

      The code above will fail if the macro is invoked with the argument containing triple double quotes (for example <<film-quote 'I quote thrice """ - see!?'>>). Using parameter variables offers a workaround:

      \define film-quote(line) <$macrocall $name="anothermacro" actor="Bugs Bunny" line=<<__line__>>/>

      See Macro Pitfalls for more discussion.

      Macro Pitfalls

      19th April 2023 at 10:31am


      In the early days of TiddlyWiki, macros were the best way of encapsulating snippets for reuse, and so they were used extensively. However, they have always suffered from some significant disadvantages that can give rise to errors and poor performance.

      New in v5.3.0 Macros have been joined by Procedures, Custom Widgets and Functions which together provide more robust and flexible ways to encapsulate and re-use code. It is now recommended to only use macros when textual substitution is specifically required.

      Shortcomings of Textual Substitution

      TiddlyWiki's handling of macro parameters is based on "textual substitution" which means that the string values of the parameters provided when calling a macro are plugged into the macro definition before it is wikified.

      Here's a typical example of the approach in early versions of TiddlyWiki 5. The intention is to provide a macro that takes a single parameter of the title of the tiddler to view:

      \define mymacro(title)
      <$codeblock code={{$title$}}/>

      That works for simple cases like <<mymacro "HelloThere">> but is subtly brittle. For example, the macro above would fail with tiddler titles containing double closing curly braces. Trying to use it with the title foo}}bar would lead to the macro being expanded to the following invalid syntax:

      <$codeblock code={{foo}}bar}}/>

      As a result of this issue, for many years the TiddlyWiki 5 user interface failed if a variety of combinations of special characters were encountered in tiddler titles.

      This issue has been mitigated over the years, particularly by providing access to the macro parameters as variables. However, for backwards compatibility, this was done without affecting the existing syntax, which required us to adopt the clumsy protocol of wrapping the parameter name in double underscores to get the name of the corresponding variable.

      Performance of Global Macros

      Global Macro Definitions defined with the SystemTag: $:/tags/Macro suffer from poor performance because every macro has to be parsed regardless of whether it is actually used.

      Furthermore, the way that definitions are imported means that updating a tiddler tagged SystemTag: $:/tags/Macro will cause the entire page to be refreshed.

      Macro Syntax

      27th February 2015 at 7:31pm


      19th April 2023 at 10:31am

      Deprecated fromv5.3.0(seeTranscludeWidget)

      The $macrocall widget is deprecated. While it will continue to work, users are now advised to use the $transclude widget, converting the $name attribute to $variable.

      For example,

      <$macrocall $name="my-macro" my-parameter="Elephant"/>

      should be changed to:

      <$transclude $variable="my-macro" my-parameter="Elephant"/>

      Internally, the $macrocall widget is implemented via the $transclude widget.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the $macrocall widget is ignored.

      $nameName of the macro to invoke
      $typeContentType with which the macro text should be parsed (defaults to text/vnd.tiddlywiki)
      $outputContentType for the output rendering (defaults to text/html, can also be text/plain or text/raw)
      parametersMacro parameters specified as attributes


      22nd April 2024 at 8:45am


      New in v5.3.0 Macros have been superseded by Procedures, Functions and Custom Widgets which together provide more robust and flexible ways to encapsulate and re-use code.

      For text substitutions it is now recommended to use: Substituted Attribute Values, substitute Operator and Transclusion and Substitution


      A macro is a named snippet of text. They are typically defined with the Pragma: \define:

      \define my-macro(parameter:"Default value")
      This is the macro, and the parameter is $parameter$.

      The name wrapped in double angled brackets is used a shorthand way of transcluding the snippet. Such transclusions are known as macro calls, and each call can supply a different set of parameters:

      <<my-macro "The parameter">>

      The parameters that are specified in the macro call are substituted for special placeholders within the snippet:

      • $parameter-name$ is replaced with the value of the named parameter
      • $(variable-name)$ is replaced with the value of the named variable).

      How Macros Work

      Macros are implemented as a special kind of variable. The only thing that distinguishes them from ordinary variables is the way that the parameters are handled.

      Using Macros

      Macros in WikiText

      21st February 2015 at 9:40am

      Make the beds

      15th November 2021 at 1:32am

      makedatauri Macro

      30th March 2020 at 10:53am

      The makedatauri macro takes a piece of text and an associated ContentType, and returns a corresponding data URI.

      makedatauri is used to implement the datauri macro.


      The text to be converted to a data URI
      The ContentType of the text
      The optional _canonical_uri address of the content


      makedatauri Macro (Examples)

      21st February 2015 at 10:36pm

      <<makedatauri "some example text" "text/plain">>


      3rd September 2014 at 8:52am

      Constructs the $:/UpgradeLibrary tiddler for the upgrade process.

      The upgrade library is formatted as an ordinary plugin tiddler with the plugin type library. It contains a copy of each of the plugins, themes and language packs available within the TiddlyWiki5 repository.

      This command is intended for internal use; it is only relevant to users constructing a custom upgrade procedure.

      --makelibrary <title>

      The title argument defaults to $:/UpgradeLibrary.

      See the UpgradeMechanism for more details.

      makepatches and applypatches Operator (Examples)

      4th March 2023 at 4:03pm

      These examples use the example texts in Hamlet, taken from

      Shakespeare's originalHamlet: Do you see yonder cloud that's almost in shape of a camel? Polonius: By the mass, and 'tis like a camel, indeed. Hamlet: Methinks it is like a weasel. Polonius: It is backed like a weasel. Hamlet: Or like a whale? Polonius: Very like a whale. – Shakespeare
      Modern EnglishHamlet: Do you see the cloud over there that's almost the shape of a camel? Polonius: By golly, it is like a camel, indeed. Hamlet: I think it looks like a weasel. Polonius: It is shaped like a weasel. Hamlet: Or like a whale? Polonius: It's totally like a whale. – Shakespeare
      Trekkie's CopyKirk: Do you see yonder cloud that's almost in shape of a Klingon? Spock: By the mass, and 'tis like a Klingon, indeed. Kirk: Methinks it is like a Vulcan. Spock: It is backed like a Vulcan. Kirk: Or like a Romulan? Spock: Very like a Romulan. – Trekkie

      Use makepatches to generate the set of patches to transform Shakepeare's original into Modern English:


      Use applypatches to apply the patches to Shakespeare's original text:

      [{Hamlet##Shakespeare-old}makepatches{Hamlet##Shakespeare-new}] :map[{Hamlet##Shakespeare-old}applypatches<currentTiddler>]

      In the above example, the Map Filter Run Prefix is used to pass the patches information as a parameter to applypatches. Inside :map, currentTiddler is set to the input title (i.e. the previously generated patches).

      The patch information from the Shakepeare texts can also be used to transform the Trekkie's Copy to a Modern English version:

      [{Hamlet##Shakespeare-old}makepatches{Hamlet##Shakespeare-new}] :map[{Hamlet##Trekkie-old}applypatches<currentTiddler>]

      The above examples used the character mode of makepatches. The word mode yields very similar results in this case, even when applied to the Trekkie's Copy.


      [{Hamlet##Shakespeare-old}makepatches:words{Hamlet##Shakespeare-new}] :map[{Hamlet##Trekkie-old}applypatches<currentTiddler>]

      The lines mode doesn't work as well in this application:


      [{Hamlet##Shakespeare-old}makepatches:lines{Hamlet##Shakespeare-new}] :map[{Hamlet##Trekkie-old}applypatches<currentTiddler>]

      It is better suited as a very fast algorithm to detect line-wise incremental changes to texts and store only the changes instead of multiple versions of the whole texts.

      makepatches Operator

      4th March 2023 at 12:24pm
      purposereturns a set of patches that transform the input to a given string
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixT=lines to operate in line mode, words to operate in word mode. If omitted (default), the algorithm operates in character mode. See notes below.
      parameterS=a string of characters
      outputa set of patch instructions per input title to be used by the applypatches Operator to transform the input title(s) into the string S

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.2.6

      The difference algorithm operates in character mode by default. This produces the most detailed diff possible. In words mode, each word in the input text is transformed into a meta-character, upon which the algorithm then operates. In the default character mode, the filter would find two patches between "ActionWidget" and "Action-Widgets" (the hyphen and the plural s), while in words mode, the whole word is found to be changed. In lines mode, the meta-character is formed from the whole line, delimited by newline characters, and is found to be changed independent of the number of changes within the line.

      The different modes influence the result when the patches are applied to texts other than the original, as well as the runtime.

      The calculation in words mode is roughly 10 times faster than the default character mode, while lines mode can be more than 100 times faster than the default.


      Making a custom journal button

      14th November 2017 at 9:58pm

      To get your own custom Journal button, start by cloning the New Journal button.

      Then create your own config tiddlers, eg:

      • $:/config/myNewTiddler/Tags and ...
      • $:/config/myNewTiddler/Title and ...
      • $:/config/myNewTiddler/Text

      Edit your custom button and "search and replace" the config tiddler names.

      Change the following lines, near the end of the tiddler from

      <$set name="journalTitleTemplate" value={{$:/config/NewJournal/Title}}>
      <$set name="journalTags" value={{$:/config/NewJournal/Tags}}>
      <$set name="journalText" value={{$:/config/NewJournal/Text}}>


      <$set name="journalTitleTemplate" value={{$:/config/myNewTiddler/Title}}>
      <$set name="journalTags" value={{$:/config/myNewTiddler/Tags}}>
      <$set name="journalText" value={{$:/config/myNewTiddler/Text}}>

      if you want to see your config tiddlers in the sidebar use:

      <$set name="journalTitleTemplate" value={{config/myNewTiddler/Title}}>
      <$set name="journalTags" value={{config/myNewTiddler/Tags}}>
      <$set name="journalText" value={{config/myNewTiddler/Text}}>

      Making curved text with SVG

      5th May 2015 at 6:37am

      Manually installing a plugin

      17th June 2022 at 11:59am

      If you want to follow the steps side by side you can .

      1. Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file (just in case)
      2. Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser
      3. In another browser window, find a link to the plugin, e.g. You will typically find these links on the home page of the plugin
      4. Drag the link similar to $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example to the browser window containing your TiddlyWiki
      5. Import the new plugin shown in the $:/Import tiddler
      6. Save your TiddlyWiki ( )
      7. If a yellow warning bar appears at the top of the window, refresh the window so that TiddlyWiki completes installation of the plugin
        • Introduced in v5.1.22 It is no longer necessary to refresh TiddlyWiki when deleting plugins that support dynamic loading. See PluginMechanism for more details
      8. The plugin should now be available for use

      More information about installing a plugin form the official plugin library, can be found at Installing a plugin from the plugin library
      An overview can be found at Plugins

      Map Filter Run Prefix

      12th March 2024 at 8:28pm
      purposemodify input titles by the result of evaluating this filter run for each item
      inputthe filter output of all previous runs so far
      suffixIntroduced in v5.2.3 flat to return all results from the filter run, or omit (default) to return only the first result
      outputthe input titles as modified by the result of this filter run
      Introduced in v5.2.0

      Each input title from previous runs is passed to this run in turn. The filter run transforms the input titles and the output of this run replaces the input title. For example, the filter run [get[caption]else{!!title}] replaces each input title with its caption field, unless the field does not exist in which case the title is preserved.

      Note that within the filter run, the currentTiddler variable is set to the title of the tiddler being processed. This permits filter runs like :map[{!!price}multiply{!!cost}] to be used for computation.

      The following variables are available within the filter run:

      • currentTiddler - the input title
      • ..currentTiddler - the value of the variable currentTiddler outside the filter run.
      • index - Introduced in v5.2.1 the numeric index of the current list item (with zero being the first item in the list).
      • revIndex - Introduced in v5.2.1 the reverse numeric index of the current list item (with zero being the last item in the list).
      • length - Introduced in v5.2.1 the total length of the input list.

      Filter runs used with the :map prefix should return at least the same number of items that they are passed. Input titles for which the filter run returns no output are replaced by an empty string. In particular, when retrieving the value of a field with the get Operator it is helpful to guard against a missing field value using the else Operator. For example [get[myfield]else[default-value]....

      Map Filter Run Prefix (Examples)

      Map Filter Run Prefix (Examples)

      5th March 2023 at 12:54pm

      Replace the input titles with the caption field if it exists, otherwise preserve the input title:

      [tag[Widgets]] :map[get[caption]else{!!title}]

      The above example is equivalent to [tag[Widgets]] :map[{!!caption}!is[blank]else{!!title}]. Note that referencing a field as a text reference such as {!!caption} returns an empty string for a non-existent or empty caption field. Therefore a check for is[blank] is needed before the else operator

      For each title in a shopping list, calculate the total cost of purchasing each item:

      [tag[shopping]] :map[get[quantity]else[0]multiply{!!price}]

      Get the tags of all tiddlers tagged Widget:

      [tag[Widgets]] :map:flat[tagging[]] :and[!is[blank]unique[]]

      Without the flat suffix the :map filter run only returns the first result for each input title

      Comparison between :map with and without the flat suffix

      The :map filter run will return at least as many outputs as given in the input. By default one input item will result in exactly one output item. When the filter run transforms an input item into an empty result, the output for that item will be an empty string. When the filter run transforms an input item into multiple items, only the first item will appear in the output. This behavior can be overridden by providing the flat suffix. The flat suffix will cause all the items to appear in the output.

      [range[4]] :map[match[this matches nothing]]
      [range[4]] :map:flat[match[this matches nothing]]
      [range[4]] :map[range<currentTiddler>]
      [range[4]] :map:flat[range<currentTiddler>]
      [range[4]] :map[range<currentTiddler>]
      [range[4]] :map:flat[range<currentTiddler>first[]]
      [range[4]] :map[range<currentTiddler>sum[]]
      [range[4]] :map:flat[range<currentTiddler>sum[]]
      [[1,2,3]] [[4,5]] :map[split[,]]
      [[1,2,3]] [[4,5]] :map:flat[split[,]]
      [[1,2,3]] [[4,5]] :map[split[,]]
      [[1,2,3]] [[4,5]] :map:flat[split[,]first[]]

      Comparison between :map and :and/+ filter run prefixes

      The functionality of the :map filter run prefix has some overlap with the :and prefix (alias +). They will sometimes return the same results as each other. In at least these cases, the results will be different:

      1. The :and filter run can modify the number of items (either increase or decrease). The :map run will never alter the number of items.
      2. The number of items in the :and filter run will also decrease due to de-duplication. The :map run will not de-duplicate.
      3. Explicit references to the "currentTiddler" variable will behave differently
      4. Implicit references to the "currentTiddler" using TextReference will behave differently.
      results are the same
      [range[5]] :map[add[1]]
      [range[5]] :and[add[1]]
      [range[5]] :map[addsuffix[ hello]]
      [range[5]] :and[addsuffix[ hello]]
      [tag[shopping]] :map[get[quantity]]
      [tag[shopping]] :and[get[quantity]]
      decrease in the number of items
      [range[5]] :map[sum[]]
      [range[5]] :and[sum[]]
      [range[5]] :map[join[,]]
      [range[5]] :and[join[,]]
      increase in the number of items
      [[1,2,3]] [[4,5]] :map[split[,]]
      [[1,2,3]] [[4,5]] :and[split[,]]
      [range[5]] :map[[hello]]
      [range[5]] :and[[hello]]
      [tag[shopping]] :map[<currentTiddler>]
      [tag[shopping]] :and[<currentTiddler>]
      [tag[shopping]] :map[{!!quantity}]
      [tag[shopping]] :and[{!!quantity}]


      28th July 2022 at 7:16pm

      Markdown Plugin

      28th February 2017 at 10:25am

      match Operator

      11th July 2023 at 8:24am
      purposereturns each item in the list that matches the parameter string
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixthe match operator uses a rich suffix, see below for details
      parameterthe string to be matched
      outputeach item in the input list that matches the parameter string (potentially including duplicates)
      ! outputeach item in the input list that does not match the parameter string

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.20

      The match operator uses an extended syntax that permits multiple flags to be passed:

      [match:<flag list>[<parameter>]]
      • flag list: a comma delimited list of flags

      The available flags are:

      • casesensitive: (default), this flag forces a case-sensitive match, where upper and lower case letters are considered different
      • caseinsensitive: overrides the default so that upper and lower case letters are considered identical for matching purposes


      match Operator (Examples)

      31st July 2019 at 8:04am

      a b c +[match[b]]


      Mathematics Operators

      21st March 2023 at 1:30pm

      Introduced in v5.1.20The mathematics filter operators allow numerical calculations to be performed within filters.

      Using mathematics operators

      The mathematics operators interpret their arguments as numbers according to the following rules:

      • Any non-numeric characters after a valid number are ignored (e.g. 28px is interpreted as the number 28)
      • If the argument cannot be interpreted as a number, the value 0 is used (e.g. foo is interpreted as the number 0)
      • The special values Infinity and -Infinity can be used to represent positive and negative infinity respectively

      Some filter operators remove duplicate items which can cause unexpected results when using the mathematics operators. See Dominant Append for details.

      The mathematics operators take three different forms:

      • Unary operators apply an operation to each number in the input list (e.g. negate, truncate, sign)
        • =1 =2 =3 =4 +[negate[]]evaluates to-1-2-3-4
        • =1.2 =2.4 =3.6 =4.8 +[trunc[]]evaluates to1234
        • =1.2 =2.4 =3.6 =4.8 +[round[]]evaluates to1245
      • Binary operators apply an operation and parameter to each number in the input list (e.g. add, multiply, remainder)
        • =1 =2 =3 =4 +[add[3]]evaluates to4567
        • =1 =2 =3 =4 +[multiply[8]]evaluates to8162432
      • Reducing operators apply an operation to all of the numbers in the input list, returning a single result (e.g. sum, product)
        • =1 =2 =3 =4 +[sum[]]evaluates to10
        • =1 =2 =3 =4 +[product[]]evaluates to24
        • =1 =2 =3 =4 +[average[]]evaluates to2.5

      Operations Combination

      Operations can be combined by concatenating them while merging the inner ][ characters.

      • [[355]divide[113]fixed[5]]evaluates to3.14159
      • [range[100]sum[]divide[100]]evaluates to50.5
      • [tag[HelloThere]get[text]length[]sum[]]evaluates to10366

      Complex operations will sometimes need to be split up into separate filters. For example, to compute the average length of the text field of tiddlers tagged "HelloThere":

      <$set name="number-of-tiddlers" value={{{ [tag[HelloThere]count[]] }}}>
      Average length of <$text text=<<number-of-tiddlers>>/> tiddlers tagged <<tag "HelloThere">>: <$text text={{{ [tag[HelloThere]get[text]length[]sum[]divide<number-of-tiddlers>fixed[3]] }}}/>

      That renders as:

      Average length of 8 tiddlers tagged : 1295.750

      Mathematics Operators list

      Operator Purpose
      abs calculate the absolute value of a list of numbers
      acos calculate the arccosine value (in radians) of a list of numbers
      add treating each input title as a number, add to each the numeric value of the parameter
      asin calculate the arcsine value (in radians) of a list of numbers
      atan calculate the arctangent value (in radians) of a list of numbers
      atan2 returns the angle in the plane (in radians) between the positive x-axis and the ray from (0,0) to the point (x,y), for [Y]atan2[X]
      average treating each input title as a number, compute their arithmetic mean
      ceil rounds a list of numbers up to the next largest integer
      compare filter the input by comparing each item against the parameter
      cos calculate the cosine value of a list of angles (given in radians)
      divide treating each input title as a number, divide it by the numeric value of the parameter
      exponential convert each number to exponential notation with N digits
      fixed convert each number to fixed point notation with N digits after the decimal point
      floor rounds a list of numbers to the largest integer less than or equal to each number
      log treating each input title as a number, return its logarithm with base equal to the numeric value of the parameter if specified, otherwise base e
      max treating each input title as a number, take the maximum of its value and the numeric value of the parameter
      maxall find the largest of a list of numbers
      median treating each input title as a number, compute their median value
      min treating each input title as a number, take the minimum of its value and the numeric value of the parameter
      minall find the smallest of a list of numbers
      multiply treating each input title as a number, multiply it by the numeric value of the parameter
      negate calculate the negation of a list of numbers
      power treating each input title as a number, raise it to the power of the numeric value of the parameter
      precision convert each number to a string with N significant digits
      product produce the product of the input numbers
      remainder treating each input title as a number, return the remainder when divided by the numeric value of the parameter
      round rounds a list of numbers to the nearest integer
      sign return -1, 0 or 1 for a list of numbers according to whether each number is negative, zero, or positive
      sin calculate the sine value of a list of angles (given in radians)
      standard-deviation treating each input title as a number, compute their standard-deviation
      subtract treating each input title as a number, subtract from each the numeric value of the parameter
      sum produce the sum of the input numbers
      tan calculate the tangent value of a list of angles (given in radians)
      trunc truncates a list of numbers to their integer part, removing any fractional part
      untrunc rounds a list of numbers to the next integer with largest absolute value, that is, away from zero
      variance treating each input title as a number, compute their variance

      MathJax Plugin by Martin Kantor

      6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

      An experimental MathJax plugin for TiddlyWiki version 5. As Martin says, the implementation is a bit of a hack but may be useful until we have a better alternative.

      Welcome. I have created plugin for TiddlyWiki 5 which allows you to use MathJax (math in TeX and MathML) inside TiddlyWiki 5. It's unofficial plugin and it doesn't follow general policy of TiddlyWiki as stand-alone solution but it works. So you can use it if you want.


      24th November 2021 at 9:53pm

      MathML is a markup language for mathematical notation that can be used with HTML.

      If your browser supports it, MathML elements can be used in TiddlyWiki5 WikiText just like HTML.

      Here is an example MathML equation from the W3C:


      Renders as:


      max Operator

      21st March 2023 at 1:30pm
      purposetreating each input title as a number, take the maximum of its value and the numeric value of the parameter
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterN=a number
      outputthe input as numbers, with any that are less than N being replaced by N

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.20 See Mathematics Operators for an overview.

      See also the min Operator, and compare with the maxall Operator and the minall Operator.


      max Operator (Examples)

      11th June 2019 at 1:09pm


      =1 =2 =3 =4 +[max[3]]

      maxall Operator

      11th June 2019 at 4:09pm
      purposefind the largest of a list of numbers
      inputa selection of titles
      outputthe largest of the input numbers

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.20 See Mathematics Operators for an overview.

      See also the minall Operator, and compare with the max Operator and the min Operator.


      maxall Operator (Examples)

      11th June 2019 at 4:10pm

      =1 =2 =3 =4 =5 +[maxall[]]



      10th September 2014 at 9:17pm

      median Operator

      26th April 2021 at 1:15pm
      purposetreating each input title as a number, compute their median value
      inputa selection of titles
      outputthe median of the input numbers

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      median Operator (Examples)

      26th April 2021 at 1:15pm

      =1 =3 =4 =5 +[median[]]

      Note that if there is no input the operator returns NaN

      [title[NotATiddler]get[price]] +[median[]]


      12th July 2016 at 12:15pm

      Local meetings around the world for TiddlyWiki people:

      If you are a TiddlyWiki enthusiast please consider starting a local TWIG in your area, it's a great way to spread the word about using TiddlyWiki


      22nd December 2021 at 3:30pm


      Introduced in v5.2.0

      The message catcher widget traps messages dispatched within its child content, and allows invoking a series of ActionWidgets in response to those messages.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the <$messagecatcher> widget is displayed normally.

      {any attributes starting with $}Each attribute name (excluding the $) specifies the name of a message, and the value specifies the action string to be invoked
      typeName of the message be trapped, for example "tm-scroll" or "tm-navigate". The type and actions attributes can be useful when the type of event needs to be specified via a variable or text reference
      actionsAction string to be invoked when a matching message is trapped. Must be used in conjunction with the type attribute


      The message catcher widget sets the following variables within each action string:

      event-*All string-based properties of the event object, with the names prefixed with event-
      list-eventA list of the names of each the string-based properties of the event object (the names are not prefixed with event-)
      event-paramObject-*All string-based properties of the event.paramObject object, with the names prefixed with event-paramObject-
      list-event-paramObjectA list of the names of each the string-based properties of the event.paramObject object (the names are not prefixed with event-paramObject-)
      modifierFor messages that originated with browser events, the modifier keys that were pressed when the event was fired. The possible modifiers are normal (no modifiers), ctrl, ctrl-alt, ctrl-shift, alt, alt-shift, shift and ctrl-alt-shift


      \define actions()
      <$messagecatcher $tm-navigate=<<actions>>>
      Click on [[this link]] to fire an action. See the browser JavaScript console for the output

      That renders as:

      Click on this link to fire an action. See the browser JavaScript console for the output


      13th November 2021 at 4:38pm

      Message handler widgets are those widgets which can react to one or more widget messages.

      Widget messages are similar to low-level DOM events, except they are higher-level and specific to TiddlyWiki. To handle DOM events see the EventCatcherWidget

      The following message handler widgets are provided:


      22nd April 2024 at 9:13am

      Widget messages are generated by Widgets in response to user actions. Messages have a name, an optional primary parameter, and one or more optional named parameters. These messages travel up the widget tree where they are handled by ancestor widgets or the core itself.


      6th October 2020 at 6:12pm

      min Operator

      11th June 2019 at 1:11pm
      purposetreating each input title as a number, take the minimum of its value and the numeric value of the parameter
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterN=a number
      outputthe input as numbers, with any that are greater than N being replaced by N

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.20 See Mathematics Operators for an overview.

      See also the max Operator, and compare with the maxall Operator and the minall Operator.


      min Operator (Examples)

      11th June 2019 at 1:11pm


      =1 =2 =3 =4 +[min[3]]

      minall Operator

      11th June 2019 at 4:10pm
      purposefind the smallest of a list of numbers
      inputa selection of titles
      outputthe smallest of the input numbers

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.20 See Mathematics Operators for an overview.

      See also the maxall Operator, and compare with the max Operator and the min Operator.


      minall Operator (Examples)

      11th June 2019 at 4:11pm

      =1 =2 =3 =4 =5 +[minall[]]


      minlength Operator

      9th July 2024 at 4:11pm
      purposefilter items whose length is greater than or equal to the specified minimum length
      inputa list of items
      parameterminlength=the minimum length for items
      outputthose items at least as long as the specified minimum length

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.14

      minlength Operator (Examples)

      11th October 2016 at 7:42am

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [list[Days of the Week]minlength[7]]

      [list[Days of the Week]minlength[1]]

      Mobile Drag And Drop Shim Plugin

      13th September 2024 at 12:28pm

      Deprecated fromv5.3.4 The Mobile Drag And Drop Shim Plugin provides a "shim" that enables HTML 5 compatible drag and drop operations on mobile browsers, including iOS and Android. The shim was created by Tim Ruffles and is published at


      21st December 2021 at 10:26am

      Modals (or "wizards") fade the main TiddlyWiki window to display an isolated tiddler that must be explicitly dismissed by the user.

      The tiddler to be displayed can contain the following optional fields that are used to customise the modal:

      footerThe footer text for the modal
      subtitleThe subtitle text for a modal, displayed in a h3 html tag
      classAn additional class to apply to the modal wrapper
      helpAn optional external link that will be displayed at the left of the footer with the text "Help"
      mask-closableWhen set to yes or true, will close the modal dialog when the mask (area outside the modal) is clicked

      Note that the footer and subtitle fields are not limited to plain text, and wiki text features such as widgets and transclusions can be used as well.

      Modals are displayed with the WidgetMessage: tm-modal.

      Introduced in v5.2.4 allow using "mask-closable" field

      modifier Variable

      14th April 2022 at 4:28pm

      Within the action string of the DroppableWidget, the startactions and endactions of the DraggableWidget, the action string of the ButtonWidget and the action string of the LinkCatcherWidget and the EventCatcherWidget, the modifier variable contains the modifier key(s) held during the drag, click or other event. Possible key combinations are listed in the table below.

      The variable contains a string that identifies the keys:

      Modifier KeyVariable Content
      no modifier (normal click / drag)normal

      Some operating systems may intercept the meta key so it is never detected

      Modifier keys held while clicking the button above:

      Modifying JSON tiddlers

      27th April 2022 at 5:17pm

      See JSON in TiddlyWiki for an overview of using JSON in TiddlyWiki.

      Note that

      Using ActionSetFieldWidget and ActionListopsWidget

      The widgets ActionSetFieldWidget and ActionListopsWidget can manipulate named properties of data tiddlers by indicating the name of the property in the $index attribute.

      ActionListopsWidget assigns the named property the list constructed through its $filter and $subfilter attributes.

      moduleproperty Operator

      19th September 2021 at 8:13pm
      purposeretrieve a module property
      inputa selection of modules
      parametermodule property to retrieve
      outputthe value of the module property as specified in the parameter

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      moduleproperty Operator (Examples)

      19th September 2021 at 8:17pm

      Get the name of the macro in the module $:/core/modules/macros/qualify.js:


      For all macro modules retrieve their name module properties:



      10th June 2016 at 8:22am

      A module in TiddlyWiki5 is a tiddler containing executable JavaScript, of the type application/javascript and with the field module-type set to the ModuleType of the module.

      See control panel > Info > Advanced > Loaded Modules for a list of currently loaded modules.

      modules Operator

      19th September 2021 at 8:11pm
      purposeselect the names of all modules of the input module types
      inputa selection of module types
      outputthe title of each module with any of the input types

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.2.0The modules filter allows two optional parameters. When both are specified, it returns the modules with the module property specified in the first parameter which has the value in the second parameter.


      modules Operator (Examples)

      19th September 2021 at 8:10pm


      Get the title of the macro module which a property name with value version:



      21st November 2021 at 3:13am

      The module-type field of a JavaScript module is a string that identifies the type of the module. Here is a list of the module types used in this wiki:

      A sub-operator for the all filter operator.
      Animations that may be used with the RevealWidget.
      Defines how requests are authenticated by the built-in HTTP server.
      A bitmap editor toolbar operation.
      Commands that can be executed under Node.js.
      Data to be inserted into $tw.config.
      Individual filter operator methods.
      Global data to be inserted into $tw.
      Publishes system information via the $:/temp/info-plugin pseudo-plugin.
      Parameters for the is filter operator.
      Generic module type for general purpose JavaScript modules.
      JavaScript macro definitions.
      Parsers for different content types.
      Defines how individual URL patterns are handled by the built-in HTTP server.
      Savers handle different methods for saving files from the browser.
      Startup functions.
      Story views customise the animation and behaviour of list widgets.
      A text editor toolbar operation.
      Converts different content types into tiddlers.
      Defines the behaviour of an individual tiddler field.
      Adds methods to the $tw.Tiddler prototype.
      Applies upgrade processing to tiddlers during an upgrade/import.
      Adds methods to $tw.utils.
      Adds Node.js-specific methods to $tw.utils.
      Widgets encapsulate DOM rendering and refreshing.
      Adds methods to $tw.Wiki.
      Individual parser rules for the main WikiText parser.

      moduletypes Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 6:59pm
      purposeselect the names of all TiddlyWiki module types
      outputthe name of each known TiddlyWiki module type, in alphabetical order

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      moduletypes Operator (Examples)

      23rd January 2015 at 10:16pm



      16th November 2021 at 10:11pm

      More actions

      17th August 2016 at 11:01am

      Pressing Gives you a dropdown menu with more editing options.

      Motovun Jack.ascii

        ';.                                                           .;c'
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      ,K0X:                                                         '0l   Tiddly:',..,Wiki.
      jacK'                                                        .dk.     '';jack  .xk;
      Jack;                        ..',','...                      '0c                .0c
      :0:c0l.                 .:dTidllyc::cjoWikioc:,,,,;;:cJACKc:;;d0.                'K:
       l0:'jack,...   ...',:lkxc.              ..';:ccc:;;,'...',:loc                 .Kc
        ,xk:..,jackjackjack;'.                                                        :K,
          .lxxl;..        .                                                          .Ox.
             .':lTiddlyWikI.                                                        .xk.
                    ``   ;0;                                                 .     ;Od.
                         .dO'                                               .0Ojackx,
                           cOo'                                            .kk'.'..
                            .k0'                                         .cOo.
                            lO;          ...                          .jack.
                          .xk'          .jackTiddlyWikijackO,       .lkd;.
                         ;Oo.          .dO.              .ok.     ,Oo.
                        l0;    .c,     ,0:                .kd     l0.
                       .xk.   .xNx     lO.                 lO.    ;0,
                        .Od.  ,XW0,    :0;                 dk.    .kx.
                         .kx.  jACKx'   cOl.              .Ol      ;0:
                          .oO:  .JACKx.  .jack;'.         .0:       c0;
                            'dkc   ,lXKd'   .'jack.       .Ol        cOc.
                              .;ljack,.;xkc,...,oK,        'xxjack.   .oko.
                                  ``       'cljack'              .okdlcJack.

      Motovun Jack.jpg

      Motovun Jack.pdf

      Motovun Jack.svg

      move Operator

      8th November 2015 at 8:24am
      purposemove marker N places in the list
      inputa list of items
      suffixan integer N, defaulting to 1
      parametermarker=the list item to be used as a marker
      outputre-ordered list of items

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      move Operator (Examples)

      8th November 2015 at 5:16am

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [list[Days of the Week]] +[move[Wednesday]]

      [list[Days of the Week]] +[move:-2[Wednesday]]

      multiply Operator

      11th June 2019 at 12:58pm
      purposetreating each input title as a number, multiply it by the numeric value of the parameter
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterN=a number
      outputthe input as numbers, but with each one multiplied by N

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      multiply Operator (Examples)

      11th June 2019 at 12:57pm


      =1 =2 =3 =4 +[multiply[4]]


      21st June 2015 at 6:21pm

      MultiTiddlerFiles allow multiple tiddlers to be concisely represented in a single text file.

      The goals of this format are:

      • To be easy to type and easy to read
      • Optimised for single line strings
      • To allow common fields or tags to be shared within groups of tiddlers
      • To be simple to process with external tools

      MultiTiddlerFiles have the extension multids. The file is structured as a block of shared fields followed by a blank line. The rest of the file is a sequence of comments and tiddlers. Tiddlers are specified by their title, followed by a colon, at least one space character, and then the rest of the line is the text field for the tiddler.

      For example:

      title: $:/language/ControlPanel/
      tags: strings
      modifier: JoeBloggs
      Basics/Caption: Basics
      # This is a comment
      Basics/Version: ~TiddlyWiki Version

      This example defines two tiddlers, $:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Caption and $:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Version.

      If a title field is specified in the header then it is treated as a prefix for the individual tiddlers defined in the title.

      Syntax Specification


      Header LineBlank LineTiddler Descriptor LineComment Line

      Header Line

      Identifier:WhitespaceValueNew Line

      Tiddler Descriptor Line

      File Path:WhitespaceTiddler TitleNew Line

      Comment Line

      #TextWhitespaceNew Line


      21st June 2015 at 6:14pm


      Header LineBlank LineTiddler Descriptor LineComment Line

      Header Line

      Identifier:WhitespaceValueNew Line

      Tiddler Descriptor Line

      File Path:WhitespaceTiddler TitleNew Line

      Comment Line

      #TextWhitespaceNew Line


      5th November 2024 at 1:37pm

      MultiWikiServer is a new development that drastically improves TiddlyWiki's capabilities when running as a server under Node.js. It brings TiddlyWiki up to par with common web-based tools like WordPress or MediaWiki by supporting multiple wikis and multiple users at the same time.

      Planned features include:

      • Hosting multiple wikis at once, using the Bags and Recipes mechanism for sharing data between them
      • Robust authentication and authorisation options
      • Improved handling of file uploads and attachments, allowing gigabyte video files to be uploaded and streamed
      • Instantaneous synchronisation of changes between the server and all connected clients
      • Workflow processing on the server, for example to automatically compress images, or to archive webpages

      MWS does require basic knowledge of the command line and Node.js but is designed to be as simple as possible to setup and use. Once downloaded, just two commands are needed to complete the installation and start the server:

      npm install
      npm start

      MWS is currently under development at GitHub but it is already functional and usable. Visit the MWS website for more information:

      MWS Banner.png

      Named Filter Run Prefix

      11th July 2023 at 9:08am

      In Introduced in v5.1.23 the named filter run prefixes were implemented. :cascade, :map and :sort have been added later as shown in the diagrams.

      A named filter run prefix can precede any run of a filter expression in place of a shortcut run prefix.


      Compare named filter run prefix :filter with filter Operator which applies a subfilter to every input title, removing the titles that return an empty result from the subfilter

      Compare named filter run prefix :reduce with reduce Operator which is used to used to flatten a list of items down to a single item by repeatedly applying a subfilter

      Within the filter runs prefixed with :reduce, :sort, :map and :filter, the currentTiddler variable is set to the title of the tiddler being processed.
      The value of currentTiddler outside the subfilter is available in the variable ..currentTiddler Introduced in v5.2.0

      Also see: Interchangeable Filter Run Prefixes


      17th November 2021 at 11:42pm

      Introduced in v5.1.18 Most TiddlyWiki Commands use a position-based system for their parameters where each parameter must be listed in the precise order defined by the command. Some of the more complex commands offer an alternative scheme of named command parameters. For example, here we provide two parameters named "port" and "host":

      --listen port=8090 host=

      Note that the order of the parameters does not matter.

      Using special characters within a parameter requires quoting. Unix, Linux and the Mac use single quotes, and Windows uses double quotes:

      --listen port=8090 username=joe 'password=s3cret(!'
      --listen port=8090 username=joe "password=s3cret(!"

      Note that the quotes are applied to the entire name=value pair, not just to the value part.

      namespace Variable

      28th February 2015 at 1:37pm

      The namespace variable is used internally by HTML widgets to keep track of the correct namespace for the DOM elements they generate.

      An svg or math element supplies a distinct namespace for itself and any child elements it contains.

      Naming of System Tiddlers

      2nd February 2024 at 12:10pm

      The system tiddlers provided as part of the core are named according to the following rules:

      $:/*CamelCaseRoot user interface tiddlers (eg control panel, advanced search)
      $:/config/*CamelCaseUser-oriented configuration setting
      $:/core/images/*hyphen-caseCore images
      $:/core/modules/*lowercaseJavaScript module tiddlers
      $:/core/save/*lowercaseSaving templates for creating TiddlyWiki documents
      $:/core/templates/*inconsistentTemplates needed for TiddlyWiki to operate. Currently uses a mix of dashes and periods to separate words
      $:/core/ui/*inconsistentTiddlers comprising the default user interface of TiddlyWiki. Currently uses a mix of CamelCase and lowercase naming conventions
      $:/core/wiki/*lowercaseMetadata about the entire wiki
      $:/docs/*lowercaseDocumentation tiddlers
      $:/messages/*CamelCaseSystem messages
      $:/plugins/*lowercasePlugin tiddlers, and plugin content
      $:/snippets/*inconsistentReusable snippets (will be replaced by macros)
      $:/state/*lowercaseUser interface state tiddlers (see StateMechanism)
      $:/tags/*CamelCaseUser interface configuration tags
      $:/temp/*lowercaseTemporary tiddlers that shouldn't be saved
      $:/themes/*lowercaseTheme plugins

      In the format column:

      • hyphen-case refers to joining multiple lowercase words with hyphens
      • CamelCase refers to directly joining multiple lowercase words with initial uppercase letters
      • lowercase refers to directly joining multiple lowercase words
      • inconsistent marks namespaces that are currently titled inconsistently

      Navigating between open tiddlers

      7th June 2016 at 2:52pm

      In the default "classic" storyview mode, open tiddlers are displayed in a vertical column called the "story river". There are a number of ways you can navigate the story river - that is, how you can jump back and forth between the open tiddlers.

      • The best approach is to use the Open tab in the sidebar to click on the open tiddler to which you wish to navigate.
        • The Open tab contains a list of all the open tiddlers. You can click on any tiddler in the list to jump to it, or click the "×" next to a tiddler link to close it. There is also a handy close all button at the bottom of the list of open tiddlers.
      • Another way is to simply scroll the page up and down using the story river scrollbar to the right.
        • Note that when both the story river and the sidebar extend below the visible screen, there will be two scrollbars. The outer or far-right scrollbar controls the story river. The inner scrollbar controls the sidebar.
      • A clunky approach that many new users try is to close tiddlers one by one until they get to the tiddler they are looking for.
        • Closing any tiddler at the top or in the middle of the story river will cause all the tiddlers below it to slide up the river. The tiddler immediately below the tiddler you closed will slide up to take its place.
        • Closing the bottom tiddler will close it and the bottom of the tiddler above it will come into view.


      27th November 2021 at 2:39am


      The navigator widget manipulates the current store, the story list and history lists in response to various Messages.

      Content and Attributes

      The navigator widget displays any contained content, and responds to Messages dispatched within it.

      storyName of the tiddler containing the story list to be manipulated
      historyName of the tiddler containing the history list to be manipulated
      openLinkFromInsideRiverDetermines the location for opening new tiddlers from links within the story river: at the top or bottom of the story river, or above or below the current tiddler
      openLinkFromOutsideRiverDetermines the location for opening new tiddlers from links outside the story river: at the top or bottom of the story river
      relinkOnRenameIntroduced in v5.1.14 Determines if tags in other tiddlers are renamed if the tiddler title changes. yes or no. default: no

      Widget Messages

      The following Messages are handled by the navigator widget:


      The following Variables are assigned by the navigator widget:

      • tv-story-list, giving the name of the tiddler containing the story list
      • tv-history-list, giving the name of the tiddler containing the history list


      See Creating SubStories.

      negate Operator

      11th June 2019 at 5:40pm
      purposecalculate the negation of a list of numbers
      inputa selection of titles
      outputthe negation of the input numbers

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      negate Operator (Examples)

      11th June 2019 at 5:41pm


      =1 =2 =3 =4 =5 +[negate[]]

      New Release Banner

      Newnham Horizon.jpg

      next Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 6:59pm
      purposefind which titles in a list field follow the input ones
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterT=a tiddler title
      outputa selection containing each title that immediately follows each of the input titles in the list field of T

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Each input title is processed in turn, and its successor is located in the list field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the last title there, then it contributes nothing to the output.


      next Operator (Examples)

      23rd January 2015 at 10:18pm

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [[Monday]next[Days of the Week]]

      [[Sunday]next[Days of the Week]]

      Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[next[Days of the Week]]


      20th November 2021 at 10:17pm


      12th June 2022 at 9:18am

      Node.js is a downloadable application for your PC, Mac or Linux computer that lets it run JavaScript applications. Unlike JavaScript applications running in a web browser, Node.js code has full access to the file system and other resources of the computer, enabling it to perform the roles that have traditionally been the preserve of languages like Java, PHP and Python.

      For TiddlyWiki, Node.js means that we can have a single code base that can run in the browser or on the server, giving great flexibility in how it is used.

      For end users, Node.js is no more complicated to install than a web browser, but unlocks powerful capabilities such as the ability to run TiddlyWiki as a web server that you can connect to from other devices.

      Node.js is a trademark of the OpenJS Foundation. See: fore more details.

      TiddlyWiki on Node.js will give an overview about the possibilities using a client-server configuration.

      Notes for upgrading to 5.0.11-beta

      16th May 2014 at 3:02pm

      Version 5.0.11-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of TiddlyWiki 5.

      Command line changes

      Previously, commands that generate output files would interpret the specified path to the file as being relative to the current working directory. So, for example, the following command would write index.html to the current directory:

      tiddlywiki mywiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain

      In 5.0.11-beta this behaviour has changed, and now the specified filename is resolved relative to an output folder within the TiddlyWikiFolder. So the command above will now write the file index.html to mywiki/output/index.html.

      You can override this behaviour with the OutputCommand. For example, to generate the index.html file within the current directory:

      tiddlywiki mywiki --output . --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain

      A further change is that the --rendertiddlers command now clears the output folder before it writes any files. This means that any previous --rendertiddler commands to the same folder will have their output deleted.

      Notes for upgrading to 5.0.8-beta

      23rd February 2014 at 7:55pm

      Version 5.0.8-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of TiddlyWiki 5.

      Change to $:/SiteTitle and $:/SiteSubtitle

      You should rename any existing SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle tiddlers to $:/SiteTitle and $:/SiteSubtitle respectively.

      Changed parsing rules for content of HTML elements

      Version 5.0.8-beta marks a change in the way that TiddlyWiki determines whether to parse the content of an HTML element or widget in block mode or inline mode.

      • In block mode, TiddlyWiki parses text into paragraphs, creating <p> tags to wrap them. It also recognises block syntax like headings, lists and tables.
      • In inline mode, TiddlyWiki ignores paragraph formatting, and just recognises character formatting, like bold and italic.

      It's important to be able to control which type of parsing is performed for different situations.

      Prior to 5.0.8-beta, TiddlyWiki parsed the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag of the element were immediately followed by a line break. This meant that much of the time element tags would be shunted together into a long line, hindering readability.

      The new behaviour for 5.0.8-beta is to parse the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag is immediately followed by two line breaks.

      To adjust existing content for 5.0.8-beta you will need to manually add the additional line break after the opening tag of elements and widgets whose content should be parsed in block mode.

      The positive aspect of the change is that it removes the need to pack multiple HTML tags onto a single line, improving readability.


      Consider the difference between these two examples. First, here's an HTML tag that starts with two line breaks:

      ! This is a heading
      And a paragraph of text.

      That renders as:

      This is a heading

      And a paragraph of text.

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <blockquote><h1 class="">This is a heading</h1><p>And a paragraph of text.</p></blockquote>

      Secondly, here's an HTML tag with just a single line break. Notice how the heading is no longer recognised as a heading

      ! This is a heading
      And a paragraph of text.

      That renders as:

      ! This is a heading And a paragraph of text.

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      ! This is a heading
      And a paragraph of text.

      Changed commands for TiddlyWiki on Node.js

      The handling of wiki folders has changed. Previously, if the tiddlywiki command was run against a wiki folder that didn't have the necessary file then it would be automatically created. Now, the wiki folder must be initialised with the InitCommand.

      This is how to create and start a new server-based wiki:

      tiddlywiki mywikifolder --init server
      tiddlywiki mywikifolder --server

      Note that the name of the clientserver edition has changed to server.


      7th January 2016 at 10:58pm

      Notifications are small informational messages that appear at the top right of the TiddlyWiki window, and automatically disappear after a preset time.

      now Macro

      29th June 2021 at 9:50pm

      The now macro returns the current date and time in a specified format.

      The value doesn't update automatically, like a ticking clock. It updates whenever the macro call is rendered, such as when the containing tiddler's display needs to be refreshed for some other reason.


      A string specifying the desired format, defaulting to 0hh:0mm, DDth MMM YYYY

      Note: The format string [UTC]YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0ssXXX will return a date string representing the UTC time-stamp as it is used in the TiddlyWiki created and modified time-stamp fields.

      Introduced in v5.2.0

      You can now pass literal parameters to the now macro in filters. For example, this filter will return all tiddlers created today: [all[tiddlers]] :filter[get[created]format:date[YYYY0MM0DD]match<now YYYY0MM0DD>]


      now Macro (Examples)

      21st February 2015 at 5:04pm

      <<now YYYY-0MM-0DD>>
      <<now "hh:0mm:0sspm">>

      nsort Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 7:00pm
      purposesort the input by number field
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterF=the name of a field, defaulting to title
      outputthe input, sorted into ascending order by field F, treating field values as numbers
      ! outputthe input, likewise sorted into descending order

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and the difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare nsortcs.


      nsort Operator (Examples)

      23rd January 2015 at 10:21pm

      10 010 1000 100 +[nsort[]]

      10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsort[]]

      nsortcs Operator

      17th April 2015 at 12:57pm
      purposesort the input titles by number field, treating upper and lower case as different
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterF=the name of a field, defaulting to title
      outputthe input, sorted into ascending order by field F, treating field values as numbers
      ! outputthe input, likewise sorted into descending order

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare nsort.


      nsortcs Operator (Examples)

      23rd January 2015 at 10:21pm

      10 010 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]

      10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]

      nth Operator

      29th October 2021 at 2:37am
      purposeselect the Nth input title
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterN=an integer, defaulting to 1
      outputthe Nth input title

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      N is one-based. In other words, nth[1] has the same effect as the first operator.

      See zth for an equivalent operator with a 0 based parameter


      nth Operator (Examples)

      23rd January 2015 at 10:29pm

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [list[Days of the Week]nth[]]

      [list[Days of the Week]nth[5]]


      10th March 2015 at 4:50pm

      NW.js is an OpenSource application that fuses the functionality of a web browser with that of Node.js. It makes it possible to use web applications as though they were native apps, with full access to the file system and other native facilities. Learn more from the official site or this introductory blog post.

      See TiddlyWiki on NW.js for details of how to use TiddlyWiki with NW.js.


      12th June 2022 at 8:23am

      Open Collective

      4th December 2022 at 4:56pm

      Open Collective is a platform for transparent fundraising and expenses for projects like TiddlyWiki. It is the official TiddlyWiki community fundraising space.

      You can make a fixed one-time donation, or setup a recurring contribution.

      The main goals listed for donations are to cover basic costs for community infrastructure like the Discourse forum, and a new goal for supporting the TiddlyWiki Core.

      Additionally, the community can make use of the platform for special projects - to pool funds to pay for development, design, or anything else. The File Upload Plugin is the first of these, and we want to welcome others to launch projects here.

      Open Collective Logo

      21st June 2024 at 7:56am


      25th August 2013 at 1:07pm

      OpenSource is defined by Wikipedia as a philosophy, or pragmatic methodology that promotes free redistribution and access to an end product's design and implementation details.

      Operators without parameters

      8th July 2024 at 8:18pm

      Many Filter Operators have no parameter available. Still, each operator must be followed by a bracketed parameter expression — even if it is empty — as with the backlinks operator below:


      (Even though an expression such as [<currentTiddler>backlinks] may at first seem well-formed — insofar as closing brackets seem to pair properly with opening brackets — each operator needs its own parameter brackets, even if empty. See Filter Syntax.)

      The following Filter Operators accept no parameters:

      Or Filter Run Prefix

      22nd March 2023 at 2:07pm
      purposede-duplicated union of tiddler sets
      inputall titles from previous filter runs
      outputoutput titles are dominantly appended to the output of previous filter runs
      Introduced in v5.1.23

      The :or prefix is equivalent to using no prefix at all. See run at Shortcut Filter Run Prefix

      Order of Tagged Tiddlers

      29th July 2022 at 2:15pm

      When TiddlyWiki generates a list of the tiddlers that have a particular tag (e.g. the dropdown list of a tag pill), it orders the tiddlers using the following rules:

      1. Start with any that are declared in the list field of the tag tiddler, in the order given there.
      2. In each remaining tiddler T, look for a list-before field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place T just before that one.
        • As a special case, if the field exists but its value is empty, place T at the very start of the list.
      3. In each remaining tiddler T, look for a list-after field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place tiddler T just after that one.
        • As a special case, if the field exists but its value is empty, place T at the very end of the list.
      4. If any tiddlers still remain, place them at the end of the list in ascending alphabetical order of title. The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored.

      The ordering of tiddlers with a particular tag can be directly modified using drag and drop within a tag pill dropdown. The underlying list-tagged-draggable Macro can also be used elsewhere.

      order Operator

      28th November 2016 at 7:12pm
      purposeselectively reverse the input list
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterF=Either the string reverse or another value
      outputthe input, with the order reversed if F is the special value reverse

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Either reverses or preserves the order of the input list according to whether the parameter is the special value reverse.



      19th November 2021 at 12:46am

      Founded in 2004 by JeremyRuston, Osmosoft was originally a consultancy for software services around TiddlyWiki. Notable engagements included working with Socialtext on Socialtext Unplugged.

      In 2007, Osmosoft was acquired by BT and became the champions for open source within the enterprise. As part of BT, Osmosoft has worked on a diverse range of projects within BT and for BT's customers.


      Other Resources

      1st January 2021 at 3:25pm

      This list contains any usefull resource that have been shared with the TiddlyWiki Community that doesn fit the previous categories. They may be, macros, widgets, code snippts, ideas or more.


      25th April 2014 at 8:57am

      Sets the base output directory for subsequent commands. The default output directory is the output subdirectory of the edition directory.

      --output <pathname>

      If the specified pathname is relative then it is resolved relative to the current working directory. For example --output . sets the output directory to the current working directory.


      12th September 2014 at 3:03pm

      The Oxford TiddlyWiki Interest Group meets monthly for discussions and demonstrations about TiddlyWiki.

      See for details of our next meeting.

      We have an email discussion list, too:!members/oxtwig

      OXTWIG #2

      The second OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 16th January 2014:

      OXTWIG #1

      The first OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 21st November 2013:

      pad Operator

      29th November 2020 at 5:53pm
      purposereturns each item in the list padded to the specified length
      inputa selection of titles
      suffix(optional). Whether to pad by adding a "suffix" or "prefix". Defaults to "prefix".
      parameterthe pad operator accepts 1 or more parameters, see below for details
      outputthe input titles padded to the specified length

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.23

      The pad operator requires at least one parameter which specifies the desired length of the input titles. A second optional parameter can be used to specify the string to pad with (defaults to "0").

      • length : the desired final length of the input titles.
      • padding-string: (optional). The string to use to pad to the desired length. Defaults to "0".


      pad Operator (Examples)

      29th November 2020 at 6:00pm





      Paragraphs in WikiText

      14th December 2013 at 5:04pm

      To mark the end of a paragraph in TiddlyWiki you need to type enter twice to create a double line break:

      This is the first paragraph.
      And this is the second paragraph.

      Single line breaks are ignored within paragraphs. For example:

      This is a
      paragraph made
      up of
      short lines

      That renders as:

      This is a paragraph made up of short lines

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <p>This is a
      paragraph made
      up of
      short lines</p>

      For situations where this behaviour isn't convenient, you can also use Hard Linebreaks in WikiText.


      18th May 2023 at 1:40pm

      New in v5.3.0 The $parameters widget is used within transcluded content to declare the parameters to be made available to the $transclude widget.

      There are shortcuts for common scenarios that can often make it unnecessary to use the $parameters widget directly:

      The $parameters widget must be used directly in the following situations:

      • When the default value of a parameter must be computed dynamically
      • When the $depth attribute is used to retrieve parameters from a parent transclusion (see below)

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the $parameters widget is the scope within which the values of the parameters can be accessed as ordinary variables.

      $depthThe index of the parent transclusion from which to obtain the parameters (defaults to 1). See below
      $parseModeOptional name of a variable in which is made available the parse mode of the content of the parent transclusion (the parse mode can be "inline" or "block")
      $parseTreeNodesOptional name of a variable in which is made available the JSON representation of the parse tree nodes contained within the parent transclusion
      $slotFillParseTreeNodesOptional name of a variable in which is made available the JSON representation of the parse tree nodes corresponding to each fill widget contained within the parent transclusion (as an object where the keys are the slot names and the values are the parse tree nodes)
      $paramsOptional name of a variable in which is made available the JSON representation of the parameters passed to the parent transclusion (as an object where the keys are the parameter names and the values are the coresponding values)
      {attributes not starting with $}Any attributes that do not start with a dollar are used as parameters, with the value specifying the default to be used for missing parameters
      {other attributes starting with $}Other attributes starting with a single dollar sign are reserved for future use
      {attributes starting with $$}Attributes starting with two dollar signs are used as parameters to the transclusion, but with the name changed to use a single dollar sign. The value specifies the default to be used for missing parameters

      Note the special treatment required for parameters names that start with a $; this can be avoided by using one of the pragmas

      $depth Attribute

      By default, the $parameters widget retrieves parameters from the immediate parent transclusion. The $depth attribute permits access to the parameters of parent transclusions by specifying an index to the parent to be inspected ("1" is the immediate parent, "2" is the parent of that parent, etc.). This is useful in some situations where an intervening transclusion prevents immediate access to desired parameters.

      $parseMode, $parseTreeNodes, $slotFillParseTreeNodes and $params Attributes

      These attributes provide low level access to the contents of the transcluding widget:

      • The $params attribute provides access to the raw parameters provided to the transcluding widget. Represented in JSON as an object with keys of the parameter names and values of the corresponding parameter values
      • The $parseMode attribute contains block or inline to indicate whether the contents was parsed in block or inline mode
      • The $parseTreeNodes attribute provides access to the raw parse tree nodes that represent the contents of the transcluding widget. Represented in JSON as an array of parse tree nodes
      • The $slotFillParseTreeNodes attribute provides access to the raw parse tree nodes corresponding to the filled slots within the contents of the transcluding widget. Represented in JSON as an object with keys of the slot name and values being an array of parse tree nodes


      Example i: Shows transclusion of Sample Tiddler Template. The template tiddler has two parameters name and age and here their default values are used.

      <$transclude $tiddler="Sample Tiddler Template" />

      Example ii: Shows, another transclusion of Sample Tiddler Template, here the value of age is passed, but name uses its default value.

      <$transclude $tiddler="Sample Tiddler Template" age=33/>

      Example iii: Shows, another transclusion of Sample Tiddler Template, here the value of both name and age are passed.

      <$transclude $tiddler="Sample Tiddler Template" age=45 name="Jeremy Ruston" />

      In the simple form the above transclusion is equivalent to

      {{Sample Tiddler Template|Jeremy Ruston|45}}

      In this simple form, parameters passed by position not by name. So the first value is passed to the first parameter, here name and the second value is passed to the second parameter, here age.


      1. Passing parameter by name is good practice and is recommended for clarity. So for parameterized transclusions, the use of $transclude is recommended over simple form transclusion.
      2. When passing parameters value by position, you cannot pass the second parameter while the first one has not been passed.

      Example iv: Here the $parameters widget is used to declare a parameter whose default value is transcluded from another tiddler.

      \procedure myproc()
      <$parameters name={{$:/SiteTitle}} age="21">
      My name is <<name>> and my age is <<age>>.
      <$transclude $variable="myproc" age="19"/>

      ParametersWidget (Examples)

      18th May 2023 at 1:51pm

      Example i: Shows transclusion of Sample Tiddler Template. The template tiddler has two parameters name and age and here their default values are used.

      <$transclude $tiddler="Sample Tiddler Template" />

      Example ii: Shows, another transclusion of Sample Tiddler Template, here the value of age is passed, but name uses its default value.

      <$transclude $tiddler="Sample Tiddler Template" age=33/>

      Example iii: Shows, another transclusion of Sample Tiddler Template, here the value of both name and age are passed.

      <$transclude $tiddler="Sample Tiddler Template" age=45 name="Jeremy Ruston" />

      In the simple form the above transclusion is equivalent to

      {{Sample Tiddler Template|Jeremy Ruston|45}}

      In this simple form, parameters passed by position not by name. So the first value is passed to the first parameter, here name and the second value is passed to the second parameter, here age.


      1. Passing parameter by name is good practice and is recommended for clarity. So for parameterized transclusions, the use of $transclude is recommended over simple form transclusion.
      2. When passing parameters value by position, you cannot pass the second parameter while the first one has not been passed.

      Example iv: Here the $parameters widget is used to declare a parameter whose default value is transcluded from another tiddler.

      \procedure myproc()
      <$parameters name={{$:/SiteTitle}} age="21">
      My name is <<name>> and my age is <<age>>.
      <$transclude $variable="myproc" age="19"/>



      30th October 2013 at 8:37am


      The password widget displays a password input box that is bound to a named entry in the TiddlyWiki5 PasswordVault. Passwords are currently stored in the browsers local storage and are not themselves encrypted.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the <$password> widget is ignored.

      nameName of the password vault entry

      Percent Encoding

      28th February 2015 at 1:15pm

      Percent encoding is a notation that allows otherwise invalid characters to be included in a URI.

      Such characters are represented as a percent sign % followed by two additional characters.

      For example, a space is represented as %20 and an actual percent sign is represented as %25.


      14th October 2019 at 9:19am

      TiddlyWiki ships with defaults that are designed to get the best out of modern devices from smartphones to desktop computers. If you need to work on older, less powerful devices, or work with large amounts of content, there are a few steps you can take to improve performance.


      • Avoid the "Recent" tab. It is computationally slow to generate and update in response to tiddler changes.
      • Use the "Vanilla" theme. The default "Snow White" theme includes visual effects like shadows, transparency and blurring that can be slow to render on older devices
      • Avoid large tiddlers. Large bitmaps can significantly slow TiddlyWiki's performance. For example, an image taken with a modern smartphone will often be 5MB or more. Use ExternalImages whenever possible
      • Don't have too many tiddlers open at once. Every tiddler you have open will require processing to keep it up to date as the store changes (for example, while you type into a draft tiddler). It is particularly easy when using zoomin story view to end up with dozens of tiddlers listed in the Open tab in the sidebar. Get into the habit of periodically closing all open tiddlers with the close all button


      • Use the built-in performance instrumentation. Studying the performance instrumentation results can help highlight performance problems
      • Take advantage of indexed filter operators. The following constructions at the start of a filter run will be optimised to run many times faster than otherwise:
        • [all[tiddlers]tag[x]...
        • [all[shadows]tag[x]...
        • [all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[x]...
        • [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[x]...
        • [all[tiddlers]field:y[x]...
        • [all[shadows]field:y[x]...
        • [all[tiddlers+shadows]field:y[x]...
        • [all[shadows+tiddlers]field:y[x]...
        • Note that the field indexer currently defaults to indexing field values of less than 128 characters; longer values can still be searched for, but no index will be constructed
        • Also note that the “field” operator is also used when the operator name is a fieldname, so, for example, [all[shadows+tiddlers]caption[x]... is optimised.
      • Use the throttling feature of the RefreshMechanism judiciously
      • Keep in mind that transcluding separate tiddlers is more performant than heavy use of macros and the difference can be significant in some situations. The result of parsing each tiddler is cached and reused the next time if the tiddler has not changed. The same technique cannot be used for macros and they have to be re-parsed every time, as they are not global but local to the widget tree.
        • Introduced in v5.1.23 Parse trees are now cached for macros that do not perform any text substitution either via parameters or variables (i.e. $parameter$ or $(variable)$).
      • Where possible use the SetWidget or VarsWidget with filters instead of the WikifyWidget for declaring variables and string concatenation. The performance of the wikify mechanism is relatively poor as there is no opportunity to cache the parse tree or widget tree.

      Performance Instrumentation

      10th May 2019 at 1:34pm



      6th April 2021 at 1:12pm

      Permalinks allow direct links to individual tiddlers within a TiddlyWiki.

      Simple Permalinks

      The simplest form of permalink () is a single target tiddler title appended to the base URL with #:

      The tiddler title can contain spaces if required: TiddlyWiki on Node.js

      Note that double square brackets are not required around the target tiddler title; however, if present they are silently removed.

      Story Permalinks

      The permalink can also specify the story list of tiddlers that should be opened alongside the target tiddler as a TiddlerFilter: TiddlerTags TiddlerFields ContentType

      If the target tiddler isn't present in the story list then it is automatically inserted at the top. This means that the following two examples both target the tiddler Tiddlers within the story sequence Tiddlers, Tags, TiddlerFields: TiddlerFields Tags TiddlerFields

      It is also possible to specify a story filter without specifying a target tiddler for navigation:[tag[task]]

      About URL encoding

      There are technical restrictions on the legal characters in an URL fragment. To allow all tiddler titles to be addressed, illegal characters are subject to a process called "URL encoding" whereby problematic characters are replaced by their numeric code. For example, the space character is replaced with %20.

      Both the target tiddler title and the story filter should be URL encoded (but not the separating colon). TiddlyWiki generates properly encoded URLs which can look quite ugly. However, in practice browsers will usually perfectly happily process arbitrary characters in URL fragments. Thus when creating permalinks manually you can choose to ignore URL encoding.

      Permalink Behaviour

      Two important aspects of TiddlyWiki's behaviour with permalinks can be controlled via options in the control panel Settings tab:

      • Whether to automatically update the address bar at each navigation, and if so whether to include the story sequence as well as the target tiddler
      • Whether the updates to the address bar should affect browser history. The default is no; when switched to yes you can rewind navigation between tiddlers using the browser back and forward buttons

      Note that typing or navigating to a permalink will always cause the permalink to be processed, and tiddlers opened and closed as appropriate.

      Technical Details

      When TiddlyWiki starts up it processes permalinks according to the following steps; the same steps are repeated if the permalink changes dynamically (this happens in response to the user editing the address bar, for example).

      1. If the permalink contains a colon, treat the string before as the target and the string after it as the story filter
      2. If the permalink doesn't contain a colon, treat the entire string as the target and mark the story filter as unspecified
      3. If the story filter was unspecified and we're in the process of starting up, then set the story filter to the empty string if the target is specified, or to the default tiddlers if the target is unspecified
      4. If the story filter was unspecified and we're not starting up, then set the story filter to the current story list
      5. Evaluate the story filter as the story list
      6. If the target is specified and not present in the story list then add it at the top
      7. If the target is specified then navigate to it, otherwise navigate to the first tiddler in the story list

      PESpot Lesson Planner by Patrick Detzner

      3rd April 2015 at 10:52am

      A system for lesson planning built with TiddlyWiki.

      I built a program to help enter and store lesson plan information and then facilitate/automate some of the tedious work involved in creating the actual lesson plan document.

      Philosophy of Tiddlers

      19th September 2014 at 4:06pm

      The purpose of recording and organising information is so that it can be used again. The value of recorded information is directly proportional to the ease with which it can be re-used.

      The philosophy of tiddlers is that we maximise the possibilities for re-use by slicing information up into the smallest semantically meaningful units with rich modelling of relationships between them. Then we use aggregation and composition to weave the fragments together to present narrative stories.

      TiddlyWiki aspires to provide an algebra for tiddlers, a concise way of expressing and exploring the relationships between items of information.


      Places where the parser ignores WikiText

      21st September 2024 at 8:51am

      Text enclosed by these constructs is skipped by the parser and WikiText punctuation will be ignored:

      Code Blocks in WikiTextOne of the main purposes of code blocks is to suppress wikitext expansion. Once the code block starts, the parser will ignore all WikiText punctuation until the code block ends.
      Images in WikiText[[img|literal image link text]] - the text enclosed by square braces will be ignored. This means, for example, transclusions and macro calls cannot be used to dynamically construct the link text
      Linking in WikiText[[literal link target|literal link text]] - the text enclosed by square braces will be ignored. This means, for example, transclusions and macro calls cannot be used to dynamically construct the link target or the link text
      Macro Calls<<mymacro ''notbold'' "literal text" "<<macro_expansion_ignored>>" {{transclusion_ignored}}>> - while processing the text enclosed by a macro call, the parser will follow special rules for detecting macro parameters. These rules do not include detection of WikiText. However, after the parameters are substituted into the macro definition, the result will be parsed using the normal rules. This will likely result in the detection of any WikiText.


      12th April 2015 at 6:54pm

      TiddlyWiki can be used on several platforms:

      Plugin Dependencies

      28th September 2019 at 8:27am

      The simplest form of dependency between plugins is that one plugin can declare itself to be a sub-plugin of another plugin by specifying that plugin in the parent-plugin field. Sub-plugins are displayed in the control panel plugin chooser within the expandable area of their parent plugin. For example, the official plugin library includes the CodeMirror Plugin and also more than a dozen sub-plugins that extend the CodeMirror plugin with optional functionality. Note that sub-plugins cannot themselves have further sub-plugins.

      Plugins can also use their dependents field to list the titles of any other plugins that should also be installed. Note that the list is not resolved recursively: dependents of dependents will not be installed.

      When installing a plugin from the plugin library, both the parent-plugin and dependents fields are used to determine any additional plugins to be installed.

      Note that the dependents field is also used by the ThemeMechanism and the LanguageMechanism to switch in dependent theme/language plugins.

      Plugin Editions

      7th January 2016 at 10:37pm

      Plugin Fields

      28th September 2019 at 8:30am

      Plugins are stored as tiddlers with the following fields:

      author(optional) Author of plugin
      dependentsList of dependencies: plugins that should be installed in order for this one to work
      descriptionDescription of plugin
      listNames of exposed plugin information tiddlers (see below)
      nameBrief name of the plugin
      plugin-priority(optional) Numerical priority (higher numbers install later, the core plugin has a priority of zero
      plugin-typeGenerally plugin, language or theme; see PluginMechanism for details
      parent-plugin(optional) Introduced in v5.1.22 Title of the plugin under which this plugin should be displayed as a sub-plugin in the control panel plugin chooser
      source(optional) Source URL of plugin
      textJSON encoding of the list of tiddlers comprising the plugin
      titleTitle of plugin
      typeMust be application/json
      version(optional) Version string (should conform to SemanticVersioning convention)

      Plugin Information Tiddlers

      15th October 2016 at 12:17pm

      Information Tiddlers for Plugins

      Plugin authors are encouraged to provide special information and documentation tiddlers that TiddlyWiki can include as plugin information tabs in the control panel.

      Plugins should provide an icon contained in a tiddler with the title formed of <plugin-name>/icon (for example, $:/core/icon).

      Plugins expose the names of the individual information tabs that they wish to display in the list field of the plugin tiddler. By convention, some or all of the following should be provided:

      • readme: basic information about the plugin
      • license: the license under which the plugin is published

      The title of the associated information tiddler must be formed as follows:

      1. $:/<plugin-name>/<current-language>/<tab-name> (for example, $:/core/en-GB/readme)
      2. $:/<plugin-name>/<tab-name> (for example, $:/core/readme)

      Thus, plugins can provide language-specific versions of each information tiddler.

      Note that information tiddlers should not reference other tiddlers within the plugin. This is because plugins containing themes or languages are dynamically switched in and out as they are selected, and so their information tiddlers may not be available for viewing. The control panel uses the 'subtiddler' attribute of the TranscludeWidget to access these tiddlers, which works independently of the plugin switching mechanism.

      Plugin Ordering

      28th June 2022 at 4:01pm

      Using the Node.js client-server configuration plugins are activated in the following order:

      1. Plugins found using the OS environment variables
      2. Plugins stored in the wiki /plugins path
      3. Plugins specified in the command line
      4. Plugins imported by drag and drop as wiki content


      • Elements lower in the list take precedence
      • Including a plugin as an ordinary tiddler by drag and drop into the browser, will result in the plugin only being active in the browser
        • It will not be available under Node.js

      Option 1:

      • Using a Node.js configuration option 1 is the most common one
      • It lowers maintenence, because all plugins can be updated in one go

      Option 2:

      • Option 2 is preferred if you want to work with a fixed configuration
      • Plugin updates only effect the corresponding wiki

      Option 3:

      • This option allows to add and start an edition without the need to overwrite an existing file
      • It allows you to start any edition as a client-server edition, even if the file didn't specify it.

      Option 4:

      • Is the exact same mechanism used for a single-file wiki
      • This mechanism should only be used in a Node.js configuration for testing and debugging purposes, since the plugins are stored in the tiddlers/ directory

      Plugin Stability

      20th May 2024 at 4:28pm

      Plugin Types

      14th November 2021 at 10:26pm

      Plugins have a plugin-type field that determines how it is treated. The following values are defined by the core:

      The following plugin types are used internally by the core:

      While not supported by the plugin library, it is also possible to use custom plugin types to build plugin-like behaviour with a custom user interface. Plugins with a custom type will automatically receive the same behaviour as plain plugins but can display a custom user interface using an appropriate view template segment.

      By default, tiddlers within plugins with custom plugin types will not be registered as shadow tiddlers (the constituent tiddlers can still be addressed as subtiddlers by the TranscludeWidget, ViewWidget or the plugintiddlers Operator). Setting a configuration tiddler $:/config/RegisterPluginType/<plugin-type> to yes will cause the tiddlers within the plugin to be registered as shadow tiddlers.


      13th June 2022 at 12:35pm

      Working with Plugin Folders

      ├── plugins/
      │   ├── relink/
      │   │   ├── js/
      │   │   ├── tiddlers/
      │   │   └──
      │   └── relink-markdown/
      │       ├── js/
      │       ├──
      │       └── readme.tid
      ├── tiddlers/
      └── File

      On the server, plugins can be stored as ordinary JSON tiddlers but it is often more convenient to store them as separate tiddler files within folders. Plugin folders must contain a file that contains the metadata for the plugin. It can also optionally identify files external to the plugin folder that should be loaded as tiddlers.

      The file should contain the following JSON structure:

      The JSON structure for plugin tiddlers is as follows:

      	"title": "$:/plugins/publisher/name",
      	"name": "name",
      	"description": "An exemplary plugin for demonstration purposes",
      	"author": "JeremyRuston",
      	"version": "1.2.3-alpha3",
      	"core-version": ">=5.0.0",
      	"source": "",
      	"plugin-type": "plugin",
      	"list": "readme license history"

      By convention, the titles of the individual tiddlers are prefixed with the title of the containing plugin, but they are not restricted to do so.

      Note that if the version field is omitted from a file when the plugin folder is packed then it is automatically filled in by the core to the current core version number. This is to ensure that all the core plugins carry the correct version number. Generally plugin authors will want to ensure that they do explicitly specify a version number.


      20th May 2024 at 4:28pm


      Plugins are bundles of tiddlers that are distributed and managed as a single unit. Users can install them with drag and drop, or using the plugin library.

      Introduced in v5.1.22 Plugins that contain JavaScript modules require a reload of the wiki before they will work. Plugins that do not contain JavaScript modules are automatically dynamically loaded and unloaded.

      Plugins can be used to package any tiddler content, including JavaScript modules that extend and enhance the core TiddlyWiki5 functionality. The tiddlers within registered plugins are ShadowTiddlers: they can be freely overwritten by creating a tiddler with the same title, but deleting that tiddler restores the underlying tiddler value from the plugin.

      By convention, plugin titles have the form $:/plugins/<publisher>/<name>. Plugins that are part of the core TiddlyWiki distribution have titles of the form $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/<name>.

      When running TiddlyWiki under Node.js, plugins can also be stored as individual tiddler files in PluginFolders.

      Plugin Stability

      Plugins are recommended to have a stability field that communicates the state of development of the plugin. It can contain the following values:

      • STABILITY_0_DEPRECATED - Deprecated. This plugin is not recommended for new projects
      • STABILITY_1_EXPERIMENTAL - Experimental. Non-backward compatible changes or removal may occur in any future release. Use of the plugin is not recommended in production environments
      • STABILITY_2_STABLE - Stable.
      • STABILITY_3_LEGACY - Legacy. Although this plugin is unlikely to be removed, it is no longer actively maintained, and other alternatives are available

      These stability levels are taken from the Node.js project -

      Plugin Types

      Plugins have a plugin-type field that determines how it is treated. The following values are defined by the core:

      • plugin - an ordinary plugin
      • theme - a theme plugin (see ThemeMechanism). Only the theme plugin named in the tiddler $:/theme is activated at any one time (along with any dependent theme plugins)
      • language - a language plugin (see TranslationMechanism). Only the language plugin named in the tiddler $:/language is activated at any one time (along with any dependent language plugins)

      The following plugin types are used internally by the core:

      While not supported by the plugin library, it is also possible to use custom plugin types to build plugin-like behaviour with a custom user interface. Plugins with a custom type will automatically receive the same behaviour as plain plugins but can display a custom user interface using an appropriate view template segment.

      By default, tiddlers within plugins with custom plugin types will not be registered as shadow tiddlers (the constituent tiddlers can still be addressed as subtiddlers by the TranscludeWidget, ViewWidget or the plugintiddlers Operator). Setting a configuration tiddler $:/config/RegisterPluginType/<plugin-type> to yes will cause the tiddlers within the plugin to be registered as shadow tiddlers.

      Plugin Dependencies

      The simplest form of dependency between plugins is that one plugin can declare itself to be a sub-plugin of another plugin by specifying that plugin in the parent-plugin field. Sub-plugins are displayed in the control panel plugin chooser within the expandable area of their parent plugin. For example, the official plugin library includes the CodeMirror Plugin and also more than a dozen sub-plugins that extend the CodeMirror plugin with optional functionality. Note that sub-plugins cannot themselves have further sub-plugins.

      Plugins can also use their dependents field to list the titles of any other plugins that should also be installed. Note that the list is not resolved recursively: dependents of dependents will not be installed.

      When installing a plugin from the plugin library, both the parent-plugin and dependents fields are used to determine any additional plugins to be installed.

      Note that the dependents field is also used by the ThemeMechanism and the LanguageMechanism to switch in dependent theme/language plugins.

      Plugin Ordering

      Using the Node.js client-server configuration plugins are activated in the following order:

      1. Plugins found using the OS environment variables
      2. Plugins stored in the wiki /plugins path
      3. Plugins specified in the command line
      4. Plugins imported by drag and drop as wiki content


      • Elements lower in the list take precedence
      • Including a plugin as an ordinary tiddler by drag and drop into the browser, will result in the plugin only being active in the browser
        • It will not be available under Node.js

      Option 1:

      • Using a Node.js configuration option 1 is the most common one
      • It lowers maintenence, because all plugins can be updated in one go

      Option 2:

      • Option 2 is preferred if you want to work with a fixed configuration
      • Plugin updates only effect the corresponding wiki

      Option 3:

      • This option allows to add and start an edition without the need to overwrite an existing file
      • It allows you to start any edition as a client-server edition, even if the file didn't specify it.

      Option 4:

      • Is the exact same mechanism used for a single-file wiki
      • This mechanism should only be used in a Node.js configuration for testing and debugging purposes, since the plugins are stored in the tiddlers/ directory

      Plugin Fields

      Plugins are stored as tiddlers with the following fields:

      author(optional) Author of plugin
      dependentsList of dependencies: plugins that should be installed in order for this one to work
      descriptionDescription of plugin
      listNames of exposed plugin information tiddlers (see below)
      nameBrief name of the plugin
      plugin-priority(optional) Numerical priority (higher numbers install later, the core plugin has a priority of zero
      plugin-typeGenerally plugin, language or theme; see PluginMechanism for details
      parent-plugin(optional) Introduced in v5.1.22 Title of the plugin under which this plugin should be displayed as a sub-plugin in the control panel plugin chooser
      source(optional) Source URL of plugin
      textJSON encoding of the list of tiddlers comprising the plugin
      titleTitle of plugin
      typeMust be application/json
      version(optional) Version string (should conform to SemanticVersioning convention)

      More information


      17th June 2022 at 1:38pm


      Plugins in TiddlyWiki5 can be used to distribute optional components that customise and extend wiki. You can install them from the official plugin library or from community sites.

      Internally, plugins are a bundle of tiddlers packaged together as a single tiddler that can be installed, copied, disabled or deleted as a unit. The individual tiddlers within a plugin appear as shadow tiddlers.

      Plugins can contain JavaScript modules, style sheets, and templates. Plugins can also be used to distribute ordinary text, images or any other content.

      Handling Plugins with a Single File Wiki

      Handling Plugins with a Client - Server Configuration (Node.js)

      Plugin Mechanism

      The PluginMechanism tiddler contains more details about how plugins are implemented internally.

      You can open the plugin details in the on the Plugins sub-tab.

      There is a plugin called $:/core that contains the main core code of TiddlyWiki. It is always present, and it is the source of default ShadowTiddlers.

      Plugins by TheDiveO

      6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

      A collection of plugins from TheDiveO.

      TheDiveO's Third Flow plugin construction system:

      The ThirdFlow plugin brings to you another way to develop customisation plugins for TiddlyWiki 5. It is not enforcing a specific development flow, it simply tries to help you. Otherwise, it tries to stay out of your way.

      TheDiveO's FontAwesome plugin:

      The FontAwesome plugin supports embedding Font Awesome in TiddlyWiki 5. There is no need to install this font into your operating system in order to use it with TiddlyWiki 5. The font is already embedded in this TiddlyWiki 5 customisation plugin instead, so nothing else to install.


      17th June 2022 at 12:45pm

      plugintiddlers Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 7:03pm
      purposeselect all shadow titles in the input plugins
      inputa selection of plugin tiddler titles
      outputall shadow titles contained in the input plugins

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      plugintiddlers Operator (Examples)

      23rd January 2015 at 10:30pm



      23rd December 2015 at 10:27pm

      The popup mechanism allows blocks of content to be selectively displayed and positioned with respect to an anchor. It has several parts:

      • StateTiddlers to record whether a popup is currently displayed or not
      • The RevealWidget to selectively display the popup content
        • Introduced in v5.2.4 For positioning the popups relative or absolute coordinates can be used. See Coordinate Systems for more information about usage and format.
        • For "sticky" popups — those that don't close when clicking inside one — set the class attribute to tc-popup-keep
      • The ButtonWidget to trigger the display of the popup by setting the state tiddler appropriately

      power Operator

      20th November 2020 at 4:08am
      purposetreating each input title as a number, raise it to the power of the numeric value of the parameter
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterN=a number
      outputthe input as numbers, but with each one raised to the power of N

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      power Operator (Examples)

      20th November 2020 at 4:15am


      9 +[power[2]]


      22nd January 2022 at 6:28pm

      Pragma: \define

      17th December 2023 at 6:55pm

      The \define pragma is used to define macros. It is a shortcut syntax for the SetVariableWidget.

      The usual form allows macros to span multiple lines.

      \define <macro-name>(<param-name>[:<param-default-value>],<param-name>[:<param-default-value>]...)
      \end [<macro-name>]

      Note that the \end marker can optionally specify the name of the macro to which it relates which allows macro definitions to be nested.

      There is also a single line form for shorter macros:

      \define <macro-name>(<param-name>[:<param-default-value>],<param-name>[:<param-default-value>]...) <single-line-definition-text>

      The first line of the definition specifies the macro name and any parameters. Each parameter has a name and, optionally, a default value that is used if no value is supplied on a particular call to the macro.

      The lines that follow contain the text of the macro text (i.e. the snippet represented by the macro name), until \end appears on a line by itself:

      \define sayhi(name:"Bugs Bunny",address:"Rabbit Hole Hill")
      Hi, I'm $name$ and I live in $address$.

      Alternatively, the entire definition can be presented on a single line without an \end marker:

      \define sayhi(name:"Bugs Bunny") Hi, I'm $name$.

      Macro definitions can be nested by specifying the name of the macro in the \end marker. For example:

      \define special-button(caption:"Click me")
      \define actions()
      <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" $param="HelloThere"/>
      \end actions
      <$button actions=<<actions>>>
      \end special-button

      That renders as:

      If macros are nested, textual substitution will only occur for the outermost macro. Thi is because by the time the inner macros are processed all the substitutions will have already occurred

      A more formal presentation of this syntax is also available.

      Pragma: \function

      19th April 2023 at 10:31am

      New in v5.3.0 The \function pragma is used to define custom functions. It is a shortcut syntax for the SetVariableWidget.

      The usual form allows custom functions to span multiple lines:

      \function <function-name>(<param-name>[:<param-default-value>],<param-name>[:<param-default-value>]...)
      \end [<function-name>]

      Note that the \end marker can optionally specify the name of the function to which it relates, enabling function definitions to be nested inside procedures, macros or widget definitions.

      There is also a single line form for shorter functions:

      \function <function-name>(<param-name>[:<param-default-value>],<param-name>[:<param-default-value>]...) <single-line-definition-text>

      The first line of the definition specifies the function name and any parameters. Each parameter has a name and, optionally, a default value that is used if no value is supplied on a particular call to the function. The lines that follow contain the text of the function (i.e. the snippet represented by the function name), until \end appears on a line by itself:

      See Functions for more details.

      Pragma: \import

      19th April 2023 at 10:31am

      The \import pragma is used to import definitions from other tiddlers that are identified with a filter. It is a shortcut syntax for the ImportVariablesWidget.

      \import <filter>

      For example:

      \import [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Global]]

      Pragma: \parameters

      18th May 2023 at 2:35pm

      New in v5.3.0 The \parameters pragma is used within procedure and widget definitions to declare the parameters that are expected, and their default values. It is a shortcut syntax for the ParametersWidget.

      \parameters (<name>[:<default-value>],<name>[:<default-value>]...)

      For example:

      \parameters (firstname:"Joe",lastname:"Blogs")

      To illustrate the use of \parameters pragma, see Core Icons which are parameterised. The first parameter size specified the size at which the icon should be rendered. For example see the text of $:/core/images/print-button tiddler. The first line defines the size parameter as \parameters (size:"22pt")

      <$transclude $tiddler="$:/core/images/print-button" size="32px"/>

      That renders as:

      In the above example, the first line shows a simple transclusion of $:/core/images/print-button icon with size parameter passed by position and is set to 16px. The second line is a transclusion of image with size parameter passed by name and is set to 32px.

      Pragma: \parsermode

      17th January 2023 at 11:22am
      Introduced in v5.2.4

      The \parsermode pragma adjusts whether the remaining text is parsed in block mode or inline mode. See WikiText Parser Modes for details of parser modes.

      As with all pragmas, setting the parser mode this way can only be done at the start of text, not within the main body of the text.

      \parsermode block or \parsermode inline

      Pragma: \procedure

      24th July 2023 at 6:40pm

      New in v5.3.0 The \procedure pragma is used to define procedures. It is a shortcut syntax for the SetVariableWidget with an implicit ParametersWidget.

      The usual form allows procedures to span multiple lines:

      \procedure <procedure-name>(<param-name>[:<param-default-value>],<param-name>[:<param-default-value>]...)
      \end [<procedure-name>]

      Note that the \end marker can optionally specify the name of the procedure to which it relates which allows procedure definitions to be nested.

      There is also a single line form for shorter procedures:

      \procedure <procedure-name>(<param-name>[:<param-default-value>],<param-name>[:<param-default-value>]...) <single-line-definition-text>

      The first line of the definition specifies the procedure name and any parameters. Each parameter has a name and, optionally, a default value that is used if no value is supplied on a particular call to the procedure. The lines that follow contain the text of the procedure text (i.e. the snippet represented by the procedure name), until \end appears on a line by itself:

      For example:

      \procedure sayhi(name:"Bugs Bunny")
      Hi, I'm <<name>>.
      <<sayhi "Jeremy">>

      Alternatively, the entire definition can be presented on a single line without an \end marker:

      \procedure sayhi(name:"Bugs Bunny") Hi, I'm <<name>>.

      Procedure definitions can be nested by specifying the name of the procedure in the \end marker. For example:

      \procedure special-button(caption:"Click me")
      \procedure actions()
      <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" $param="HelloThere"/>
      \end actions
      <$button actions=<<actions>>>
      \end special-button

      That renders as:

      Use of Parameters Inside Procedures

      The parameters can be declared inside procedures. The parameters widget is necessary in a procedure if you want to use computed default values. For example:

      \procedure myproc()
      <$parameters name={{$:/SiteTitle}} desc={{$:/SiteSubtitle}}>
      This is <<name>> demonstrates <<desc>>.

      That renders as:

      This is TiddlyWiki v5.3.6 demonstrates a non-linear personal web notebook.

      Caution in Using Positional Parameters

      Procedures are a shortcut syntax for the SetVariableWidget with an implicit ParametersWidget, so generally there is no reason to have multiple parameters widgets within a definition. In the below example when passing x to myproc, it will also be set to a:

      \procedure myproc(x:10)
      \parameters (a:100, b:200)
      x=<<x>>, a=<<a>>, b=<<b>>
      <<myproc 50>>

      That renders as:

      x=50, a=50, b=200

      The reason for that result is clearer if we consider an equivalent with explicit parameters widgets.

      <$let myprog="""
      \parameters (x:10)
      \parameters (a:100, b:200)
      x=<<x>>, a=<<a>>, b=<<b>>
      <<myprog 50>>

      That renders as:

      x=50, a=50, b=200

      This is because those two parameters widgets are entirely independent. They are both processed as if the other parameter widget is not there.

      The positional parameters are only required when using the parameterised transclusion shortcut syntax, and that in other cases it is generally clearer to use named parameters.

      To prevent such situation of above example, pass parameters by name as below.

      \procedure myproc(x:10)
      \parameters (a:100, b:200)
      x=<<x>>, a=<<a>>, b=<<b>>
      <<myproc x:50>>

      That renders as:

      x=50, a=100, b=200

      Pragma: \rules

      23rd September 2024 at 4:17pm

      The \rules pragma adjusts the set of parser rules used to parse the remaining text.

      \rules only|except <rule-list>

      The list of available parser rules can be consulted in $:/ControlPanel -> Info -> Advanced -> Parsing.

      For example, in stylesheets it is typical to only use the rules associated with macros and transclusions:

      \rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline

      Disable CamelCase for just one tiddler:

      \rules except wikilink

      Pragma: \whitespace

      21st September 2023 at 6:03pm

      Introduced in v5.1.15 The \whitespace pragma determines how spaces and newlines are treated within wikitext.

      • notrim – whitespace text is not subject to special processing (the default)
      • trim – whitespace text is ignored

      Note that the processing only applies to the printable text, and not to other text, such as the values of attributes.

      The whitespace setting only applies to the parsed content in which it appears. The setting is inherited by embedded Procedure Definitions and Custom Widgets definitions, but is not inherited by Macro definitions.

      \whitespace trim|notrim

      For example:

      \whitespace trim

      Pragma: \widget

      19th April 2023 at 10:31am

      New in v5.3.0 The \widget pragma is used to define custom widgets. It is a shortcut syntax for the SetVariableWidget with an implicit ParametersWidget.

      The usual form allows custom widgets to span multiple lines:

      \widget <widget-name>(<param-name>[:<param-default-value>],<param-name>[:<param-default-value>]...)
      \end [<widget-name>]

      Note that the \end marker can optionally specify the name of the widget to which it relates which allows widget definitions to be nested.

      There is also a single line form for shorter widgets:

      \widget <widget-name>(<param-name>[:<param-default-value>],<param-name>[:<param-default-value>]...) <single-line-definition-text>

      The first line of the definition specifies the widget name and any parameters. Each parameter has a name and, optionally, a default value that is used if no value is supplied on a particular call to the widget. The lines that follow contain the text of the widget text (i.e. the snippet represented by the widget name), until \end appears on a line by itself:

      See Custom Widgets for more details.


      21st July 2023 at 6:44am

      A pragma is a special component of WikiText that provides control over the way the remaining text is parsed.

      Pragmas occupy lines that start with \. They can only appear at the start of the text of a tiddler, but blank lines and comments are allowed between them. If a pragma appears in the main body of the text, it is treated as if it was ordinary text.

      Introduced in v5.2.6 Pragmas can have preceding optional whitespace characters.

      The following pragmas are available:

      precision Operator

      11th June 2019 at 3:14pm
      purposeconvert each number to a string with N significant digits
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterN=a number
      outputthe input as numbers with N significant digits

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.20 See Mathematics Operators for an overview.

      The precision operator returns a string representation of the input number that has exactly the specified number of significant digits, using whichever is shorter of exponential or fixed notation.


      precision Operator (Examples)

      11th June 2019 at 3:42pm

      123456789 +[precision[3]]

      123456789 +[precision[13]]

      1.23E23 +[precision[90]]

      prefix Operator

      11th July 2023 at 8:28am
      purposefilter the input titles by how they start
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixthe prefix operator uses a rich suffix, see below for details
      parameterS=a string of characters
      outputthose input titles that start with S
      ! outputthose input tiddlers that do not start with S

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.2.2

      The prefix operator uses an extended syntax that permits multiple flags to be passed:

      [prefix:<flag list>[<parameter>]
      • flag list: a comma delimited list of flags

      The available flags are:

      • casesensitive: (default), this flag forces a case-sensitive match, where upper and lower case letters are considered different
      • caseinsensitive: overrides the default so that upper and lower case letters are considered identical for matching purposes


      prefix Operator (Examples)

      18th February 2022 at 2:34am




      → same as [is[system]]

      prepend Operator

      8th November 2015 at 5:17am
      purposeprepend a range of items from an array to the list
      inputa list of items
      suffixan integer N, defaulting to all
      parameterlist=the array of items to be prepended to the head of the list
      outputa list with items prepended from the head of the parameter array
      ! outputa list with items prepended from the tail of the parameter array

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      prepend Operator (Examples)

      21st March 2023 at 1:04pm

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      The operator may be used to prepend a number of items to the list.

      [list[Days of the Week]prepend[Yesterday Today Tomorrow]]

      The parameter may list only items without spaces – to include items with spaces, use a reference to an array, e.g. prepend the last three short days of the week to the list

      [list[Days of the Week]!prepend:3{Days of the Week!!short}]

      Preserving open tiddlers at startup

      12th September 2014 at 2:22pm

      Ordinarily, at startup TiddlyWiki displays the tiddlers specified as a filter in the tiddler $:/DefaultTiddlers.

      Sometimes it's useful to re-open the same tiddlers that were open when the file was saved. To do so, set $:/DefaultTiddlers to this filter:


      This filter returns the tiddlers specified in the $:/StoryList tiddler, which is the system tiddler that TiddlyWiki uses to store the sequence of tiddlers in the current story.

      previous Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 7:05pm
      purposefind which titles in a list field precede the input ones
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterT=a tiddler title
      outputa selection containing each title that immediately precedes each of the input titles in the list field of T

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Each input title is processed in turn, and its predecessor is located in the list field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the first item there, then it contributes nothing to the output.


      previous Operator (Examples)

      23rd January 2015 at 10:34pm

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [[Wednesday]previous[Days of the Week]]

      [[Monday]previous[Days of the Week]]

      Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[previous[Days of the Week]]

      Procedure Call Syntax

      10th March 2024 at 5:26pm

      What follows is a formal presentation of the syntax of the WikiText syntax for procedure calls, using railroad diagrams.




      Each individual param-value has the following syntax:

      • The param-name is a sequence of letters (AZ, az), digits (09), hyphens (-) and underscores (_).
      • The value is specified as follows:
      """anything but """""""anything but ""'anything but ''[[anything but ]]]anything but ' " or whitespace

      Procedure Calls

      19th April 2023 at 10:31am


      This tiddler describes the different ways in which procedure can be called.

      Procedure Call Transclusion Shortcut

      To call a procedure, place <<double angle brackets>> around the name and any parameter values.

      <<my-procedure param:"This is the parameter value">>

      By default, parameters are listed in the same order as in the procedure definition. A parameter can be labelled with its name and a colon to allow them to be listed in a different order.

      If no value is specified for a parameter, the default value given for that parameter in the procedure definition is used instead. (If no default value was defined, the parameter is blank).

      Each parameter value can be enclosed in 'single quotes', "double quotes", """triple double quotes""" or [[double square brackets]]. Triple double quotes allow a value to contain almost anything. If a value contains no spaces or single or double quotes, it requires no delimiters.

      See the discussion about parser modes

      Procedure Calls with $transclude Widget

      The shortcut syntax expands to the $transclude widget with the $variable attribute specifying the name of the procedure to transclude.

      <$transclude $variable="my-procedure" param="This is the parameter value"/>

      The widget itself offers greater flexibility than the shortcut syntax, including the ability to specify dynamic parameter values.

      Assigning Procedure Calls to Attribute Values

      The text of a procedure can be directly assigned to an attribute of a widget or HTML element. The result of the procedure is not wikified, which means that parameter handling does not take place.

      <div class=<<myclasses>>>

      Using Procedure Calls in Filters

      Procedure calls can be used in filters. The text is not wikified which again means that the parameters will be ignored.

      <$list filter="[<my-procedure>]">

      Procedure Definition Syntax

      10th March 2024 at 5:50pm

      What follows is a formal presentation of the syntax of the Pragma: \procedure, using railroad diagrams.


      There are 2 types of procedure definitions

      • Single line definitions
      • Multi line definitions

      Single Line

      Single line definitions should only be used for very short bodies, where the procedure name, params and the body fit into 1 line terminated with a line-feed.


      Multi Line

      The majority of procedure definitions will have a body, that spans over several lines of wikitext. Those procedure definitions are terminated using the "\end" pragma


      The procedure-name is a sequence of non-whitespace characters other than ( or >.

      • procedure-name is a sequence of letters (AZ, az), digits (09), hyphens (-) and underscores (_)
      • body is wikitext including nested procedures
      • space denotes a sequence of whitespace characters


      The parameter declaration list (params) has the following syntax:

      • sep is any sequence of characters that does not match a param-name.
        Among other things, this includes commas, spaces and linefeeds.

      Each individual parameter has the following syntax:

      • param-name is a sequence of letters (AZ, az), digits (09), hyphens (-) and underscores (_).
      • default is an optional value of a parameter is specified as follows:
      """anything but """""""anything but ""'anything but ''[[anything but ]]]anything but ' " or whitespace


      The body of the definition has the following syntax:

      • wikitext is any sequence of characters that doesn't terminate the macro definition.
        • If nested procedures are used they need to be at the start of the wikitext. There are the same rules as if the wikitext would be in a tiddler.
        • Pragmas need to be before standard wikitext.
      • lf denotes a linefeed.

      Procedure Definitions

      21st September 2023 at 6:03pm


      This tiddler describes the different ways in which Procedures can be defined.

      Procedure Definition Pragma

      Procedures are created using the Pragma: \procedure at the start of a tiddler. The definitions are available in the rest of the tiddler that defines them, plus any tiddlers that it transcludes.

      \procedure my-procedure(param)
      This is the procedure text (param=<<param>>)

      Note that the Pragma: \whitespace setting is inherited from the parsing context in which the procedure definition occurs. That means that a tiddler containing multiple procedure definitions only needs a single whitespace pragma at the top of the tiddler, and the setting will be automatically inherited by the procedure definitions without needing the pragma to be repeated.

      Procedure Definition with Set Widget

      Procedures are implemented as a special kind of variable and so internally are actually defined with a $set widget.

      <$set name="my-procedure" value="This is the procedure text">

      that it is not currently possible to specify parameters when defining a procedure with the $set widget.

      Importing Procedure Definitions

      The Pragma: \import or $importvariables widget can be used to copy procedure definitions from another tiddler.

      $:/tags/Global Tag

      Global procedures can be defined using the SystemTag: $:/tags/Global.

      The tag SystemTag: $:/tags/Global/View is used to define procedures that should only be available within the main view template and the preview panel.

      The tag SystemTag: $:/tags/Global/View/Body is used to define procedures that should only be available within the main view template body and the preview panel.

      Procedure Parameter Handling

      19th April 2023 at 10:31am


      Procedure parameters are made available as variables when the procedure contents are wikified.

      Accessing Parameters as Variables

      When procedures are wikified, the parameters can be accessed as variables.

      For example:

      \procedure say-hi(name,address)
      Hi, I'm <<name>> and I live in <<address>>.
      <<say-hi name:"Bugs" address:"Rabbit Hole Hill">>

      That renders as:

      Hi, I'm Bugs and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill.

      Accessing parameters as variables only works in procedures that are wikified and not, for example, when a procedure is used as an attribute value.

      Procedure Syntax

      10th March 2024 at 5:33pm

      Plain text description can be found at Procedures

      The railroad boxes in the linked tiddlers can be used to navigate.


      22nd April 2024 at 9:03am


      New in v5.3.0 A procedure is a named snippet of text. They are typically defined with the Pragma: \procedure:

      \procedure my-procedure(parameter:"Default value")
      This is the procedure, and the parameter is <<parameter>>.

      The name wrapped in double angled brackets is a shorthand way of transcluding the snippet. Each of these procedure calls can supply a different set of parameters:

      <<my-procedure "The parameter">>
      <<my-procedure parameter:"The parameter">>

      The parameters that are specified in the procedure call are made available as variables.

      If a procedure has more than one parameter, it is highly encouraged to use "named parameters", as shown in the third example above and in contrast to the second example. Even if it is more to type, it will pay off in the long run.

      How Procedures Work

      Procedures are implemented as a special kind of variable. The only thing that distinguishes them from ordinary variables is the way that the parameters are handled.

      Using Procedures

      Product Hunt Link

      product Operator

      11th June 2019 at 4:02pm
      purposeproduce the product of the input numbers
      inputa selection of titles
      outputthe result of multiplying together the input as numbers

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      product Operator (Examples)

      11th June 2019 at 4:02pm

      =1 =2 =3 =4 =5 +[product[]]



      Projectify by Nicolas Petton

      7th April 2022 at 6:12pm

      Project & todo management for TiddlyWiki.

      Projectify is a TiddlyWiki plugin for managing projects & todo lists, inspired by products like Todoist and Basecamp.

      Projectify features:

      • An inbox for collecting tasks and thoughts
      • Projects to structure tasks together into separate todo-lists
      • Support for scheduling tasks
      • A dashboard to quickly view all projects, the inbox, or scheduled tasks

      Note: The original site,, no longer exists. The provided site is a maintained fork, though not by the original creator.

      putafter Operator

      8th November 2015 at 5:18am
      purposemove N trailing items after the marker
      inputa list of items
      suffixan integer N, defaulting to 1
      parametermarker=the list item to be used as a marker
      outputre-ordered list of items

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      putafter Operator (Examples)

      8th November 2015 at 5:18am

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [list[Days of the Week]] +[putafter[Wednesday]]

      [list[Days of the Week]] +[putafter:2[Tuesday]]

      [list[Days of the Week]] [[Yesterday]] [[Today]] [[Tomorrow]] +[putafter:3[Tuesday]]

      putbefore Operator

      purposemove N trailing items before the marker
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixan integer N, defaulting to 1
      parametermarker=an integer, defaulting to 1
      outputthe first N input titles

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      putbefore Operator (Examples)

      8th November 2015 at 5:19am

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [list[Days of the Week]] +[putbefore[Wednesday]]

      [list[Days of the Week]] +[putbefore:2[Tuesday]]

      [list[Days of the Week]] [[Yesterday]] [[Today]] [[Tomorrow]] +[putbefore:3[Tuesday]]

      putfirst Operator

      8th November 2015 at 5:19am
      purposemove N trailing items to the head of the list
      inputa list of items
      suffixan integer N, defaulting to 1
      outputre-ordered list of items

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      putfirst Operator (Examples)

      8th November 2015 at 5:19am

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [list[Days of the Week]] +[putfirst[]]

      [list[Days of the Week]] +[putfirst:2[]]

      [list[Days of the Week]] [[Yesterday]] [[Today]] [[Tomorrow]] +[putfirst:-2[]]

      putlast Operator

      8th November 2015 at 5:20am
      purposemove N leading items to the tail of the list
      inputa list of items
      suffixan integer N, defaulting to 1
      outputre-ordered list of items

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      putlast Operator (Examples)

      8th November 2015 at 5:20am

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [list[Days of the Week]] +[putlast[]]

      [list[Days of the Week]] +[putlast:2[]]

      one two three [list[Days of the Week]] +[putlast:-3[]]

      Q: How can I style a tiddler if it has "this" AND "that" tag?

      11th April 2018 at 5:39pm

      Answer: Introduced in v5.1.16

      If tiddler has both: this AND tag that create an orange border.

      [data-tags*="bar"][data-tags*="froz"] {
        border: 2px solid orange;

      If your CSS looks like this:

      [data-tags~="this"] {
        border: 2px solid blue;
      [data-tags~="that"] {
        border: 2px solid red;

      this creates a blue border that creates a red border If you swap positions, you get it the other way around.

      Learn more about possible attributes!

      Q: How can I style a tiddler if it has "this" OR "that" tag?

      11th April 2018 at 5:39pm

      Answer: Introduced in v5.1.16

      Either tag this or tag that create a red border.

      [data-tags~="that"] {
        border: 2px solid red;

      Learn more about possible attributes!

      Q: How can I use a custom field to style a tiddler?

      11th April 2018 at 5:39pm

      Consider the following usecase: Introduced in v5.1.16

      There is a field named: rank, which can hold different values eg: species.


      The idea is now: We dynamically create the stylesheet. The style-sheet can look like this:

      title: myStyles
      tags: $:/tags/Stylesheet

      <$list filter="[rank[species]]"> 
      [data-tiddler-title^="<$view field=title/>"] .tc-tiddler-body {
          column-count: 2;

      This creates a CSS rule for every tiddler-title, that has a field rank and value species.

      Learn more about possible attributes!

      Q: Is there a way to create dynamic stylesheets?

      11th April 2018 at 5:39pm

      Q: What if a tiddler has no tags?

      11th April 2018 at 5:39pm

      Answer: Introduced in v5.1.16

      • If a tiddler has no tags, but needs styling use: data-tiddler-title as CSS selector
        • There is only one tiddler
      • If a user wants to style system tiddlers in a custom way: use: [data-tiddler-title^="$:"/] as a selector
        • using the TW namespace functionality
      • If the user wants special behaviour for tagged tiddlers. eg: Learning
        • use: [data-tags*="Learning"] as CSS selector.

      The names I'm using are only used for documentation purpose, without changing the existing wiki. I don't want, that the docs has side effects.

      Learn more about possible attributes!

      qualify Macro

      21st February 2015 at 10:38pm

      The qualify macro is an important part of the StateMechanism.

      It returns a unique string that encodes its position within the widget tree, as identified by the stack of transcluded tiddlers that lead to that position.

      It is implemented using the transclusion variable.


      The prefix for the returned string, normally a tiddler title


      qualify Macro (Examples)

      The results returned by the qualify macro depend on its location in the transclusion stack.

      The two examples below are identical, but produce different results because the second one has been transcluded from another tiddler.

      Each example shows the result of calling qualify and then the value of the transclusion variable.

      <li><code><<qualify "BaseTiddler">></code></li>

      <li><code><<qualify "BaseTiddler">></code></li>


      25th January 2022 at 4:30pm


      The $qualify widget sets a variable to a unique string that encodes its position within the widget tree, as identified by the stack of transcluded tiddlers that lead to that position.

      Internally, it is implemented using the transclusion variable.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the $qualify widget is the scope for the value assigned to the name variable.

      titleThe prefix for the string, normally a tiddler title
      nameThe name of the variable to be set to the unique string


      The two examples below are identical, but produce different results because the second one has been transcluded from another tiddler.

      Each example shows the result of calling qualify and then the value of the transclusion variable.

      <$qualify title="BaseTiddler" name="iamnotanumber">
      <$qualify title="BaseTiddler" name="iamnotanumber">


      In most cases it will be simpler to use the qualify Macro.

      Quick Start

      15th November 2024 at 5:08pm

      Quick Start: Desktop

      Download the official desktop application for macOS, Windows and Linux

      Quick Start: DIY

      Find the configuration that is right for you to get the full benefits of TiddlyWiki

      Quick Start: Tiddlyhost

      The easiest way to get started with an online TiddlyWiki

      Quick Start: Xememex

      For companies and teams, a multiuser TiddlyWiki from Intertwingled Innovations


      10th November 2017 at 10:01am

      Wikipedia defines a Quine as a computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output.

      TiddlyWiki is an unusual example of a practical quine: it is this ability to produce a copy of its own source code that lies at the heart of TiddlyWiki's ability to independently save changes to itself.

      "Quine" is also the name of the unofficial TiddlyWiki application for iPhone/iPad


      13th November 2023 at 9:33am


      The radio widget displays an HTML <input type="radio"> that reflects whether a given tiddler field has a specified value. Selecting the radio button sets to the tiddler field to the value.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the <$radio> widget is displayed within an HTML <label> element also containing the radio button. This means that clicking on the content will have the same effect as clicking on the button itself.

      tiddlerTitle of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the current tiddler)
      fieldThe field of the tiddler bound to the radio button
      indexIntroduced in v5.1.14 The index of the tiddler being DataTiddler bound to the radio button (takes precedence over field)
      defaultIntroduced in v5.2.0 The default value to be used for matching if the tiddler, field or index are missing
      valueThe value for the field or index of the tiddler
      classThe CSS classes assigned to the label around the radio button Introduced in v5.1.14 tc-radio is always applied by default, as well as tc-radio-selected when selected
      actionsIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional string containing ActionWidgets to be triggered when the value changes.
      The variable: actionValue is available for the actions
      disabledIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional. Set to "yes" to disable the radio input. Defaults to "no"
      data-*New in v5.3.2 Optional data attributes to be assigned to the <input> HTML element
      style.*New in v5.3.2 Optional CSS properties to be assigned to the <input> HTML element

      Field Mode

      This example uses the radio widget to change the modifier field of this tiddler:

      <$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
      <$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>

      That renders as:

      Index Mode

      Using the radio widget in index mode requires the index attribute to specify the name of the index of a DataTiddler to which the specified value is assigned.

      This example sets the Tree Frog index in the tiddler AnimalColours:

      <$tiddler tiddler="AnimalColours">
      <$radio index="Tree Frog" value="green"> green</$radio>
      <$radio index="Tree Frog" value="brown"> brown</$radio>

      That renders as:

      Using Actions

      When you select an option below the following acitons will occur:

      The wikitext of this example is shown below:

      \define newText() value: $(actionValue)$
      \define radioActions()
      <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" $param="RadioWidget ExampleTemplate" value=<<actionValue>> current=<<currentTiddler>> />
      <$action-createtiddler $basetitle="$:/temp/test/value" $overwrite="yes" text=<<newText>>/>
      <$action-navigate $to="$:/temp/test/value"/>
      !! Using Actions
      When you select an option below the following acitons will occur:
      * the value is written to $:/temp/test/value
      * the ''id'' field of tiddler: $:/temp/test will be updated
      * a notification showing the ''actionValue'' will be shown
      <$tiddler tiddler="$:/temp/test">
      <$radio field="id" value="a" actions=<<radioActions>> > Option a </$radio>
      <$radio field="id" value="b" actions=<<radioActions>> > Option b </$radio>
      <$radio field="id" value="c" actions=<<radioActions>> > Option c </$radio>
      The wikitext of this example is shown below:
      <$codeblock code={{RadioWidget Example!!text}}/>

      RadioWidget Example

      7th March 2021 at 10:20am

      Using Actions

      When you select an option below the following acitons will occur:

      The wikitext of this example is shown below:

      \define newText() value: $(actionValue)$
      \define radioActions()
      <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" $param="RadioWidget ExampleTemplate" value=<<actionValue>> current=<<currentTiddler>> />
      <$action-createtiddler $basetitle="$:/temp/test/value" $overwrite="yes" text=<<newText>>/>
      <$action-navigate $to="$:/temp/test/value"/>
      !! Using Actions
      When you select an option below the following acitons will occur:
      * the value is written to $:/temp/test/value
      * the ''id'' field of tiddler: $:/temp/test will be updated
      * a notification showing the ''actionValue'' will be shown
      <$tiddler tiddler="$:/temp/test">
      <$radio field="id" value="a" actions=<<radioActions>> > Option a </$radio>
      <$radio field="id" value="b" actions=<<radioActions>> > Option b </$radio>
      <$radio field="id" value="c" actions=<<radioActions>> > Option c </$radio>
      The wikitext of this example is shown below:
      <$codeblock code={{RadioWidget Example!!text}}/>

      RadioWidget ExampleTemplate

      30th November 2020 at 6:24pm

      value =

      Railroad Diagrams

      17th November 2021 at 9:24pm

      Railroad Plugin

      28th February 2017 at 10:25am

      Railroad Diagrams

      Railroad diagrams, sometimes called syntax diagrams, are a visual way of explaining the syntax rules of a computer language. Reading one is like reading a public transport map.

      Each diagram starts on the left and ends on the right. Simply follow any line from the startpoint to the endpoint. All the alternative lines are equally valid. A line will sometimes jump over an item that is optional, or loop back to indicate that an item can be repeated.


      In the example above, a comma appears between each occurrence of the repeated item. The comma path runs from right to left, and can only be reached by first passing through repeated.

      Characters in round boxes are literal, i.e. they denote themselves. A name in a rectangular box denotes a further railroad diagram.

      The TW Filter Syntax documentation makes extensive use of railroad diagrams.

      The railroad diagrams in TiddlyWiki's documentation are generated with the Railroad Plugin.


      This plugin provides a <$railroad> widget for generating railroad diagrams as SVG images.

      Alternatively, the diagram notation can be stored in a dedicated tiddler with its type field set to text/vnd.tiddlywiki.railroad, and that tiddler can simply be transcluded to wherever it is needed.

      The plugin is based on a library by Tab Atkins, and has been extended to make it more flexible, including allowing components of a diagram to function as links or be transcluded from other tiddlers.

      Learn more about the Railroad Plguin Syntax Description

      range Operator

      21st March 2023 at 1:38pm
      purposegenerate a range of numbers
      parameterN=a range specification, like [1],[5]
      outputa series of evenly spaced numbers ranging from <begin> to <end>
      ! outputa series of evenly spaced numbers ranging from <begin> to <end> in reverse order

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      The range operator produces a list of numbers counting up or down. It is useful for counting and numbering.

      Introduced in v5.2.0 The range operator has been updated to use multiple parameters. Prior to this version, the range operator only had one parameter, with the three parts delimited by ,, ; or :.


      The behaviour depends on the number of parameters:

      <end>Whole numbers up to <end>
      <begin>,<end>Numbers from <begin> to <end>, spaced by whole numbers
      <begin>,<end>,<step>Numbers from <begin> to <end> spaced out by <step>

      Each part must be a number, and works as follows:

      • <begin>: start counting at this number.
        • Defaults to 1 if <end> is at least 1 (or -1 if <end> is at most -1).
      • <end>: stop counting at this number.
        • This number will appear in the list unless it falls between two steps.
      • <step>: count up (or down) by this amount.
        • Defaults to 1.
        • Cannot be zero.
        • We always count from <begin> toward <end>, whether <step> is positive or negative.

      The number of decimal points in the output is fixed, and based on the parameter with the most decimal points.

      To prevent the browser from freezing, range is currently limited to 10,000 values.



      1 2 3 4 5 6 7


      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


      17 16 15 14 13


      1.001 2.001 3.001 4.001


      0.500 0.504 0.508 0.512 0.516 0.520 0.524 0.528 0.532 0.536 0.540 0.544 0.548 0.552 0.556 0.560 0.564 0.568 0.572 0.576 0.580 0.584 0.588 0.592 0.596 0.600 0.604 0.608 0.612 0.616 0.620 0.624 0.628 0.632 0.636 0.640 0.644 0.648 0.652 0.656 0.660 0.664 0.668 0.672 0.676 0.680 0.684 0.688 0.692 0.696 0.700 0.704 0.708 0.712 0.716 0.720 0.724 0.728 0.732 0.736 0.740 0.744 0.748 0.752 0.756 0.760 0.764 0.768 0.772 0.776 0.780 0.784 0.788 0.792 0.796 0.800 0.804 0.808 0.812 0.816 0.820 0.824 0.828 0.832 0.836 0.840 0.844 0.848 0.852 0.856 0.860 0.864 0.868 0.872 0.876 0.880 0.884 0.888 0.892 0.896 0.900 0.904 0.908 0.912 0.916 0.920 0.924 0.928 0.932 0.936 0.940 0.944 0.948 0.952 0.956 0.960 0.964 0.968 0.972 0.976 0.980 0.984 0.988 0.992 0.996 1.000 1.004 1.008 1.012 1.016 1.020 1.024 1.028 1.032 1.036 1.040 1.044 1.048 1.052 1.056 1.060 1.064 1.068 1.072 1.076 1.080 1.084 1.088 1.092 1.096 1.100 1.104 1.108 1.112 1.116 1.120 1.124 1.128 1.132 1.136 1.140 1.144 1.148 1.152 1.156 1.160 1.164 1.168 1.172 1.176 1.180 1.184 1.188 1.192 1.196 1.200 1.204 1.208 1.212 1.216 1.220 1.224 1.228 1.232 1.236 1.240 1.244 1.248 1.252 1.256 1.260 1.264 1.268 1.272 1.276 1.280 1.284 1.288 1.292 1.296 1.300 1.304 1.308 1.312 1.316 1.320 1.324 1.328 1.332 1.336 1.340 1.344 1.348 1.352 1.356 1.360 1.364 1.368 1.372 1.376 1.380 1.384 1.388 1.392 1.396 1.400


      13th November 2023 at 9:33am


      The range widget displays an HTML <input type="range"> that reflects a given tiddler field numeric value. Adjusting the range slider sets the tiddler field to the value.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the <$range> widget is ignored.

      tiddlerTitle of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the current tiddler)
      fieldThe field of the tiddler bound to the range slider
      indexIntroduced in v5.1.22 The index of the tiddler, a DataTiddler, to which the radio button is bound
      minThe minimum value to be able to be set by the <$range> widget
      maxThe maximum value to be able to be set by the <$range> widget
      incrementThe minimum amount by which a value may be changed. Defaults to 1
      defaultIf the field is missing or empty this is the default position for the widget handle relative to the min and max values
      classCSS classes to be assigned to the label around the range slider
      actionsIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional, A string containing ActionWidgets to be triggered when the value changes.
      The variable: actionValue is available for all actions.
      The variable: actionValueHasChanged is always yes here.
      actionsStartIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional, A string containing ActionWidgets to be triggered when the "handle" is clicked.
      The variable: actionValueHasChanged is always no here
      actionsStopIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional, A string containing ActionWidgets to be triggered when the "handle" is released.
      The variable: actionValueHasChanged is yes, if the new-value is different to the start-value
      disabledIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional, disables the range input if set to "yes". Defaults to "no"
      data-*New in v5.3.2 Optional data attributes to be assigned to the <input> HTML element
      style.*New in v5.3.2 Optional CSS properties to be assigned to the <input> HTML element


      Range -1 to 10

      <$range tiddler="$:/_RangeDemo/1" min="-1" max="10" default="1" increment="1"/> {{$:/_RangeDemo/1}}

      That renders as:

      Range 0 to 1

      <$range tiddler="$:/_RangeDemo/2" min="0" max="1" default=".01" increment=".01"/> {{$:/_RangeDemo/2}}

      That renders as:

      Using Actions

      The wikitext of this example is shown below:

      \define getText() $(text)$ - value: $(value)$ - changed: $(actionValueHasChanged)$
      \define range-log(text:"", value:"", tiddler:"$:/temp/range/log")
      <$vars text="""$text$""" value="""$value$""" >
      <$action-setfield $tiddler="""$tiddler$""" $index=<<now "0hh-0mm-0ss:0XXX">> $value=<<getText>>/>
      \define clear-range-log(tiddler:"$:/temp/range/log")
      <$action-setfield $tiddler="""$tiddler$""" text="{}" show=show/>
      \define logTiddler()$:/temp/range/log
      \define clearLogButton()<$button actions=<<clear-range-log>>>Clear Log</$button>
      \define actionsStop()
      <$macrocall $name="range-log" text="                    actionsStop" value=<<actionValue>> />
      \define actionsStart()
      <$macrocall $name="range-log" text="                    actionsStart" value=<<actionValue>> />
      \define actions()
      <$macrocall $name="range-log" text="actions" value=<<actionValue>> />
      !! Using Actions
      <$range tiddler="$:/temp/range/1__" min="-1" max="10" default="1" increment="1"
        actionsStart=<<actionsStart>> actionsStop=<<actionsStop>> actions=<<actions>>/> {{$:/temp/range/1__}}
      <$range tiddler="$:/temp/range/__2" min="0" max="1" default=".01" increment=".01"
        actionsStart=<<actionsStart>> actionsStop=<<actionsStop>> actions=<<actions>> /> {{$:/temp/range/__2}} 
      <$checkbox tiddler=<<logTiddler>> field="show" checked="show" unchecked="hide"> Show log</$checkbox> <<clearLogButton>>
      <$reveal stateTitle=<<logTiddler>> stateField="show" type="match" text="show">
      <$transclude tiddler=<<logTiddler>> />
      The wikitext of this example is shown below:
      <$codeblock code={{RangeWidget Example!!text}}/>

      RangeWidget Example

      7th March 2021 at 10:20am

      Using Actions

      The wikitext of this example is shown below:

      \define getText() $(text)$ - value: $(value)$ - changed: $(actionValueHasChanged)$
      \define range-log(text:"", value:"", tiddler:"$:/temp/range/log")
      <$vars text="""$text$""" value="""$value$""" >
      <$action-setfield $tiddler="""$tiddler$""" $index=<<now "0hh-0mm-0ss:0XXX">> $value=<<getText>>/>
      \define clear-range-log(tiddler:"$:/temp/range/log")
      <$action-setfield $tiddler="""$tiddler$""" text="{}" show=show/>
      \define logTiddler()$:/temp/range/log
      \define clearLogButton()<$button actions=<<clear-range-log>>>Clear Log</$button>
      \define actionsStop()
      <$macrocall $name="range-log" text="                    actionsStop" value=<<actionValue>> />
      \define actionsStart()
      <$macrocall $name="range-log" text="                    actionsStart" value=<<actionValue>> />
      \define actions()
      <$macrocall $name="range-log" text="actions" value=<<actionValue>> />
      !! Using Actions
      <$range tiddler="$:/temp/range/1__" min="-1" max="10" default="1" increment="1"
        actionsStart=<<actionsStart>> actionsStop=<<actionsStop>> actions=<<actions>>/> {{$:/temp/range/1__}}
      <$range tiddler="$:/temp/range/__2" min="0" max="1" default=".01" increment=".01"
        actionsStart=<<actionsStart>> actionsStop=<<actionsStop>> actions=<<actions>> /> {{$:/temp/range/__2}} 
      <$checkbox tiddler=<<logTiddler>> field="show" checked="show" unchecked="hide"> Show log</$checkbox> <<clearLogButton>>
      <$reveal stateTitle=<<logTiddler>> stateField="show" type="match" text="show">
      <$transclude tiddler=<<logTiddler>> />
      The wikitext of this example is shown below:
      <$codeblock code={{RangeWidget Example!!text}}/>

      rboue's plugins for TiddlyWiki

      6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

      Featuring plugins that integrate two interesting new capabilities:

      I developed some plugins related to engineering tasks.

      After using them for personal projects I'm glad to share with TiddlyWiki community.

      Reading data from JSON tiddlers

      11th June 2022 at 10:47am

      See JSON in TiddlyWiki for an overview of using JSON in TiddlyWiki.

      Filter Operators for Accessing JSON Data

      The following filter operators allow values to be read from JSON data:

      • jsonget to retrieve the values of a property in JSON data
      • jsontype to retrieve the type of a JSON value
      • jsonindexes to retrieve the names of the fields of a JSON object, or the indexes of a JSON array
      • jsonextract to retrieve a JSON value as a string of JSON

      Text References for Accessing JSON Data

      Text references are a simple shortcut syntax to look up the value of a named property. For example, if a DictionaryTiddler called MonthDays contains:


      ... then {{MonthDays##nov}} will resolve to the value 30.

      The same is true if MonthDays is a JSONTiddler with the following content:



      25th September 2024 at 11:52am


      Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a non-linear personal web notebook that anyone can use and keep forever, independently of any corporation.

      TiddlyWiki is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript. It can be used as a single HTML file in the browser or as a powerful Node.js application. It is highly customisable: the entire user interface is itself implemented in hackable WikiText.


      Learn more and see it in action at

      Developer Documentation

      Developer documentation is in progress at

      Pull Request Previews

      Pull request previews courtesy of Netlify

      Deploys by Netlify

      Join the Community

      Official Forums

      The new official forum for talking about TiddlyWiki: requests for help, announcements of new releases and plugins, debating new features, or just sharing experiences. You can participate via the associated website, or subscribe via email. is a community run service that we host and maintain ourselves. The modest running costs are covered by community contributions.

      Google Groups

      For the convenience of existing users, we also continue to operate the original TiddlyWiki group (hosted on Google Groups since 2005):

      Developer Forums

      GitHub Stats

      There are several resources for developers to learn more about TiddlyWiki and to discuss and contribute to its development.

      Other Forums


      There is also a discussion group specifically for discussing TiddlyWiki documentation improvement initiatives:

      Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js

      TiddlyWiki is a SingleFileApplication, which is easy to use. For advanced users and developers there is a possibility to use a Node.js client / server configuration. This configuration is also used to build the TiddlyWiki SinglePageApplication

      1. Install Node.js
        • Linux:
          apt install nodejs
          May need to be followed up by:
          apt install npm
          Arch Linux
          yay -S tiddlywiki
          (installs node and tiddlywiki)
        • Mac
          brew install node
        • Android
        • Other
      2. Open a command line terminal and type:
        npm install -g tiddlywiki
        If it fails with an error you may need to re-run the command as an administrator:
        sudo npm install -g tiddlywiki (Mac/Linux)
      3. Ensure TiddlyWiki is installed by typing:
        tiddlywiki --version
        • In response, you should see TiddlyWiki report its current version (eg "5.3.6". You may also see other debugging information reported.)
      4. Try it out:
        1. tiddlywiki mynewwiki --init server to create a folder for a new wiki that includes server-related components
        2. tiddlywiki mynewwiki --listen to start TiddlyWiki
        3. Visit in your browser
        4. Try editing and creating tiddlers
      5. Optionally, make an offline copy:
        • click the save changes button in the sidebar, OR
        • tiddlywiki mynewwiki --build index

      The -g flag causes TiddlyWiki to be installed globally. Without it, TiddlyWiki will only be available in the directory where you installed it.

      If you are using Debian or Debian-based Linux and you are receiving a node: command not found error though node.js package is installed, you may need to create a symbolic link between nodejs and node. Consult your distro's manual and whereis to correctly create a link. See github issue 1434.

      Example Debian v8.0: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

      You can also install prior versions like this:
      npm install -g tiddlywiki@5.1.13

      Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js

      TiddlyWiki5 includes a set of commands for use on the command line to perform an extensive set of operations based on TiddlyWikiFolders, TiddlerFiles.

      For example, the following command loads the tiddlers from a TiddlyWiki HTML file and then saves one of them in static HTML:

      tiddlywiki --verbose --load mywiki.html --render ReadMe ./readme.html

      Running tiddlywiki from the command line boots the TiddlyWiki kernel, loads the core plugins and establishes an empty wiki store. It then sequentially processes the command line arguments from left to right. The arguments are separated with spaces.

      Introduced in v5.1.20 First, there can be zero or more plugin references identified by the prefix + for plugin names or ++ for a path to a plugin folder. These plugins are loaded in addition to any specified in the TiddlyWikiFolder.

      The next argument is the optional path to the TiddlyWikiFolder to be loaded. If not present, then the current directory is used.

      The commands and their individual arguments follow, each command being identified by the prefix --.

      tiddlywiki [+<pluginname> | ++<pluginpath>] [<wikipath>] [--<command> [<arg>[,<arg>]]]

      For example:

      tiddlywiki --version
      tiddlywiki +plugins/tiddlywiki/filesystem +plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb mywiki --listen
      tiddlywiki ++./mygreatplugin mywiki --listen

      Introduced in v5.1.18 Commands such as the ListenCommand that support large numbers of parameters can use NamedCommandParameters to make things less unwieldy. For example:

      tiddlywiki wikipath --listen username=jeremy port=8090

      See Commands for a full listing of the available commands.

      Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js

      If you've installed TiddlyWiki on Node.js on the usual way, when a new version is released you can upgrade it with this command:

      npm update -g tiddlywiki

      On Mac or Linux you'll need to add sudo like this:

      sudo npm update -g tiddlywiki

      Also see

      This readme file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki


      8th September 2014 at 3:08pm

      Script Files

      The TiddlyWiki5 repository contains several scripts in the bin folder that you can use to automate common tasks, or as a useful starting point for your own scripts. See Scripts for building for details of the scripts used to build and release

      All the scripts expect to be run from the root folder of the repository.

      serve: serves

      ./bin/ -h
      ./bin/ [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]


      ./bin/serve.cmd -h
      ./bin/serve.cmd [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]

      This script starts TiddlyWiki5 running as an HTTP server, defaulting to the content from the edition. By default, the Node.js serves on port 8080. If the optional username parameter is provided, it is used for signing edits. If the password is provided then HTTP basic authentication is used. Run the script with the -h parameter to see online help.

      To experiment with this configuration, run the script and then visit in a browser.

      Changes made in the browser propagate to the server over HTTP (use the browser developer console to see these requests). The server then syncs changes to the file system (and logs each change to the screen).

      test: build and run tests

      This script runs the test edition of TiddlyWiki on the server to perform the server-side tests and to build test.html for running the tests in the browser.

      lazy: serves with lazily loaded images

      ./bin/ <username> [<password>]


      ./bin/lazy.cmd <username> [<password>]

      This script serves the edition content with LazyLoading applied to images.

      Reddit Logo

      Reduce Filter Run Prefix

      10th July 2023 at 7:33am
      purposereplaces all filter output so far with a single item by repeatedly applying a filter run to each input title
      inputthe filter output of all previous runs so far
      outputthe accumulated single item
      Introduced in v5.1.23

      Each input title from previous runs is passed to this run in turn. The result of each previous call to this run is made available in the next call via the variable named accumulator. The result of the last call to this run is returned as the output. A typical use is to add up the values in a given field of each input title.

      Replaces all filter output so far with a single item by repeatedly applying a formula, as described above, to each input title.

      The following variables are available within the filter run:

      • accumulator - the result of the previous filter run
      • currentTiddler - the input title
      • ..currentTiddler - the value of the variable currentTiddler outside the filter run. Introduced in v5.2.0
      • index - the numeric index of the current list item (with zero being the first item in the list)
      • revIndex - the reverse numeric index of the current list item (with zero being the last item in the list)
      • length - the total length of the input list

      Compare named filter run prefix :reduce with reduce Operator which is used to flatten a list of items down to a single item by repeatedly applying a subfilter.

      [tag[shopping]] :reduce[get[quantity]add<accumulator>]

      is equivalent to:

      \define num-items() [get[quantity]add<accumulator>]

      Reduce Filter Run Prefix (Examples)

      Reduce Filter Run Prefix (Examples)

      5th March 2023 at 12:54pm

      The following examples use these data tiddlers:

      [tag[shopping]] :reduce[get[quantity]add<accumulator>]

      [tag[shopping]] :reduce[get[price]multiply{!!quantity}add<accumulator>]

      [tag[shopping]] :reduce[<index>compare:number:gt[0]then<accumulator>addsuffix[, ]addsuffix<currentTiddler>else<currentTiddler>]
      → Uses <index> to act differently on the first item than the rest. Just for demonstration. Better to use the join Operator to accomplish this task

      [tag[non-existent]] :reduce[get[price]multiply{!!quantity}add<accumulator>]
      → Empty input produces empty output

      [tag[non-existent]] :reduce[get[price]multiply{!!quantity}add<accumulator>] :else[[0]]
      → Use :else to ensure output if input was empty

      Unlike the reduce Operator, the :reduce prefix cannot specify an initial value for the accumulator, so its initial value will always be empty (which is treated as 0 by mathematical operators). So =1 =2 =3 :reduce[multiply<accumulator>] will produce 0, not 6. If you need to specify an initial accumulator value, use the reduce Operator.
      =1 =2 =3 :reduce[multiply<accumulator>]
      → Empty initial value is treated as 0 by mathematical operators
      =1 =2 =3 +[reduce<multiply-input>,[1]]
      → Setting initial value is sometimes necessary for correct results

      reduce Operator

      21st March 2023 at 1:39pm
      purposeapply a subfilter to each input title in turn, accumulating a single value
      inputa selection of titles passed as input to the filter
      parameterS=a filter expression. Optional second parameter for initial value for accumulator
      outputthe final result of running the subfilter S

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.23 The reduce operator runs a subfilter for each input title, passing the result of the previous subfilter run as a variable. The initial value of the accumulator can optionally be specified. It returns the result of the final subfilter run.

      The reduce operator is used to flatten a list of items down to a single item by repeatedly applying a formula. A typical use is to add up the values in a given field of a list of tiddlers.

      The following variables are available within the subfilter:

      • accumulator - the result of the previous subfilter run
      • currentTiddler - the input title
      • ..currentTiddler - the value of the variable currentTiddler outside the subfilter. Introduced in v5.2.0
      • index - the numeric index of the current list item (with zero being the first item in the list)
      • revIndex - the reverse numeric index of the current list item (with zero being the last item in the list)
      • length - the total length of the input list

      If the reduce operator receives no input, its output will be empty. The else Operator can be useful in such cases.

      Literal filter parameters cannot contain square brackets but you can work around the issue by using a variable:

      <$set name="sum-input" value="[add<accumulator>]">
      {{{ =1 =2 =3 +[reduce<sum-input>] }}}

      Compare with the analogous named filter run prefix :reduce

      \define num-items() [get[quantity]add<accumulator>]

      is equivalent to:

      [tag[shopping]] :reduce[get[quantity]add<accumulator>]

      If the optional second parameter is not given, the initial accumulator value will be empty. Numerical operators treat empty input as if it was the number 0. See the multiply-input examples for how this can affect the result of reduce in some cases.


      reduce Operator (Examples)

      4th December 2020 at 1:11pm

      These examples use the following predefined variables:

      • add-price: [get[price]multiply{!!quantity}add<accumulator>]
      • num-items: [get[quantity]add<accumulator>]
      • join-with-commas: [<index>compare:number:gt[0]then<accumulator>addsuffix[, ]addsuffix<currentTiddler>else<currentTiddler>]
      • multiply-input: [multiply<accumulator>]

      They also use the following data tiddlers:



      → Uses <index> to act differently on the first item than the rest

      → Empty input produces empty output

      → Use else to ensure output if input was empty

      =1 =2 =3 +[reduce<multiply-input>]
      → Empty initial value is treated as 0 by mathematical operators

      =1 =2 =3 +[reduce<multiply-input>,[1]]
      → Setting initial value is sometimes necessary for correct results


      27th September 2018 at 8:06am

      Reference Tiddlers

      18th March 2023 at 4:08pm

      Reference tiddlers offer raw information in a comprehensive interlinked way. The reader is likely to be an intermediate or expert user.

      There are several subcategories:

      • With definitions, together forming a glossary
      User manual
      Developer manual
      • Presenting technical details of TiddlyWiki's internal architecture

      Reference material is written in a terse, formal style that avoids referring to the reader, and instead focuses on how TiddlyWiki itself behaves. The passive voice is often suitable:

      • "the template is specified as a tiddler" rather than "specify the template as a tiddler"
      • "the widget can be used for various purposes" rather than "you can use the widget for various purposes"
      • But "this widget has several possible uses" is better, because it is less convoluted and more succinct

      Most contracted verb forms are avoided in reference tiddlers. But those ending in "n't" ("aren't", "doesn't", "hasn't", "isn't", etc) are acceptable, as they make it less easy to accidentally overlook the word "not".

      Refnotes by Mohammad

      17th November 2020 at 4:21pm

      Refnotes plugin is a set of macros and stylesheets for creating abbreviations, footnotes and citations. It also makes tables of footnotes, abbreviations (glossary) and references (bibliography table).

      Refnotes contains codes and elements to

      Create and insert
      Create tables of
      Abbreviations or glossary
      Footnotes and endnotes
      References (bibliography) using different output style


      14th October 2019 at 9:17am

      The refresh mechanism is the part of the WikificationMechanism concerned with updating a rendering when there are changes in the tiddler store.

      The refresh mechanism is notified of changes to the tiddler store asynchronously. This is done so that multiple consecutive changes can be coalesced into a single change notification. Thus, a series of action widgets modifying several different tiddlers will only trigger a single refresh cycle.

      When changes occur, the rendering is updated by calling the "refresh" method of the root widget. The refresh method determines whether the widget needs to be updated to reflect the incoming changes, and then recursively calls into the refresh methods of each child widget

      The refresh cycle is inherently fairly slow because it involves visiting every node in the render tree. To maintain performance there is a RefreshThrottling mechanism that enables refresh processing to be deferred when rapid changes occur to the same tiddler.


      17th November 2021 at 11:26pm

      The RefreshMechanism allows the refresh cycle to be throttled (or deferred) when rapid changes occur to the same tiddler. It is used to maintain responsiveness while editing a draft tiddler, but can also be used on other tiddlers.

      The rules governing refresh throttling are:

      • When a change notification occurs, throttling will only take place if all of the modified tiddlers meet at least one of these criteria:
        • Has the field draft.of
        • Has the field throttle.refresh
        • Has a title prefixed with $:/temp/volatile/
      • If the refresh cycle is to be throttled, a timer is set for the internal specified in $:/config/Drafts/TypingTimeout (cancelling any previously set timer)
        • When the timer fires, the refresh cycle is triggered, passing the aggregated titles of all the deferred refresh cycles

      RegExp in Tiddlywiki by Mohammad

      6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

      RegExp in Tiddlywiki contains practical use cases of regular expression in Tiddlywiki.

      The regular expression is a way to describe complex search patterns using sequences of characters .

      RegExp in Tiddlywiki has four main parts

      • Using regular expression to match a pattern in tiddler title
      • Using regular expression to match a pattern in tiddler fields excluding tiddler text (body)
      • Using regular expression to match a pattern in tiddler body (text field)
      • Using regular expression for validation like username, password, etc.

      regexp Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 7:06pm
      purposefilter the input by pattern-matched field
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixF=the name of a field, defaulting to title
      parameterX=a regular expression
      outputthose input tiddlers in which field F matches X
      ! outputthose input tiddlers in which field F does not match X

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Regular expressions are concise strings of characters that denote patterns of text to search for. The format used in TiddlyWiki is fully defined in this Mozilla reference.

      The filter syntax makes it impossible to directly specify a regular expression that contains square brackets. The solution is to store the expression in a variable. See the examples.

      The parameter X can optionally start or end with a string of flags:


      Only the i flag is generally useful: it forces the different between capital and lowercase letters to be ignored.

      If X is empty, regexp will match all of the input tiddlers.


      regexp Operator (Examples)

      23rd January 2015 at 10:53pm

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      → non-system tiddlers with Wiki in their title

      → non-system tiddlers with Wiki in their title, ignoring case

      → same again

      → tiddlers with titles ending in .jpg or .jpeg, ignoring case

      → tiddlers created in August 2014

      The regular expression [0-9]{2} matches two consecutive digits. Because it contains square brackets, the way to use it with the regexp operator is via a variable, as follows:

      Release 5.0.0-alpha.11

      8th November 2013 at 5:54pm

      This release is the culmination of a large scale refactoring of the widget mechanism of TiddlyWiki5. There are several changes to be aware of if upgrading from earlier versions:

      • The following widgets have been removed:
        • <$setstyle> - use <div style=<<macroName Param>>> instead
        • <$video> - will return in a later release
        • <$datauri> - use the <<makedatauri>> built-in macro instead
        • <$error> - may return in a later release
        • <$import> - use the BrowseWidget, DropzoneWidget and NavigatorWidget instead
        • <$info> - use the <<changecount>> built-in macro instead
        • <$version> - use the <<version>> built-in macro instead
      • The following widgets have had significant changes:
        • EditWidget
        • ListWidget - the list widget itself no longer generates HTML nodes, so you'll often need to wrap the template in a <div> or a <span> to be able to style the content
        • ViewWidget - has several changes:
          • <$view format="link"/> is no longer available; use an explicit <$link> widget instead
          • <$view format="link"/> is no longer available; use the TranscludeWidget instead
      • The following new widgets have been added:
      • Widget attribute names have been made more consistent. In particular, tiddler is used to reference a tiddler by title, not title
      • It is no longer possible to import the macro definitions within another tiddler by transcluding that tiddler
      • The body element now has the class tw-body, which will need to be specified in any overrides
        • This was done due to the new support for HTML foreign objects, which makes it possible to have multiple <body> elements in a document

      Release 5.0.0-alpha.12

      8th November 2013 at 6:54pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      This minor release just contains fixes for the syncer and related adaptor modules for the TiddlyWeb edition and for TiddlyWiki5's integrated server.

      Release 5.0.0-alpha.13

      9th November 2013 at 11:22am

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      This release has several bug fixes:

      • Fixes to DaveGifford's themes blanca, blue and rocker
      • Fix an issue with the <$edit-text> widget
      • Documentation updates
      • Improved deployment scripts
      • Made the modifier field in the subtitle be a link
      • Styling improvements for the CodeMirror plugin
      • Improved the ViewWidget so that it falls back to displaying its content if the field/property is missing or empty
      • Extend use of the built-in <<tabs>> macro to the tiddler info panel, the control panel and the sidebar
        • This means that you can add new tabs by creating tiddlers with these tags, and optionally a caption field for the text of the tab:

      Release 5.0.0-alpha.14

      10th November 2013 at 7:22pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      This release has several bug fixes:

      • Improved the layout of the control panel
      • Fixed problem with using the CheckboxWidget to apply tags to tiddlers that don't have any existing tags
      • Fixed problem with default password for the PasswordWidget being the string "null"

      Release 5.0.0-alpha.15

      12th November 2013 at 8:50pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      New Features

      • Added a dropdown to the edit template for setting the tiddler type
      • A saver module for Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10 and above. Clicking save in the sidebar causes the browser to pull up a bar at the bottom of the window where you can click save. You then get a new copy of your wiki in the downloads folder.
      • Support for new tw-close-other-tiddlers message (eg, )
      • For, add a tiddler info tab with a link to the static representation of the tiddler
      • Make more UI elements extensible via system tags:


      • Rename the <$setvariable> to <$set>
        • <$setvariable> will temporarily remain as a synonym for <$set> for the next few releases
      • Improve the popup mechanism so that the tiddler info panel doesn't close so easily
      • Various improvements for working with TiddlyWeb, including:
        • Updated control panel

      Bug fixes

      • Fixed bug when creating a tiddler title starting or ending with a space
      • Fixed behaviour of tags editor dropdown when search box is empty
      • Fixed problem with interpretation of fields and index attributes of the TranscludeWidget
      • Fixed the module type names in the internal tab of the control panel
      • Improved styling for embedded PDFs
      • Fixed bug with second being omitted from serialised date formats

      Contributors to this release include @jermolene and @grayeul.

      Release 5.0.0-alpha.16

      30th November 2013 at 9:55am

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      New Features and Improvements

      • Improved appearance of tags editor
      • Improved generation of qualified tiddler titles for state storage
        • Instead of $:/state/tab/sidebar-{$:/core/ui/SideBar|$:/core/ui/SideBar||}{$:/core/ui/PageTemplate|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate||} one gets $:/state/tab/sidebar-{1743827719}
      • Significant updates to the structure and content of the user documentation
      • Added a new plugin for displaying corner ribbons; currently used for a version banner on
      • Split Snow White theme into a base Vanilla theme with all the basic formatting, leaving the decorative bits to Snow White
        • Existing TiddlyWikiFolders will need updating to include Vanilla as an additional theme
      • The page building blocks are now driven by the system tag $:/tags/PageTemplate
      • Fixed problem that prevented tag configured items from shadow tiddlers interleaving with items from ordinary tiddlers
      • Refactored control panel to add Saving tab that includes TiddlySpot options
      • Improved notifications when saving to TiddlySpot
      • Added backup URL to TiddlySpot control panel tab
      • Extended the ServerCommand to add primitive support for basic authentication when running under Node.js

      Bug fixes

      • Fixed problem with displaying tiddler titles that contain WikiText syntax
      • No longer crashes when encountering an error in a filter string
      • Fixed a crash when dragging and dropping tiddlers within TiddlyWiki5
      • No longer update the modified date for imported tiddlers
      • Automatically forces new field names to be lower case

      Internal changes

      • Added Windows-compatible build scripts
      • Changes to the SavingMechanism to allow the tiddlers that are saved to be selected
      • The main HTML file template used for saving TiddlyWiki5 documents has changed from $:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.template.html to $:/core/save/all
      • Moved's Google Analytics integration into a proper plugin

      Contributors to this release include @jermolene, @asampal and @pmario.

      Release 5.0.0-alpha.17

      30th November 2013 at 3:16pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Bug fixes

      • Fixes a small but important bug that prevented downloading an empty wiki with alpha.16

      Release 5.0.1-alpha

      6th December 2013 at 4:13pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release


      • Changes to the importing process to enable a smoother Upgrading process
        • Ignores attempts to import plugins that are older than currently installed plugins
        • System tiddlers are now imported as usual
      • If $:/theme isn't defined or refers to a missing tiddler, then fallback through Snow White to Vanilla. This means that empty.html now defaults to Snow White
      • Added support for Block Quotes in WikiText

      Bug fixes

      • Fixed bug that was preventing $:/tags/PageControls tiddlers from being reordered

      Internal changes

      Release 5.0.10-beta

      18th January 2015 at 6:24pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release


      Documentation Improvements

      Usability Improvements

      • Refactor sorting to respect accented characters
      • Support embedded images in Markdown tiddlers
      • Refactored sidebar hiding action so that the story river border is maintained

      Hackability Improvements

      • Added [is[tag]] to the is operator
      • Hide the top bars in the print stylesheet

      Bug Fixes

      • Added support for saving changes on Windows network drives
      • Refactored configuration processing so that ordinary tiddlers are processed after shadow tiddlers. This resolves an issue whereby user stylesheets were being overridden by shadow stylesheets
      • Fixed issue with offline snapshot of server edition erroneously including shadow tiddlers
      • Fixed problem with corrupted upgrades from 5.0.x-prerelease to 5.0.x-beta
      • Fixed bug with [untagged[]] filter operator
      • Fixed incorrect background colour for tag pills in the sidebar
      • Fixed issues with null fields under TiddlyWeb
      • Fixed problem with hamburger overlapping scrollbars

      Release 5.0.11-beta

      21st February 2015 at 10:57pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Incompatible Changes

      See Notes for upgrading to 5.0.11-beta for more details of these changes:

      • The default output location for command line operations has changed to the /output folder within TiddlyWikiFolders (it used to be current directory)
      • Note that the shadow tiddler $:/core/ui/PageMacros has changed with this release. If you've made modifications to it you should copy your modifications to a new tiddler, delete $:/core/ui/PageMacros, perform the upgrade and then manually update the new copy of $:/core/ui/PageMacros

      Documentation Improvements

      Usability Improvements

      • Many performance optimisations, particularly for filter operations
      • Added support for PermaLinks and browser back and forward buttons
      • Added support for WikiLinks in Markdown via [link text](#TiddlerTitle)
      • Added support for explicit external Linking in WikiText (eg [ext[tooltip|url]])
      • Replaced hamburger menu icon with double chevron icon
      • Enhance plain text parsing to use the CodeBlockWidget, and hence use syntax highlighting if the plugin is installed. This gives us syntax highlighting for JavaScript shadow tiddlers, amongst other things
      • Improvements to the German, French, Italian, Japanese and Chinese translations
      • Removed WikiText tiddlers from the sidebar "Types" tab
      • Added various warnings when editing shadow tiddlers
      • Allow digits in field names
      • Added warning banner and when attempting to edit binary tiddlers
      • Added automatic refreshing of the browser window title from $:/core/wiki/title

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed issue with hovering of the topbar icons in Firefox
      • Fixed problem with dragging and dropping within a text edit control


      I (@Jermolene) would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to helping improve TiddlyWiki:

      @BramChen, @mwfogleman, @nameanyone, @natecain, @pekopeko1, @pmario, @sukima, @xcazin.

      Release 5.0.12-beta

      17th May 2014 at 1:02am

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      This is an emergency release that fixes a single significant bug with shadow tiddler handling in 5.0.11. See the discussion thread for more details.

      Release 5.0.13-beta

      18th January 2015 at 6:25pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Accessibility Improvements

      This release includes a number of features designed to improve the experience of TiddlyWiki with a screen reader. Particular thanks to @domasofan for his feedback

      • Added label and title for show/hide sidebar buttons
      • Added label and title for advanced search link
      • Added label and title for close buttons in "Open" sidebar tab
      • Added aria-label support to the LinkWidget
      • Switched to H1 tags for the page title and H2 tags for tiddler titles
      • Added label and title for tiddler and page toolbar buttons

      Usability Improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed here and here the problem with state tiddlers being inadvertently saved
      • Fixed bug with TextWidget not refreshing correctly
      • Fixed problem with vertical tabs in Safari
      • Fixed issue with images in Markdown


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.0.14-beta

      21st February 2015 at 10:57pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Major Changes

      Improved Control Panel Plugins Tab

      The Plugins tab of the control panel has been improved with the addition of documentation tabs that plugins can use to show documentation. There is also a larger draggable area for dragging tiddlers across to other wikis.

      Configurable Button Toolbars

      The page toolbar and the tiddler toolbars can now be configured with several new buttons - see the control panel under the Appearance and Toolbars tabs.

      The sidebar tools tab now shows all the available page controls, allowing them to be invoked or checked to appear in the toolbar. The tiddler info area now includes a tools tab that includes buttons for all the tiddler actions.

      Upgrade Mechanism

      There are two components:

      Improvements to CamelCase Recognition

      TiddlyWiki now takes a much more conservative approach to recognising CamelCase terms that should be automatically linked. Previously, the dash and underscore were treated as lower case letters, leading to a number of false positives. See the GitHub bug #337 for details.

      Automatic Permalinking Off by Default

      With previous beta releases of TiddlyWiki the browser address bar is automatically updated so that it dynamically reflects the tiddlers that are currently open. This makes it easier to get a permalink for copying and pasting elsewhere, but it leads to much confusion for casual users who don't always understand why unexpected tiddlers are being displayed after they have refreshed the page in the browser.

      For 5.0.14-beta, the setting has been changed. Visit control panel Advanced/Settings to switch the setting back to "Include the target tiddler and the current story sequence".

      Usability Improvements

      • Added previews to the icon dropdown in the tag manager
      • Added an indication of unsaved changes by changing the colour of the save changes button
      • Split the wikitext emphasis parsers into separate modules so that they can be independently controlled with the \rules pragma
      • Refactored (and here) ReleaseHistory to place the releases into vertical tabs
      • Stopped saving $:/HistoryList, thus avoiding it uncontrollably increasing in size
      • Improved (and here) print stylesheet to remove page background
      • Updated display of plugin tiddlers so that their constituent tiddlers are shown, rather than the raw JSON
      • Moved the functionality of the fullscreen plugin into the core

      Hackability Improvements

      • Extended TiddlerWidget to add a CSS class corresponding to each tag present on displayed tiddlers
      • Added support for hiding specified fields in the tiddler editor
      • Added support for variable operands in filters (see Filter Parameter)
      • Added support for widget messages tw-permalink and tw-permaview
      • Added browser sniffing plugin so that can present the correct browser-specific documentation
      • Added a configuration option for specifying the default location for saving new tiddlers in the client-server configuration
      • Added support for the InfoMechanism
      • Extended CheckboxWidget to allow it to toggle fields as well as tags
      • Refactored control panel theme tweaks to be stored in individual tiddlers
      • Extend the tabs macro to allow tabs to be templated
      • Added (and here) SystemTags support for inserting content above and below the story river
      • Added support for transcluding plugin subtiddlers with the TranscludeWidget
      • Added (and here) support for importing from *.htm and *.hta files as well as the existing support for *.html files
      • Extended the "sticky titles" theme so that it works when tiddlers are in edit mode

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed bug with execution order of BuildCommand targets
      • Fixed bug with missing hover colours for external links
      • Fixed problem with refreshing modal dialogues
      • Fixed issue with cookies disabled on Firefox
      • Relax the requirement for a newline immediately the closing \end of a macro definition


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.0.15-beta

      21st February 2015 at 7:40pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Usability Improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed problem with building TiddlyWiki under Windows
      • Fixed unclickable download ink in upgrade wizard
      • Fixed missing language flag in empty.html
      • Fixed problem with switching the type of a tiddler between the bitmap and text editor
      • Fixed foreground colour for tag pills in the sidebar
      • Fixed problem with github source links for not working for titles containing colons


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.0.16-beta

      21st February 2015 at 7:41pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Incompatible Changes

      5.0.16-beta brings more incompatible changes than any previous release. These changes are likely to break almost all plugins written for previous releases of TiddlyWiki 5, and will break many customisations.

      • Changed all CSS class prefixes from tw- to tc- (eg tw-tiddler-frame has become tc-tiddler-frame; missing prefixes have also been added, so btn-invisible has become tc-btn-invisible)
      • Changed all message prefixes from tw- to tm- (eg tw-close-tiddler has become tm-close-tiddler)
      • Changed all variable prefixes from tw- to tv- (eg tw-config-toolbar-icons has become tv-config-toolbar-icons)
      • Changed prefix/removeprefix filter operators to be case-sensitive

      Compatibility with TiddlyWikiClassic

      This release includes a preliminary version of a new plugin that provides compatibility with content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:

      Subsequent releases will include end-user documentation with step-by-step instructions for migrating content.

      Many thanks to @buggyj for his work on this plugin.

      Usability Improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.0.17-beta

      21st February 2015 at 10:52pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release


      This release includes major improvements from @giffmex to the welcome and tutorial documentation, and new development docs incorporating the work of @cheigele and @cjrk.

      Incompatible Changes

      Change System Tag $:/tags/stylesheet with $:/tags/Stylesheet

      The issue is that the capitalisation of $:/tags/stylesheet is not consistent with other system tags. This release adds support for $:/tags/Stylesheet, and adds a deprecation warning if $:/tags/stylesheet is used. Support for $:/tags/stylesheet will be removed before the beta.

      • Added support for $:/tags/Stylesheet and a deprecation warning when $:/tags/stylesheet is used

      Change ButtonWidget title attribute to tooltip

      The use of the title attribute in the ButtonWidget was not consistent with the tooltip attribute used by the ImageWidget and LinkWidget. This release adds support for the tooltip attribute to the ButtonWidget alongside the existing support for the title attribute, but with a deprecation warning.

      Removing Support for RegExp Filter Operands

      As discussed in the associated ticket, the support for regular expression filter operands is incomplete and inconsistent. The plan is to remove support for this feature in the next release. A new filter operator has been provided to replace it, along with the addition of a deprecation warning that is displayed whenever regular expression filter operators are used.

      • Added new regexp operator
      • Added deprecation warning for regular expression filter operators

      Repository Reorganisation

      The goal is to make the TiddlyWiki repository easier to comprehend for newcomers.

      • Moved scripts into a separate bin folder

      Usability Improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed problem with draft tiddlers not counting as dirty
      • Fixed problem with keyboard shortcuts introduced in 5.0.16-beta
      • Fixed problem with stylesheets being parsed in inline mode
      • Fixed bug with selective expandable Table-of-Contents Macros


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.0.18-beta

      21st February 2015 at 11:01pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      This is a minor release prior to the full release of TiddlyWiki on September 20th. The documentation has been cleaned up and improved (with more improvements to come).

      File Layout of

      The layout of files on has been adjusted to make it more logical. See the ticket for a discussion. You can see the source files that make up at

      Hackability Improvements

      • Added first iteration of a list-links macro (further improvements are planned)
      • Added support for importing .markdown and .md files
      • Extended timeline macro to support a subfilter

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed problem with digits being classified as lower case letters for wiki link matching
      • Fixed crash when sorting missing tiddlers by fields other than title
      • Fixed problem with handling .jpeg file extensions
      • Fixed problem with RadioWidget and missing tiddlers
      • Fixed problem with dragging a partially selected link


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.0.2-beta

      15th December 2013 at 2:24pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release


      Bug fixes

      • Fixed problem deleting tiddlers under the filesystemadaptor
      • Fixed problem with transcluding fields containing lists or dates (eg, {{!!tags}})
      • Fixed problem with re-ordering page control tiddlers (ie tiddlers tagged $:/tags/PageControls)
      • Update template used for deploying to TiddlyWeb
      • Fixed problem with tiddler deletions via the file system adaptor

      Internal changes

      Release 5.0.3-beta

      15th December 2013 at 5:00pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.

      Release 5.0.4-beta

      21st December 2013 at 8:55pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release


      • Switched to using an HTML5 placeholder for the default text of a new tiddler
      • Refactored stylesheet handling so that theme tweaks are now applied immediately, and some ordering issues have been resolved
      • Several improvements for running TiddlyWiki on Node.js:
        • The file in the root of wiki folder file is now optional, falling back to a default configuration suitable for serverside use (commit)
        • The file system plugin now automatically creates the tiddlers subfolder in the wiki folder
      • Added favicon.ico support
      • Added SaveTiddlerCommand

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed problem with tiddlers sometimes wrongly opening at the top of the story (commit)
      • Fixed problem with refreshing RadioWidget
      • Fixed problem with the dragger image being visible in some circumstances
      • Fixed drag and drop support on InternetExplorer, contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
      • Fixed crash on modifying page template (commit)
      • Updated fullscreen plugin to latest version of the API (commit)
      • Improved handling of double square brackets within tags (thanks to StephanHradek)

      This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.

      Release 5.0.5-beta

      24th December 2013 at 2:20pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release


      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed problem with modal wizard positioning on narrow screens
      • Fix problem with static content being included in empty.html when downloaded from the full wiki
      • Improved performance of tiddler import with large tiddlers on Firefox

      Release 5.0.6-beta

      3rd January 2014 at 4:49pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release


      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed import browse button
      • Fixed crash when attempting full screen mode on browsers that don't support it
      • Fixed requirement for a newline immediately after a horizontal rule, table or typed block (thanks to StephanHradek)
      • Fixed problem with placeholder attibute on InternetExplorer (thanks to DavidJade)

      Release 5.0.7-beta

      25th January 2014 at 7:10pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Incompatible Changes

      These are changes that might affect users upgrading from previous betas.

      Documentation updates


      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed problem with default format of ViewWidget substituting seconds for minutes in displayed times
      • Fixed problem that was causing several animations to fail in Safari
      • Fixed problem with unclickable sidebar under the Centralised theme
      • Fixed problem with non-system tiddlers showing up in system tiddler advanced search
      • Fixed problem with notifications not always disappearing in Firefox
      • Fixed problem with wiki folders including wiki files with tiddlers that do not have a title
      • Fixed problem with ServerCommand logging "Serving on undefined:8080"

      Release 5.0.8-beta

      28th February 2014 at 3:49pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Incompatible Changes

      See Notes for upgrading to 5.0.8-beta for more details of these changes:

      Documentation Improvements

      Usability Improvements

      • Added automatic saving on editing a tiddler and a warning when attempting to close the window with unsaved changes
      • Added confirmation dialogue when deleting tiddlers
      • Add support for switchable (and editable) ColourPalettes
      • Added TranslationMechanism and translations for:
        • Deutsch (Österreich and Deutschland) by @pmario
        • Français (France) by @xcazin
        • Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) by @BramChen
      • Add error alerts when syncing to a server
      • Rejigged $:/ControlPanel to use nested tabs
      • Added $:/TagManager for easy management of tags
      • Added experimental KeyboardWidget, including support for ctrl-enter (or cmd-enter) to finish editing a tiddler
      • Added number of tags to control panel Basics tab
      • Enhanced link handling so that control/command clicking a link opens the target tiddler without navigating to it
      • Importing tiddlers via drag and drop no longer opens all the tiddlers

      Scalability Improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed problem with pasting items into the browser
      • Fixed problem with colour pickers not showing correct colour in Chrome
      • Fixed problem with tag pills not working inside table cells
      • Fixed problem in client server configuration with % in tiddler titles
      • Fixed problem with not using placeholder text when editing missing tiddlers
      • Fixed problem with test data in certain time zones
      • Fixed problem with non-breaking space characters being converted into '@' symbols
      • Fixed problem with highlighting plugin only working in the browser
      • Fixed crash when wiki/themes folder contains files that are not themes

      Release 5.0.9-beta

      2nd March 2014 at 6:09pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release


      Documentation Improvements

      Usability Improvements

      • Made the dropdown arrow icon skinnier
      • Added validation of legal characters for fieldnames
      • Added blacklisting of unsafe HTML elements and attributes
      • Added a warning indicator to tiddlers in TiddlyWikiClassic format
      • Add tiddler info Advanced panel with information about plugins and shadow tiddlers
      • Improved layout of $:/ControlPanel Plugins tab
      • Enhance viewing of system tiddlers by fading down the $:/ prefix
      • Extend $:/TagManager to allow icons to be assigned to tags
      • Added support for list-before and list-after fields for controlling tag ordering (see TiddlerTags for details)
      • Added request for confirmation before abandoning edits to a tiddler

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed problem with occasional freezes of the sync mechanism - thanks to buggyj
      • Fixed problem with tiddlers or fields called __proto__
      • Fixed with refreshing the D3 plugin
      • Fixed problem with "null" message when unloading under Internet Explorer 11

      Release 5.1.0

      20th September 2014 at 12:40pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      This is the first full release of TiddlyWiki. Documentation updates made up the bulk of the changes since the previous 5.0.18-beta release.

      Hackability Improvements

      • Removed curly braces from qualified identifiers

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed problem with Markdown Maruku mode metadata


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.1

      21st September 2014 at 12:40pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      This is a minor bug fix release to improve the documentation and correct some issues with the first full release of TiddlyWiki.

      Incompatible Changes

      Certain features that were deprecated in Release 5.0.17-beta have now been removed:

      Note that the next release will also remove support for regular expression filter operands, which was also deprecated in 5.0.17-beta.

      Hackability Improvements


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.10

      7th January 2016 at 11:16pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Major Improvements

      Performance Optimisations

      This release includes several low-level performance optimisations that should improve speed and responsiveness in many common operations.

      There is a new setting in the control panel to enable performance instrumentation, making it much easier to measure and improve performance issues.

      New Editions

      Three new editions of TiddlyWiki are included in this release. These can be used as starting points for creating your own wiki for several purposes:

      • The Résumé Builder Edition by @inmysocks is a custom edition to guide you through the process of using TiddlyWiki to create a good looking résumé (or curriculum vitæ)
      • The Blog Edition provides tools for using TiddlyWiki under Node.js to create a static HTML blog that can be published on GitHub pages (or similar)
      • The Text-Slicer Edition is a custom edition with tools to help advanced users slice longer texts up into individual tiddlers.

      External Text Tiddlers

      Limited support for tiddlers stored in external .tid files:

      • standalone TiddlyWiki HTML files with external text tiddlers can be built under Node.js
      • wikis with external text tiddlers can be worked with in the browser, automatically lazily loading the content of external text tiddlers when it is first referenced
        • saving changes in the browser doesn't work as expected: if edited, the external text tiddler is replaced with an ordinary tiddler
        • lazy loading of external text tiddlers doesn't work in Chrome when viewing the TiddlyWiki HTML file on a file: URI; it works OK in Firefox
        • lazy loading works on an HTTP URI on all browsers as long as the target file is either stored on the same domain or is served by a server that supports CORS

      See Alice in Wonderland for an example. Try opening it without a network connection.

      New "Tight" Theme

      A new theme called "Tight" uses reduced padding, margins and font-sizes to pack as much text as possible:

      Other Improvements

      Translation Improvements

      • Added Swedish translation by @Superdos
      • Added Korean (Korean Republic) translation by @araname
      • Improved Catalan, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish translations

      Usability Improvements

      • Enhanced the tiddler editor to accept new fields and tags when clicking confirm, without having to click "Add tag" or "Add field"
      • Added new fold and fold others buttons to the tiddler toolbar to temporarily hide the body of a tiddler, and also added new fold all and unfold all page buttons
      • Added ability to disable individual WikiText parser rules (see the Advanced tab of $:/ControlPanel). Also added a simple setting for disabling automatic linking of CamelCase words
      • Extended support for automatically linked system tiddler titles to include digits and underscore
      • Added warning when trying to use plugins designed for TiddlyWiki Classic
      • Upgraded to version v8.8.0 of highlight.js for the Highlight Plugin
      • Removed the need to manually confirm deleting alerts
      • Added optional tooltips to tabs Macro

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed problem introduced in 5.1.9 with processing files
      • Fixed problem with invisible icons in $:/AdvancedSearch
      • Improved check for required plugins in ServerCommand
      • Fixed problem with queueing change events for deleting non-existent tiddlers
      • Ensure EditTextWidget fixes height even if refresh isn't required
      • Fixed the gradient on the sidebar tabs divider
      • Fixed problem with tiddler titles such as $:/templates/something being erroneously classed as $:/temp tiddlers, and so excluded from syncing
      • Switched to absolute date format in tiddler subtitles

      Node.js Improvements

      • Fixed problem with the filesystem adaptor saving new image files as base64-encoded .tid files instead of as native binary files with an accompanying .meta file
      • Extended tiddlywiki.files support in TiddlyWikiFolders to allow directories to be loaded recursively, as well as individual files


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.11

      30th January 2016 at 12:41pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      This is a bug-fix release for Release 5.1.10 that fixes a serious issue affecting the operation of the official plugin library.

      Release 5.1.12

      13th July 2016 at 10:47am

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Major Improvements

      New Editor Toolbars

      Added support for extensible formatting toolbars for the editor widgets.

      • Formatting operations for WikiText, with support for Markdown:
        • Character formatting operations for bold, italic, strikethrough, underline, superscript, subscript, inline monospace
        • Line formatting operations for monospaced blocks, quoting, headings and both numbered and bulleted lists
        • Insert picture from a dropdown chooser
        • Stamp snippet of pre-programmed text
        • Excise selected text into a new tiddler
        • Optional automatic resizing to fit content
      • Full keyboard shortcut editor in control panel. Shortcuts are also shown in the toolbar button tooltips

      Improved Bitmap Editor

      The bitmap editor has been enhanced with a toolbar supporting:

      • Painting with selectable colour, width and opacity
      • Clearing the image
      • Resizing the image
      • Keeping track of recently chosen colours

      Improved Plugins

      Several of the official plugins available in the plugin library have been updated for this release. Upgrading will automatically update any installed plugins.

      • The KaTeX plugin has been updated to version v0.60.0
      • The CodeMirror plugin has been updated to version 5.13.2, and integrated with the new editor toolbars. The default configuration has been updated to include syntax highlighting for HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, TiddlyWiki Classic and Markdown.
      • The Markdown plugin includes formatting toolbar buttons and a new "new markdown tiddler" button in the Tools tab of the sidebar.
      • The experimental Evernote plugin allows notes and images from .enex files to be imported into TiddlyWiki.
      • The new Internals plugin provides features to help understand the internal operation of TiddlyWiki, including new preview modes in the editor showing both the parse and widget trees of the current tiddler
      • Improved language translations:
        • Korean
        • Chinese (Simplified) and Chinese (Traditional)
        • German
        • French
        • Danish
        • Dutch

      Text-Slicer Plugin Improvements

      • Added support for sticky notes within documents
      • Extended support for slicing documents to Node.js
      • Improved document metadata display
      • Added list-children filter operator
      • Fixed bugs

      Other Improvements

      Usability Improvements

      • Added a setting for disabling linking to missing tiddlers
      • Added a setting for forcing word wrapping in monospaced code blocks
      • Added a warning when creating or editing tiddler titles containing troublesome characters
      • Addition of “new image” button to the “Tools” tab of the sidebar
      • Introduction of new general purpose colour-picker Macro
      • Introduction of new general purpose image-picker Macro
      • Added a bulk delete button to advanced search "Filter" tab

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      Node.js Improvements


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.13

      25th July 2016 at 8:48am

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      This is a minor bug fix release.

      Bug Fixes

      Node.js Bug Fixes

      • Fixed problem with extraneous .tid extension added to tiddler filenames

      Other Improvements

      • Updated Portuguese (Portugal) translation


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.14

      26th April 2017 at 4:00pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      New and Improved Plugins

      Improved Support for Drag and Drop

      There are several improvements to Drag and Drop:

      • Ability to rearrange the "Open" sidebar panel and the tag dropdown (and new tiddlers can be opened by dragging them to the list)
      • Ability to reorder entries in tag dropdowns
      • Dragging a tag pill is now equivalent to dragging all of the tagged tiddlers together
      • Entries in the control panel "Appearance"/"Toolbars" tab can be reordered by drag and drop
      • The image shown while dragging now reflects the dragged item, instead of being a generic drag pill

      New "Heavier" Theme

      A new theme called "Heavier" thickens TiddlyWiki's default lightweight fonts. A variant "Tight-Heavier" combines the "Heavier" theme with the existing "Tight" theme:

      New Tiddler Manager

      Added new tiddler manager to support tasks such as:

      • Reviewing and applying tags to a large number of tiddlers
      • Tweaking the custom colours and icons for a large number of tiddlers

      The tiddler manager will be extended in the future to increase flexibility and to add support for bulk operations.

      Performance Improvements

      • Extended search mechanism to require the search string to be a minimum length

      Translation Improvements

      • Improvements to Danish, Dutch, French, German, Portuguese and Chinese translations
      • Added new Hebrew translation
      • Added preliminary support for right-to-left (RTL) languages

      Usability Improvements

      • Added a select all/none checkbox to the header of the import panel
      • Added "close plugin library" button
      • Added support for adding tags using the enter key
      • Improved handling of ctrl-Enter to add partially completed tags and fields
      • Added support for relinking references to renamed tiddlers
      • Added new "print page" page control button (and added associated icon)
      • Added new page control button to temporarily suspend timestamps
      • Improved access to plugin information:
        • Refactored the display of plugin tiddlers to use the same format as the control panel, adding the shadow tiddler listing as an overridable extension tab
        • Added a new tab in the “More” sidebar providing quick access to all installed plugins
      • Fixed height of preview pane to use a scrollbar when fixed height layout is selected
      • Extended editor "link" button to create external links and missing links
      • Increased size of icons in the "Filter" tab of $:/AdvancedSearch
      • Fixed problem with multiple copies of a tiddler appearing in the story river
      • Improved dropdown for new field names with typeahead search
      • Improved the ordering of groups in the tiddler editor content type dropdown
      • Added "sticky" mode for tiddler info panel. See "Settings" in control panel
      • Increased boldness of tag pill text
      • Added documentation marker to indicate the version in which a new feature was released
      • Added an entry to the advanced search filter drop down for exporting the current story (minus advanced search)

      New and Improved Filter Operators

      Hackability Improvements

      Node.js Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • Improved Node.js support for the HighlightPlugin
      • Fixed problem with recursion errors in the Table-of-Contents Macros
      • Prevented email addresses from being mis-recognised as HTML tags
      • Fixed issue with $tw.utils.strEndsWith()
      • Partially fixed problem with action widgets being invoked independently of refresh cycle
      • Revised handling of syncAdaptor.isReady() method to improve compatibility with older adaptors
      • Fixed problem with unsafe use of String.prototype.replace(), corrupting fields containing dollar signs
      • Fixed problem with page background colour not showing through transparent background images
      • Fixed sync problem with skinny tiddlers not being loaded
      • Fixed problem with "Cancel" button in login dialogue also submitting the form
      • Fixed typo affecting created/creator fields when deleting a field
      • Fixed issue with system links containing international characters not being recognised
      • Fixed issue with single line macro definitions without a terminating line break
      • Fixed issue with empty strings and the CheckboxWidget
      • Fixed problem with calculation of week numbers
      • Fixed problem with move Operator not wrapping correctly
      • Fixed problem preventing customisation of textarea background colours

      Developer Bug Fixes and Improvements


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.15

      13th November 2017 at 4:11pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      New and Improved Plugins

      Translation Improvements

      New and improved translations:

      • New Persian translation
      • Updated Chinese and Greek translations

      Another improvement that benefits users of translations is the addition of about 800 new transliteration pairs. These are substitutions that are performed when converting a tiddler title into a filename, such as the two characters "oe" for the single character "œ". See the commit for more details. The result is that automatically generated filenames are much more readable.

      Usability Improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Node.js Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed problem with "new journal" button clearing the text field
      • Removed extraneous URI encoding of filename with PUT saver
      • Restored ability to use sub-filter with image-picker macro
      • Fixed problem with the download saver and filenames containing spaces, accents or other characters that need URL encoding
      • Fixed problem with importing JSON tiddlers with leading or trailing spaces in the title
      • Fixed plugin display so that "contents" tab is shown even if no other tabs are provided
      • Fixed problem with allbefore:include filter operator
      • Updated Update Stanford JavaScript Library to version 1.0.7

      Developer Bug Fixes and Improvements

      • Extended $tw.boot.boot() to add a callback parameter
      • Extended navigation handling to pass original event data
      • Added new th-importing-files hook


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.16

      25th April 2018 at 3:56pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Improved CodeMirror Plugins

      The CodeMirror plugin has undergone a substantial rewrite, with many new improvements:

      • Upgrade to CodeMirror version v5.37.0
      • Now modularised into:
        • Base plugin: basic lightweight configuration, approximately 240KB
        • Add-on plugins:
          • Search and Replace
          • Auto-completion
          • Fullscreen editing
          • Auto-close brackets
          • Auto-close tags
          • SublimeText keymap
          • Emacs keymap
          • Vim keymap
          • Highlighting modes: Javascript, Xml, Html (htmlmixed), Html (htmlembedded), Css, Markdown, X-Tiddlywiki
      • Automatic configuration (the configuration tiddler is not needed anymore)
          • CodeMirror (engine.js) builds the configuration using information within the installed CodeMirror plugins
      • New control panel configuration tab:
        • Line numbers
        • Theme:
          • Editor font family (same as native TiddlyWiki)
          • Cursor settings
          • Line wrapping
        • Active line highlighting
          • Autocompletion on/off (if installed)
        • Keymap

      Other New and Improved Plugins

      Translation Improvements

      New and improved translations:

      • New Slovenian translation
      • New Português (Brasil) translation
      • Improved Dutch translation
      • Improved French translation
      • Improved German translation
      • Improved Traditional and Simplified Chinese translations
        • These translations now also reset the minimum search length to one character

      Privacy Improvements

      Prompted by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we've removed all third party cookies from

      Usability Improvements

      • Added new DiffTextWidget, and integrated it into the import listing and as a preview pane
      • Added selectable previews to the import listing
      • Added new editor toolbar buttons for wrapping the selection with double square and curly brackets
      • Added new sortan Operator for sorting alphanumeric values such as "Apple 6", "Apple 7", "Apple 8", "Apple 9", "Apple 10", "Apple 20", "Apple 30", "Apple 100"
      • Improved default fonts for readability as advised by GitHub
      • Added an editor toolbar button for stamping fragments of formulae for the KaTeX Plugin
      • Simplified the page scrolling behaviour: navigating to a tiddler now scrolls the top of the tiddler to the top of the viewport
      • Added WidgetMessage: tm-copy-to-clipboard and also copy-to-clipboard Macro for copying text directly to the clipboard
      • Added a hint to the field list dropdown
      • Added a control panel setting for the default tab in the More sidebar
      • Added a control panel setting for the titles of new tiddlers
      • Added "rotate left" button to bitmap editor toolbar
      • Improved criteria under which certain editor toolbar buttons are displayed
      • Added support for a minimum length for the new tag field before the dropdown is shown
      • Improved consistency and reusability of the palette, language and theme switchers
      • Added support for retaining tab content in the tabs Macro
      • Added support for adding links via the enter key

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • Removed superfluous list item at the end of list-links-draggable macro
      • Fixed problem with the content area of vertical tabs sometimes overflowing their right hand margin
      • Fixed problem with double quotes within the new journal template
      • Fixed problem with dragging inside a textarea
      • Fixed usage of "default" attribute of SelectWidget when "index" attribute is used
      • Fixed problem with crash when dragging over TiddlyWiki on some browsers
      • Fixed issue with new journal button
      • Fixed problem with filter and value attributes of SetWidget
      • Fixed problem with numeric operands in the Extended Listops Filters
      • Fixed problem with "put" saver and 412 return codes
      • Fixed problem with variable references in field values in the edit template
      • Extended behaviour of list-after field so that the tiddler is placed at the end of the list if the list-after field is present but empty

      Developer Bug Fixes and Improvements


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.17

      12th May 2018 at 10:43am

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release


      After encountering significant problems we've reluctantly decided to remove support for multiple sub-operators with the is Operator that was added in v5.1.16.

      Usability Improvements

      • Improved appearance of TiddlyWiki's "red screen of embarrassment"

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed problem with extraneous space in new journal titles
      • Fixed problem with repeated use of "new journal" with text set
      • Fixed (and here) problem with Etag handling
      • Fixed problem with is Operator introduced in 5.1.16
      • Restored default of the preview pane being hidden
      • Fixed incorrect plugin library location
      • Fixed animation timing problem with reveal widget that sometimes caused the sidebar not to show when requested
      • Fixed problem with saving with non-Dat URI schemes
      • Fixed deletion of $:/status/UserName when logged out

      Node.js Improvements

      • Stopped clearing $:/status/UserName when logged out
      • Fixed bug with attempting to lazy load tiddlers that do not qualify for syncing
      • Added support for /*\ style metadata comments at the top of *.CSS files


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.18

      6th December 2018 at 9:00am

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Major Improvements

      Global Keyboard Shortcuts

      This version introduces new infrastructure to handle global keyboard shortcuts. The core ships with the following shortcuts:

      • alt-I (or ctrl-I on Mac) - New image
      • alt-J (or ctrl-J on Mac) - New journal
      • alt-N (or ctrl-N on Mac) - New tiddler

      See How to create keyboard shortcuts

      Node.js HTTP Server

      The HTTP WebServer functionality has been significantly improved:

      See WebServer for more details, or see the changes on GitHub.

      Special Characters in Tiddler Titles

      In previous versions of TiddlyWiki, there were some special character sequences in tiddler titles that would break certain features. For example, a tiddler title ending in double quotes would cause the Table-of-Contents Macros to render incorrectly.

      As of 5.1.18, many of these problems have been fixed by refactoring the features to use the latest abilities of wikitext:

      Note that using certain characters in tiddler titles will still prevent some features from being used correctly. For example, two vertical bar characters are used in the double curly braces transclusion syntax to separate the tiddler title from the template title: {{title||template}}. However, although it would be impossible to transclude a tiddler called title||template using that syntax, one could still transclude it using <$transclude tiddler="title||template"/>.

      Plugin Improvements

      Translation Improvements

      New and improved translations:

      • Catalan
      • Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional
      • Dutch
      • French
      • German

      Usability Improvements

      • Added support for splash screens to be shown while TiddlyWiki is loading – see Creating a splash screen
      • Added display of backlinks when renaming a tiddler
      • Added persistent indicators at the bottom of the window showing any hidden drafts
      • Added current username (if set) to the title of draft tiddlers, making them easier to identify in multiuser scenarios
      • Added a warning for binary tiddlers in view mode
      • Extended permalink/permaview to copy the URL to the clipboard as well as updating the address bar. This behaviour can be customised in $:/ControlPanel settings
      • Improved saving to use the $:/SiteTitle as the basis of the filename
      • Added support for webp, heic and heif image formats
      • Fixed tiddler positioning when creating new tiddlers
      • Fixed smooth scrolling in new windows
      • Fixed problem dismissing popups within new windows
      • Fixed handling of disabled missing links so that core user interface features are not broken (see also here)

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed with WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler overwriting creation fields of existing tiddlers
      • Fixed problem with unwanted variable substitutions by restricting variable substitutions to macros defined with the define pragma
      • Fixed problem with the 'excise' editor toolbar button not showing if the tiddler type is "text/vnd.tiddlywiki"
      • Fixed problem with generation of wifi QR codes
      • Fixed $tw.platform.isLinux on the latest Firefox
      • Fixed problem with using full screen on secondary windows
      • Fixed subtle bug whereby the RevealWidget was not refreshing properly when the state tiddler of a popup changed
      • Fixed problem with malformed HTML entities
      • Fixed crash when passing illegal arguments to the decodeuri Operator and decodeuricomponent Operator
      • Fixed errors when a popup blocker blocks opening a new window
      • Fixed problems using a lazily loaded tidler as a state tiddler with the RevealWidget
      • Fixed problem with modals not appearing in the correct window
      • Fixed the animations for adding and removing tags in edit mode, and a similar fix for the animations in the "Open" sidebar tab

      Developer Bug Fixes and Improvements

      • Refactored $tw.utils.parseStringArray() to optionally allow non-unique entries


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.19

      20th December 2018 at 4:34pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      This release consists of fixes for bugs discovered in Release 5.1.18.

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed incompatible change to the construction of filename used for saving
      • Fixed problem with fonts for the KaTeX Plugin
      • Fixed problem with forcing basic authentication for the WebServer
      • Fixed problem with the ButtonWidget not refreshing when the popupTitle attribute changes
      • Fixed problem with empty.html accidentally containing a splash screen
      • Fixed regression with search matches across multiple fields


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.2

      27th September 2014 at 4:24pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      This is another small release with documentation updates and a few bug fixes and improvements.

      Usability Improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      • Improved styling of separator before the untagged item in the tags sidebar
      • Improved error handling for the upload saver (which is used for saving to TiddlySpot)
      • Improved storyview error detection

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed crash caused by incorrectly formatted plugins
      • Fixed problem with tiddler info not being removed by the syncer after deleting a tiddler
      • Fixed HTTP handling to treat response code 201 as success


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.20

      9th August 2019 at 2:13pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      New Conditional Operators

      Added new Conditional Operators then Operator and else Operator

      New Mathematics Operators

      Added several new Mathematics Operators for working with numbers: negate, abs, ceil, floor, round, trunc, untrunc, sign, add, subtract, multiply, divide, remainder, max, min, fixed, precision, exponential, sum, product, maxall and minall.

      New String Operators

      Added several new string operators: match, length, uppercase, lowercase, titlecase, sentencecase, trim, split, splitregexp and join.

      Improved Handling of Duplicates in Filters

      There is now finer control over TiddlyWiki's default behaviour of removing duplicates from filter results, making it much easier to work with the new mathematics and string operators:

      • Added support for new = prefix for merging filter runs without removing duplicates
      • Added option for the enlist Operator to not remove duplicates

      Improved Keyboard Shortcuts

      Keyboard shortcut handling has been significantly improved with the following new global shortcuts (configurable via $:/ControlPanel):

      • ctrl-shift-F - focus the sidebar search field
      • alt-shift-S - toggle the visibility of the sidebar
      • ctrl-shift-A - open the advanced search tiddler

      Saving to GitHub and GitLab

      Added a Git service saver for saving directly to GitHub and GitLab

      Plugin Improvements

      New and improved plugins:

      Translation Improvements

      New and improved translations:

      • Catalan
      • Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional
      • French
      • German
      • US English

      Performance Improvements

      • Added pluggable index modules to accelerate the field Operator and the tag Operator (in tests on a wiki with 60K tiddlers, startup time is reduced by 25% with these optimisations, and refresh time is reduced by a factor of three.)
      • Optimised the "Classic" storyview to perform much faster when the animation duration is set to zero (approximtely 50% speed improvement was observed in tests opening a storyview with 8,000 entries)
      • Optimised the RevealWidget to avoid using the relatively slow localeCompare() method to compare strings
      • Updated Performance Instrumentation to show the timings for individual filters
      • Optimised rendering and refreshing child widgets

      Usability Improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed a long standing problem with the main standalone HTML file template whereby raw markup tiddlers would be included even if not selected by the save filter
      • Fixed overlapping dropdowns with sticky titles enabled
      • Removed apparently obsolete limitation of selection wrapping in text editor
      • Fixed bug in RevealWidget when stateTitle tiddler is missing
      • Fixed bug with animation duration being blank
      • Fixed Firefox problem with drag and drop placeholders in the "open" tab of the sidebar
      • Ameliorated Firefox problem with sticky placeholder during drag and drop operations
      • Fixed CodeMirror Plugin to use tiddler-editor-border colour
      • Fixed problem using the TiddlySpot saver with cookies disabled
      • Fixed framed text editor to use correct background colour
      • Fixed problem with the class tc-sidebar-lists being used on two different areas of the sidebar, making it impossible to distinguish them in CSS selectors
      • Fixed problem with unnecessary "list" field created when renaming tiddlers
      • Fixed crash with EditBitmapWidget and missing tiddlers

      Node.js Bug Fixes and Improvements

      Developer Bug Fixes and Improvements


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.21

      10th September 2019 at 3:23pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to Sylvain Comte for his winning design for the banner for this release (here are the other entries).

      This is a bug fix release that resolves issues introduced in the recent Release 5.1.20.

      Bug Fixes

      Node.js Bug Fixes


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.22

      15th April 2020 at 4:08pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to Thomas Elmiger for his winning design for the banner for this release (here are the other entries).

      Major Improvements

      Dynamic Plugin Loading

      Plugins can now be loaded or deleted dynamically, without requiring a reload – as long as they don't contain any JavaScript modules. Plugins that require a reload are indicated in the plugin chooser in $:/ControlPanel.

      The plugin listing and the plugin chooser in the control panel feature several improvements:

      • A new "Updates" tab listing all upgrades available from a plugin library, and a button to update all of them with one click
      • Tabs are now used to display plugin libraries within the plugin chooser
      • The plugin chooser now displays plugins that provide add-on functionality to another plugin as nested "sub-plugins", making the main listing easier to navigate
      • Plugins may now declare dependencies that are automatically installed without user intervention
      • All plugins are now displayed more consistently, including a concise, informal name (in addition to the description and title)

      Client-Server Improvements

      This release sees several improvements to the client-server configuration:

      • Improved resilience to connection errors. Errors encountered by the browser are automatically retried, and when they succeed the associated error messages are automatically removed
      • Changes to system tiddlers are now synchronised from the server to the browser
      • Deletions of tiddlers on the server are now synchronised to the browser
      • New "cloud" page control button with a dropdown menu showing status and additional actions:
        • "Refresh from server" to force an immediate check for changes from the server
        • "Logout"
        • "Save snapshot for offline use" to save a copy of the wiki without the client-server components
        • "Copy syncer logs to clipboard" to make it easier to ask end users for debugging information
      • Added "filter" and "exclude" parameters to the GET /recipes/default/tiddlers.json endpoint to allow the returned tiddlers and fields to be filtered
      • Enhanced LazyLoading to include skinny versions of tiddlers in the HTML file, and to avoid unnecessary loads from the server
      • The official plugin library is now disabled when the tiddlyweb adaptor is active
      • Internal file system details are no longer exposed to browsers when a file request fails (see

      See the pull request on GitHub for more details.

      New compare Operator

      Added a new filter operator for comparing numbers, strings, dates and version numbers. For example:

      returns nothing
      returns "2"
      returns "2"
      =1.2 =1.8 =2.3 =3.4 =7.2 +[compare:number:gt[1.5]compare:number:lt[2.5]]
      returns "1.8" "2.3"
      returns "no"

      New Plugins

      • Added new menubar plugin that creates a menu bar that is responsive on mobile devices, and supports search, dropdowns and links
      • Added new freelinks plugin to automatically create links from any tiddler title, without having to type double square brackets or use CamelCase.
      • Added new dynannotate plugin containing primitives for overlaying annotations or highlights over other content
      • Added new share plugin for sharing tiddlers via the URL location hash
      • Switched the markdown plugin to the newer and improved remarkable library

      Translation Improvements

      • Improved Chinese translation
      • Improved Dutch translation
      • Improved French translation
      • Improved German translations
      • Improved Portuguese translation

      Performance Improvements

      Usability Improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.23

      24th December 2020 at 1:29pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to Atronoush for his winning design for the banner for this release (here are the other entries).

      Performance Improvements

      • improved filter execution to use a more efficient linked list structure for intermediate results
      • updated widget mechanism to cache the result of parsing macros which don't use text substitution
      • updated page templates to use a single VarsWidget instead of several SetVariableWidgets, for improved performance and easier debugging
      • updated ListWidget to not initialize parsers for blank emptyMessage attributes

      Usability Improvements

      • renamed "references" to "backlinks" in the tiddler info panel
      • added warning message about using the online plugin library with the client-server configuration
      • updated favicon for the prerelease edition
      • removed normalize.css's styling of search input fields and updated to a modern fork of normalize.css
      • removed unneeded editor toolbar buttons when editing SVG tiddlers
      • added global keyboard shortcut for switching layouts
      • hide the .tid exporter when more than one tiddler to export

      Import Mechanism Improvements

      • added support for renaming tiddlers and a warning about overwriting existing tiddlers
      • added colour coding for import items that will overwrite existing tiddlers, and for other warnings
      • improved other warnings in the import listing
      • fixed content type of imported .tid files that do not have a type field
      • fixed extraneous system tiddlers created during import process

      Palette Improvements

      Keyboard Handling Improvements

      • added support for navigating the search and new tag dropdowns via the keyboard. The keyboard-driven-input Macro can be used to add this capability to other dropdowns
      • added a tabIndex property to the tiddler editor input area to make it easier to use the tab key to move between edit controls
      • added keyboard support for cycling through the tabs in $:/AdvancedSearch
      • added keyboard support for navigating the field name dropdown in the Edit Template
      • added keyboard support or navigating the type field input in the Edit Template
      • added keyboard support for using the insert wikilink toolbar dropdown in the Edit Template
      • added a keyboard shortcut for saving the wiki
      • added a keyboard shortcut for deleting a field in the edit template
      • added a keyboard shortcut to change the sidebar layout

      Widget Improvements

      Filter Improvements

      New capabilities:

      • added support for multiple operands for filter operators

      New filter run prefixes:

      New operators:

      Other improvements:

      Tiddler File Naming Improvements

      extended the mechanism for Customising Tiddler File Naming to:

      Hackability Improvements

      • added basic support for switching page templates
      • extended the WidgetMessage: tm-scroll message to allow the target element to be specified by a CSS selector, making it possible to scroll to positions within a tiddler
      • fixed modals to incorporate a NavigatorWidget so that links work as expected
      • extended the Table-of-Contents Macros to support custom link targets
      • added new Hyperdrive saver for use with Beaker Browser v1.0
      • extended favicon mechanism to support _canonical_uri images
      • added support for recording the startup timestamp in $:/info/startup-timestamp (see InfoMechanism)
      • added support for SVG favicons
      • extended th-saving-tiddler hook to include information about the draft tiddler (see
      • extended WidgetMessage: tm-rename-tiddler to control whether relinking occurs
      • extended WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers to override the title $:/Import and to better control whether the import tiddler is opened automatically
      • extended the internal <$element> widget to add a hook so that plugins can intercept DOM node creation
      • added original event to tm-navigate event
      • extended the password prompt to enable it to be customised
      • extended syncer to enable syncadaptors to customise the login prompt
      • extended the tabs Macro to support actions and explicitState attributes
      • updated (and here) filters used for syncing on node.js and saving the single file version to exclude multiple story lists and history lists based on their prefix, as well as multiple tiddlers that might be used for the import process
      • added post-render startup actions
      • added support for username/password parameters for tm-login message
      • added support for the content type image/jpg (the correct type is image/jpeg but the misspelling is common so most browsers now support it)
      • added support for an override saver
      • added utility CSS classes to replace use of &nbsp; to introduce visual separation
      • added option to configure the tag used for TableOfContents in the menubar
      • modified the KeyboardWidget to not trap keys if there are no actions to be invoked
      • added buttons to the Edit Template toolbar for the editor-height and the stamp tool for tiddlers of type application/javascript,application/json and application/x-tiddler-dictionary
      • updated all instance of the tabs Macro in the core to use the explicitState attribute
      • added support for the meta key as a modifier in actions
      • added support for $:/info/darkmode to the InfoMechanism, reflecting the browser dark mode vs. light mode setting
      • updated story.js to remove dependency on wiki.js for story start up and navigator

      Plugin Improvements

      JSZip Plugin

      extended the JSZip Plugin with the ability to dynamically create Zip files, and thus to conveniently build multi-file static sites within the browser

      Consent Banner Plugin

      added the new Consent Banner Plugin plugin helps make websites that are compliant with "cookie legislation" such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation. It presents a banner inviting the user to accept or reject cookies, keeping track of their consent in local storage so that the banner can be hidden on subsequent visits.

      By default, content embedded with <iframe>, <embed> and <object> is blocked unless the user consents to accept cookies.

      Consent status is available via a configuration tiddler so that it is possible to construct content that behaves differently depending upon whether consent has been granted. As an example, a macro is provided for embedding YouTube videos that automatically uses the variant of video URLs unless the user has accepted cookies.

      Please note that using this plugin does not guarantee compliance with any particular legislation. You will need to understand the technical issues specific to your situation, and if necessary seek legal advice.

      Freelinks Plugin

      • added (and here) support for ignoring case when matching titles
      • fixed bug with autolinking within HTML <a> elements

      Twitter Plugin

      • added warning if wiki needs to be saved and reloaded

      Dynaview Plugin

      CodeMirror Plugin

      Markdown Plugin

      • fixed encoding of Markdown image files
      • fixed issue with whitespace and linebreaks
      • added tc-tiddlylink-external class to external links
      • fixed to add rel="noopener noreferrer" to external links
      • updated to use palette colours

      Amazon Web Services Plugin

      • added a new aws-encodeuricomponent filter that also encodes single quotes

      BibTeX Plugin

      • updated to a later fork of the underlying third party BibTeX parsing library

      Menubar Plugin

      • updated so the top margin of the side bar adjusts to the height of the menu

      Dynannotate Plugin

      • added examples of usage in the View Template

      External Attachments Plugin

      Highlight Plugin

      Translation Plugins

      Other Bug Fixes

      • fixed parsing of dates from 0 to 100CE
      • fixed handling of negative dates (see Date Fields and DateFormat)
      • fixed "409 conflict" errors with the GitHub saver when saving within 60 seconds of the last save
      • fixed behaviour of system tiddler syncing with the client server configuration. By default, changes to system tiddlers are not synced from the server to the client, restoring the behaviour from v5.1.21 and earlier. Bidirectional syncing of system tiddlers can be enabled with the configuration tiddler $:/config/SyncSystemTiddlersFromServer
      • fixed hover effect for search dropdown items
      • fixed restored missing parameter to saveTiddler() method of syncadaptors
      • fixed MakeLibraryCommand to skip non-directories
      • fixed erroneous use of $
      • fixed high CPU usage with animated syncing icon introduced in v5.1.22
      • fixed $:/config/NewJournal/Tags appearing in tag dropdowns
      • fixed popups not being cancelled when clicking within a text editor
      • fixed issue with timeline Macro and invalid date values
      • fixed hover colours of tag dropdowns in the sidebar
      • fixed alignment of tag pill icons
      • fixed crash with droppable widget
      • fixed issue with adding tags in $:/Manager
      • fixed edit template "type" dropdown positioning
      • fixed edit template field dropdown positioning
      • fixed (with addendum) syntax error in ScrollableWidget
      • fixed problem with headers not being treated case insensitively
      • fixed problem with Content-Type HTTP header sent as Content-type
      • fixed EntityWidget not refreshing correctly
      • fixed Markdown Plugin to honour alignment directives
      • fixed syncing issues with external JS template
      • fixed incorrect base64 encoding of astral plane Unicode text
      • fixed server error when saving a new tiddler created by following a tiddler link
      • added a plugin-priority field to the TiddlyWeb plugin so that language plugins can override its language strings
      • fixed bug whereby joining an empty list would not return an empty list
      • fixed bug exporting tiddlers with double quoted titles
      • fixed bug with syncing plugin tiddlers
      • fixed bug with the position of the tiddler title when there is no icon in use
      • fixed unwanted autosave in the upgrade wizard
      • fixed problem whereby $:/temp tiddlers were being saved in single file wikis
      • fixed a bug with the sortan filter operator when used with date fields
      • fixed a bug for location hashes that contain a # character
      • fixed default branch to main for saving to GitHub
      • fixed shadow tiddlers not refreshing when their plugin is deleted or modified
      • fixed tc-dirty class not appearing on external windows
      • fixed static.tiddler.html template to make rendered tiddlers full-width


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @adithya-badidey
      2. @Arlen22
      3. @bimlas
      4. @BramChen
      5. @BurningTreeC
      6. @danielo515
      7. @default-kramer
      8. @ento
      9. @favadi
      10. @fkohrt
      11. @flibbles
      12. @gera2ld
      13. @ibnishak
      14. @idotobi
      15. @jdangerx
      16. @jjduhamel
      17. @joshuafontany
      18. @Kamal-Habash
      19. @kookma
      20. @Marxsal
      21. @mocsa
      22. @NicolasPetton
      23. @OmbraDiFenice
      24. @passuf
      25. @pmario
      26. @rmunn
      27. @saqimtiaz
      28. @SmilyOrg
      29. @twMat
      30. @xcazin

      Release 5.1.3

      21st February 2015 at 11:01pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Usability Improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed the each operator to work with missing tiddlers
      • Fixed problem with tiddler width in zoomin storyview with the sidebar hidden
      • Fixed bug whereby the tm-home message wasn't navigating to a tiddler, causing problems in zoomin storyview
      • Fixed problem with jumping toolbar icons under Firefox
      • Fixed problem with untagged label being incorrectly coloured
      • Fixed problem with title background colours with the "Sticky Titles" theme
      • Fixed problem with subfilter parameter of timeline macro
      • Exclude search string tiddler from search results

      Node.js Changes

      These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.4

      22nd October 2014 at 3:55pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      This is a small release with documentation improvements and some important bug fixes from Release 5.1.3.

      Usability Improvements

      • Added a toolbar button for advanced search
      • Changed dragging behaviour so that you can drag a tiddler title into an edit box to insert the title, making link creation easier. (This change doesn't affect the behaviour of dragging tiddler links between TiddlyWiki windows)

      Hackability Improvements

      • Added additional theme tweaks for the body text size and line height
      • Extended the ViewWidget to work with subtiddlers

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed problem with search counts

      Node.js Changes

      These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.5

      21st February 2015 at 10:50pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Translation Improvements

      • Added new translators edition making it much easier to create and maintain translations of TiddlyWiki
      • Added improved Japanese translation
      • Added new Danish translation
      • Added new Greek translation

      Usability Improvements

      • Improvements to tooltips for accessibility
      • Added export button to tiddler toolbar, page controls and advanced search "filter" tab
      • Improved layout of $:/TagManager
      • Simplified default tiddler toolbar buttons
      • Added advanced search button to sidebar search results
      • Improved search results by listing title matches at the top
      • Added input box for specifying new field value in edit template
      • Improved tag pill rendering so that the foreground colour is dynamically chosen for maximum contrast with the background colour
      • Enhancements to many of the core icons
      • Removed (and here, here and here) unnecessary confirmations when abandoning or deleting unmodified tiddlers
      • Added a subtle rounded corner to tiddlers and tabs
      • Added automatic focusing of the title of newly created tiddlers
      • Added advanced search links on tiddler counts in $:/ControlPanel

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      Node.js Changes

      These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js

      Changes affecting plugin authors

      • Disabled wiki change events for shadow tiddlers
      • Updated structure of widget messages that have a hashmap parameter
      • The support for nested popups has necessitated a change in the way that popups are styled that affects popups that are triggered with the focusPopup attribute of the EditTextWidget: it is now necessary for the widget to be given the class tc-popup-handle.


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.6

      21st February 2015 at 7:42pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Translation Improvements

      • Added Dutch translation
      • Updated Danish and Japanese translations

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed problem with download saver using incorrect filename
      • Fixed problem with processing of date format templates
      • Fixed problem with storytop theme tweak not being respected when the narrow responsive design kicks in

      Node.js Changes

      These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js

      • Fixed problem with "all tiddlers" static HTML export
      • Fixed incorrect checking for an empty folder with the InitCommand

      Changes affecting plugin authors

      • Extended $tw.utils.each so that the loop can be broken out of


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.7

      19th December 2014 at 9:50pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      This is an hot fix release with the following change over Release 5.1.6:

      Release 5.1.8

      17th April 2015 at 4:33pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      This release includes many improvements to the documentation for TiddlyWiki. Many thanks to everyone who has helped out, but especially to our prodigious new contributor Astrid Elocson.

      Translation Improvements

      • Improvements to French, Danish, Chinese and Japanese translations
      • Added Czech translation
      • Added Interlingua translation
      • Added Portuguese translation
      • Added Punjabi and Hindu translations
      • Added Slovak translation
      • Added Spanish translation
      • Added localisation for encryption prompt

      Usability Improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed the sameday Operator and eachday Operator to accept TW5 date strings
      • Fixed version number compatibility checks for plugins
      • Fixed problem with repeatedly cancelling a draft
      • Improved sandboxing of generated <iframe> elements
      • Fixed problem with modal backgrounds on Firefox
      • Fixed problem with accidentally dragging a tiddler within its originating window
      • Fixed problem with dragging certain plugins with Safari
      • Partially fixed problem with SVG icons being clipped by 1 pixel on the right and bottom
      • Fixed problem with double quotes in a new field value

      Node.js Changes

      These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.1.9

      3rd July 2015 at 3:37pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Major Improvements

      New "Powered by TiddlyWiki" plugin

      An experimental plugin to add a simple "Powered by TiddlyWiki" banner to your site. It is included in this prerelease but will not be on the main wiki.

      New "Fluid story, fixed sidebar" mode

      It is now possible to arrange the main window so that the sidebar has a fixed width and the story river expands to fill the remaining space.

      To switch it on, visit Theme Tweaks in the $:/ControlPanel Appearance tab and use the following options:

      • Sidebar layout:
        • Fixed story, fluid sidebar (default) - the story river has a fixed width and the sidebar fills the remaining space
        • Fluid story, fixed sidebar - the story river expands to fill horizontal space remaining after the fixed width sidebar
      • Sidebar width:
        • The width of the sidebar. Can be specified in pixels (eg 350px), a percentage (eg 25%) or other CSS unit

      Toolbar Button Style Setting

      A new setting in $:/ControlPanel Settings tab allows the toolbar button style to be chosen from the following options:

      • the existing style
      • , which adds a thin border box around the button
      • , which rounds the button corners and inverts the button colours

      Plugins can add new style options.

      New Tiddler Toolbar Button: "Open in new window"

      An experimental new tiddler toolbar button opens a single tiddler in a separate pop-up browser window. The tiddler will be dynamically updated just as in the main window. There are several uses:

      • Arranging reference tiddlers for easy access while editing in the main window
      • Making good use of multi-screen layouts
      • Printing the content of a single tiddler
      • Running presentations in a separate window while maintaining notes in the main window

      Improvements for visually impaired users

      • Improved monochrome palette variants:
        • . Foreground: , Background:
        • . Foreground: , Background:

      New "Solar Flare" palette

      There's a new core palette "Solar Flare", contributed by Rustem Akbulatov (@nameanyone).

      Options for Story Control

      There are new options for controlling the position in the story river of newly opened tiddlers. Visit the Settings tab of $:/ControlPanel and look for "Tiddler Opening Behaviour".

      New Hidden Settings

      Two new hidden settings for advanced configuration:

      New Vars widget

      Added VarsWidget for setting multiple variables in one operation:

      <$vars greeting="Hi" me={{!!title}} sentence=<<helloworld>>>
        <<greeting>>! I am <<me>> and I say: <<sentence>>

      Other Improvements

      Translation Improvements

      • Updates to the Dutch, Chinese, Italian and German translations
      • New Catalan (Spain) translation

      Usability Improvements

      • Added new page control icon for setting the palette:
      • Added new icons for palette and "open new window"
      • Improved the theme icon to better match the new palette icon:
      • Avoid glitch with autofocusing the search box in the plugin library
      • Added information about TiddlyDesktop to Releases
      • Stopped autosaving after cancelling an edit
      • Added dropdown to edit template to allow existing field names to be selected

      Hackability Improvements

      • Updated to KaTeX version 0.4.3, with the following editions since the previous 0.2.0 release that was distributed with TiddlyWiki 5.1.8:
        • Added support for some \begin/\end environments, including support for array, matrix, pmatrix, bmatrix, vmatrix, and Vmatrix
        • Added support for optional \sqrt arguments, e.g. \sqrt[3]{x}
        • Add support for \phantom
        • Add \#, \&
        • See the KaTeX GitHub page for full release details
      • Extended ActionSendMessageWidget for more flexible passing of named parameters via new $name and $value attributes
      • Added styling for <kbd> elements such as escape and enter
      • Added subtle new "pin stripe" pattern for page background -
      • Added support for custom elements to the ButtonWidget
      • Improved CodeMirror plugin to automatically refresh when a tiddler type changes
      • Added new setting in $:/ControlPanel to render tiddler titles as links, which can be convenient for drag and drop
      • Simplified detecting the preview pane with the tv-tiddler-preview Variable
      • Improved automatic linking of system tiddler titles by restricting them to letters and the characters /.-

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed problem with special characters in field names
      • Fixed static banner layout on mobile devices
      • Fixed popups within the scrollable widget by adding position: relative; to example scrollable widget styles


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      Release 5.2.0

      3rd October 2021 at 3:15pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to Frank. B for his winning design for the banner for this release (here are the other entries).


      Unrestricted Fieldnames and the New JSON Store Area

      The major change in this release is that the format used to store tiddlers in TiddlyWiki's HTML file has changed from an HTML DIV-based format to a new JSON-based format. The consequences of this change are far-reaching. They are thus the primary rationale for bumping the version number from v5.1.x to v5.2.0:

      Firstly, the characters that can be used in field names are now unrestricted (just like tiddler titles), making it possible to use fieldnames like My^Field or ☃️. This has become possible because every other part of TiddlyWiki was already capable of dealing with unrestricted field names apart from saving as an HTML file.

      Secondly, external tools that read, write or otherwise process TiddlyWiki HTML files will need modification to understand the new store area format. The details are documented in the /dev wiki.

      For more details, see ticket #5708 on GitHub.

      Dragging and Dropping Images into the Editor

      It is now possible to drag and drop an image file directly into the tiddler text editor. A popup allows the incoming image tiddler to be renamed, and then [img[title]] is automatically inserted into the tiddler text at the insertion point.

      • added (and again here) ability to drag and drop images directly in the editor

      Simplified Access to Tiddler Title with ActionCreateTiddlerWidget

      It is now possible to embed actions within the body of the ActionCreateTiddlerWidget, and those actions can directly access the title of the newly created tidddler via the variable createTiddler-title, and the title of the corresponding draft in the variable createTiddler-draftTitle. The old $savetitle and $savedrafttitle attributes are now deprecated.

        <$action-createtiddler $basetitle="Homemade Button" tags="$:/tags/PageControls" text={{$:/state/new-button-caption}}>
          <$action-navigate $to=<<createTiddler-title>>/>
        Create a new non-functional page control button and open the tiddler

      For more details:

      More Flexible Parsing of Macros

      Two long-standing limitations of TiddlyWiki's macro syntax have been resolved.

      First, it is now possible to nest macro calls within the parameters to other macros. For example:

      <<mymacro arg:"""nested <<macro>> call""">>

      Second, macro parameters can now be used within filter expressions. For example:

      [<qualify "$:/state/mydata">addsuffix[-]addsuffix<now "YYYY MM DDD hh:mm:ss">]
      • improved macro calls to use the same parser as that used for widget attributes
      • added support for macro parameters within filters (see Filter Parameter)

      Optimised Refreshing of Transclusions

      This simple-sounding change has several important consequences:

      The first consequence is that it makes the TranscludeWidget much more efficient, and improves the performance of the refresh cycle.

      The second consequence resolves a long-standing difficulty for many users: it is now possible to use an EditWidget to edit another field of the same tiddler. Previously, the edit widget would not work properly in such cases because it would be refreshed on every keypress, leading to the current editing caret/selection position being lost.

      As sometimes happens, the third consequence is that constructions that relied on the old, buggy behaviour may no longer work as expected. A common example of such a construction is an invocation of a JavaScript macro. The problem stems from the fact that JavaScript macros are designed to be as simple as possible from the developers perspective, being pure functions that have no side effects, and that always return the same value for the same parameters. In particular, JavaScript macros cannot participate in TiddlyWiki's refresh mechansim, so they cannot force themselves to be updated when underlying data changes (for situations where such processing is needed, JavaScript widgets should be used instead of JavaScript macros).

      However, developers have sometimes worked around this limitation by using the TranscludeWidget to force refreshing of a macro invocation when a particular tiddler changes. The newer, more selective behaviour means that sometimes such widgets will avoid a refresh that was previously relied upon to update the JavaScript macro.

      For end users, if an upgrade to v5.2.0 causes problems then consult the discussion Forums to see if other users have encountered the same problem, and make a new posting if needed.

      • improved the TranscludeWidget to avoid triggering a refresh unless the transcluded field changes (previously it was also triggered for changes to other fields)

      Other Notable Improvements

      extended (and here) the ListWidget with an optional counter attribute specifying a variable to contain the numeric index of each list item. This is useful for creating a list of numbered items, and for detecting the first and last entries in a list

      extended action widget execution with an optional new mode that ensures that all widgets are refreshed before invocation – see ActionWidget Execution Modes. This resolves a long-standing inconsistency in the way that ActionWidgets are executed, making them behave much more like a conventional programming language

      improved the HTML comment syntax to enable it to be used before and in between pragmas such as macro definitions. This makes it much easier to provide documentation within complex wikitext tiddlers

      fixed size of dropzone when story river is empty. For a long time, TiddlyWiki confusingly wouldn't recognise a drag and drop operation if the story river was empty

      Performance Improvements

      Usability Improvements

      • fixed ability to import previously blocked system tiddlers
      • improved warning message when cancelling a pending import
      • updated the default font weights in the "Snow White" theme to be thicker and more legible
      • fixed modal mechanism to prevent page from scrolling while modals are displayed
      • fixed fill colour for "remove tag" button
      • fixed page title so that the separating em-dash is only used if the site subtitle is present
      • fixed broken aria-label in $:/PaletteManager
      • updated SVG optimiser script
      • added plus/minus SVG icons: and
      • added link to the existing tiddler when the warning "Target tiddler already exists" is displayed in the edit template
      • added class to make tag pills in the edit template look like those in the ViewTemplate
      • fixed overflow of long field values that do not contain whitespace
      • improved GitHub, Gitea and GitLab savers to wikify the commit message, enabling macros to be used in the message
      • improved the text editor stamp toolbar button dropdown to allow sorting by drag and drop

      Widget Improvements

      Filter improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Client-server Improvements

      • fixed crash running in client server configuration when 'ETag' header is missing
      • fixed blank favicon when using lazily loaded images
      • fixed web server issue with custom path prefix and basic authentication
      • fixed crash on Node.js with ActionSetFieldWidget when type field is given a value upon new tiddler creation
      • fixed issue with saving tiddler files with titles that already end in the required extension
      • fixed several consistency issues with the filesystem plugin
      • fixed issue with encoding of $:/config/OriginalTiddlerPaths outside the wiki folder
      • updated the TiddlySpot Saver settings form
      • added 401 and 403 error messages for PUT saver
      • extended the external JavaScript template to be easier to use and work more smoothly when offline
      • fixed incorrect usage of X-Requested-With header for simple HTTP requests
      • fixed security issue allowing access to files outside the ./files/ folder

      Node.js Improvements

      Plugin Improvements

      Markdown Plugin

      XLSX Utilities Plugin

      • fixed crash with the XLSX Utils plugin

      KaTeX Plugin

      Freelinks Plugin

      • extended the Freelinks plugin with a filter to determine which tiddlers can be the targets of freelinks

      Menubar Plugin

      • fixed Menu plugin to support optional dropdown-position field

      BibTeX Plugin

      Developer Experience Improvements

      • improved the widget subclassing mechanism to work with widgets that add event listeners in their constructor
      • improved the Jasmine test suite output
      • extended wikitext parser with a subclassing mechanism
      • added added support for utils-browser modules
      • added th-before-importing hook to allow plugins to inspect or modify the importTiddler object before any tiddlers are imported
      • added th-closing-tiddler hook when tiddlers are closed

      Translation improvements

      Other Bug Fixes

      • fixed crash with malformed input to decodeURIComponent()
      • fixed issue with lookup Operator returning "undefined" under some circumstances
      • fixed crash with unterminated wikitext comments
      • fixed tiddler info area content bleeding on close animation
      • fixed inline/block widget parsing glitch
      • fixed runaway regexp when parsing filters
      • fixed right margin of tag pill when used outside of the tags wrapper
      • extended upload saver to optionally work without a username or password
      • fixed RadioWidget to refresh selectively, and to use the checked attribute correctly
      • fixed "invert" option of method
      • fixed ES5 compatibility issue
      • fixed exporting of tiddlers that begin and end with double quotes
      • improved accessibility of button widget when controlling a popup
      • fixed EditTextWidget to use default text for missing fields
      • fixed css-escape-polyfill to work under Node.js
      • fixed (and here) crash when sorting by non-string fields
      • fixed (and here) some bugs in the EventCatcherWidget, introduced new stopPropagation attribute and new syntax for specifying actions
      • fixed CurrentTiddler variable consistency in subfilters and prefixes
      • fixed crash when accessing variables in filters that don't have a widget context
      • fixed unnecessary triggering of reload warning when JavaScript tiddlers are not subsequently imported
      • fixed minor issue with import pragma
      • fixed leading and trailing whitespace in themes
      • fixed configuration list of HTML5 block elements
      • fixed shape and color for disabled button to work with tc-btn-invisible class
      • fixed inconsistent spacing of view toolbar items
      • fixed crash when assigning new value to file input controls
      • fixed text editor stamp button to work with prefixes and suffixes in shadow tiddlers
      • fixed Internet Explorer crash when pasting text using an HTA
      • fixed bug with [all[shadows]] sometimes returning overridden shadow tiddlers
      • fixed refresh bug with radio widget where the tc-radio-selected class is not correctly updated
      • fixed crash with reading invalid JSON files


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @8d1h
      2. @Arlen22
      3. @BlueGreenMagick
      4. @BramChen
      5. @BurningTreeC
      6. @cdruan
      7. @clutterstack
      8. @CodaCodr
      9. @dixonge
      10. @donmor
      11. @felixhayashi
      12. @FlashSystems
      13. @flibbles
      14. @FND
      15. @hoelzro
      16. @jeremyredhead
      17. @joebordes
      18. @joshuafontany
      19. @kookma
      20. @laomaiweng
      21. @leehawk787
      22. @Marxsal
      23. @morosanuae
      24. @neumark
      25. @NicolasPetton
      26. @OdinJorna
      27. @pmario
      28. @rryan
      29. @saqimtiaz
      30. @simonbaird
      31. @slaymaker1907
      32. @sobjornstad
      33. @twMat
      34. @xcazin

      Release 5.2.1

      8th December 2021 at 11:58am

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to Mohammad Rahmani and Elise Springer for their winning design for the banner for this release (here are the other entries).


      added New Filter Cascade Mechanism

      The cascade mechanism provides a flexible way to choose between multiple options. Crucially, it is done in a way that makes it simple for plugins to tweak the logic or add their own options.

      Some of the things that can be done with cascades are:

      • Replacing the default tiddler body template with a custom one for a certain type of tiddler
      • Giving all journal tiddlers a custom icon
      • Implementing a custom editor for certain types of tiddler

      There are two parts to these changes. The underpinning is a new Cascade Filter Run Prefix that takes a list of filters and runs them in order, returning the result of the first one to return a value.

      The second part is a series of improvements based on this new filter cascade mechanism. Conditional logic that was previously hidden within core templates can now be extended and tweaked much more easily than before.

      Choosing the following elements of the core user interface is now handled with cascades:

      The cascades can be inspected in $:/ControlPanel under Info -> Advanced -> Cascades.

      See Cascades for more information.

      added New LetWidget

      The LetWidget is an improved alternative to the existing VarsWidget. It is recommended to use the new LetWidget instead of the VarsWidget in all circumstances.

      The chief advantage is that the LetWidget performs the variable assignments in the same order as they are written, and permits references to earlier assignments. For example, here we swap the values of two variables:

      <$let temp=<<foo>> foo=<<bar>> bar=<<temp>>>

      Bug Fixes

      Usability Improvements

      • fixed image picker in theme tweaks to not dismiss when an image is selected
      • added a new hidden setting for controlling the visibility of the editor preview pane on a per-tiddler basis
      • improved sidebar plugin listing to show icon and more details

      Widget Improvements

      Filter improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Developer Improvements

      • added support for widgets to access the order in which attributes are defined

      Node.js Improvements

      Translation improvements

      • Polish
      • Chinese


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @bmann
      2. @BramChen
      3. @btheado
      4. @BurningTreeC
      5. @eiro10
      6. @EvidentlyCube
      7. @flibbles
      8. @joshuafontany
      9. @Marxsal
      10. @pmario
      11. @saqimtiaz
      12. @Telumire
      13. @tw-FRed
      14. @twMat

      Release 5.2.2

      25th March 2022 at 1:08pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to Elise Springer for her winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread).


      updated Highlight Plugin to use highlight.js v11.4.0

      This is a major upgrade to the latest version of highlight.js. The new version has many improvements, including better support for Fortran.

      The new version of the Highlight Plugin requires a modern browser that fully supports JavaScript ES6 (released in 2015). The older version is still available as the highlight-legacy plugin for users who need to use an older browser.

      extended support for secondary windows

      The WidgetMessage: tm-open-window now supports an optional windowID parameter so that opened windows can be closed with the new WidgetMessage: tm-close-window message. There is also a new WidgetMessage: tm-close-all-windows message which closes all secondary windows.

      added support for line breaks within filtered transcluded attributes

      To improve readability, it is now possible to use newlines as whitespace within filtered transcluded attributes of HTML elements and widgets. For example:

      <span class={{{

      fixed inconsistent ordering of tagged tiddlers

      This was a long standing bug that manifested itself in several ways.

      The root cause was that the order in which tiddlers were enumerated depended upon the order in which they had been added to the store.

      The effect was that lists based on enumerating tiddlers would show different results depending upon whether new tiddlers were added since the wiki was reloaded.

      For example, adding a new tiddler with a given tag previously caused the new tiddler to appear at the bottom of the tag pill listing for that tag. Saving and reloading the wiki would reorder the list to put the new tiddler in the correct position.

      The fix ensures that the enumeration order remains consistent.

      fixed some incorrectly nested <span> and <div> elements

      TiddlyWiki's core page layout has historically included several instances of inline <span> elements containing block <div> elements, something that is technically invalid HTML. In practice, browsers have always handled these cases leniently to make the page work but it has also been unhelpful for developers to encountering invalid HTML constructions in their first interactions with TiddlyWiki.

      The immediate prompt for starting to fix these issue now is that Chrome v100 includes a change that causes some of these misnested elements to be rendered correctly visually but to be unclickable in some situations. (The change is reverted in Chrome v102, but it still makes sense to fix it)

      Plugin Improvements

      • fixed issue with LaTeX content within Markdown tiddlers
      • fixed incorrect handling of dropdown classes in the menu bar plugin
      • updated the Dynannotate plugin to use the new View Template Body Cascade to avoid modifying the default view template.

      Translation improvements

      • Polish
      • Chinese
      • French

      Usability Improvements

      • improved wording of drag and drop banner (from "drop here" to "drop now")
      • fixed wrapping and wikification of field names in field viewer
      • fixed missing whitespace between description and MIME type in edit template dropdown for the type field
      • fixed incorrect usage of code view for certain system tiddlers
      • fixed sidebar plugin listing to be sorted by name rather than description

      Widget Improvements

      Filter improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Developer Improvements

      Node.js Improvements

      Performance Improvements

      Bug Fixes


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @benwebber
      2. @BramChen
      3. @btheado
      4. @cdruan
      5. @CodaCodr
      6. @damscal
      7. @davout1806
      8. @EvidentlyCube
      9. @FlashSystems
      10. @flibbles
      11. @FSpark
      12. @ibnishak
      13. @jc-ose
      14. @joshuafontany
      15. @linonetwo
      16. @Marxsal
      17. @nilslindemann
      18. @oflg
      19. @pmario
      20. @rryan
      21. @saqimtiaz
      22. @slaymaker1907
      23. @tw-FRed
      24. @twMat

      Release 5.2.3

      2nd August 2022 at 12:25pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to feedthegood for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread and the voting thread).

      Plugin Improvements

      Translation improvements

      • Chinese
      • French
      • German
      • Japanese
      • Polish

      Accessibility Improvements

      • improved ARIA support for the sidebar and story river
      • improved ARIA support for notifications so that screen readers will automatically read them
      • improved ARIA support for the edit template

      Usability Improvements

      • updated ActionSetFieldWidget to avoid inadvertent changes to the current tiddler
      • updated "put" and "upload" savers (as used by TiddlyHost to display error responses from the server
      • updated (and extended) various palettes to work with color-scheme: dark
      • extended the monospaced blocks and block quotes editor buttons so that they can be undone by clicking the button again
      • updated field and tag editors to trim whitespace
      • improved formatting of stylesheet tiddlers to use syntax highlighting if the Highlight Plugin is installed

      Widget Improvements

      Filter improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • fixed issue with drag and drop running on mobile Chrome browsers
      • fixed problem when switching fields in the editor causing their values to be cleared
      • fixed incorrect color-scheme metatag for iframe content with the framed editor
      • fixed crash when using the SaveCommand to attempt to save missing fields
      • fixed bug with formatting UTC date strings
      • fixed SaveCommand crash when attempting to save missing tiddlers
      • fixed fix broken style block behaviour
      • fixed incorrect display of image system tiddlers as text
      • fixed erroneous link rendering within captions in list-links Macro
      • fixed erroneous link rendering within captions in list-links-draggable Macro
      • fixed bug with JavaScript modules and lazy loading
      • fixed fixed tiddler title indentation discrepancy
      • fixed problem with numbered list editor button not undoing markers in Markdown tiddlers
      • fixed palette manager showing duplicate entries
      • fixed crash with missing palette tiddlers
      • fixed (and here) search inputs not to trigger Chrome's password autocomplete popup
      • fixed embedded SVG foreignObject namespace
      • fixed anchor links not working when address bar is updated with a permalink, and animation duration is set to zero
      • improved positioning of server page control dropdown
      • fixed "save changes" button in the menu bar not turning red when the wiki is dirty
      • fixed hardcoded spaces in Table-of-Contents Macros
      • fixed state handling in tabs Macro
      • fixed fixed formatting of IPv6 URLs by ListenCommand and ServerCommand
      • fixed crash when closing multiple plugin libraries

      Developer Improvements

      Node.js Improvements

      Performance Improvements

      • updated filter processing to allow compiled filters to be cached


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @Arlen22
      2. @BramChen
      3. @btheado
      4. @BurningTreeC
      5. @damscal
      6. @es-kha
      7. @EvidentlyCube
      8. @FlashSystems
      9. @flibbles
      10. @FSpark
      11. @fu-sen
      12. @ibnishak
      13. @jeremyredhead
      14. @joshuafontany
      15. @kookma
      16. @linonetwo
      17. @Marxsal
      18. @MaxGyver83
      19. @ndarilek
      20. @oflg
      21. @pmario
      22. @rmunn
      23. @saqimtiaz
      24. @simonbaird
      25. @Telumire
      26. @tobibeer
      27. @tw-FRed
      28. @twMat
      29. @xcazin

      Release 5.2.4

      13th December 2022 at 4:31pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to dmikh for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread and the voting thread).

      Important Update

      After the release of v5.2.5, we found some backwards compatibility issues with the stylesheet changes in #7039 and #6910. We have therefore decided to make a rapid bug fix Release 5.2.5 to resolve these issues, and all users should upgrade to the new version.

      Major Improvements

      New Twitter Archivist plugin to import the tweets and associated media from a Twitter Archive as individual tiddlers.

      added new GenesisWidget that allows the dynamic construction of another widget, where the name and attributes of the new widget can be dynamically determined, without needing to be known in advance

      added (and here) new operators for reading and formatting JSON data: jsonget Operator, jsonindexes Operator, jsontype Operator, jsonextract Operator and format Operator

      Translation Improvements

      Improvements to the following translations:

      • Chinese
      • French
      • German
      • Polish
      • Spanish
      • Japanese

      Improvements to the translation features of TiddlyWiki itself:

      Usability Improvements

      • fixed problem with long presses on tiddler links triggering a preview on iOS/iPadOS
      • improved consistency of button and input elements across browsers
      • fixed edit preview to use the View Template Body Cascade
      • fixed opening a tiddler in a new window to use the View Template Body Cascade
      • improved detection of infinite recursion errors in widgets and filters
      • extended default styles for styled runs
      • improved upgrade wizard to make the version number more prominent
      • improved parsing of tiddlers containing CSV data for greater compatibility
      • added new page control button to summon the layout switcher
      • fixed folded tiddlers to ensure that the unfold button is always visible
      • improved handling of Modals to optionally allow them to be dismissed by clicking on the background

      Widget Improvements

      Filter improvements

      • fixed issue with availability of variables within filter runs
      • fixed issue with removing multiple items from a linked list during filter processing

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • fixed truncated search results on small screens
      • fixed table contents overflow on small screens
      • fixed "new image" keyboard shortcut not to assign journal tags
      • fixed SelectWidget class to update if it uses a filter
      • fixed issue with wikification within the advanced search filter dropdown
      • fixed the table in $:/Import to avoid creating hidden empty rows
      • fixed advanced search keyboard shortcut not navigating correctly
      • fixed erroneous display of drafts within the advanced search filter dropdown
      • fixed backwards compatibility of new field editor cascade introduced in v5.2.3

      Node.js Improvements

      • added new CommandsCommand to enable command tokens to be dynamically generated from a filter
      • improved console logging to avoid spaces and <empty string> message
      • fixed problem with lazy loading deleting tiddler bodies under certain circumstances
      • fixed handling of ".mp4" file extension so that it defaults to video not audio
      • added test server to the plugin library edition
      • added Hidden Setting: Sync Logging to control logging of sync-related messages
      • updated Jasmine plugin to require the explicit use of the --test command in order to cause the tests to be run

      Performance Improvements

      • improved performance of wiki.getTiddler()
      • improved performance of variable prototype chain handling
      • improved performance of list handling during filter processing


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @AnthonyMuscio
      2. @bestony
      3. @BramChen
      4. @btheado
      5. @carlo-colombo
      6. @EvidentlyCube
      7. @FlashSystems
      8. @flibbles
      9. @fu-sen
      10. @hoelzro
      11. @joebordes
      12. @kookma
      13. @linonetwo
      14. @Marxsal
      15. @oflg
      16. @pmario
      17. @rmunn
      18. @roma0104
      19. @saqimtiaz
      20. @simonbaird
      21. @talha131
      22. @Telumire
      23. @tw-FRed
      24. @twMat
      25. @xcazin

      Release 5.2.5

      19th December 2022 at 6:45pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to dmikh for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread and the voting thread).

      This is a bug fix release intended to resolve backwards compatibility issues discovered in v5.2.4. See this GitHub ticket for the background.

      The issues are entirely cosmetic stylesheet changes, and do not affect the functionality of TiddlyWiki. However, we encourage all users to upgrade to this new version for consistency.

      Since v5.2.5 replaces v5.2.4 that was only released for a week, here is the release note for v5.2.4.

      Release Note for v5.2.4

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to dmikh for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread and the voting thread).

      Important Update

      After the release of v5.2.5, we found some backwards compatibility issues with the stylesheet changes in #7039 and #6910. We have therefore decided to make a rapid bug fix Release 5.2.5 to resolve these issues, and all users should upgrade to the new version.

      Major Improvements

      New Twitter Archivist plugin to import the tweets and associated media from a Twitter Archive as individual tiddlers.

      added new GenesisWidget that allows the dynamic construction of another widget, where the name and attributes of the new widget can be dynamically determined, without needing to be known in advance

      added (and here) new operators for reading and formatting JSON data: jsonget Operator, jsonindexes Operator, jsontype Operator, jsonextract Operator and format Operator

      Translation Improvements

      Improvements to the following translations:

      • Chinese
      • French
      • German
      • Polish
      • Spanish
      • Japanese

      Improvements to the translation features of TiddlyWiki itself:

      Usability Improvements

      • fixed problem with long presses on tiddler links triggering a preview on iOS/iPadOS
      • improved consistency of button and input elements across browsers
      • fixed edit preview to use the View Template Body Cascade
      • fixed opening a tiddler in a new window to use the View Template Body Cascade
      • improved detection of infinite recursion errors in widgets and filters
      • extended default styles for styled runs
      • improved upgrade wizard to make the version number more prominent
      • improved parsing of tiddlers containing CSV data for greater compatibility
      • added new page control button to summon the layout switcher
      • fixed folded tiddlers to ensure that the unfold button is always visible
      • improved handling of Modals to optionally allow them to be dismissed by clicking on the background

      Widget Improvements

      Filter improvements

      • fixed issue with availability of variables within filter runs
      • fixed issue with removing multiple items from a linked list during filter processing

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • fixed truncated search results on small screens
      • fixed table contents overflow on small screens
      • fixed "new image" keyboard shortcut not to assign journal tags
      • fixed SelectWidget class to update if it uses a filter
      • fixed issue with wikification within the advanced search filter dropdown
      • fixed the table in $:/Import to avoid creating hidden empty rows
      • fixed advanced search keyboard shortcut not navigating correctly
      • fixed erroneous display of drafts within the advanced search filter dropdown
      • fixed backwards compatibility of new field editor cascade introduced in v5.2.3

      Node.js Improvements

      • added new CommandsCommand to enable command tokens to be dynamically generated from a filter
      • improved console logging to avoid spaces and <empty string> message
      • fixed problem with lazy loading deleting tiddler bodies under certain circumstances
      • fixed handling of ".mp4" file extension so that it defaults to video not audio
      • added test server to the plugin library edition
      • added Hidden Setting: Sync Logging to control logging of sync-related messages
      • updated Jasmine plugin to require the explicit use of the --test command in order to cause the tests to be run

      Performance Improvements

      • improved performance of wiki.getTiddler()
      • improved performance of variable prototype chain handling
      • improved performance of list handling during filter processing


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @AnthonyMuscio
      2. @bestony
      3. @BramChen
      4. @btheado
      5. @carlo-colombo
      6. @EvidentlyCube
      7. @FlashSystems
      8. @flibbles
      9. @fu-sen
      10. @hoelzro
      11. @joebordes
      12. @kookma
      13. @linonetwo
      14. @Marxsal
      15. @oflg
      16. @pmario
      17. @rmunn
      18. @roma0104
      19. @saqimtiaz
      20. @simonbaird
      21. @talha131
      22. @Telumire
      23. @tw-FRed
      24. @twMat
      25. @xcazin

      Release 5.2.6

      20th March 2023 at 6:43pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to StS for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread and the voting thread).

      Major Improvements

      Improved Markdown Plugin

      Better Handling of Loss of Network Connectivity with Client Server Configuration

      • added integration between the BrowserStorage Plugin and the client-server configuration to allow changes to be made while offline and then later resynchronised with the server

      New Diff-Match-Patch Primitives

      Translation Improvements

      Improvements to the following translations:

      • Chinese
      • German
      • Italian
      • Polish

      Plugin Improvements

      Accessibility Improvements

      • improved appearance of save wiki button so that it is accessible to users without colour vision

      Usability Improvements

      • improved consistency of tiddler deletion by allowing missing tiddlers to be 'deleted', which just results in them being closed
      • improved layout switcher to include an optional icon for each layout
      • removed improvements to table layout from v5.2.5 that have proved to not be backwards compatible
      • added support for &dollar; HTML entity

      Widget Improvements

      • extended EditTextWidget to support focusSelectFromStart and focusSelectFromEnd attributes to give better control over text selection

      Filter improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      Node.js Improvements

      • fixed duplicate fields in internal templates used in client-server configuration
      • fixed lazy loading not triggering a sync from the server
      • fixed crash on creating a new tiddler if anonymous users manage to create syncable tiddlers in a read only wiki
      • improved handling of logout in the client-server configuration to avoid 404 errors
      • fixed problem with saving tiddlers with _canonical_uri field as .tid files
      • fixed missing meta viewport to static river template

      Performance Improvements

      • improved field indexer to more efficiently process lookups


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @andrigamerita
      2. @AnthonyMuscio
      3. @BramChen
      4. @btheado
      5. @cdruan
      6. @CrossEye
      7. @cs8425
      8. @EvidentlyCube
      9. @fkmiec
      10. @flibbles
      11. @GameDungeon
      12. @hffqyd
      13. @jeffrey4l
      14. @joebordes
      15. @kookma
      16. @linonetwo
      17. @m42e
      18. @Marxsal
      19. @mateuszwilczek
      20. @michsa
      21. @newmedicine
      22. @pippep
      23. @pmario
      24. @saqimtiaz
      25. @Telumire
      26. @twMat
      27. @wincentbalin
      28. @yaisog

      Release 5.2.7

      26th March 2023 at 8:32am

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to StS for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread and the voting thread).

      This is a bug fix release intended to resolve a backwards compatibility issue discovered in v5.2.6. See this GitHub ticket for the background.

      The issue is that trailing newlines within a macro definitions were being ignored, which affected whether the content were parsed in inline or block mode.

      Since v5.2.7 replaces v5.2.6 that was only released for less than a week, here is the release note for v5.2.6.

      Release Note for v5.2.6

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to StS for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread and the voting thread).

      Major Improvements

      Improved Markdown Plugin

      Better Handling of Loss of Network Connectivity with Client Server Configuration

      • added integration between the BrowserStorage Plugin and the client-server configuration to allow changes to be made while offline and then later resynchronised with the server

      New Diff-Match-Patch Primitives

      Translation Improvements

      Improvements to the following translations:

      • Chinese
      • German
      • Italian
      • Polish

      Plugin Improvements

      Accessibility Improvements

      • improved appearance of save wiki button so that it is accessible to users without colour vision

      Usability Improvements

      • improved consistency of tiddler deletion by allowing missing tiddlers to be 'deleted', which just results in them being closed
      • improved layout switcher to include an optional icon for each layout
      • removed improvements to table layout from v5.2.5 that have proved to not be backwards compatible
      • added support for &dollar; HTML entity

      Widget Improvements

      • extended EditTextWidget to support focusSelectFromStart and focusSelectFromEnd attributes to give better control over text selection

      Filter improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      Node.js Improvements

      • fixed duplicate fields in internal templates used in client-server configuration
      • fixed lazy loading not triggering a sync from the server
      • fixed crash on creating a new tiddler if anonymous users manage to create syncable tiddlers in a read only wiki
      • improved handling of logout in the client-server configuration to avoid 404 errors
      • fixed problem with saving tiddlers with _canonical_uri field as .tid files
      • fixed missing meta viewport to static river template

      Performance Improvements

      • improved field indexer to more efficiently process lookups


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @andrigamerita
      2. @AnthonyMuscio
      3. @BramChen
      4. @btheado
      5. @cdruan
      6. @CrossEye
      7. @cs8425
      8. @EvidentlyCube
      9. @fkmiec
      10. @flibbles
      11. @GameDungeon
      12. @hffqyd
      13. @jeffrey4l
      14. @joebordes
      15. @kookma
      16. @linonetwo
      17. @m42e
      18. @Marxsal
      19. @mateuszwilczek
      20. @michsa
      21. @newmedicine
      22. @pippep
      23. @pmario
      24. @saqimtiaz
      25. @Telumire
      26. @twMat
      27. @wincentbalin
      28. @yaisog

      Release 5.3.0

      1st July 2023 at 12:34pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to vilc for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread).

      Overview of v5.3.0

      This release introduces a number of significant improvements and new features related to some of TiddlyWiki's most fundamental components: macros, widgets, operators and transclusion. v5.3.0 also contains several other bug fixes and improvements.

      Introduction to Parameterised Transclusion, Procedures, Functions and Custom Widgets

      added The motivation of these changes is to fix one of TiddlyWiki 5's early design flaws: the reliance on macros using textual substitution as the primary way to modularise and reuse wikitext and filters.

      Experience has shown that while macros are a good match for a small number of tasks, they are brittle and error prone for many common operations. See Macro Pitfalls for a discussion of the problems that accompany this approach. Over the years we have introduced mitigations for the worst problems but these have come at a cost of increased complexity.

      The changes in this release provide powerful new ways to achieve common tasks, and unlock completely new capabilities that were previously impossible in wikitext.

      • Procedures, which are essentially what macros should have been; they work in exactly the same way except that parameters are exposed as simple variables (without the double underscores) and no textual substitution takes place
      • Custom Widgets, allowing the creation of widgets in wikitext, and the redefinition of built-in widgets
      • Functions, a new way to encapsulate filter expressions with named parameters, including the ability to make custom filter operators
      • Parameterised Transclusions, allowing strings and wikitext trees to be passed to transclusions

      The approach taken by this release is to add new functionality by extending and augmenting the system without disturbing existing functionality. All of these changes are thus intended to be backwards compatible. While they represent a new field of opportunities for wikitext authors, it is possible for authors to ignore all these new features and continue to use TiddlyWiki 5 in the way that they have always done.

      These changes lay the groundwork for macros and related features to be deprecated (which is the point at which users are advised not to use old features, and instead given clear pointers to the equivalent modern functionality).

      Text Substitution Improvements

      added The new transclusion architecture is not by itself sufficient to enable us to fully deprecate macros yet. To handle most of the remaining use cases this release adds convenient new ways of using textual substitution without having to create a macro:

      Firstly, the new text substitution syntax for widget attributes allows widget attributes to be assigned the value of a string with certain placeholders being replaced by their processed contents. For example:

      • Substitute variable names with the value:
        attr=`Current tiddler is $(currentTiddler)$`
      • Substitute filter expressions with the first value they return:
        attr=```There are ${ [tag[Done]count[]] }$ completed tasks```

      Secondly, the new substitute operator allows the same textual substitutions to be performed via a filter operator with the addition of positional parameters that use placeholders of the form $1$, $2$, $3$ etc.


      HTTP Requests in WikiText

      added new WidgetMessage: tm-http-request for performing HTTP requests in WikiText. This opens up some exciting new opportunities:

      • Integration with Web-based APIs. The documentation includes an example of using the Zotero API to retrieve academic citation data
      • Dynamic content loading: additional tiddlers can be imported dynamically after the main wiki has loaded

      Defaulting to Disabling CamelCase Links

      updated CamelCase linking is now disabled by default for new wikis. (Note that this documentation wiki has CamelCase linking explicitly enabled because much of the old content was written relying on them).

      Plugin Improvements

      • updated Google Analytics plugin to use new GA4 code. Note that the update requires manual configuration to use the new "measurement ID" instead of the old "account ID"
      • extended Dynannotate pugin to support three additional search modes
      • fixed problem with BrowserStorage Plugin unnecessarily saving shadow tiddlers
      • improved BrowserStorage Plugin to request that browser storage be persisted without eviction
      • improved CodeMirror Plugin to add an option to make trailing spaces visible

      Translation improvement

      Improvements to the following translations:

      • French
      • German
      • Polish
      • Chinese

      Usability Improvements

      Filter improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • fixed importing tiddlers by pasting tiddler data
      • fixed unneeded 14px bottom border for textareas with autoheight enabled
      • fixed crashes when using an invalid CSS selector for WidgetMessage: tm-focus-selector and WidgetMessage: tm-scroll
      • fixed bug whereby scrolling occurs if the linkcatcher widget triggers an action-navigate and the $scroll attribute is set to "no"
      • fixed problem switching between LTR and RTL text
      • fixed bug when the listField attribute of the CheckboxWidget was given the name of a date field (like created or modified)
      • fixed size of buttons in dropdown for editor "link" toolbar button
      • fixed crash when transcluding a lazily loaded tiddler as an attribute value
      • fixed DiffTextWidget crash with missing or empty attributes

      Node.js Improvements

      Performance Improvements

      • fixed module execution to reuse the same sandbox, saving memory and improving performance


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @AnthonyMuscio
      2. @Arlen22
      3. @BramChen
      4. @btheado
      5. @buggyj
      6. @carlo-colombo
      7. @cdruan
      8. @donmor
      9. @EvidentlyCube
      10. @flibbles
      11. @GameDungeon
      12. @JoshuaFontany
      13. @kookma
      14. @linonetwo
      15. @Marxsal
      16. @mateuszwilczek
      17. @michsa
      18. @muzimuzhi
      19. @oeyoews
      20. @pmario
      21. @rmunn
      22. @saqimtiaz
      23. @tavin
      24. @twMat
      25. @xcazin
      26. @yaisog
      27. @Zacharia2

      Release 5.3.1

      20th August 2023 at 11:28am

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to vilc for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread).

      Overview of v5.3.1

      This release comes only a few weeks after v5.3.0. The motivation for the release is to swiftly fix some issues that have emerged with v5.3.0. There are also some other improvements included in this release, notably the ability to access binary resources over HTTP – the demo downloads a random image or video of a dog.

      Bug Fixes and Reversions of v5.3.0 Changes

      • Reverted adding the widget.destroy() method because of performance concerns (see
      • fixed inefficiency when transcluding with the $output attribute set to text/plain that manifested itself as extremely slow export times
      • fixed unwanted error message "Global assignment is not allowed within modules on node"

      Translation improvement

      Improvements to the following translations:

      • Chinese
      • Polish

      Widget Improvements

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      • fixed table of contents indentation
      • fixed bindStatus and bindProgress parameters of WidgetMessage: tm-http-request
      • fixed attribute substitution to handle variables containing non-word characters
      • fixed the pragmas introduced in v5.3.0 so that they can be indented with whitespace
      • fixed size of tiddler icons
      • fixed drag and drop from Chrome-like browsers to Firefox
      • fixed listIndex mode of checkbox widgets

      Node.js Improvements

      • improved console reporting of JavaScript errors

      Developer Improvements

      • fixed overeager onload handler in Jasmine plugin
      • fixed ordering of shadow tiddler listings to not reflect order of insertion


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @AnthonyMuscio
      2. @btheado
      3. @catter-fly
      4. @cmo-pomerium
      5. @CrossEye
      6. @flibbles
      7. @hffqyd
      8. @lilscribby
      9. @linonetwo
      10. @Marxsal
      11. @mateuszwilczek
      12. @pille1842
      13. @pmario
      14. @rmunn
      15. @saqimtiaz
      16. @stevesunypoly
      17. @TiddlyTweeter
      18. @twMat
      19. @yaisog

      Release 5.3.2

      13th December 2023 at 8:06am

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to catter-fly for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread).

      Major Improvements

      Conditional Shortcut Syntax

      added a new shortcut syntax for concisely expressing if-then-else logic. This is the first of a new type of wikitext syntax based on tokens delimited with <% and %>. We plan to introduce other structures using the same format such as a "case" statement.

      These new token-based shortcuts allow a richer structure and expressivity than existing features such as widgets or pragmas. For example:

      <%if [<animal>match[Elephant]] %>
        It is an elephant
      <%elseif [<animal>match[Giraffe]] %>
      	It is a giraffe
      	It is completely unknown

      Behind the scenes, the conditional shortcut syntax is rendered as the equivalent ListWidgets.

      Explicit Templates for the ListWidget

      added support for <$list-template> and <$list-empty> as immediate children of the $ListWidget widget to specify the list item template and/or the empty template.

      This new feature is designed to replace a common pattern of using the emptyMessage attribute of the ListWidget to render complex wikitext that thus has to be quoted. Working with wikitext within quotes is awkward and error prone. The new structure can be somewhat faster because it allows the empty message to be parsed in advanced of rendering.

      For example:

      <$list filter=<<filter>>>
      		<$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/>

      Note that the emptyMessage and template attributes take precedence if they are present.

      Joiners for the ListWidget

      added a join attribute to the $ListWidget widget to insert a short piece of text between list items. This is both easier to use and faster than using the counter attribute for the same purpose. So if your list looked like this:

      <$list filter=<<filter>> counter="counter" variable="item">
      <$text text=<<item>>/><$list filter="[<counter-last>match[no]]" variable="ignore"><$text text=", "/></$list>

      You can replace it with:

      <$list filter=<<filter>> variable="item" join=", "><$text text=<<item>>/></$list>

      If the joiner text that you need is long and awkward to write in an attribute, you can use the new <$list-join> widget. Like <$list-template> and <$list-empty>, it must be an immediate child of the $ListWidget:

      <$list filter=<<filter>> variable="item"><$text text=<<item>>/><$list-join>, and <em>also</em> let's not forget </$list-join></$list>

      jsonset operator

      added jsonset Operator for setting values within JSON objects

      QR Code Reader

      extended QR Code plugin to be able to read QR codes and a number of other bar code formats

      Translation improvements

      Improvements to the following translations:

      • Chinese
      • Polish
      • Spanish

      Plugin Improvements

      • fixed Comments Plugin to use predefined palette colours
      • improved Evernote Importer Plugin to support images and other attachments
      • added $floating attribute to Dynannotate Plugin to support popups that do not disappear when another part of the screen is clicked. Instead they have to dismissed manually

      Widget Improvements

      Usability Improvements

      • updated editor preview button to automatically focus the editor
      • improved file type names in the export menu

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      Node.js Improvements

      • fixed a significant flaw in the synchronisation algorithm used by the client-server configuration. The flaw could lead to tiddlers temporarily disappearing from the browser

      Performance Improvements

      Developer Improvements

      • improved global hook handling to support removing hooks
      • added some useful npm scripts to package.json

      Infrastructure Improvements


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @AnthonyMuscio
      2. @BramChen
      3. @BuckarooBanzay
      4. @BurningTreeC
      5. @CrossEye
      6. @EvidentlyCube
      7. @Gk0Wk
      8. @joebordes
      9. @kookma
      10. @linonetwo
      11. @mateuszwilczek
      12. @oflg
      13. @pille1842
      14. @pmario
      15. @rmunn
      16. @saqimtiaz
      17. @simonbaird
      18. @T1mL3arn
      19. @yaisog

      Release 5.3.3

      23rd December 2023 at 10:22am

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to catter-fly for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread).

      This is a bug fix release to address a number of bugs that were introduced with Release 5.3.2.

      • fixed handling of a list widget with an empty paragraph as inline template
      • fixed broken per-tiddler previews
      • fixed missing comma before skinny tiddlers in JSON store area
      • fixed handling of whitespace immediately after pragmas
      • fixed SelectWidget handling of classes and rendering typo

      Since v5.3.3 replaces v5.3.2 after only a couple of weeks, here is the release note for v5.3.2.

      Release Note for v5.3.2

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to catter-fly for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread).

      Major Improvements

      Conditional Shortcut Syntax

      added a new shortcut syntax for concisely expressing if-then-else logic. This is the first of a new type of wikitext syntax based on tokens delimited with <% and %>. We plan to introduce other structures using the same format such as a "case" statement.

      These new token-based shortcuts allow a richer structure and expressivity than existing features such as widgets or pragmas. For example:

      <%if [<animal>match[Elephant]] %>
        It is an elephant
      <%elseif [<animal>match[Giraffe]] %>
      	It is a giraffe
      	It is completely unknown

      Behind the scenes, the conditional shortcut syntax is rendered as the equivalent ListWidgets.

      Explicit Templates for the ListWidget

      added support for <$list-template> and <$list-empty> as immediate children of the $ListWidget widget to specify the list item template and/or the empty template.

      This new feature is designed to replace a common pattern of using the emptyMessage attribute of the ListWidget to render complex wikitext that thus has to be quoted. Working with wikitext within quotes is awkward and error prone. The new structure can be somewhat faster because it allows the empty message to be parsed in advanced of rendering.

      For example:

      <$list filter=<<filter>>>
      		<$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/>

      Note that the emptyMessage and template attributes take precedence if they are present.

      Joiners for the ListWidget

      added a join attribute to the $ListWidget widget to insert a short piece of text between list items. This is both easier to use and faster than using the counter attribute for the same purpose. So if your list looked like this:

      <$list filter=<<filter>> counter="counter" variable="item">
      <$text text=<<item>>/><$list filter="[<counter-last>match[no]]" variable="ignore"><$text text=", "/></$list>

      You can replace it with:

      <$list filter=<<filter>> variable="item" join=", "><$text text=<<item>>/></$list>

      If the joiner text that you need is long and awkward to write in an attribute, you can use the new <$list-join> widget. Like <$list-template> and <$list-empty>, it must be an immediate child of the $ListWidget:

      <$list filter=<<filter>> variable="item"><$text text=<<item>>/><$list-join>, and <em>also</em> let's not forget </$list-join></$list>

      jsonset operator

      added jsonset Operator for setting values within JSON objects

      QR Code Reader

      extended QR Code plugin to be able to read QR codes and a number of other bar code formats

      Translation improvements

      Improvements to the following translations:

      • Chinese
      • Polish
      • Spanish

      Plugin Improvements

      • fixed Comments Plugin to use predefined palette colours
      • improved Evernote Importer Plugin to support images and other attachments
      • added $floating attribute to Dynannotate Plugin to support popups that do not disappear when another part of the screen is clicked. Instead they have to dismissed manually

      Widget Improvements

      Usability Improvements

      • updated editor preview button to automatically focus the editor
      • improved file type names in the export menu

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      Node.js Improvements

      • fixed a significant flaw in the synchronisation algorithm used by the client-server configuration. The flaw could lead to tiddlers temporarily disappearing from the browser

      Performance Improvements

      Developer Improvements

      • improved global hook handling to support removing hooks
      • added some useful npm scripts to package.json

      Infrastructure Improvements


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @AnthonyMuscio
      2. @BramChen
      3. @BuckarooBanzay
      4. @BurningTreeC
      5. @CrossEye
      6. @EvidentlyCube
      7. @Gk0Wk
      8. @joebordes
      9. @kookma
      10. @linonetwo
      11. @mateuszwilczek
      12. @oflg
      13. @pille1842
      14. @pmario
      15. @rmunn
      16. @saqimtiaz
      17. @simonbaird
      18. @T1mL3arn
      19. @yaisog

      Release 5.3.4

      28th June 2024 at 1:28pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to duarte.framos for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread).

      Major Improvements

      Tour Plugin

      added several new features that together allow interactive learning tours to be created and presented in TiddlyWiki.

      The demo TiddlyWiki interactive tour can be seen at

      The new features include:

      • The new Tour Plugin itself
      • The new Confetti Plugin that allows animated bursts of confetti to be displayed
      • Improvements to the Dynannotate Plugin to add the ability to highlight screen elements using an animated spotlight effect

      Geospatial Plugin

      added new Geospatial Plugin that adds new primitives to the TiddlyWiki platform to enable non-developers to build sophisticated interactive geospatial applications.

      The Geospatial Plugin incorporates a number of third party libraries and online services:

      Try it out at

      $testcase Widget

      added new $testcase widget that is intended to solve a problem with the examples that we feature in the documentation. The existing macros are workable for simple, self-contained examples, but can be hard to follow in cases where the examples use additional tiddlers. The $testcase widget displays complete, self-contained interactive examples showing the output together with a tabbed display of the constituent tiddlers that produce it:

      This test case shows an elaborate way to calculate 2+2 involving multiple tiddlers


      The sum is 4

      The payload tiddlers for a test case are specified with the $data widget. Test cases are run as an independent, self-contained nested wiki in a similar way to the Innerwiki Plugin, but are much more lightweight. The disadvantage is that test cases are rendered as part of the main page, and so any styling changes will leak out to the rest of the page.

      Test cases can also specify the raw HTML of the expected result which causes them to be executed as tests, with success or failure indicated by an icon:

      This test case intentionally fails (in order to show how failures are displayed). The expected result is set to <p>The sum is not 8.</p>, but the result computes to <p>The sum is 4.</p>

      2 differences
      <p>The sum is not 84.</p>

      The sum is 4.

      The easiest way to use the $testcase is by creating TestCaseTiddlers using the new CompoundTiddlers format. There are also many test cases to view in the TiddlyWiki test edition at

      Translation improvements

      This release also includes improvements to the following translations:

      • Chinese
      • French
      • German
      • Macedonian
      • Polish

      Plugin Improvements

      • added badges to the core plugins to indicate their stability level from "deprecated", "experimental", "stable" and "legacy". These badges are shown in the plugin library and in the control panel

      Widget Improvements

      Filter Improvements

      Usability Improvements

      • added new keyboard shortcut for refreshing the page
      • improved and simplified the splash screen for See Creating a splash screen for instructions on creating your own splash screen

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      Node.js Improvements

      Developer Improvements

      • fixed issue with fakedom TW_Node inheritence
      • fixed SJCL library creating variables in global scope
      • fixed widget.getVariableInfo() to always return a params property


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @andjar
      2. @AnthonyMuscio
      3. @bimlas
      4. @BramChen
      5. @btheado
      6. @BurningTreeC
      7. @catter-fly
      8. @Drevarr
      9. @eschlon
      10. @etardiff
      11. @flibbles
      12. @FSpark
      13. @Gk0Wk
      14. @hoelzro
      15. @jinix6
      16. @joshuafontany
      17. @linonetwo
      18. @mateuszwilczek
      19. @mklauber
      20. @oeyoews
      21. @pmario
      22. @PotOfCoffee2Go
      23. @rmunn
      24. @saqimtiaz
      25. @sarna
      26. @Telumire
      27. @twMat
      28. @xcazin
      29. @yaisog

      Release 5.3.5

      23rd July 2024 at 5:26pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to duarte.framos for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread).

      This is a bug fix release to address a number of bugs that were introduced with Release 5.3.4.

      Acknowledgements for v5.3.5

      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @andrewgoz
      2. @btheado
      3. @Leilei332
      4. @michaeljmcd
      5. @oeyoews
      6. @pmario
      7. @springerspandrel

      Release Note for v5.3.4

      Since v5.3.5 replaces v5.3.4 after only a couple of weeks, here is the release note for v5.3.4.

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to duarte.framos for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread).

      Major Improvements

      Tour Plugin

      added several new features that together allow interactive learning tours to be created and presented in TiddlyWiki.

      The demo TiddlyWiki interactive tour can be seen at

      The new features include:

      • The new Tour Plugin itself
      • The new Confetti Plugin that allows animated bursts of confetti to be displayed
      • Improvements to the Dynannotate Plugin to add the ability to highlight screen elements using an animated spotlight effect

      Geospatial Plugin

      added new Geospatial Plugin that adds new primitives to the TiddlyWiki platform to enable non-developers to build sophisticated interactive geospatial applications.

      The Geospatial Plugin incorporates a number of third party libraries and online services:

      Try it out at

      $testcase Widget

      added new $testcase widget that is intended to solve a problem with the examples that we feature in the documentation. The existing macros are workable for simple, self-contained examples, but can be hard to follow in cases where the examples use additional tiddlers. The $testcase widget displays complete, self-contained interactive examples showing the output together with a tabbed display of the constituent tiddlers that produce it:

      This test case shows an elaborate way to calculate 2+2 involving multiple tiddlers


      The sum is 4

      The payload tiddlers for a test case are specified with the $data widget. Test cases are run as an independent, self-contained nested wiki in a similar way to the Innerwiki Plugin, but are much more lightweight. The disadvantage is that test cases are rendered as part of the main page, and so any styling changes will leak out to the rest of the page.

      Test cases can also specify the raw HTML of the expected result which causes them to be executed as tests, with success or failure indicated by an icon:

      This test case intentionally fails (in order to show how failures are displayed). The expected result is set to <p>The sum is not 8.</p>, but the result computes to <p>The sum is 4.</p>

      2 differences
      <p>The sum is not 84.</p>

      The sum is 4.

      The easiest way to use the $testcase is by creating TestCaseTiddlers using the new CompoundTiddlers format. There are also many test cases to view in the TiddlyWiki test edition at

      Translation improvements

      This release also includes improvements to the following translations:

      • Chinese
      • French
      • German
      • Macedonian
      • Polish

      Plugin Improvements

      • added badges to the core plugins to indicate their stability level from "deprecated", "experimental", "stable" and "legacy". These badges are shown in the plugin library and in the control panel

      Widget Improvements

      Filter Improvements

      Usability Improvements

      • added new keyboard shortcut for refreshing the page
      • improved and simplified the splash screen for See Creating a splash screen for instructions on creating your own splash screen

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      Node.js Improvements

      Developer Improvements

      • fixed issue with fakedom TW_Node inheritence
      • fixed SJCL library creating variables in global scope
      • fixed widget.getVariableInfo() to always return a params property


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @andjar
      2. @AnthonyMuscio
      3. @bimlas
      4. @BramChen
      5. @btheado
      6. @BurningTreeC
      7. @catter-fly
      8. @Drevarr
      9. @eschlon
      10. @etardiff
      11. @flibbles
      12. @FSpark
      13. @Gk0Wk
      14. @hoelzro
      15. @jinix6
      16. @joshuafontany
      17. @linonetwo
      18. @mateuszwilczek
      19. @mklauber
      20. @oeyoews
      21. @pmario
      22. @PotOfCoffee2Go
      23. @rmunn
      24. @saqimtiaz
      25. @sarna
      26. @Telumire
      27. @twMat
      28. @xcazin
      29. @yaisog

      Release 5.3.6

      15th November 2024 at 7:40pm

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to pmario for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread).

      Translation improvements

      • added support for new language "Chinese (Hong Kong)"
      • added support for new language "English (Philippines)"

      This release includes improvements to the following translations:

      • Chinese
      • French
      • Japanese
      • Spanish
      • Polish

      improved the translators edition with various fixes and updates

      Plugin Improvements

      Geospatial Plugin

      • added support for custom wikitext popups to be attached to map features
      • added support for click actions to be attached to map features
      • fixed ordering of latitude and longitude in geospatial operators
      • fixed crash when geomap contains an empty geolayer widget
      • fixed loading map state from saved tiddlers

      Markdown Plugin

      • added support for dragging and dropping images directly into Markdown tiddlers
      • added strikethrough, superscript and subscript editor toolbar buttons
      • improved readability of Markdown links to other tiddlers
      • added image toolbar dropdown to editor toolbar
      • fixed colour for target footnote background
      • added settings tab
      • added reorganised "readme" and "config" tabs
      • added support for the excision tool
      • updated Markdown plugin to use the same formatting for highlighted text as ordinary WikiText

      Browser Storage Plugin

      • added added support for separate messages to delete the cookie saved by the Browser Storage Plugin and for disabling the plugin entirely

      TestCaseWidget and Related Improvements

      This release includes several fixes and improvements to the TestCaseWidget, its default template, and the related DataWidget and CompoundTiddlers format. These features were first introduced in Release 5.3.4 and are undergoing continuous improvement as we work on integrating them more widely across the system.

      Widget Improvements

      • updated DroppableWidget to allow actions to be triggered once passing all the items in the list rather than invoking the actions separately for each item in the list

      Usability Improvements

      • added new light and dark "Flexoki" palettes, originally designed by Steph Ango – see
      • improved presentation of core plugin settings by adding them to the main "Settings" tab in $:/ControlPanel
      • improved language descriptions by localising them
      • fixed the contrast of plugin stability badges on hover
      • added a "copy to clipboard" button to the view template body template used for code tiddlers
      • added support for social media cards to be added to TiddlyWiki
      • added type attribute to input fields in control panel, allowing virtual keyboards to switch to the proper one when editing settings
      • added empty message to tag picker, search dropdown and advanced search
      • added a search button to the control panel tiddler fields tab
      • improved (and here) the view and edit toolbars with more descriptive Aria labels
      • extended export button so that it can be dragged to export the tiddlers to another wiki
      • updated $:/TagManager to use the colour-picker Macro
      • added an animation while lazily loaded tiddlers are being loaded
      • updated font stacks used in "Vanilla" theme to contemporary best practice

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      Node.js Improvements

      • fixed BuildCommand crashing when no wiki folder has been specified
      • fixed server crash when authenticating if newlines are contained in the site title

      Developer Improvements


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @BramChen
      2. @btheado
      3. @BurningTreeC
      4. @EvidentlyCube
      5. @flibbles
      6. @hoelzro
      7. @IchijikuIchigo
      8. @jeremyredhead
      9. @joebordes
      10. @kookma
      11. @Leilei332
      12. @linonetwo
      13. @mateuszwilczek
      14. @michaeljmcd
      15. @pmario
      16. @PotOfCoffee2Go
      17. @saqimtiaz
      18. @simonbaird
      19. @springerspandrel
      20. @techmagus
      21. @twMat
      22. @valpackett
      23. @webplusai
      24. @wolfsprite
      25. @zorrox1024


      5th October 2023 at 8:56pm

      New releases of TiddlyWiki and TiddlyDesktop are announced via the official discussion groups and Twitter

      The prerelease of the next version of TiddlyWiki can be found at for testing and review purposes.

      See the TiddlyWiki Archive to download older versions.

      Here are the details of recent releases of TiddlyWiki5. See TiddlyWiki5 Versioning for details of how releases are named.

      If you are using node.js, you can also install prior versions like this:

      npm install -g tiddlywiki@5.1.13

      (BetaReleases and AlphaReleases are listed separately).

      Release 5.3.6

      Released 15th November 2024 at 17:08

      See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

      Congratulations to pmario for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread).

      Translation improvements

      • added support for new language "Chinese (Hong Kong)"
      • added support for new language "English (Philippines)"

      This release includes improvements to the following translations:

      • Chinese
      • French
      • Japanese
      • Spanish
      • Polish

      improved the translators edition with various fixes and updates

      Plugin Improvements

      Geospatial Plugin

      • added support for custom wikitext popups to be attached to map features
      • added support for click actions to be attached to map features
      • fixed ordering of latitude and longitude in geospatial operators
      • fixed crash when geomap contains an empty geolayer widget
      • fixed loading map state from saved tiddlers

      Markdown Plugin

      • added support for dragging and dropping images directly into Markdown tiddlers
      • added strikethrough, superscript and subscript editor toolbar buttons
      • improved readability of Markdown links to other tiddlers
      • added image toolbar dropdown to editor toolbar
      • fixed colour for target footnote background
      • added settings tab
      • added reorganised "readme" and "config" tabs
      • added support for the excision tool
      • updated Markdown plugin to use the same formatting for highlighted text as ordinary WikiText

      Browser Storage Plugin

      • added added support for separate messages to delete the cookie saved by the Browser Storage Plugin and for disabling the plugin entirely

      TestCaseWidget and Related Improvements

      This release includes several fixes and improvements to the TestCaseWidget, its default template, and the related DataWidget and CompoundTiddlers format. These features were first introduced in Release 5.3.4 and are undergoing continuous improvement as we work on integrating them more widely across the system.

      Widget Improvements

      • updated DroppableWidget to allow actions to be triggered once passing all the items in the list rather than invoking the actions separately for each item in the list

      Usability Improvements

      • added new light and dark "Flexoki" palettes, originally designed by Steph Ango – see
      • improved presentation of core plugin settings by adding them to the main "Settings" tab in $:/ControlPanel
      • improved language descriptions by localising them
      • fixed the contrast of plugin stability badges on hover
      • added a "copy to clipboard" button to the view template body template used for code tiddlers
      • added support for social media cards to be added to TiddlyWiki
      • added type attribute to input fields in control panel, allowing virtual keyboards to switch to the proper one when editing settings
      • added empty message to tag picker, search dropdown and advanced search
      • added a search button to the control panel tiddler fields tab
      • improved (and here) the view and edit toolbars with more descriptive Aria labels
      • extended export button so that it can be dragged to export the tiddlers to another wiki
      • updated $:/TagManager to use the colour-picker Macro
      • added an animation while lazily loaded tiddlers are being loaded
      • updated font stacks used in "Vanilla" theme to contemporary best practice

      Hackability Improvements

      Bug Fixes

      Node.js Improvements

      • fixed BuildCommand crashing when no wiki folder has been specified
      • fixed server crash when authenticating if newlines are contained in the site title

      Developer Improvements


      @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

      1. @BramChen
      2. @btheado
      3. @BurningTreeC
      4. @EvidentlyCube
      5. @flibbles
      6. @hoelzro
      7. @IchijikuIchigo
      8. @jeremyredhead
      9. @joebordes
      10. @kookma
      11. @Leilei332
      12. @linonetwo
      13. @mateuszwilczek
      14. @michaeljmcd
      15. @pmario
      16. @PotOfCoffee2Go
      17. @saqimtiaz
      18. @simonbaird
      19. @springerspandrel
      20. @techmagus
      21. @twMat
      22. @valpackett
      23. @webplusai
      24. @wolfsprite
      25. @zorrox1024


      19th November 2021 at 11:11pm


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      Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget

      remainder Operator

      11th June 2019 at 1:01pm
      purposetreating each input title as a number, return the remainder when divided by the numeric value of the parameter
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterN=a number
      outputthe input as numbers, but with each replaced by the remainder when dividing it by N

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      remainder Operator (Examples)

      11th June 2019 at 1:01pm


      =1 =2 =3 =4 +[remainder[2]]

      remove Operator

      25th January 2017 at 8:00pm
      purposeremove a list of titles specified in the parameter from the input
      inputa list of items
      suffixan integer N, defaulting to all
      parameterarray=an array of items to remove
      outputitems removed from current list that appear at the head of the parameter array
      ! outputitems removed from current list that appear at the tail of the parameter array

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      remove Operator (Examples)

      8th November 2015 at 5:20am

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [list[Days of the Week]] +[remove[Tuesday Wednesday Thursday]]

      [list[Days of the Week]] +[remove:3[Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday]]

      [list[Days of the Week]] +[!remove:2{Days of the Week!!list}]

      removeprefix Operator

      11th July 2023 at 8:28am
      purposefilter the input titles by how they start, deleting that prefix
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixthe removeprefix operator uses a rich suffix, see below for details
      parameterS=a string of characters
      outputthose input titles that start with S, but with those characters discarded

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      This filters out input titles that do not start with S. For removing S without filtering out input titles that don't start with S, see trim.

      Introduced in v5.2.2

      The removeprefix operator uses an extended syntax that permits multiple flags to be passed:

      [removeprefix:<flag list>[<parameter>]]
      • flag list: a comma delimited list of flags

      The available flags are:

      • casesensitive: (default), this flag forces a case-sensitive match, where upper and lower case letters are considered different
      • caseinsensitive: overrides the default so that upper and lower case letters are considered identical for matching purposes


      removeprefix Operator (Examples)

      18th February 2022 at 2:34am

      [[My Cat]] [[Your Garden]] [[My Favourite Armchair]] +[removeprefix[My ]]

      [[My Cat]] [[Your Garden]] [[My Favourite Armchair]] +[removeprefix:caseinsensitive[my ]]

      removesuffix Operator

      11th July 2023 at 8:28am
      purposefilter the input titles by how they end, deleting that suffix
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixthe removesuffix operator uses a rich suffix, see below for details
      parameterS=a string of characters
      outputthose input titles that end with S, but with those characters discarded

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      This filters out input titles that do not end with S. For removing S without filtering out input titles that don't end with S, see trim.

      Introduced in v5.2.2

      The removesuffix operator uses an extended syntax that permits multiple flags to be passed:

      [removesuffix:<flag list>[<parameter>]]
      • flag list: a comma delimited list of flags

      The available flags are:

      • casesensitive: (default), this flag forces a case-sensitive match, where upper and lower case letters are considered different
      • caseinsensitive: overrides the default so that upper and lower case letters are considered identical for matching purposes


      removesuffix Operator (Examples)

      18th February 2022 at 2:34am

      SIMPLEX Googolplex Complex +[removesuffix[plex]]

      SIMPLEX Googolplex Complex +[removesuffix:caseinsensitive[plex]]


      19th September 2017 at 1:18pm

      Render individual tiddlers identified by a filter and save the results to the specified files.

      Optionally, the title of a template tiddler can be specified. In this case, instead of directly rendering each tiddler, the template tiddler is rendered with the "currentTiddler" variable set to the title of the tiddler that is being rendered.

      A name and value for an additional variable may optionally also be specified.

      --render <tiddler-filter> [<filename-filter>] [<render-type>] [<template>] [ [<name>] [<value>] ]*
      • tiddler-filter: A filter identifying the tiddler(s) to be rendered
      • filename-filter: Optional filter transforming tiddler titles into pathnames. If omitted, defaults to [is[tiddler]addsuffix[.html]], which uses the unchanged tiddler title as the filename
      • render-type: Optional render type: text/html (the default) returns the full HTML text and text/plain just returns the text content (ie it ignores HTML tags and other unprintable material)
      • template: Optional template through which each tiddler is rendered
      • name: Name of optional variables
      • value: Value of optional variables

      By default, the filename is resolved relative to the output subdirectory of the edition directory. The --output command can be used to direct output to a different directory.



      • --render '[!is[system]]' '[encodeuricomponent[]addprefix[tiddlers/]addsuffix[.html]]' – renders all non-system tiddlers as files in the subdirectory "tiddlers" with URL-encoded titles and the extension HTML
      • --render '.' 'tiddlers.json' 'text/plain' '$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile' 'exportFilter' '[tag[HelloThere]]' – renders the tiddlers tagged "HelloThere" to a JSON file named "tiddlers.json"


      Deprecated fromv5.1.15(seeRenderCommand).

      (Note: The --rendertiddler command is deprecated in favour of the new, more flexible --render command)

      Render an individual tiddler as a specified ContentType, defaulting to text/html and save it to the specified filename.

      Optionally the title of a template tiddler can be specified, in which case the template tiddler is rendered with the "currentTiddler" variable set to the tiddler that is being rendered (the first parameter value).

      A name and value for an additional variable may optionally also be specified.

      --rendertiddler <title> <filename> [<type>] [<template>] [<name>] [<value>]

      By default, the filename is resolved relative to the output subdirectory of the edition directory. The --output command can be used to direct output to a different directory.

      Any missing directories in the path to the filename are automatically created.

      For example, the following command saves all tiddlers matching the filter [tag[done]] to a JSON file titled output.json by employing the core template $:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile.

      --rendertiddler "$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile" output.json text/plain "" exportFilter "[tag[done]]"


      Deprecated fromv5.1.15(seeRenderCommand).

      (Note: The --rendertiddlers command is deprecated in favour of the new, more flexible --render command)

      Render a set of tiddlers matching a filter to separate files of a specified ContentType (defaults to text/html) and extension (defaults to .html).

      --rendertiddlers '<filter>' <template> <pathname> [<type>] [<extension>] ["noclean"]

      For example:

      --rendertiddlers '[!is[system]]' $:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html ./static text/plain

      By default, the pathname is resolved relative to the output subdirectory of the edition directory. The --output command can be used to direct output to a different directory.

      Any files in the target directory are deleted unless the noclean flag is specified. The target directory is recursively created if it is missing.

      replace Operator

      8th November 2015 at 5:21am
      purposereplace marker with N trailing items
      inputa list of items
      suffixan integer N, defaulting to 1
      parametermarker=the item to be used as a marker
      outputre-ordered list of items

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      replace Operator (Examples)

      8th November 2015 at 5:21am

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [list[Days of the Week]] Last +[replace[Wednesday]]

      [list[Days of the Week]] Last +[replace:2[Tuesday]]

      [list[Days of the Week]] [[Yesterday]] [[Today]] [[Tomorrow]] +[replace:3[Tuesday]]


      10th September 2014 at 9:25pm

      You can report bugs or problems with TiddlyWiki via our discussion groups. If you have a GitHub account then you can raise an issue there:

      Unless you are already familiar with GitHub, it's usually easiest to report problems through the discussion groups.

      TiddlyWiki on GitHub

      We use GitHub Issues to manage bug reports and feature requests for TiddlyWiki. To maintain their effectiveness we endeavour to have as few open issues as possible.

      Policies for Managing Issues

      Open issues should be actionable: generally either a reproducible bug report, or a specific feature request. From the perspective of the core developers, the issues list behaves like a shared todo list. Every item on the list requires a little bit of attention each time we check the list.

      GitHub Issues are not very good for managing ideas that are not immediately actionable. Better to use the TiddlyWiki discussion groups for open ended questions, or speculative discussions of new features.

      Creating Issues

      Before creating a GitHub issue it is good etiquette to search through the existing issues to see whether the problem has already been reported. If a search isn't practical, don't worry too much; GitHub makes it easy to merge existing issues.

      When you do create an issue, remember that for effective debugging, we need as much information as possible. At a minimum, please try to include:

      • A descriptive title
      • A summary
      • Steps to reproduce
      • Expected behaviour
      • Context (OS, browser etc.)

      Consider also adding screenshots if it makes things clearer.

      There's a lot of good material on the web about bug reports:

      resolvepath Macro

      21st February 2015 at 10:38pm

      The resolvepath macro takes a relative path and an absolute path. It interprets the former relative to the latter, and returns the absolute equivalent of the former.

      Folders in the paths are delimited by /.

      The special folder name . denotes the current folder, and .. denotes the parent folder.

      If the absolute path indicates a folder, it needs to end with /. Anything after the final / is treated as an arbitrary filename within the intended path, and is discarded.

      If no absolute path is supplied, the relative path is returned unchanged, except that anything after the final / is discarded.

      The return value is a path, but does not end with /.


      the relative path
      the absolute path


      resolvepath Macro (Examples)

      21st February 2015 at 6:34pm

      <<resolvepath "./backup" "">>
      <<resolvepath "backup" "">>
      <<resolvepath "../backup" "">>
      <<resolvepath "../jpg/Motovun_Jack.jpg" "">>
      <<resolvepath "../jpg/../png/Motovun_Jack.png">>
      <<resolvepath "jpg/Motovun_Jack.jpg">>

      rest Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 7:08pm
      purposediscard the first N input titles
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterN=an integer, defaulting to 1
      outputall but the first N input titles

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      butfirst and bf are synonyms for rest.


      rest Operator (Examples)

      26th February 2022 at 4:33am

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [list[Days of the Week]rest[]]

      [list[Days of the Week]rest[0]]

      [list[Days of the Week]rest[3]]

      Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O +[rest[5]]

      Résumé Builder Edition

      2nd June 2016 at 5:15am

      The Résumé Builder edition of TiddlyWiki gets you started with a simple way to create a professional resume that you can save to the web or print.


      21st July 2024 at 5:57pm


      The reveal widget hides or shows its content depending upon the value of a state tiddler. The type of the widget determines the condition for the content being displayed:

      • type=match: the content is displayed if the state tiddler matches the text attribute value
      • type=nomatch: the content is displayed if the state tiddler doesn't match the text attribute value
      • type=popup: the content is displayed as a popup as described in the PopupMechanism
      • type=lt: the content is displayed if the state tiddler contains an integer with a value less than the text attribute value
      • type=gt: the content is displayed if the state tiddler contains an integer with a value greater than the text attribute value
      • type=lteq: the content is displayed if the state tiddler contains an integer with a value less than or equal to the text attribute value
      • type=gteq: the content is displayed if the state tiddler contains an integer with a value greater than or equal to the text attribute value

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the <$reveal> widget is displayed according to the rules given above.

      stateA TextReference containing the state
      stateTitleA title containing the state, without TextReference. Gets preferred over the state attribute
      stateFieldA field name which is used to look for the state, if the attribute stateTitle is present
      stateIndexAn index which is used to look for the state, if the attribute stateTitle is present
      tagOverrides the default HTML element tag (<div> in block mode or <span> in inline mode)
      typeThe type of matching performed: match, nomatch, popup, lt, gt, lteq or gteq
      textThe text to match when the type is match, nomatch, lt, gt, lteq or gteq
      classAn optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element
      » Set to tc-popup-keep to make a popup "sticky", so it won't close when you click inside of it
      styleAn optional CSS style attribute to be assigned to the HTML element
      positionThe position used for the popup when the type is popup. Can be left, above, aboveleft, aboveright, right, belowleft, belowright or below
      positionAllowNegativeSet to "yes" to prevent computed popup positions from being clamped to be above zero
      defaultDefault value to use when the state tiddler is missing
      animateSet to "yes" to animate opening and closure (defaults to "no"; requires "retain" to be set to "yes")
      retainSet to "yes" to force the content to be retained even when hidden (defaults to "no")
      updatePopupPositionIntroduced in v5.1.23Set to "yes" to update the popup position when the state tiddler is updated (defaults to "no")

      Introduced in v5.1.18 stateTitle, stateField and stateIndex attributes allow specifying Tiddler states directly, without interpreting them as TextReferences. This is useful for edge-cases where titles may contain characters that are used to denote Tiddler fields or indices (!!, ##)

      Retaining the content when hidden can give poor performance since the hidden content requires refresh processing even though it is not displayed. On the other hand, the content can be revealed much more quickly. Note that setting animate="yes" will also require retain="yes"


      Two distinct buttons toggle the state of the tiddler value. The reveal widget displays its content for one of the two states.


      Two distinct buttons toggle the state of the tiddler value. Two reveal widgets. The first displays the button to show the content. The second displays both the content and the button to hide the content.


      When the button is clicked, the tiddler specified by the popup attribute is filled with the click coordinates. The reveal widget uses these coordinates to position the popup content.


      The state attribute of the reveal widget can use the text reference syntax to refer to a specific field. In this example if the field jeremy contains the text tiddlywiki, then the reveal widget's content will be displayed.



      reverse Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 7:08pm
      purposereverse the order of the input titles
      inputa selection of titles
      outputthe input, in reverse order

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      reverse Operator (Examples)

      23rd January 2015 at 9:27pm

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [list[Days of the Week]reverse[]]

      Rice Pudding

      6th October 2020 at 6:12pm


      16th May 2020 at 7:42pm

      TiddlyWiki 5 is now a mature, stable project that is relied upon by many people. Simultaneously, it is rapidly evolving in many directions thanks to the broad community of developers and users. This paradoxical situation is possible because the project strictly maintains backwards compatibility, adding new features alongside the existing ones.

      There is no formal roadmap, but quite a few areas that have yet to be fully implemented, such as search and replace, and rich text editing. Current work can be found on GitHub at

      round Operator

      13th June 2019 at 8:46am
      purposerounds a list of numbers to the nearest integer
      inputa selection of titles
      outputrounds each of the input numbers to the nearest integer

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      round Operator (Examples)

      13th June 2019 at 8:46am



      =-1.2 =-2.4 =3.6 =4.8 =5.1 +[round[]]


      12th September 2019 at 9:31am


      Safe mode provides a way to disabling most customisations in TiddlyWiki. This is useful because if TiddlyWiki is customised incorrectly it can be rendered inoperable. A particular issue is that some customisations break when upgrading to a newer core version of TiddlyWiki (especially during the beta).

      Safe mode should only be used with the single file configuration of TiddlyWiki, and then only with savers that do not autosave. Using safe mode in the client server configuration can lead to data loss.

      Enabling Safe Mode

      Safe mode is enabled in the browser by starting TiddlyWiki with the URL hash set to the string #:safe. For example:

      How Safe Mode Works

      Safe mode triggers two changes:

      • All plugins are temporarily disabled. You can use the control panel to disable individual plugins
      • Any tiddlers that override shadow tiddlers are renamed to give them the prefix SAFE: , thus restoring the underlying shadow tiddler
      • Certain configuration options are ignored, and the default settings used instead:

      A report tiddler is displayed that allows you to inspect the tiddlers that were renamed.

      sameday Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 7:09pm
      purposefilter the input by date
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixF=the name of a date field, defaulting to modified
      parameterD=a date, in the format YYYYMMDD
      outputthose input tiddlers in which field F has the value D, ignoring time

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      If D is not a valid date, the output is empty.

      D may include a time of day, but this is ignored.


      sameday Operator (Examples)

      24th January 2015 at 10:17am

      → tiddlers modified on 10 April 2014

      → tiddlers created on 10 April 2014

      Sample Headings 1,2,3

      17th November 2021 at 2:46am

      This is a Level 1 Heading

      This is a paragraph.

      This is written as a Level 3 heading

      This is written as a Level 4 heading

      This is written as a Level 5 heading

      This is a Level 2 heading

      This is written as a Level 4 heading

      This is written as a Level 5 heading

      This is written as a Level 6 heading

      Sample Headings 3,4,5

      17th November 2021 at 2:46am

      This is written as a Level 3 heading

      This is written as a Level 4 heading

      This is written as a Level 5 heading

      Sample Headings 4,5,6

      17th November 2021 at 2:46am

      This is written as a Level 4 heading

      This is written as a Level 5 heading
      This is written as a Level 6 heading

      Sample Tiddler Template

      18th May 2023 at 12:53pm

      My name is Jeremy and my age is 21.


      7th January 2016 at 11:01pm


      17th November 2021 at 10:43pm


      This is an example modal containing the following message:


      19th November 2021 at 7:23pm

      This is a notification!


      21st February 2015 at 9:16pm

      This is the fourth of our sample tabs.


      This is the first of our sample tabs.


      This is the third of our sample tabs.


      This is the second of our sample tabs.


      17th November 2021 at 9:46pm

      This is sampletag1.


      17th November 2021 at 9:47pm

      This is sampletag2.


      6th May 2023 at 5:05pm

      thisTiddler: SampleTemplate

      currentTiddler: SampleTemplate


      17th November 2021 at 12:36am


      17th November 2021 at 12:37am


      17th November 2021 at 12:37am

      This tiddler SampleTiddlerThird is the third test tiddler.


      27th February 2022 at 9:13pm

      Variable 'something' contains:


      19th November 2021 at 8:51pm


      19th November 2021 at 8:51pm


      16th November 2021 at 10:11pm


      19th September 2017 at 1:18pm

      Saves individual tiddlers identified by a filter in their raw text or binary format to the specified files.

      --save <tiddler-filter> <filename-filter>
      • tiddler-filter: A filter identifying the tiddler(s) to be saved
      • filename-filter: Optional filter transforming tiddler titles into pathnames. If omitted, defaults to [is[tiddler]], which uses the unchanged tiddler title as the filename

      By default, the filename is resolved relative to the output subdirectory of the edition directory. The --output command can be used to direct output to a different directory.



      • --save "[!is[system]is[image]]" "[encodeuricomponent[]addprefix[tiddlers/]]" – saves all non-system image tiddlers as files in the subdirectory "tiddlers" with URL-encoded titles


      Deprecated fromv5.1.15(seeSaveCommand).

      (Note: The --savetiddler command is deprecated in favour of the new, more flexible --save command)

      Saves an individual tiddler in its raw text or binary format to the specified filename.

      --savetiddler <title> <filename>

      By default, the filename is resolved relative to the output subdirectory of the edition directory. The --output command can be used to direct output to a different directory.

      Any missing directories in the path to the filename are automatically created.


      Deprecated fromv5.1.15(seeSaveCommand).

      (Note: The --savetiddlers command is deprecated in favour of the new, more flexible --save command)

      Saves a group of tiddlers in their raw text or binary format to the specified directory.

      --savetiddlers <filter> <pathname> ["noclean"]

      By default, the pathname is resolved relative to the output subdirectory of the edition directory. The --output command can be used to direct output to a different directory.

      The output directory is cleared of existing files before saving the specified files. The deletion can be disabled by specifying the noclean flag.

      Any missing directories in the pathname are automatically created.

      SaveTrail Plugin

      28th March 2017 at 5:39pm

      This plugin causes TiddlyWiki to continuously download (as a JSON file) the contents of any tiddler that is manually changed by any of several means:

      • Confirming an edit
      • Deleting tiddlers
      • Imports
      • Renames/relinks
      • Optionally, typing in draft tiddlers can trigger a download

      Where appropriate, separate 'before' and 'after' files are downloaded. Configured correctly, the browser will download the files silently in the background, and they can be used as a backup in case of accidental data loss.


      14th April 2019 at 11:01am

      Introduced in v5.1.20 Saves the current wiki as a wiki folder, including tiddlers, plugins and configuration:

      --savewikifolder <wikifolderpath> [<filter>] [ [<name>=<value>] ]*
      • The target wiki folder must be empty or non-existent
      • The filter specifies which tiddlers should be included. It is optional, defaulting to [all[tiddlers]]
      • Plugins from the official plugin library are replaced with references to those plugins in the file
      • Custom plugins are unpacked into their own folder

      The following options are supported:

      • filter: a filter expression that defines the tiddlers to include in the output.
      • explodePlugins: defaults to "yes"
        • yes will "explode" plugins into separate tiddler files and save them to the plugin directory within the wiki folder
        • no will suppress exploding plugins into their constituent tiddler files. It will save the plugin as a single JSON tiddler in the tiddlers folder

      Note that both explodePlugins options will produce wiki folders that build the exact same original wiki. The difference lies in how plugins are represented in the wiki folder.

      A common usage is to convert a TiddlyWiki HTML file into a wiki folder:

      tiddlywiki --load ./mywiki.html --savewikifolder ./mywikifolder

      Save the plugin to the tiddlers directory of the target wiki folder:

      tiddlywiki --load ./mywiki.html --savewikifolder ./mywikifolder explodePlugins=no


      12th August 2022 at 2:45pm



      Use the checkboxes to explore the methods of saving that work with your platform(s)

      Saving on a PHP Server

      7th May 2020 at 11:03am

      The built-in TiddlySpot saver can also be used to save changes to a simple PHP script that you can run on most hosting providers.

      This code hasn't been updated in several years. If you have difficulty with it, consider using TW Receiver instead

      1. Download a copy of from
      2. Unzip.
      3. Extract a copy of store.php from under the unzipped subdirectory _th\lib
      4. Edit your copy of store.php to add your username(s) and password(s). Find the line $USERS = array( 'UserName1'=>'Password1', etc) and replace Username1 and Password1 with your desired username and password
        • Make sure you leave all the punctuation and code, such as the single quotes, intact
      5. Save the file
      6. Using FTP or your web interface, upload store.php to your server. Make sure that the filename is correct
      7. In TiddlyWiki, go to the Saving tab of the control panel and enter the following information:
        • Your username as the wiki name
        • Your password
        • The URL of the store.php file (not the URL of the wiki, this must the full URL to the store.php file)

      The control panel Saving tab includes the following configuration options:

      Server URLThe full URL to the store.php file on your server
      Upload filenameThe filename used to save the TiddlyWiki (defaults to index.html)
      Upload directoryThe relative path from store.php to the directory used for saving the file
      Backup directoryThe relative path from store.php to the directory used for backups

      Note about maximum size

      As your TW file increases in size, you may need to modify your .htaccess or htaccess file (depending on system) to increase the value of the maximum upload and/or post size. Check with your Web Host Provider for your particular settings. Be sure also to make backups before experiementing. On some systems, the settings might look like:

      php_value upload_max_filesize 4M
      php_value post_max_size 6M

      Note about possible error message

      If you get an error message regarding split(), you may need to change references to split in store.php to function explode .

      Saving on Android

      7th May 2020 at 10:39am

      The Tiddloid and Tiddloid Lite app are Android apps that makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki HTML files.


      • Create new TiddlyWiki importing latest edition from internet
      • Import existing TiddlyWikis stored on device/internal storage. (TiddloidLite supports external SD card too)
      • Fork interesting ~Tiddlywikis from internet (Supports TW5 only)
      • TiddlyWiki detection
      • Locally stored ~Tiddlywikis are updated simultaneously on saving changes to TiddlyWikis imported to the app
      • Backup system that is compatible with TiddlyDesktop, the desktop TiddlyWiki saver
      • Creating shortcuts to existing TiddlyWiki on Android Homepage
      • TiddloidLite supports cloud storages like GDrive and OneDrive

      Please note

      • Tiddloid Lite feature better support for devices running Android Q or later. It also supports cloud storages like GDrive and OneDrive, while Tiddloid keeps the compatibility to TiddlyWikiClassic. To know more about differences between Tiddloid and Tiddloid Lite, please visit Tiddloid's homepage.
      • You should keep the .html or .htm extension of the files to be imported.

      Saving on Browser with File System Access API

      6th February 2022 at 3:57am

      Tiddlywiki can save changes to the filesystem without downloading a new file each time each time using the File System Access API.

      This API is not yet fully standardized hence this method of saving is somewhat experimental.

      The API used by this saver works in most Chromium based browsers. See caniuse for up to date information on browser support.

      Saving on Browser with TiddlyStow

      3rd April 2023 at 6:30pm


      Tiddlystow saves TiddlyWiki files locally using the browser file system API (Chrome-based browsers currently). This is a simple web page for loading a local TiddlyWiki file and storing it back to the same local file requiring no plugins or extensions.

      Saving on iPad/iPhone

      7th October 2020 at 8:53pm

      The iPad/iPhone app Quine 2 makes it possible to view, edit and then save changes to TiddlyWiki5 on iOS. Download it here.

      Instructions for use:

      1. Open Quine 2
      2. Tap the + toolbar button to create and open a new TiddlyWiki
      3. From the file list tap an existing TiddlyWiki file to open it
      4. Edit the TiddlyWiki as normal, and save as normal using either Autosave or the TiddlyWiki save button
      5. Tap the left hand "Documents" toolbar button to close an open TiddlyWiki
      • Quine 2 works natively in iOS with the local file system and the iCloud file system
      • Quine 2 also allows you to open, edit and save TiddlyWiki files stored with cloud file providers
      • Quine 2 allows you to follow embedded WikiText links and canonical links to external files for cloud-like file providers which support "folder level sharing".
        • This includes the apps "Secure Shellfish" and "Working Copy". Most providers, though, do not allow apps like Quine 2 to access linked files this way.
        • If you wish to enable such links for "well behaved" file providers, toggle "on" the "Enable folder selection for out-of-sandbox links" setting in iOS Settings for Quine 2

      Note that Quine is published independently of TiddlyWiki

      Saving on TiddlyDesktop

      7th May 2020 at 10:43am

      See the Introducing TiddlyDesktop Video

      1. Install the latest release of TiddlyDesktop from
      2. Run TiddlyDesktop
      3. Use the browse button to open TiddlyWiki files
      4. Save changes within TiddlyWiki in the usual way

      Saving on TiddlyHost

      23rd April 2021 at 12:39am is a hosting service for TiddlyWiki created by Simon Baird. Once you sign up and confirm your email you can create "sites", (i.e. TiddlyWikis), with support for online saving. Sites can be private or public, and you can optionally list them on the taggable and searchable TiddlyHost Hub where they'll be discoverable by others.

      Unlike TiddlySpot, TiddlyHost is secure, open source, and has proper support for TiddlyWiki5. It also allows uploading existing TiddlyWiki files, supports TiddlyWikiClassic, and lets you claim ownership of your TiddlySpot sites. For more information see the FAQ and the About page.

      If you find Tiddlyhost useful, please consider donation or sponsorship.

      Saving on TiddlySpot

      23rd April 2021 at 12:40am is a hosting service for TiddlyWiki created in 2006 by Simon Baird and Daniel Baird.

      In early 2021 it was superseded by TiddlyHost, a new, secure, modern reimagining of TiddlySpot. Creating new sites on TiddlySpot is no longer supported, (though sites created in 2020 or earlier are still functional).

      Security warning for TiddlySpot

      Note that your password is sent unencrypted when using TiddlySpot. From the FAQ:

      Is Tiddlyspot secure?

      No. Tiddlyspot does not use SSL/https, so all TiddlySpot web traffic is vulnerable to packet sniffing. This means your password and site data could be intercepted by a malicious third party. For this reason, please don't keep sensitive information in your TiddlySpot site, and don't use a password that you use for other web sites.

      Problems with saving on TiddlySpot

      In case you run into this error when uploading a freshly upgraded local TiddlyWiki to TiddlySpot:

      Error: NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied

      The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest using Chrome.

      • Use Chrome to open the local TiddlyWiki document you want to upload to TiddlySpot and follow the steps 1 through 5 described at Upgrading.
      • Once you've checked the TiddlySpot-hosted TiddlyWiki loads properly in Chrome, you should be able to access, edit and save using TiddlyFox again.
      • After you've uploaded your local document once, further editing and saving of the online version hosted on TiddlySpot should work with any modern browser of your choice. (Don't forget to fill in the TiddlySpot password in your TiddlySpot TiddlyWiki control panel for any new browser you want to use for saving changes.)

      See also: Upgrading

      Saving on TidGi Desktop

      See its readme about details of TidGi's design decisions, here is a brief summary:

      1. TidGi runs TiddlyWiki on Node.js while TiddlyDesktop focus on single HTML wiki
      2. TidGi has built-in git-sync backup script
      3. TidGi provides some electron based feature, such as a menubar mini window and a shell executor.

      How to install

      1. Install the latest release of TidGi Desktop from
      2. Run TidGi
      3. Create a new wiki, or open an existing nodejs tiddlywiki folder
      4. Changes are automatically saved, you can optionally configue it to sync to the github every 30min

      Saving to a Git service

      23rd July 2023 at 7:42am

      TiddlyWiki can save changes directly to a GitHub repository in the single file configuration.

      Saving to a Git service is configured in the $:/ControlPanel in the Git Service Saver tab under the Saving tab. The following settings are supported:

      • Type - (mandatory) the type of the service (e.g. GitHub, GitLab)
      • Username - (mandatory) the username for the Git service account used for saving changes
      • Password - (mandatory) the OAUTH token or personal access token for the specified account. Note that GitHub deprecated password authentication, permitted authentication methods are shown in the API documentation.
      • Repository - (mandatory) the name of the Git repository. Both the owner name and the repository name must be specified. For example Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
      • Branch - (optional) the name of the branch to be used within the Git repository. Defaults to main (GitHub) or master (GitLab)"
      • Path - (optional) the path to the target file. Defaults to /
      • Filename - (mandatory) the filename of the target file


      • The Git service token or password is stored persistently in browser local storage. Be sure to clear the password if using a shared machine. Using a personal access token for authentication offers an extra layer of security: if the access token is accidentally exposed it can be revoked without needing to reset the account password

      For a more detailed info about the GitHub saver see: GitHub Saver Tutorial by Mohammad

      Saving via a Minimal Ruby Server

      7th May 2020 at 8:31pm

      Saving via a Minimal Web Server

      2nd March 2023 at 5:59am

      A local mini binary server for TiddlyWiki5 that saves and backups wikis and uploads files for TiddlyWiki, inspired by tw5-server.rb .

      tw5server provides features of:

      • Server for TiddlyWiki5, as well as other files (e.g. images used in TW5 [img[images/*.png]]);
      • Easy to save wiki via browsers;
      • Backup wiki in compress format (.gz), to save disk space;
      • Auto clean backups: keep one newest per previous month, keep all backups in current month.
      • Upload files/images to server via pressing button or drag-and-drop, for use in tiddlywiki as external links.
      • Offer binary executable for Linux, macos, Android and windows.

      Download executable binary at the tw5-server.


      tw5server -a: -p:8000 -d:./ -b:backup
      -h usage help
      -a address, defautl localhost
      -p port, default 8000
      -d directory to servering, default `current dir`
      -b backup directory name, default `backup`
      -l log saving messages to stdout
      Backups auto-clean strategy:
      Keep all backups in current month, keep only the newest one for previous months.

      In Unix/Linux, maybe first chmod +x tw5server), then run it. For Android version, run it in Termux, or some other terminals.

      Then go to http://localhost:8000 (or other address:port specified in command) in your web browser, and click on your wiki html file.

      Saving via WebDAV

      15th June 2022 at 3:50pm

      If hosted on a WebDAV-enabled server, TiddlyWiki will automatically save changes via HTTP for TiddlyWiki's created after 2016. If you created your wiki before Feb 16 2016 you'll need to Upgrade to enable WebDAV.

      Cross platform lightweight servers

      Lightweight, portable and easy to use solutions



      • WebDavNav Server via the Mac App store.


      • RCX is an open source file manager for Android based on rclone. It is available on both F-Droid and Google Play. Thanks to its integrated WebDAV server, it lets you edit the wikis that you keep in your pocket. You can share them with other devices on the local network too.


      Many NAS or Subversion servers support WebDAV out of the box. Setting up your own server might take some effort though:

      Free Hosting

      Several WebDAV hosting services tested (, don't support accessing HTML files via a webbrowser, so they won't work with TiddlyWiki. However, The GMX mediacenter ( has been reported as working with WebDAV with a free account.


      Koofr is a cloud service that emphasizes privacy. To use their webdav services, sign up for an account at . Then go to preferences on their web app. Then password from the menu on the left. Scroll down to App Passwords. Use some name like 'tiddlywiki' and generate a password. Despite what it says, save the password somewhere.

      You will probably need to rename your file extension to .aspx. Then upload your file on some path, preferably without spaces to their site. Then in the browser link to the site with an address like:

      When you do, an authentication dialog will come up. Use your email address that you used to sign up and the password you just generated to login.

      You should be able to load the file and save changes back in place.

      Paid Hosting


      pCloud is cloud service with servers in Europe and the United States. When you sign up, you need to select which server location is best for you. Then in your web browser, sign in to the service. Upload the file you wish to access via the browser interface. Then, in another tab, open either

      if your servers are in the U.S. or

      if your servers are in Europe.

      A file navigation page should come up. Navigate to your file and open in your browser. You should be able create and save changes.

      Saving with Polly

      23rd February 2022 at 4:04pm

      Polly is a batch file system using Windows PowerShell to restore TiddlyWiki files from a specified download directory to their original home directory.

      Effectively, this becomes a new way to save your files, but with these features:

      • No binary executables
      • Human-readable batch script.
      • No special plugins in your TiddlyWiki file
      • No special browser required
      • No browser extension required.
      • No need for node.exe running in background
      • Total size expanded package only 100k
      • Backups as regular file and/or zip to specified directories
      • The ability to "parrot" extra copies to target directories (e.g. a Dropbox folder)

      It should be able to run anywhere that PowerShell runs, including Windows, Linux, and Mac.

      Saving with the HTML5 saver

      10th December 2022 at 9:57pm

      This is the default method of saving if no other method is installed. It uses your browser's built-in "download a file" handler, and has the advantage of working on almost all desktop browsers, and many mobile browsers.

      1. Download an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
        If the button doesn't work save this link:
        Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
      2. Locate the file you just downloaded
        • You may rename it, but be sure to keep the .html or .htm extension
      3. Open the file in your browser
      4. Try creating a new tiddler using the new tiddler button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the ok button
      5. Save your changes by clicking the save changes button in the sidebar
      6. Your browser will download a new copy of the wiki incorporating your changes
      7. Locate the newly downloaded file and open it in your browser
      8. Verify that your changes have been saved correctly

      Tip: most browsers have an option to prompt each time for the download location. This allows you to select the existing version of the file and replace it.

      Saving with TiddlyFox

      6th August 2023 at 12:14am

      Saving with TiddlyIE

      7th May 2020 at 8:14pm

      Deprecated fromv5.3.6

      1. Install the TiddlyIE add-on from:
      2. Restart Internet Explorer. IE will prompt you to enable the TiddlyIE add-on.
        You may also see a prompt to enable the Microsoft Script Runtime
      3. Download an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
      4. Locate the file you just downloaded
        • You may rename it, but be sure to keep the .html or .htm extension
      5. Open the file in Internet Explorer
      6. Try creating a new tiddler using the new tiddler button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the ok button
      7. Save your changes by clicking the save changes button in the sidebar. Internet Explorer will ask for your consent to save the file locally by presenting a file Save As dialog.
      8. Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly

      Saving with TW Receiver

      12th June 2020 at 11:43pm


      9th July 2016 at 11:27am

      The SavingMechanism is the mechanism by which TiddlyWiki generates a new HTML file and stores it. It is different from the sync mechanism, which is concerned with synchronising changes to individual tiddlers back to a server (see for more details).

      The following steps are involved:

      1. The saver mechanism uses the filter defined in $:/config/SaverFilter to specify which modified tiddlers trigger the dirty state for the wiki. (The dirty state is reflected in the red colouring of the "save changes" button in the sidebar).
      2. The ButtonWidget is used to generate a tm-save-wiki message to trigger the save operation
      3. The optional parameter for the message specifies the template that will be used for generating the HTML file, defaulting to $:/core/save/all
      4. The template includes a variable assignment that specifies a filter to select the tiddlers that should be included in the saved file. It then transcludes the main page template $:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.html
        • The template includes a reference to $(publishFilter)$ that allows the filter to be customised via a global variable
      5. The tm-save-wiki handler renders the template to generate the HTML file
      6. The message handler chooses the highest priority "saver" module that can handle saving the file


      24th November 2021 at 9:56pm

      You might expect that TiddlyWiki's architecture as a SinglePageApplication would make it unsuitable for large amounts of data. In fact, TiddlyWiki users regularly work with files that are tens or even over a hundred megabytes without problems - and successful experiments have been done up into the gigabytes.

      See performance tips for large wikis.

      Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js

      15th October 2014 at 4:53pm

      Script Files

      The TiddlyWiki5 repository contains several scripts in the bin folder that you can use to automate common tasks, or as a useful starting point for your own scripts. See Scripts for building for details of the scripts used to build and release

      All the scripts expect to be run from the root folder of the repository.

      serve: serves

      ./bin/ -h
      ./bin/ [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]


      ./bin/serve.cmd -h
      ./bin/serve.cmd [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]

      This script starts TiddlyWiki5 running as an HTTP server, defaulting to the content from the edition. By default, the Node.js serves on port 8080. If the optional username parameter is provided, it is used for signing edits. If the password is provided then HTTP basic authentication is used. Run the script with the -h parameter to see online help.

      To experiment with this configuration, run the script and then visit in a browser.

      Changes made in the browser propagate to the server over HTTP (use the browser developer console to see these requests). The server then syncs changes to the file system (and logs each change to the screen).

      test: build and run tests

      This script runs the test edition of TiddlyWiki on the server to perform the server-side tests and to build test.html for running the tests in the browser.

      lazy: serves with lazily loaded images

      ./bin/ <username> [<password>]


      ./bin/lazy.cmd <username> [<password>]

      This script serves the edition content with LazyLoading applied to images.


      31st July 2023 at 10:09am


      The scrollable widget wraps its content in a scrollable frame. The user can scroll the contents with the mouse or with touch gestures. Code can use the WidgetMessage: tm-scroll to programmatically scroll specific DOM nodes into view.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the <$scrollable> widget is displayed within a pair of wrapper DIVs. If the inner DIV is larger then it scrolls within the outer one. CSS is used to specify the size of the outer wrapper.

      classThe CSS class(es) to be applied to the outer DIV
      fallthroughSee below
      bindNew in v5.3.2 Optional title of tiddler to which the scroll position should be bound

      Binding the scroll position to a tiddler automatically copies the scroll coordinates into the scroll-left and scroll-top fields after scrolling occurs. Conversely, setting those field values will automatically cause the scrollable to scroll if it can.

      If a scrollable widget can't handle the tm-scroll message because the inner DIV fits within the outer DIV, then by default the message falls through to the parent widget. Setting the fallthrough attribute to no prevents this behaviour.


      These examples require the following CSS definitions from $:/

      .tc-scrollable-demo {
      	border: 1px solid <<colour message-border>>;
      	background-color: <<colour message-background>>;
      	padding: 1em;
      	height: 400px;
      	position: relative;

      Simple Usage

      This wiki text shows how to display a list within the scrollable widget:

      <$scrollable class='tc-scrollable-demo'>
      <$list filter='[tag[Reference]]'>
      <$view field='title'/>: <$list filter='[all[current]links[]sort[title]]' storyview='pop'>
      <$link><$view field='title'/></$link>

      That renders as:

      Concepts: TiddlyWiki

      Definitions: Concepts TiddlyWiki

      WikiText: Editor toolbar Formatting in WikiText Formatting text in TiddlyWiki Markdown


      Filters: $:/AdvancedSearch CountWidget ListWidget TiddlyWiki Title Selection Transclusion in WikiText

      Commands: Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js

      Mechanisms: TiddlyWiki

      Developers: TiddlyWiki

      Core Classes: $:/ControlPanel Utility Classes

      Core Functions: Functions

      Core Macros: Macros

      Core Messages:

      Core Procedures: Procedures

      Core Variables: Variables

      Core Widgets:

      Binding scroll position to a tiddler

      Current scroll position: ,

      <$scrollable class='tc-scrollable-demo' bind='$:/my-scroll-position'>
      <$list filter='[tag[Reference]]'>
      <$view field='title'/>: <$list filter='[all[current]links[]sort[title]]' storyview='pop'>
      <$link><$view field='title'/></$link>

      That renders as:

      Concepts: TiddlyWiki

      Definitions: Concepts TiddlyWiki

      WikiText: Editor toolbar Formatting in WikiText Formatting text in TiddlyWiki Markdown


      Filters: $:/AdvancedSearch CountWidget ListWidget TiddlyWiki Title Selection Transclusion in WikiText

      Commands: Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js

      Mechanisms: TiddlyWiki

      Developers: TiddlyWiki

      Core Classes: $:/ControlPanel Utility Classes

      Core Functions: Functions

      Core Macros: Macros

      Core Messages:

      Core Procedures: Procedures

      Core Variables: Variables

      Core Widgets:

      search Operator

      11th July 2023 at 8:43am
      purposefilter the input by searching tiddler content
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixthe search operator uses a rich suffix, see below for details
      parameterone or more search terms, separated by spaces, or a literal search string
      outputthose input tiddlers in which all of the search terms can be found in the value of field F
      ! outputthose input tiddlers in which not all of the search terms can be found

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.18 The search filter operator was significantly enhanced in 5.1.18. Earlier versions do not support the extended syntax and therefore do not permit searching multiple fields, or the literal or casesensitive options.

      The search operator uses an extended syntax that permits multiple fields and flags to be passed:

      [search:<field list>:<flag list>[<parameter>]]
      • field list: a comma delimited list of field names to restrict the search
        • defaults to tags, text and title if blank
        • an asterisk * instead of the field list causes the search to be performed across all fields available on each tiddler
        • preceding the list with a minus sign - reverses the order so that the search is performed on all fields except the listed fields
      • flag list: a comma delimited list of flags (defaults to words if blank)
      • parameter: filter parameter

      This example searches the fields title and caption for a case-sensitive match for the literal string :

      [search:title,caption:literal,casesensitive[The first]]

      The available flags are:

      • Search mode - the first to be set of the following flags determines the type of search that is performed:
        • literal: considers the search string to be a literal string, and requires an exact match
        • whitespace: considers the search string to be a literal string, but will consider all runs of whitespace to be equivalent to a single space. Thus A B matches A B
        • regexp: treats the search string as a regular expression. Note that the regexp option obviates the need for the older regexp operator.
        • words: (the default) treats the search string as a list of tokens separated by whitespace, and matches if all of the tokens appear in the string (regardless of ordering and whether there is other text in between)
        • some: Introduced in v5.2.2 treats the search string as a list of tokens separated by whitespace, and matches if at least one of the tokens appear in the string
      • casesensitive: if present, this flag forces a case-sensitive match, where upper and lower case letters are considered different. By default, upper and lower case letters are considered identical for matching purposes.
      • anchored: Introduced in v5.1.20 anchors the search to the start of the string (applies to whitespace, literal and words modes)


      search Operator (Examples)

      29th November 2021 at 12:27pm

      → non-system tiddlers containing the word "table"
      → shadow tiddlers containing the word "table"
      → tiddlers containing arch in their caption field
      → tiddlers containing arch in any field
      → tiddlers containing arch in any field except title and caption
      [!is[system]search[the first]]
      → non-system tiddlers containing a case-insensitive match for both the "the" and "first"
      [!is[system]search::literal[the first]]
      → non-system tiddlers containing a case-insensitive match for the literal phrase "the first"
      [!is[system]search::literal,casesensitive[The first]]
      → non-system tiddlers containing a case-sensitive match for the literal phrase "The first"
      → any tiddlers containing a case-sensitive match for the word arch in their caption or description fields
      [search:tags:some[how test]]
      → any tiddlers containing at least 1 of the search terms in the field: tags
      [search:tags:some,casesensitive[how test]]
      → any tiddlers containing at least 1 of the case-sensitive search terms in the field: tags
      [search:tags,title:some,anchored[how test]]
      → any tiddlers containing at least 1 of anchored search terms in the fields: tags and title

      search-replace Operator

      29th August 2021 at 5:45pm
      purposereturns each item in the list, replacing within each title the string specified by the first parameter with the second parameter
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixthe search-replace operator uses a rich suffix, see below for details
      parameterthe search-replace operator requires 2 parameters, see below for details
      outputthe input titles with the search string replaced with the replacement string

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.23

      The search-replace operator uses an extended syntax that allows for multiple suffixes and parameters to be passed:

      [search-replace:<flag list>:<regexp-mode>[<search-term>],[<replacement>]]
      • flag-list: g for global mode to replace all matches, i for case-insensitive mode, Introduced in v5.2.0 m for multiline mode, "gim" for all. (optional)
      • regexp-mode: regexp to treat the first parameter as a regular expression (optional).
      • search-term: string or regular expression that should be replaced
      • replacement: string that should replace the search-term

      Either parameter can be a string, a text reference or a variable


      search-replace Operator (Examples)

      1st November 2021 at 12:52pm

      Replace one string with another:

      [[The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog]search-replace[dog],[cat]]

      Replace all matches of a regular expression:

      \define myregexp() e|o

      [[Hello There]search-replace:g:regexp<myregexp>,[]]

      Replace all matches of a string irrespective of case:

      [[Hello There]search-replace:gi[H],[]]

      You can also use regular expression capture groups in the replacement string: \define names() (\w+)\s(\w+)

      [[John Smith]search-replace::regexp<names>,[$2,$1]]

      You can reference the portion of the input that matches the regular expression with $&:

      [[John Smith]search-replace::regexp[John .*],[His name is $&]]

      [[This is an exciting feature]search-replace::regexp[exciting],[amazing and $&]]

      To replace everything but a match using a regular expression and the multiline (m) flag: \define myregexp2() ^(?!Unlike).*$


      You can use the search-replace Operator in combination with the sortsub Operator to ignore stop words like "A" and "The" at the beginning of titles when sorting. (Note for example that "A Tale of Two Cities" sorts under "T" rather than "A")


      You can also customise the listing so that "A Tale of Two Cities" is listed as "Tale of Two Cities, A" but still links to the correct tiddler.

      <$list filter="[enlist<book-list>sortsub<compare-without-stopwords>]">
      <li><$link><$text text={{{[<currentTiddler>search-replace:i:regexp[(^The |A )(.*)],[$2, $1]]}}}/></$link></li>

      That renders as:

      Searching in TiddlyWiki

      7th June 2016 at 4:30pm

      Searching is fast and flexible in TiddlyWiki.

      Standard search

      Typing text into the search box in the sidebar will turn up a list of all the tiddlers that contain that text.

      (Note that the sidebar tabs will be hidden by the search results until you click the 'x' to the right of the search box to remove the search results)

      Advanced searching

      Clicking on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search box will open $:/AdvancedSearch. This tiddler contains four tabs:

      • The standard tab contains another instance of the search box found in the sidebar
      • The system tab allows you to limit your search to system tiddlers
      • The shadows tab allows you to limit your search to shadow tiddlers
      • The filter tab is not a search box, per se, but a way to obtain a list of all tiddlers that meet the specific criteria described by that filter, for example, "All tags except system tags"

      Searchwikis by Mohammad

      17th November 2020 at 4:04pm

      Searchwikis plugin uses index (dataTiddler) to search multiple external Tiddlywikis.

      It has two parts

      1. An indexer, to build an index of all tiddlers in an external wiki
      2. A search tool to search indexes and display a link to a tiddler found in an external wiki

      Then one master wiki can host many index tiddlers and lets to search several external wikis through index tiddlers.

      Searchwikis enable to have a central wiki and search all other wikis from one place.


      14th November 2021 at 1:36am

      This is an example tiddler. SeeTable-of-Contents Macros (Examples).

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


      14th November 2021 at 1:36am

      This is an example tiddler. SeeTable-of-Contents Macros (Examples).

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


      14th November 2021 at 1:36am

      This is an example tiddler. SeeTable-of-Contents Macros (Examples).

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


      14th November 2021 at 1:36am

      This is an example tiddler. SeeTable-of-Contents Macros (Examples).

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


      14th November 2021 at 1:36am


      It's important that this tiddler has no "child" to be able to visually test every possible toc code-path.

      • This tiddler has a field toc-link: no
      • Do not tag any other tiddler with the title of this one


      14th November 2021 at 1:36am

      This is an example tiddler. SeeTable-of-Contents Macros (Examples).

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


      14th November 2021 at 1:36am

      This is an example tiddler. SeeTable-of-Contents Macros (Examples).

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

      SeeAlso by Matias Goldman

      6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

      A simple technique for adding tag-based cross references to the default view template.

      See also: - is a feature to generate a "See also:" section after the tiddler text, somewhat like in Wikipedia articles.

      Selection Constructors

      8th July 2024 at 8:17pm

      The output of a Filter Step depends on its operator:

      • Most operators derive their output from their input. For example, many of them output a subset of their input, and thus truly live up to the name of "filters", narrowing down the overall output of the containing run. These operators are called selection modifiers.
      • A few operators ignore their input and generate an independent output instead. These are called selection constructors: they construct an entirely new selection.

      A good example of a constructor is title. The output of [title[A]title[B]] is just B. But the field operator is a modifier, so [title[A]field:title[B] outputs nothing at all.

      The following filter Operators are tagged :

      Selection Constructors: Conditional

      8th July 2024 at 5:55pm

      Most filter Operators are either selection modifiers or Selection Constructors.

      Within the exceptional category are a tiny minority that usually act as selection modifiers, but which can construct a fresh selection under special conditions — namely, whenever their parameter is specified with a selection constructor.


      13th November 2023 at 9:33am


      The select widget displays a popup menu based on a HTML select element. The popup (or dropdown) contains a list of items defined by <option> and <optgroup> elements. Every time the user selects a new value in the menu, the selected value is written to the text of a specified tiddler field or index and any ActionWidgets within the actions attribute are triggered. Conversely, if the tiddler value is changed independently the select widget is automatically updated to reflect the new value.

      In multiple selection mode, the list of selected values is bound to the specified tiddler field or index. Browsers generally use the ctrl or cmd keys for multiple selection.

      For example, this select widget displays a list of the tags in this wiki:

      <$select tiddler=<<qualify 'select-demo'>> default='HelloThere'>
      <$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[title]]'>
      <option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>

      That renders as:

      The state tiddler currently contains:

      See the text change as you switch entries in the select widget. Try changing the value of the state tiddler and see the select widget change. Notice how the select widget only displays an entry if there is a precise match with the tiddler text.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the <$select> widget should be one or more HTML <option> or <optiongroup> elements that provide the available values.

      tiddlerThe title of the tiddler containing the value to be displayed/modified by the select widget (defaults to the current tiddler)
      fieldThe field name for the value in the current tiddler (defaults to "text")
      indexThe index of a property in a DataTiddler (takes precedence over the field attribute)
      classCSS classes to be assigned to the HTML select element
      tooltipOptional tooltip
      defaultDefault value to be used if the tiddler, field or index specifies a missing value
      multipleIf present, switches to multiple selection mode
      sizeThe number of rows to display in multiple selection mode
      actionsA string containing ActionWidgets to be triggered when the key combination is detected
      focusIntroduced in v5.2.4 Optional. Set to "yes" to automatically focus the HTML select element after creation
      tabindexNew in v5.3.1 Optional. Sets the tabindex attribute of the HTML select element to the given value
      data-*New in v5.3.2 Optional data attributes to be assigned to the HTML element
      style.*New in v5.3.2 Optional CSS properties to be assigned to the HTML element


      Simple Lists

      This example sets the title of the current wiki $:/SiteTitle to one of a list of book titles:

      <$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle' tooltip='Choose a new site title'>
      <option>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
      <option>A New Kind of Science</option>
      <option>The Dice Man</option>

      That renders as:

      Simple List with Placeholder Value

      To display a default value that is also disabled, effectively functioning as a placeholder, the following form can be used. Note that the targeted field must be empty, or not exist, for the placeholder to show in the widget:

      <$select tiddler='New Tiddler' field='text' default='Choose a new text'>
      <option disabled>Choose a new text</option>
      <option>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
      <option>A New Kind of Science</option>
      <option>The Dice Man</option>

      That renders as:

      Value lists

      In this example the value attribute has been used to specify the text that should be used as the value of the entry instead of the display text.

      <$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
      <option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
      <option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
      <option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>

      That renders as:

      Option Groups

      Entries in the list can be grouped together with the <optgroup> element

      <$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
      <optgroup label='Fiction'>
      <option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
      <option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
      <optgroup label='Non-fiction'>
      <option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
      <option value='recursive'>The Recursive Universe</option>

      That renders as:

      Generated Lists

      The ListWidget can be used to generate the options for a select widget. For example, here we combine a select widget listing all the tiddlers tagged TableOfContents with a transclusion to display the text of the selected one.

      <$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-state'>
      <$list filter='[tag[TableOfContents]]'>
      <option><$view field='title'/></option>
      <$tiddler tiddler={{$:/generated-list-demo-state}}>
      <$transclude mode='block'/>

      That renders as:

      Nested Lists

      This example uses a nested pair of list widgets. The outer one generates the <optgroup> elements, and the inner one generates <option> elements:

      <$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-nestedstate' field='type' default='text/vnd.tiddlywiki'>
      <$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]each[group]sort[group]]'>
      <optgroup label={{!!group}}>
      <$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]group{!!group}] +[sort[description]]'>
      <option value={{!!name}}><$view field='description'><$view field='title'/></$view> (<$view field='name'/>)</option>

      That renders as:

      Multiple Selections

      This example uses the multiple keyword to specify that we should be able to select multiple items.

      <$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-state' field='testing' multiple size='8'>
      <$list filter='[tag[TableOfContents]]'>
      <option><$view field='title'/></option>
      </$select><br />
      <$list filter='[list[$:/generated-list-demo-state!!testing]]'>
      <$view field='title' /><br />

      That renders as:


      This example uses the actions attribute to apply days of the week as tags to the current tiddler.

      <$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-state' field='actions-test' 
      actions='<$action-listops $field="myfield" $tags={{$:/generated-list-demo-state!!actions-test}}/>'
      <$list filter='[list[Days of the Week]]'>
      <option><$view field='title'/></option>

      That renders as:

      Semantic Colors by Mohammad

      6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

      Semantic colors are set of CSS to apply colorful theme to individual tiddlers for categorisation purpose.

      Tiddlywiki "semantic colors" has two objectives:

      1. How it is simply possible to apply theme to an individual tiddler
      2. Use semantic colors for categorisation
      Some use cases
      Learning materials (each topic, category can have dedicated semantic color, like learning a foreign language)
      Slideshow (section divider, each part can have a semantic color)
      Books and tutorials ( different semantic colors can be applied to chapters, specific subjects, like example tiddlers)
      Visual tags (instead of looking for tag bar and see to what category this subject (tiddler) belongs, you can identify it by its semantic color)

      sentencecase Operator

      19th June 2019 at 11:07am
      purposereturns each item in the list with the first letter capitalised
      inputa selection of titles
      outputthe input titles with each first letter capitalised

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.20

      See also lowercase Operator, uppercase Operator, titlecase Operator.

      This operator does not change anything except the first letter of each title, so [[aBcD eFgH]] would become [[ABcD eFgH]]. If you want [[Abcd efgh]], then use a filter like [lowercase[]sentencecase[]].


      sentencecase Operator (Examples)

      20th June 2019 at 2:03pm

      [[abc def ghi jkl]sentencecase[]]

      [[abc deF gHi jKL]sentencecase[]]

      [[abc deF gHi jKL]lowercase[]sentencecase[]]



      26th June 2018 at 3:05pm

      Deprecated fromv5.1.18(seeListenCommand).

      Note that the --server command is now deprecated in favour of the new ListenCommand.

      See WebServer for details of TiddlyWiki's web server functionality.

      Legacy command to serve a wiki over HTTP.

      --server <port> <root-tiddler> <root-render-type> <root-serve-type> <username> <password> <host> <path-prefix> <debug-level>

      The parameters are:

      • port - port number on which to listen; non-numeric values are interpreted as a system environment variable from which the port number is extracted (defaults to "8080")
      • root-tiddler - the tiddler to serve at the root (defaults to "$:/core/save/all")
      • root-render-type - the content type to which the root tiddler should be rendered (defaults to "text/plain")
      • root-serve-type - the content type with which the root tiddler should be served (defaults to "text/html")
      • username - the default username for signing edits
      • password - optional password for basic authentication
      • host - optional hostname to serve from (defaults to "" aka "localhost")
      • path-prefix - optional prefix for paths
      • debug-level - optional debug level; set to "debug" to view request details (defaults to "none")

      If the password parameter is specified then the browser will prompt the user for the username and password. Note that the password is transmitted in plain text so this implementation should only be used on a trusted network or over HTTPS.

      For example:

      --server 8080 $:/core/save/all text/plain text/html MyUserName passw0rd

      The username and password can be specified as empty strings if you need to set the hostname or pathprefix and don't want to require a password.

      --server 8080 $:/core/save/all text/plain text/html "" ""

      Using an address like this exposes your system to the local network. For information on opening up your instance to the entire local network, and possible security concerns, see the WebServer tiddler at

      To run multiple TiddlyWiki servers at the same time you'll need to put each one on a different port. It can be useful to use an environment variable to pass the port number to the Node.js process. This example references an environment variable called "MY_PORT_NUMBER":

      --server MY_PORT_NUMBER $:/core/save/all text/plain text/html MyUserName passw0rd

      Serving TW5 from Android

      7th May 2020 at 11:29am

      Termux is and open source android application providing limited Unix environment enabling users to install Node.js and npm modules in android. Users can install and run TiddlyWiki on Node.js using Termux.


      apt update
      apt upgrade
      apt install nodejs
      npm install -g tiddlywiki
      • If you need to create/serve TiddlyWiki on Node.js from the internal storage, you need to give termux storage permission by running the following command in termux
      • Now you can create and serve TiddlyWiki on Node.js from internal storage. In the example given below, user is creating a new wiki called "mynewwiki" in his internal folder.
      cd storage/shared
      tiddlywiki mynewwiki --init server
      tiddlywiki mynewwiki --listen
      • Visit in your browser
      • From then on, as long as Termux is not closed, you may access your wiki anytime from your favourite Web browser pointing on the expected address and port.

      In Termux, you may as well install git, emacs or vi, in order to edit and maintain individual tiddler files. This would probably require that you also attach a more powerful keyboard to your Android, like the Hacker's Keyboard application or a Bluetooth external device.


      9th June 2014 at 12:16pm

      Note that this command is experimental and may change or be replaced before being finalised

      Sets the specified field of a group of tiddlers to the result of wikifying a template tiddler with the currentTiddler variable set to the tiddler.

      --setfield <filter> <fieldname> <templatetitle> <rendertype>

      The parameters are:

      • filter - filter identifying the tiddlers to be affected
      • fieldname - the field to modify (defaults to "text")
      • templatetitle - the tiddler to wikify into the specified field. If blank or missing then the specified field is deleted
      • rendertype - the text type to render (defaults to "text/plain"; "text/html" can be used to include HTML tags)


      23rd October 2021 at 4:24pm


      The setmultiplevariables widget assigns values to multiple variables where the names and values of the variables are specified as separate filter.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the <$setmultiplevariables> widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.

      $namesFilter evaluating to the names of a list of variables to assign
      $valuesFilter evaluating to the values corresponding to the list of names specified in $names


      Here is an example of a convoluted way to display the values of the fields of the tiddler "HelloThere":

      <$setmultiplevariables $names="[[HelloThere]fields[]addprefix[demo-]]" $values="[[HelloThere]fields[]] :map[[HelloThere]get<currentTiddler>]">
      <$list filter="[variables[]prefix[demo-]sort[]]">
      ''<$text text={{{ [<currentTiddler>removeprefix[demo-]] }}}/>'': <$text text={{{ [<currentTiddler>getvariable[]] }}}/>

      That renders as:

      1. created: 20130822170200000
      2. icon: $:/core/icon
      3. list: [[A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki]] [[Discover TiddlyWiki]] [[Some of the things you can do with TiddlyWiki]] [[Ten reasons to switch to TiddlyWiki]] Examples [[What happened to the original TiddlyWiki?]]
      4. modified: 20241115170824144
      5. tags: Welcome
      6. text: !!.tc-hero-heading ''Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a unique [[non-linear|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] notebook for [[capturing|Creating and editing tiddlers]], [[organising|Structuring TiddlyWiki]] and [[sharing|Sharing your tiddlers with others]] complex information'' Use it to keep your [[to-do list|TaskManagementExample]], to plan an [[essay or novel|"TiddlyWiki for Scholars" by Alberto Molina]], or to organise your wedding. Record every thought that crosses your brain, or build a flexible and responsive website. * ~TiddlyWiki stores its data and code in a single HTML file, requiring no installs, no external dependencies, just a web browser * ~TiddlyWiki lets you choose where to keep your data, guaranteeing that in the decades to come you will [[still be able to use|Future Proof]] the notes you take today * ~TiddlyWiki is infinitely customisable and extensible with many plugins that add new features * ~TiddlyWiki is the product of a collective of developers, part of an extensive community of users
      7. title: HelloThere
      8. type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki

      Setting a favicon

      10th May 2020 at 11:57am

      "favicons" are small icons that most browsers display to help users identify websites. Note that all browsers support bitmap images, but only certain modern browsers support SVG format icons.

      favicons in the Browser

      When TiddlyWiki starts up in the browser it looks for a tiddler called $:/favicon.ico and dynamically uses it as the favicon for the page. If you modify the image then the favicon changes instantly to reflect it.

      Introduced in v5.1.23 To set an external image as the favicon, assign the URL to the _canonical_uri field of the $:/favicon.ico tiddler.

      favicons on the Server

      On the server, the ServerCommand will serve the tiddler $:/favicon.ico at the path /favicon.ico.

      Setting a page background image

      3rd August 2023 at 4:44am
      1. Import your image as a tiddler (see Images in WikiText)
      2. Open the control panel and switch to the Appearance/Theme Tweaks tab
      3. Select your image from the dropdown labelled "Page background image"
      4. Set "Page background image attachment" to "Fixed to window" to have the background stay stationary and the content to scroll over the top of it, or "Scroll with tiddlers" to have it move (note that the iPhone/iPad doesn't support the fixed setting for performance reasons)
      5. Set "Page background image size" as follows:
        • Auto causes the background image to be tiled over the page background
        • Cover causes the background image to be sized so that it completely covers the page. Some of the image may be clipped
        • Contain causes the background image to be sized so that it fits within the page

      Note that the palette DarkPhotos is provided to make the sidebar more readable on dark background images.


      25th October 2014 at 11:56am


      20th July 2023 at 5:47pm


      The set variable widget assigns a value to a specified variable. The new value of the variable is available to the content within the set variable widget.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the <$set> widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.

      nameThe name of the variable to assign (defaults to "currentTiddler")
      valueThe value to assign to the variable if the filter attribute is missing or not empty
      tiddlerIntroduced in v5.1.15 Optional title of the tiddler from which to read the value
      subtiddlerIntroduced in v5.1.16 Optionally specifies the title of a subtiddler within a plugin tiddler identified by the tiddler attribute
      fieldIntroduced in v5.1.15 Optional field of the tiddler from which to read the value (only used if tiddler is used)
      indexIntroduced in v5.1.15 Optional index of the tiddler from which to read the value (only used if tiddler is used)
      filterAn optional filter to be evaluated and assigned to the variable (see "Filtered List Variable Assignment" below). The variable can be used with the enlist operator
      selectIntroduced in v5.1.14 An optional zero-based index of the item to return from the filter output (see below)
      emptyValueThe value to assign to the variable if the specified value is missing or empty (see below)

      If the value of your variable is enclosed in double square brackets this might indicate that you are returning a list of values from the filter. To use a single title from the filter output without the double square brackets see Filtered Item Variable Assignment below.


      Simple Variable Assignment

      The simplest way of using set variable widget assigns a string to a variable. The following example assigns a literal string

      <$set name="myVariable" value="Some text">
      <$text text=<<myVariable>>/>

      That renders as:

      Some text

      Both the name and value attributes can be transcluded. For example:

      <$set name=anotherVariable value="myVariable">
        <$set name=<<anotherVariable>> value={{$:/language/DefaultNewTiddlerTitle}}>
          <$text text=<<myVariable>>/>

      That renders as:

      New Tiddler

      Conditional Variable Assignment

      This form of the set variable widget chooses one of two specified values according to whether a filter evaluates to an empty list. Here's an example that sets a variable according to whether the current tiddler is called "myMagicTitle":

      <$set name="myVariable" filter="[all[current]field:title[myMagicTitle]]" value="It's magic" emptyValue="It's not magic">
      <$text text=<<myVariable>>/>

      That renders as:

      It's not magic

      Filtered List Variable Assignment

      This form of the set variable widget evaluates the filter and assigns the result to the variable as a space-separated list (using double square brackets for titles containing spaces).

      The Title List format cannot reliably represent items that contain certain specific character sequences such as ]] . Thus it should not be used where there is a possibility of such sequences occurring.

      <$set name="myVariable" filter="[tag[HelloThere]]">
      <$text text=<<myVariable>>/>

      That renders as:

      [[A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki]] [[Discover TiddlyWiki]] [[Some of the things you can do with TiddlyWiki]] [[Ten reasons to switch to TiddlyWiki]] Examples [[What happened to the original TiddlyWiki?]] [[Funding TiddlyWiki]] [[Open Collective]]

      Filtered Item Variable Assignment Single Element

      Introduced in v5.1.14 This form of the set variable widget evaluates the filter and assigns the specified result to the variable as a single item (ie, not using double square brackets for titles containing spaces).

      <$set name="myVariable" filter="[tag[HelloThere]]" select="0">
      <$text text=<<myVariable>>/>

      That renders as:

      A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki

      Transcluded Variable Assignment

      Introduced in v5.1.15 This form of the set variable widget obtains the value to assign to the variable from a value in a tiddler field or index. For example:

      <$set name="myVariable" tiddler="HelloThere" field="list">
      <$text text=<<myVariable>>/>

      That renders as:

      [[A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki]] [[Discover TiddlyWiki]] [[Some of the things you can do with TiddlyWiki]] [[Ten reasons to switch to TiddlyWiki]] Examples [[What happened to the original TiddlyWiki?]]

      The example above could also be written as <$set name="myVariable" value={{HelloThere!!list}}>. The advantage of using the tiddler attribute is that the tiddler title and field or index can themselves be computed. For example:

      <$set name="myTiddler" value="HelloThere">
        <$set name="myVariable" tiddler=<<myTiddler>> field={{$:/docs/anyField!!field}}>
          <$text text=<<myVariable>>/>

      That renders as:

      [[A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki]] [[Discover TiddlyWiki]] [[Some of the things you can do with TiddlyWiki]] [[Ten reasons to switch to TiddlyWiki]] Examples [[What happened to the original TiddlyWiki?]]

      Using the Set Widget to Create Global Variables

      There are times when it makes sense to use the features of the SetWidget rather than procedures or functions to create global variables. This can be accomplished by placing the set variable widget in a tiddler that is tagged $:/tags/Global. If multiple variables are required, the set variable widget can be nested as shown here:

      <$set name="myGlobalVariable" value="I am global">
          <$set name="myOtherGlobalVariable" value="I am also a global variable.">

      sha256 Operator

      29th January 2022 at 10:55am
      purposeapply sha256 hash to a string
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterL=the number of characters to return, up to a maximum of 64
      outputthe base64 encoded sha256 of the input, truncated to the specified length

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.14

      Hashes are a way of turning strings of arbitrary length into obfuscated strings of fixed length. They are often used in situations where items need to be stored by name but it is inconvenient to allow arbitrary length strings.

      See Wikipedia for details of the sha256 operation.


      sha256 Operator (Examples)

      8th March 2024 at 12:29pm



      shadowsource Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 7:11pm
      purposeselect the plugin titles that contain the input shadows
      inputa selection of shadow titles
      outputthe plugins that contain the input tiddlers

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Each input title is processed in turn. If it denotes a shadow tiddler, the title of its plugin tiddler is dominantly appended to the output. Non-shadow tiddlers contribute nothing to the output.


      shadowsource Operator (Examples)

      24th January 2015 at 9:07pm


      $:/core/copyright.txt $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/railroad/parser.js +[shadowsource[]]


      3rd August 2023 at 5:26am

      ShadowTiddlers are tiddlers that are loaded from Plugins at the wiki startup. Unlike ordinary tiddlers, they don't appear in most lists.

      Overriding Shadow Tiddlers to modify plugins

      A ShadowTiddler can be overridden with an ordinary tiddler of the same name. This leaves the shadow tiddler intact but the plugin will use the overriding tiddler in its place, effectively allowing users to modify the behaviour of plugins.

      Users are cautioned against overriding shadow tiddlers because if the shadow tiddler is changed in a plugin update, the overriding tiddler may no longer perform as intended. To remedy this, the overriding tiddler may be modified or deleted. If the overriding tiddler is deleted, then the plugin falls back to using the original shadow tiddler.

      Overridden Shadow Tiddlers

      Shadow Tiddlers

      A full list of shadow tiddlers can be found in the sidebar in the "More" -> "Shadows" tab

      Share Plugin

      28th December 2020 at 2:31pm

      Do not install this plugin unless you understand exactly what it does

      This experimental plugin provides tools to share tiddlers via URLs, comprising:

      • The ability to load a group of tiddlers from the browser location hash at startup
      • Wizard and templates to create URLs from group of tiddlers

      Sharing a TiddlyWiki on Dropbox

      8th June 2015 at 3:20am

      You can work on a TiddlyWiki file in Dropbox and publish a URL that anyone can use to see a read-only view of the file.

      1. Save your TiddlyWiki file within your Dropbox folder
      2. Select Dropbox's "Share Link" option to obtain a public URL for the file
        • In the Dropbox web interface, this is done by clicking the link icon that appears when you hover over a file. Dropbox also adds a "Share Link" item to the file context menu in Finder on OS X and Explorer on Windows
      3. The URL generated by Dropbox will have this form:<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html
      4. Modify the URL like this, carefully preserving the gobbledegook:<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html

      The result is a "secret" URL that you can send to other people to enable them to see the wiki.

      Enter a generated URL here and you can copy and paste the secret URL:<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html (open)

      Sharing your tiddlers with others

      3rd August 2023 at 5:21am

      There are a number of ways that you can share tiddlers or your whole TiddlyWiki:

      • You can attach a TiddlyWiki to an e-mail
      • You can publish your TiddlyWiki online and grab a link to send or message to others:
        • A link to the web address of the whole TiddlyWiki file
        • A permalink () to a specific tiddler
        • A permaview () link of all the currently open tiddlers
      • You can share a Dropbox link to your TiddlyWiki
      • You can export tiddlers () in a variety of formats including text, static HTML and comma separated values (ie spreadsheet compatible)
      • You can also share tiddlers merely by making your TiddlyWiki accessible to others, for example by publishing it online, so that they can import tiddlers from it
      • There is an experimental sharing plugin that you can use to share tiddlers via the URL location hash.

      Shiraz by Mohammad

      16th November 2020 at 9:06pm

      Shiraz plugin is a very small in size and framework to create stylish contents in Tiddlywiki.

      Shiraz plugin contains extended markups, macros, styles, and many customisation to empty Tiddlywiki and can be used as a starter kit.

      Some of Shiraz features are:

      • Customized elements like, alerts, cards, panels, badges
      • Dynamic tables
      • Sortable tables
      • Display on demand, slider, and details
      • Images, basic image macros, slidein, and overlay images, polaroid and pretty images
      • Table customisation tools
      • Sticky footer
      • Multi columns tiddler
      • Multi column story river
      • List search
      • Badge status
      • Notebook style
      • Test utilities
      • Stylish buttons

      Adding Shiraz plugin to any Tiddlywiki converts it to a full production tool. Shiraz uses modified CSS classes from Bootstrap.

      Shortcut Filter Run Prefix

      10th July 2023 at 7:44am

      Shortcut prefixes are commonly used by advanced users because they are fast to type but they are harder to read by less experienced users. That's why named prefixes have been created, which are more verbose. Shortcut and named filter run prefixes are interchangeable as shown in the table below.


      If a run has:

      • no prefix, its output titles are dominantly appended to the filter's output
      • the prefix +, it receives the filter output so far as its input; its output then replaces all filter output so far and forms the input for the next run
      • the prefix -, output titles are removed from the filter's output (if such tiddlers exist)
      • the prefix ~, if the filter output so far is an empty list then the output titles of the run are dominantly appended to the filter's output. If the filter output so far is not an empty list then the run is ignored. Introduced in v5.1.18
      • the prefix =, output titles are appended to the filter's output without de-duplication. Introduced in v5.1.20

      Interchangeable Filter Run Prefixes

      In technical / logical terms:

      RunEquivalent named prefixInterpretationOutput
      [run]:or[run]de-duplicated union of sets... OR run
      +[run]:and[run]accumulation of filter steps... AND run
      -[run]:except[run]difference of sets... AND NOT run
      ~[run]:else[run]else... ELSE run
      =[run]:all[run]union of sets without de-duplication... OR run

      The input of a run is normally a list of all the non-shadow tiddler titles in the wiki (in no particular order).
      But the + prefix can change this:

      -, ~, =, :intersection or none[all[]] tiddler titles, unless otherwise determined by the first filter operator
      +, :filter, :map, :reduce,:sortthe filter output of all previous runs so far

      Precisely because of varying inputs, be aware that both prefixes - and + do not behave inverse to one another!

      For example, in both of the following, $:/baz will only be removed if it actually exists:

      To understand why, consider the input for both final runs with their - prefix.

      In order to remove $:/baz in any case, existing or not, simply use the + prefix with negated filter operators:

      Difference between + and intersection

      For the difference between + and :intersection, see Intersection Filter Run Prefix (Examples).

      For Developers

      To create a new filter run prefix, create a Javascript module with a module-type of filterrunprefix.

      show-filter-count Macro

      4th August 2024 at 3:02pm

      New in v5.3.6 – The show-filter-count macro creates an element, that shows a counter and a button to open the provided filter string in $:/AdvancedSearch


      Needs to be a valid filter run


      <<show-filter-count filter:"[tag[HelloThere]]">> -- The number and the icon is click-able

      That renders as:

      – The number and the icon is click-able

      <<show-filter-count filter:"[has[author]sort[]]">> -- The number and the icon is click-able

      That renders as:

      – The number and the icon is click-able

      Also see: $:/core/ui/ControlPanel/TiddlerFields

      sign Operator

      13th June 2019 at 8:50am
      purposereturn -1, 0 or 1 for a list of numbers according to whether each number is negative, zero, or positive
      inputa selection of titles
      outputreplaces each input number with -1, 0 or 1 according to whether the number is negative, zero, or positive

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      sign Operator (Examples)

      13th June 2019 at 8:51am




      Signing the Contributor License Agreement

      26th February 2022 at 5:55pm

      Create a GitHub pull request to add your name to or, with the date in the format (YYYY/MM/DD).

      step by step

      1. Navigate to licenses/CLA-individual or licenses/CLA-entity according to whether you are signing as an individual or representative of an organisation
      2. Ensure that the "branch" dropdown at the top left is set to tiddlywiki-com
      3. Click the "edit" button at the top-right corner (clicking this button will fork the project so you can edit the file)
      4. Add your name at the bottom
        • eg: Jeremy Ruston, @Jermolene, 2011/11/22
      5. Below the edit box for the CLA text you should see a box labelled Propose file change
      6. Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Signing the CLA")
      7. Click the green button labelled Propose file change
      8. On the following screen, click the green button labelled Create pull request

      Simple ways to write protect tiddlers

      6th November 2021 at 2:16am

      Sometimes you want to protect individual tiddlers from accidental changes, either from yourself or guests to your TiddlyWiki file. Here's a couple simple approaches. Note that these do not provide hardened protection against a wilful attack.

      Using a stylesheet to lock tiddlers by tag name

      Create a tiddler with the following contents and tag it as $:/tags/Stylesheet :

      [data-tags*="Locked"] button[title="Edit this tiddler"]   {display: none;}

      If your TW language isn't English, then you'll need to change the text in 'title="...."' to whatever the text is when you hover over the edit button.

      Now any tiddler you tag as "Locked" will have the edit button hidden. To get it back you will need to open the stylesheet tiddler and change "none" to "inline".

      Using transclusion to hide your tiddler in a system tiddler

      • Open your tiddler for editing.
      • Select the title and copy.
      • Select all the tiddler text.
      • Click on the excise tool.
      • In the title box, type $:/ and then paste the original title.
      • Use the defaults to excise the text into a new tiddler and replace it with a transclusion

      Now you can view the contents of your original tiddler, but to edit them you will have to find the the tiddler with the $:/ prefix.

      Simple Zork-like Game by Jed Carty

      18th November 2014 at 2:36pm

      A simple game built with TiddlyWiki, introduced in this post.

      I decided to see if it was possible to make some sort of game using only the core tiddlywiki with no plugins or javascript. I made a very bare bones zork/interactive fiction type game. It is currently the simplest thing I could make and claim it was a game, but I may add on to it in the future. It uses the 5.1.5 prerelease because the action-setfield widget saved lots of work making macros.

      One goal of this is to use nothing besides what is contained in the core tiddlywiki, so there is no javascript and no plugins.

      sin Operator

      21st October 2021 at 10:28pm
      purposecalculate the sine value of a list of angles (given in radians)
      inputa selection of titles
      outputthe sine of the input angles (numeric value between -1 and 1)

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      sin Operator (Examples)

      20th October 2021 at 2:21pm


      =1 =2 =3 =4 +[sin[]]


      26th January 2014 at 4:03pm

      A single file application is a web application where all of the assets are delivered in a single static file. This means that it can be downloaded and used offline without losing functionality. It can also be hosted on almost any type of web server.

      TiddlyWiki is an unusual single file application because it stores its data within the same file, and is capable of saving changes to itself.

      Every single file application must also by definition be a SinglePageApplication, but the converse is not true.


      23rd August 2013 at 5:51pm

      As defined by Wikipedia, a SinglePageApplication is a web application that presents itself as a single HTML document that dynamically loads additional content as the user browses the site. Frequently, single page applications are carefully designed to hide their nature, appearing and functioning as an ordinary static website by respecting the address bar and the back/forward navigation controls.

      Unusually, TiddlyWiki is also a SingleFileApplication.

      Slider by Mohammad

      17th November 2020 at 4:29pm

      Slider is a plugin to create an ordered set of tiddlers also called Trail.

      A trail can be used to create a sequence of selected contents like step by step tutorial, guided help, lessons and similar.

      The slider plugin user interface contains three sections

      • A sidebar tab called Trails to manage trails
      • A dashboard for each trail (where trail structure is managed)
      • Tiddlers in a trail, also called slides


      11th May 2023 at 12:39pm


      New in v5.3.0 The $slot widget is used within transcluded content to mark "slots" that the transcluding widget can fill with the $fill widget.

      See the $transclude widget for details.


      The content of the $slot widget is used as a fallback for the slot content if the corresponding $fill widget is not found.

      $nameThe name of the slot being defined
      $depthOptional number indicating how deep the $slot widget is compared to the matching $fill widget as measured by the number of nested transclude widgets (defaults to 1). Transclude widgets whose $fillignore attribute is set to yes are ignored, and do not affect the depth count


      Quoted content

      When content contains quotes, passing it through attributes and parameters can be challenging. However, passing the content using the $fill widget content eliminates the need to wrap it in quotes, making the process easier.

      If a variable named bold_slot contains the following $slot definition:

      <$slot $name="body"/>

      then the slot can be filled using this variable transclusion:

      <$transclude $variable=bold_slot>
      <$fill $name=body>
      some text
      using [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]]

      That renders as:

      some text
      using Hard Linebreaks in WikiText


      If a variable named table_slot contains the following $slot definition:

      |1|<$slot $name=slot1/>|<$slot $name=slot2/>|
      |2|<$slot $name=slot1 $depth=2>missing</$slot>|<$slot $name=slot2 $depth=2>missing</$slot>|

      then the slot values can be filled at different transclusion depths:

      <$transclude $variable=table_slot  $mode=block>
        <$fill $name=slot1>outer1</$fill>
        <$fill $name=slot2>outer2
          <$transclude $variable=table_slot $mode=block>
            <$fill $name=slot1>inner1</$fill>
            <$fill $name=slot2>inner2</$fill>

      That renders as:


      The slot1 slot is filled at both depths with a simple string (outer1 and outer2). For slot2, the outer instance is a simple string but the inner instance recursively transcludes the same table_slot variable again. The recursion ends at the third transclusion call since both "inner" slots are filled with simple strings.

      slugify Operator

      9th May 2020 at 2:17pm
      purposereturns each item in the list in a human-readable form for use in URLs or filenames
      inputa selection of titles
      outputthe input titles transformed so that they only contain lower case letters, numbers, periods, dashes and underscores

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.23 The transformation applied by the slugify operator follows these steps:

      • If there is a tiddler with the same title that has a slug field, then return that field instead of running the following steps
      • Replace uppercase letters with lowercase equivalents
      • Transliterate diacritics to their basic lowercase ASCII equivalents (for example, "Æ" is transliterated to "AE")
      • Replace spaces with dashes
      • Remove all non-word characters except dashes and periods
      • Replace multiple sequential dashes with a single dash
      • Trim dashes from start and end
      • If the result is the empty string then character codes are used instead (eg. "&£@" transforms to "38-163-64")

      Note that it is possible for more than one title to slugify to the same string. The duplicateslugs can be used to alert authors to any clashes.


      Some of the things you can do with TiddlyWiki

      18th October 2021 at 10:23am

      Sort Filter Run Prefix

      17th July 2024 at 12:01pm
      purposesort the input titles by the result of evaluating this filter run for each item
      inputthe filter output of all previous runs so far
      suffixS=the :sort filter run prefix uses a rich suffix, see below for details
      outputoutput titles replace the output of previous filter runs
      Introduced in v5.2.0
      :sort:stringalphanumericnumberintegerversiondate:caseinsensitiverequired for string and alphanumericcasesensitiverequired for string and alphanumericreverseoptional,run

      Each input title from previous runs is passed to this run in turn. The filter run transforms the input titles into the form needed for sorting. For example, the filter run [length[]] transforms each input title in to the number representing its length, and thus sorts the input titles according to their length.

      Note that within the filter run, the currentTiddler variable is set to the title of the tiddler being processed. This permits filter runs like :sort:number[{!!value}divide{!!cost}] to be used for computation. The value of currentTiddler outside the run is available in the variable ..currentTiddler.

      The :sort S filter run prefix uses an extended syntax that allows for multiple suffixes, some of which are required:

      :sort:<type>:<flaglist>[...filter run...]
      • type: Required. Determines how the items are compared and can be any of: string, alphanumeric, number, integer, version or date.
      • flaglist: comma separated list of the following flags:
        • casesensitive or caseinsensitive (required for types string and alphanumeric).
          • defaults to: caseinsensitive if the flag is missing.
          • for clarity this parameter should be always defined.
        • reverse to invert the order of the filter run (optional).

      Note that filter runs used with the :sort prefix should return the same number of items that they are passed. In particular, when retrieving the value of a field with the get Operator it is helpful to guard against a missing field value using the else Operator. For example ...[get[myfield]else[default-value]].

      Any missing entries will be treated as zero or the empty string.

      Also see: sortsub Operator


      Sort Filter Run Prefix (Examples)

      15th March 2023 at 4:53pm

      Sort by title length:

      [all[tiddlers]] :sort:number[length[]] +[limit[10]]

      Sort by title length reversed:

      [all[tiddlers]] :sort:number:reverse[length[]] +[limit[10]]

      Sort by text length:

      [all[tiddlers]] :sort:number[get[text]length[]] +[limit[10]]

      Sort by newest of modified dates:

      [tag[Field Operators]] :sort:date[get[modified]else[19700101]] +[limit[10]]

      Sort by title:

      [tag[Field Operators]] :sort:string:casesensitive[get[caption]] +[limit[10]]

      Sort by title in reverse order:

      [tag[Field Operators]] :sort:string:casesensitive,reverse[get[caption]] +[limit[10]]

      Sort as text with case sensitivity:

      Apple Banana Orange Grapefruit guava DragonFruit Kiwi apple orange :sort:string:casesensitive[{!!title}]

      Sort as text ignoring case:

      Apple Banana Orange Grapefruit guava DragonFruit Kiwi apple orange :sort:string:caseinsensitive[{!!title}]

      sort Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 7:12pm
      purposesort the input by text field
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterF=the name of a field, defaulting to title
      outputthe input, sorted into ascending order by field F, treating field values as text
      ! outputthe input, likewise sorted into descending order

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare sortcs.


      sort Operator (Examples)

      24th January 2015 at 11:32am

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [list[Days of the Week]sort[]]

      [list[Days of the Week]!sort[]]

      one two Three four +[sort[]]


      → the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki

      sortan Operator

      23rd February 2018 at 1:25am
      purposesort the input by text field considering them as alphanumerics
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterF=the name of a field, defaulting to title
      outputthe input, sorted into ascending order by field F, treating field values as alphanumerics
      ! outputthe input, likewise sorted into descending order

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      The difference between uppercase and lowercase letters is ignored.


      sortan Operator (Examples)

      27th February 2022 at 9:09pm

      These examples make use of the Apple tiddler.

      Try the following example with sort instead of sortan



      App-10-A App-9-B App-10-B App-9-A +[sortan[]]

      sortby Operator

      8th November 2015 at 5:21am
      purposesort the current list in the order of the list referenced in the parameter
      inputa list of items
      parameterorder=a list specifying the order in which to sort the current list
      outputall items sorted by lookup list

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      sortby Operator (Examples)

      8th November 2015 at 5:21am

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      10 6 4 9 3 2 8 +[sortby[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]]

      Friday Tuesday Monday Thursday Sunday +[sortby{Days of the Week!!list}]

      1 Mon 5 Fri 4 Tue Sun 2 +[sortby{Days of the Week!!short}]

      sortcs Operator

      17th April 2015 at 12:57pm
      purposesort the input by text field, treating upper and lower case as different
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterF=the name of a field, defaulting to title
      outputthe input, sorted into ascending order by field F, treating field values as text
      ! outputthe input, likewise sorted into descending order

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare sort.


      sortcs Operator (Examples)

      24th January 2015 at 11:33am

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      one two Three four +[sortcs[]]

      one two Three four +[!sortcs[]]

      sortsub Operator

      17th July 2024 at 11:57am
      purposesort the input by the result of evaluating a subfilter for each item
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixT=the type used for the comparison (string, number, integer, date, version), defaulting to string
      parameterS=a subfilter to be evaluated
      outputthe input, sorted into ascending order by the result of evaluating subfilter S
      ! outputthe input, sorted into reverse order by the result of evaluating subfilter S

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Each item in the list of input titles is passed to the subfilter in turn. The subfilter transforms the input titles into the form needed for sorting. For example, the subfilter [length[]] transforms each input title in the number representing its length, and thus sorts the input titles according to their length.

      Note that within the subfilter S, the currentTiddler variable is set to the title of the tiddler being processed. This permits subfilters like [{!!value}divide{!!cost}] to be used for computation.

      The value of currentTiddler outside the subfilter is available in the variable ..currentTiddler. Introduced in v5.2.0

      The suffix T determines how the items are compared and can be:

      • string (the default)
      • number - invalid numbers are interpreted as zero
      • integer - invalid integers are interpreted as zero
      • date - invalid dates are interpreted as 1st January 1970
      • version - invalid versions are interpreted as "v0.0.0"
      • alphanumeric - treat items as alphanumerics Introduced in v5.2.0

      Note that subfilters S should return the same number of items that they are passed. In particular, when retrieving the value of a field with the get operator it is helpful to guard against a missing field value using the else operator. For example ...[get[myfield]else[default-value]].

      Any missing entries will be treated as zero or the empty string.

      Also see: Sort Filter Run Prefix


      sortsub Operator (Examples)

      18th November 2020 at 10:33am

      These examples make use of the following variables:

      • compare-by-title-length: [length[]]
      • compare-by-text-length: [get[text]else[]length[]]
      • compare-by-newest-of-modified-and-created-dates: [get[modified]else[19700101]]





      [tag[Field Operators]sortsub:date<compare-by-newest-of-modified-and-created-dates>]

      You can use the search-replace Operator in combination with the sortsub Operator to ignore stop words like "A" and "The" at the beginning of titles when sorting. (Note for example that "A Tale of Two Cities" sorts under "T" rather than "A")


      You can also customise the listing so that "A Tale of Two Cities" is listed as "Tale of Two Cities, A" but still links to the correct tiddler.

      <$list filter="[enlist<book-list>sortsub<compare-without-stopwords>]">
      <li><$link><$text text={{{[<currentTiddler>search-replace:i:regexp[(^The |A )(.*)],[$2, $1]]}}}/></$link></li>

      That renders as:


      17th January 2015 at 3:25pm

      Because TiddlyWiki is of British origin, its English documentation uses British spelling in preference to US spelling.

      Words like "customise" are spelled "-ise", not "-ize". Words like "colour" will also be spelled using UK English unless they are being used for reserved words in code, such as in CSS or JavaScript.

      Standard technical acronyms are written in upper case, without dots: "HTML", not "html" or "H.T.M.L."

      Avoid arbitrarily abbreviating words and sentences. But the following abbreviations are acceptable:

      e.g.for examplewith a dot after each letter
      i.e.that is to saywith a dot after each letter
      etcand so onwithout a dot

      split Operator

      13th June 2019 at 3:45pm
      purposereturns each item in the list split into separate strings according to the specified separator S; duplicates are not removed
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterS=The substring at which to split each title
      outputthe input titles split into separate items according to the specified separator S

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.20

      Note that in some circumstances the split operator will include blank items in the list of results. For example,

      [[the band thethe are the best the]split[the]]

      The following results are returned:

      ["", " band ", "", " are ", " best ", ""]

      Where it might be expected that the results would be:

      [" band ", " are ", " best "]

      The blank items mark the boundaries between matches. If they are not required they can be removed with the blank category of the is Operator: [[the band thethe are the best the]split[the]!is[blank]].

      The reason that the blank items can be useful is that they allow search and replace operations to be constructed from a combination of the split Operator or splitregexp Operator and the join Operator. For example:

      [[the band thethe are the best the]split[the]join[every]]


      split Operator (Examples)

      13th June 2019 at 3:44pm

      [[a b c d e]split[ ]]


      splitbefore Operator

      21st February 2015 at 7:37pm
      purposeselect a delimited prefix from each input title
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterS=a string of characters marking the end of the prefix
      outputthe prefix, up to and including S, of each input title

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Each input title is processed in turn.

      • A title that contains S contributes everything up to and including S.
      • A title that doesn't contain S simply contributes itself to the output.

      Contributions are dominantly appended to the output.

      The table-of-contents macros use this operator with / as the parameter.


      splitbefore Operator (Examples)

      26th January 2015 at 2:39pm

      2015-01-26 2014-07-19 2013 +[splitbefore[-]]
      [[green trees]splitbefore[ee]]

      splitregexp Operator

      6th June 2024 at 11:34am
      purposereturns each item in the list split into separate strings according to the specified regular expression R
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixflags: m for multiline mode, i for case-insensitive mode
      parameterR=The regular expression at which to split each title
      outputthe input titles split into separate items according to the specified regular expression R

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.20

      ... that in some circumstances the splitregexp operator will include blank items in the list of results. For example,

      [[the band thethe are the best the]splitregexp[the]]

      The following results are returned:

      ["", " band ", "", " are ", " best ", ""]

      Where it might be expected that the results would be:

      [" band ", " are ", " best "]

      The blank items mark the boundaries between matches. If they are not required they can be removed with the blank category of the is Operator: [[the band thethe are the best the]splitregexp[the]!is[blank]].

      The reason that the blank items can be useful is that they allow search and replace operations to be constructed from a combination of the split Operator or splitregexp Operator and the join Operator. For example:

      [[nobody, really; wants; to see -- all this \punctuation]splitregexp[,|;|-|\\]join[...]]

      Syntax errors in the regular expression will cause the filter to return an error message. For example:

      [[the cat sat on the mat]splitregexp[\]]


      The splitregexp operator is intended to be used as described above. If the regexp contains capture groups those groups will be included into the output.

      Don't do it this way!
      \procedure re() (color)|(colour)ed
      \procedure str() Some coloured text
      {{{ [<str>splitregexp<re>join[, ]] }}}

      Somewhat more useful may be this code.

      \procedure re() (colou?red)
      \procedure str() Some coloured text
      {{{ [<str>splitregexp<re>join[, ]] }}}

      splitregexp Operator (Examples)

      13th June 2019 at 3:50pm

      a=b-c=d-e +[splitregexp[=|-]]

      standard-deviation Operator

      26th April 2021 at 1:15pm
      purposetreating each input title as a number, compute their standard-deviation
      inputa selection of titles
      outputthe standard-deviation of the input as numbers

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.2.0 See Mathematics Operators for an overview.

      The standard-deviation operator treats the input as a complete population and not a sample


      standard-deviation Operator (Examples)

      26th April 2021 at 1:15pm

      =1 =3 =4 =5 +[standard-deviation[]]

      Note that if there is no input the operator returns NaN

      [title[NotATiddler]get[price]] +[standard-deviation[]]

      Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library

      24th June 2015 at 11:54pm


      25th October 2020 at 4:17pm

      TiddlyWiki executes any ActionWidgets found in tiddlers with the following system tags during startup:

      • Executed during initial startup:
        • (executed on all platforms)
        • (only executed when running in the browser)
        • (only executed when running under Node.js)
      • Executed after startup rendering:

      Initial Startup Actions

      The initial startup actions are useful for customising TiddlyWiki according to environmental factors such as the screen size. For example, the following action widgets when placed in a tiddler tagged $:/tags/StartupAction/Browser will cause the sidebar to be hidden by default when the screen width is less than 1000 pixels:

      <$reveal type="lt" state="$:/info/browser/screen/width" text="3000">
      <$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/sidebar" $value="no"/>
      <$reveal type="gteq" state="$:/info/browser/screen/width" text="3000">
      <$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/sidebar" $value="yes"/>

      Introduced in v5.1.20 This example switches to the language plugin matching the language reported by the browser:

      <$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/language" text={{{ [[$:/languages/en-GB]] [plugin-type[language]sort[description]removeprefix[$:/languages/]] +[prefix{$:/info/browser/language}] ~[[en-GB]] +[addprefix[$:/languages/]] }}}/>

      Note that global macros are not available within initial startup action tiddlers by default. If you need to access them then you'll need to explicitly include them with an Pragma: \import at the top of the tiddler:

      \import [subfilter{$:/core/config/GlobalImportFilter}]

      Post-Render Startup Actions

      Introduced in v5.1.23 Post-render startup actions occur after the TiddlyWiki user interface has been rendered. This makes it possible to perform actions that depend on the rendered display (such as displaying modals).


      27th November 2021 at 3:39am

      The StateMechanism in TiddlyWiki is at the heart of how complex user interfaces can be built from WikiText.

      In the browser, the TiddlyWiki display is produced by dynamically rendering the tiddler $:/core/ui/PageTemplate. Through various transclusions and other widgets it renders the entire user interface. The dynamic rendering is accomplished by a mechanism called "binding": any changes to the tiddlers in the store are dynamically reflected in the browser display.

      The stack of templates that make up the TiddlyWiki display are complex but we'll focus on the line that displays the main story column:

      <$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate" editTemplate="$:/core/ui/EditTemplate" storyview={{$:/view}} />

      Breaking down the attributes applied to the list widget:

      • filter: selects the list of tiddlers in the list field of the tiddler $:/StoryList. If a tiddler is added or removed from that list then it is automatically reflected in the displayed list
      • history: references the tiddler to be used to store the history stack (see the HistoryMechanism)
      • template: identifies a template tiddler to be used for rendering each tiddler in the list
      • editTemplate: identifies a different template tiddler to be used for rendering tiddlers that are in draft mode
      • storyview: specifies the story view to be used (eg classic, or zoomin)

      The $:/StoryList tiddler is an example of a StateTiddler: a tiddler that is used to hold the state of the user interface. Changes to the user interface are made indirectly, by changing the underlying state tiddlers, and letting TiddlyWiki ripple the changes through the user interface.

      Note how this approach makes the open tab in the sidebar very easy to implement: it is just another list widget referencing the same state tiddler, but with a different template:

      <$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
      <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">&times;</$button> <$link/>

      Now consider the implementation of the info panel within the tiddler template. We want to be able to toggle the info panel open and closed, which means that we must track its current state in a tiddler.

      However, we can't track the state in a tiddler called, say, $:/InfoPanelState because every tiddler would share the same state; changing the value of the tiddler would affect all tiddlers displayed in the story.

      The solution is to dynamically generate a unique title for each state tiddler that we need. We need to ensure that the same state tiddler title is generated each time a user interface element is rendered. To do that, we append together tokens representing each of the stack of transclusions that led to the current rendering location. Then that string of symbols is hashed to a simple numeric value.

      The process of generating a state tiddler title is encapsulated in the qualify macro.

      Story River

      17th September 2015 at 7:40pm

      Story Tiddler Template

      6th December 2021 at 1:37pm

      "Story tiddler template" refers to the template used to display a tiddler within the story river.

      The core story tiddler template can be found in $:/core/ui/StoryTiddlerTemplate

      The Story Tiddler Template Cascade is used to choose the template to be used for a particular tiddler. By default, the edit template is used for tiddlers in draft mode, and the view template used otherwise.

      See also:

      Story Tiddler Template Cascade

      6th December 2021 at 3:58pm

      The story tiddler template cascade is a cascade used to choose which Story Tiddler Template should be used for a particular tiddler.

      The default story tiddler template cascade consists of:

      1. If the tiddler is a draft tiddler, use the template title given in the tiddler $:/config/ui/EditTemplate
      2. Otherwise, use the template title given in the tiddler $:/config/ui/ViewTemplate

      You can see the current settings for the story tiddler template cascade in $:/ControlPanel under the Info -> Advanced -> Cascades -> Story Tiddler tab.

      storyTiddler Variable

      21st February 2015 at 10:25pm

      When a tiddler is viewed or edited, then within its branch of the widget tree, the storyTiddler variable contains the title of that tiddler.

      The default view template and edit template initialise storyTiddler to the value of the currentTiddler variable. This in turn will have been set by a $list widget in the relevant part of the page template.

      storyTiddler is undefined outside the story river, such as in the sidebar.


      storyTiddler Variable (Examples)

      21st February 2015 at 2:14pm

      <$list filter="[prefix[J]]">
      <li><<currentTiddler>>, <<storyTiddler>></li>

      storyviews Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 7:14pm
      purposeselect the names of all the story views
      outputthe name of each story view

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      The names are those exported by modules whose module-type is storyview.


      storyviews Operator (Examples)

      26th January 2015 at 2:21pm


      String Operators

      3rd August 2023 at 5:49am

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      stringify Operator

      22nd September 2023 at 12:14pm
      purposeapply JavaScript string encoding to a string, see also the similar jsonstringify
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixR=Introduced in v5.1.23 optionally, the keyword rawunicode
      outputthe input with JavaScript string encodings applied

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.14

      The following substitutions are made:

      Line feed (0x0a)\nAlways
      Carriage return (0x0d)\rAlways
      Characters from 0x00 to 0x1f, except listed above\x## where ## is two hex digitsAlways
      Characters from 0x80 to 0xffff\u#### where #### is four hex digitsIf rawunicode suffix is not present (default)
      Characters from 0x80 to 0xffffIntroduced in v5.1.23 UnchangedIf rawunicode suffix is present

      Introduced in v5.1.23 If the suffix rawunicode is present, Unicode characters above 0x80 (such as ß, ä, ñ or 🎄) will be passed through unchanged. Without the suffix, they will be substituted with \u codes, which was the default behavior before 5.1.23. Characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plane, such as 🎄 and other emojis, will be encoded as a UTF-16 surrogate pair, i.e. with two \u sequences.

      Mind the differences compared to jsonstringify in encoding of single quotes and control characters (0x00 to 0x1f).


      stringify Operator (Examples)

      22nd September 2023 at 12:23pm

      Compare the encoding of quotes and control characters in the first example with the analogue example for the jsonstringify operator.

      [[Backslash \, double quote ", single quote ', tab , line feed ]] +[stringify[]]
      [[Accents and emojis -> äñøßπ ⌛🎄🍪🍓 without suffix]] +[stringify[]]
      [[Accents and emojis -> äñøßπ ⌛🎄🍪🍓 with rawunicode suffix]] +[stringify:rawunicode[]]

      Structuring TiddlyWiki

      24th January 2015 at 9:15pm

      TiddlyWiki5 provides several features to help you structure information as tiddlers, and model the relationships between them:

      Styles and Classes in WikiText

      26th July 2023 at 10:57am

      CSS styles and classes can be applied to inline or block content wrapped in @@double at signs@@. Classes can be applied to certain block WikiText elements.

      Inline content wrapped in @@double at signs@@ without specifying style or class will be assigned the tc-inline-style class and displayed as highlighted text. The foreground and background colours of the highlighted text are defined as highlight-background and highlight-foreground in the current palette.

      @@Highlighted text@@

      That renders as:

      Highlighted text

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <p><span class="tc-inline-style">Highlighted text</span></p>


      Multiple style attributes, e.g. color, each followed by ; semicolon can be introduced immediately after the opening @@, without spaces in between.

      @@color:steelblue;background-color:lightcyan;Text with custom style@@

      That renders as:

      Text with custom style

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <p><span style="color:steelblue;background-color:lightcyan;">Text with custom style</span></p>

      Similarly, styles can be applied to block content. Wrapping block content in @@ without specifying style or class has no effect.

      * Item one
      * Item two

      That renders as:

      • Item one
      • Item two

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <ul style="background-color:lightcyan;"><li>Item one</li><li>Item two</li></ul>


      The following coloured-text and coloured-bg classes are defined in this tiddler for demonstration purposes:

      .coloured-text {color: darkkhaki;}
      .coloured-bg {background-color: cornsilk;}

      Multiple classes, each prefixed with ., can be introduced immediately after the opening @@, followed by a space. This works both for inline and block content:

      @@.coloured-text.coloured-bg Inline content with two assigned classes@@

      That renders as:

      Inline content with two assigned classes

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <p><span class=" coloured-text coloured-bg ">Inline content with two assigned classes</span></p>

      * Block content
      * With one assigned class

      That renders as:

      • Block content
      • With one assigned class

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <ul class="coloured-bg"><li>Block content</li><li>With one assigned class</li></ul>

      Multiple classes and styles can be applied simultaneously. In case of inline content, the styles have to be defined first, followed by the classes.

      @@font-size:1.5em;.coloured-text.coloured-bg Text with custom style and classes@@

      That renders as:

      Text with custom style and classes

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <p><span class=" coloured-text coloured-bg " style="font-size:1.5em;">Text with custom style and classes</span></p>

      In case of block content, the styles and classes can be defined in a single line after the opening @@ identically as for the inline content, or in separate lines, each beginning with @@:

      * Block content
      * With custom style and classes

      That renders as:

      • Block content
      • With custom style and classes

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <ul class="coloured-text coloured-bg" style="font-size:1.5em;"><li>Block content</li><li>With custom style and classes</li></ul>

      In a similar way classes, but not styles, can be applied to those block WikiText elements that are introduced through characters on the beginning of the line. The classes prefixed with . are specified immediately after the special characters, followed by a space.

      !!!.coloured-bg Heading with a custom background class.
      * Standard list element.
      *.coloured-bg List element with a custom background colour class.
      *.coloured-text List element with  a custom text colour class.
      *.coloured-bg.coloured-text List element with both of the custom classes.

      That renders as:

      Heading with a custom background class.

      • Standard list element.
      • List element with a custom background colour class.
      • List element with a custom text colour class.
      • List element with both of the custom classes.

      ... and the underlying HTML is:

      <h3 class="coloured-bg">Heading with a custom background class.</h3><ul><li>Standard list element.</li><li class="coloured-bg">List element with a custom background colour class.</li><li class="coloured-text">List element with  a custom text colour class.</li><li class="coloured-bg coloured-text">List element with both of the custom classes.</li></ul>

      Stylesheet Macros

      3rd August 2023 at 3:40am

      The following core macros make it easy to specify alternative browser-specific properties when constructing a stylesheet tiddler:

      <<box-shadow shadow>>
      for the x-box-shadow properties
      <<filter filter>>
      for the x-filter properties
      <<transition transition>>
      for the x-transition properties
      <<transform-origin origin>>
      for the x-transition-origin properties
      <<background-linear-gradient gradient>>
      for the x-linear-gradient values of the background-image property
      <<column-count columns>>
      for the x-column-count property

      The following macros are documented separately:

      All these macros are defined in the $:/core/macros/CSS tiddler.

      subfilter Operator

      17th December 2021 at 1:57pm
      purposeselect titles from the parameter interpreted as a filter expression
      inputa selection of titles passed as input to the subfilter
      ! inputa selection of titles passed as input to the subfilter
      parameterS=a filter expression
      outputthe selection of titles returned from the subfilter S
      ! outputthose input titles that are not returned from the subfilter S

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.18 Note that the subfilter operator was introduced in version 5.1.18 and is not available in earlier versions.

      Literal filter parameters cannot contain square brackets but you can work around the issue by using a variable:

      <$set name="myFilter" value="[tag[one]]">
      <$list filter="[all[tiddlers]subfilter<myFilter>]">

      Compare with the similar filter operator which runs a subfilter against each title, returning those titles that return a non-empty list (and discards the results of the subfilter)

      The subfilter operator will act as a constructor whenever the filter defined by its parameter is a constructor. Otherwise, it will act as a modifier.


      subfilter Operator (Examples)

      30th October 2021 at 10:34pm

      Literal filter parameters can be used, but such cases are better rewritten without using subfilter:

      [subfilter[one two three]addsuffix[!]]
      → same as one two three +[addsuffix[!]]

      The subfilter operator can be used to dynamically define parts of a filter run. This is useful for sharing a common pieces of a filter across multiple filters.

      For example, this variable:

      • recent-mods: [has[modified]!sort[modified]limit[5]]

      can be used in one filter like this:

      [tag[Filter Operators]subfilter<recent-mods>addsuffix[!]]
      → same as [tag[Filter Operators]has[modified]!sort[modified]limit[5]addsuffix[!]]

      and in another similar filter like this:


      Variables are not the only way to define dynamic subfilters. Text references can be used to load a subfilter from a tiddler field (see also Filter Parameter):


      substitute Operator

      15th June 2023 at 5:30pm
      purposereturns each item in the list, replacing within each title placeholders for filters, parameters and variables with their corresponding values
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterthe substitute operator optionally accepts a variable number of parameters, see below for details
      outputthe input titles with placeholders for filter expressions, parameter and variables replaced with their corresponding values

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      New in v5.3.0

      The substitute operator replaces any placeholders in the input titles in the following order:

      1. filter expressions
      2. parameters to the substitute operator
      3. variables
      placeholder syntaxdescription
      $n$Text substitution of a parameter provided to the operator, where n is the position of the parameter starting with 1 for the first parameter. Unmatched placeholders pass through unchanged.
      $(varname)$Text substitution of a variable. Undefined variables are replaced with an empty string.
      ${ filter expression }$Text substitution of the first result of evaluating a filter expression. In other words, if the filter returns multiple titles only the first one will be used.

      Placeholders that contain square bracket characters are not valid filter syntax when used directly in a filter expression. However they can be provided as input to the substitute operator as text references or variables


      substitute Operator (Examples)

      14th June 2023 at 11:34pm

      Substitute substitute[] operator parameters

      [[Hi, I'm $1$ and I live in $2$]substitute[Bugs Bunny],[Rabbit Hole Hill]]

      Substitute variables

      This example uses the following variables:

      • name:
        Bugs Bunny
      • address:
        Rabbit Hole Hill

      [[Hi, I'm $(name)$ and I live in $(address)$]substitute[]]

      Substitute variables and operator parameters

      This example uses the following variable:

      • time:

      [[Something in the $(time)$ at $2$ about $1$ ]substitute[Maths],[the Library]]

      Substitute a filter expression and a variable

      This example uses the following variables:

      • field:
      • sentence:
        This tiddler was last $(field)$ on ${[{!!modified}format:date[DDth MMM YYYY]]}$


      Substituted Attribute Values

      15th June 2023 at 5:30pm
      New in v5.3.0

      Substituted attribute values can use two different styles of quoting:

      • Single backticks
      • Triple backticks

      The value of the attribute will be the text denoted by the backticks with any of the placeholders for filter expressions and variables substituted with their corresponding values. Filter expression placeholders are substituted before variable placeholders, allowing for further variable substitution in their returned value.

      Any other wiki syntax in that text will be left as-is.

      placeholder syntaxdescription
      $(varname)$Text substitution of a variable. Undefined variables are replaced with an empty string.
      ${ filter expression }$Text substitution with the first result of evaluating the filter expression.


      Substituting a variable value into a string

      <$text text=`Hello there this is the tiddler "$(currentTiddler)$"`/>

      That renders as:

      Hello there this is the tiddler "Substituted Attribute Values"

      Substituting a variable value and the result of evaluating a filter expression into a string

      <$text text=`This tiddler is titled "$(currentTiddler)$" and was last modified on ${[{!!modified}format:date[DDth MMM YYYY]]}$`/>

      That renders as:

      This tiddler is titled "Substituted Attribute Values" and was last modified on 15th June 2023

      Concatenating strings and variables to create a URL

      <$let hash={{{ [<currentTiddler>encodeuricomponent[]] }}}>
      <a href=`$(hash)$`>this tiddler on</a>

      That renders as:

      this tiddler on

      Concatenating variables and a text reference to create a URL

      <$let hash={{{ [<currentTiddler>encodeuricomponent[]] }}}>
      <a href=`${ [{!!base-url}] }$#$(hash)$`>this tiddler on</a>

      That renders as:

      this tiddler on

      subtiddlerfields Operator

      3rd April 2018 at 4:46pm
      purposeselect all fields present in the selected tiddlers within a plugin
      inputa selection of tiddler titles
      parameterP=the title of a plugin
      outputall field names present in the selected tiddlers within the plugin named P

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      subtiddlerfields Operator (Examples)

      3rd April 2018 at 4:42pm


      subtract Operator

      11th June 2019 at 12:56pm
      purposetreating each input title as a number, subtract from each the numeric value of the parameter
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterN=a number
      outputthe input as numbers, but with N subtracted from each one

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      subtract Operator (Examples)

      11th June 2019 at 12:56pm


      =1 =2 =3 =4 +[subtract[4]]

      suffix Operator

      11th July 2023 at 8:30am
      purposefilter the input titles by how they end
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixthe suffix operator uses a rich suffix, see below for details
      parameterS=a string of characters
      outputthose input titles that end with S
      ! outputthose input tiddlers that do not end with S

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.2.2

      The suffix operator uses an extended syntax that permits multiple flags to be passed:

      [suffix:<flag list>[<parameter>]]
      • flag list: a comma delimited list of flags

      The available flags are:

      • casesensitive: (default), this flag forces a case-sensitive match, where upper and lower case letters are considered different
      • caseinsensitive: overrides the default so that upper and lower case letters are considered identical for matching purposes


      suffix Operator (Examples)

      18th February 2022 at 2:34am




      sum Operator

      11th June 2019 at 3:59pm
      purposeproduce the sum of the input numbers
      inputa selection of titles
      outputthe result of adding together the input as numbers

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      sum Operator (Examples)

      11th June 2019 at 4:01pm

      =1 =2 =3 =4 =5 +[sum[]]



      16th November 2021 at 10:07pm

      SystemTag: $:/tags/AboveStory

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/AboveStory marks elements to be placed at the top of the story river

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/core/ui/AboveStory/tw2-plugin-check $:/core/ui/AboveStory/tw2-plugin-check

      SystemTag: $:/tags/AdvancedSearch

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/AdvancedSearch marks search elements

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/AdvancedSearch/FilterButton

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/AdvancedSearch/FilterButton marks filter buttons

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/clear $:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/clear
      $:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/delete $:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/delete
      $:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/dropdown $:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/dropdown
      $:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/export $:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/export

      SystemTag: $:/tags/Alert

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/Alert marks alerts

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/BelowStory

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/BelowStory marks elements to be placed at the bottom of the story river

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ClassFilters/PageTemplate

      20th October 2022 at 3:59am

      The system tag $:/tags/ClassFilters/PageTemplate marks filters evaluated to dynamically add their output as CSS classes to the page template.

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ClassFilters/TiddlerTemplate

      26th March 2023 at 3:30pm

      The system tag $:/tags/ClassFilters/TiddlerTemplate marks filters evaluated to dynamically add their output as CSS classes to the tiddler template.

      The variables available are within each filter:

      • storyTiddler: the tiddler in the story for which the filter should be evaluated.
      • currentTiddler: the tiddler holding the filter definition being evaluated.
      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/ControlPanel marks control panel tabs

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced marks control panel advanced tabs

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance marks control panel appearance tabs

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel/Info

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/ControlPanel/Info marks control panel info tabs

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel/Plugins

      7th August 2021 at 12:36pm

      The system tag $:/tags/ControlPanel/Plugins marks elements to be placed under "Plugins" tab in $:/ControlPanel

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel/Saving

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/ControlPanel/Saving marks saving configurations

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings marks control panel settings tabs

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel/SettingsTab

      13th August 2024 at 6:08am

      The system tag $:/tags/ControlPanel/SettingsTab marks elements to be placed under "Settings" tab in $:/ControlPanel

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars marks control panel toolbar customisation tabs

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/EditorToolbar

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/EditorToolbar marks the editor toolbar buttons

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/EditorTools

      19th May 2021 at 4:05pm

      The system tag $:/tags/EditorTools can be used to include non-button UI elements in the edit mode tiddler toolbar. For buttons see SystemTag: $:/tags/EditToolbar.

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/file-import $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/file-import

      SystemTag: $:/tags/EditPreview

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/EditPreview marks custom preview panes

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/EditTemplate

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/EditTemplate marks the edit template

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/ContributionBanner $:/ContributionBanner
      $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body
      $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/controls $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/controls
      $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/fields $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/fields
      $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/shadow $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/shadow
      $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags
      $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/title $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/title
      $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/type $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/type
      $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/classic $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/classic

      SystemTag: $:/tags/EditToolbar

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/EditToolbar marks the edit mode tiddler toolbar

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/Exporter

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/Exporter marks the exporters

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/Filter

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/Filter marks filters in advanced search sample filter dropdown

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/core/Filters/AllTags All tags except system tags
      $:/core/Filters/AllTiddlers All tiddlers except system tiddlers
      $:/core/Filters/Drafts Draft tiddlers
      $:/core/Filters/Missing Missing tiddlers
      $:/core/Filters/Orphans Orphan tiddlers
      $:/core/Filters/OverriddenShadowTiddlers Overridden shadow tiddlers
      $:/core/Filters/RecentSystemTiddlers Recently modified tiddlers, including system tiddlers
      $:/core/Filters/RecentTiddlers Recently modified tiddlers
      $:/core/Filters/SessionTiddlers Tiddlers modified since the wiki was loaded
      $:/core/Filters/ShadowTiddlers Shadow tiddlers
      $:/core/Filters/StoryList Tiddlers in the story river, excluding $:/AdvancedSearch
      $:/core/Filters/SystemTags System tags
      $:/core/Filters/SystemTiddlers System tiddlers
      $:/core/Filters/TypedTiddlers Non wiki-text tiddlers

      SystemTag: $:/tags/Global

      19th April 2023 at 10:31am

      The system tag $:/tags/Global marks global definitions that are made available everywhere.

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Example - Basic Authentication WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Example - Basic Authentication
      WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Example - Random Dog WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Example - Random Dog
      WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Example - Zotero WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Example - Zotero

      SystemTag: $:/tags/Global/View

      19th April 2023 at 10:31am

      The system tag $:/tags/Global/View marks definitions that are only made available within the main view templates and the preview panel.

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/Global/View/Body

      19th April 2023 at 10:31am

      The system tag $:/tags/Global/View/Body marks definitions that are only made available within the main view template bodies and the preview panel.

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/Image

      18th October 2021 at 10:23am

      The system tag $:/tags/Image marks core images. An overview of system icons can be found in the Icon Gallery

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/core/icon $:/core/icon
      $:/core/images/add-comment $:/core/images/add-comment
      $:/core/images/advanced-search-button $:/core/images/advanced-search-button
      $:/core/images/auto-height $:/core/images/auto-height
      $:/core/images/blank $:/core/images/blank
      $:/core/images/bold $:/core/images/bold
      $:/core/images/cancel-button $:/core/images/cancel-button
      $:/core/images/chevron-down $:/core/images/chevron-down
      $:/core/images/chevron-left $:/core/images/chevron-left
      $:/core/images/chevron-right $:/core/images/chevron-right
      $:/core/images/chevron-up $:/core/images/chevron-up
      $:/core/images/clone-button $:/core/images/clone-button
      $:/core/images/close-all-button $:/core/images/close-all-button
      $:/core/images/close-button $:/core/images/close-button
      $:/core/images/close-others-button $:/core/images/close-others-button
      $:/core/images/copy-clipboard $:/core/images/copy-clipboard
      $:/core/images/delete-button $:/core/images/delete-button
      $:/core/images/discord $:/core/images/discord
      $:/core/images/done-button $:/core/images/done-button
      $:/core/images/down-arrow $:/core/images/down-arrow
      $:/core/images/download-button $:/core/images/download-button
      $:/core/images/edit-button $:/core/images/edit-button
      $:/core/images/erase $:/core/images/erase
      $:/core/images/excise $:/core/images/excise
      $:/core/images/export-button $:/core/images/export-button
      $:/core/images/file $:/core/images/file
      $:/core/images/fixed-height $:/core/images/fixed-height
      $:/core/images/fold-all-button $:/core/images/fold-all-button
      $:/core/images/fold-button $:/core/images/fold-button
      $:/core/images/fold-others-button $:/core/images/fold-others-button
      $:/core/images/folder $:/core/images/folder
      $:/core/images/full-screen-button $:/core/images/full-screen-button
      $:/core/images/github $:/core/images/github
      $:/core/images/gitter $:/core/images/gitter
      $:/core/images/globe $:/core/images/globe
      $:/core/images/heading-1 $:/core/images/heading-1
      $:/core/images/heading-2 $:/core/images/heading-2
      $:/core/images/heading-3 $:/core/images/heading-3
      $:/core/images/heading-4 $:/core/images/heading-4
      $:/core/images/heading-5 $:/core/images/heading-5
      $:/core/images/heading-6 $:/core/images/heading-6
      $:/core/images/help $:/core/images/help
      $:/core/images/home-button $:/core/images/home-button
      $:/core/images/import-button $:/core/images/import-button
      $:/core/images/info-button $:/core/images/info-button
      $:/core/images/input-button $:/core/images/input-button
      $:/core/images/italic $:/core/images/italic
      $:/core/images/layout-button $:/core/images/layout-button
      $:/core/images/left-arrow $:/core/images/left-arrow
      $:/core/images/line-width $:/core/images/line-width
      $:/core/images/link $:/core/images/link
      $:/core/images/linkify $:/core/images/linkify
      $:/core/images/list $:/core/images/list
      $:/core/images/list-bullet $:/core/images/list-bullet
      $:/core/images/list-number $:/core/images/list-number
      $:/core/images/locked-padlock $:/core/images/locked-padlock
      $:/core/images/mail $:/core/images/mail
      $:/core/images/mastodon $:/core/images/mastodon
      $:/core/images/menu-button $:/core/images/menu-button
      $:/core/images/minus-button $:/core/images/minus-button
      $:/core/images/mono-block $:/core/images/mono-block
      $:/core/images/mono-line $:/core/images/mono-line
      $:/core/images/network-activity $:/core/images/network-activity
      $:/core/images/new-button $:/core/images/new-button
      $:/core/images/new-here-button $:/core/images/new-here-button
      $:/core/images/new-image-button $:/core/images/new-image-button
      $:/core/images/new-journal-button $:/core/images/new-journal-button
      $:/core/images/opacity $:/core/images/opacity
      $:/core/images/open-window $:/core/images/open-window
      $:/core/images/options-button $:/core/images/options-button
      $:/core/images/paint $:/core/images/paint
      $:/core/images/palette $:/core/images/palette
      $:/core/images/permalink-button $:/core/images/permalink-button
      $:/core/images/permaview-button $:/core/images/permaview-button
      $:/core/images/picture $:/core/images/picture
      $:/core/images/plugin-generic-language $:/core/images/plugin-generic-language
      $:/core/images/plugin-generic-plugin $:/core/images/plugin-generic-plugin
      $:/core/images/plugin-generic-theme $:/core/images/plugin-generic-theme
      $:/core/images/plus-button $:/core/images/plus-button
      $:/core/images/preview-closed $:/core/images/preview-closed
      $:/core/images/preview-open $:/core/images/preview-open
      $:/core/images/print-button $:/core/images/print-button
      $:/core/images/quote $:/core/images/quote
      $:/core/images/refresh-button $:/core/images/refresh-button
      $:/core/images/right-arrow $:/core/images/right-arrow
      $:/core/images/rotate-left $:/core/images/rotate-left
      $:/core/images/save-button $:/core/images/save-button
      $:/core/images/save-button-dynamic $:/core/images/save-button-dynamic
      $:/core/images/size $:/core/images/size
      $:/core/images/spiral $:/core/images/spiral
      $:/core/images/stamp $:/core/images/stamp
      $:/core/images/standard-layout $:/core/images/standard-layout
      $:/core/images/star-filled $:/core/images/star-filled
      $:/core/images/storyview-classic $:/core/images/storyview-classic
      $:/core/images/storyview-pop $:/core/images/storyview-pop
      $:/core/images/storyview-zoomin $:/core/images/storyview-zoomin
      $:/core/images/strikethrough $:/core/images/strikethrough
      $:/core/images/subscript $:/core/images/subscript
      $:/core/images/superscript $:/core/images/superscript
      $:/core/images/tag-button $:/core/images/tag-button
      $:/core/images/theme-button $:/core/images/theme-button
      $:/core/images/timestamp-off $:/core/images/timestamp-off
      $:/core/images/timestamp-on $:/core/images/timestamp-on
      $:/core/images/tip $:/core/images/tip
      $:/core/images/transcludify $:/core/images/transcludify
      $:/core/images/twitter $:/core/images/twitter
      $:/core/images/underline $:/core/images/underline
      $:/core/images/unfold-all-button $:/core/images/unfold-all-button
      $:/core/images/unfold-button $:/core/images/unfold-button
      $:/core/images/unlocked-padlock $:/core/images/unlocked-padlock
      $:/core/images/up-arrow $:/core/images/up-arrow
      $:/core/images/video $:/core/images/video
      $:/core/images/warning $:/core/images/warning
      $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tour/tour-button-icon $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tour/tour-button-icon

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ImportPreview

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/ImportPreview marks preview types for the import listing

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/KeyboardShortcut

      The system tag $:/tags/KeyboardShortcut defines the tagged Tiddler as a Keyboard Shortcut Tiddler, a container for actions that get triggered when its corresponding Keyboard Shortcut Descriptor in its key field matches a keyboard combination executed by the User

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/advanced-search $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/advanced-search
      $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/change-sidebar-layout $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/change-sidebar-layout
      $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/menubar-search $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/menubar-search
      $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/new-image $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/new-image
      $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/new-journal $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/new-journal
      $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/new-tiddler $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/new-tiddler
      $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/open-control-panel $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/open-control-panel
      $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/refresh $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/refresh
      $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/save-wiki $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/save-wiki
      $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/sidebar-search $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/sidebar-search
      $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/switcher $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/switcher
      $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/toggle-sidebar $:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/toggle-sidebar

      SystemTag: $:/tags/Layout

      23rd November 2020 at 7:21pm

      The system tag $:/tags/Layout marks alternative page layouts that can be switched to.

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/Macro

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/Macro marks global macros. It is now deprecated in favour of SystemTag: $:/tags/Global.

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/cards/procedures $:/cards/procedures
      $:/core/macros/colour-picker $:/core/macros/colour-picker
      $:/core/macros/copy-to-clipboard $:/core/macros/copy-to-clipboard
      $:/core/macros/CSS $:/core/macros/CSS
      $:/core/macros/diff $:/core/macros/diff
      $:/core/macros/dumpvariables $:/core/macros/dumpvariables
      $:/core/macros/export $:/core/macros/export
      $:/core/macros/image-picker $:/core/macros/image-picker
      $:/core/macros/keyboard-driven-input $:/core/macros/keyboard-driven-input
      $:/core/macros/lingo $:/core/macros/lingo
      $:/core/macros/list $:/core/macros/list
      $:/core/macros/show-filter-count $:/core/macros/show-filter-count
      $:/core/macros/tabs $:/core/macros/tabs
      $:/core/macros/tag $:/core/macros/tag
      $:/core/macros/tag-picker $:/core/macros/tag-picker
      $:/core/macros/testcase $:/core/macros/testcase
      $:/core/macros/thumbnails $:/core/macros/thumbnails
      $:/core/macros/timeline $:/core/macros/timeline
      $:/core/macros/toc $:/core/macros/toc
      $:/core/macros/translink $:/core/macros/translink
      $:/core/macros/tree $:/core/macros/tree
      $:/edition/ $:/edition/
      $:/editions/ $:/editions/
      $:/editions/ $:/editions/
      $:/editions/ $:/editions/
      $:/editions/ $:/editions/
      $:/editions/ $:/editions/
      $:/editions/ $:/editions/
      WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Example - Random Dog WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Example - Random Dog
      WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Example - Zotero WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Example - Zotero

      SystemTag: $:/tags/Macro/View

      3rd January 2020 at 9:26am

      The system tag $:/tags/Macro/View marks macros that are only made available within the main view templates and the preview panel. It is now deprecated in favour of SystemTag $:/tags/Global/View.

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/Macro/View/Body

      5th May 2022 at 8:29am

      The system tag $:/tags/Macro/View/Body marks macros that are only made available within the main view template bodies and the preview panel. It is now deprecated in favour of SystemTag $:/tags/Global/View/Body.

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/Manager/ItemMain

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/Manager/ItemMain marks the tiddler manager. $:/Manager

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/Manager/ItemSidebar

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/Manager/ItemSidebar marks the tiddler manager

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/MoreSideBar

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/MoreSideBar marks tabs in the 'more' sidebar

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/MoreSideBar/Plugins

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/MoreSideBar/Plugins marks Sidebar: More: Plugins tab

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/PageControls

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/PageControls marks the page control tools in the sidebar

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/PageTemplate

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/PageTemplate marks the main page elements

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/core/ui/PageTemplate/alerts $:/core/ui/PageTemplate/alerts
      $:/core/ui/PageTemplate/drafts $:/core/ui/PageTemplate/drafts
      $:/core/ui/PageTemplate/pluginreloadwarning $:/core/ui/PageTemplate/pluginreloadwarning
      $:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar $:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar
      $:/core/ui/PageTemplate/story $:/core/ui/PageTemplate/story
      $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/menubar/menu $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/menubar/menu
      $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tour/panel $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tour/panel

      SystemTag: $:/tags/Palette

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/Palette marks colour palettes

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/palettes/Blanca A clean white palette to let you focus
      $:/palettes/Blue A blue theme
      $:/palettes/ContrastDark High contrast and unambiguous (dark version)
      $:/palettes/ContrastLight High contrast and unambiguous (light version)
      $:/palettes/CupertinoDark A macOS inspired dark palette
      $:/palettes/DarkPhotos Good with dark photo backgrounds
      $:/palettes/DesertSand A desert sand palette
      $:/palettes/FlexokiDark An inky color scheme for prose and code
      $:/palettes/FlexokiLight An inky color scheme for prose and code
      $:/palettes/GruvboxDark Retro groove color scheme
      $:/palettes/Muted Bright tiddlers on a muted background
      $:/palettes/Nord An arctic, north-bluish color palette.
      $:/palettes/Rocker A dark theme
      $:/palettes/SolarFlare Warm, relaxing earth colours
      $:/palettes/SolarizedDark Precision dark colors for machines and people
      $:/palettes/SolarizedLight Precision colors for machines and people
      $:/palettes/SpartanDay Cold, spartan day colors
      $:/palettes/SpartanNight Dark spartan colors
      $:/palettes/Twilight Delightful, soft darkness.
      $:/palettes/Vanilla Pale and unobtrusive

      SystemTag: $:/tags/PluginLibrary

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/PluginLibrary marks the plugin library

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/config/OfficialPluginLibrary Official TiddlyWiki Plugin Library

      SystemTag: $:/tags/RawMarkup

      27th September 2018 at 8:43am

      The system tag $:/tags/RawMarkup marks plain text tiddlers to be included as raw markup at the bottom of the <head> section in the generated HTML file.

      Note that the wiki must be saved and reloaded in order for a raw markup tiddler to take effect.

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified

      27th September 2018 at 8:43am

      The system tag $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified marks wikified tiddlers to be included as raw markup at the bottom of the <head> section in the generated HTML file.

      Note that the wiki must be saved and reloaded in order for a raw markup tiddler to take effect. Also note that global macros are not available by default within raw markup tiddlers; you can use the ImportVariablesWidget to explicitly import them.

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/core/templates/social-metadata $:/core/templates/social-metadata

      SystemTag: $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified/BottomBody

      28th September 2018 at 2:58pm

      Introduced in v5.1.18 The system tag $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified/BottomBody marks wikified tiddlers to be included as raw markup at the bottom of the <body> section in the generated HTML file.

      Note that the wiki must be saved and reloaded in order for a raw markup tiddler to take effect. Also note that global macros are not available by default within raw markup tiddlers; you can use the ImportVariablesWidget to explicitly import them.

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified/TopBody

      28th September 2018 at 2:58pm

      Introduced in v5.1.18 The system tag $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified/TopBody marks wikified tiddlers to be included as raw markup at the top of the <body> section in the generated HTML file.

      Note that the wiki must be saved and reloaded in order for a raw markup tiddler to take effect. Also note that global macros are not available by default within raw markup tiddlers; you can use the ImportVariablesWidget to explicitly import them.

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/SplashScreen $:/SplashScreen

      SystemTag: $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified/TopHead

      28th September 2018 at 2:57pm

      Introduced in v5.1.18 The system tag $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified/TopHead marks wikified tiddlers to be included as raw markup at the top of the <head> section in the generated HTML file.

      Note that the wiki must be saved and reloaded in order for a raw markup tiddler to take effect. Also note that global macros are not available by default within raw markup tiddlers; you can use the ImportVariablesWidget to explicitly import them.

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/RawStaticContent

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/RawStaticContent marks raw content to be saved into the TW code

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/RemoteAssetInfo

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/RemoteAssetInfo marks plugin import handling

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/SearchResults

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/SearchResults marks customised search results

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ServerConnection

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/ServerConnection marks plugin import handling

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/SideBar

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/SideBar marks sidebar tabs

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/SideBarSegment

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/SideBarSegment marks sidebar segments

      Note: You can rearrange the segments by drag-and-dropping the titles inside the tag pill

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/ $:/
      $:/core/ui/SideBarSegments/page-controls $:/core/ui/SideBarSegments/page-controls
      $:/core/ui/SideBarSegments/search $:/core/ui/SideBarSegments/search
      $:/core/ui/SideBarSegments/site-subtitle $:/core/ui/SideBarSegments/site-subtitle
      $:/core/ui/SideBarSegments/site-title $:/core/ui/SideBarSegments/site-title
      $:/core/ui/SideBarSegments/tabs $:/core/ui/SideBarSegments/tabs

      SystemTag: $:/tags/StartupAction

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/StartupAction marks actions executed on all platforms

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tour/startup-actions $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tour/startup-actions

      SystemTag: $:/tags/StartupAction/Browser

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/StartupAction/Browser marks actions only executed when running in the browser

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/StartupAction/Node

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/StartupAction/Node marks actions only executed when running under Node.js

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/Stylesheet

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/Stylesheet marks that a tiddler should be applied as a CSS stylesheet

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/_tw_shared/styles $:/_tw_shared/styles
      $:/ $:/
      $:/ $:/
      $:/cards/styles $:/cards/styles
      $:/editions/ $:/editions/
      $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/dynannotate/styles $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/dynannotate/styles
      $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/internals/styles $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/internals/styles
      $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/menubar/styles $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/menubar/styles
      $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/railroad/railroad-diagrams.css $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/railroad/railroad-diagrams.css
      $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tour/styles $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tour/styles
      $:/SavingThumbnailsStyles $:/SavingThumbnailsStyles
      $:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite/base $:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite/base
      $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/base $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/base
      Custom data-styles Custom data-styles

      SystemTag: $:/tags/TagDropdown

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/TagDropdown marks tags dropdown sorting

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/TextEditor/Snippet

      28th August 2020 at 3:41pm

      The system tag $:/tags/TextEditor/Snippet marks text snippets

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/language/Snippets/FunctionDefinition Function definition
      $:/language/Snippets/ListByTag List of tiddlers by tag
      $:/language/Snippets/MacroDefinition Macro definition
      $:/language/Snippets/ProcedureDefinition Procedure definition
      $:/language/Snippets/Table4x3 Table with 4 columns by 3 rows
      $:/language/Snippets/TableOfContents Table of Contents

      SystemTag: $:/tags/TiddlerInfo

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/TiddlerInfo marks tiddler info panel tabs

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced marks tabs under the advanced tiddler tab

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/PluginInfo $:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/PluginInfo
      $:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo $:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo

      SystemTag: $:/tags/TiddlerInfoSegment

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/TiddlerInfoSegment marks tiddler info panel segments

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ToolbarButtonStyle

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/ToolbarButtonStyle marks the style of the buttons

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      SystemTag: $:/tags/TopLeftBar

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/TopLeftBar marks the top left bar

      (No tiddlers are currently tagged with )

      SystemTag: $:/tags/TopRightBar

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/TopRightBar marks the top right bar

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/core/ui/TopBar/menu $:/core/ui/TopBar/menu

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ViewTemplate

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/ViewTemplate identifies the individual segments that are displayed as part of the view template

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/ $:/
      $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body
      $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/classic $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/classic
      $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/lazy-loading $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/lazy-loading
      $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle
      $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/tags $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/tags
      $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/title $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/title
      $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/unfold $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/unfold
      $:/editions/ $:/editions/
      $:/editions/ $:/editions/
      $:/editions/ $:/editions/
      $:/editions/ $:/editions/

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ViewTemplate/Subtitle

      14th July 2022 at 9:32am

      The system tag $:/tags/ViewTemplate/Subtitle identifies the individual segments that are displayed as the tiddler subtitle

      The following tiddlers are tagged with

      $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle/modified $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle/modified
      $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle/modifier $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle/modifier

      SystemTag: $:/tags/ViewToolbar

      26th September 2018 at 5:14pm

      The system tag $:/tags/ViewToolbar marks the view mode tiddler toolbar

      The following tiddlers are tagged with


      19th May 2021 at 4:06pm

      System tags are used to give special behaviour to tiddlers.

      These are the system tags defined by the TiddlyWiki core:

      marks elements to be placed at the top of the story river
      marks search elements
      marks filter buttons
      marks alerts
      marks elements to be placed at the bottom of the story river
      marks control panel tabs
      marks control panel advanced tabs
      marks control panel appearance tabs
      marks control panel info tabs
      marks saving configurations
      marks control panel settings tabs
      marks control panel toolbar customisation tabs
      marks the edit mode tiddler toolbar for non-button elements.
      marks the editor toolbar buttons
      marks custom preview panes
      marks the edit template
      marks the edit mode tiddler toolbar
      marks the exporters
      marks filters in advanced search sample filter dropdown
      marks (core) images
      marks preview types for the import listing
      uses the text of tagged tiddler as keyboard shortcut actions
      marks alternative page layouts
      marks global macros
      marks global macros only active in View template
      marks global macros only active in View template body
      marks the tiddler manager. $:/Manager
      marks the tiddler manager
      marks tabs in the 'more' sidebar
      marks Sidebar: More: Plugins tab
      marks the page control tools in the sidebar
      marks the main page elements
      marks colour palettes
      marks the plugin library
      marks tiddlers included as raw text at the bottom of <head>
      marks tiddlers included as wikified text at the bottom of <head>
      marks tiddlers included as wikified text at the bottom of <body>
      marks tiddlers included as wikified text at the top of <body>
      marks tiddlers included as wikified text at the top of <head>
      marks raw content to be saved into the TW code
      marks plugin import handling
      marks customised search results
      marks plugin import handling
      marks sidebar tabs
      marks sidebar segments
      marks actions executed on all platforms
      marks actions only executed when running in the browser
      marks actions only executed when running under Node.js
      marks that a tiddler should be applied as a CSS stylesheet
      marks tags dropdown sorting
      marks text snippets
      marks tiddler info panel tabs
      marks tabs under the advanced tiddler tab
      marks tiddler info panel segments
      marks the style of the buttons
      marks the top left bar
      marks the top right bar
      identifies the individual segments that are displayed as part of the view template
      marks the view mode tiddler toolbar
      marks filters evaluated to dynamically add classes to the page template.
      marks filters evaluated to dynamically add classes to the page template.
      marks elements to be placed under "Plugins" tab in Control Panel
      marks elements to be placed under "Settings" tab in Control Panel
      marks global definitions
      marks global definitions only active in View template
      marks global definitions only active in View template body
      identifies the individual segments that are displayed as the tiddler subtitle

      System tags defined by TiddlyWiki plugins

      can be seen at: tiddlywiki prerelease see: top left page control bubble
      help panel "videos" tab
      can be seen at: tiddlywiki prerelease. see: Tiddler toolbar
      used by the translators edition
      twitter plugin
      see: tiddlywiki prerelease
      tiddlywiki test suite


      13th January 2018 at 3:38pm

      Tiddlers are classified as system tiddlers if their title starts with the special string $:/. The only difference from ordinary tiddlers is that they are hidden from most searches and lists in the sidebar. (In particular, system tiddlers are shown in the "More/System" list).

      System tiddlers provide a simple way to hide the internal components of TiddlyWiki so that they don't clutter things up, getting in the way of the users content.

      Many of the system tiddlers follow the convention of using further slashes to delineate the components of the title. For example: $:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth.

      You don't need to create your own system tiddlers, but it can be useful when customising TiddlyWiki. For example, if you create a custom palette you might call it $:/_MyPalette so that (a) it is hidden from searches/lists and (b) it will appear at the top of the system tiddler list for easy reference.



      Table Classes, Captions, Headers and Footers

      19th August 2022 at 10:13am

      Table CSS classes, captions, headers and footers can be specified as special pseudo-rows. The following example:

      • |myclass anotherClass|k assigns the CSS classes "myclass" and "anotherClass" to the table
      • |This is a caption |c gives the table the caption "This is a caption"
      • |Header|Header|h adds a header row of cells with the text "Header"
      • |Footer|Footer|f adds a footer row of cells with the text "Footer"

      |myclass anotherClass|k
      |This is a caption |c
      |Cell1 |Cell2 |
      |Cell3 |Cell3 |

      That renders as:

      This is a caption


      18th January 2022 at 2:35am
      cell onecell two
      cell threecell four

      Table-of-Contents Macros

      24th June 2024 at 10:25am

      TiddlyWiki provides several macros for generating a tree of tiddler links by analysing tags:

      A simple tree
      A tree in which all the branches can be expanded and collapsed
      A tree in which the non-empty branches can be expanded and collapsed
      toc-tabbed-internal-nav and toc-tabbed-external-nav
      A two-panel browser:
      • on the left, a selectively expandable tree that behaves like a set of vertical tabs
      • on the right, the content of whichever tiddler the user selects in the tree

      The difference between the last two has to do with what happens when the user clicks a link in the right-hand panel:

      The target tiddler appears in the right-hand panel, replacing the tiddler that contained the link
      The target tiddler appears in the normal way (which depends on the user's configured storyview)


      The top level of the tree consists of the tiddlers that carry a particular tag, known as the root tag. Tiddlers tagged with any of those make up the next level down, and so on.

      At each level, the tiddlers can be ordered by means of the list field of the parent tag tiddler. They can also be ordered by the macro's sort parameter.

      The tree displays the caption field of a tiddler if it has one, or the tiddler's title otherwise.

      Each tiddler in the tree is normally displayed as a link. To suppress this, give the tiddler a toc-link field with the the value no. In the examples, the SecondThree tiddler is set up like this. Clicking such a tiddler in the tree causes its branch to expand or collapse.

      Introduced in v5.1.23 By default, the links open the tiddlers making up the table of contents. Alternatively, if the tiddler contains a target field then its contents will be used as the target of the link.

      The table of contents is generated as an HTML ordered list. The <ol> elements always have the class tc-toc. Expandable trees have the additional class tc-toc-expandable. Selectively expandable trees (including those in the two-panel browser) have tc-toc-selective-expandable.

      To make a table of contents appear in the sidebar, see How to add a new tab to the sidebar.


      The root tag that identifies the top level of the tree
      New in v5.3.5 If the tag parameter is "missing" or "an empty" string, the curretTiddler variable is used
      An optional extra filter step, e.g. sort[title]

      These two parameters are combined into a single filter expression like this:


      toc-tabbed-internal-nav and toc-tabbed-external-nav take additional parameters:

      The title of the state tiddler for noting the currently selected tiddler, defaulting to $:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler. It is recommended that this be a system tiddler
      The text to display when no tiddler is selected in the tree
      The text to display if the selected tiddler doesn't exist
      Optionally, the title of a tiddler to use as a template for transcluding the selected tiddler into the right-hand panel
      exclude New in v5.3.0
      This optional parameter can be used to exclude tiddlers from the TOC list. It allows a Title List or a subfilter. Eg: exclude:"HelloThere [[Title with spaces]]" or exclude:"[has[excludeTOC]]". Where the former will exclude two tiddlers and the later would exclude every tiddler that has a field excludeTOC independent of its value.
      Be aware that eg: [prefix[H]] is a shortcut for [all[tiddlers]prefix[H]], which can have a performance impact, if used carelessly. So use $:/AdvancedSearch -> Filters tab to test the exclude parameter

      Custom Icons

      Introduced in v5.2.4

      To change the icons used by the Table-of-Contents macros, redefine the macros toc-open-icon and toc-closed-icon. This setting works for all toc-macro variants.

      Default Settings

      • toc-open-icon: \define toc-open-icon() $:/core/images/down-arrow
      • toc-closed-icon: \define toc-closed-icon() $:/core/images/right-arrow

      Custom Definitions

      The default settings can be overwritten in your code using the define-pragma or the let-widget. The $let widget can be used, if you have multiple table of contents macros in one tiddler, that need different icons.

      Define new icons using a pragma

      \define toc-open-icon() $:/core/images/fold-button
      \define toc-closed-icon() $:/core/images/folder

      Define new icons using the let-widget

      <$let toc-open-icon="$:/core/images/fold-button" toc-closed-icon="$:/core/images/folder">


      Learn more at Examples

      Table-of-Contents Macros (Examples)

      6th November 2018 at 10:14pm

      These examples derive tables of contents from the root tag Contents. See Table-of-Contents Macros for details on how to use the Table-of-Contents Macros to make your own structured table-of-contents.

      You can explore the same structure with these clickable tag pills:

      The tabbed example uses the real TableOfContents of this documentation instead.

      <div class="tc-table-of-contents">
      <<toc "Contents">>


      22nd March 2023 at 3:03pm

      Tables in WikiText

      19th August 2022 at 10:34am


      TiddlyWiki5 formats tables using vertical bar | characters. Exclamation marks ! are used to indicate header cells.

      |!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
      |Cell3 |Cell3 |

      That renders as:


      Cell Alignment

      Table cell alignment is controlled by inserting space characters before and/or after the cell content. For example:

      |Left aligned content |
      | Right aligned content|
      | Centred content |
      |+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|

      That renders as:

      Left aligned content
      Right aligned content
      Centred content
      +++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++

      Cell vertical Alignment

      Vertical alignment of cells is done by inserting either a ^ for top alignment or a , for bottom alignment as the first character of a cell. The normal horizontal alignment is still possible. For example:

      |^top left |^ top center |^ top right|
      |middle left | middle center | middle right|
      |,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right|

      The example renders as:

      top lefttop centertop right::
      middle leftmiddle centermiddle right::
      bottom leftbottom centerbottom right::

      If you need to have a ^or a , as the first character of a left aligned cell, you can use HTML escaping:


      Cell Merging

      To merge a table cell with the one above, use the special cell text ~. To merge a cell with the one to its left use the text <. To merge one to its right use >. For example:

      |Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
      |Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
      |Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
      |>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |

      That renders as:


      Table Classes, Captions, Headers and Footers

      Table CSS classes, captions, headers and footers can be specified as special pseudo-rows. The following example:

      • |myclass anotherClass|k assigns the CSS classes "myclass" and "anotherClass" to the table
      • |This is a caption |c gives the table the caption "This is a caption"
      • |Header|Header|h adds a header row of cells with the text "Header"
      • |Footer|Footer|f adds a footer row of cells with the text "Footer"

      |myclass anotherClass|k
      |This is a caption |c
      |Cell1 |Cell2 |
      |Cell3 |Cell3 |

      That renders as:

      This is a caption

      More examples can be found at: Tables in WikiText CSS Utility Classes

      Tables in WikiText CSS Utility Classes

      10th October 2022 at 7:43am

      WikiText tables can be styled by applying CSS classes. For basic information on wiktext tables and how to style them, see Tables in WikiText.

      Table CSS classes, captions, headers and footers can be specified as special pseudo-rows. The following example:

      • |myclass anotherClass|k assigns the CSS classes "myclass" and "anotherClass" to the table
      • |This is a caption |c gives the table the caption "This is a caption"
      • |Header|Header|h adds a header row of cells with the text "Header"
      • |Footer|Footer|f adds a footer row of cells with the text "Footer"

      |myclass anotherClass|k
      |This is a caption |c
      |Cell1 |Cell2 |
      |Cell3 |Cell3 |

      That renders as:

      This is a caption

      As seen above, the resulting table is left aligned and grows to fit the content. This is the browser default layout behaviour for tables. To get another behaviour, various CSS classes can be added into the "k row".

      Utility Classes

      Introduced in v5.2.4 The following outlines a few predefined CSS classes intended to make it simpler to style HTML block-elements and wikitext tables.

      General Utility Classes

      tc-centerCentres a block-element to the middle of the container
      tc-max-width Expands a block-element to use the maximum width of the container
      tc-max-width-80Sets the width of a block-element to use 80% of the maximum container width. This setting is useful with the tc-center class
      tc-edit-max-width Expands TextWidgets to use the maximum available width. See ControlPanel -> Info -> Basics
      tc-first-link-nowrapEnsures that any links in the first table column will never wrap to the next line
      tc-clearfixNew in v5.3.6 This class can be used to prevent elements, that have a class="tc-float-right" from overflowing their container elements. tc-clearfix is already assigned to all major ViewTemplate and EditTemplate elements. So it only needs to be used where the default does not work out of the box.

      Table Utility Classes

      tc-table-no-borderRemoves the borders of a table
      tc-first-col-min-widthThe first column of a table will take up minimal possible width. It adapts to the content
      tc-table-wrapperNew in v5.3.6 A class to be applied to a div element outside the table to prevent table from overflowing


      The following examples apply the style classes to tables but the "General Utility Classes" can as well be used on DIVs or other HTML block elements

      Centred Table

      To center a table horizontally, use tc-center:

      |This is a caption |c
      |Cell1 |Cell2 |
      |Cell3 |Cell4 |

      That renders as:

      This is a caption

      Centred Table, 80% Width

      To add empty left and right margins to a table that is otherwise full-tiddler-width, you can use tc-max-width-80

      |tc-center tc-max-width-80|k
      |This is a caption |c
      |Cell1 |<<.lorem>> |
      |<<.lorem>> |Cell4 |

      That renders as:

      This is a caption
      Cell1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Cell4

      Table with Maximum Width

      To expand a table to full tiddler width, use tc-max-width

      |Cell1 |Cell2 |
      |Cell3 |Cell4 |

      That renders as:


      Table with First Column Minimum Width

      The following example shows a simple "form" where the first columns width is adjusted to its content by means of tc-first-col-min-width

      |tc-max-width tc-first-col-min-width|k
      |Cell1 |<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/test-table-input" tag="input" field="test"/> |
      |Cell3 |<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/test-table-input" field="text"/>  |

      That renders as:


      Table with Maximum Width TextWidgets

      Here, the previous "form" is styled further to give the TextWidgets full width by adding the class tc-edit-max-width

      |tc-max-width tc-first-col-min-width tc-edit-max-width|k
      |Cell1 |<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/test-table-input" tag="input" field="test"/> |
      |Cell3 |<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/test-table-input" field="text"/>  |

      That renders as:


      Table with No Borders

      The following is a table with maximum width. It contains TextWidgets with maximum width. The first column is set to be minimum width. Further, all links in the first column are set to not line break (wrap) regardless of window resize.

      |tc-max-width tc-first-col-min-width tc-edit-max-width tc-table-no-border tc-first-link-nowrap|k
      | Cell1|<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/test-table-input" tag="input" field="test"/> |
      |^ [[Link to a tiddler]]<br>some more text|<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/test-table-input" field="text"/>  |

      That renders as:

      tabs Macro

      27th June 2024 at 8:17pm

      The tabs macro presents a selection of tiddlers as a set of tabs that the user can switch between.

      The tabs display the caption field of a tiddler if it has one, or the tiddler's title otherwise. If specified, the tabs display the tooltip field of a tiddler as the respective button tooltip.

      By default the tabs are arranged horizontally above the content. To get vertical tabs, set the class parameter to tc-vertical.


      A filter selecting which tiddlers to include
      The title of the tiddler whose tab is to be selected by default, if the state tiddler doesn't exist. The state tiddler takes precedence over this setting
      The prefix for the title of a state tiddler for noting the currently selected tab, defaulting to $:/state/tab. It is recommended that this be a system tiddler
      Additional CSS classes for the generated div elements. Multiple classes can be separated with spaces
      Optionally, the title of a tiddler to use as a template for transcluding the content of the selected tab
      Optionally, the title of a tiddler to use as a template for transcluding the content of the button for the selected tab
      Optionally, "yes" specifies that the content of the tabs should be retained when switching to another tab, avoiding re-rendering it (this can be useful to avoid video or audio sources unexpectedly resetting)
      Optionally, actions can be specified that are triggered when changing a tab. Within the actions, the title of the selected tab is available in the currentTab variable and the currentTiddler variable from outside the tabs macro is available in the save-currentTiddler
      Optionally, an explicit state title can be specified. It will be preferred over the internally computed (qualified) state title

      Within the template, the title of the selected tab is available in the currentTab variable.

      The currentTiddler variable is not affected by the tabs macro. This can put you in trouble if the list of tabs includes tiddlers that depend on the value of the currentTiddler, for example tiddlers listing children based on its own name. To overcome this problem you can make use of the currentTab variable, which can be used in a TemplateTiddler such as the following:

      <$tiddler tiddler=<<currentTab>>>
      <$transclude mode="block" />


      tabs Macro (Examples)

      21st February 2015 at 9:17pm

      <<tabs "SampleTabOne SampleTabTwo SampleTabThree SampleTabFour" "SampleTabOne" "$:/state/tab1">>

      <<tabs "[tag[sampletab]]" "SampleTabTwo" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical">>

      <<tabs "[tag[sampletab]nsort[order]]" "SampleTabThree" "$:/state/tab3" "tc-vertical">>

      tag Macro

      28th February 2024 at 1:13pm

      The tag macro generates a tag pill for a specified tag. Clicking the tag pill opens a dropdown. This can be compared to the tag-pill Macro which also features other parameters.

      If a list widget generates multiple tag macros for the same tag, clicking on one of them will open dropdowns on all of them. The simplest way to prevent this is to add the counter="transclusion" attribute to the list widget. See the examples below for more details.


      The title of the tag, defaulting to the current tiddler

      CSS classes

      New in vv5.3.4
      This class is defined if a tag does not exist as a tiddler.
      This class is defined if a tag does exist as a tiddler

      Defining the class

      To define the tc-tag-missing class a stylesheet tiddler needs to be created. The default font-style for missing tiddler links is italic, so it's used for the example code below. Eg:

      title: myTagsStylesheet
      tag: $:/tags/Stylesheet

      .tc-tag-missing {
      	font-style: italic;


      tag Macro (Examples)

      28th February 2024 at 1:13pm

      <<tag Concepts>>

      The Following tag can be shown with a font-style: italic if the corresponding stylesheet exists. See: tag Macro

      <<tag "Does not exist">>

      If a list widget generates multiple tag macros for the same tag, clicking any of them opens dropdowns on all of them, as in the example below. This is usually unwanted.

      <$list filter="[tag[HelloThere]]">
      * <$link/> is tagged with: <$list filter="[<currentTiddler>tags[]]"> <<tag>> </$list>

      Adding the counter="transclusion" attribute to the list widget that generates multiple identical tag macros causes each of them to be identified as a unique one. Clicking on any of them opens only a single dropdown.

      <$list filter="[tag[HelloThere]]" counter="transclusion">
      * <$link/> is tagged with: <$list filter="[<currentTiddler>tags[]]"> <<tag>> </$list>

      A slightly more performant option is to use the variable="transclusion" attribute in the list widget. In this case, the variable <<transclusion>> has to be used inside the list widget instead of the <<currentTiddler>> .

      <$list filter="[tag[HelloThere]]" variable="transclusion">
      * <$link to=<<transclusion>>/> is tagged with: <$list filter="[<transclusion>tags[]]"> <<tag>> </$list>

      tag Operator

      26th November 2016 at 12:29pm
      purposefilter the input by tag
      inputa selection of titles
      suffixS=Introduced in v5.1.14 optional strict flag
      parameterT=the title of a tag
      outputthose input tiddlers that have tag T
      ! outputthose input tiddlers that do not have tag T

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      The output is sorted using the tag's list field and the tiddlers' list-before and list-after fields.

      The behaviour when T is empty depends on the settings of the S optional suffix:

      • if T is missing and S is either missing or set to "loose", then the output of tag is empty, and the output of !tag is a copy of the input.
      • Introduced in v5.1.14 if T is missing and S is set to "strict", then the output of both tag and !tag is a copy of the input


      tag Operator (Examples)

      24th January 2015 at 12:29pm





      Tag Operators

      3rd August 2023 at 5:52am

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Tag operators are filter operators that interact with strings.

      tag-picker Macro

      8th July 2024 at 5:55pm

      The tag-picker macro generates a combination of a text box and a button that allows a tag to be selected and added.


      Action widgets to be triggered when the pill is clicked. Within the text, the variable tag contains the title of the selected tag.
      Introduced in v5.1.23 The specified field that gets updated with the selected tag. Defaults to tags.
      New in v5.3.4 Defines the target tiddler, which should be manipulated. Defaults to: currentTiddler.
      New in v5.3.4 This parameter defaults to: [tags[]] which creates a list of all existing tags. If the tag list should come from a different source the filter should look similar to eg: [<listSource>get[field-name]enlist-input[]]. See examples.
      New in v5.3.5 This parameter defaults to: [tags[]sort[]]. This change allows a custom sort order, since sort[] is not hardcoded into the tag-picker macro anymore.


      tag-picker Macro (Examples)

      8th July 2024 at 1:23pm

      The first example will add tags to the currentTiddler so you should copy / paste it to a new tiddler for testing. Otherwise you'll change "this tiddler"

      Add tags to this tiddler's ''tags'' field (selecting from a list of all tags): <<tag-picker>>

      $:/temp/test/tag-picker ''tags'': <$text text={{{ [[$:/temp/test/tag-picker]get[tags]enlist-input[]join[, ]else[n/a]] }}}/>
      Add tags to the $:/temp/test/tag-picker ''tags'' field (selecting from a list of all tags): <<tag-picker tiddler:"$:/temp/test/tag-picker">>

      Use the following example to populate the $:/temp/test/tag-picker foo-field, which are needed by some examples below

      $:/temp/test/tag-picker ''foo'': <$text text={{{ [[$:/temp/test/tag-picker]get[foo]enlist-input[]join[, ]else[n/a]] }}}/>
      Add tags to the $:/temp/test/tag-picker ''foo'' field (selecting from a list of all tags): <<tag-picker tagField:"foo"  tiddler:"$:/temp/test/tag-picker">>

      The following example expects some values in the "foo" field of the tiddler $:/temp/test/tag-picker, which can be created by the example above.

      \procedure listSource() $:/temp/test/tag-picker
      $:/temp/test/tag-picker foo: <$text text={{{ [[$:/temp/test/tag-picker]get[foo]enlist-input[]join[, ]else[n/a]] }}}/><br>
      $:/temp/test/tag-picker bar: <$text text={{{ [[$:/temp/test/tag-picker]get[bar]enlist-input[]join[, ]else[n/a]] }}}/>
      Add tags to the ''bar'' field, selecting from values in ''foo'' field of $:/temp/test/tag-picker: <<tag-picker tagField:"bar" tagListFilter:"[<listSource>get[foo]enlist-input[]]" tiddler:"$:/temp/test/tag-picker">>

      The following example expects some values in the "foo" field of the tiddler $:/temp/test/tag-picker, which can be created by the example above.
      It will also add completely new tags to the bar-field and the source tiddler‘s foo-field. New tags can be entered by typing into the tag-name input

      \procedure listSource() $:/temp/test/tag-picker
      \procedure listSourceField() foo
      \procedure addNewTagToSource()
      	<$action-listops $tiddler=<<listSource>> $field=<<listSourceField>> $subfilter='[<listSource>get<listSourceField>enlist-input[]] [<tag>trim[]]'/>
      $:/temp/test/tag-picker foo: <$text text={{{ [[$:/temp/test/tag-picker]get[foo]enlist-input[]join[, ]else[n/a]] }}}/><br>
      $:/temp/test/tag-picker ''bar'': <$text text={{{ [[$:/temp/test/tag-picker]get[bar]enlist-input[]join[, ]else[n/a]] }}}/>
      Add tags to ''bar'' field, selecting from values in ''foo'' field of $:/temp/test/tag-picker: <$macrocall $name="tag-picker" tagField="bar" tagListFilter="[<listSource>get<listSourceField>enlist-input[]]" tiddler="$:/temp/test/tag-picker" actions=<<addNewTagToSource>>/>

      tag-pill Macro

      28th November 2016 at 7:12pm

      The tag-pill macro generates a static tag pill showing a specified tag, but without the dropdown action provided by the tag Macro.


      The title of the tag
      The element name to be used for the pill (defaults to "span")
      Additional attributes for the pill element
      Action widgets to be triggered when the pill is clicked. Within the text, the macro parameter tag contains the title of the selected tag.


      tag-pill Macro (Examples)

      3rd August 2023 at 4:38am

      This example displays the Community tag as a clickable element with no dropdown:

      <<tag-pill Community>>

      This example displays the Definitions tag as an unclickable, but still-styled, big element with no dropdown:

      <<tag-pill Definitions element-tag:"big" element-attributes:"inert">>


      3rd August 2023 at 5:02am

      Tagging is a way of organising tiddlers into categories. For example, if you had tiddlers representing various individuals, you could tag them as friend, family, colleague etc to indicate these people's relationships to you.

      A tag is in fact just a tiddler (or a potential tiddler), and it can have tags of its own. You can add any number of tags to the same tiddler.

      See Creating and editing tiddlers for instructions on how to tag.

      By tagging your tiddlers, you can view, navigate and organise your information in numerous additional ways:

      • The coloured tag pills on a tiddler give you quick access to all the other tiddlers with the same tag, as well as to the tiddler that represents the tag itself.
      • If a tiddler is serving as a tag, then the Tagging tab in its InfoPanel will show you which tiddlers are currently tagged with it.
      • The More tab of the sidebar has a Tags tab that presents an overview of all your tags and lets you access all your tagged tiddlers.
      • You can use filters to create lists of tiddlers based on their tags. You can then display any combination of the fields of those tiddlers. For example, you could build a glossary by listing the title and text of all tiddlers tagged Glossary. Such lists can be formatted in any way you wish: e.g. bulleted, numbered or comma-separated.
      • There are a number of special system tags that control the layout of tiddlers and the entire TiddlyWiki page. See Page and tiddler layout customisation for instructions.

      There are two more things you can do with tags:

      Set a tag's colour and icon

      You can use the tag manager, found on the Tags tab under More in the sidebar, to change the colour of a tag's pill or add an icon to the pill.

      • To change the colour, click the button in the Colour column to select from a colour picker. Alternatively, click the icon in the Info column, then type a CSS colour value in the Colour field
      • To change the icon, click the button in the Icon column and choose from the list of available icons

      Change the order in which tags are listed

      By default, tagged tiddlers are listed in alphabetical order.

      If you want any other order, add a list field to the tag tiddler, and set its value to be a list of the tiddlers in that order.

      The list field doesn't have to mention all of the tiddlers. See the precise rules TiddlyWiki uses to order tagged tiddlers.

      tagging Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 7:16pm
      purposefind the tiddlers that have the input tags
      inputa selection of tags
      outputthe titles of any tiddlers that carry the input tags

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Each input tag is processed in turn. The list of tiddlers carrying that tag is generated, sorted, and then dominantly appended to the operator's overall output.


      tagging Operator (Examples)

      24th January 2015 at 1:36pm

      → same as [tag[task]]

      Concepts task +[tagging[]]
      → tiddlers that are tagged Concepts or task

      → tiddlers tagged with the current one


      11th February 2025 at 9:35am

      tags Operator

      3rd February 2015 at 7:16pm
      purposeselect all tags of the input tiddlers
      inputa selection of titles
      outputall the tags carried by the input tiddlers

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's tags are retrieved (in order of appearance in the tags field) and then dominantly appended to the operator's output.


      tags Operator (Examples)

      24th January 2015 at 1:42pm

      [[Filter Operators]tags[]]




      27th November 2021 at 1:59pm

      A tag tiddler is any tiddler that is in use as a tag.

      The Tagging tab on the InfoPanel of a tag tiddler shows which tiddlers are tagged with the tag tiddler.

      A tag can be used without a corresponding tag tiddler.


      tan Operator

      21st October 2021 at 10:28pm
      purposecalculate the tangent value of a list of angles (given in radians)
      inputa selection of titles
      outputthe tangent of the input angles

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      tan Operator (Examples)

      20th October 2021 at 2:22pm


      =1 =2 =3 =4 +[tan[]]


      15th November 2021 at 1:31am


      7th March 2018 at 3:35pm

      TiddlyWiki5 can be used as a simple task management system without further customisation. The idea is that tasks be tagged task, with those that are completed also tagged done. In this way it is straightforward to generate task lists.

      There is an enhanced version of this demo that adds the ability to drag and drop the tasks to re-order them.

      Outstanding tasks

      Completed tasks

      TaskManagementExample (Draggable)

      7th March 2018 at 3:35pm

      This is a version of the TaskManagementExample enhanced with the ability to drag and drop the task list to re-order them.

      Outstanding tasks

      Drag the tasks to re-order them

      Completed tasks

      (Listed in reverse order of completion)


      7th March 2018 at 3:35pm

      Technical Prose Style

      17th January 2015 at 3:25pm

      When writing an instruction tiddler, start by planning a route through the information you wish to present. This should be a simple, logical, direct progression of thoughts, with no backtracking or forward references. Use this approach even within individual sentences: always proceed from cause to effect, from the old or known to the new or unknown.

      Keep sentences short and simple. A clear technical sentence seldom contains more than one idea. It therefore avoids parenthetical information. Similarly, keep paragraph structure simple. A flat presentation is often easier to understand than a hierarchical one.

      It is often possible to simplify a sentence without changing its meaning, merely by adjusting its vocabulary or grammatical structure. "Execution of the macro is performed" just means "The macro runs". "Your expectation might be..." just means "You might expect...".

      Prefer the active voice by default: "Jane creates a tiddler" rather than "a tiddler is created by Jane". The passive voice can be useful if you want the reader to focus on the action itself or its result: "a tiddler is created". But it can often be clearer to proceed from cause to effect and say "this creates a tiddler" in the active voice.

      Documentation often presents two items that are parallel either by similarity or by difference. The reader will more easily detect such a pattern if you use the same sentence or phrase structure for both. But this must be balanced with the need to avoid monotony.

      Prefer precise instructions over woolly descriptions. If something has a name, use it. If something lacks a name, give it a tiddler.


      20th February 2015 at 4:09pm

      A template tiddler is not actually a type of tiddler, it is a role in which a tiddler can be used.

      Templates are a way to re-use chunks of WikiText.

      Transcluding through a template extends the basic functionality of Transclusion by combining two tiddlers:

      • A template tiddler that contains the WikiText to be displayed. It can contain transclusions that reference fields in the current tiddler
      • A target tiddler that identifies which tiddler is to be treated as current when resolving references to fields

      The best example of templating is the main story river in TiddlyWiki. Each tiddler in the story river is rendered through a ViewTemplate that specifies how each field is to be rendered.

      See Transclusion with Templates for details.

      Temporary Tiddlers

      2nd February 2024 at 12:02pm

      Temporary tiddlers are tiddlers that will be discarded when TiddlyWiki is saved. Under default configuration of the SavingMechanism (more specifically, the filter in $:/core/save/all), these are tiddlers prefixed with $:/temp/. This prefix makes them SystemTiddlers as well.

      One example usage of temporary tiddlers is storing the search queries. The query typed in the $:/AdvancedSearch is stored in $:/temp/advancedsearch.

      Ten reasons to switch to TiddlyWiki

      14th April 2015 at 7:16am
      1. With TiddlyWiki you can organise your notes your way, not their way. Your notes conform to your way of thinking rather than being forced into a hierarchical straightjacket of notebooks and tabs
      2. TiddlyWiki's nonlinear approach will actually make you think about your information in new and helpful ways
      3. Finding your notes in TiddlyWiki is lightning fast
      4. There are many ways to customise and adapt every aspect of TiddlyWiki
      5. TiddlyWiki is free and is compatible with all platforms. Any web browser will open it. You don't need to purchase an expensive program or pay a subscription fee to use it
      6. TiddlyWiki files promote the free sharing of information. There are many ways you can share your information from TiddlyWiki
      7. With TiddlyWiki, your information is yours, and you store it where you want to - on your device, on a USB stick, in Dropbox, on your server
      8. TiddlyWiki features an ever-growing number of plugins, themes, widgets, and languages
      9. The online TiddlyWiki community is friendly and will do their best to give you the help you need
      10. If you are a programmer, you have even more ways to play with TiddlyWiki. With TiddlyWiki, the more you know, the more fun you can have with it


      When the $filter attribute of the data widget returns the title of a missing tiddler, no tiddler should be added to the output array of tiddlers.



      Using the data widget to import a tiddler stored in a compound tiddler

              "title": "Payload Tiddler",
              "tags": "Alpha Beta Gamma",
              "text": "This is a payload tiddler from a compound tiddler",
              "custom": "Alpha"


      Importing a payload tiddler and overwriting the title

              "title": "RealTitle",
              "tags": "Definitions",
              "text": "This is the tiddler HelloThere"


      Using the data widget to create copies of all the tiddlers with the title prefix "Day: T", adding the field "custom" set to "Beta"

              "title": "Day: Thursday",
              "text": "Today is Thursday",
              "custom": "Beta"
              "title": "Day: Tuesday",
              "text": "Today is Tuesday",
              "custom": "Beta"


      Using the data widget to create a tiddler that is a copy of the tiddler "Hello" with the addition of the field "custom" set to "Alpha"

              "title": "Hello",
              "modifier": "JoeBloggs",
              "text": "This is the Hello tiddler",
              "custom": "Alpha"


      Verifying that the JSON output of the data widget is correctly refreshed when the data changes

              "title": "Epsilon",
              "text": "Theta"


      Using the data widget to create a tiddler with the title "Epsilon" and the text "Theta"

              "title": "Epsilon",
              "text": "Theta"


      13th July 2024 at 4:48pm

      Unlike the table wiki syntax, the less convenient <table>, <tr>, <td> html tags can use a blank line to get block mode punctuation regognised inside of table cells.


      • list item one
      • list item two


      22nd June 2024 at 2:42pm

      A blank line after an open html tag allows block mode punctuation to be recognised

      • blank line after open tag allows
      • block mode punctuation (i.e. this list) to
      • be recognised


      22nd June 2024 at 2:51pm

      A blank line after an open html tag allows block mode punctuation to be recognised even when the html is embedded within inline punctuation (bold here).


      • list item one
      • list item two


      22nd June 2024 at 2:50pm

      A blank line after an open html tag cannot work when used inside table syntax since each row of a table must be all on one line


      |For a blank line after open tag|

      • list is recognised
      • but the surrounding table row is not


      22nd June 2024 at 2:51pm

      Block mode punctuation is not recognised when HTML open tag is not followed by a blank line


      * Open tag without a blank line means * block mode punctuation (i.e. this list) will * NOT be recognised. Paragraphs are only recognised in block mode. Even with blank lines, new paragraphs are not recognised. This also is not a new paragraph.


      21st July 2024 at 5:22pm

      Two distinct buttons toggle the state of the tiddler value. Two reveal widgets. The first displays the button to show the content. The second displays both the content and the button to hide the content.



      21st July 2024 at 5:22pm

      When the button is clicked, the tiddler specified by the popup attribute is filled with the click coordinates. The reveal widget uses these coordinates to position the popup content.



      21st July 2024 at 5:22pm

      Two distinct buttons toggle the state of the tiddler value. The reveal widget displays its content for one of the two states.



      21st July 2024 at 5:48pm

      The state attribute of the reveal widget can use the text reference syntax to refer to a specific field. In this example if the field jeremy contains the text tiddlywiki, then the reveal widget's content will be displayed.




      currentTiddler variable in Output tiddler should be "Output"




      This test case intentionally fails (in order to show how failures are displayed). The expected result is set to <p>The sum is not 8.</p>, but the result computes to <p>The sum is 4.</p>

      2 differences
      <p>The sum is not 84.</p>

      The sum is 4.


      This testcase will display without the pass/fail icons because it does not include an ExpectedResults tiddler, and so will only be rendered, and not be executed as a test


      This is the output


      This test case shows an elaborate way to calculate 2+2 involving multiple tiddlers


      The sum is 4


      This test case demonstrates transclusion of and links to other tiddlers.


      Good morning, my name is Robert Rabbit and I live in 14 Carrot Street, Vegetabletown


      You can use $wikify to copy your wikitext as a formated HTML.

      <h2 class="">A nice list</h2><ul><li>Item 1</li><li>Item 2</li><li>Item 3</li></ul>


      The core svg icons use a parameter widget, making their use in stylesheets impossible without wikify.



      If you try to directly use a widget as a value, you will instead get the raw wikitext of the widget and not the rendered value.

      1 differences
      <p><span style="color:white<$transclude $variable="contrastcolour" target={{target}} fallbackTarget=<<fallbackTarget>> colourA={{colourA}} colourB={{colourB}} />;background:purple;">↩︎
          white text on purple is a good contrast↩︎

      > colourA={{colourA}} colourB={{colourB}} />;background:purple;"> white text on purple is a good contrast


      If you use $wikify, you can get the rendered output and use it as a value.


      white text on purple is a good contrast


      If a tiddler transclude some content, or use widgets to generate content, filters that try to calculate the word count won’t be accurate: they will instead count the raw text words.

      2 differences
      <p>Word count = 35</p>

      Word count = 5


      If you use wikify, you can calculate an accurate word count.


      Word count = 3


      8th August 2024 at 2:08am

      Test case tiddlers encapsulate one or more tiddlers that can be displayed as a $testcase: an independent embedded wiki that can be used for testing or learning purposes.

      Test case tiddlers are formatted as CompoundTiddlers, allowing them to contain multiple tiddlers packed into one.

      Test case tiddlers have the following fields:

      typeNeeds to be set to text/vnd.tiddlywiki-multiple
      tagsTest cases are tagged $:/tags/wiki-test-spec. Test cases that intentionally fail are tagged $:/tags/wiki-test-spec-failing
      descriptionDescriptive heading for the test, intended to make it easy to identify the test
      display-formatOptional, defaults to wikitext. Set to plaintext to cause the output to be rendered as plain text
      importNew in v5.3.6 A filter string that defines a list of tiddlers to import
      import-compoundNew in v5.3.6 A filter string that defines a list of compound tiddlers to import. See: $data widget

      Test case tiddlers with the appropriate tag are shown in the $:/ControlPanel -> Advanced -> Test Cases

      Some payload tiddlers are set aside for special purposes:

      NarrativeNarrative description of the test, intended to explain the purpose and operation of the test
      OutputThe tiddler that produces the test output
      ExpectedResultHTML of expected result of rendering the Output tiddler
      DescriptionSet to the text of the description field, if the field exists

      Also see: TestCaseWidget, DataWidget


      7th May 2024 at 10:19pm


      The $testcase widget is designed to present interactive example test cases that are useful for learning and testing. It functions by creating an independent subwiki loaded with the specified payload tiddlers and then rendering a specified template from within the subwiki. The $testcase widget can optionally also be used to run and verify test results within the subwiki.

      This makes it possible to run independent tests that also serve as documentation examples.

      The $testcase widget can be used directly as documented below, but it is generally easier to create TestCaseTiddlers. These are special CompoundTiddlers that can contain multiple payload tiddlers making up a test case.


      Here is an example of a test case showing the default split view with the source tiddlers on the left and the tiddler titled Output rendered on the right.

      This test case demonstrates transclusion of and links to other tiddlers.


      Good morning, my name is Robert Rabbit and I live in 14 Carrot Street, Vegetabletown

      Notice also that clicking on links within the output pane will switch to the tab containing that tiddler.

      The text of the payload tiddlers listed on the left are editable, with the results being immediately reflected in the preview pane on the right. However, if the $testcase widget is refreshed then the modifications are lost.

      There is a dropdown menu at the top right of the menu that has two options:

      • Export the payload tiddlers to a file in the usual export formats
      • Import the payload tiddlers into the host wiki. This option loads the payload tiddlers into the $:/Import tiddler so that they can be renamed and/or individually selected

      The green tick at the top left of a test case indicates that a test has been set up and that it passes.

      If the test fails, a red cross is shown, and there is a display of the differences between the actual results and the expected results:

      This test case intentionally fails (in order to show how failures are displayed). The expected result is set to <p>The sum is not 8.</p>, but the result computes to <p>The sum is 4.</p>

      2 differences
      <p>The sum is not 84.</p>

      The sum is 4.


      The $testcase widget creates a lightweight TiddlyWiki environment that is a parasite of the main wiki. Because it is not a full, independent TiddlyWiki environment, there are some important limitations:

      • Output is rendered into a DIV, and so cannot be styled independently of the host wiki
      • Any changes to the wiki made interactively by the user are volatile, and are lost when the $testcase widget is refreshed
      • Startup actions are not supported
      • Only plugins available in the host wiki can be included in the test case

      If these limitations are a problem, the Innerwiki Plugin offers the ability to embed a fully independent subwiki via an <iframe> element, but without the testing related features of the $testcase widget.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the <$testcase> widget is not displayed but instead is scanned for $data widgets that define the payload tiddlers to be included in the test case.

      templateOptional title of the template used to display the test case (defaults to $:/core/ui/testcases/DefaultTemplate). Note that custom templates will need to be explicitly added to the payload
      testOutputOptional title of the tiddler whose output should be subject to testing (note that both testOutput and testExpectedResult must be provided in order for testing to occur)
      testExpectedResultOptional title of the tiddler whose content is the expected result of rendering the output tiddler (note that both testOutput and testExpectedResult must be provided in order for testing to occur)
      testActionsOptional title of the tiddler containing actions that should be executed before the test occurs
      testHideIfPassIf set to "yes", hides the $testcase widget if the test passes

      Payload Tiddlers

      The payload tiddlers are the tiddler values that are loaded into the subwiki that is created to run the tests. They are created via $data widgets within the body of the <$testcase> widget. The $:/core plugin is automatically included in the payload.

      Testcase Templates

      The template attribute defaults to $:/core/ui/testcases/DefaultTemplate

      The default test case template assigns special meanings to a number of payload tiddlers:

      DescriptionDescriptive heading for the test, intended to make it easy to identify the test
      NarrativeNarrative description of the test, intended to explain the purpose and operation of the test
      OutputThe tiddler that produces the test output
      ExpectedResultHTML of expected result of rendering the Output tiddler

      The test case wiki will inherit variables that are visible to the $testcase widget itself. The default template uses several variables that can be set by the user:

      linkTargetCauses the test case description to be rendered as a link to the current tiddler
      displayFormatDefaults to "wikitext", can also be "plaintext" to force plain text display
      testcaseTiddlerTitle of the tiddler to be used as a link target for the testcase description

      A custom template can be specified for special purposes. For example, the provided template $:/core/ui/testcases/RawJSONTemplate just displays the payload tiddlers in JSON, which can be used for debugging purposes.

      Test Case Template Variables

      The $testcase widget makes the following variables available within the rendered template:

      transclusionA hash that reflects the names and values of all the payload tiddlers. This makes it easier for test case templates to create unique state tiddler titles using the qualify Macro or QualifyWidget
      payloadTiddlersJSON array of payload tiddler fields
      outputHTMLThe actual output HTML if running tests
      expectedHTMLThe expected output HTML if running tests
      testResultThe tests result if running tests (may be "pass" or "fail")


      Here is an example of setting up a test case that includes expected test results:

      Example of a test case with expected results


      How to calculate 2 plus 2

      2 differences


      Testimonials - Joe Armstrong

      The TiddlyWiki is the best software I've ever found for organising my ideas.

      It's well worth spending an hour or so playing with it to see how it can help you. This will be time well-spent and will change how you think and how you organise your ideas.

      Testimonials - Network World

      TiddlyWiki gets a Gearhead rating of 6 out of 5 (it's that good).

      Finding code that works flawlessly after just two or three years is magical enough but after seven years?!

      Testimonials - Product Hunt

      TiddlyWiki was featured on Product Hunt on April 17th 2020, rising to become the #2 product of the day.

      Testimonials and Reviews

      15th November 2024 at 5:08pm

      Text preview

      29th October 2021 at 9:01am

      Pressing the eye icon will open or close a preview window showing the results of rendering the WikiText (the icon-eye will also open or close).

      Right to the eye there is another icon, , which when clicked, shows you a dropdown which gives you access to six different types of preview:

      • output shows you the text as you see it when you do not edit the tiddler.
      • html shows you the source code of that output. Your web browser uses this source code to display webpages.
      • parsetree and widgettree show you the two object trees that TiddlyWiki internally generates from WikiText. The parsetree collects basic information about your WikiText. From the informations of the parsetree the widgettree then generates extended informations and finally the above html (and the widgettree also does other things).
      • differences from current shows you the differences since the tiddler was last saved. Deleted parts are red, added parts are green.
      • differences from shadow (if any) does the same, but this time it shows you the differences to the underlying shadow-tiddler.

      By default, the preview pane button controls whether the preview pane is displayed for all tiddlers that are open for editing. There is a hidden setting to make the button work on a per-tiddler basis

      The variable tv-tiddler-preview can be used to detect whether content is being displayed in the preview pane.

      Text-Slicer Edition

      2nd June 2016 at 5:15am

      The Text-Slicer edition of TiddlyWiki contains tools to help advanced users slice long texts up into individual tiddlers.


      21st March 2023 at 1:04pm

      A TextReference is a general purpose way to describe a fragment of text as either a field of a tiddler, or an index within a data tiddler.

      In different situations, text references can be used to retrieve values, or to specify a value that should be modified.

      A TextReference consists of several parts:

      • The title of the target tiddler. If omitted, it defaults to the Current Tiddler
      • Either one of:
        • The name of a field (marked with !!)
        • The name of an index within a data tiddler (marked with ##)
      • If both the field and index are omitted, the text field is used as the default

      Most of the parts of a text reference can be optional:

      • tiddlerTitle - the title field of the specified tiddler
      • tiddlerTitle!!field - a tiddler field (eg, modified, modifier, type etc)
      • !!field - a field of the current tiddler
      • tiddlerTitle##propertyIndex - extracts a named property from DataTiddlers

      Text references can be used in several places:

      Note the distinction between a text reference such as foo!!bar and a transclusion of a text reference such as {{foo!!bar}}


      15th January 2019 at 12:00am


      The text widget displays plain text without parsing it as WikiText, opposite of WikifyWidget.

      Content and Attributes

      The content of the <$text> widget is not used.

      textThe text to display


      <$vars string="//italic//">
      * <<string>>
      * <$text text=<<string>>/>

      That renders as:

      • italic
      • //italic//

      The text-test field of this tiddler has a field value: <$text text={{!!text-test}}/>
      It displays in its normal WikiText format as: {{!!text-test}}

      That renders as:

      The text-test field of this tiddler has a field value: e=mc^^2^^

      It displays in its normal WikiText format as: e=mc2

      The Extended Listops Filters

      1st March 2023 at 5:28pm

      The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki

      19th September 2014 at 3:44pm

      Horror Stories

      Every so often, TiddlyWiki users report heart-rending tales of personal data loss on the discussion groups:

      My entire TiddlyWiki has just been wiped out when Firefox crashed during saving a tiddly.

      Last time I used it was last night at home on my Windows 7 desktop, hit the check mark to stop editing my last entry, it then saves via TiddlyFox and I eject my USB drive. I came to work this morning, plugged in my USB, enter my TW5 password and it doesn't want to open after several attempts. I browse to my TW5 html file and notice that my file size is no longer 3MB.. instead it is 80KB. This leads me to believe I lost everything.

      Don't let it happen to you!

      The first rule of using TiddlyWiki is:

      Backup your data!

      TiddlyWiki is a very flexible, customisable system that puts you firmly in charge of your own data. Every care is taken in TiddlyWiki's development to ensure that it is a safe place to preserve your most valuable data but the ultimate responsibility to reduce the risk of data loss falls to users.

      The best way to make sure that your data is safe is to practise a rigorous system of backups:

      • Consider using services like Dropbox to continuously back up your personal data to the cloud. (Dropbox has a neat feature whereby they keep track of previous versions of files)
      • Retain backups before upgrading to a new version of TiddlyWiki
      • Figure out and protect yourself from the worst case scenarios: what if your USB stick or hard drive fails? What if your computer is hit by a ransomeware virus?
      • Be defensive and redundant: for example, take multiple backups and keep them in separate physical locations

      Then Filter Run Prefix

      10th July 2023 at 7:42am
      purposereplace any input to this filter run with its output, only evaluating the run when there is any input
      inputall tiddler titles
      outputthe output of this filter run replaces the output of previous runs unless it is an empty list (see below)
      New in v5.3.0

      The :then filter run prefix is used to replace the result of all previous filter runs with its output.

      If the result of all previous runs is an empty list, the :then prefixed filter run is not evaluated.

      If the output of a :then prefixed filter run is itself an empty list, the result of all previous filter runs is passed through unaltered.

      Note that a list with a single empty string item is not an empty list.

      :then run prefix versus the then operator

      The major difference between the then operator and a :then prefixed filter run is that the operator will replace each item of the input Title List with its parameter while :then will replace the whole input list with the result of its run.

      :then Filter Run Prefixthen Operator
      [tag[WikiText]] :then[[true]]

      To make them equivalent, additional filter steps may be added:


      Then Filter Run Prefix (Examples)

      Also see: Else Filter Run Prefix | then Operator and else Operator

      Then Filter Run Prefix (Examples)

      17th June 2023 at 6:37pm

      Conditional Execution

      The :then filter run prefix can be used to avoid the need for nested ListWidgets or Macro Definitions in WikiText.

      <$edit-text field="search" placeholder="Search title"/>
      <$let searchTerm={{!!search}}>
      <$list filter="[<searchTerm>minlength[3]] :then[!is[system]search:title<searchTerm>]" template="$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate"/>

      That renders as:

      Conditional (Sub)Filters

      The :then filter run prefix can be combined with the :else prefix to create conditional filters. In this example, the fields used in searchSubfilter for searching depend on the value of $:/temp/searchFields and the sort order used by sortSubfilter depends on the value of $:/temp/searchSort. Checkboxes are used to set the values of these tiddlers.

      Note that each filter run of the subfilter receives the input of the subfilter operator as input

      Since the then and else operators cannot call subfilters or perform additional filter steps, they cannot be used for such applications.

      <$checkbox tiddler="$:/temp/searchSort"
            checked="chrono" unchecked="alpha" default="alpha">
        Sort chronologically (newest first)
      <$checkbox tiddler="$:/temp/searchFields"
            checked="title" unchecked="default" default="title">
        Search <<.field title>> only
      <$let searchSubfilter="[{$:/temp/searchFields}match[default]] :then[search[prefix]] :else[search:title[prefix]]"
            sortSubfilter="[{$:/temp/searchSort}match[chrono]] :then[!nsort[modified]] :else[sort[title]]"
            limit=10 >
        <$list filter="[all[tiddlers]!is[system]subfilter<searchSubfilter>subfilter<sortSubfilter>first<limit>]">
          <$link/> (<$text text={{{ [{!!modified}format:date[YYYY-0MM-0DD]] }}} />)<br/>
        <$list filter="[all[tiddlers]!is[system]subfilter<searchSubfilter>rest<limit>count[]]">
          ... and <<currentTiddler>> more.

      That renders as:

      addprefix Operator (2015-02-03)
      addprefix Operator (Examples) (2015-01-18)
      All Filter Run Prefix (2023-07-11)
      And Filter Run Prefix (2023-07-11)
      Cascade Filter Run Prefix (2023-07-10)
      Cascade Filter Run Prefix (Examples) (2023-03-05)
      Else Filter Run Prefix (2023-03-22)
      Except Filter Run Prefix (2023-03-22)
      Filter Filter Run Prefix (2023-07-10)
      Filter Filter Run Prefix (Examples) (2023-03-05)
      ... and 22 more.

      then Operator

      1st May 2023 at 5:43pm
      purposereplace input titles by a constant string
      inputa selection of titles
      parameterT=a string
      outputthe input titles with each one replaced by the string T

      Learn more about how to use Filters

      Introduced in v5.1.20 See Conditional Operators for an overview.

      The Then Filter Run Prefix has a similar purpose to the then operator. See its documentation for a comparison of usage.


      Also see: else Operator | Then Filter Run Prefix and Else Filter Run Prefix

      then Operator (Examples)

      2nd August 2019 at 11:35am




      14th November 2021 at 1:36am

      This is an example tiddler. SeeTable-of-Contents Macros (Examples).

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


      14th November 2021 at 1:36am

      This is an example tiddler. SeeTable-of-Contents Macros (Examples).

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


      14th November 2021 at 1:36am

      This is an example tiddler. SeeTable-of-Contents Macros (Examples).

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


      14th November 2021 at 1:36am

      This is an example tiddler. SeeTable-of-Contents Macros (Examples).

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

      thisTiddler Variable

      5th May 2023 at 8:01pm

      New in v5.3.0 The thisTiddler variable is set by the $transclude widget to contain the title of the tiddler that was transcluded. This means that within transclusions thisTiddler will contain the title of the transcluded tiddler. It is not affected by macros, which means that within a macro thisTiddler will contain the title of the tiddler from which the macro was invoked. Intermediate, nested macro calls are ignored.

      There are two key usages for thisTiddler:

      • Within a transcluded template, thisTiddler points to the template itself, making it possible for the template to access data stored in other fields of the template
      • Within a macro, thisTiddler points to the template that invoked the macro. If the macro was invoked by another macro, the template that invoked that macro is returned, and so on

      Compare storyTiddler and currentTiddler.


      thisTiddler Variable (Examples)

      4th March 2023 at 12:41pm

      The first example shows how thisTiddler works whithin transcluded template. Here the SampleTemplate is a template for demonstration.


      The second example shows thisTiddler in the body of tiddler and inside a macro.

      <$text text=<<thisTiddler>>/>

      \define example() <$text text=<<thisTiddler>>/>

      thumbnail Macro

      3rd August 2023 at 3:34am

      The thumbnail macro is used to create linkable thumbnail panels. An alternative thumbnail-right macro uses the same parameters, but floats to the right of its container.


      The tiddler to link to
      An icon to place in the center of the thumbnail. Must be enclosed in curly brackets
      A color for the icon
      A background color if there is no image. Does not show if the image has transparency
      A background image for the thumbnail
      A caption for the element
      A width in px for the thumbnail, defaulting to 280
      A height in px for the thumbnail, defaulting to 157


      thumbnail Macro (Examples)

      25th March 2015 at 5:21pm


      Here is an example of the thumbnail-right macro used to create a video thumbnail that floats to the right of the text

      <<thumbnail-right link:"Introduction Video" image:"Introduction Video Thumbnail.jpg" caption:"Introduction to ~TiddlyWiki" icon:"{{$:/core/images/video}}" color:"red">>
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


      16th November 2021 at 10:11pm

      This example tiddler is used to illustrate some of the Filter Operators.

      before and after

      These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

      [list[Days of the Week]before{!!title}]

      [list[Days of the Week]after{!!title}]

      Tiddler Colour Cascade

      21st November 2024 at 4:40pm

      The tiddler colour cascade is a cascade used to choose which colour should be used for a particular tiddler tag and icon.

      Core tiddler colour cascades can be found in $:/core/macros/tag, $:/core/ui/Components/tag-link, $:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags, $:/core/ui/TagPickerTagTemplate, $:/core/ui/TagTemplate and $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/title

      The default tiddler tag colour cascade consists of:

      1. If the tiddler has a color field, use the value as the colour for the tag-pill and the tiddler-icon
      2. If the tiddler $:/config/DefaultTiddlerColour exists, use the value as the colour

      You can see the current settings for the tiddler colour cascade in $:/ControlPanel under the Info -> Advanced -> Cascades -> Tiddler Colour tab.

        Tiddler Commander by Mohammad

        16th November 2020 at 8:46pm

        Tiddler Commander plugin, in short Commander is a unique tool for batch operations on tiddlers.

        Commander has many features including:

        • Bulk tiddler creation/deletion
        • Selective operation
        • Combo search to filter and select tiddlers
        • Title operation: add, remove prefixes and suffixes, also remove cahras form begining and end of title (on renaming tiddlers, relink can be used to update title in other tiddlers)
        • Tag operation: add, remove, replace
        • Field operation: add, remove, rename, and set field value
        • SnR, search and replace in all fields including text, tags, title, and common fields
        • Inspect, to review and inspect tiddlers in one place, scroll among them and edit all fields (including common fields), tags, text (title is an exception!)
        • Log, create logs of all operations
        • Search, save and load any combination of filter search

        Tiddler Fishes.svg

        Tiddler Icon Cascade

        6th December 2021 at 4:00pm

        The tiddler icon cascade is a cascade used to choose which icon should be used for a particular tiddler.

        The core tiddler icon cascade can be found in $:/core/ui/TiddlerIcon

        The default tiddler icon cascade consists of:

        1. If the tiddler has an icon field, use the value as the title of the icon tiddler
        2. If the tiddler $:/config/DefaultTiddlerIcon exists, use the value as the title of the icon tiddler

        You can see the current settings for the tiddler icon cascade in $:/ControlPanel under the Info -> Advanced -> Cascades -> Tiddler Icon tab.

        Tiddler Poster.png

        Tiddler Structure

        7th February 2021 at 12:47pm

        In accordance with the Philosophy of Tiddlers, documentation tiddlers are typically short and interlinked.

        When a tiddler seems as if it needs to contain subheadings, this is often a sign that it should in fact be split into several tiddlers. But it is reasonable for a reference tiddler to consist of an untitled introductory section followed by a titled section of details.

        Consistency of terminology is essential if the reader is not to become confused. Consistent typography and punctuation lend a professional quality to the documentation. Macros can improve the consistency and maintainability of the text.

        Use numbered lists for step-by-step instructions, and bullet points for lists whose order is arbitrary. Use a definition list in preference to a bulleted list if each bulleted item would begin with a term and a colon. If at all possible, avoid burdening the reader with a nested list.

        Use a table when information naturally falls into three or more columns, and also for lists of parameters, attributes, etc in reference tiddlers.

        Avoid periods at the end of list items, headings and table cell text.

        The documentation describes the current reality of TiddlyWiki. Avoid discussing future aspirations.

        Tiddler Title Policy

        18th January 2015 at 6:36pm

        Many documentation tiddlers, especially the reference ones, are concerned with a single concept. Their titles should be succinct noun phrases like List Widget or Tiddler Fields.

        Each of the main words of such a title begins with a capital letter. Minor words such as "and", "or", "the", "to" and "with" do not.

        Tags also follow this pattern.

        Titles of this kind are plural if they denote a category of items, e.g. Keyboard Shortcuts or Tiddler Fields. Such titles are used to tag more specific tiddlers within the category.

        Where a concept is an item rather than a category, its tiddler has a singular title, e.g. List Widget, tag Operator.

        Start a title with its most distinctive part. For instance, the tiddlers documenting the filter operators have titles like addprefix Operator. This helps the reader scan a list of links to find a particular tiddler.

        Avoid starting a title with the word "the".

        In the past, many tiddlers had CamelCase titles. This is gradually being phased out of the documentation to improve readability. CamelCase titles should no longer be used, even for tags, except in cases like JavaScript where that is the standard spelling.

        Instruction tiddlers often have longer titles that can be more complicated than just a noun phrase, e.g. Ten reasons to switch to TiddlyWiki. These titles use sentence case, i.e. only the first word (and any proper names) starts with a capital letter.

        How-to tiddlers have titles that begin with "How to", e.g. How to edit a tiddler. Avoid titles like Editing tiddlers, because a less fluent English speaker could misunderstand that as the name of a category of tiddlers.


        20th May 2024 at 4:29pm

        TiddlerFields are name:value pairs that make up a tiddler. Field names may contain any combination of characters (prior to v5.2.0, fields were constrained to be lowercase letters, digits or the characters - (dash), _ (underscore) and . (period)).

        The standard fields are:

        Field NameDescription
        titleThe unique name of a tiddler
        textThe body text of a tiddler
        modifiedThe date and time at which a tiddler was last modified
        modifierThe tiddler title associated with the person who last modified a tiddler
        createdThe date a tiddler was created
        creatorThe name of the person who created a tiddler
        tagsA list of tags associated with a tiddler
        typeThe content type of a tiddler
        listAn ordered list of tiddler titles associated with a tiddler – see ListField
        captionThe text to be displayed on a tab or button

        Other fields used by the core are:

        Field NameDescription
        classIntroduced in v5.1.16 The CSS class applied to a tiddler when rendering it - see Custom styles by user-class. Also used for Modals
        code-bodyIntroduced in v5.2.1 The view template will display the tiddler as code if set to yes
        colorThe CSS color value associated with a tiddler
        descriptionThe descriptive text for a plugin, or a modal dialogue
        draft.ofFor draft tiddlers, contains the title of the tiddler of which this is a draft
        draft.titleFor draft tiddlers, contains the proposed new title of the tiddler
        footerThe footer text for a modal
        hide-bodyThe view template will hide bodies of tiddlers if set to yes
        iconThe title of the tiddler containing the icon associated with a tiddler
        libraryIndicates that a tiddler should be saved as a JavaScript library if set to yes
        list-afterIf set, the title of the tiddler after which this tiddler should be added to the ordered list of tiddler titles, or at the end of the list if this field is present but empty
        list-beforeIf set, the title of a tiddler before which this tiddler should be added to the ordered list of tiddler titles, or at the start of the list if this field is present but empty
        nameThe human readable name associated with a plugin tiddler
        plugin-priorityA numerical value indicating the priority of a plugin tiddler
        plugin-typeThe type of plugin in a plugin tiddler
        stabilityThe development status of a plugin: deprecated, experimental, stable, or legacy
        sourceThe source URL associated with a tiddler
        subtitleThe subtitle text for a modal
        throttle.refreshIf present, throttles refreshes of this tiddler
        toc-linkSuppresses the tiddler's link in a Table of Contents tree if set to no
        _canonical_uriThe full URI of an external image, audio, or html file

        The TiddlyWebAdaptor uses a few more fields:

        Field NameDescription
        bagThe name of the bag from which a tiddler came
        revisionThe revision of the tiddler held at the server
        _is_skinnyIf present, indicates that the tiddler text field must be loaded from the server

        Details of the fields used in this TiddlyWiki are shown in the control panel under the Info tab >> Advanced sub-tab >> Tiddler Fields


        14th July 2021 at 1:07pm

        Tiddlers can be stored in text files in several different formats. Files containing single tiddlers can also have an auxiliary .meta file formatted as a sequence of name:value pairs:

        title: TheTitle
        modifier: someone

        TiddlyWeb-style .tid files

        These files consist of a sequence of lines containing name:value pairs, a blank line and then the text of the tiddler. For example:

        title: MyTiddler
        modifier: Jeremy
        This is the text of my tiddler.

        Note that many text editors require that files include a terminating newline. If you want to avoid including the terminating newline in the text of the tiddler you can use this alternative syntax:

        title: MyTiddler
        modifier: Jeremy
        text: This is the text of my tiddler.

        The ContentType application/x-tiddler is used internally for these files

        TiddlyWiki <DIV> .tiddler files

        In TiddlyWiki 5, *.tiddler files look like this:

        <div title="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="blaine" created="201102111106" modified="201102111310" tags="examples" creator="psd">
        <pre>Note that there is an embedded <pre> tag, and line feeds are not escaped.
        And, weirdly, there is no HTML encoding of the body.</pre>

        These *.tiddler files are not exactly the same as the tiddlers inside a TiddlyWiki HTML file where they are HTML encoded.

        Older *.tiddler files more closely matched the store format used by TiddlyWiki at the time:

        <div tiddler="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="JeremyRuston" modified="200508181432" created="200508181432" tags="examples">This is an old-school .tiddler file, without an embedded &lt;pre&gt; tag.\nNote how the body is &quot;HTML encoded&quot; and new lines are escaped to \\n</div>

        The ContentType application/x-tiddler-html-div is used internally for these files

        TiddlyWeb-style JSON files

        These files are a straightforward array of hashmaps of name:value properties. All field values must be specified as strings.

        For example:

        		"title": "First Tiddler",
        		"text": "Text of first tiddler",
        		"tags": "one two [[t h r e e]]"
        		"title": "Second Tiddler",
        		"text": "Text of second tiddler",
        		"modified": "20150216171751154"

        The ContentType application/json is used internally for these files.

        Note that JSON files that do not conform to the tiddler structure will instead be imported as a single tiddler containing the JSON data.

        New JSON-based format for TiddlyWiki HTML files

        The new format for TiddlyWiki HTML files embeds the tiddlers in JSON format within a script tag:

        <script class="tiddlywiki-tiddler-store" type="application/json">[
        {"title": "A","text": "One"},
        {"title": "B","text": "Two"}

        Old DIV-based format for TiddlyWiki HTML files

        TiddlyWiki Classic and TiddlyWiki 5 prior to version v5.2.0 stored tiddlers encoded in <DIV> format.

        For TiddlyWiki to import an unencrypted DIV-based HTML file, it requires a <div id="storeArea"> containing tiddler DIVs as explained above. For example:

        <div id="storeArea">
        <div created="20130302085406905" modified="20130302084548184" tags="Examples" title="A tiddler title">
        <pre>HTML encoded text of tiddler
        <div created="20140315085406905" modified="20140321084548184" tags="One Two [[Three with Space]]" title="Another title" customfield="field value">
        <pre>Text of this tiddler


        31st December 2014 at 9:33am

        Links are regions of a tiddler that can be clicked to cause navigation to a different tiddler. The navigation behaviour is determined by the current StoryView; the classic TiddlyWiki view displays the story as a linear sequence of tiddlers.

        Holding the control or command key while clicking on a tiddler link opens the target tiddler but doesn't navigate to it. This can be a useful way of queueing up tiddlers to be read later.

        Links are useful for modelling organic relationships between tiddlers, and particularly for expressing the navigational paths between tiddlers.

        The InfoPanel lists incoming links to a tiddler in the tab References.

        Filters can include the following filter operators that work with links:

        • [links[]] - returns the titles of the tiddlers that are linked from the currently selected tiddler(s)
        • [backlinks[]] - returns the titles of the tiddlers that link to the currently selected tiddler(s)

        TiddlyWiki5 alters the appearance of tiddler links to convey additional information about the target of the link:

        Link descriptionLink appearance
        To a tiddler that existsLikeThis
        To a tiddler that doesn't existLikeThis
        To a shadow tiddler that has not been overriddenLikeThis
        To a shadow tiddler that has been overridden by an ordinary tiddlerLikeThis

        External links are shown like this: or like this.


        21st November 2014 at 11:17am


        1st September 2017 at 10:12am


        The TiddlerWidget is used to set a value for the current tiddler variable, valid within the scope of the TiddlerWidget.

        Content and Attributes

        tiddlerThe title of the tiddler to become the new current tiddler

        CSS Class Variables

        The tiddler widget assigns several useful CSS classes to variables that it creates:

        tc-tiddler-exists or...
        tc-tiddler-missing depending on whether the tiddler exists
        tc-tiddler-shadow if the tiddler is a shadow tiddler
        tc-tiddler-system if the tiddler is a system tiddler
        a space separated list of CSS classes named tc-tagged-{tagname},
        e.g. tc-tagged-introduction

        Note: tag names are URI encoded which means that the tag $:/tags/Macro appears as the CSS class tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Ftags%2FMacro. See How to apply custom styles by tag for more details

        You can use these variables like this:

        <$tiddler tiddler="MyOtherTiddler">
        <div class=<<missingTiddlerClass>>>

        See also $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate.

        TiddlyBucket - Save to AWS or Google Storage

        26th November 2022 at 7:28pm

        TiddlyBucket - Save to AWS or Google Storage using Go

        This tool replicates the TiddlyWeb backend API and can read and write the tiddler files to a local directory like the canonical TiddlyWiki5 app. But, in addition, it can do the same with a given a Google Cloud Storage bucket or AWS S3 bucket. Written in the Go programming language

        TiddlyChrome by Arlen Beiler

        6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

        TiddlyClip by buggyjay

        11th March 2022 at 6:44pm

        BuggyJay's TiddlyClip browser extension for Firefox permits clipping of text and graphics from web pages:

        TiddlyClip allows parts of webpages to be clipped into a TiddlyWiki, and consists of two parts, the browser addon and the TiddlyWiki plugin. The addon is completely memoryless, any configuration is determined by the current TiddlyWiki that the user has select to work with (we say that the addon is docked to the TiddlyWiki). TiddlyClip is designed to work (in a basic mode) without configuration. Once the addon and plugin are installed, all the user has to do is select which TW to dock to.


        18th November 2017 at 7:53pm

        TiddlyDesktop is an app for working with TiddlyWiki files (both TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5). It can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X or Linux. It is compatible with TiddlyWiki version 5 and the older TiddlyWikiClassic.

        See the Introducing TiddlyDesktop Video

        1. Install the latest release of TiddlyDesktop from
        2. Run TiddlyDesktop
        3. Use the browse button to open TiddlyWiki files
        4. Save changes within TiddlyWiki in the usual way

        This brief introduction shows how to install and use TiddlyDesktop:


        TiddlyDesktop is based on the OpenSource project NW.js. The source is on GitHub:

        See TiddlyDesktop Releases and How to Customize TiddlyDesktop

        TiddlyDesktop Releases

        24th September 2018 at 8:24am

        TiddlyDrive Add-on for Google Drive by Joshua Stubbs

        6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

        An add-on for Google Drive that allows TiddlyWiki files stored there to be opened and saved directly

        To find more information, go to the github page of this project:

        I made an app that lets one edit TiddlyWiki files saved in your Google drive and then saving them back automagically. The page is here but I think you need to add it from the Google Drive web interface.

        I even added an optional ability to save with ctrl + s hotkeys.

        Joshua's launch post


        6th October 2024 at 8:26pm

        TiddlyFox was an extension for older versions of Firefox that allowed standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system.

        TiddlyFox is now obsolete due to its incompatibility with the latest versions of Firefox - see TiddlyFox Apocalypse. There are many alternatives to TiddlyFox, but none that work in precisely the same way – see GettingStarted for details.

        TiddlyFox Apocalypse

        24th November 2021 at 9:49pm


        On 14th November 2017 Mozilla released Firefox 57, a major new version with many improvements and security enhancements. However, in amongst those improvements are some fundamental changes to Firefox's security model with the unfortunate effect of making it impossible for TiddlyFox to function.

        TiddlyFox will remain available for people who continue to use older versions of Firefox, but anyone upgrading to the new version will need to choose a new way to handle saving changes with TiddlyWiki.

        Happily, several new ways of working with TiddlyWiki now exist so that users have many alternative choices – see GettingStarted for details. The demise of TiddlyFox has provoked several of these recent developments and thus may well ultimately be good for the community.

        There is a discussion thread on the TiddlyWiki forums about these developments.


        Firefox was first released in November 2004, a few months after the first version of TiddlyWiki. It was in many ways the Millenium Falcon to Microsoft's Death Star (in the shape of Internet Explorer). IE had by then enjoyed more than 5 years as the dominant browser, leading many in the web community to be frustrated that Microsoft's self-serving extensions to HTML had become de facto standards at the expense of innovation that might benefit the web community as a whole.

        Firefox quickly became successful because it managed to render web pages with close enough compatibly with Internet Explorer while offering a superior user experience. A large part of the promise of that user experience was the ability for any user to customise every aspect of the browser. Two innovations were behind this:

        • The entire user interface of the browser was constructed in XUL, effectively an extension of HTML that enabled it to render conventional user interfaces (at the time, HTML was largely restricted to simple document-oriented layouts). Tweaking a few lines of XUL code could make wholesale changes to the user interface of the browser
        • The Mozilla add-on architecture gave full privileges to add-ons, enabling them to observe and interact deeply with the browser engine itself, and the file system of the computer on which it was running

        These two conditions enabled a vibrant ecosystem of Firefox add-ons, many of them extremely popular. In many cases, innovations that were first seen in browser add-ons later became integrated into the browser itself, most notably the web debugger Firebug which was eventually cloned by all the browser manufacturers.

        Firefox continued to be extremely popular until Google joined the development of the rival WebKit browser to make Chrome. Google took a very different approach to the trade offs of making a browser, focusing on improving security at the expense of almost all other considerations. They pioneered approaches such as isolating each tab in its own process that were quickly adopted by all other major browsers.

        Google's approach precluded them adopting Mozilla's free-for-all approach to add-ons. Instead of having access to the entire browser environment and filing system, add-ons in Chrome see only a restricted subset of what is going on within the browser, and enjoy little or no access to the resources of the host machine.

        It was inevitable that Mozilla would eventually adopt Google's approach to browser security vis-a-vis add-ons. There is a point at which it wouldn't be responsible for Mozilla to be releasing a browser that had knowingly worse security than the market leader.


        Some of the fecundity of the TiddlyWiki ecosystem stems from the adoption of the above two principles from Firefox:

        • Making the application user interface out of the same primitives as the application content
        • Giving add-ons free rein to observe and interact with all of the internal logic of the application

        Those two characteristics present similar security challenges to TiddlyWiki as they did to Firefox. A TiddlyWiki that was primarily focused on security would need to curtail those abilities.

        The Future

        Innovation on new browser-based user interfaces and capabilities has now shifted from browser extensions to a new generation of frameworks that simplify creation of a custom browser based on an off-the-shelf open source HTML rendering engine. TiddlyDesktop uses nwjs, while Beaker Browser uses an alternative called Electron.

        TiddlyFox Apocalypse.png


        10th April 2023 at 10:50am is a hosting service for TiddlyWiki created by Simon Baird. Once you sign up and confirm your email you can create "sites", (i.e. TiddlyWikis), with support for online saving. Sites can be private or public, and you can optionally list them on the taggable and searchable Tiddlyhost Hub where they'll be discoverable by others.

        Unlike TiddlySpot, Tiddlyhost is secure, open source, and has proper support for TiddlyWiki5. It also allows uploading existing TiddlyWiki files, supports TiddlyWikiClassic, and lets you claim ownership of your TiddlySpot sites. For more information see the FAQ and the About page.

        Tiddlyhost Logo


        11th December 2013 at 10:42pm

        TiddlyIE is an extension for Internet Explorer that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyIE works with the desktop version of Internet Explorer.

        See Saving with TiddlyIE.

        TiddlyMap Plugin by Felix Küppers

        14th November 2021 at 8:50pm

        An interactive network visualisation plugin based on Vis.js. A demo that also contains installation instructions can be found here: The plugin's GitHub repository can be found here.

        TiddlyMap is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to link your wiki-topics (tiddlers) in order to create clickable graphs. By creating relations between your topics you can easily do the following:

        • Create concept maps and quickly manifest your ideas in tiddlers.
        • Create task-dependency graphs to organise and describe your tasks.
        • Visualise your topic structures to get an immediate grasp of topics and relations.

        In general you may create, visualise and describe any network-structure you have in mind.

        TiddlyPWA - Save to Browser Storage

        2nd September 2024 at 4:26pm

        TiddlyPWA turns TiddlyWiki 5 into an offline-first Progressive Web App with encrypted local persistent storage and efficient synchronization with a self-hosted server that can easily be hosted for free.

        TiddlyServer by Arlen Beiler

        6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

        An extension to the Node.js configuration of TiddlyWiki that adds support for static attachments and for working with multiple wikis at the same time.

        TiddlyServer 2.0 takes the server command of TiddlyWiki on NodeJS and adds it to a static file server. This means you can load and serve any TiddlyWiki data folder in the same way you can serve a single file TiddlyWiki.

        But you don't need to serve files and folders from just one place, you can serve them from multiple places anywhere on your harddrive (literally anywhere NodeJS can stat, readdir, and readFile). You can even organise them into virtual folders (aka aliases in Apache and mounts in Express).

        The main point, of course, is that you can actually edit your files, not just look at them. Single file TiddlyWikis use the put saver, which needs to be patched using a bookmarklet included on the index page. The instructions for this are below under the heading "One thing that needs to be noted".

        And, of course, you can edit data folder tiddlywikis just like you were running node tiddlywiki.js data –server, except that you run it on the path that you found it at (e.g. http://localhost/personal/notes/). You can have as many data folders open as you want, they don't conflict (though they will each take memory).

        Data folders store individual tiddlers instead of entire wikis. They take less disk space as they also do not store the core and plugins. This means they also save much quicker, especially over the internet. They also save immediately (within 10 seconds or so) and they save drafts.

        Tiddlyshow by Mohammad

        17th November 2020 at 4:27pm

        Tiddlyshow is a small application of Tiddlywiki for presentation and slideshow. It can also be used as a plugin.

        Tiddlyshow contains the following features

        • Tools for preparing slides
        • Shortcut keys for navigation (forward and backward)
        • Themes to colorify and customise the slideshow


        21st April 2018 at 4:26pm

        TiddlySpace was a public TiddlyWiki hosting service that operated from 2010 until 2016.

        TiddlySpace, and the underlying TiddlyWeb, was originally sponsored by Osmosoft at BT.


        27th January 2017 at 10:14pm

        TiddlyWeb is a reference implementation for an interface to put Tiddlers on the web using the Bags and Recipes model.

        It was created by a team led by Chris Dent at Osmosoft under BT from 2008 to 2012.

        TiddlyWeb can be used to host TiddlyWiki and TiddlyWiki5 wikis, making the individual tiddlers available over a flexible HTTP API.

        Other implementations of the API include:

        TiddlyWeb JSON tiddler format

        2nd October 2018 at 1:11pm

        The web server API uses tiddlers in a special format originally designed for TiddlyWeb:

        • Field values are represented as strings. Lists (like the tags and list fields) use double square brackets to quote values that contain spaces
        • Tiddlers are represented as an object containing any of a fixed set of standard fields, with custom fields being relegated to a special property called fields
        • The standard fields are: bag, created, creator, modified, modifier, permissions, recipe, revision, tags, text, title, type, uri

        For example, consider the following tiddler:

        	"title": "HelloThere",
        	"tags": "FirstTag [[Second Tag]]",
        	"my-custom-field": "Field value"

        In transit over the API, the tiddler would be converted to the following format:

        	"title": "HelloThere",
        	"tags": "FirstTag [[Second Tag]]",
        	"fields": {
        		"my-custom-field": "Field value"		


        9th March 2024 at 1:58pm

        TiddlyWebAdaptor is a component of TiddlyWiki on Node.js. It provides the means to synchronise changes to tiddlers from the browser to a server, and from the server to the browser. It can be found in the plugin $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb.

        TiddlyWebAdaptor was designed to be compatible both with TiddlyWeb and with TiddlyWiki's own built-in server mechanism. The Bags and Recipes model is fully supported by TiddlyWeb, but TiddlyWiki's built-in server only supports a simplified model with a single bag and a single recipe.


        27th January 2017 at 10:14pm

        TiddlyWiki is a rich, interactive tool for manipulating complex data with structure that doesn't easily fit into conventional tools like spreadsheets or wordprocessors.

        TiddlyWiki is designed to fit around your brain, helping you deal with the things that won't fit. The fundamental idea is that information is more useful and reusable if we cut it up into the smallest semantically meaningful chunks – tiddlers – and give them titles so that they can be structured with links, tags, lists and macros. Tiddlers use a WikiText notation that concisely represents a wide range of text formatting and hypertext features. TiddlyWiki aims to provide a fluid interface for working with tiddlers, allowing them to be aggregated and composed into longer narratives.

        People love using TiddlyWiki. Because it can be used without any complicated server infrastructure, and because it is open source, it has brought unprecedented freedom to everyone to keep their precious information under their own control.

        TiddlyWiki was originally created by JeremyRuston and is now a thriving open source project with a busy Community of independent developers.

        TiddlyWiki Archive

        15th November 2024 at 7:36pm

        Older versions of TiddlyWiki are available in the archive:

        Version Released Lifetime Summary Download
        v5.3.6 15th Nov 2024 Current Improved Geospatial Plugin, Markdown Plugin, TestCaseWidget, Usability and Bug fixes Complete | Empty
        v5.3.5 10th Jul 2024 129 days Bugfix release for v5.3.4 Complete | Empty
        v5.3.4 27th Jun 2024 13 days Testcase Widget, Tour Plugin, Geospatial Plugin, transcludes- backtranscludes operators, ... Complete | Empty
        v5.3.3 23rd Dec 2023 188 days Bugfix release for v5.3.2 Complete | Empty
        v5.3.2 13th Dec 2023 11 days Conditional Shortcut Syntax, ListWidget Improvements Complete | Empty
        v5.3.1 20th Aug 2023 115 days Bug fix release for v5.3.0 Complete | Empty
        v5.3.0 1st Jul 2023 50 days Parameterised transclusions, procedures, functions, custom widgets Complete | Empty
        v5.2.7 26th Mar 2023 98 days Bug fix release for v5.2.6 Complete | Empty
        v5.2.6 20th Mar 2023 6 days Markdown improvements, indentable pragmas, accessible save wiki button Complete | Empty
        v5.2.5 19th Dec 2022 91 days Hot fix release for v5.2.4 Complete | Empty
        v5.2.4 13th Dec 2022 7 days Hot fixes for v5.2.3, Twitter archivist plugin, GenesisWidget, JSON read operators, nested macro definitions Complete | Empty
        v5.2.3 2nd Aug 2022 134 days Minor fixes and improvements Complete | Empty
        v5.2.2 25th Mar 2022 130 days Minor bug fix release Complete | Empty
        v5.2.1 8th Dec 2021 108 days Filter cascades, LetWidget, trigonometric operators Complete | Empty
        v5.2.0 3rd Oct 2021 66 days JSON store area, nestable macros, counter attribute for ListWidget, MessageCatcherWidget Complete | Empty
        v5.1.23 24th Dec 2020 284 days Switchable page templates, EventCatcherWidget, Rename during import, many plugin and filter improvements Complete | Empty
        v5.1.22 15th Apr 2020 253 days Dynamic plugin loading, compare operator, new plugins: Menubar, Freelinks, Dynannotate, Share Complete | Empty
        v5.1.21 10th Sep 2019 219 days Bug fix release for v5.1.20 Complete | Empty
        v5.1.20 9th Aug 2019 33 days New conditional, mathematics and string operators, GitHub Saver, save wiki folder command, Innerwiki Plugin Complete | Empty
        v5.1.19 20th Dec 2018 232 days Bug fix release for v5.1.18 Complete | Empty
        v5.1.18 6th Dec 2018 15 days Global keyboard shortcuts, HTTP server improvements, support for splash screens, ~ filter run prefix, external JS support Complete | Empty
        v5.1.17 12th May 2018 208 days Minor bug fix release Complete | Empty
        v5.1.16 25th Apr 2018 17 days Dynaview Plugin, import previews, DiffTextWidget, rotate left in bitmap editor, StartupActions Complete | Empty
        v5.1.15 13th Nov 2017 163 days Explorer tab, whitespace pragma, save and render commands Complete | Empty
        v5.1.14 26th Apr 2017 202 days Drag and drop improvements, initial RTL support, plugins for XLSX import, QR Codes, BibTeX, Google Analytics, Twitter Complete | Empty
        v5.1.13 25th Jul 2016 276 days Bug fix release for v5.1.12 Complete | Empty
        v5.1.12 13th Jul 2016 12 days Editor toolbars, improved bitmap editor, Internals plugin, WikifyWidget Complete | Empty
        v5.1.11 30th Jan 2016 165 days Bug fix release for v5.1.10 Complete | Empty
        v5.1.10 7th Jan 2016 23 days Text slicer, fold/unfold, performance optimisations, translations, external text tiddlers Complete | Empty
        v5.1.9 3rd Jul 2015 189 days Fluid-fixed layout, vars widget, open in new window Complete | Empty
        v5.1.8 17th Apr 2015 77 days Plugin library, Railroad Plugin, sticky titles, 7 new translations Complete | Empty
        v5.1.7 19th Dec 2014 119 days Hot fix release for v5.1.7 Complete | Empty
        v5.1.6 19th Dec 2014 1 day Minor bug fix release for v5.1.5 Complete | Empty
        v5.1.5 26th Nov 2014 24 days Export button, more ActionWidgets, Danish and Greek translations Complete | Empty
        v5.1.4 22nd Oct 2014 35 days Dragging links into text boxes, coloured errors and warnings under Node.js Complete | Empty
        v5.1.3 20th Oct 2014 2 days Journals, ActionWidgets, addprefix and addsuffix operators, "includeWikis" Complete | Empty
        v5.1.2 27th Sep 2014 24 days Minor fixes Complete | Empty
        v5.1.1 22nd Sep 2014 6 days KaTeX Plugin Complete | Empty
        v5.1.0 20th Sep 2014 2 days First non-beta release Complete | Empty

        TiddlyWiki Camp Paris

        12th June 2015 at 10:01am

        The first TiddlyWiki Camp Paris was held on Saturday 6th June 2015.

        Bienvenue sur le site du TiddlyWiki Camp. Un évènement pour rencontrer la communauté de ce logiciel Open Source, libre et gratuit. Découvrez ce bloc note personnel polyvalent et adoptez-le pour gérer votre quotidien !

        TiddlyWiki Classic.png

        TiddlyWiki Cloud

        7th May 2020 at 8:29pm

        Originally built by Jeremy Ruston and now maintained by Arlen Beiler, TiddlyWiki Cloud (formerly known as TiddlyWiki in the Sky for Dropbox) is an online service that lets you edit TiddlyWiki documents directly in your own Dropbox using just a browser.

        It works with TiddlyWiki 5. As for TiddlyWiki Classic, the mainstream loader does not work, and a newer loader may work.

        TiddlyWiki Docs PR Maker

        13th March 2024 at 10:39am

        TiddlyWiki Docs PR Maker is a special edition of designed to help you contribute to and improve the documentation made by @saqimtiaz.

        All changes made to the documentation can be very easily submitted to GitHub – the pull request will be automatically made, hence the "PR Maker" name of the edition.

        You will need to create a free GitHub account and sign the Contributor License Agreement before using the Docs PR Maker. You can find more details about contributing to the documentation here.

        TiddlyWiki European Meetup 2016

        12th July 2016 at 12:15pm

        Here's the stream of day 1:

        Here's day 2:

        TiddlyWiki European Meetup 2017

        26th April 2017 at 9:03pm

        The TiddlyWiki European Meetup 2017, Oxford, on June 10th and 11th 2017.

        For more details:

        TiddlyWiki extensions for Sublime Text 3 by roma0104

        6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

        TiddlyWiki extensions for ViM

        6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

        TiddlyWiki Hangouts

        24th November 2021 at 9:42pm

        The TiddlyWiki community has held many Google Hangouts over the years. They are announced in the TiddlyWiki Google group.

        Past Hangouts are archived in this YouTube playlist:

        TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb

        24th November 2021 at 9:48pm

        The term "TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb" was used to refer to the ability for content to be synchronised between TiddlyWiki running in the browser and a TiddlyWeb server. This configuration should still work but is no longer commonly used.

        TiddlyWiki Marketplace

        4th December 2022 at 4:56pm

        Welcome to the TiddlyWiki Marketplace. This new forum is designed to provide a space for individuals and organizations to offer commercial products and services that are built around TiddlyWiki:

        • Paid hosting services
        • Custom solution development
        • Training courses
        • One-to-one training sessions
        • "Fix my wiki" debugging sessions

        TiddlyWiki Marketplace

        TiddlyWiki Marketplace Banner

        TiddlyWiki Newsletter

        9th October 2024 at 5:19pm

        TiddlyWiki Newsletter Badge.png

        30th June 2024 at 9:49am

        TiddlyWiki Newsletter Team

        9th October 2024 at 5:19pm

        The TiddlyWiki Newsletter is produced by a small team of volunteers. We would love to have your help if you want to get involved.


        The newsletter team currently consists of:


        The newsletter is intended for TiddlyWiki end users who do not track all the discussions on

        Coverage of developer topics such as JavaScript and intricate wikitext should be handled thoughtfully to avoid alienating the core audience of end users.

        Subscribing to the newsletter should give people confidence that they will not miss any important developments.


        The process is:

        1. Determine which discussion forum threads should be included
        2. Decide whether to link to the thread itself or to link to the subject of the thread
        3. Write a 30-70 word introduction
        4. Optionally, choose or make an image/screenshot to illustrate the story

        These steps are described in more detail below.

        Criteria for Inclusion

        The criteria for inclusion are necessarily loose. Editorial judgement is required to decide whether an item is sufficiently interesting to a broad enough audience.

        Important categories of threads that should be considered:

        • All announcements of new releases of TiddlyWiki and TiddlyDesktop
        • Community news and developments
        • New plugins
        • Updates to widely used plugins
        • Showcases of interesting TiddlyWiki's in the wild


        In most cases, news items should link to the opening post in the corresponding thread. There might be situations where it makes more sense to link to the item concerned which will be listed here.

        Writing News Items

        Items would be a 30-70 word introduction with a link, and optionally an image (the newsletter looks much more inviting with some images included).


        Well chosen images can be informative and add visual interest to the newsletter as a whole. Some points to consider when choosing an image:

        • Images that work best of all are those that trigger an emotional response by including a human face. It is fairly unlikely that a TiddlyWiki news story would have a reason to be illustrated by a picture of a smiling baby, but we should strive to do so if we can
        • If using a screenshot, remember that the image will be displayed fairly small in the newsletter so it is better to crop screenshots to show a smaller area of interest rather than the entire browser window
        • Avoid using AI generated images

        TiddlyWiki Node.js Privacy and Security

        Node.js Configuration

        Using TiddlyWiki in the Node.js configuration requires more technical knowledge than the single file configuration. There are several important areas with respect to security and privacy.

        • Most obviously, there is the matter of how user data is stored on disc as individual .tid files. Just as with the single file configuration, these are just ordinary files, and so can be used with third party tools that provide encryption.
        • Consideration must also be given to how data is transmitted across the network. By default, the Node.js configuration does not use SSL and so network traffic can be observed by others.
          • The impact of this is mitigated by the fact that, by default, only users on the same machine can connect to the server.
          • TiddlyWiki itself does offer the option of setting up an SSL connection. However, it is generally advised to use an external proxy server to provide SSL services. nginx is popular for this purpose.

        TiddlyWiki on Discord

        TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video

        12th September 2014 at 3:03pm

        TiddlyWiki on GitHub

        TiddlyWiki on Gitter

        TiddlyWiki on Mastodon

        TiddlyWiki on Node.js

        17th June 2022 at 11:44am

        Running TiddlyWiki on Node.js brings several important benefits over and above the single file version:

        • Individual tiddlers are stored in separate files, which you can organise as you wish
        • The ability to build multiple wikis that blend different combinations of shared and unique content
        • You can edit your content on any modern browser, including smartphones and tablets

        Note that TiddlyWiki on Node.js doesn't currently support directly modifying the tiddler files via the file system while it is running. The server must be restarted in order to for changes to take effect. The recommended way to interact with a running wiki is via the HTTP or JavaScript APIs.

        For more information see:

        TiddlyWiki on Open Collective

        TiddlyWiki on Reddit

        TiddlyWiki on the Web

        15th November 2024 at 5:08pm

        TiddlyWiki on YouTube

        TiddlyWiki Privacy and Security

        17th November 2024 at 5:08pm

        TiddlyWiki is unique in that ordinary people can use it securely and privately without any special training. The key is that TiddlyWiki is just a text file, or a folder of files, so everything that you may already know about how to keep your documents and images private can be applied to TiddlyWiki. Also, because your TiddlyWiki data is stored in simple text files, you can be confident that it will still be securely accessible in the decades to come.

        TiddlyWiki Configurations

        TiddlyWiki can be used in two main configurations:

        • As a single HTML file that contains all the data and code. This is the easiest setup, and the most widely supported.
          • Popular services like Tiddlyhost are based on the single file configuration
          • See Saving for a listing of all the different ways to save a single file TiddlyWiki
        • As a Node.js application that runs a web server. This configuration is more powerful, but requires more technical knowledge to set up and maintain. See:

        The security and privacy implications of the two configurations are different:

        Single File Configuration

        As a practical matter, using TiddlyWiki in the single file configuration depends upon keeping that file secure and private. You can employ the same tools that you use to keep your other documents and images secure. In most cases, the simplest solution will be to use an existing file storage service such as Google Drive, Apple's iCloud, or Dropbox. Many people already rely on the privacy and security of these services. There are also open source alternatives such as Syncthing that can allow you to synchronise files between your devices without using a third party service.

        You may also wish to use additional layers of security. TiddlyWiki in the single file configuration offers built-in encryption using an industry standard encryption library to provide AES 128-bit encryption in CCM mode. All the data within the file is encrypted and cannot be accessed without entering the correct password. Your password is never stored in the file: if it is lost or forgotten, your data cannot be decrypted. Instructions can be found in Encryption.

        It is important to understand that TiddlyWiki's built in encryption is our best endeavour to offer privacy and usability. However, the encryption feature has not been subject to the kind of rigorous third party testing that characterises secure services like Signal or Syncthing. Cautious users may wish to use TiddlyWiki's built in encryption as an extra layer of security, but should take care not to rely on it as one would rely on industry standard encryption solutions that have been rigorously tested in a variety of situations.

        Node.js Configuration

        Using TiddlyWiki in the Node.js configuration requires more technical knowledge than the single file configuration. There are several important areas with respect to security and privacy.

        • Most obviously, there is the matter of how user data is stored on disc as individual .tid files. Just as with the single file configuration, these are just ordinary files, and so can be used with third party tools that provide encryption.
        • Consideration must also be given to how data is transmitted across the network. By default, the Node.js configuration does not use SSL and so network traffic can be observed by others.
          • The impact of this is mitigated by the fact that, by default, only users on the same machine can connect to the server.
          • TiddlyWiki itself does offer the option of setting up an SSL connection. However, it is generally advised to use an external proxy server to provide SSL services. nginx is popular for this purpose.

        Verifiable Trust

        An important aspect of TiddlyWiki's security and privacy claims is that they can be readily confirmed by anyone with basic technical skills. For example, the network monitoring tools built into most browsers allow you to verify that TiddlyWiki doesn't send any data to other servers. Similarly, you can open a TiddlyWiki HTML file in an editor and verify that your data is readily accessible.

        Community Tools

        There are also third party tools from the community that extend TiddlyWiki's built in encryption:

        Further Information

        If security and privacy are important to you then you need to take the best available advice, and the best place for that is specialist organisations that focus on this area.

        The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) in the US is well respected, and their advice would be a good place to start. It emphasises basics such as dealing with passwords and two factor authentication, but also explains more advanced topics such as making a security plan, and how to set up a device securely.

        TiddlyWiki Privacy Badge.png

        6th November 2024 at 4:53pm

        TiddlyWiki Releases

        13th November 2017 at 4:14pm

        Here are the details of recent releases of TiddlyWiki5. See TiddlyWiki5 Versioning for details of how releases are named.

        If you are using node.js, you can also install prior versions like this:

        npm install -g tiddlywiki@5.1.13

        (BetaReleases and AlphaReleases are listed separately).

        Release 5.3.6

        Released 15th November 2024 at 17:08

        See GitHub for detailed change history of this release

        Congratulations to pmario for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the competition thread).

        Translation improvements

        • added support for new language "Chinese (Hong Kong)"
        • added support for new language "English (Philippines)"

        This release includes improvements to the following translations:

        • Chinese
        • French
        • Japanese
        • Spanish
        • Polish

        improved the translators edition with various fixes and updates

        Plugin Improvements

        Geospatial Plugin

        • added support for custom wikitext popups to be attached to map features
        • added support for click actions to be attached to map features
        • fixed ordering of latitude and longitude in geospatial operators
        • fixed crash when geomap contains an empty geolayer widget
        • fixed loading map state from saved tiddlers

        Markdown Plugin

        • added support for dragging and dropping images directly into Markdown tiddlers
        • added strikethrough, superscript and subscript editor toolbar buttons
        • improved readability of Markdown links to other tiddlers
        • added image toolbar dropdown to editor toolbar
        • fixed colour for target footnote background
        • added settings tab
        • added reorganised "readme" and "config" tabs
        • added support for the excision tool
        • updated Markdown plugin to use the same formatting for highlighted text as ordinary WikiText

        Browser Storage Plugin

        • added added support for separate messages to delete the cookie saved by the Browser Storage Plugin and for disabling the plugin entirely

        TestCaseWidget and Related Improvements

        This release includes several fixes and improvements to the TestCaseWidget, its default template, and the related DataWidget and CompoundTiddlers format. These features were first introduced in Release 5.3.4 and are undergoing continuous improvement as we work on integrating them more widely across the system.

        Widget Improvements

        • updated DroppableWidget to allow actions to be triggered once passing all the items in the list rather than invoking the actions separately for each item in the list

        Usability Improvements

        • added new light and dark "Flexoki" palettes, originally designed by Steph Ango – see
        • improved presentation of core plugin settings by adding them to the main "Settings" tab in $:/ControlPanel
        • improved language descriptions by localising them
        • fixed the contrast of plugin stability badges on hover
        • added a "copy to clipboard" button to the view template body template used for code tiddlers
        • added support for social media cards to be added to TiddlyWiki
        • added type attribute to input fields in control panel, allowing virtual keyboards to switch to the proper one when editing settings
        • added empty message to tag picker, search dropdown and advanced search
        • added a search button to the control panel tiddler fields tab
        • improved (and here) the view and edit toolbars with more descriptive Aria labels
        • extended export button so that it can be dragged to export the tiddlers to another wiki
        • updated $:/TagManager to use the colour-picker Macro
        • added an animation while lazily loaded tiddlers are being loaded
        • updated font stacks used in "Vanilla" theme to contemporary best practice

        Hackability Improvements

        Bug Fixes

        Node.js Improvements

        • fixed BuildCommand crashing when no wiki folder has been specified
        • fixed server crash when authenticating if newlines are contained in the site title

        Developer Improvements


        @Jermolene would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:

        1. @BramChen
        2. @btheado
        3. @BurningTreeC
        4. @EvidentlyCube
        5. @flibbles
        6. @hoelzro
        7. @IchijikuIchigo
        8. @jeremyredhead
        9. @joebordes
        10. @kookma
        11. @Leilei332
        12. @linonetwo
        13. @mateuszwilczek
        14. @michaeljmcd
        15. @pmario
        16. @PotOfCoffee2Go
        17. @saqimtiaz
        18. @simonbaird
        19. @springerspandrel
        20. @techmagus
        21. @twMat
        22. @valpackett
        23. @webplusai
        24. @wolfsprite
        25. @zorrox1024

        TiddlyWiki Single File Privacy and Security

        Single File Configuration

        As a practical matter, using TiddlyWiki in the single file configuration depends upon keeping that file secure and private. You can employ the same tools that you use to keep your other documents and images secure. In most cases, the simplest solution will be to use an existing file storage service such as Google Drive, Apple's iCloud, or Dropbox. Many people already rely on the privacy and security of these services. There are also open source alternatives such as Syncthing that can allow you to synchronise files between your devices without using a third party service.

        You may also wish to use additional layers of security. TiddlyWiki in the single file configuration offers built-in encryption using an industry standard encryption library to provide AES 128-bit encryption in CCM mode. All the data within the file is encrypted and cannot be accessed without entering the correct password. Your password is never stored in the file: if it is lost or forgotten, your data cannot be decrypted. Instructions can be found in Encryption.

        It is important to understand that TiddlyWiki's built in encryption is our best endeavour to offer privacy and usability. However, the encryption feature has not been subject to the kind of rigorous third party testing that characterises secure services like Signal or Syncthing. Cautious users may wish to use TiddlyWiki's built in encryption as an extra layer of security, but should take care not to rely on it as one would rely on industry standard encryption solutions that have been rigorously tested in a variety of situations.

        TiddlyWiki Video Tutorials by Francis Meetze

        6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

        An extensive tutorial for getting started with TiddlyWiki. Recommended

        This tutorial is aimed at giving you a basic foundation so that you can start using TiddlyWiki right away. Here we take a look at the technology behind Tiddlywiki, how to install it and create your first Tiddler.

        tiddlywiki.files Files

        14th November 2021 at 10:12am


        A tiddlywiki.files JSON file in a sub-folder within a TiddlyWiki folder overrides the usual logic for recursively scanning the folder for tiddler files. Instead, the tiddlywiki.files file specifies instructions for loading tiddlers from specific files and folders.

        The format of the file is an object with two optional properties:

        • tiddlers - an array of objects describing external files with the ability to override or modify any of the fields read from the file
        • directories - an array of objects describing external directories, a filter determining which files within those directories should be processed, and the ability to override or modify any of the fields read from the file

        Note that significant enhancements to tiddlywiki.files processing were introduced in Release 5.1.14.

        Field overrides

        Both the tiddlers and directories sections of tiddlywiki.files files include the ability to override or customise the values of fields with a fields object.

        Each field can be specified as either a string or array value to be assigned directly to the field, or Introduced in v5.1.14 an object describing how to generate the value for the field. The object contains the following properties:

        • source - (optional) a string specifying the source value for the field. If not specified, the existing value is used
          • filename the filename of the file containing the tiddler
          • filename-uri-decoded the filename of the file containing the tiddler, with URI decoding applied
          • basename the filename of the file containing the tiddler without any extension
          • basename-uri-decoded the filename of the file containing the tiddler without any extension, with URI decoding applied
          • extname the extension of the filename of the file containing the tiddler
          • created the creation date/time of the file containing the tiddler
          • modified the modification date/time of the file containing the tiddler
          • New in v5.3.0 filepath the path of the file containing the tiddler, relative to the path property of the directory (only usable in directories declarations)
          • New in v5.3.0 subdirectories an array of the subdirectories in the file's path relative, to the path property of the directory (only usable in directories declarations)
        • prefix - (optional) a string to be prepended to the value of the field
        • suffix - (optional) a string to be appended to the value of the field

        Tiddlers section

        The file specifications in the tiddlers array support the following properties:

        • file: (required) the absolute or relative path to the file containing the tiddler data (relative paths are interpreted relative to the path of the tiddlywiki.files file)
        • isTiddlerFile: (optional) if true, the file will be treated as a tiddler file and deserialised to extract the tiddlers. Otherwise, the raw content of the file is assigned to the text field without any parsing
        • fields: (optional) an object containing values that override or customise the fields provided in the tiddler file (see above)
        • prefix & suffix: (optional) strings to be prefixed and suffixed to the tiddler text field
          Note that providing a prefix here is equivalent to setting the text field of the fields object to {"prefix":"<prefixvalue>"}.

        Directories section

        Directory specifications in the directories array may take the following forms:

        • a string literal, specifying the absolute or relative path to the directory containing the tiddler files (relative paths are interpreted relative to the path of the tiddlywiki.files file). The directory is recursively searched for tiddler files
        • Introduced in v5.1.14 an object with the following properties:
          • path - (required) the absolute or relative path to the directory containing the tiddler files (relative paths are interpreted relative to the path of the tiddlywiki.files file). Note that by default the directory is not recursively searched; sub-directories are ignored unless the searchSubdirectories flag is set to true (see below).
          • filesRegExp - (optional) a regular expression that matches the filenames of the files that should be processed within the directory
          • isTiddlerFile - (required) if true, the file will be treated as a tiddler file and deserialised to extract the tiddlers. Otherwise, the raw content of the file is assigned to the text field without any parsing
          • isEditableFile - Introduced in v5.1.23 (optional) if true, changes to the tiddler be saved back to the original file. The tiddler will be saved back to the original filepath as long as it does not generate a result from the $:/config/FileSystemPath filters, which will override the final filepath generated if a result is returned from a filter.
          • searchSubdirectories - Introduced in v5.1.23 (optional) if true, all subdirectories of the path are searched recursively for files that match the (optional) filesRegExp. If no filesRegExp is provided, all files in all subdirectories of the path are loaded. Tiddler titles generated via the source attribute filename (see above) will only include the filename, not any of the subdirectories of the path. If this results in multiple files with loaded with the same tiddler title, then only the last file loaded under that tiddler title will be in memory. In order to prevent this, you can use the filepath attribute instead of filename. Alternately, you can include multiple directory objects and customise the title field with a prefix or suffix alongside the source attribute.
          • fields - (required) an object containing values that override or customise the fields provided in the tiddler file (see above)

        Fields can also be overridden for particular files by creating a file with the same name plus the suffix .meta – see TiddlerFiles.


        These example tiddlywiki.files must be placed in their own sub-directory of the wiki folder.

        There are also several examples of tiddlywiki.files files in the main TiddlyWiki 5 GitHub repository.

        Importing a folder of PDFs

        This example retrieves all the files with the extension .pdf from a folder specified by a relative path. This path starts with "../../../" indicating 3 directory levels above the folder holding this config file. Each tiddler is set up for LazyLoading with the following fields:

        • title - set to the URI decoded base filename of the PDF file. URI decoding allows characters like "/" to be included in titles by URI encoding them as "%2F"
        • created - set to the creation date/time of the PDF file
        • modified - set to the modification date/time of the PDF file
        • type - set to application/pdf
        • tags - set to $:/tags/AttachedFile
        • text - set to an empty string
        • _canonical_uri - set to the string "pdfs/" concatenated with the filename
            "directories": [
                    "path": "../../../input/pdfs",
                    "filesRegExp": "^.*\\.pdf$",
                    "isTiddlerFile": false,
                    "fields": {
                        "title": {"source": "basename-uri-decoded"},
                        "created": {"source": "created"},
                        "modified": {"source": "modified"},
                        "type": "application/pdf",
                        "tags": ["$:/tags/AttachedFile"],
                        "text": "",
                        "_canonical_uri": {"source": "filename", "prefix": "pdfs/"}

        Importing a folder of text files

        This example retrieves all the files with the extension .txt from a folder specified by a relative path. This folder is within the wiki's base directory, and the current config file is in a directory within the wiki's "tiddlers/" directory. So, in this case the path starts with "../../" to traverse upwards two directory levels, and then down into the "externalnotes/" directory. Each tiddler is set up with the following fields:

        • title - set to the URI decoded base filename of the text file. URI decoding allows characters like "/" to be included in titles by URI encoding them as "%2F"
        • created - set to the creation date/time of the text file
        • modified - set to the modification date/time of the text file
        • type - set to text/plain
        • tags - set to [[note]] [[externalnote]] [[.txt]] (using array notation)
        • text - not set, thus the content of the file is loaded as the text field
            "directories": [
                    "path": "../../externalnotes",
                    "filesRegExp": ".+\\.txt",
                    "isTiddlerFile": false,
                    "isEditableFile": true,
                    "fields": {
                        "title": {"source": "basename-uri-decoded"},
                        "created": {"source": "created"},
                        "modified": {"source": "modified"},
                        "type": "text/plain",
                        "tags": ["note", "externalnote", ".txt"]

        This will load all text files in the ../../externalnotes/ directory into the wiki as individual tiddlers. These can be a collection of snippets in various markup-languages. Then, the type field of each of these tiddlers can be changed to match their languages For example, "text/vnd.tiddlywiki" for wikitext, or "text/markdown" for markdown files. Then, using $:/config/FileSystemPaths and $:/config/FileSystemExtentions tiddlers with the following lines we can cause any changes to these tiddlers to be saved back to the directory they started from, and also as "*.txt" files with accompanying "*.txt.meta" files. These meta files will be generated as required, and will then over-ride any fields generated from the config tiddlywiki.files file (such as the tiddler's type field) when the server is restarted.

        From the examples in Customising Tiddler File Naming we see that the final [!tag[externalnote]addprefix[wiki/]] filter in the $:/config/FileSystemPaths tiddler excludes all tiddlers tagged with externalnotes (that have not matched an earlier filter). These tiddlers have their filepath retrieved from the $:/config/OriginalTiddlerPaths generated upon boot startup.

        Then, the [tag[.txt]then[.txt]] filter in the $:/config/FileSystemExtensions tiddler forces all these tiddlers to be saved back to disk as *.txt and accompanying *.txt.meta files (overriding the normal tiddler-type to file-type mapping). In this case, allowing the snippets of Tiddlywiki wikitext or markdown-text to be saved back to "text" *.txt files.

        Importing and auto-tagging images

        This example imports all the image files in the files directory and all its subdirectories as external-image tiddlers, and tags them based on their filepath. Each tiddler is set up with the following fields:

        • title - set to the URI decoded base filename of the text file
        • created - set to the creation date/time of the text file
        • modified - set to the modification date/time of the text file
        • type - set to image/jpeg. There is currently no way to infer the correct ContentType of the image tiddler from the file, but image/jpeg tiddlers should render correctly even with png or gif images. As an alternative, you could create separate definitions for jpg, png, and gif files with the image/jpeg, image/png, and image/gif types respectively.
        • tags - generated based on the path of the image relative to the parent directory (files in this case). Eg, images in files/photos will be tagged with photos, those in files/photos/family will be tagged with both photos and family, and those in the root files directory will have no tags.
        • text - set to an empty string
        • _canonical_uri - set to the full filepath of the image relative to the wiki root
            "directories": [
                    "path": "../../files/",
                    "filesRegExp": "^.*\\.(?:jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$",
                    "isTiddlerFile": false,
        	        "searchSubdirectories": true,
                    "fields": {
                        "title": {"source": "basename-uri-decoded"},
                        "created": {"source": "created"},
                        "modified": {"source": "modified"},
                        "type": "image/jpeg",
                        "tags": { "source": "subdirectories" },
                        "text": "",
                        "_canonical_uri": { "source": "filepath", "prefix": "files/" }
        } Files

        30th October 2024 at 1:21pm

        TiddlyWikiFolders are configured with a single file in the root of the wiki folder. It should contain a JSON object comprising the following properties:

        • plugins - an array of plugin names to be included in the wiki
        • themes - an array of theme names to be included in the wiki
        • languages - an array of language names to be included in the wiki
        • includeWikis - an array of references to external wiki folders to be included in the wiki
        • build - a hashmap of named build targets, each defined by an array of command tokens (see BuildCommand)
        • config - an optional hashmap of configuration options (see below)


        The entries in the includeWikis array can be either a string specifying the relative path to the wiki, or an object with the following fields:

        • path - relative path to wiki folder
        • read-only - set true to prevent the tiddlers in the included wiki from being modified. The modifications will be written to the directory specified in default-tiddler-location, described below


        Note that the build targets of included wikis are merged if a target of that name isn't defined in the current file.


        Configuration options include:

        • default-tiddler-location - a string path to the default location for the filesystem adaptor to save new tiddlers (resolved relative to the wiki folder)
        • retain-original-tiddler-path - If true, the server will generate a tiddler $:/config/OriginalTiddlerPaths containing the original file paths of each tiddler in the wiki


        For example:

        	"plugins": [
        	"includeWikis": [
        		{"path": "../", "read-only": true}
        	"build": {
        		"index": [
        		"favicon": [
        			"--save", "$:/favicon.ico", "favicon.ico",
        			"--save", "$:/green_favicon.ico", "static/favicon.ico"]
        	"config": {
        		"retain-original-tiddler-path": true	



        Building TiddlyWikiClassic

        TiddlyWiki5 can be used to build older 2.x.x versions of TiddlyWikiClassic from their constituent components. Doing so involves these features:

        • The tiddlywiki/classictools plugin, containing a deserializer module which allows tiddlers to be loaded from TiddlyWiki 2.x.x .recipe files
        • The stripcomments format for the ViewWidget, which strips single line JavaScript comments starting //#
        • The stripTitlePrefix='yes' attribute of the FieldsWidget, which removes prefixes wrapped in curly braces from the title attribute
          • For example, {tiddler}HelloThere would be transformed to HelloThere


        TiddlyWikiClassic is built from the command line by running TiddlyWiki on Node.js. A typical usage would be:

        node ../../tiddlywiki.js \
        	--verbose \
        	--load <path_to_recipe_file> \
        	--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/tiddlywiki2.template.html <path_to_write_index_file> text/plain \
        	|| exit 1


        13th June 2022 at 2:50pm

        TiddlyWiki5 is a reboot of TiddlyWiki for the next 25 years. It is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript that can be run in the browser or on the server under Node.js.

        The TiddlyWiki repository can be found at GitHub.

        TiddlyWiki5 Versioning

        12th September 2014 at 2:26pm

        Each release of TiddlyWiki5 is identified by a version number that complies with a variant of Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 standard.

        TiddlyWiki Core Version

        According to the standard:

        Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
        MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
        MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
        PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
        Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.

        Alpha and Beta versions

        While in alpha TiddlyWiki5 uses the pre-release label "alpha", for example:


        Each new alpha or beta release will bump the PATCH version number. This breaks the strict semantics of versioning because PATCH increments are supposed to be reserved for compatible changes.

        Note that prior to 5.0.1-alpha, TiddlyWiki5 used version numbers formatted as 5.0.0-alpha.19. The change was made to enable the upgrade mechanism to recognise plugin updates from the version information.

        Interim versions

        During development when a new release is being prepared, the pre-release label is set to prerelease.

        Plugin Versions

        Version numbers

        TiddlyWiki5 uses the version information attached to plugins for determining which of two plugins is more recent during an upgrade or import. The pre-release label is ignored when performing these comparisons.


        5th January 2014 at 4:32pm


        15th October 2016 at 1:44pm

        As well as traditional single file wikis, TiddlyWiki on Node.js supports wikis that are stored as a folder of individual tiddler files.

        Wiki Folder Structure

        Wiki folders can contain the following files and folders:

        • - JSON file containing metadata for the wiki – see Files
        • \tiddlers - folder containing tiddler files comprising the wiki
        • \plugins - folder containing plugin folders to be included in the wiki
        • \languages - folder containing plugin folders for language plugins to be included in the wiki
        • \themes - folder containing plugin folders for theme plugins to be included in the wiki

        Only the file is required; everything else is optional. Any files and folders not listed above are ignored.

        Plugin processing

        To be usable in the browser, plugins just need to be included in the wiki. For wikis that are generated on the server, TiddlyWikiFolders can contain a file that identifies the plugins to be included in this wiki:

        	"plugins": [

        Plugins names refer to plugin folders listed in TiddlyWiki5's root plugins folder. Plugins can also be included manually by copying them into the plugins subfolder of the wiki.

        Processing of tiddlers folder

        All the TiddlerFiles in the tiddlers folder are read into the wiki at startup. Sub-folders are scanned recursively for TiddlerFiles. Newly created tiddlers are stored in TiddlerFiles directly beneath the tiddlers folder, unless configured otherwise.

        The default processing for sub-folders within the tiddlers folder can be overridden by providing a JSON file called tiddlywiki.files – see tiddlywiki.files Files.


        Tidme by oflg

        5th October 2023 at 6:02am

        Lifelong knowledge, deep in Mind.

        Tidme uses advanced Incremental Learning concepts to make it your powerful second brain for acquiring lifelong knowledge.

        • Read Articles like SuperMemo
        • Learn languages like LingQ
        • Memory Notes like Anki

        timeline Macro

        23rd February 2017 at 3:36am

        The timeline macro returns a list of tiddlers in reverse chronological order of modification (or some other date field), grouped by day.


        The maximum number of tiddlers to include, defaulting to 100. But if any tiddlers are included for a particular day, all of the other tiddlers for that day will also be included – even if this exceeds the limit
        A string specifying the desired format, defaulting to DDth MMM YYYY
        An optional extra filter step, e.g. tag[MyTag]
        The name of the date field to use, defaulting to modified

        The tiddlers are selected by means of a filter expression, into which the subfilter and limit parameters are spliced as follows:



        timeline Macro (Examples)

        21st February 2015 at 10:46pm

        <<timeline format:"DD/MM/YYYY">>
        <<timeline limit:30 subfilter:"tag[Definitions]" format:"DD/MM/YYYY">>

        Timelines by Mohammad

        17th November 2020 at 4:17pm

        Timelines plugin is for creating vertical and horizontal timeline and sequences.

        The content or description and data of events are stored in individual tiddlers.

        Timelines contain two timeline macros and two sequence macros. A sequence macro shows event contents in sequence not necessarily in chronological order. The order can be determined by tag or list field or other methods.

        Timimi: WebExtension and Native Host by Riz

        6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

        Timimi is a web-extension accompanied by a native host that allows you to save and backup your standalone HTML tiddlywiki files anywhere in your hard-drive. Once installed, you can save the tiddlywiki files without any extra steps, like the original Tiddlyfox addon.

        • The native host requires a component installed on the host computer, outside the browser.

        As of version 2.1, Timimi supports the following browsers

        • Chrome/Chromium
        • Firefox
        • Opera
        • Microsoft Edge (Chromium)

        It is also reported to work seamlessly in chrome based browsers like Brave and Vivaldi.

        Timimi also provides users with 4 backup strategies, viz:

        • Create a backup Every nth save
        • Create a backup every nth minute
        • Customised Tower of Hanoi
        • First in First Out

        Tinka by Andreas Hahn

        6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

        The Tinka plugin provides the ability to create and modify plugins in the browser, without requiring the use of Node.js.

        See for the GitHub repo.

        This is a Control Panel extension that aims to simplify the plugin creation and editing process. After installing, you will find a new tab in your control panel that makes creating and modifying plugins a little bit easier.


        11th February 2025 at 9:44am

        Title List

        19th October 2023 at 3:50pm

        A title list is a line of text that presents one or more tiddler titles, strung together with a space between each one and the next.

        If a title contains a space, it needs double square brackets around it:

        GettingStarted [[Discover TiddlyWiki]] Upgrading

        Title lists are used in various places, including PermaLinks and the ListField.

        They are in fact the simplest case of a filter, and are thus a way of expressing a selection of titles.

        The Title List format cannot reliably represent items that contain certain specific character sequences such as ]] . Thus it should not be used where there is a possibility of such sequences occurring.

        See also:

        • The format Operator with the 'titlelist' suffix conditionally wraps double square brackets around a string if it contains whitespace

        title Operator

        3rd February 2015 at 7:17pm
        purposeselect a single title
        ! inputa selection of titles
        parameterT=a tiddler title
        outputa selection containing only T
        ! outputthe input, but with tiddler T filtered out if it exists in the wiki

        Learn more about how to use Filters

        [title[An Example]] can be shortened to [[An Example]], because title is the default filter operator. Consequentially, [!title[An Example]] can be shortened to [![An Example]].

        title is a constructor (except in the form !title), but field:title is a modifier.


        title Operator (Examples)

        24th January 2015 at 2:03pm




        [title[HelloThere]] [title[Filter Operators]]

        [[HelloThere]] [[Filter Operators]]

        HelloThere [[Filter Operators]]

        [tag[Filters]] +[!title[Filter Operators]]

        [tag[Filters]] +[![Filter Operators]]

        [tag[Filters]] -[[Filter Operators]]

        Title Selection

        24th January 2015 at 8:29pm

        titlecase Operator

        20th June 2019 at 1:50pm
        purposereturns each item in the list with each word capitalised
        inputa selection of titles
        outputthe input titles with each word capitalised

        Learn more about how to use Filters

        Introduced in v5.1.20

        See also lowercase Operator, uppercase Operator, sentencecase Operator.

        This operator does not change anything except the first letter of each word, so [[aBcD eFgH]] would become [[ABcD EFgH]]. If you want [[Abcd Efgh]], then use a filter like [lowercase[]titlecase[]].


        titlecase Operator (Examples)

        20th June 2019 at 2:04pm

        [[abc def ghi jkl]titlecase[]]

        [[abc deF gHi jKL]titlecase[]]

        [[abc deF gHi jKL]lowercase[]titlecase[]]


        Todolist by Mohammad

        16th November 2020 at 9:20pm

        Todolist is a small pure wikitext plugin, contain all tools to work with todo list.

        With Todolist, easily organise and prioritise your tasks and projects so you’ll always know exactly what to work on next.

        Todolist creates custom UI and lets you to add new items, set priority, done/undone items, archive, delete. Using Todolist plugin it is possible to create several todo lists in one Tiddlywiki.

        toggle Operator

        18th November 2020 at 7:21pm
        purposetoggle the title specified in the parameter in the input
        inputa list of items
        parameterthe toggle operator accepts 1 or more parameters, see below for details
        outputthe input list with the title specified in the parameter toggled

        Learn more about how to use Filters

        Introduced in v5.1.23

        The toggle operator requires at least one parameter and can accept additional optional parameters. With a second optional parameter it can be used to toggle between a pair of titles:

        • title1 : a title to toggle in the input list. If it is already present, it is removed. Otherwise, it is added.
        • title2: (optional). When the second parameter is provided, the operator toggles between the two values in the input list. If neither is present, the first parameter takes precedence is added to the list.

        With more than two parameters, the toggle behaves similar to the cycle and can be used to cycle through a list of values. Note that all parameters should be unique.

        While the cycle operator interprets its first parameter as a list of titles to cycle through and offers similar functionality, the toggle operator accepts an unlimited number of distinct parameters.


        toggle Operator (Examples)

        18th November 2020 at 5:47pm

        These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

        [list[Days of the Week]] +[toggle[Wednesday]]

        To toggle a tag in a tiddler:

        <$action-listops  $tiddler="target" $tags="+[toggle[done]]" />

        To toggle a title in a field:

        <$action-listops $tiddler="target" $field="my-field" $subfilter="+[toggle[done]]" />

        To toggle between a value pair:

        <$action-listops $tiddler="target" $field="my-field" $subfilter="+[toggle[todo],[done]]" />

        Transcluded Attribute Values

        15th June 2023 at 4:53am

        Transcluded attribute values are indicated with double curly braces around a TextReference. For example:


        The value of the attribute value will be the exact text retrieved from the TextReference. Any wiki syntax in that text will be left as-is.

        transcludes Operator

        10th June 2024 at 8:59am
        purposefind the titles transcluded by each input title
        inputa selection of titles
        outputthe titles which the input tiddlers hard-transclude

        Learn more about how to use Filters

        New in v5.3.4 Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of transclusions is generated, in the order in which they appear in the tiddler's text, and dominantly appended to the operator's overall output.


        transcludes Operator (Examples)

        [[Images in WikiText]transcludes[]]


        21st June 2024 at 7:32am


        Transclusion is the underlying mechanism for many higher level wikitext features, such as procedures, functions, custom widgets and macros.

        The $transclude widget dynamically includes the content from another tiddler or variable, rendering it as if the transclude widget were replaced by the target content.

        The $transclude widget can be used to render content of any type: wikitext, images, videos, etc.


        $variable-Name of the variable to transclude. Eg: Name of procedures, functions, custom widgets and macros
        $tiddlertiddlerThe title of the tiddler to transclude (defaults to the current tiddler)
        $fieldfieldThe field name of the current tiddler (defaults to "text"; if present takes precedence over the index attribute)
        $indexindexThe index of a property in a DataTiddler
        $subtiddlersubtiddlerOptional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a plugin (see below)
        $modemodeOverride the default parsing mode for the transcluded text to "block" or "inline"
        $typeOptional ContentType used when transcluding variables, indexes or fields other than the text field
        $output-ContentType for the output rendering (defaults to text/html, can also be text/plain or text/raw)
        $recursionMarkerrecursionMarkerSet to no to prevent creation of Legacy Transclusion Recursion Marker (defaults to yes)
        $fillignore-Set to yes to make this transclusion invisible to the $depth attribute of the $slot widget (defaults to no)
        {attributes not starting with $}Any other attributes that do not start with a dollar are used as parameters to the transclusion
        {other attributes starting with $}Other attributes starting with a single dollar sign are reserved for future use
        {attributes starting with $$}Attributes starting with two dollar signs are used as parameters to the transclusion, but with the name changed to use a single dollar sign

        Legacy vs. Modern Mode

        The $transclude widget can be used in two modes:

        • New in v5.3.0 Modern mode offers the full capabilities of the $transclude widget, and incorporates the functionality of the $macrocall widget. It is indicated by the presence of at least one attribute starting with a dollar sign $
        • Legacy mode offers a more limited set of capabilities. It is indicated by the absence of any attributes starting with a dollar sign $

        Modern mode is recommended for use in new applications.


        Here is a complete example showing the important features of the $transclude widget:

        \procedure myproc(name,age)
        My name is <<name>> and my age is <<age>>.
        <$transclude $variable="myproc" name="James" age="19"/>
        • \procedure defines a variable as a procedure with two parameters, name and age
        • The content of the procedure refers to the parameters as variables
        • The $transclude widget specifies the variable to transclude, and values for the parameters.

        Basic Operation

        The basic operation of the $transclude widget is as follows:

        <$transclude/>Transcludes the text field of the current tiddler
        <$transclude $variable="alpha"/>Transcludes the variable "alpha" (note that procedures, custom widgets and macros are all special types of variable)
        <$transclude $tiddler="foo"/>Transcludes the text field of the tiddler "foo"
        <$transclude $field="bar"/>Transcludes the field "bar" of the current tiddler
        <$transclude $index="beta"/>Transcludes the index "beta" of the current tiddler
        <$transclude $tiddler="foo" $index="beta"/>Transcludes the index "beta" of the tiddler "foo"

        Transclusion Parameters

        Named string parameters can be passed to the $transclude widget. They are made available as variables within the transcluded text. Parameters are only supported in modern mode.

        When invoking a transclusion, parameters are specified as additional attributes that do not start with a dollar sign $:

        <$transclude $tiddler="MyTiddler" firstParameter="One" secondParameter="Two"/>

        To pass parameters whose names start with a dollar sign $, prefix them with an extra $. For example, to pass a parameter called $tiddler:

        <$transclude $tiddler="MyTiddler" $$tiddler="One"/>

        There are several different ways to declare parameters within a transclusion:

        An example of declaring parameters with the $parameters widget:

        <$parameters firstParameter="default" secondParameter="another default">
            Parameters are available here as the variables <<firstParameter>> and <<secondParameter>>.

        The Pragma: \parameters can be used as a shortcut syntax for declaring parameters. For example:

        \parameters (firstParameter:"default",secondParameter:"another default")
        Parameters are available here as the variables <<firstParameter>> and <<secondParameter>>.

        Transclusion Slots

        Transcluded content can define special named locations called slots. At the point of transclusion, blocks of wikitext can be passed to the $transclude widget to fill those slots.

        Slots work very similarly to parameters except that they can contain structured wikitext, and not just plain text. The primary advantage of slots over parameters is that the contents do not need to be wrapped in quotation symbols, making it much simpler to pass complex structures.

        For example, here we transclude the tiddler "Example" while using the $fill widget to pass wikitext blocks to fill the slots called "positive" and "negative":

        <$transclude $tiddler="Example">
          <$fill $name="positive">
            <h1>This is positive</h1>
          <$fill $name="negative">
            <h3>This is negative</h3>

        The tiddler "Example" uses the $slot widget to specify the slots to be filled:

          <li><$slot $name="positive"/></li>
          <li><$slot $name="negative"/></li>

        The output will be equivalent to:

            <h1>This is positive</h1>
            <h3>This is negative</h3>

        See $slot for more examples.

        Missing Transclusion Targets

        The TranscludeWidget uses the special slot ts-missing to specify the content to be rendered if the transclusion target is not defined (i.e. a missing tiddler or a missing field).

        For example:

        <$transclude $tiddler="MissingTiddler">
        <$fill $name="ts-missing">
        This content is displayed if `MissingTiddler` is missing.
        <$fill $name="other">
        This content is passed to the transclusion as the slot value `other`

        If no slots values are specified within the $transclude widget then the entire content of the widget is used as the missing content.

        For example:

        <$transclude $tiddler="MissingTiddler">
        This content is displayed if `MissingTiddler` is missing.

        Parsing modes

        TiddlyWiki parses text in two modes:

        • inline mode recognises character formatting such as emphasis, links
        • block mode recognises all the inline formatting, and adds block formatting such as tables, headings and lists

        Usually, the mode is determined by whether the transclude widget itself has been parsed in block or inline mode. This can be overridden with the mode attribute.

        For example, consider tiddler "A" with this content:

        # Item one
        #<$transclude tiddler="B"/>
        # Item two

        And a tiddler "B" with this content:

        # Item one - a
        # Item one - b

        The result will be something like this:

        1. Item one
        2. # Item one - a # Item one - b
        3. Item two

        This can be fixed by amending tiddler "A":

        # Item one
        #<$transclude tiddler="B" mode="block"/>
        # Item two

        See also these other examples.

        SubTiddler Access

        The transclude widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a plugin.

        The following example will transclude the core version of the tiddler $:/DefaultTiddlers even if it has been overridden:

        <$transclude tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>

        That renders as:



        21st June 2024 at 7:40am


        Wikipedia: Transclusion

        In computer science, transclusion is the inclusion of part or all of an electronic document into one or more other documents by reference via hypertext.

        In TiddlyWiki: Transclusion is the process of referencing one tiddler "A" from another tiddler "B" such that the content of "A" appears to be a part of "B".

        Copying and pasting content creates multiple copies of the same content in several different places. With transclusion, there can be a single copy and a special instruction in "B" which indicates the point at which content should be inserted from tiddler "A".

        Note that if the content of "A" is modified then the modification automatically appears in "B". This makes it easier to maintain repetitive content, by allowing every piece to be written in a single place, but viewed from many.

        The concept of transclusion plays an important role in the Philosophy of Tiddlers because it is the primary way in which small items of content are combined.

        To learn more:

        Transclusion and Substitution

        30th October 2023 at 12:42pm

        The power of WikiText comes from the ability to use the content of one tiddler inside another one. This ability takes several different forms that can easily be confused.

        The main distinction is between a transclusion and a textual substitution:

        • A transclusion is replaced dynamically with the value of either:
          • a tiddler field
          • a variable
        • Textual substitutions are performed on the text of macro definitions before they are used

        Tiddler Field Transclusion

        Transclusion in WikiText describes the basics of transclusion. For example:


        As described in HTML in WikiText, you can also transclude tiddler field values as attributes of HTML elements and widgets. For example:

        <$text text={{MyTiddler}}/>

        As described in Introduction to filter notation, you can also transclude tiddler field values using the filter syntax. For example:

        {{{ [tag{TiddlerContainingMyTag}] }}}

        Variable/Macro Transclusion

        Variables that were defined with parameter or variable substitution are referred to as "macros". The value of a variable/macro can be transcluded with the syntax:

        <<myMacro param:"Value of parameter">>

        As described in HTML in WikiText, you can also transclude a variable as the value of an attribute of HTML elements and widgets. For example:

        <$text text=<<myMacro>>/>

        As described in Introduction to filter notation, you can also transclude a variable as the value of a filter parameter using the filter syntax. For example:

        {{{ [tag<myMacro>] }}}

        Textual Substitution

        Textual substitution occurs when the value of a macro/variable is used. It is described in Substituted Attribute Values and substitute Operator

        The key difference between substitution and transclusion is that substitution occurs before WikiText parsing. This means that you can use substitution to build WikiText constructions. Transclusions are processed independently, and cannot be combined with adjacent text to define WikiText constructions.

        Transclusion Basic Usage

        30th November 2014 at 7:48pm

        Simple Transclusion

        To include some content from TiddlerA into TiddlerB, edit the latter to include the following text:

        This is the content of TiddlerA: {{TiddlerA}}

        The result is that the content of the text field (i.e. the main content) of TiddlerA is rendered within TiddlerB.


        The notation {{TiddlerA}} is a shortcut for {{TiddlerA!!text}}. This is because the default field for transclusion is text, but any other field can be used explicitly. For example, you can print the last time TiddlerA was modified using:

        TiddlerA was modified on {{TiddlerA!!modified}}

        By omitting the tiddler title, the transclusion notation can also be used to display the content of a field from the current tiddler, for example:

        The current tiddler was modified on {{!!modified}}

        Recursion Errors

        Notice that using {{!!text}} or {{}} causes an error (Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget), because it does not make sense to include the content of the current tiddler into the content of the current tiddler (that is, into itself). Whenever you encouter this error message, it means that you are trying to include something into itself, directly or indirectly (for example if tiddler A transcludes tiddler B which transcludes tiddler C which, in turn, transcludes tiddler A).

        Learning More

        In TiddlyWiki, transclusions are not limited to including raw content like the above. To learn about more advanced uses of transclusion, see Transclusion with Templates.

        See also:

        Transclusion in WikiText

        2nd January 2024 at 7:04am


        You can incorporate the content of one tiddler within another using the Transclusion notation:

        • {{MyTiddler}} transcludes a single tiddler
        • {{MyTiddler||TemplateTitle}} displays the tiddler through a specified TemplateTiddler
        • {{||TemplateTitle}} displays the specified template tiddler without altering the current tiddler
        • {{MyTiddler|Parameter}} transcludes a single tiddler with a single parameter
        • {{MyTiddler||TemplateTitle|Parameter|SecondParameter}} transcludes a single tiddler through a specified TemplateTiddler with two parameters

        Transcluding Text References

        You can also use a TextReference instead of a tiddler title:

        • {{MyTiddler!!field}} transcludes a specified field of a tiddler
        • {{!!field}} transcludes a specified field of the current tiddler
        • {{MyTiddler##index}} transcludes a specified indexed property of a DataTiddler
        • {{##index}} transcludes a specified indexed property of the current DataTiddler

        Filtered Transclusion

        A similar syntax can be used to generate or transclude a list of tiddlers matching a specified filter:

        {{{ [tag[mechanism]] }}}
        {{{ [tag[mechanism]]||TemplateTitle }}}

        In contrast to Filtered Attribute Values, all items matching the filter are transcluded and not only the first.

        Generated Widgets

        The WikiText transclusion syntax generates a TiddlerWidget wrapped around a TranscludeWidget. For example, {{MyTiddler||TemplateTitle}} generates the following pair of widgets:

        <$tiddler tiddler="MyTiddler">
        	<$transclude $tiddler="TemplateTitle"/>

        The filtered transclusion syntax {{{ [tag[mechanism]] }}} generates the following widgets

        <$list filter="[tag[mechanism]]">
        	<$link />

        or, when used with a template, {{{ [tag[mechanism]]||TemplateTitle }}} expands to

        <$list filter="[tag[mechanism]]">
        	<$transclude tiddler="TemplateTitle" />

        Install the Internals plugin to enable the display of the generated widget tree in the preview pane of the editor

        See also:

        transclusion Variable

        21st February 2015 at 10:56pm

        The transclusion variable is set by the $transclude widget to a string that identifies the position of that widget within the widget tree.

        TiddlyWiki's core uses it to detect recursive transclusion. It is also used to implement the qualify macro.

        The string has the following syntax:


        1. the title of the current tiddler
        2. the title of the tiddler being transcluded
        3. the name of the field being transcluded
        4. the name of the property name or index being transcluded
        5. the name of the subtiddler being transcluded from a plugin

        Many of the five items are often blank.

        In the sidebar, the value of transclusion is:


        When the tiddler HelloThere is displayed in the story river, transclusion is set to:



        transclusion Variable (Examples)

        28th February 2015 at 10:34am

        This example shows how to distinguish between the sidebar and other environments:

        We are
        emptyMessage="in the story river.">
        in the sidebar.

        In the sidebar, this would show We are in the sidebar instead.

        Transclusion with Templates

        20th February 2015 at 4:14pm


        In Transclusion Basic Usage we have seen how to include the content of a tiddler A into a tiddler B. Now suppose that tiddler A contains:

        Hello, my title is {{!!title}}

        This makes tiddler A display its title with a yellow background (see Styles and Classes in WikiText to learn about CSS style). Imagine that you want to display the title in the same way in tiddler B. But you don't want to copy/paste the style instructions, because you might want to change the background colour later and you want to keep it consistent among tiddlers. This looks like a typical case of transclusion, so let's try to transclude tiddler A in tiddler B the usual way with {{A}}. You should see the following content in tiddler B:

        Hello, my title is A

        The style is applied as expected, but the title is wrong: we want {{!!title}} to refer to the target tiddler B, and not the source tiddler A.

        The solution is to use a template. In this case, the source tiddler A is called the TemplateTiddler, and it is applied to tiddler B using the notation {{||A}}. The difference is that any TextReference which does not refer explicitly to a specific tiddler is applied to the current tiddler, that is, the target tiddler. As a result, tiddler B now looks as expected:

        Hello, my title is B


        Transcluding via a template is like applying a mask: assuming that the source tiddler contains generic references (like eye holes in a mask), these will be replaced with the target tiddlers values (like the eyes of the person who wears the mask).

        A template can be applied to any tiddler, not necessarily the current one. This is achieved using the full notation {{<target>||<template>}}. The default <target> is the current tiddler (this is what we used in the above example).


        A predefined template to render tags nicely

        You can apply the system template $:/core/ui/TagTemplate to a tag in order to see it as a tag pill with a drop-down menu:


        is rendered as

        See also:

        Translate TiddlyWiki into your language

        1st July 2018 at 6:57pm

        There is a special edition of TiddlyWiki that simplifies creating and maintaining translations:

        Note that no knowledge of Node.js or GitHub is required.

        You can translate TiddlyWiki on Node.js, type tiddlywiki editions/translators --listen and visit in your browser.

        See for technical details of creating and maintaining translations.


        11th September 2014 at 6:38pm

        The translation mechanism of TiddlyWiki manages and switches between language plugins that provide translations of the TiddlyWiki user interface. The developer site at explains how translators can create and submit translations for TiddlyWiki.

        The title of the current language plugin is read from the tiddler $:/language. If the selected plugin changes then any displayed translatable text automatically changes.

        Translation plugins are bundles of tiddlers that each contain an independent translatable string. The strings are transcluded as needed.

        Translatable strings are generally in the namespace $:/language/, for example:

        translink Macro

        5th May 2023 at 9:03am

        The translink macro returns a frame with the title and transcluded text of a chosen tiddler. The title links to the transcluded tiddler.

        If the chosen tiddler is missing, an appropriate message will be shown instead of the transcluded text.

        This is the default macro used when excising text and replacing it with a macro.


        The title of the tiddler to be transcluded
        The mode of the transclude widget used inside the macro, defaults to block


        translink Macro (Examples)

        5th May 2023 at 9:29am

        <<translink "Philosophy of Tiddlers">>
        <<translink "Philosophy of Tiddlers" inline>>
        <<translink Foo>>

        Trashbin by Mohammad

        17th November 2020 at 3:56pm

        The concept behind Trashbin plugin is to have a simple mechanism to move deleted tiddlers to Trashbin and be able to restore them later if required.

        The trash (also known as the Recycle Bin in Microsoft Windows) is a temporary storage for tiddlers that have been deleted in a Tiddlywiki by the user, but not yet permanently erased.

        Typically, a trash bin is presented as a special storage, allowing the user to browse deleted (removed) tiddlers, undelete those that were deleted by mistake, or delete them permanently (either one by one, or by the "Empty Trash" function).

        tree Macro

        28th June 2017 at 4:46pm

        The tree macro renders an expandable tree view based on a prefix and separator within tiddler titles.


        The prefix from which to generate the tree, defaults to $:/
        The separator between parts of the tiddler titles, defaults to /


        tree Macro (Examples)

        28th June 2017 at 4:48pm

        <<tree prefix:"$:/">>

        <<tree prefix:"tree-macro-example-" separator:"-">>




















        13th November 2021 at 4:38pm

        Triggering widgets are a type of widget which can trigger ActionWidgets. Typically these widgets (such as the ButtonWidget) will trigger actions based on interaction from the user.

        The following triggering widgets are provided:

        See ActionWidgets for more information and examples of how TriggeringWidgets and ActionWidgets work together.

        trim Operator

        30th November 2020 at 2:11pm
        purposereturns each item in the list with whitespace, or a given character string, trimmed from the start and/or end
        inputa selection of titles
        suffixT=Introduced in v5.1.23 prefix to trim from the start only, suffix to trim from the end only. If omitted (default), trim from both start and end
        parameterS=Introduced in v5.1.23 a string of characters
        outputthe input titles with S, or whitespace if S is not specified, trimmed from the start and/or end

        Learn more about how to use Filters

        Introduced in v5.1.20

        Introduced in v5.1.23The trim filter allows a parameter specifying a string to trim.


        trim Operator (Examples)

        13th June 2019 at 3:39pm

        [[ a b ]trim[]addprefix[-]addsuffix[-]]

        [[ abc ]] [[def ]] [[ ghi]] +[trim[]addprefix[-]addsuffix[-]]

        [[ abc ]] [[def ]] [[ ghi]] +[trim:prefix[]addprefix[-]addsuffix[-]]

        [[ abc ]] [[def ]] [[ ghi]] +[trim:suffix[]addprefix[-]addsuffix[-]]

        abacus baobab +[trim[ab]]

        abacus baobab +[trim:prefix[ab]]

        abacus baobab +[trim:suffix[ab]] by Devin Weaver

        24th April 2016 at 11:21am

        A personal website built with TiddlyWiki. is a name I came up with in high school. I was big into computer programming and wanted a company name that was kinda catchy. When I made a few programs in BASIC I would brand them with TriTarget as a way to show off my company (Even though I didn't have one).

        trunc Operator

        13th June 2019 at 8:48am
        purposetruncates a list of numbers to their integer part, removing any fractional part
        inputa selection of titles
        outputtruncates each of the input numbers to their integer part, removing any fractional part

        Learn more about how to use Filters

        Introduced in v5.1.20 See Mathematics Operators for an overview.

        The trunc operator rounds towards zero. To round away from zero, use untrunc.


        trunc Operator (Examples)

        13th June 2019 at 8:48am



        =-1.2 =-2.4 =3.6 =4.8 =5.1 +[trunc[]]


        16th November 2021 at 10:11pm


        2nd June 2016 at 5:27pm

        Here are some webpages with tips and tutorials related to TiddlyWiki.

        tv-adjust-heading-level Variable

        9th June 2018 at 11:24am

        The tv-adjust-heading-level variable allows the level of headings to be adjusted. It is interpreted as a positive or negative number (e.g. "2" or "-3") that is added to the heading level for display.

        Note that if the resulting heading level is less than 1 then level 1 is used instead. This means that specfiying a large negative adjustment factor will reset all headings to display as level 1. Similarly, heading levels larger than 6 are clamped to the maximum HTML heading level of 6.


        tv-adjust-heading-level Variable (Examples)

        9th June 2018 at 11:24am


        Sample Headings 1,2,3

        ! This is a Level 1 Heading
        This is a paragraph.
        <$vars tv-adjust-heading-level="-2">
        {{Sample Headings 3,4,5}}
        !! This is a Level 2 heading
        <$vars tv-adjust-heading-level="-1">
        {{Sample Headings 4,5,6}}

        Sample Headings 3,4,5

        !!! This is written as a Level 3 heading
        !!!! This is written as a Level 4 heading
        !!!!! This is written as a Level 5 heading

        Sample Headings 4,5,6

        !!!! This is written as a Level 4 heading
        !!!!! This is written as a Level 5 heading
        !!!!!! This is written as a Level 6 heading


        <$transclude tiddler="Sample Headings 1,2,3" mode="block"/>

        tv-auto-open-on-import Variable

        28th February 2015 at 1:04pm

        The tv-auto-open-on-import variable controls whether the tm-import-tiddlers message causes the tiddler $:/Import (which lists the pending imports) to open in the story river.

        By default, the tiddler is opened. But if this variable has the value no, it isn't.

        An example of setting this variable to no can be found in the upgrade plugin within the TiddlyWiki Upgrade Wizard. People can drag their wiki files onto the wizard without triggering the normal import display.

        tv-config-static Variable

        17th June 2023 at 8:55am

        New in v5.3.0 The tv-config-static variable is set to yes within static rendering templates, and is unset in other contexts.

        It is useful for selectively hiding or showing content depending on whether a rendering is static or interactive.

        tv-config-toolbar-class Variable

        28th February 2015 at 1:58pm

        The tv-config-toolbar-class variable controls the value of the CSS class attribute on the HTML element for a toolbar button.

        It can be set prior to transcluding such a button.

        In most environments, it defaults to tc-btn-invisible, which removes the button's background colour and border.


        tv-config-toolbar-class Variable (Examples)

        28th February 2015 at 1:57pm

        tv-config-toolbar-icons Variable

        28th February 2015 at 2:13pm

        The tv-config-toolbar-icons variable controls whether toolbar buttons display icons.

        It can be set to yes or no prior to transcluding such a button.

        The standard page template sets it to the value found in $:/config/Toolbar/Icons, with the result that this becomes the default for the whole page. The user can adjust this default by using a tickbox on the Settings tab of the Control Panel.


        See also tv-config-toolbar-text.

        tv-config-toolbar-icons Variable (Examples)

        28th February 2015 at 2:14pm

        <$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="no">
        <$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">

        <$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="yes">

        tv-config-toolbar-text Variable

        28th February 2015 at 2:14pm

        The tv-config-toolbar-text variable controls whether toolbar buttons display text.

        It can be set to yes or no prior to transcluding such a button.

        The standard page template sets it to the value found in $:/config/Toolbar/Text, with the result that this becomes the default for the whole page. The user can adjust this default by using a tickbox on the Settings tab of the Control Panel.


        See also tv-config-toolbar-icons.

        tv-config-toolbar-text Variable (Examples)

        28th February 2015 at 2:05pm

        <$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="no">

        <$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">

        tv-filter-export-link Variable

        28th August 2017 at 9:57am

        Introduced in v5.1.15 The tv-filter-export-link variable controls the value of the href attribute on the HTML a element generated by the $link widget. If defined, it takes precedence over the tv-wikilink-template Variable.

        The variable is treated as a filter that is given the target tiddler title as input. The filter is evaluated and the first result is used as the href attribute.

        For example:

        \define tv-filter-export-link() [encodeuricomponent[]encodeuricomponent[]addsuffix[.html]]

        See also the tv-get-export-link variable, which dominates over this one.

        This variable has no useful effect when TiddlyWiki is running in a browser, as the href attribute is ignored there – links between tiddlers are performed by JavaScript instead. The variable comes into play when one is using the Node.js configuration to generate a static version of a wiki.

        tv-get-export-image-link Variable

        10th March 2024 at 1:37pm

        The tv-get-export-image-link variable controls the value of the src attribute on the HTML img element generated by the $image widget when the value of its source attribute is not the title of a tiddler.

        The variable should be a function with the following parameter:

        The value of the source attribute – equivalent to the image name specified in the shorthand syntax [img[source]]

        The ability to override image URIs in this way can be useful when one is using the Node.js configuration to export a static version of a wiki.


        tv-get-export-image-link Variable (Examples)

        10th March 2024 at 1:44pm

        This example fetches the TiddlyWiki icon

        \function tv-get-export-image-link(src) [[$(src)$]substitute[]]

        Also see:

        tv-get-export-link Variable

        28th February 2015 at 1:09pm

        The tv-get-export-link variable controls the value of the href attribute on the HTML a element generated by the $link widget.

        The variable should be a macro with the following parameter:

        The title of the target tiddler of the link, with no escaping

        See also tv-wikilink-template. If both that variable and this one exist, this one dominates.

        This variable has no useful effect when TiddlyWiki is running in a browser, as the href attribute is ignored there – links between tiddlers are performed by JavaScript instead. The variable comes into play when one is using the Node.js configuration to generate a static version of a wiki.

        tv-get-export-path Variable

        28th February 2015 at 1:17pm

        The tv-get-export-path variable specifies the full pathname to which the rendertiddlers Node.js command writes each tiddler.

        The variable should be implemented as a JavaScript macro with the following parameter:

        The title of the tiddler

        If no such macro exists, the tiddlers are written to files whose names are percent-encoded, in the command's output folder.

        tv-history-list Variable

        29th June 2017 at 7:46am

        The tv-history-list variable is assigned by the NavigatorWidget to contain the title of the tiddler containing the current history list.

        Compare tv-story-list.

        tv-show-missing-links Variable

        The tv-show-missing-links variable defines if missing links within the scope of the variable are rendered as links or not.

        Globally, the variable is set within the PageTemplate and can be changed in the $:/ControlPanel under Settings - Show missing links to tiddlers

        If tv-show-missing-links is set to no, missing links are rendered as plain text

        If tv-show-missing-links is set to yes, missing links are rendered as wiki-links

        tv-story-list Variable

        29th June 2017 at 7:45am

        The tv-story-list variable is assigned by the NavigatorWidget to contain the title of the tiddler containing the current story list.

        Compare tv-history-list.

        tv-tiddler-preview Variable

        20th June 2015 at 8:27am

        The tv-tiddler-preview variable indicates whether content is being rendered in a tiddler preview panel.

        The value is yes within the preview panel, and undefined elsewhere.

        tv-wikilink-template Variable

        28th August 2017 at 9:56am

        The tv-wikilink-template variable controls the value of the href attribute on the HTML a element generated by the $link widget. The tv-filter-export-link, if defined, it takes precedence over the tv-wikilink-template variable.

        The variable is treated as if it was a macro with the following parameters:

        The title of the target tiddler of the link, but percent-encoded
        The value of the uri_encoded parameter but percent-encoded again, i.e. with its % characters further converted to %25
        \define tv-wikilink-template() ../tiddlers/$uri_encoded$.html

        The variable defaults to #$uri_encoded$.

        See also the tv-get-export-link variable, which dominates over this one.

        This variable has no useful effect when TiddlyWiki is running in a browser, as the href attribute is ignored there – links between tiddlers are performed by JavaScript instead. The variable comes into play when one is using the Node.js configuration to generate a static version of a wiki.

        tv-wikilink-tooltip Variable

        28th February 2015 at 1:04pm

        The tv-wikilink-tooltip variable specifies the default value for the tooltip attribute of the $link widget.

        It is often defined as a macro, and its value parsed as inline WikiText.


        tv-wikilinks Variable

        28th February 2015 at 1:04pm

        The tv-wikilinks variable controls the behaviour of the $link widget.

        The widget normally produces a link to a tiddler. But if this variable has the value no, the widget suppresses the link and simply displays the text that would otherwise have served as the link.

        You can suppress links for a whole tiddler by placing the following line at the start of the tiddler's text:

        \define tv-wikilinks() no

        This variable has no effect on external links, as those do not involve the $link widget.


        tv-wikilinks Variable (Examples)

        28th February 2015 at 10:44am

        <$link to="HelloThere">is //this// a link?</$link>

        <$set name="tv-wikilinks" value="no">
        <$link to="HelloThere">is //this// a link?</$link>

        TW-Scripts by Mohammad

        6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

        TW-Scripts is one of the most comprehensive collections of solutions for Tiddlywiki 5.

        TW-Scripts includes:

        • Collected solutions to questions in Tiddlywiki Google groups
        • Learn through examples
        • Templates, stylesheets
        • Wikitext, macros, and snippets
        • Tips and tricks
        • Search tools 

        TW2Parser Plugin

        28th February 2017 at 10:24am

        TW5-firebase: TiddlyWiki5 for Google Firebase by Peter Neumark

        15th January 2021 at 12:10pm

        Google-Firebase hosted version of TiddlyWiki5.

        I've been using TiddlyWiki5 with Google Firebase for over a year now. It's stable enough to use on a daily basis. There's a detailed walkthrough of how to create your own instance with lots of screenshots. The entire process takes less than 30 minutes:

        Please consider this version a proof of concept rather than a polished product! My focus was on multi-device or small-team collaboration:

        • Basic authorisation (bags have an access policy determining who can read / write them).
        • Multiple wikis can be hosted under a single firebase account.
        • It uses Firebase's built-in social auth to log in users.
        • Tiddlers are written individually with locking, preventing users overwriting each others' updates.

        TW5-SingleExecutable by Jed Carty

        6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

        TiddlyWiki5 Packaged with the multi-user plugin in a single executable file.

        Tiddlywiki, node js, multiuser plugin - all packaged into a single file so user can just download the file and run it and not have to install anything else. Versions available for windows, osx, and linux.

        TWaddle by Matias Goldman

        29th May 2015 at 8:43am

        A collection of hints and tips, musings and proposals from long-time TiddlyWiki contributor Mat Goldman.

        This is Mat's, a.k.a <:-) little man-cave in the TiddlyVerse.

        Most TW development is, understandably, based on the premise that "Improve code ➔ Better TW". TWaddle is also about developing TW but from the perspective that Bigger community ⇄ Better TW. Thus, TWaddle looks more to people issues - how to attract them, how to make them stick with TW etc.

        I'm not a programmer but I am a TW enthusiast so I tiddlefiddle enough to make the occasional discovery of something cool. Given the amount of words I utter, it is also a mere numbers game before I say something that makes sense. TWaddle is intended to capture these eventualities.


        6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

        The CommunitySearch wiki aggregates many public wikis from the community. It is updated automatically every day. At the time of writing, more than 5000 tiddlers are indexed, thus giving access to the largest known collection of TW content.

        It lets you search for some specific content among a preselected list of wikis. The indexed content is mostly focused on TW usage, so you would typically use this search system to find information about a particular aspect of TiddlyWiki. Say for example that you want to learn how to make a table of content, type "table of content" in the CommunitySearch box (also accessible in the default tiddler GettingStarted). The search results are links to various wikis, and point directly to the specific tiddlers containing your request.

        The CommunitySearch wiki also lets you:

        Twenty Years of TiddlyWiki

        TWEUM Thumbnail.jpg

        Twexe: Single File Tiddlywiki5 executable

        6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

        Single File Tiddlywiki5 executable


        • Automatic backups
        • Automatic saving
        • No browser add-ons needed!!
        • Works on Linux and Windows
        • Single file executable, can be moved, copied, etc.
        • Wiki is compressed, occupying less space on your disk (sometimes even a third of the space!)
        • Converts any Tiddlywiki5 file to a single file executable , no need for special tiddlywiki plugins
        • Automatically uses the saving tab in the control panel (there you can specify a backup directory if you don't like the default)
        • Easily get back the html wiki file from the executable twexe (if you need it for some reason)
        • Opens up the possibility to run external executables from your wiki (to draw charts, etc.) - stay tuned!!
        • Supports external images (i.e. with _canonical_uri field)

        Twitter Plugin

        28th March 2017 at 5:39pm

        This plugin adds a <$twitter> widget that can embed a variety of entities from

        • Individual tweets and conversation threads
        • Buttons to tweet a hashtag/account, follow/like an account, or share a URL
        • Timelines showing tweets from a user, hashtag, list or collection

        twproxy by Steve Gattuso

        6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

        An authentication proxy for your TiddlyWiki.

        One of my favorite aspects of TiddlyWiki has been that it's web-based, making it possible for me to access my wiki from everywhere (especially my phone). That being said, I'm a bit paranoid, so I was left a bit unsatisfied with the tiddlywiki server's HTTP basic auth for protecting my wiki. ~23 commits later, I've created something called twproxy that I'd like to share with you all today, as I'm hoping somebody other than myself will find it useful.

        Essentially it is a simple proxy that puts your wiki behind a username, password, and optional 2-factor auth prompt. This gives you added security in addition to the ability to remember your credentials past one browsing session (I was getting sick and tired of typing my username/password in over and over using basic auth).

        Typed Blocks in WikiText

        20th January 2014 at 5:14pm

        WikiText can include blocks of text that are rendered with an explicit ContentType like this:

        <svg xmlns="" width="150" height="100">
          <circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />

        This renders as:

        It is also possible to abbreviate the ContentType to a file extension. For example:

        <svg xmlns="" width="150" height="100">
          <circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />

        This renders as:

        Unknown types render as plain text:

        Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.

        Which renders as:

        Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.

        A render type can also be specified, causing a particular text rendering to be displayed. For example:

        This is ''some'' wikitext
        This is ''some'' wikitext

        Renders as:

        <p>This is <strong>some</strong> wikitext</p>
        This is some wikitext


        17th January 2015 at 3:25pm

        Use the documentation macros to keep the text maintainable in the face of change.

        Be wary of arbitrarily applying raw bold or italic markup in a sentence. If there's a suitable macro, use that instead. If there isn't a suitable macro, write one or request one.

        Use simple backticks (`...`) for fragments of WikiText, but not for the names of things like fields and widgets. These have their own macros.

        To keep things clean and simple, quotation marks and apostrophes should be straight ', not curly , and the ellipsis should be three separate dots ... rather than .

        Use " as the primary quotation mark, reserving ' for the rare case of a nested quotation.

        Avoid using a single hyphen - as sentence punctuation. Instead, use a double hyphen – which TiddlyWiki renders as an en-dash – with a space on either side.

        Items in lists and tables should only end with a full stop (period in US English) if they are complete sentences. They should have no trailing punctuation otherwise.

        It is very rarely necessary to use an exclamation mark in professional documentation.


        3rd August 2023 at 9:41pm

        The UnaMesa Association, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, helps entrepreneurs strengthen communities, improve health, and increase well-being. Located in Palo Alto, CA, we incubate projects such as the Magical Bridge Foundation and InPlay that translate technology into better social services and new ways of connecting within and across communities. Our overarching goal is to work with networks of social enterprises to develop shared technologies and frameworks for appropriately valuing interactions and relationships in healthcare, education, social services and related domains that recieve short shrift in today's transaction based marketplace. In our view, the purpose of "impact accounting" should be to drive innovations in health, education, social services by making visible which opportunities and experiences are most meaningful in the lives of individuals and families.

        UnaMesa holds the intellectual property rights in TiddlyWiki for the benefit of the community, ensuring that it always remains available under the present permissive license. It has supported the TiddlyWiki open source project since 2006.

        Uninstalling a plugin

        17th June 2022 at 1:29pm

        If you want to follow the steps side by side you can .

        Follow these instructions when using TiddlyWiki as a standalone, single file wiki.

        1. Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file (just in case)
        2. Open the and go to the Plugins tab
        3. Click on the plugin you want to delete to open it as a standalone tiddler
        4. Click the more button and delete the tiddler
        5. Save your TiddlyWiki
        6. If a yellow warning bar appears at the top of the window, refresh the window so that TiddlyWiki completely removes the plugin
        7. The plugin should no longer be active or available

        If you use TiddlyWiki with node.js have a closer look at Uninstalling a plugin with Node.js
        An overview of working with plugins can be found at Plugins

        Uninstalling a plugin with Node.js

        17th June 2022 at 1:37pm

        Follow these instructions when using TiddlyWiki with client-server Node.js configuration:

        1. Quit the server if it is running
        2. Edit the file (it is in JSON format) and locate the plugins and themes section (see below)
        3. Remove the entries corresponding to the plugins you wish to remove
          • Take care to retain commas to separate items
          • Do not terminate the last item in a list with a comma
        4. Restart the server
        	"plugins": [
        	"themes": [

        An overview of working with plugins can be found at Plugins

        unique Operator

        9th July 2024 at 3:13pm
        purposeremove all duplicate items from the current list
        inputa list of items
        outputa list of unique items

        Learn more about how to use Filters

        Unlike the default Dominant Append handling of duplication, the effect of unique is to retain only the earliest instance among duplicated values.


        unique Operator (Examples)

        17th February 2021 at 12:32am


        29th October 2014 at 11:43am

        Extract the payload tiddlers from a plugin, creating them as ordinary tiddlers:

        --unpackplugin <title>

        untagged Operator

        3rd February 2015 at 7:18pm
        purposediscard any input titles that have tags
        inputa selection of titles
        outputthose input tiddlers that have no tags
        ! outputthose input tiddlers that have at least one tag

        Learn more about how to use Filters

        A tiddler is deemed to have no tags if it:

        • doesn't exist
        • doesn't have a tags field
        • has an empty tags field


        untagged Operator (Examples)

        24th January 2015 at 2:27pm




        untrunc Operator

        17th June 2019 at 4:33pm
        purposerounds a list of numbers to the next integer with largest absolute value, that is, away from zero
        inputa selection of titles
        outputrounds each of the input numbers to the next integer with largest absolute value, that is, away from zero

        Learn more about how to use Filters

        Introduced in v5.1.20 See Mathematics Operators for an overview.

        This is the inverse operation of trunc: trunc rounds to zero, but untrunc rounds away from zero.


        untrunc Operator (Examples)

        17th June 2019 at 4:29pm



        =-1.2 =-2.4 =3.6 =4.8 =5.1 +[untrunc[]]

        unusedtitle Macro

        19th January 2024 at 10:41pm

        The unusedtitle macro returns an unused title. Optionally you can provide a base title to generate the new title.

        It uses the same method as the create new tiddler button, a number is appended to the end of the base name.


        A string specifying the desired base name, defaulting to New Tiddler.
        The default setting can be adjusted in the $:/ControlPanel : Info : Basics - tab.
        Introduced in v5.2.0 An optional string specifying the separator between baseName and the unique number. eg: separator:"-". Defaults to a space: " ". If you need an empty separator use the template!
        Introduced in v5.2.0 An optional template string can be used to allow you maximum flexibility. If the template string is used, there will always be a counter value.
        New in v5.3.6 An optional parameter, that sets the initial value for the new tiddler counter.

        Template String

        This variable will be replaced by the content of the baseName parameter
        This variable will be replaced by the separator parameter
        This variable will be created automatically and is a counter starting with 0
        This variable will be created automatically and starts at 0000
        :4 represents the number of digits


        unusedtitle Macro (Examples 1)

        19th January 2024 at 3:16pm
        <<unusedtitle template:"$count:2$-new">>

        <<unusedtitle baseName:"new" template:"$count:2$-$basename$">>

        <<unusedtitle baseName:"new" separator:"-" template:"$count:2$$separator$$basename$">>

        <<unusedtitle startCount:"10" baseName:"new" separator:"-" template:"$count:2$$separator$$basename$">>

        Show the code
        \define testCreate()
        <$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<unusedtitle template:"$count:2$-new">>/>
        \define testCreate1()
        <$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<unusedtitle baseName:"new" separator:"-" template:"$count:2$$separator$$basename$">>/>
        \define testNew()
        <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title=<<unusedtitle baseName:"new" template:"$count:2$-$basename$">> />
        \define testStartCount()
        <$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<unusedtitle startCount:"10" baseName:"new" separator:"-" template:"$count:2$$separator$$basename$">>/>
        <<unusedtitle template:"$count:2$-new">>
        <$button actions=<<testCreate>> >
        <$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab/sidebar--595412856" text="$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent"/>
        Create Tiddler
        <<unusedtitle baseName:"new" template:"$count:2$-$basename$">>
        <$button actions=<<testNew>>>
        <$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab/sidebar--595412856" text="$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent"/>
        New Tiddler
        <<unusedtitle baseName:"new" separator:"-" template:"$count:2$$separator$$basename$">>
        <$button actions=<<testCreate1>>>
        <$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab/sidebar--595412856" text="$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent"/>
        Create Tiddler
        <<unusedtitle startCount:"10" baseName:"new" separator:"-" template:"$count:2$$separator$$basename$">>
        <$button actions=<<testStartCount>>>
        <$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab/sidebar--595412856" text="$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent"/>
        Create Tiddler
            <summary>Show the code</summary>

        unusedtitle Macro (Examples)

        19th January 2024 at 3:07pm


        6th June 2016 at 12:28pm
        1. Open upgrade.html
        2. Includes a data tiddler called $:/UpgradeLibrary that contains the latest compatible versions of all plugins in the library
        3. Drag in old wiki file
        4. Place tiddlers into a data tiddler $:/Import that is typed as a "pending import"
        5. Kick off import processing for each tiddler
          1. Give each "upgrader" module a chance to inspect the incoming tiddlers
          2. Upgrader modules can trigger actions for each tiddler:
            • Display a warning message
            • Don't import
            • Replace with another tiddler from the upgrade library
            • Disable incompatible plugins
        6. Display the newly created pending import tiddler through a new view template segment
          1. Displays the payload tiddlers as a list of titles and checkboxes, with a dropdown showing the full details of the tiddler
          2. Perhaps we also suppress the usual JSON display for data tiddlers behind a reveal widget
        7. The user can adjust the selection checkboxes
        8. Clicking "Upgrade" unpacks the selected tiddlers from the pending import tiddler
        9. The pending import tiddler and the upgrade library tiddler are excluded from the subsequent save operation


        17th June 2016 at 10:51am

        There are regular releases of TiddlyWiki with bug fixes and improvements. It's a good idea to keep up to date by regularly upgrading to the latest version.


        The process described here is for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files. There is a different procedure for upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js.

        When upgrading, please remember the The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki:

        You are responsible for looking after your own data; take care to make backups, especially when upgrading the TiddlyWiki core

        Online upgrading

        This process will work on most desktop browsers. Note that none of your personal data leaves your browser with this process.

        1. Locate your TiddlyWiki file in the file system (i.e. using Windows Explorer, the Finder on Mac OS X, or your file manager on Linux)
        2. Visit in your browser
        3. Drag your old TiddlyWiki HTML file into the browser window
          • If the file is encrypted you will be prompted for the password
        4. Review the list of tiddlers that will be upgraded
        5. Click Upgrade
        6. Save changes to save the new version ( )

        This will download a file called upgrade.html to your computer. This file is the upgrade of your old file. You may need to open the location where upgrade.html was downloaded, rename upgrade.html with the name of the old file you are upgrading, and replace the old file by moving the new file in its place.

        Offline upgrading

        You can also download locally and perform the same drag-and-drop procedure to upgrade your files.

        Problems with Upgrades

        Firefox Security Restrictions

        The following error occurs when trying to perform the online upgrade procedure using Firefox:

        Error while saving:

        Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied

        The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest either using the offline upgrader, or using Chrome to perform the upgrade:

        1. Use Chrome to open, then drag the TiddlyWiki HTML file to be upgraded into the upgrader window, as described above in Online upgrading
        2. After you've saved your upgraded file, you should be able to open it in Firefox and save using TiddlyFox again

        Incompatible Customisations

        It is possible for a customisation applied in a previous version to break when upgraded to the latest version. There are two techniques you can use to help track down issues:

        • Try repeating the upgrade having selectively unchecked any tiddlers that may be applying customisations to TiddlyWiki
        • Use SafeMode to disable all customisations of shadow tiddlers

        You can see which shadow tiddlers have been overridden in the Filter tab of advanced search. Select "Overridden shadow tiddlers" from the dropdown.

        Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js

        12th September 2014 at 2:18pm

        If you've installed TiddlyWiki on Node.js on the usual way, when a new version is released you can upgrade it with this command:

        npm update -g tiddlywiki

        On Mac or Linux you'll need to add sudo like this:

        sudo npm update -g tiddlywiki

        uppercase Operator

        19th June 2019 at 11:08am
        purposereturns each item in the list as uppercase
        inputa selection of titles
        outputthe input titles with each lowercase letter replaced by the equivalent uppercase letter

        Learn more about how to use Filters

        uppercase Operator (Examples)

        13th June 2019 at 3:36pm




        28th February 2015 at 11:36am

        A URI (also often known as a URL) is a string of characters used to specify the location of a resource such as a web page.

        Using a custom path prefix with the client-server edition

        12th September 2014 at 2:16pm

        By default, when running TiddlyWiki on Node.js, the server exposes the wiki at the URI formed from the protocol, host and port - for example,

        There are two steps to running the wiki at a custom path like

        1. Configure the server by passing /path/to/my/wiki as the pathprefix argument of the ServerCommand
        2. Configure the client by creating a tiddler called $:/config/tiddlyweb/host that contains $protocol$//$host$/path/to/my/wiki/

        Using Excise

        3rd August 2023 at 4:45am

        Excise text

        From the Editor toolbar you can export selected text to a new tiddler and insert a link, Transclusion or macro in its place. Click Excise text (), input name of the new tiddler, and choose excise method.

        How to excise text

        1. Highlight the relevant piece of text
        2. Click Excise text ()
        3. Give the new tiddler a title.
        4. Choose if the new tiddler will be tagged with the title of the current tiddler (see note below).
        5. Choose replacing method: link, transclusion, or macro.
        6. Click the Perform excision button

        Note! If you choose the option to Tag new tiddler with the title of this tiddler, the new tiddler will be tagged with the name of the current tiddler before it has been edited. If you have changed the title of the current tiddler, save it first and edit it again to perform excision with this option.

        Using HTTPS

        11th November 2021 at 2:36am

        By default, TiddlyWiki's WebServer serves resources over the insecure HTTP protocol. The risk is minimal if it is only being used within a private, trusted network but in many situations it is desirable to use a secure HTTPS connection.

        HTTPS requires the server to be configured with a certificate via a "cert" file and a "key" file, configured via the tls-cert and tls-key parameters.

        Introduced in v5.2.2 The optional tls-passphrase parameter allows the server to use certificate files that have been generated with a passphrase/password.

        Certificates can be obtained from a certification authority such as, or you can create a self-signed certificate for internal testing.

        To create the required certificate files with the popular openssl utility:

        openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -keyout mywikifolder/key.pem -out mywikifolder/csr.pem
        openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in mywikifolder/csr.pem -signkey mywikifolder/key.pem -out mywikifolder/server.crt
        tiddlywiki mywikifolder --listen username=joe password=bloggs tls-key=key.pem tls-cert=server.crt

        If using a tls-passphrase to generate the certificate files, the commands would change as below:

        • remove the -nodes flag, which specifies "no encryption"
        • replace TLS_PASSPHRASE in the -passout and -passin parameters in the below commands with your chosen string.

        This is the simplest, but least secure method, of passing a passphrase to the certificate utility. See this Stack Exchange anwser on openssl certificates and the openssl and openssl-passphrase-options page in the openssl utility documentation.

        openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -passout pass:TLS_PASSPHRASE -new -keyout mywikifolder/key.pem -out mywikifolder/csr.pem -passout pass:TLS_PASSPHRASE
        openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in mywikifolder/csr.pem -signkey mywikifolder/key.pem -out mywikifolder/server.crt -passin pass:TLS_PASSPHRASE
        tiddlywiki mywikifolder --listen username=joe password=bloggs tls-key=key.pem tls-cert=server.crt tls-passphrase=TLS_PASSPHRASE

        Using links to navigate between tiddlers

        29th November 2020 at 6:30pm

        You can use links (normally displayed as blue text) to navigate from one tiddler to another. Clicking on a link to any tiddler will take you to that tiddler. If the tiddler is closed, it will be opened. The wonderful thing about TiddlyWiki is that it makes links to tiddlers as accessible as possible. There are links everywhere! Here are the key places where you can find links to tiddlers in TiddlyWiki:

        • You can create a link to a tiddler, whether it exists yet or not, in the body of any tiddler. See Linking in WikiText to see the various easy ways to create links between tiddlers.
        • Each tag pill in your tiddler (such as the Working with TiddlyWiki tag pill below the title of this tiddler) contains a link to that tag's tiddler, as well as lists of all the tiddlers that carry that tag. This lets you go to any of those tiddlers.
        • The InfoPanel of each tiddler gives you access to four tabs containing additional lists of related tiddlers:
          • The Backlinks tab lists all the tiddlers that link to the current tiddler.
          • The Tagging tab lists all the tiddlers that have been tagged with the current tiddler's title.
          • The List tab lists all the tiddlers (or potential tiddlers) mentioned in the list field of the current tiddler.
          • The Listed tab lists all the tiddlers that mention the current tiddler in their list fields.
        • The sidebar tabs contain numerous lists of links to tiddlers:
          • The Open tab lists all the tiddlers that are currently open, i.e. visible somewhere on the page.
          • The Recent tab lists the 100 most recently modified tiddlers, beginning with the most recently modified.
          • The More tab offers eight additional lists of tiddlers:
            • All lists all tiddlers in alphabetical order.
            • Tags lists all the tags. You can click on the pill for any tag to access a list of the tiddlers tagged with that tag.
            • Missing lists any tiddlers that don't yet exist, but have been linked to from other tiddlers. This is helpful for finding tiddlers you planned to create, but never got around to.
            • Drafts lists any tiddlers that are currently in draft mode. TiddlyWiki considers a tiddler's draft to be a separate tiddler for as long as you are editing it, so while you're editing a tiddler entitled Australia, there will be two tiddlers, Australia and Draft of 'Australia'. When you close the draft by saving your changes to it, those changes will be applied to the Australia tiddler. So treat the Drafts tab as a way of finding any unfinished drafts you started.
            • Orphans lists all the tiddlers that are not directly linked from another tiddler. This is a helpful aid to editing your file - it shows you which tiddlers need to be integrated more carefully with the others.
            • Types lists any tiddlers with special content, such as images or audio.
            • System lists all of the SystemTiddlers.
            • Shadows lists all of the ShadowTiddlers.
        • Search results are a list of the tiddlers that contain the text you type in the search box.
        • Finally, you can create your own custom lists of tiddlers by various methods:
          • You can transclude a filter (see Transclusion in WikiText). For example, adding {{{ [tag[mountain]] }}} to a tiddler will insert a list of all tiddlers tagged with mountain.
          • You can use the ListWidget. This is more complicated than transcluding a filter, but in return it allows you more flexibility in designing and displaying the list exactly as you want it to appear.

        Using Stamp

        1st January 2023 at 11:49am

        Snippets are pre-configured snippets of text which can be inserted into the editor by clicking the stamp () button on the toolbar and then on the required item.

        Snippets can either replace, or be added before and/or after, the selected text in the editor.

        Create a snippet

        Whilst editing a tiddler

        1. Click stamp () on the toolbar
        2. Click "Add your own" at the bottom of the menu
        3. Type the text for the snippet in the editor
        4. Enter the caption for the snippet menu item in the caption field
        5. Click the Confirm changes to this tiddler button


        1. Create a new tiddler by clicking the Create a new tiddler button in the sidebar
        2. Change the title for the tiddler (from e.g. New Tiddler 1). The tiddler title determines the menu item for the stamp if you do not set a caption field (see below).
          Pro tip Set a title like $:/yourusername/snippets/My new stamp to 'file' your new tiddler away as a system tiddler which doesn't appear in the normal search results
        3. Add the tag $:/tags/TextEditor/Snippet by entering $:/tags/TextEditor/Snippet in the tag name tag box and clicking Add (or pressing the Enter key)
        4. Enter the snippet content (which you wish to appear in the editor when you click the stamp menu ) in the editor
        5. Create a field with the name caption and value set to the text for the snippet's stamp menu item:
          1. Enter caption in the Add new field field name box
          2. Enter the stamp menu item caption in the field value box

        Re-ordering snippets

        Your new snippet will appear at the bottom of the stamp menu by default. To adjust the order of snippets:

        1. Navigate to a snippet tiddler
        2. Click the tag pill
        3. Drag items up and down the menu of snippets

        Adding a prefix and/or suffix to a selection Introduced in v5.1.20

        By default, the stamp button replaces text you have selected in the editor (let's say selectedText)with your snippet (let's say $:/my/snippet).

        If instead of replacing selected text, you wish the stamp button to add wikitext before and/or after the selection:

        1. Create a snippet tiddler (tagged $:/tags/TextEditor/Snippet, with caption field set to desired stamp menu item text) using either of the two methods above
        2. Create a new tiddler with either /prefix or /suffix appended to the end of the snippet tiddler's title, according to whether you wish the stamp to insert the snippet content before (/prefix) or after (/suffix) the text selected in the editor.
          • Do not tag the tiddler $:/tags/TextEditor/Snippet; the caption field is ignored
          • Set the tiddler text to the text you wish to be inserted before or after your selection
        Example configuration for snippet2 with prefix+suffix
        TiddlerTiddler contentTagcaption field
        $:/snip/snippet2$:/tags/TextEditor/SnippetMy second stamp menu item

        Using Stylesheets

        25th November 2021 at 5:57pm

        Theme and Colorpalette

        The first steps to changing the appearance of TiddlyWiki are to choose and apply:

        • One of the available themes:
        • Modify the colour palette:
        • Experiment with the

        Work with Stylesheets

        In addition to the control panel, custom styles can be defined by tagging a tiddler $:/tags/Stylesheet. Try creating a custom stylesheet now with the following content in order to change the page background colour to red: {
        	background: red;

        You can then use your own styles and classes in WikiText.

        Additional Resrouces

        Overriding Theme Settings

        Custom stylesheets are applied independently from theme stylesheets. Therefore, it is often necessary for the css rules in your custom stylesheet to be more specific than those of the theme you want to override. For example, html is more specific than

        You should always start with the least specific value that works!

        Stylesheet Types

        Usually it is best to use the type text/css for stylesheets. This treats them as plain stylesheets, and ensures that TiddlyWiki doesn't apply any wiki processing to them.

        If you wish to use macros and transclusions in your stylesheets you should instead use the default WikiText type text/vnd.tiddlywiki. This allows full WikiText processing to be performed. Here is an example:

        \rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
        pre {
        	<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>

        The \rules pragma at the top of the tiddler restricts the WikiText to just allow macros and transclusion. This avoids mistakenly triggering unwanted WikiText processing.

        A stylesheet tiddler is processed such that it is first wikified and then the text portion of the ouput is extracted to apply as the CSS. Any HTML tags you will use in your stylesheet are thus ignored. For example, HTML elements generated by the RevealWidget will not affect the output. As in the following example, you can wrap CSS rules in <pre> tags to display them as a codeblock without affecting processing, including handling the inner macro.

        \rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
        <pre> pre {
        	<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>

        Stylesheet Macros

        The TiddlyWiki core provides several global macros that are helpful in constructing stylesheets.

        See Also

        Using SVG

        18th June 2016 at 8:58am

        TiddlyWiki5 allows you to use SVG to display vector graphics in two ways:

        • Tiddlers with the type image/svg+xml are interpreted as SVG images, and displayed and transcluded as self-contained <img> elements with the SVG embedded as a data URI in the src attribute.
        • WikiText can also include inline SVG elements directly. See below for an example.

        Embedding SVG tiddlers

        You can embed an SVG image tiddler using the ordinary transclusion syntax:

        {{Motovun Jack.jpg}}

        You can also use Typed Blocks in WikiText to embed an inline SVG tiddler.

        The implications of the image being rendered within an <img> element are that it is sandboxed; it can't use CSS styles from the parent document, for example. Neither can the image use WikiText features like transclusion.

        Embedding SVG elements

        The other way to use SVG is to embed the <svg> element directly. For example:

        Note that inline SVG elements don't need an <?xml version="1.0"?> directive.

        Including HTML or WikiText content in SVG images

        You can include simple text strings in SVG images using the <text> element:

        Hello, out there

        HTML or WikiText content can be included within inline SVG images using the <foreignObject> element. For example:

        Here is some text that requires a word wrap, and includes a link to a tiddler.

        Transcluding SVG elements

        When embedding SVG elements you can also use WikiText features like transclusion. For example, here is an SVG circle with the radius set to the value in the tiddler $:/SVGExampleRadius:

        You can edit the value of the radius here:

        Making curved text with SVG

        This demo shows how to use SVG to render transcluded text along a path. Enter some text in the textbox below to try it out; view the source to see how it is done.

        Using the external JavaScript template

        13th April 2024 at 4:51am

        You can use a special template to externalise TiddlyWiki's core code into a separate file. This configuration allows the browser to cache the core for improved efficiency.


        TiddlyWiki in the single file configuration ordinarily packs everything into a single file: your data, and the JavaScript, CSS and HTML comprising TiddlyWiki itself. This lack of dependencies is usually very convenient: it means that it is impossible for the parts of a TiddlyWiki to become separated, and enormously improves the chances of it still functioning in the future.

        However, there is some inefficiency in this arrangement because the core code is repeatedly loaded and saved every time the content of the wiki is saved. This inefficiency is partially ameliorated when working in the client server configuration because once the wiki is loaded by the browser the synchronisation process only transmits individual tiddlers back and forth to the server.

        The remaining inefficiency when working in the client server configuration is that the single page wiki that is initially loaded will contain a copy of the entire core code of TiddlyWiki, making it impossible for the browser to cache it.

        Using the external JavaScript template with the client-server configuration

        The mechanism is activated by setting the root-tiddler parameter to $:/core/save/all-external-js. This template externalises TiddlyWiki's core JavaScript into a separate file. For example, the following command will start your server with caching enabled. It will transfer the wiki with two GET requests, and the core can be cached by the browser.

        tiddlywiki YOUR_WIKI_FOLDER --listen 'root-tiddler=$:/core/save/all-external-js' use-browser-cache=yes

        You can activate your browser's Developer Tools: Network tab and reload the page to see how it works.

        On Windows, Command Prompt (CMD) users need to replace single quotes ' with double quotation marks ".

        Initialising a new wiki

        The provided edition server-external-js contains all the configuration necessary to use the external JavaScript template. Here is an example:

        tiddlywiki ./myNewWiki --init server-external-js
        tiddlywiki ./myNewWiki --build listen

        The above commands perform the following:

        • Create a new wiki with external JavaScript customisation included.
        • Start the server with external JavaScript enabled. The server listens on port 8080. Visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

        To customise your --build listen command, see Files and ListenCommand.

        Using the external JavaScript template with the single file configuration

        You can use the "external-js" template with your single file wiki, but this requires that you have TiddlyWiki's core JavaScript saved alongside your HTML file. You may prefer this configuration, for example, if you have several wikis on a WebDav server. (See: Saving via WebDAV)

        This functionality is intended for advanced users: there are many more ways for things to go wrong than with the standard single file configuration

        Saving your snapshots

        If you start your TiddlyWiki server in the "external-js" configuration, snapshots you save from the wiki will also have the external-js configuration.

        You can click on the "cloud" button and choose Save snapshot for offline use. The html wiki you saved will have a reduced file size compared to a regular snapshot because the TiddlyWiki core code has been externalised. However, to be able to use this wiki, you must also have a copy of TiddlyWiki's core JavaScript in the same directory; see below for instructions for obtaining it

        The "server-external-js" edition lets you save the snapshot from the command line:

        tiddlywiki YOUR_WIKI_FOLDER --build index

        The files external-5-x-x.html and tiddlywikicore-5.x.x.js will be saved in your wiki folder's output directory.

        Obtaining the TiddlyWiki core in the browser

        For advanced users

        Export the TiddlyWiki core JavaScript code for running with external JavaScript:

        Further information

        Obtaining the TiddlyWiki core with Node.js

        You can also run the following command to obtain the core JavaScript. The file tiddlywikicore-5.x.x.js will be saved in theoutput directory of your wiki folder:

        tiddlywiki YOUR_WIKI_FOLDER \
            --render '$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.js' \
            '[[tiddlywikicore-]addsuffix<version>addsuffix[.js]]' \

        The "server-external-js" edition has a shortcut for the BuildCommand to do the same thing:

        tiddlywiki YOUR_WIKI_FOLDER --build tiddlywikicore

        Upgrading your standalone wiki

        This procedure is experimental, please take care to backup your data

        Before you proceed, backup your wiki first! Follow the steps below to upgrade a single-file wiki with the external JavaScript template:

        1. Proceed with the Upgrade Process for Standalone TiddlyWikis. Your wiki will be converted to a full standalone HTML.
        2. Open your upgraded wiki in the browser. If you'd like to revert to using the regular template, restore the original shadow tiddler $:/config/SaveWikiButton/Template by deleting any custom copy. Save your wiki and you are done.
        3. Otherwise, from your wiki, select the Tools tab from the sidebar and click on the export tiddlywiki core button to obtain the core from your wiki.
        4. Verify that $:/config/SaveWikiButton/Template still contains $:/core/save/offline-external-js. Modify if necessary.
        5. Save your wiki again. Your wiki is now converted to using the external core.

        Using the integrated static file server

        13th April 2024 at 4:51am

        Any files in the subfolder files of the wiki folder will be available via the route \files\<uri-encoded-filename>. For example:

        This can be useful for publishing large files that you don't want to incorporate into the main wiki (PDFs, videos, large images, etc.).

        Static files can be referenced directly:

        • [ext[./files/a-big-document.pdf]] - to make a link to a PDF
        • [img[./files/a-big-image.png]] - to embed an image

        Alternatively, the _canonical_uri field can be used to reference the files as external tiddlers.

        If WebServer Parameter: use-browser-cache is used, these files will be cached by the client's browser to save on bandwidth. In this case, the cache busting strategy can be used to make sure the client always has the latest updated files.

        Cache Busting

        There are a couple different ways of changing the names of files so that they will load when they change. One way is to use version numbers and have them somewhere in the file name when loading. You could have a subdirectory for every version, v1/index.js v2/index.css . You could also have the version in queries in the URLs, index.js?v1 , index.css?v2 .

        Another way is to change the name of the file, index.v1.js , index.v2.css . These ways are not as manageable because this can become very hard once you have a ton of files that are being changed.

        A more popular and manageable way is to keep hashes inside the file names. Hashes, if you don’t know, are fixed length character representations of any content and they are irreversible, meaning you can get the hash from the file but you can’t get the file from the hash. Hashes are perfect for this, because when a file changes its hash will change, so if we keep the hash inside the filename index.[someHashHere].js browsers will detect it and load it instead of an old file.

        Using the read-only single tiddler view

        24th August 2018 at 7:32am

        TiddlyWiki's experimental single tiddler per page, read-only view uses a simplified page layout, and implements links between tiddlers, but there are no other interactive features. Compared to a full TiddlyWiki user interface, it is very lightweight and usable even over very slow connections.

        Alongside serving the full interactive wiki at the path / (e.g., TiddlyWiki serves each tiddler at the path /<url-encoded-tiddler-title>. For example:

        Ordinary, non-system tiddlers are rendered through a special view template while system tiddlers are rendered through a template that returns the raw text of the rendered output. In this way ordinary tiddlers can be browsed by end users while system tiddlers can be included in their raw form to use them as JS, HTML or CSS templates. Additionally these defaults can be overwritten on a per tiddler basis by specifying the _render_type and _render_template fields accordingly.

        The templates are controlled by these parameters:

        Using TiddlyWiki for GitHub project documentation

        12th September 2014 at 2:15pm

        TiddlyWiki5 can be used to produce documentation for GitHub projects. It lets you maintain a single set of documentation as a TiddlyWikiFolder containing separate tiddler files under source code control, and then use it to produce files for inclusion in project folders, or HTML files for storage in GitHub Pages. Both features are demonstrated by TiddlyWiki5 itself.

        Generating files

        When displaying the contents of a folder GitHub will look for a file and display it. Note that it will not display full HTML files in this way, just static MarkDown files (this is a security measure). Happily MarkDown permits a safe subset of HTML, and thus to generate a file that is suitable for GitHub it is just necessary for TiddlyWiki5 to generate the content of the <body> element of an HTML document, and give it the appropriate filename.

        This is done with this command:

        --rendertiddler ReadMe ./ text/html

        It saves the tiddler ReadMe to the file ./ in the text/html format.

        By default, tiddler links will be rendered as <a> links to a relative URI consisting of the title of the tiddler. This behaviour can be overridden by defining the macro tv-wikilink-template, as is done at the top of the tiddler ReadMe:

        \define tv-wikilink-template()$uri_doubleencoded$.html

        See the LinkWidget for more details.

        In this example, tiddler links are rendered as links to the static rendering of

        Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js

        25th October 2024 at 5:13am

        TiddlyWiki5 includes a set of commands for use on the command line to perform an extensive set of operations based on TiddlyWikiFolders, TiddlerFiles.

        For example, the following command loads the tiddlers from a TiddlyWiki HTML file and then saves one of them in static HTML:

        tiddlywiki --verbose --load mywiki.html --render ReadMe ./readme.html

        Running tiddlywiki from the command line boots the TiddlyWiki kernel, loads the core plugins and establishes an empty wiki store. It then sequentially processes the command line arguments from left to right. The arguments are separated with spaces.

        Introduced in v5.1.20 First, there can be zero or more plugin references identified by the prefix + for plugin names or ++ for a path to a plugin folder. These plugins are loaded in addition to any specified in the TiddlyWikiFolder.

        The next argument is the optional path to the TiddlyWikiFolder to be loaded. If not present, then the current directory is used.

        The commands and their individual arguments follow, each command being identified by the prefix --.

        tiddlywiki [+<pluginname> | ++<pluginpath>] [<wikipath>] [--<command> [<arg>[,<arg>]]]

        For example:

        tiddlywiki --version
        tiddlywiki +plugins/tiddlywiki/filesystem +plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb mywiki --listen
        tiddlywiki ++./mygreatplugin mywiki --listen

        Introduced in v5.1.18 Commands such as the ListenCommand that support large numbers of parameters can use NamedCommandParameters to make things less unwieldy. For example:

        tiddlywiki wikipath --listen username=jeremy port=8090

        See Commands for a full listing of the available commands.

        Utility by Mohammad

        17th November 2020 at 4:02pm

        The utility plugin objective is to provide set of tools for developers and authors.

        These tools include simple transclusions, show raw contents of tiddlers, author tools, wikitext macros, show fields in view mode, etc.

        Utility Classes

        10th October 2022 at 7:42am

        Introduced in v5.2.4 The following outlines a few predefined CSS classes intended to make it simpler to style HTML block-elements and wikitext tables.

        General Utility Classes

        tc-centerCentres a block-element to the middle of the container
        tc-max-width Expands a block-element to use the maximum width of the container
        tc-max-width-80Sets the width of a block-element to use 80% of the maximum container width. This setting is useful with the tc-center class
        tc-edit-max-width Expands TextWidgets to use the maximum available width. See ControlPanel -> Info -> Basics
        tc-first-link-nowrapEnsures that any links in the first table column will never wrap to the next line
        tc-clearfixNew in v5.3.6 This class can be used to prevent elements, that have a class="tc-float-right" from overflowing their container elements. tc-clearfix is already assigned to all major ViewTemplate and EditTemplate elements. So it only needs to be used where the default does not work out of the box.

        Table Utility Classes

        tc-table-no-borderRemoves the borders of a table
        tc-first-col-min-widthThe first column of a table will take up minimal possible width. It adapts to the content
        tc-table-wrapperNew in v5.3.6 A class to be applied to a div element outside the table to prevent table from overflowing

        Variable Attribute Values

        26th July 2023 at 3:10pm

        Variable attribute values are indicated with double angle brackets around a macro invocation. For example:

        <div title=<<MyMacro "Brian">>>

        The behaviour of variables invoked via widget attributes is not the same as when they are invoked via normal wikitext. In addition, the behaviour depends on how the variable is declared:

        how declaredbehaviour
        \defineTextual substitution of parameters is performed on the body text. No further processing takes place. The result after textual substitution is used as the attribute's value
        $set, $let, $vars, \procedure, \widgetBody text is retrieved as-is and used as the attribute's value.
        \functionWhen a function (e.g. .myfun) is invoked as <div class=<<.myfun>>/>, it is a synonym for <div class={{{[function[.myfun]]}}}/>. As with any filtered transclusion (i.e. triple curly braces), all results except the first are discarded. That first result is used as the attribute's value. Note that functions are recursively processed even when invoked in this form. In other words a filter expression in a function can invoke another function and the processing will continue

        Variable Usage

        26th July 2023 at 2:59pm

        Ways to define variables and parameters

        how declared how parameters are defined accessing parameter values in the body
        \define()$param$, <<__param__>>
        $parameters or \parameters<<param>>
        $set, $let, $vars$parameters or \parameters<<param>>
        \procedure, \widget(), $parameters or \parameters<<param>>
        javascript macrosexports.params javascript property arraypassed as normal javascript function parameter and so accessed as a normal javascript variable


        These examples are meant to provide insight into the various ways of defining and using parameters. In many cases they do not illustrate best practices.


        \define mp1(a1)  $a1$ - <<__a1__>>
        \define mp2() <$parameters a1><<a1>></$parameters>
        \define mp3()
        |<<mp1 foo>>|<<mp2 foo>>|<<mp3 foo>>|

        $set, $let, $vars

        <$set name="sp1" value="<$parameters a1><<a1>></$parameters>">
        <$set name="sp2" value="""
        <$parameters a1><<a1>></$parameters>
        <$vars vp1="<$parameters a1><<a1>></$parameters>" vp2="""
        <$parameters a1><<a1>></$parameters>
        <$let lp1="<$parameters a1><<a1>></$parameters>" lp2="""
        <$parameters a1><<a1>></$parameters>
        |<<sp1 foo>>|<<sp2 foo>>|
        |<<vp1 foo>>|<<vp2 foo>>|
        |<<lp1 foo>>|<<lp2 foo>>|

        \procedure, \widget

        \procedure pp1(a1)  <<a1>>
        \procedure pp2() <$parameters a1><<a1>></$parameters>
        \procedure pp3()
        \procedure wp1(a1)  <<a1>>
        \widget wp2() <$parameters a1><<a1>></$parameters>
        \widget wp3()
        |<<pp1 foo>>|<<pp2 foo>>|<<pp3 foo>>|
        |<<wp1 foo>>|<<wp2 foo>>|<<wp3 foo>>|


        \function fp1(a1)  [<a1>]
        |<<fp1 foo>>|

        Behaviour of invoked variables depends on how the variable was declared

        Invoked in normal wikitext context: <$transclude $variable=myvar/> or <<myvar>>

        how declaredbehaviour
        \defineAll wikitext and variable substitution and textual substitution takes place
        $set, $let, $vars, \procedure, \widgetAll wikitext and variable substitution takes place
        \functionInvoking a function in this way (<<.myfun>>) is a synonym for <$text text={{{[function[.myfun]]}}}/>. As with any filtered transclusion (i.e. triple curly braces), all results except the first are discarded

        Invoked via widget attribute: <div class=<<myvar>>/>

        how declaredbehaviour
        \defineTextual substitution of parameters is performed on the body text. No further processing takes place. The result after textual substitution is used as the attribute's value
        $set, $let, $vars, \procedure, \widgetBody text is retrieved as-is and used as the attribute's value.
        \functionWhen a function (e.g. .myfun) is invoked as <div class=<<.myfun>>/>, it is a synonym for <div class={{{[function[.myfun]]}}}/>. As with any filtered transclusion (i.e. triple curly braces), all results except the first are discarded. That first result is used as the attribute's value. Note that functions are recursively processed even when invoked in this form. In other words a filter expression in a function can invoke another function and the processing will continue

        Invoked via filter operator parameter: [<myvar>]

        how declaredbehaviour
        \defineTextual substitution of parameters is performed on the body text. No further processing takes place. The result after textual substitution is used as the filter operator's parameter.
        $set, $let, $vars, \procedure, \widgetBody text is retrieved as-is and used as the filter operator's parameter.
        \functionThe body text of the function is treated as a filter expression and evaluated. The first result is passed to the operator as a parameter. The remaining results are discarded.

        Invoked via function call in a filter expression: [function[.myfun]]

        how declaredbehaviour
        \define, $set, $let, $vars, \procedure, \widgetEvery function is a variable, but only variables defined using \function are invokable using the function filter operator. Attempts to use a non-function variable is the same as if the function doesn't exist. The behavior in this case is like the identity function. All filter input is passed unchanged to the output.
        \functionThe body text of the function is treated as a filter expression and evaluated. This filter expression can itself contain a function call. Filter expressions can be factored out into functions arbitrarily deep.


        Below is an example macro, procedure and function definition. All three forms of parameter substitution $a1$, <<__a1__>>, and <<a1>> are included in each definition. The output helps illustrate when each form of substitution will or will not have affect.

        \define m1(a1) $a1$ - <<__a1__>> - <<a1>>
        \procedure p1(a1) $a1$ - <<__a1__>> - <<a1>>
        \function f1(a1) $a1$ "-" [<__a1__>] ="-" [<a1>] :and[join[ ]]
        Variable transclusionoutput
        <<m1 foo>>foo - foo -
        <<p1 foo>>$a1$ - - foo
        <<f1 foo>>$a1$ - - foo
        Widget attributeoutput
        <$text text=<<m1 foo>>/>foo - <<__a1__>> - <<a1>>
        <$text text=<<p1 foo>>/>$a1$ - <<__a1__>> - <<a1>>
        <$text text=<<f1 foo>>/>$a1$ - - foo
        Filter operator parameteroutput
        [<m1 foo>]foo - <<__a1__>> - <<a1>>
        [<p1 foo>]$a1$ - <<__a1__>> - <<a1>>
        [<f1 foo>]$a1$ - - foo
        Function call in filter expressionoutput
        [function[m1],[foo]]"A free, open source wiki revisited" by Mark Gibbs, NetworkWorld
        [function[p1],[foo]]"A free, open source wiki revisited" by Mark Gibbs, NetworkWorld
        [function[f1],[foo]]$a1$ - - foo



        22nd April 2024 at 8:43am


        • A variable is a snippet of text that can be accessed by name.
        • The text is referred to as the variable's value.

        Variables are defined by widgets. Several core widgets define variables, the most common being the $let, $set and $list widgets.

        The values of variables are available to descendant widgets, including transcluded content. For example, within each tiddler in the main story river the variable currentTiddler is set to the title of the tiddler.

        Variables can also be overwritten by descendent widgets defining variables of the same name, thus binding a different snippet to that name for the scope of the children of the widget.

        Special Kinds of Variables

        There are several special kinds of variable that extend their basic capabilities:

        • Procedures are snippets of text that can be passed parameters when wikified
        • Functions are snippets of text containing filters with optional named parameters
        • Custom Widgets are snippets of text containing definitions of custom widget
        • Macros are snippets of text that can contain placeholders that are filled in with parameters whenever the macro is used

        Note that these special kinds of variable can only be created with the associated shortcut definition syntax.

        For a more detailed comparison of these special kinds of variables, see Variable Usage.

        Defining Variables

        The following core widgets are commonly used to define variables:

        • $let widget – the easiest way to define multiple variables
        • $set widget – the most flexible way to define a single variable
        • $parameters widget – used to declare parameter variables within procedures and custom widgets
        • $list widget – defines a loop variable and optional counter variable
        • $setmultiplevariables widget – allows creation of multiple variables at once where the names and values are not known in advance

        Using Variables

        Once a variable is defined there are several ways to access it.

        Transcluding Variables

        Transcluding a variable renders the text contents of the variable as if it replaced the call. It is a shortcut syntax for the $transclude widget with the $variable attribute.


        Parameters can be passed to the transclusion as follows:

        <<varname "This is a parameter">>
        <<varname param:"This is a parameter">>
        <<varname param:"This is a parameter" second:"Another parameter">>

        The handling of these parameters depends on the kind of variable:

        • Procedures assign the parameters to variables that are available within the procedure
        • Macros replace the text of the special markers $param$ with the values passed to the macro for those parameters (see Macro Parameter Handling for the details)

        The parameters are ignored for other kinds of variable.

        Macro Variable Substitutions

        Before the text of a macro is used, the special markers $(variable)$ are replaced with the values of the named variable.

        Variable Attributes

        Variables can be used as the value of attributes of widgets or HTML elements:

        <div class=<<varname>>>

        Parameters can be passed:

        <div class=<<varname "This is a parameter">>>
        <div class=<<varname param:"This is a parameter">>>
        <div class=<<varname param:"This is a parameter" second:"Another parameter">>>

        The handling of these parameters depends on the kind of variable:

        • Functions assign the parameters to variables that are available within the function
        • Macros replace the text of the special markers $param$ with the values passed to the macro for those parameters (see Macro Parameter Handling for the details)

        The parameters are ignored for other kinds of variable.

        Variables in Filters

        Variables can be accessed within Filters using angle brackets to quote the name:


        Parameters can be passed in the usual way:

        [<varname "This is a parameter">]
        [<varname param:"This is a parameter">]
        [<varname param:"This is a parameter" second:"Another parameter">]

        See Also

        • The dumpvariables macro lists all variables that are available at that position in the widget tree
        • Complete listing of TiddlyWiki's built-in Core Variables


        Example of Defining a Variable

        <$set name=animal value=zebra>

        Example of Defining a Macro

        The \define pragma below defines a macro called tags-of-current-tiddler. The macro returns the value of the tiddler's tags field, and can be accessed from anywhere else in the same tiddler (or in any tiddler that imports it).

        \procedure tags-of-current-tiddler() {{!!tags}}
        The tags are: <<tags-of-current-tiddler>>

        Example of Using a Variable as a Filter Parameter

        This example uses the backlinks operator to list all tiddlers that link to this one.

        <<list-links filter:"[<currentTiddler>backlinks[]]">>

        Variables in WikiText

        21st February 2015 at 10:18pm

        variables Operator

        30th March 2019 at 10:01am
        purposeselect the names of all the actively defined variables
        outputthe names of all the actively defined variables

        Learn more about how to use Filters

        Introduced in v5.1.20 The primary purpose of the variables operator is to implement the dumpvariables Macro:

        \define dumpvariables()
        \whitespace trim
        <$list filter="[variables[]]" variable="varname">
        <strong><code><$text text=<<varname>>/></code></strong>:<br/>
        <$codeblock code={{{ [<varname>getvariable[]] }}}/>


        variables Operator (Examples)

        30th March 2019 at 10:01am

        → returns the names of any variables whose names start with colour

        variance Operator

        26th April 2021 at 1:15pm
        purposetreating each input title as a number, compute their variance
        inputa selection of titles
        outputthe variance of the input as numbers

        Learn more about how to use Filters

        Introduced in v5.2.0 See Mathematics Operators for an overview.

        The standard-deviation operator treats the input as a complete population and not a sample


        variance Operator (Examples)

        26th April 2021 at 1:15pm

        1 3 4 5 +[variance[]]

        Note that if there is no input the operator returns NaN

        [title[NotATiddler]is[tiddler]get[price]] +[variance[]]


        26th April 2015 at 11:59am


        The $vars widget allows multiple variables to be set in one operation. In some situations it can result in simpler code than using the more flexible $set widget. It differs from the $let in that variables cannot interfere with the evaluation of other variables within the same $vars.

        Content and Attributes

        The content of the $vars widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.

        {attributes not starting with $}Each attribute name specifies a variable name. The attribute value is assigned to the variable

        Attributes will not interfere with the evaluation of other attributes. So if one attribute sets currentTiddler, and another attribute uses currentTiddler in its evaluation, it will use the value of currentTiddler that exists outside the widget's scope.


        Consider a case where you need to set multiple variables.

        Using the $vars widget, this situation may be handled in the following way:

        \define helloworld() Hello world!
        <$vars greeting="Hi" me={{!!title}} sentence=<<helloworld>>>
          <<greeting>>! I am <<me>> and I say: <<sentence>>

        In contrast, here is the same example using the $set widget:

        <$set name="greeting" value="Hi" >
        <$set name="me" value={{!!title}} >
        <$set name="sentence" value=<<helloworld>> >
          <<greeting>>! I am <<me>> and I say: <<sentence>>


        It should be noted that this widget differs from the $set widget in the following ways:

        • A fallback (also known as "emptyValue") cannot be specified
        • Filters cannot be used to produce a conditional variable assignment
        • Variable names must be literal strings


        Triggers verbose output, useful for debugging


        version Macro

        21st February 2015 at 9:41pm

        The version macro returns the current version number of TiddlyWiki.




        version Macro (Examples)

        21st February 2015 at 9:41pm

        Version number: <<version>>



        19th September 2014 at 4:12pm

        The following TiddlyWiki videos are available.

        The aim is to curate a series of videos to guide people through getting up and running with TiddlyWiki. Contributions are welcome.

        View Template Body Cascade

        6th December 2021 at 4:16pm

        The view template body cascade is a cascade used by the default view template to choose the template for displaying the tiddler body.

        The default view template body cascade consists of:

        1. If the tiddler title starts with any of a list of known system tiddler prefixes, use the template $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body/code to display the body as preformatted code
        2. If the tiddler has the field plugin-type set to import then use the template $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body/import which displays the custom import user interface
        3. If the tiddler has the field plugin-type then use the template $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body/plugin to display the plugin information badge
        4. If the tiddler has the field hide-body set to yes then use the template $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body/blank to hide the body
        5. Otherwise, use the default template $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body/default

        You can see the current settings for the view template body cascade in $:/ControlPanel under the Info -> Advanced -> Cascades -> View Template Body tab.

          View Template Title Cascade

          6th December 2021 at 4:11pm

          The view template title cascade is a cascade used by the default view template to choose the template for displaying the tiddler title.

          The core view template title cascade can be found in $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/title

          The default view template title cascade consists of:

          1. If the tiddler title starts with $:/ then use the template $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/title/system which causes the $:/ prefix to be displayed in pale text
          2. Otherwise, use the template $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/title/default which displays the title in plain text

          You can see the current settings for the view template title cascade in $:/ControlPanel under the Info -> Advanced -> Cascades -> View Template Title tab.


            19th December 2021 at 9:34pm


            The view widget displays the contents of a tiddler field in a specified format.

            Content and Attributes

            The content of the <$view> widget is displayed if the field or property is missing or empty.

            tiddlerThe title of the tiddler (defaults to the current tiddler)
            fieldThe name of the field to view (defaults to "text")
            indexThe name of the index to view
            formatThe format for displaying the field (see below)
            templateOptional template string used when the format attribute is set to "date"
            subtiddlerOptional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a plugin (see below)
            modeIntroduced in v5.1.15 Optional transclusion parsing mode for wikified formats. May be "inline" or "block" (the default)


            The following formats can be specified in the format attribute:

            textPlain text (default)
            See also the TextWidget. <$view format=text tiddler=MyTiddler/> renders the same as <$text text={{MyTiddler}}/>
            htmlencodedThe field is displayed with HTML encoding.
            Rendered value is the same as the output from the encodehtml filter operator
            htmltextencodedIntroduced in v5.2.0 The field is displayed with HTML encoding, only double quotes (") are not escaped. This creates a more compact htmlencoding appropriate for html text content, but not for attributes.
            urlencodedThe field is displayed with URL encoding
            Rendered value is the same as the output from the encodeuri filter operator
            doubleurlencodedThe field is displayed with double URL encoding
            Rendered value is the same as the output from calling the encodeuri filter operator twice
            htmlwikifiedThe field is wikified according to the mode attribute and the resulting HTML returned as plain text (ie HTML elements will appear in plain text)
            plainwikifiedThe field is wikified according to the mode attribute and the text content of the resulting HTML returned as plain text (ie HTML elements will be removed)
            htmlencodedplainwikifiedThe field is wikified according to the mode attribute and the text content of the resulting HTML returned as HTML encoded plain text (ie HTML elements will be removed)
            dateThe field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed according to the DateFormat specified in the template attribute
            Rendered value is the same as the output from the format:date filter operator
            relativedateThe field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed as the interval from the present instant
            Rendered value is the same as the output from the format:relativedate filter operator
            stripcommentsThe field is interpreted as JavaScript source code and any lines beginning \\# are stripped
            jsencodedThe field is displayed as a JavaScript encoded string
            Rendered value is the same as the output from the stringify filter operator

            "WikiText format"

            To display the field content as regular WikiText, for example with working links, use the TranscludeWidget instead.

            SubTiddler Access

            The view widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a plugin.

            The following example will view the core version of the tiddler $:/DefaultTiddlers even if it has been overridden:

            <$view tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>

            That renders as:



            Given this Saturday example tiddler:

            tiddlerraw contentrendered content
            Saturday<<.this-is-operator-example>> This example tiddler is used to illustrate some of the Filter Operators.

            Here is how <$view tiddler=Saturday format=<<format>>/> renders for each format:

            formatrenders as
            text <<.this-is-operator-example>>
            htmlencoded &lt;&lt;.this-is-operator-example&gt;&gt;
            htmltextencoded &lt;&lt;.this-is-operator-example&gt;&gt;
            urlencoded %3C%3C.this-is-operator-example%3E%3E%0A
            doubleurlencoded %253C%253C.this-is-operator-example%253E%253E%250A
            htmlwikified <p>This example tiddler is used to illustrate some of the <a class="tc-tiddlylink tc-tiddlylink-resolves" href="#Filter%20Operators">Filter Operators</a>.</p>
            plainwikified This example tiddler is used to illustrate some of the Filter Operators.
            htmlencodedplainwikified This example tiddler is used to illustrate some of the Filter Operators.
            stripcomments <<.this-is-operator-example>>
            jsencoded <<.this-is-operator-example>>\n

            vis.js Timeline by emkay, revived by kixam

            6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

            An interactive timeline visualisation plugin based on Vis.js. A demo can be found here:

            vis.js Timeline is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to link your wiki-topics (tiddlers) in order to create clickable timelines. This project is a direct continuation of emkay's plugin.

            Visible Transclusions

            19th April 2023 at 10:31am

            Visible Transclusions

            Block transclusions are shown in red, and inline transclusions are shown in green.

            Web Developer Tools

            20th November 2020 at 3:46pm

            Most browsers provide Web Developer Tools that include a JavaScript console. In Chrome and Firefox it can be opened via the Tools menu, or by pressing Ctrl + Shift + J (Cmd + Shift + J on a Mac).


            13th April 2024 at 4:37am

            When running under Node.js, TiddlyWiki includes a simple HTTP/HTTPS web server that allows you to use it from any browser running on the same machine or over a network.

            The web server includes a very simple mechanism allowing multiple users to log in with different credentials. The implementation is designed to be simple and easy to use, and would not generally be considered robust enough for use on the open internet. It is intended for use by individuals or small groups on a trusted network. It is recommended to use an external proxy before exposing it on the Internet.

            How It Works

            The web server listens for requests coming over the network, and performs the following actions in turn:

            • Authentication is the process of identifying the current user. TiddlyWiki supports three types of authentication: Anonymous, Basic and Header
            • Authorization is the process of determining which resources may be accessed by a particular user. TiddlyWiki implements a simple scheme whereby read and write access to the wiki can be independently controlled.
            • Routing is the process of dispatching the request to the API handler, and returning any required data.


            Anonymous Access

            The web server is started with the ListenCommand (which supersedes the older ServerCommand). All the NamedCommandParameters are optional, so the simplest form is:

            tiddlywiki mywikifolder --listen

            Visit to access the wiki. Access is anonymous, so anyone can read or write to the wiki.

            This will typically be available only to users on the local machine. For information on how to open the instance to the local network see the Web Server host parameter entry.

            Authenticated Access

            Adding username and password parameters enforces basic authentication for both reading and writing:

            tiddlywiki mywikifolder --listen username=test password=tset

            Visiting the wiki will prompt for a username and password, and access is denied if they do not match the provided credentials.

            Anonymous Read, Authenticated Write

            This example adds the authorization parameters readers and writers to grant read access to anonymous users, but require authentication as "joe" in order to gain write access.

            Note that anonymous users can trigger a username/password prompt by visiting the route \login-basic (eg
            tiddlywiki mywikifolder --listen "readers=(anon)" writers=joe username=joe password=bloggs

            Note the double quotes that are required for parameters containing special characters.


            The full list of available optional parameters is:


            Further information on usage of the integrated WebServer:

            WebServer Anonymous Access

            1st July 2018 at 8:23pm

            Anonymous access is only permitted if the special (anon) token is present in the readers (for reading) and optionally writers (for writing) authorisation parameters.

            WebServer API

            2nd October 2018 at 1:18pm

            WebServer API: Delete Tiddler

            18th April 2021 at 10:07am

            WebServer API: Force Basic Authentication Login

            16th December 2018 at 6:19pm

            Forces the server to request basic authentication login, and then redirects to the root

            GET /login-basic

            Requests an basic authentication from the browser, and redirects to the root if successful.


            • none


            • 302 Found
              Location: /
            • 401 Unauthorized
              WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Please provide your username and password to login to <servername>"

            WebServer API: Get All Tiddlers

            9th September 2022 at 9:43am

            Gets an array of all raw non-system tiddlers, excluding the text field.

            GET /recipes/default/tiddlers.json


            • filter - filter identifying tiddlers to be returned (optional, defaults to "[all[tiddlers]!is[system]sort[title]]")
            • exclude - comma delimited list of fields to excluded from the returned tiddlers (optional, defaults to "text")

            In order to avoid denial of service attacks with malformed filters in the default configuration the only filter that is accepted is the default filter "[all[tiddlers]!is[system]sort[title]]"; attempts to use any other filter will result in an HTTP 403 error.

            To enable a particular filter, create a tiddler with the title "$:/config/Server/ExternalFilters/" concatenated with the filter text, and the text field set to "yes". For example, the TiddlyWeb plugin includes the following shadow tiddler to enable the filter that it requires:

            title: $:/config/Server/ExternalFilters/[all[tiddlers]] -[[$:/isEncrypted]] -[prefix[$:/temp/]] -[prefix[$:/status/]] -[[$:/boot/boot.js]] -[[$:/boot/bootprefix.js]] -[[$:/library/sjcl.js]] -[[$:/core]]
            text: yes

            It is also possible to configure the server to accept any filter by creating a tiddler titled $:/config/Server/AllowAllExternalFilters with the text "yes". This should not be done for public facing servers.


            WebServer API: Get Favicon

            2nd October 2018 at 12:41pm

            Get the favicon for the wiki from the tiddler $:/favicon.ico

            GET /favicon.ico


            • none


            • 200 OK
              Content-Type: image/x-icon
              Body: image data from the tiddler $:/favicon.ico

            WebServer API: Get File

            2nd October 2018 at 12:43pm

            Get the content of a static file. See using the integrated static file server

            GET /files/<pathname>


            • pathname - URI encoded path to the file


            • 200 OK
              Content-Type: <content-type> (determined from file extension)
              Body: data retrieved from file
            • 403 Forbidden
            • 404 Not Found

            WebServer API: Get Rendered Tiddler

            2nd October 2018 at 1:54pm

            Gets a rendering of the specified tiddler. See using the read-only single tiddler view for more details.

            GET /{title}


            • title - URI encoded title of the tiddler to render


            • 200 OK
              Content-Type: <content-type>
              Body: tiddler rendering
            • 404 Not Found

            WebServer API: Get Server Status

            2nd October 2018 at 12:58pm

            Get server status information

            GET /status


            • none


            • 200 OK
              Content-Type: application/json
              Body: see below

            The JSON data returned comprises the following properties:

            For example:

              "username": "",
              "anonymous": true,
              "read_only": false,
              "space": {
                "recipe": "default"
              "tiddlywiki_version": "5.1.18"

            WebServer API: Get Tiddler

            2nd October 2018 at 1:04pm

            WebServer API: Get Wiki

            2nd October 2018 at 12:47pm

            Get the main wiki

            GET /

            The wiki is composed by rendering the tiddler identified in the root-tiddler parameter with the render type in the root-render-type parameter. This is then served with the content type from the root-serve-type parameter.


            • none


            • 200 OK
              Content-Type: text/html
              Body: data retrieved from file

            WebServer API: Put Tiddler

            18th April 2021 at 10:07am

            Saves the raw fields of a tiddler

            PUT /recipes/default/tiddlers/{title}

            The body should be in TiddlyWeb JSON tiddler format.


            • title - URI encoded title of the tiddler to save



            • 204 No Content
              Content-Type: text/plain
              Etag: "default/<title>/<changecount>:"

            WebServer Authentication

            1st July 2018 at 6:45pm

            Authentication is the process of identifying the current user. TiddlyWiki supports three types of authentication:

            • Anonymous Access allows any user to access resources without requiring authentication. Optionally, a username can still be specified for signing edits
            • Basic Authentication requires the user to enter a username and password combination which TiddlyWiki validates against an internal database of credentials
            • Header Authentication requires an external proxy to place the username of the current user in a trusted header of the request. It is often used as the basis of "single sign-on" features

            WebServer Authorization

            22nd November 2021 at 12:41am

            Authorization is the process of determining which resources may be accessed by a particular user. It occurs after authentication has determined the identity of the user. TiddlyWiki's WebServer implements a simple authorization scheme which permits independent control of who has administrator access to the server, and read and write access to a wiki.

            The WebServer parameters admin, readers and writers each contain a comma separated list of principals (which is to say, either usernames or certain special tokens) which should have read or write access respectively.

            The available special tokens are:

            • (anon) - indicates all anonymous users
            • (authenticated) - indicates all authenticated users

            Admin Functions

            The (anon) token is not valid for the admin parameter.

            At this time, no server functions are restricted to admin authorized users in the unmodified Tiddlywiki server. Third party plugins can leverage this to restrict routes or commands to a subset of authorized users.

            Read-only Mode

            Read-only mode is engaged when the current user is not authorized to write to the current wiki.

            User interface features concerned with creating or editing content are disabled in read-only mode:

            • clone, delete, new-here and new-journal-here tiddler toolbar buttons
            • import, manager, new-tiddler new-image and new-journal page control buttons

            The tiddler $:/status/IsReadOnly is set to yes when read-only mode is engaged.


            These example use the credentials parameter to specify the location of a file containing usernames and passwords.

            In the first example, read access is permitted for the users "joe" and "mary", with write access restricted to "mary":

            tiddlywiki mywikifolder --listen credentials=myusers.csv readers=joe,mary writers=mary

            In the following example, read access is granted to all authenticated users, but only "mary" is granted write access:

            tiddlywiki mywikifolder --listen credentials=myusers.csv "readers=(authenticated)" writers=mary

            In the following example, read and write access is granted to all authenticated users, but only "mary" is granted admin access:

            tiddlywiki mywikifolder --listen credentials=myusers.csv "readers=(authenticated)" "writers=(authenticated)" admin=mary

            WebServer Basic Authentication

            16th December 2018 at 6:19pm

            Basic authentication is a standard mechanism for servers to instruct browsers to prompt the user for credentials. It is recommended to use it in association with HTTPS due to the way that it passes unencrypted passwords over the network.

            Basic authentication is activated if credentials are specified via the username/password or credentials parameters.

            If WebServer Authorization is configured to allow access by both anonymous and authenticated users then by default users will not be prompted for credentials, and will be given anonymous access. To force a password prompt visit the route /login-basic (for example,

            WebServer Guides

            3rd July 2018 at 9:47am

            WebServer Header Authentication

            2nd July 2018 at 2:02pm

            Header authentication is a web integration technique enabling external entities to securely pass details of the authenticated user to an application.

            Header authentication is activated if is configured via the authenticated-user-header

            Usage in SSO

            Header authentication is commonly used for "single sign on" in corporate environments. When doing header authentication, the user is not prompted for a username and password on TiddlyWiki. Instead, the user is required to login at a SSO proxy server. When the user authenticates themselves to the SSO proxy server, the proxy server redirects the user request to the TiddlyWiki server with this additional request header containing the username. Then TiddlyWiki server is able to use the value of this request header to identify the user.

            WebServer Parameter: admin

            11th November 2021 at 2:31am

            Introduced in v5.2.2 The web server configuration parameter admin is used to specify the security principals with administrator access to the WebServer. Does not accept the (anon) special token. See WebServer Authorization for more details.

            WebServer Parameter: anon-username

            2nd July 2018 at 12:48pm

            The web server configuration parameter anon-username provides an optional username for signing edits from anonymous users.

            Without this parameter, anonymous users will be given a blank username.

            WebServer Parameter: authenticated-user-header

            22nd May 2023 at 6:44pm

            The web server configuration parameter authenticated-user-header activates header authentication by specifying the name of the HTTP header field that will be used to pass the username to TiddlyWiki.

            For example, if the authenticated-user-header is set to X-Authenticated-User, then the HTTP request must include a header field X-Authenticated-User with a value that is the username:

            X-Authenticated-User: JeremyRuston

            New in v5.3.0 Value of this header field should be URI-encoded before transit on the client (using encodeURIComponent JS function or encodeuricomponent Operator), and will be URI-decoded by the server.

            WebServer Parameter: credentials

            2nd July 2018 at 3:44pm

            The web server configuration parameter credentials contains the pathname of a CSV file containing a list of username/password combinations. Using the credentials parameter activates WebServer Basic Authentication.

            The CSV file must contain a header row and columns labelled username and password. For example:



            • The optional username/password parameters may be used to provide an additional single set of credentials
            • The pathname is taken relative to the wiki folder
            • Passwords cannot contain the comma character ,
            • The header row must be present

            WebServer Parameter: csrf-disable

            19th April 2019 at 5:13pm

            The web server configuration parameter csrf-disable causes the usual cross-site request forgery checks to be disabled. This might be necessary in unusual or experimental configurations.

            Setting csrf-disable to yes disables the CSRF checks; no (or any other value) enables them.

            The only currently implemented check is the use of a custom header called x-requested-with that must contain the string TiddlyWiki in order for write requests to succeed.

            WebServer Parameter: debug-level

            2nd July 2018 at 2:21pm

            The web server configuration parameter debug-level determines the level of debugging information printed to the console:

            • full - maximum logging
            • none - no logging

            WebServer Parameter: host

            7th November 2018 at 6:31pm

            The web server configuration parameter host is the IP address on which the server listens. The most common settings are:

            • (default) - only listens for connections from browsers on the same computer
            • - listens for connections on all network interfaces, and thus from any browser on a reachable network
            • n.n.n.n - listens for connections on the network interface with the specified IP address

            Note: Using or n.n.n.n in a public environment (e.g. coffee shop, library, airport) is inadvisable as it will expose your system to possible intrusion.

            WebServer Parameter: password

            30th June 2018 at 5:11pm

            The web server configuration parameter password, is used with its companion username as a shortcut for setting user credentials for WebServer Basic Authentication.

            WebServer Parameter: path-prefix

            27th October 2020 at 12:29pm

            The web server configuration parameter path-prefix can be used to set an optional prefix for all paths served.

            This example causes the server to serve from instead of the default

            tiddlywiki mywikifolder --listen "path-prefix=/MyApp"


            • Further steps are required to configure the client-side components to use the prefix. See Using a custom path prefix with the client-server edition
            • If no path prefix is required then the path-prefix parameter should be omitted or set to the empty string, and not to \ as might be expected

            WebServer Parameter: port

            19th December 2019 at 12:37pm

            The web server configuration parameter port specifies the TCP port on which the server will listen for connections. The default value is 8080.

            The port parameter accepts two types of value:

            • Numerical values are interpreted as a decimal port number
              • The special value 0 (zero) causes the operating system to assign an available port
            • Non-numeric values are interpreted as an environment variable from which the port should be read

            This example configures the server to listen on port 8090:

            tiddlywiki mywikifolder --listen port=8090

            This example configures the server to listen on the port specified in the environment variable THE_PORT:

            tiddlywiki mywikifolder --listen port=THE_PORT

            WebServer Parameter: readers

            2nd July 2018 at 3:51pm

            The web server configuration parameter readers is used to specify the security principals with read access to the wiki. See WebServer Authorization for more details.

            WebServer Parameter: required-plugins

            26th December 2021 at 4:07pm

            Introduced in v5.2.2 The web server configuration parameter required-plugins is used to specify the plugins required to start the WebServer. It take a comma seperated list of plugin titles. The WebServer will issue a warnign in the console if the required plugins are not loaded. This parameter defaults to $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/filesystem,$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb.

            WebServer Parameter: root-render-type

            2nd July 2018 at 4:04pm

            The web server configuration parameter root-render-type determines the way that the root wiki tiddler is rendered:

            • text/plain (default) – the plain text content of the output is rendered (i.e. HTML elements are ignored)
            • text/html – the full HTML content of the output is rendered (i.e. including HTML elements)

            WebServer Parameter: root-serve-type

            2nd July 2018 at 4:05pm

            The web server configuration parameter root-serve-type determines the content type with which the root wiki tiddler is rendered. The default is text/html.

            WebServer Parameter: root-tiddler

            2nd July 2018 at 4:06pm

            The web server configuration parameter root-tiddler determines the title of the tiddler that is rendered as the root wiki. The default setting is $:/core/save/all.

            WebServer Parameter: system-tiddler-render-template

            10th August 2018 at 5:31am

            The web server configuration parameter system-tiddler-render-template is used to specify the template for serving system tiddlers in the read-only single tiddler view. The default value is $:/core/templates/wikified-tiddler which renders the tiddler raw, without any special viewing template.

            This setting may be overwritten by specifying the _render_template field of a tiddler.

            WebServer Parameter: system-tiddler-render-type

            10th August 2018 at 5:31am

            The web server configuration parameter system-tiddler-render-type is used to specify the render type for serving system tiddlers in the read-only single tiddler view. The default value is text/plain, causing the raw text of rendered system tiddlers to be returned. Alternatively, text/html can be used to cause the full HTML of the rendered tiddlers to be returned.

            This setting may be overwritten by specifying the _render_type field of a tiddler.

            WebServer Parameter: tiddler-render-template

            10th August 2018 at 5:32am

            The web server configuration parameter tiddler-render-template is used to specify the template for serving ordinary, non-system tiddlers in the read-only single tiddler view. The default value is $:/core/templates/server/static.tiddler.html which renders tiddlers in a lightweight page with a simple sidebar.

            This setting may be overwritten by specifying the _render_template field of a tiddler.

            WebServer Parameter: tiddler-render-type

            10th August 2018 at 5:31am

            The web server configuration parameter tiddler-render-type is used to specify the render type for serving ordinary, non-system tiddlers in the read-only single tiddler view. The default value is text/html, causing the full HTML of the rendered output to be returned. Alternatively, text/plain can be used to cause the raw text of rendered system tiddlers to be returned.

            This setting may be overwritten by specifying the _render_type field of a tiddler.

            WebServer Parameter: tls-cert

            3rd July 2018 at 10:06am

            The optional web server configuration parameter tls-cert contains the pathname to the certificate file required when running the web server under HTTPS. The pathname is taken relative to the wiki folder.

            See Using HTTPS for details.

            WebServer Parameter: tls-key

            3rd July 2018 at 10:06am

            The optional web server configuration parameter tls-key contains the pathname to the key file required when running the web server under HTTPS. The pathname is taken relative to the wiki folder.

            See Using HTTPS for details.

            WebServer Parameter: tls-passphrase

            11th November 2021 at 2:21am

            Introduced in v5.2.2 The optional web server configuration parameter tls-passphrase contains the "certificate passphrase", a string used to decrypt the certificate file used when running the web server under HTTPS.

            See Using HTTPS for details.

            WebServer Parameter: use-browser-cache

            13th April 2024 at 5:08am

            The web server configuration parameter use-browser-cache=yes activates 200 OK browser caching via the Cache-Control header and a smart a Etag header:

            • The server javascript creates an MD5 hash object.
            • Adds the data of the current request:response (for example: json text or an image binary) to the hash object.
            • Adds the current headers of the response to the hash object.
            • If the response data has an encoding value, adds the encoding to the hash object.
            • Calculates the final MD5 hash string as a contentDigest javascript variable, and saves it as an Etag: "<<contentDigest>>" header.

            If the incoming request contains a header named if-none-match, then the server will check the generated Etag against all values.

            If any if-none-match value DOES match the current Etag, the server will send a 304 NOT MODIFIED response with the current response headers, instead of the data with a 200 OK response.

            This saves bandwidth, as the client can be sure they have already received the exact data and has it in their current cache.

            If use-browser-cache=no (or any other value including null), then the server will return a Cache-Control: no-store header by default.

            If any customer server route module defines custom Cache-Control header behavior, then the server will pass that header through instead of the default.

            WebServer Parameter: username

            2nd July 2018 at 12:46pm

            The web server configuration parameter username, in conjunction with its companion password:

            • Enables Basic Authentication with the specified username/password combination being added to any credentials specified with the credentials parameter
            • The specified username is used as a default value for the readers and writers authorisation parameters if they are not specified


            Serve anonymous users, setting the username to "joe":

            tiddlywik mywikifolder --listen anon-username=joe

            Restrict access to the user "joe" with a password of "secret":

            tiddlywik mywikifolder --listen username=joe password=secret

            WebServer Parameter: writers

            2nd July 2018 at 3:51pm

            The web server configuration parameter writers is used to specify the security principals with write access to the wiki. See WebServer Authorization for more details.

            WebServer Parameters

            30th June 2018 at 5:09pm


            16th November 2021 at 10:11pm


            What happened to the original TiddlyWiki?

            4th September 2014 at 8:51am

            The original Classic version of TiddlyWiki is still available at:


            Note that the current version of TiddlyWiki is not fully backwards compatible with TiddlyWikiClassic. Content can be imported but will need massaging to adapt to the new WikiText format. A tw2parser plugin is under development that will allow faithful display of most content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:


            Widdly by Opennota

            6th January 2021 at 3:10pm

            A cross platform server application that can save tiddlers to a local database


            a minimal self-hosted app, written in Go, that can serve as a backend for a personal TiddlyWiki.

            Widget Attributes

            31st July 2023 at 9:06pm

            Attributes of HTML elements and widgets can be specified in several different ways:

            attribute typesyntax
            literalsingle, double or triple quotes or no quotes for values without spaces
            transcludeddouble curly braces around a text reference
            variabledouble angle brackets around a macro or variable invocation
            filteredtriple curly braces around a filter expression
            substitutedsingle or triple backticks around the text to be processed for substitutions

            Literal Attribute Values

            Literal attribute values can use several different styles of quoting:

            • Single quotes (eg attr='value')
            • Double quotes (eg attr="value")
            • Tripe double quotes (eg attr="""value""")
            • No quoting is necessary for values that do not contain spaces (eg attr=value)

            Literal attribute values can include line breaks. For example:

            <div data-address="Mouse House,
            Mouse Lane,

            By using triple-double quotes you can specify attribute values that contain single double quotes. For example:

            <div data-address="""Mouse House,
            "Mouse" Lane,

            Transcluded Attribute Values

            Transcluded attribute values are indicated with double curly braces around a TextReference. For example:


            The value of the attribute value will be the exact text retrieved from the TextReference. Any wiki syntax in that text will be left as-is.

            Variable Attribute Values

            Variable attribute values are indicated with double angle brackets around a macro invocation. For example:

            <div title=<<MyMacro "Brian">>>

            The behaviour of variables invoked via widget attributes is not the same as when they are invoked via normal wikitext. In addition, the behaviour depends on how the variable is declared:

            how declaredbehaviour
            \defineTextual substitution of parameters is performed on the body text. No further processing takes place. The result after textual substitution is used as the attribute's value
            $set, $let, $vars, \procedure, \widgetBody text is retrieved as-is and used as the attribute's value.
            \functionWhen a function (e.g. .myfun) is invoked as <div class=<<.myfun>>/>, it is a synonym for <div class={{{[function[.myfun]]}}}/>. As with any filtered transclusion (i.e. triple curly braces), all results except the first are discarded. That first result is used as the attribute's value. Note that functions are recursively processed even when invoked in this form. In other words a filter expression in a function can invoke another function and the processing will continue

            Filtered Attribute Values

            Filtered attribute values are indicated with triple curly braces around a Filter Expression. The value will be the first item in the resulting list, or the empty string if the list is empty.

            Introduced in v5.2.2 To improve readability, newlines can be included anywhere that whitespace is allowed within filtered attributes.

            This example shows how to add a prefix to a value:

            <$text text={{{ [<currentTiddler>addprefix[$:/myprefix/]] }}} />

            The value of the attribute will be the exact text from the first item in the resulting list. Any wiki syntax in that text will be left as-is.

            Substituted Attribute Values

            New in v5.3.0

            Substituted attribute values can use two different styles of quoting:

            • Single backticks
            • Triple backticks

            The value of the attribute will be the text denoted by the backticks with any of the placeholders for filter expressions and variables substituted with their corresponding values. Filter expression placeholders are substituted before variable placeholders, allowing for further variable substitution in their returned value.

            Any other wiki syntax in that text will be left as-is.

            placeholder syntaxdescription
            $(varname)$Text substitution of a variable. Undefined variables are replaced with an empty string.
            ${ filter expression }$Text substitution with the first result of evaluating the filter expression.


            Substituting a variable value into a string

            <$text text=`Hello there this is the tiddler "$(currentTiddler)$"`/>

            That renders as:

            Hello there this is the tiddler "Substituted Attribute Values"

            Substituting a variable value and the result of evaluating a filter expression into a string

            <$text text=`This tiddler is titled "$(currentTiddler)$" and was last modified on ${[{!!modified}format:date[DDth MMM YYYY]]}$`/>

            That renders as:

            This tiddler is titled "Substituted Attribute Values" and was last modified on 15th June 2023

            Concatenating strings and variables to create a URL

            <$let hash={{{ [<currentTiddler>encodeuricomponent[]] }}}>
            <a href=`$(hash)$`>this tiddler on</a>

            That renders as:

            this tiddler on

            Concatenating variables and a text reference to create a URL

            <$let hash={{{ [<currentTiddler>encodeuricomponent[]] }}}>
            <a href=`${ [{!!base-url}] }$#$(hash)$`>this tiddler on</a>

            That renders as:

            this tiddler on

            Widget Documentation Style Guide

            25th March 2023 at 4:25pm

            Widget documentation generally consists of

            • an introductory summary of the widget's function
            • an overview of attributes and how the widget content is handled
            • more detailed attribute explanation when required
            • examples

            The Content and Attributes section should describe how the content of the widget is used, followed by a table of the possible attributes, each with a short description of a single sentence. The attribute names in the table and elsewhere in the tiddler should be rendered with the .attr macro. The .from-version macro should be used as first item in the description to designate the version at which a parameter became available.

            A subsection should be used for parameters that need an extended description, possibly with separate examples. When there are more than 2 such subsection necessary, the subsections should be split into their own tiddlers, and the .doc-tabs macro should be used to transclude them into the widget documentation tiddler as tabs.

            • The .doc-tabs macro is used without parameters
            • The .doc-tabs macro must not be used more than once within a single documentation tiddler
            • The tiddlers to be included in the tab group should be tagged with the respective widget documentation tiddler and have a description field set to tab
            • The caption contains the tab button text. It should be as short as possible. For the attribute name, the .attr macro should be used in the caption
            • The tab tiddlers should start with a level-2-heading that links to itself, so that they may be opened from within the tabs
            • They can contain examples if these are specific to the topic of the subsection

            In the attribute table, the .widget-attr-link macro can be used to turn attributes into a button that activates the respective tab. The .widget-attr-link macro is used like this

            <<.widget-attr-link text:<display text> target:<title of corresponding tiddler> >>

            Elsewhere, the .doc-tab-link macro can be used to activate the respective tab

            <<.doc-tab-link text:<display text> target:<title of corresponding tiddler> tooltip:<tooltip to show when hovering over the button> class:<additional classes> >>

            The parameters tooltip and class are optional.

            Both link macros scroll to the tab group additionally to setting the selected tab. They can also be used within the tab contents tiddlers themselves. If a tab tiddler is opened outside the tab group, doc-tab-link will open the tiddler containing the tab group if it is not yet open, and scroll to its tab group if it is.

            WidgetMessage: tm-add-field

            8th September 2014 at 6:51pm

            The tm-add-field message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified field with a blank value if the field doesn't already exist.

            paramName of field to add

            The add field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.

            WidgetMessage: tm-add-tag

            8th September 2014 at 6:51pm

            The tm-add-tag message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified tag.

            paramName of tag to add

            The add tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.

            WidgetMessage: tm-auto-save-wiki

            30th August 2014 at 11:51am

            WidgetMessage: tm-browser-refresh

            26th August 2014 at 11:05am

            WidgetMessage: tm-cancel-tiddler

            26th February 2014 at 7:39pm

            WidgetMessage: tm-clear-password

            26th February 2014 at 8:49am

            The tm-clear-password message clears the current password from the password vault, clearing the $:/isEncrypted tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.

            This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.

            WidgetMessage: tm-close-all-tiddlers

            26th February 2014 at 7:43pm

            WidgetMessage: tm-close-all-windows

            1st March 2022 at 6:08pm
            Introduced in v5.2.2

            The tm-close-all-windows message closes all additional browser window that were opened with tm-open-window.

            The tm-close-window message is best generated with the ActionSendMessageWidget, which in turn is triggered by a widget such as the ButtonWidget. It is handled by the core itself.

            <$button>Close All Windows

            That renders as:

            WidgetMessage: tm-close-other-tiddlers

            2nd March 2014 at 6:33pm

            WidgetMessage: tm-close-tiddler

            26th February 2014 at 7:42pm

            WidgetMessage: tm-close-window

            23rd July 2023 at 10:05pm
            Introduced in v5.2.2

            The tm-close-window message closes an additional browser window that was opened with tm-open-window. Specify which window to close by setting the value of param to the string used as windowID when opening the window.

            param {default param}String used as windowID when opening the window

            The tm-close-window message is best generated with the ActionSendMessageWidget, which in turn is triggered by a widget such as the ButtonWidget. It is handled by the core itself.

            When used with the ActionSendMessageWidget, param becomes $param

            To close all additional browser windows that were opened with tm-open-window use WidgetMessage: tm-close-all-windows

            If the windowID parameter was used with tm-open-window when opening a new window, the value of windowID is available within that window in the variable tv-window-id

            <$button>Open Window
              windowTitle="My Window Title"
              something="I just flew in on a variable, and boy is my Hashmap tired." />
            <$button>Close Window

            That renders as:

            WidgetMessage: tm-copy-to-clipboard

            23rd May 2024 at 5:40pm

            The "copy to clipboard" message attempts to copy the specified text to the clipboard. If it succeeds, the tiddler $:/language/Notifications/CopiedToClipboard/Succeeded is displayed as a notification. If the browser doesn't permit the operation, the tiddler $:/language/Notifications/CopiedToClipboard/Failed is displayed instead.

            It requires the following properties on the event object:

            paramText to be copied to the clipboard
            successNotificationNew in v5.3.4 Optional title of tiddler containing notification to be used if the operation succeeds
            failureNotificationNew in v5.3.4 Optional title of tiddler containing notification to be used if the operation fails

            This message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget. It is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.


            This example copies the current time to the clipboard:

            <$button message="tm-copy-to-clipboard" param=<<now>>>
            Copy date to clipboard

            That renders as:

            WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler

            26th February 2014 at 9:04am

            WidgetMessage: tm-download-file

            23rd July 2023 at 9:47pm

            WidgetMessage: tm-edit-bitmap-operation

            3rd August 2023 at 4:58am

            A tm-edit-bitmap-operation invokes one of the available operations on a surrounding bitmap editor. Therefore the message has to be dispatched within the editor in order for it to catch it. The following properties on the event object are required:

            paramName of the operation to be executed, see below for a list of possible operations
            {any other params}Any other parameters are made available as variables within the context of the widget message.

            The tm-edit-bitmap-operation message is usually generated by a ButtonWidget or an ActionWidget and is handled by the surrounding bitmap editor.

            Bitmap Operations

            At this point the following bitmap operations have been implemented:


            Resizes the image to the specified width and height. Parameters include:

            widthSpecifies the width the image is resized to
            heightSpecifies the height the image is resized to

            Clears the contents of the image and fills it with a solid colour. Parameters include:

            colourColour the image should be filled with, defaults to White

            The colour field can take any normal CSS colour value, including the hexadecimal representation or the RGB format.


            An example can be seen in $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/size-dropdown:


            WidgetMessage: tm-edit-text-operation

            9th September 2024 at 8:35am

            A tm-edit-text-operation invokes one of the available operations on a surrounding text editor. Therefore the message has to be dispatched within the editor in order for it to catch it. The following properties on the event object are required:

            paramName of the operation to be executed, see below for a list of possible operations
            {any other params}Any other parameters are made available as variables within the context of the widget message.

            The tm-edit-text-operation message is usually generated by a ButtonWidget or an ActionWidget and is handled by the surrounding text editor.

            Text Operations

            At this point the following text operations have been implemented:


            Excises the currently selected text into a new tiddler and replaces it with a link, a macro or a transclude of the new tiddler. Parameters include:

            titleTitle of the new tiddler the selected content is excised to
            typeType of the replacement to be inserted: Can be one of transclude, link or macro
            macroIn case type=macro, specifies the name of the macro to be inserted. The title of the new tiddler is provided as the first parameter to the macro. Defaults to the translink macro
            tagnewIf 'yes', will tag the new tiddler with the title of the tiddler currently being edited

            Replaces all contents of the editor with the provided text.

            textText to be inserted

            Replaces the current selection with the provided text.

            textText to be inserted

            Prefixes the currently selected line(s) with the provided character. If a line is already prefixed by the provided prefix, the prefix is removed instead.

            characterPrefix character
            countNumber of characters that make up the prefix

            Example Setting character="!" and count="3" would insert the prefix "!!!", which will resolve to a subheading when parsed as WikiText.


            Surrounds the selected lines with the provided prefix and suffix.

            prefixString to be prefixed to the selected lines
            suffixSuffix to be inserted after the selected lines

            Surrounds the current selection with the provided prefix and suffix.

            prefixString to be prefixed to the selection
            suffixSuffix to be inserted after the selection
            trimSelectionNew in v5.3.6 Trim leading and trailing white-space from the selection and move it to the surrounding text. Possible values are: yes, no (default), start and end

            Saves the text of the current selection into the provided tiddler and field.

            tiddlerTiddler title to which the selection will be saved
            fieldField name (defaults to "text")

            Creates a wiki text link to the tiddler specified in text. If there is a selection, it is used as the text of the link.

            textTiddler title to which the link will be created

            Inserts the text specified in text at the caret position. If there is a selection, it is replaced.

            textText to be inserted
            focus-editorIntroduced in v5.2.0 Simply focuses the Text Editor


            An example can be seen in $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/bold:


            WidgetMessage: tm-edit-tiddler

            26th February 2014 at 9:06am

            WidgetMessage: tm-focus-selector

            23rd July 2023 at 9:51pm

            The tm-focus-selector message sets the focus to the DOM element identified by the selector in the param parameter.

            paramSelector identifying the DOM element to be focussed
            {any other params}Any other parameters to be passed to the focus() method as variables.

            Use preventScroll="true" to prevent the browser from scrolling to the focused element

            WidgetMessage: tm-fold-all-tiddlers

            28th October 2019 at 11:38am

            WidgetMessage: tm-fold-other-tiddlers

            28th October 2019 at 11:39am

            WidgetMessage: tm-fold-tiddler

            28th October 2019 at 11:35am

            WidgetMessage: tm-full-screen

            14th August 2018 at 9:51pm

            The fullscreen message is used to enter, exit or toggle the "fullscreen" mode of the browser, if it supports it. It uses the following properties on the event object:

            paramenter to enter full screen mode, exit to exit it, otherwise toggle the full screen status

            The fullscreen message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.

            <$button message="tm-full-screen">
            Full screen toggle
            <$button message="tm-full-screen" param="enter">
            Full screen enter
            <$button message="tm-full-screen" param="exit">
            Full screen exit

            That renders as:

            WidgetMessage: tm-home

            19th August 2014 at 11:05am

            The tm-home message closes any open tiddlers and re-opens the default tiddlers set in $:/DefaultTiddlers. It also remove any permalink from the browser address bar. It does not require any properties on the event object.

            The home message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.

            WidgetMessage: tm-http-cancel-all-requests

            29th April 2023 at 4:14pm

            The tm-http-cancel-all-requests message is used to cancel all outstanding HTTP requests initiated with WidgetMessage: tm-http-request.

            Note that the state tiddler $:/state/http-requests contains a number representing the number of outstanding HTTP requests in progress.

            It does not take any parameters.

            WidgetMessage: tm-http-request

            14th June 2024 at 8:47pm

            The tm-http-request message is used to make an HTTP request to a server.

            It uses the following properties on the event object:

            paramNot used
            {any other params}Any other parameters are made available as variables within the context of the widget message. See below.

            The following parameters are used:

            methodHTTP method (eg "GET", "POST")
            bodyString data to be sent with the request
            binaryNew in v5.3.1 Set to "yes" to cause the response body to be treated as binary data and returned in base64 format
            useDefaultHeadersNew in v5.3.4 Defaults to true. Set to "false" to prevent default headers from being added. This can be helpful when dealing with apis that restrict header fields.
            query-*Query string parameters with string values
            header-*Headers with string values
            password-header-*Headers with values taken from the password store
            password-query-*Query string parameters with values taken from the password store
            basic-auth-usernameNew in v5.3.4 Optional username for HTTP basic authentication
            basic-auth-username-from-storeNew in v5.3.4 Optional username for HTTP basic authentication, specified as the name of the entry in the password store containing the username
            basic-auth-passwordNew in v5.3.4 Optional password for HTTP basic authentication
            basic-auth-password-from-storeNew in v5.3.4 Optional password for HTTP basic authentication, specified as the name of the entry in the password store containing the password
            bearerAuthTokenNew in v5.3.6 Optional plain text token for HTTP bearer authentication
            basic-auth-password-from-storeNew in v5.3.6 Optional token for HTTP bearer authentication, specified as the name of the entry in the password store containing the token
            var-*Variables to be passed to the completion and progress handlers (without the "var-" prefix)
            bind-statusTitle of tiddler to which the status of the request ("pending", "complete", "error") should be bound
            bind-progressTitle of tiddler to which the progress of the request (0 to 100) should be bound
            oncompletionAction strings to be executed when the request completes
            onprogressAction strings to be executed when progress is reported

            The following variables are passed to the completion handler:

            statusHTTP result status code (see MDN)
            statusTextHTTP result status text
            errorError string
            dataReturned data
            headersResponse headers as a JSON object

            The following variables are passed to the progress handler:

            lengthComputableWhether the progress loaded and total figures are valid - "yes" or "no"
            loadedNumber of bytes loaded so far
            totalTotal number bytes to be loaded

            Note that the state tiddler $:/state/http-requests contains a number representing the number of outstanding HTTP requests in progress.


            WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Example - Basic Authentication

            HTTP Basic Authentication

            HTTP Basic Authentication is a simple scheme for HTTP clients pass a username and password to an HTTP server.

            The credentials are passed via the "Authorization" header as the string "Basic " (note the space) followed by the base64-encoded username and password joined with a colon.

            Here is a simple, illustrative example:

            \procedure get-tiddler-list-from-tiddlywiki-server(url,username,password)
            	\procedure completion-get-json()
            	\import [subfilter{$:/core/config/GlobalImportFilter}]
            		<$action-log msg="In completion-get-json"/>
            	\end completion-get-json
            		header-Authorization={{{ [<username>addsuffix[:]addsuffix<password>encodebase64[]addprefix[Basic ]] }}}
            \end get-tiddler-list-from-tiddlywiki-server
            <<get-tiddler-list-from-tiddlywiki-server url:"" username:"Joe" password:"Bloggs">>

            WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Example - Random Dog

            Random Dogs

            This demo uses the API of the website to import a random dog image or video.

            Note that the images and videos can be quite large, so this demo is not recommended to be used over mobile data connections.

            WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Example - Zotero

            Specify the Zotero group ID to import or

            Outstanding requests:

            WidgetMessage: tm-http-request Examples

            1st September 2024 at 2:20pm

            Simple tm-http-request GET

            Use the oncompletion attribute to store the results of a method="GET" request


            Simple tm-http-request POST

            Use the oncompletion attribute to store the results of a method="POST" request. Use the body attribute to send data


            tm-http-request with delayed response

            Use the bind-status and bind-progress attributes to watch the intermediate state of a slow response


            progress %

            tm-http-request with dripped response

            Use the bind-status and bind-progress attributes to watch progress of data which arrives a little at a time


            progress %

            tm-http-request 504 Bad Gateway error response

            Send a request to a url which simulates a 504 HTTP response in order to illustrate what an error response looks like


            tm-http-request 405 Method Not Allowed error response

            Another error response example. This one sends a GET to a URL which only allows POST


            WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers

            28th February 2015 at 2:36pm

            The tm-import-tiddlers message inserts a list of tiddlers into the pending import tiddler $:/Import. It also applies any active upgrader modules to each tiddler as it arrives (see the UpgradeMechanism for more details).

            paramJSON text of the array of tiddlers to be imported
            autoOpenOnImportIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional value "no" or "yes" that can override tv-auto-open-on-import
            importTitleIntroduced in v5.1.23 optional tiddler title to use for import process instead of $:/Import

            The import tiddlers message is usually generated with the DropzoneWidget or the BrowseWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.

            Configuration Variables

            WidgetMessage: tm-load-plugin-from-library

            24th April 2016 at 11:55pm

            The tm-load-plugin-from-library message load the specified tiddler or plugin from the specified plugin library.

            titleTitle of the tiddler or plugin to be loaded into the current wiki
            urlUrl specifying the plugin library from which the tiddler or plugin is to be loaded.


            The following snippet will install the CodeMirror plugin from the official plugin library:

            <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-load-plugin-from-library" title="$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror" url=""/>
            Install CodeMirror

            Usually a plugin library has to be loaded (initialized) first before it can be used. If the plugin library specified by 'url' has not been initialized yet, it will be loaded and initialized.

            The tm-load-plugin-from-library message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core itself.

            WidgetMessage: tm-load-plugin-library

            25th April 2016 at 12:04am

            WidgetMessage: tm-login

            25th October 2020 at 4:31pm

            The login message prompts the user for a username and password and attempts to login to the current serverside host. The tiddler $:/status/IsLoggedIn reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and $:/status/UserName reflects the current username.

            The login message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current SyncAdaptorModule (typically the tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor plugin).

            Introduced in v5.1.23 The login message can optionally accept parameters called username and password that immediately attempts to login with the specified credentials without displaying the prompt

            WidgetMessage: tm-logout

            11th August 2014 at 11:33am

            The logout message attempts to log the user out of the current serverside host. The tiddler $:/status/IsLoggedIn reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and $:/status/UserName reflects the current username.

            The logout message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current SyncAdaptorModule (typically the tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor plugin).

            WidgetMessage: tm-modal

            23rd July 2023 at 9:54pm
            paramTitle of the tiddler to be displayed
            {any other params}Any other parameters are made available as variables within the context of the widget message.
            rootwindowIntroduced in v5.1.18 yes or true will always display a modal in the wiki-root-window

            The modal message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget. The modal message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.

            Fields within the tiddler being displayed in the modal can be used to customise its appearance.


            The "currentTiddler" variable is set to the title of the modal tiddler, but can be overridden by specifying a different value in paramObject.


            Here is an example of displaying a modal and passing parameters to it: (Note how all parameters to action-sendmessage other than $param and $message are available as variables within the modal.)

            Your name: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourName" tag="input" default="Your name"/>
            Your message:
            <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourMessage" default="Your message"/>
            <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleModal" yourName={{$:/temp/yourName}} yourMessage={{$:/temp/yourMessage}}/>
            Click me!

            That renders as:

            Your name:

            Your message:

            Introduced in v5.1.18 if triggered from within a new window, the above examples will be displayed within that window. The rootwindow attribute can be set to yes or true to inherit this behavior and to display the Modal within the root window

            Introduced in v5.1.23 Links to tiddlers within a modal will open in the same story as the widget that sent the tm-modal message. You can override this by specifying values for the variables tv-story-list and tv-history-list when sending the tm-modal message.

            WidgetMessage: tm-navigate

            5th July 2021 at 9:49am

            WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler

            23rd July 2023 at 9:58pm

            The new tiddler message creates a new draft tiddler and adds it to the current story. It requires the following properties on the event object:

            paramThe optional title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler
            {any other params}The names and values of additional tiddler fields.
            navigateFromTitleTitle of the tiddler from which the navigation to the new tiddler was initiated

            The title for the draft tiddler is chosen according to these rules:

            • If additional parameters were used and a title field was specified, use that title
            • If a template tiddler was used, use the title of the template tiddler, making it unique with a numeric suffix
            • Otherwise, generate a new title based on the default new tiddler title with a numeric suffix to make it unique

            The new tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget or ActionSendMessageWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.


            To make a button that creates new tiddlers tagged "task", create a tiddler called "TaskTemplate" with that tag, and then make your button like this:

            <$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TaskTemplate">New Task</$button>

            To create a new tiddler with explicit parameters rather than by cloning a template tiddler:

            <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title="This is newly created tiddler" tags="OneTag [[Another Tag]]" text=<<now "Today is DDth, MMM YYYY">>/>
            New Tiddler

            To create a new tiddler from a template with additional parameters:

             <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" $param=<<currentTiddler>> fieldname="field value"/>
             New Tiddler

            WidgetMessage: tm-notify

            23rd July 2023 at 10:07pm

            WidgetMessage: tm-open-external-window

            23rd July 2023 at 10:08pm
            Introduced in v5.1.14

            The tm-open-external-window message opens an external link eg: "" in a new browser window. If no parameters are specified, it opens the help tiddler. Any additional parameters passed via the paramObject are being provided as variables to the new window.

            paramURL of the tiddler to be opened in a new browser window, defaults to the TiddlyWiki help
            {any other params}Any other parameters are made available as variables to the window. See below.


            windowNameIf a parameter is provided it can be used to open different links in the same window eg: _tiddlywiki. Default is empty, so every link opens a new window.The behaviour is influenced by user settings in the browser and the browsers default behavior!
            windowFeaturesThis parameter needs to be provided as a single string. eg: "height=400, width=600". For detailed description about possible parameters see: Mozilla Help

            The tm-open-external-window message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget or ActionSendMessageWidget and is handled by the core itself.


            <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-open-external-window" $param="" windowName="_tiddlywiki" windowFeatures="height=500, width=900"/>
            Open ~TiddlyWiki - Action
            <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-open-external-window" $param="" windowName="_tiddlywiki" windowFeatures="height=400, width=600"/>
            Open Mozilla Help - Action
            <$button message="tm-open-external-window" param="" >
            Open ~TiddlyWiki - Button

            That renders as:

            WidgetMessage: tm-open-window

            31st August 2023 at 8:15pm

            The tm-open-window message opens a tiddler in a new browser window. If no parameters are specified, the current tiddler is opened in a new window. Similiar to tm-modal any additional parameters passed via the paramObject are provided as variables to the new window.

            param {default param}Title of the tiddler to be opened in a new browser window, defaults to currentTiddler if empty
            templateTemplate in which the tiddler will be rendered
            windowTitleTitle string for the opened window
            widthWidth of the new browser window
            heightHeight of the new browser window
            leftIntroduced in v5.2.2 Optional, left position of new browser window
            topIntroduced in v5.2.2 Optional, top position of new browser window
            windowIDIntroduced in v5.2.2 Optional, unique string used to identify the widow. Can be used with WidgetMessage: tm-close-window to close the window. Defaults to the value of param
            {any other params}Any other parameters are made available as variables within the new window

            The tm-open-window message is best generated with the ActionSendMessageWidget, which in turn is triggered by a widget such as the ButtonWidget. The message is handled by the core itself.

            When used with the ActionSendMessageWidget, param becomes $param.
            Parameters template, windowTitle, width, height, left and top require the ActionSendMessageWidget.

            Introduced in v5.2.2 To close a window opened with tm-open-window use WidgetMessage: tm-close-window
            To open a tiddler in more than one new window, use a unique value for windowID

            New in v5.3.2 If the new window is hidden by other windows, clicking the "open" button again will bring it to the foreground and set focus to the new window. This behaviour should be consistent for all browsers now

            <$button>Open Window
              windowTitle="My Window Title"
              something="This is my new window. There are many like it, but this one is mine." />

            That renders as:

            WidgetMessage: tm-perform-import

            16th July 2014 at 8:43am

            The perform import message copies tiddlers from a specified plugin into the main store. See the UpgradeMechanism for an overview of how it is used by the core.

            paramTitle of the pending import tiddler. Defaults to $:/Import

            To select which tiddlers are to be imported, fields with names formed from selection- plus the title of the tiddler are used. The value unchecked causes the tiddler to be skipped from the import.

            The perform import message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.

            WidgetMessage: tm-permalink

            23rd May 2024 at 5:40pm

            The tm-permalink message changes the browser address bar to form a permalink to a specified tiddler, defaulting to the current tiddler. The resulting link will be copied to the clipboard.

            The permalink message supports the following properties on the event object:

            paramTitle of the tiddler to be permalinked
            tiddlerTitleThe current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the param)
            successNotificationNew in v5.3.4 Optional title of tiddler containing notification to be used if the operation succeeds
            failureNotificationNew in v5.3.4 Optional title of tiddler containing notification to be used if the operation fails

            The permalink message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.

            WidgetMessage: tm-permaview

            23rd May 2024 at 5:40pm

            The tm-permaview message changes the browser address bar to form a permaview that specifies all the open tiddlers in the main story river, and the tiddler to be navigated, defaulting to the current tiddler.

            The permaview message supports the following properties on the event object:

            paramTitle of the tiddler to be navigated within the permaview
            tiddlerTitleThe current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the param)
            successNotificationNew in v5.3.4 Optional title of tiddler containing notification to be used if the operation succeeds
            failureNotificationNew in v5.3.4 Optional title of tiddler containing notification to be used if the operation fails

            The permaview message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.

            WidgetMessage: tm-print

            8th October 2016 at 8:56am

            Introduced in v5.1.14 The tm-print message causes the browser to display the print dialog for the current page. It does not require any properties on the event object.

            The print message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.

            WidgetMessage: tm-relink-tiddler

            19th February 2022 at 9:37am

            Introduced in v5.2.2 The tm-relink-tiddler message relinks a tiddler by deleting it and recreating it with a new title. Unlike the WidgetMessage: tm-rename-tiddler message, this message does not rename the tiddler, it just relinks the references to it.

            The relink tiddler message requires the following properties on the event object:

            fromCurrent title of tiddler
            toNew title of tiddler
            renameInTagsOptional value "no" to disable renaming in tags fields of other tiddlers (defaults to "yes")
            renameInListsOptional value "no" to disable renaming in list fields of other tiddlers (defaults to "yes")

            The relink tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.


            To relink Tiddler1 to Tiddler2 in tags and list fields of other tiddlers:

            <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-relink-tiddler" from="Tiddler1" to="Tiddler2" />

            WidgetMessage: tm-remove-field

            8th September 2014 at 6:51pm

            The tm-remove-field message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified field.

            paramName of field to remove

            The remove field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.

            WidgetMessage: tm-remove-tag

            8th September 2014 at 6:51pm

            The tm-remove-tag message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified tag.

            paramName of tag to remove

            The remove tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.

            WidgetMessage: tm-rename-tiddler

            19th February 2022 at 9:37am

            The tm-rename-tiddler message renames a tiddler by deleting it and recreating it with a new title. The rename tiddler message requires the following properties on the event object:

            fromCurrent title of tiddler
            toNew title of tiddler
            renameInTagsIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional value "no" to disable renaming in tags fields of other tiddlers (defaults to "yes")
            renameInListsIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional value "no" to disable renaming in list fields of other tiddlers (defaults to "yes")

            The very similar WidgetMessage: tm-relink-tiddler message does not rename the tiddler, it just relinks the references to it.

            The rename tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.


            To rename a tiddler called Tiddler1 to Tiddler2 and also renaming Tiddler1 in tags and list fields of other tiddlers:

            <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-rename-tiddler" from="Tiddler1" to="Tiddler2" />

            To rename a tiddler called Tiddler1 to Tiddler2 and not rename Tiddler1 in tags and list fields of other tiddlers:

            <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-rename-tiddler" from="Tiddler1" to="Tiddler2" renameInTags="no" renameInLists="no"/>

            To rename a tiddler called Tiddler1 to Tiddler2 and respect the setting in the tiddler $:/config/RelinkOnRename for whether to rename Tiddler1 in tags and list fields of other tiddlers:

            <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-rename-tiddler" from="Tiddler1" to="Tiddler2" renameInTags={{$:/config/RelinkOnRename}} renameInLists={{$:/config/RelinkOnRename}}/>

            WidgetMessage: tm-save-tiddler

            26th February 2014 at 9:07am

            WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki

            23rd July 2023 at 10:09pm

            WidgetMessage: tm-scroll

            14th October 2020 at 3:24pm

            The tm-scroll message causes the surrounding scrollable container to scroll to the specified DOM node into view. The tm-scroll is handled in various places in the core itself, but can also be handled by a ScrollableWidget.

            targetTarget DOM node the scrollable container should scroll to (note that this parameter can only be set via JavaScript code)
            selectorIntroduced in v5.1.23 Optional string CSS selector as an alternate means of identifying the target DOM node
            animationDurationIntroduced in v5.2.2 Optional number specifying the animation duration in milliseconds for the scrolling. Defaults to the global animation duration.

            Set animationDuration to 0 to scroll without animation

            WidgetMessage: tm-server-refresh

            11th August 2014 at 11:34am

            WidgetMessage: tm-set-password

            26th February 2014 at 8:52am

            WidgetMessage: tm-unfold-all-tiddlers

            28th October 2019 at 11:38am

            WidgetMessage: tm-unload-plugin-library

            4th October 2019 at 11:36am


            22nd April 2024 at 8:33am

            Widgets in WikiText

            13th May 2022 at 11:33am

            Widgets provide rich functionality within WikiText. They have the same syntax as HTML elements, but the tag name always starts with $. For example:

            <$button message="tm-navigate" to="HelloThere">Open ~HelloThere</$button>

            Note that widgets inherit all the features of HTML in WikiText:

            • Widget attributes can be specified as:
              • Unquoted strings (that cannot contain spaces)
              • Strings quoted with single or double quotes
              • Strings quoted with triple-double quotes
              • Macro invocations (eg attr=<<myMacro>>)
              • Transclusions (eg, attr={{MyTiddler!!field}})
              • Filtered transclusions (eg, attr={{{ [filter[op]] }}})
              • New in v5.3.0 Substituted Attribute Values
            • The content of a widget is parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, which forces block mode

            See HTML in WikiText for more details.

            The available widgets include:


            Groups of uniquely titled tiddlers are contained in WikiStore objects.

            The WikiStore also manages the plugin modules used for widgets, and operations like serialising, deserialising, parsing and rendering tiddlers.


            3rd August 2023 at 5:25am

            "Wikification" is a general term for the dynamic process of converting tiddlers containing WikiText into the HTML DOM representation needed by the browser, and updating that representation if the underlying tiddlers change.

            It is composed of several distinct steps:

            • ParserMechanism: reading the text of tiddlers and scanning for wikitext constructions, outputting a tree representation of the resulting structure. It is an expensive process so parse trees are cached, and only need to be updated if the corresponding tiddler is changed
            • WidgetMechanism: starting with a specified root tiddler, recursively instantiate a widget for each parse tree node making a rendering tree. Widgets can optionally also create DOM nodes
            • RefreshMechanism: handling changes to the tiddler store by selectively and efficiently updating a rendering tree

            This mechanism is used in the browser to build TiddlyWiki's main interactive page. At startup, the tiddler $:/core/ui/PageTemplate is parsed and rendered to the DOM, recursively pulling in other tiddlers to build the entire user interface. Any user interactions – following a link, clicking a button, or typing in a text box – trigger a change in the tiddler store which then automatically propagates through the widget tree. For example, if the user clicks a link to navigate to a new tiddler, the following steps take place:

            1. Clicking the link triggers the action of the LinkWidget which by default is to add the target tiddler to the list field of the tiddler $:/StoryList
            2. The modification to the tiddler store asynchronously triggers the refresh cycle. The asynchronous triggering ensures that the refresh cycle is only run once even if multiple tiddlers were modified in succession
            3. The refresh cycle recursively visits each node of the render tree giving them the chance to update themselves in the light of the accumulated changes to the tiddler store. In this case, the ListWidget of the main story river notices that a single tiddler needs to be added to the river, and renders that newly displayed tiddler without disturbing the other tiddlers

            The performance of the entire wikification process is critical. If the refresh cycle takes more than about 400ms then the user will notice a delay between their actions and the effects. See Performance for some discussion of how to optimise performance.

            The rendering process is also aggressively reused in other parts of TiddlyWiki, both in the browser and on the server:

            • Generating TiddlyWiki's standalone HTML representation
            • Creating static HTML renderings of tiddlers
            • Dynamically rendering CSS stylesheet tiddlers


            6th December 2024 at 11:33pm


            The $wikify widget parses and renders a string of text and assigns the result to a specified variable. The new value of the variable is available to the content within the $wikify widget.

            Content and Attributes

            The content of the $wikify widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.

            nameThe name of the variable to assign
            textThe text to parse and render
            typeThe ContentType of the text (defaults to text/vnd.tiddlywiki)
            modeThe parse mode: block (the default) or inline
            outputKeyword indicating the desired output type, defaulting to text (see below)

            The available output types are:

            textReturn the plain text of the rendered output (ie HTML tags are omitted)
            formattedtextReturn the plain text with simple text formatting of the rendered output (ie HTML tags are omitted)
            htmlReturn the rendered HTML of the output
            parsetreeReturn a formatted JSON representation of the parse tree
            widgettreeReturn a formatted JSON representation of the widget tree


            Using a widget as a value

            If you use $wikify, you can get the rendered output and use it as a value.


            white text on purple is a good contrast

            If you try to directly use a widget as a value, you will instead get the raw wikitext of the widget and not the rendered value.

            TEST FAILED
            1 differences
            <p><span style="color:white<$transclude $variable="contrastcolour" target={{target}} fallbackTarget=<<fallbackTarget>> colourA={{colourA}} colourB={{colourB}} />;background:purple;">↩︎
                white text on purple is a good contrast↩︎

            > colourA={{colourA}} colourB={{colourB}} />;background:purple;"> white text on purple is a good contrast

            Accurate word count

            If you use wikify, you can calculate an accurate word count.


            Word count = 3

            If a tiddler transclude some content, or use widgets to generate content, filters that try to calculate the word count won’t be accurate: they will instead count the raw text words.

            TEST FAILED
            2 differences
            <p>Word count = 35</p>

            Word count = 5

            Exporting rendered html

            You can use $wikify to copy your wikitext as a formated HTML.

            <h2 class="">A nice list</h2><ul><li>Item 1</li><li>Item 2</li><li>Item 3</li></ul>

            Rendering parameterised SVG for use in stylesheets

            The core svg icons use a parameter widget, making their use in stylesheets impossible without wikify.



            3rd March 2023 at 9:47pm

            WikiText parser mode transitions

            22nd January 2022 at 6:42pm

            This is a rough diagram whose lines mostly correspond to the parser mode transitions described below:

            pragma modeinline modeblock mode<<<@@$$other block mode start punctinline modeblock mode close punctuationblank linehtml open tagtransclude widgetmacrocall

            Start mode

            By default the parser starts in block mode. However, a tiddler can instead be transcluded with inline mode in which case block mode WikiText will not be recognised.

            At the start of text only, the parser will also recognise any pragma mode WikiText.

            Transitions from pragma mode

            At the start of text, the parser will recognise any pragma. If none are found then it will move to inline or block mode depending on the transclusion mode. If any pragma are found then it will continue looking for pragma until it finds one or more blank lines not followed by the start of a new pragma.

            Transitions from block mode

            When the parser encounters most block mode start punctuation it transitions to inline mode. This means he text enclosed by most block mode constructs will be parsed using inline mode.

            The start "punctuation" for a paragraph is "invisible". Even for paragraphs the parser moves to inline mode

            However, there are a few constructs whose enclosed text is parsed using block mode:

            When the start punctuation for these are encountered, the enclosed text will continue to be parsed in block mode.

            Horizontal rules are another special case. They do not enclose any text, so there is no opportunity for the parser to transition to inline mode.

            Opening widget or HTML tags provide another way the parser can transition. When such a tag is not followed by a blank line, then the contents enclosed by the tag will be parsed in inline mode. See the HTML examples.

            Transitions from inline mode

            WikiText parser mode: HTML examples

            13th July 2024 at 4:55pm

            A blank line after an open html tag allows block mode punctuation to be recognised

            • blank line after open tag allows
            • block mode punctuation (i.e. this list) to
            • be recognised

            The open tag blank line "trick" also works inside of punctuation only recognised in inline mode (such as Formatting in WikiText):

            A blank line after an open html tag allows block mode punctuation to be recognised even when the html is embedded within inline punctuation (bold here).


            • list item one
            • list item two

            Block mode punctuation is not recognised when HTML open tag is not followed by a blank line


            * Open tag without a blank line means * block mode punctuation (i.e. this list) will * NOT be recognised. Paragraphs are only recognised in block mode. Even with blank lines, new paragraphs are not recognised. This also is not a new paragraph.

            Tables in WikiText is one construct for which the open tag blank line "trick" cannot work. In order for the parser to recognise a table row, the entire row must be on a single line.

            Adding a blank link after an open tag within a table cell causes the row to span mulitple lines and the parser ceases to be able to recognise it as a table row.

            |table row|all on|one line|is recognised|

            That renders as:

            table rowall onone lineis recognised

            A blank line after an open html tag cannot work when used inside table syntax since each row of a table must be all on one line


            |For a blank line after open tag|

            • list is recognised
            • but the surrounding table row is not

            The only way to get block mode punctuation recognised in wikitext tables is to use $transclude with mode = block.

            |Nested table:|<$transclude tiddler="table-example" mode=block/>|

            That renders as:

            Nested table:
            cell onecell two
            cell threecell four

            Note that $macrocall does not have a similar mode attribute and the content of macro definitions can only be parsed in inline mode

            Unlike the table wiki syntax, the less convenient <table>, <tr>, <td> html tags can use a blank line to get block mode punctuation regognised inside of table cells.


            • list item one
            • list item two

            WikiText parser mode: macro examples

            22nd January 2022 at 6:09pm

            With the macro boringtable defined as:

            |cell one|cell two|
            |cell three|cell four|
            wiki textrenders as
            * <<boringtable>>
            • |cell one|cell two| |cell three|cell four|
            * <div>
            • cell onecell two
              cell threecell four
            * <$macrocall $name=boringtable/>
            • |cell one|cell two| |cell three|cell four|
            * <$macrocall $name=boringtable></$macrocall>
            • |cell one|cell two| |cell three|cell four|
            * <$macrocall $name=boringtable>
            • cell onecell two
              cell threecell four

            The list syntax is recognised in block mode and the enclosed contents are parsed using inline mode. When the parser encounters a wikitext macro call it will use the current parse mode to parse the contents of the macro. The contents of the macro contains table syntax which is only recognised in block mode.

            Therefore, in #1 above the table syntax is not recognised. In #2 above, the blank line after the open div tag moves the parser back into block mode, the macro call inherits it and the table is recognised.

            When calling macros using the widget, the parse mode will be inline (#3 and #4 above) unless it is written as an open tag with a following blank line (#5 above).

            See also WikiText parser mode: transclusion examples for similar examples

            These examples have slightly different behavior. In the previous section, the macro calls were enclosed within list items. In these examples, the macro calls are at the top level:

            wiki textrenders as
            cell onecell two
            cell threecell four
            cell onecell two
            cell threecell four
            <$macrocall $name=boringtable/>

            |cell one|cell two| |cell three|cell four|

            <$macrocall $name=boringtable></$macrocall>

            |cell one|cell two| |cell three|cell four|

            <$macrocall $name=boringtable>
            cell onecell two
            cell threecell four

            Of these examples, only the two $macrocall tags which are not followed by a blank line are parsed using inline mode.

            See also WikiText parser mode: transclusion examples for similar examples

            WikiText parser mode: transclusion examples

            22nd January 2022 at 6:08pm

            Given the tiddler table-example defined with these contents:

            |cell one|cell two|
            |cell three|cell four|
            wiki textrenders as
            * {{table-example}}
            • |cell one|cell two| |cell three|cell four|
            * <div>
            • cell onecell two
              cell threecell four
            * <$transclude tiddler=table-example/>
            • |cell one|cell two| |cell three|cell four|
            * <$transclude tiddler=table-example></$transclude>
            • |cell one|cell two| |cell three|cell four|
            * <$transclude tiddler=table-example>
            • cell onecell two
              cell threecell four
            * <$transclude tiddler=table-example mode=block/>
            • cell onecell two
              cell threecell four

            The list syntax is recognised in block mode and the enclosed contents are parsed using inline mode. When the parser encounters a wikitext transclusion it will use the current parse mode to parse the contents of the transcluded tiddler. The contents of the example tiddler contains table syntax which is only recognised in block mode.

            Therefore, in #1 above the table syntax is not recognised. In #2 above, the blank line after the open div tag moves the parser back into block mode, the transcluded text inherits it and the table is recognised.

            When transcluding tiddlers using the widget, the parse mode will be inline (#3 and #4 above) unless it is written as an open tag with a following blank line (#5 above).

            See also WikiText parser mode: macro examples for similar examples. The only difference here is $transclude has a mode attribute (extra example #6) which allows the parse mode to be explicitly overridden rather than come implicitly based on the they way the tag is written

            In these examples, the transclusions are at the top level instead of enclosed in list items:

            wiki textrenders as
            cell onecell two
            cell threecell four
            cell onecell two
            cell threecell four
            <$transclude tiddler=table-example/>

            |cell one|cell two| |cell three|cell four|

            <$transclude tiddler=table-example></$transclude>

            |cell one|cell two| |cell three|cell four|

            <$transclude tiddler=table-example>
            cell onecell two
            cell threecell four
            <$transclude tiddler=table-example mode=inline/>

            |cell one|cell two| |cell three|cell four|

            Of these examples, only the two $transclude tags which are not followed by a blank line and the widget call using mode=inline are parsed using inline mode.

            See also WikiText parser mode: macro examples for similar examples

            WikiText Parser Modes

            13th May 2022 at 11:26am

            In order to display Tiddlers (usually the text field), the WikiText parser reads and interprets the content and applies WikiText rules. The parser has three modes:

            The parser transitions between these modes based on the text it encounters. In addition, there are places where the parser ignores WikiText punctuation. The parser mode can also be set directly with the Pragma: \parsermode.

            The concept of inline vs block also exists for standard HTML elements. For HTML, these two layout modes determine if the output flows together on the same line or not.

            Most block mode WikiText corresponds to block level HTML elements and most inline mode WikiText corresponds to inline level HTML elements. However, for Wikitext the two modes are just as important for determining which syntax will be recognised by the parser as they are for determining how the output will flow.

            Windows HTA Hack

            7th May 2020 at 11:03am

            Deprecated fromv5.3.6

            Under Windows it is possible to convert TiddlyWiki into a true local application by renaming the HTML file to have the extension *.hta. The fsosaver module can then use the ActiveX FileSystemObject to save changes.

            Note that one disadvantage of this approach is that the TiddlyWiki file is saved in UTF-16 format, making it up to twice as large as it would be with the usual UTF-8 encoding. However, opening and saving the file via another saving method will re-encode the file to UTF-8.

            See Wikipedia for more details:


            26th July 2024 at 7:51am

            Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository

            20th September 2014 at 1:44pm


            If you want to contribute to TiddlyWiki's development, rather than installing TiddlyWiki in the usual way, you can work directly with the GitHub repository.

            Mario Pietsch has created a short video introduction.

            Setting Up

            1. Create an account on GitHub if you don't already have one
            2. Fork the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository from
            3. Clone a local copy of your fork
            4. Open a command line terminal and change the current working directory to the root of the repo
            5. Type npm link (Windows) or sudo npm link (Mac/Linux) to tell npm to use this copy of the repo as the globally installed one

            After this procedure you can work with TiddlyWiki5 via npm as though it were installed in the usual way with npm install -g tiddlywiki.

            See also Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js.

            Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository video

            20th September 2014 at 1:40pm

            Working with TiddlyWiki

            19th September 2014 at 7:11pm


            10th April 2023 at 10:50am

            Xememex is a multiuser TiddlyWiki from Intertwingled Innovations. It allows large groups of people to work together on intertwingled wikis that can share content. It is implemented as a serverless application on Amazon Web Services.

            The largest customer implementation has hundreds of online wikis with thousands of users. See

            Xememex is currently only available under commercial terms from Intertwingled Innovations. Contact Jeremy Ruston at Intertwingled Innovations for more details.

            Xememex Logo

            XLSX Utilities Edition

            23rd October 2016 at 8:23pm

            The XLSX Utilities edition of TiddlyWiki contains tools to work with .XLSX spreadsheets generated by applications like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. It can be used in the browser or under Node.js.


            zth Operator

            29th October 2021 at 2:37am
            purposeselect the Zth input title
            inputa selection of titles
            parameterZ=an integer, defaulting to 0
            outputthe Zth input title

            Learn more about how to use Filters

            Introduced in v5.2.1

            Z is zero-based. In other words, zth[0] has the same effect as nth[1] and the first operator.

            See nth for an equivalent operator with a 1 based parameter


            zth Operator (Examples)

            29th October 2021 at 2:35am

            These examples make use of the Days of the Week tiddler.

            [list[Days of the Week]zth[]]

            [list[Days of the Week]zth[5]]

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            4. The best Chinese introductory tutorial for newbies

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